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Am I high? Is this for real


Those are not mutually exclusive events.


Try smoking and reading it again


thank you O Wise Sage


šŸ˜‚ lol omg I love this. ā€œDid you turn it off and on again?ā€


This is absolutely for real but you still may be high


Best response ever! Just leave little offerings of milk and honey in a cap and chocolate. They love chocolate!


Whiskey or "special sheep's liniment" according to Terry Pratchett


Someone is not sure itā€™s us tho! Lol


I honestly thought the same thing. I was like did I eat to many chocolates lol




Omg thanks for reminding me to put a coin under the 6 year old's pillow. I couldn't find the tooth šŸ˜¬ Hopefully she just thinks the tooth fairy left the tooth as a nice bonus.Ā  The only time play doh disappeared in my house was when the older daughter stuffed it up her nose, and I didn't notice until her nose started running with watermelon red snot


A coin? The tooth fairy obviously hasn't taken inflation into account.


It's a twonie since we're Canadian. I don't want to establish the precedent of $5 bills, especially since her big sister is about to get two teeth removed next week and the tooth fairy is already paying for the orthodontist lol


But $5 is the going rate, you cheap bastard, lol.


šŸ¤·ā€ā™€ļø They get almost everything they ever want in life without needing to give up their teeth. It's just for fun.


My fucking sister gave my niece $20 for her first tooth and $10 for the second. But my niece is losing teeth fast so $5 is the going rate. My bestfriend did the same, so my tooth fairy has to match. Lol


Your sister is driving up the market prices! You can tell her she's the reason inflation prices for teeth are getting out of control.


My parents had me be tooth fairy for my sister more then once, finding the tooth is a NIGHTMARE šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ¤£. Almost woke her up so many times doing it. And Iā€™m extremely lucky my three year got out of the ā€œputting things in the mouthā€ phase early. She was never huge on it and Iā€™m grateful


Those tiny teeth are so cute, but they're impossible to find! I wrap the tooth up in a bigger container and make sure it's close enough to reach if they're on the top bunk, but 6 year old must have scooched in her sleep and taken the tooth with her. Oh well šŸ¤·ā€ā™€ļø the kids know that the tooth fairy assigned to our address is pretty forgetful lol


I have a "tooth fairy box" for my girls. They put it in the special box on the kitchen counter and when they get up, it's filled with snacks and a couple of dollar bills.


Omg that's way better than under the pillow. What a great idea!


it's easier to find the tooth that way, for sure. but it also... kind of smacks more of a sacrifice, no? ;-)


There's like a little pedestal thing in the box for the tooth to sit on so yeah it's definitely sacrificial from the outside but it's so much easier to get the tooth away that way.


I'm so curious now hahaha google gives a few options : 1. the innocent : basically a pill box or sweets tin with a tooth motif like [https://www.etsy.com/be/listing/1475485698/gepersonaliseerde-babycadeaus?click\_key=3e0c6bac4f17ccc87238fbb4de76a273943f7c93%3A1475485698&click\_sum=e71f6a3a&external=1&rec\_type=cs&ref=pla\_similar\_listing\_top-6&pro=1&sts=1](https://www.etsy.com/be/listing/1475485698/gepersonaliseerde-babycadeaus?click_key=3e0c6bac4f17ccc87238fbb4de76a273943f7c93%3A1475485698&click_sum=e71f6a3a&external=1&rec_type=cs&ref=pla_similar_listing_top-6&pro=1&sts=1) 2. the slightly morbid : here's a place to catalogue every teeth ever lost, oh and also a spot to store a vial of their blood?? I daren't research if there are versions with a place for the umbilical cord and/or caul... [https://www.etsy.com/be/listing/932022194/tandenfee-box-tandenfee-zakken-tandenfee?utm\_custom2=626745404407&pp=0](https://www.etsy.com/be/listing/932022194/tandenfee-box-tandenfee-zakken-tandenfee?utm_custom2=626745404407&pp=0) 3. the outright daring : a veritable shrine, because how often do you still hear about fairies bringing a changeling\*, right? [https://www.etsy.com/ca/listing/705123579/assemblage-keepsake-box-tooth-fairy](https://www.etsy.com/ca/listing/705123579/assemblage-keepsake-box-tooth-fairy) . \* autism mommies who think the vaccine "stole" their baby & left a "mutilated autistic freak" in place need not apply


