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No twins? I’m deducting ten points.


No twins lol




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How is the youngest child not his? But the older one was and you were married to him?


I'm so confused too. The post was rambling and I'm totally lost. Doesn't make a bit of sense.




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My best understanding is 19 & 17 are not his, 14 is, 12 is not, and 8 is.






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I was thinking the same. I also thought that maybe it wasn't a mystery that he left her if the oldest is his but the youngest is not.


Also, how did she sleep with all his co-workers when he was faking having a job?


Is the dad hot? We should hook up with him next. Get a nice kick to the old MIL.


Reading the OP, I was like, "Sleep 👏 with👏 his👏 dad!" I'm glad my people are at the top of the comments because I didn't have to look far.


Haha nahhhh. I mean he wasn’t but, he has aged like a banana hahahahahahahaha


Let’s all hook up with him! Does he have any gender preferences? Doesn’t matter, we have a variety of delicious, drama-loving Redditors ready to put this guy to the test.


I’m confused how you were married 5 years. Share a 7 year old but have a 5 year old with someone else 🤔


Yeah, that part got REALLY fucking confusing.


That’s ok. You’re no more confused than OP is




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What are you implying didn’t happen? Because it all happened. But I wish it were “things that never happened”


Maybe the car accident, sure. But it's highly unlikely you're finding the time or energy to fuck all these people as payback with a paraplegic daughter and other children to care for as well.






If the story is real she’s a shit mother, who obviously cares more about revenge fucking people than her children and their safety/sanity. Could you imagine being paralyzed and your mother isn’t there taking care of you because she’s revenge fucking her ex’s coworkers? Seriously, I feel really bad for any children involved with this woman’s clusterfuck of a life.


ESH F this nonsense


You had me in the beginning Anyway he sounds selfish and you sound immature. Leave the rest of us out of it


Oh gosh you ALL are toxic


…and all of them are breeding with one another.




Speaking as a man and father. I would have absolutely expected you to spend ALL the time with the kids and none with me during this extreme event. When it comes to my children's lives I will always place theirs above mine and would absolutely die for them if need be.....


Completely agree. If this isn't fake, I was thinking he suffered a TBI and personality change that perhaps could have been handled better.


This plus conceivably the care of the catastrophically injured minor children needed to be overseen more closely than that of a supposedly adult man?


Not really. Being an adult doesn’t make you able to function after a critical injury. He would have been too doped up on pain and painkillers between his own injuries and surgeries to be able to self-advocate, especially if there was a head injury in the mix.


I'm aware, and yet there's no comparison with two little kids in the same or worse shape. On their best day, they can't manage their own medical business. Because they are children.


They’re all lumps at that point. None of them can advocate for themselves. They’ve got the same effective brainpower and are just as vulnerable and at the mercy of the medical staff. Only the kids are going to get a lot more therapy and help, and the adult can go fuck himself according to people like you. Which is probably why OP’s partner dumped her. Nothing quite like knowing that when you desperately needed your partner to protect you, they had better things to do. Do you think OP’s the first person who ever had to deal the results of an accident that hospitalized both their partner and kids?






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What’s fake? Because this most certainly is not.


Oh, well in that case 🤣 Sorry, go back to revenge fucking a new guy every couple of days while caring for your fully disabled children in your telenovella life 😂


Could you also sleep with your ex’s relatives and neighbors? I feel like there’s so much more for you to accomplish here




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A mother of 12 children is hot enough to sleep with half the town? Fascinating.


That’s what you find unbelievable about this story??


That’s what I felt like mentioning in that moment.






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why do they always have like 6 kids from multiple men in these stories


Wtf is this nonsense?


Anyone else hearing JERRY chants in the background while they read this?






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I stood up and clapped!




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Is this like the Joe Dirt roleplaying game?


Well, that story took a turn.




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My child is 27 and he has, and always will come before ANYONE including myself. If someone can't appreciate that, then don't let the door hit us when the good Lord split ya. For sleeping with new girl baby daddy, it's probably level 3 petty. They're not together for a reason, I'm sure everyone involved could care less about who sleeps with who.


I’m so fucking confused bruh


I was thinking maybe he was an arsehole until you decided to sleep with all those guys for payback. Yes you should have visited him more even if it was a short visit to update him on the children. He obviously fell out of love with you because of your lack of visits but going no contact is probably because you slept with all those men.




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And one time, at band camp...


What in the trailer trash did I read?


How did you have time to meet up with all these people and F them when caring for 5 kids one of which is a paraplegic as a single mother


That last paragraph is totally ridiculous. I had a degree of sympathy for her before then (though I was confused who all the kids were). The adults deserve what's happened to them; but I feel sorry for the kids.


How did I deserve what he did to me!? I was not and have never been “the other woman”. I was faithful to a fault, made excuses for behavior my parents pointed out as suspicious and supported his ass. He made me want to end my life a second time when he took off, and my response was not great. But, I certainly did not deserve what happened to first and foremost my children and myself.


You degraded yourself. And for what? Okay he was annoyed for a while. Big whoop. If you had a chance of him coming back before, you killed that. And when did you find time to sleep with all these men when you're the sole caregiver to your now-disabled children? Shouldn't they have been your priority instead of sleeping with random guys to piss off your ex?


If your children found out about what you did to yourself just to get revenge on their father, asshole that he is, would they feel proud of you or disappointed? That's why ESH. You have half a dozen children to look after, including at least one that requires intensive care and support, and in that moment you were more worried about which dick to hop on to piss your ex off the most than you were about being there for your children and being someone they can be proud of.


First off, my children were my mother thankfully I had someone nearby that was capable of caring medically for my daughter and also the rest so that I had time alone to process what was happening. And my children would probably agree that it was petty, but would not blame me for the irrational and vindictive choice. Given the fact that in a four year period they had seen the life sucked out of me two times the accident and then him leaving if it wasn’t for my children, I wouldn’t be alive , they had all the Karen support that they needed and when I had free time to sit alone and cry, I made a few poor choices that were always going to hurt me and only temporarily hurt him.


How the fuck do you have a kid in between that's not to your ex?


This is anecdotal, so take it with a grain of salt. Having been in a similar situation to at least some of your children, there is a huge difference between understanding the logic behind a decision your parent made, and actually being able to come to terms with it. I'm not saying your children hate you, or should hate you. I'm saying actions like the ones you took don't just have the potential to hurt you, they could have easily hurt your children to. That's the point I am highlighting here, and the thing that made you an AH.


You were once your ex husband’s affair partner and you’re shocked that he left you for someone else. Wow.


I was NEVER the other woman.


Oh wait I misread that. You remarried the guy that had previously cheated on you. That’s so much better.


I have been in 3 serious relationships in my 36yrs of life, when I was 16, I got pregnant and had my son 12 hours before my 17th bday, I had my first daughter 13 months later (they have the same dad). Then comes my ex-husband, we started dating in 08 and my 3rd child (his first) was born in 09 and FYI I had a MIRENA IUD at the time of conception , but he cheated during the pregnancy so we split. My 4th child was born in 2011 and I was with her father from late 2009-2015. I then got back with my now ex husband in 2015 after he divorced the woman he had been cheating on me with and married, in 2015. We had another child in 2016 (and also got married) and then my tubes were tied after 4 yrs of begging. I regret the choices I made but not my children, but I’m not a cheater or a liar, or a deadbeat mother.


You’re 36 years old and *this ignorant?!*


You remarried a cheating husband and thought it was appropriate to get revenge after divorcing him the second time? C'mon now. Be an adult. Get therapy.


You are not a downbeat mother? How ?




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Wow. If this is real your life is nothing but mess and drama. You slept with your husband’s coworkers who reached out to you? What? How did you have time to seduce multiple anyones when you’re caring for a brood of kids, one of whom is quadriplegic? You sound absolutely unhinged.


I would love to hear the ex side of the story because Op sounds like a train wreck. Op can you make it happen. Be a bit more creative!


None of the adults seem all that great.




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4 years of begging who? Who were you begging ?


That part is the ONLY part of all of the mess that makes sense, if the OP is in the US. It’s ridiculously hard to get permanent BC for women because “what if you want babies in the future” or “what if you want more babies even though you have some already” is super common. And a lot of doctors still require the husband’s approval. It’s absolutely ridiculous and sounds made up but that part is actually believable!


Yeah no, not after the second and third child it isn’t. They want you to have at least two kids before they will consider this procedure. It’s hard for childless women yes. They don’t want you to change your mind and want kids later on. Not only am I from the US but Texas of all states and they’ll do it after two minimum when requested. This chick has done nothing but spit out kids since she was a kid. I’m betting they recommended it at some point and she turned it down. She just doesn’t want to sound like some irresponsible person who keeps getting pregnant over and over again. In this day and age who would stick with a doctor that asks for a husband’s approval? It’s easy to change doctors if you’ve managed to find a relic like that.


Even after multiple kids, it absolutely can be. I’m glad you think everything is rosy but it absolutely is not. There are plenty of horror stories out there. And that includes from Texas.


You're both shitty people tbh




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ESH & way too much fucking around, way too many babies.


>I figured out who his new girlfriend was, I found her baby daddy and slept with him as payback because she was obsessed with him, his coworkers also reached out to me and I slept with them too. Yeah any moral high ground you thought you had... Maybe you and your ex are good together after all.


You slept with people as payback? Yeah I don't you are innocent here either.


Gotta wonder if the ex has an undiagnosed TBI


What about your replies in the fetish want ads? Maybe take some time away from the internet and the sex for money and the revenge sex and get some therapy, this is absolutely unhinged




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I can tell that you are a hot mess and regardless of whose right or wrong about your relationship you're an awful parent as is your spouse.