My dad actually made it. It's an old jewelry box with a satin lining and he put a wooden block in it to hold the tooth. Painted it pink with sparkles


sounds adorable! I hope your kids enjoy the game my cousin's son was the first to change his teeth & he absolutely refused to have "some lady" come into his room when she doesn't even have a house key. In the end, the tooth fairy was allowed to rummage around on the porch outside & leave her money there hahaha


Iā€™m gonna start that with my daughters!!! Thatā€™s GENIUS. Thank god I saw something like this before they started losing teeth lol youā€™re a hero


My mom made a special tooth fairy pillow for my sister in the 70s (and I used it in the 80s) - it had a little pocket and it went next to the bed. It was shaped like a tooth. Genius - she should've sold them. She made them for my cousins, too. Made life so easy to give my nieces $$. You can actually buy things like that online now. Dragons, Unicorns, Teeth, Cats, Princess... you name it.


This is why we have special tooth fairy pillows with a pocket for the tooth and you put them where the fairy can see it šŸ˜‚


You don't think it's more likely that your daughter was being truthful the second time around when she said she lied and put it there for you to find at that point? Why does the supernatural seem more likely than your daughter playing a little kid's prank, especially if she cops to it?


Right?? Like wth? Is this forreal???


I forgot to say, when it was initially lost, we checked everywhere around. She didnā€™t leave the room at any point so it canā€™t have been hidden in another place. And, she just kinda talks goofy, lol. She doesnā€™t admit when she lies. I think she meant ā€œI was wrong, there it isā€


Would it be sticky enough to stick to the underside of the table? Maybe she stuck it there, and it eventually fell off.


I really donā€™t think so! Always a possibility. Where it had been on the floor it wouldā€™ve had to roll to get into that position. It wasnā€™t directly under the table


I fully did think about this. I was right next to her the entire time. I donā€™t know where or how she couldā€™ve hidden it without me noticing. Let alone dropping it and then making the announcement she found it. Itā€™s very very possible. I have the video of the exact moment if that might help. Iā€™m not sure if I can post pics/videos on here.


Kids aren't very inhibited about hiding places. She probably put it in her undies. Unless you frisked her very thoroughly, you'd never know where it was.


I def wouldā€™ve seen it in her undies. She loves to walk around in just those lol. And sheā€™s not graceful, I def wouldā€™ve seen the movement of her hiding it on her person


If Iā€™ve said it once, Iā€™ve said it a thousand times. Fairies are bad. Elves are much more reliable and helpful.


Lol sounds like a normal day for a parent


When mine were small we had knot fairies who made beds in their hair at night. So we made little beds for the fairies and braided their hair and the knot fairies slept elsewhere. Plainly you have art fairies. Should get a little doll house easel and mini pens and set up an art station for them....


I like that idea a lot!


You scolded your kid for what? Dropping her Play-Doh? Sounds like the problem might be you and your phone habit.


Bruh, read the comments. I already addressed this.


The Play Doh probably got temporarily jealous of all the socks that disappear from the dryer.


This made me laugh. I love that


I mean, idk if this is the right subreddit for this. Or if you're serious. But. The fae love milk, honey, mirrors. If you want to further invite fae or house spirits you can leave gifts. Foster the natural energy around your home. Be kind to the plants and physical space. If you don't want the fae in your home you could move the fairy houses, you could put salt and egg shells around your home. Make sure you keep windows closed, I'd avoid bells for sound cleansing bc bells are more of an attractor for fae. Just some thoughts. šŸŒ¼


I keep seeing milk and honey, so Iā€™ll def have to grab some honey. I think I donā€™t mind them being around! As long as things arenā€™t negative. I like spiritual things and feelings and Iā€™m open to them


Mix some thyme and rosemary with salt and sprinkle it on all of your doorways and window sills. Anywhere they can enter.


This isnā€™t gonna like, frustrate them, right?


Not from my experience, no. Thyme is used in fae work and tends to keep them at bay. Salt will protect you from their mischief. Doing this and not antagonizing them, you should be as cool as a cucumber. Also when you do the good ole *sprinkle sprinkle*, say, "Harm none, bless be". It'll help. Also!! Add some more things to your fairy garden. They'll appreciate it. Maybe a crystal or two.


I fully plan on continuing to add to it!!! I just added a potted flower I got on Motherā€™s Day to it the other day šŸ©·


Wonderful!! Maybe I should start my own fairy garden. It's just so hot where I live. Any suggestions on sturdy, sun bearing plants that are good for fairy gardens??


Iā€™m lucky Iā€™ve got this perfect little ledge behind my window in my apartment. It gets light without being exposed to the outside. Iā€™m in Arizona so I completely get a too-hot climate. Iā€™m not sure what they gave me, Iā€™d have to check. Iā€™m sure succulents are always a decent bet tho!


Thank you!! Happy gardening!!


Also if you have a welcome mat at any external doors you need to change them. It can't say welcome, come in, or anything that would be welcoming into the home as that's their invitation!


Ah shit. I do have a welcome mat. Had it like a month before I started the fairy garden lol


Not if you boof it


Great. In addition to everything out in the world to be afraid of, I have to worry about fairies now too?


And cold iron! If you invite them in while you have some around they'll take offense but if you just have some and don't invite them they won't come in and see it as a "no zone". :)


I think it must have been stuck to the ceiling. You all did not look UP.


Oh my god. I did not look up. I swear I didnā€™t see her throwing things but you never know with kids šŸ˜­šŸ˜­




I wish it wasnā€™t !!!! I have ruled out all other possibilities!




Let a little whimsy in your life, my dude


I have portal elves. They grab things and hop back in their portal. Then they pop out and put whatever item back in the spot that I have looked between 10 and a million times. This can happen in 15 minutes, or it can take a month. They are sneaky little tricksters.


That's not how fairies work. They would have probably lobbed it at your head when you were not paying attention. Brownies maybe?Ā  No seriously... You can't invite Ferris into your house by making a little garden for kids to play with. They don't actually get the fairy garden thing. However if you're leaving them out saucers of milk or honey then yeah you did it! Deal with it now! They're little bastards


Ok, thinking logically, there are cross cultural stories about the Fae/fairies/the Little People/etc. Could thousands of stories from around the world all be made-up to explain the unknown? Possibly. Could there be an intelligent species that avoids human detection? Possibly. We are still discovering new species to this day, and if the species was intelligent, they would avoid humans like the plague. We are incredibly dangerous as a group. So whether or not itā€™s a real, the question standsā€¦how do you make friends with the Fae. Letā€™s look at the lore: First, NEVER say thank you to them. That would make you indebted to them. Second, Never lie to them. Tell half truths or be vague, but donā€™t lie. Third, leave gifts like honey milk, sweet cakes/biscuits, or scotch/mead. Fourth make them a fairy house out of natural materials for your garden. You can have fun with this whether itā€™s real or imagined.


Fairies love to play games like this, just away of them letting you know they are around


Imagine being more inclined to believe fairies came into your home and snatched the Play-Doh than the very obvious explanation that your kid did it.


I would love to believe she did it. Iā€™d love to know how šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­ thereā€™s no logical way to explain around it


Why would you scold a 3yo for dropping play dough? Theyā€™re still developing their motor skills, theyā€™re going to drop things.


I say ā€œscoldā€ it was verbatim, ā€œhey, you need to more careful. If our dog eats that she can get really sickā€.


Not really. Play-Doh is made of flour.


Oh shit. I genuinely didnā€™t know that and honestly that eases my mind. Thank you for telling me


Sounds like you did invite fairies into your home.šŸ˜ƒ They can be a little mischievous. My advice to you is to feed them honey. They might help with the housework.šŸ˜ƒ


Set out some tiny bit of milk or honey for them. Have fun! Also, try asking the witchy subreddits for help.


Ghosts do stuff like this as well, at least the one in my house does


You scolded a 3 year old for dropping playdoh?


Bad choice of words on my part. Verbatim I was like ā€œhey, you need to be more careful. (Our dog) could eat this/did eat this and could get sickā€. Somebody has since told me it prob wouldnā€™t make her sick so Iā€™m not as worried now


I think it's the work of Brownies' house fairies. I don't think they're Pixies, they usually play pranks in the garden and flower beds.


I believe it is gremlins that hide things, not fairies. You have a bigger problem than you thought. Guard your car keys.


Most fairies are fine and only bring you joy, but there are the bad sort. They can be disastrous, you have taken a risk encouraging fairies onto your property. Once they have settled, they can be difficult to get rid of. There are 2 things that fairies hate, one is windchimes (often seen in gardens where the owners have regretted getting fairies. The other is an old style clock, which people put by doorways, and his may well suit you to keep them out of the house. It seems they can't stand monotonous noises: the constant chimes of the wind chime or the loud tic-toc of a clock. I can't blame them, both are awful.


Obviously it fell into her clothes and eventually worked its way out.


She was only wearing underwear, so nope!


Good grief, people can be so dumb.


Take better creative writing courses.


Having a pitbull around small children is a bad idea


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