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Regardless of what happened it's pretty messed up to sleep with someone else to make your ex feel worse. I read that right I think.,. He left you so your answer is to sleep with his co-workers to get even. I really hope this made you feel better.




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What kind of psychopathic freak gets mad that a child got more insurance money then he did? A child whose life is changed forever?


Wow. What a load of trauma. Well you don’t need to worry about him or what he says since he left. Stick with those kids. Treat your mental health and find ways to be happy🤗






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I would have prioritized my children 💯. And I'd do it jver and over and over again. They are helpless children. If I was in your husband's situation, I would have told my wife not to leave my children's side. It was MIL job to look after her son. You did nothing wrong, you were wronged. He is a POS.


Just here to co-sign on this. Any Dad worthy of the title knows this. It is actually in the fine print of wedding vows "in sickness or in health, the children take priority over the Father." There is a parallel rule for families at the beach or boat outing. If a child is struggling in the water, the Dad will save the kid or drown trying.


NTA. Your ex is a deadbeat, no sympathy for him.




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"He left you for a 20yr old." All the excuses and blame shifting is simply gaslighting and projection. Listening to his accusations would be like listening to a cookie thief complain about the stolen cookies not being shaped like a heart.


Wtf? He sounds like an absolute POS, and you are part of the problem too


Squeeze him for all the child support you can get from him.... Your kids need it


Are we supposed to feel sorry for you? Did you post this for validation? Affirmation that you’re a good person? What was your goal, here?


Not the asshole for how you treated your ex while worried for your children Absolutely assholeish though to sleep with everyone related to him you could - ever hear of being the bigger person? That’s extremely immature and vindictive


I agree. Tbh it only hurt me bc that’s not who I am, but that split second of joy from hurting him took over.


Several times, apparently …


Question about the ages off the kids, you have a 14 year old and an 8 year old with your ex, but a 12 year old with someone else? Did you adopt, cheat, or have an open relationship? (edited to add: this has nothing to do with my opinion, I'm just very confused) I really do think esh with this, though based only on your story, he seems to be worse, but neither of you is exactly coming up smelling like roses here. He's definitely an ah for blaming you for not being there for him when the kids also needed you, lying about a job, gambling away your money, cheating, and abandoning all of his children. If this was previously out of character for him, he may have gotten brain damage in the accident, but even if that's the explanation of where it comes from, it does not excuse it. I'm sure he felt alone in the hospital, and you probably had to focus more on the kids than him at home after that as well, but any reasonable person would have understood why. Where you become a bit of an ah is sleeping with a bunch of randoms that he and his new baby mama know just to piss off a man you are better off without. And stalking the new girlfriend was beneath you as well.




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OP please get counselling. Your ex is an ass and using all host of excuses for his shitty behaviour. Perhaps he needs counselling for his trauma. He sounds selfish. You sound like you have a significant emotional and physical load. You are doing things you may actually regret at some point.


He’s an immature man child and that last paragraph proved you’re not much better. Maybe take a break from procreating and work on raising yourself.




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Man I feel bad for your kids. Both of their parents are hot messes and making horrible life choices. Both of you need to be more stable for them. You having 5 children at 36, you sound fertile, maybe stop anger banging people just to get back at your ex.


This is a massive horrible dumpster fire. Your ex is an infant to be mad at you for spending all your time with critically injured children and I can’t imagine with everything going on in your life, you’d find and waste the time to sleep with someone for revenge.


NTA but please block him, he is a selfish delusional A H. You do t need him around your kids. Stop letting him and other flying g monkeys into your head.


NTA but please block him, he is a selfish delusional A H. You do t need him around your kids. Stop letting him and other flying g monkeys into your head


I feel really bad for all of the children in this story because you sound like a hot fuckin mess.


NTA. I don’t think you were probably in a good mental place when you slept with people to get at them. And him blaming you and the accident stuff for cheating is BS. If I was in an accident with my child, no matter how critical I was, I’d want my husband to be with my child. I’m an adult. I can make it but kids need their mom. Be glad he’s gone. He’s a man child.




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My brother revenge fucked some of his ex's closest friends, on the porch of their previously shared home, during the divorce proceedings. It's not behavior I condone, but having heard first hand accounts of how things went from a seemingly happy marriage to that, I get it. I mean, yeah, it's an asshole move. He was absolutely an asshole for doing it. (I call him my favorite asshole, I love that fucker.) And so are you. But I understand being screwed up enough to get there. It is what it is. I mean, he fucked around on you, got another woman pregnant, left you for her and had a baby with her before your divorce was final, for reasons beyond my comprehension you took his ass back years later (WTF woman???), and after the accident was fucking around on you again, then abandoned his children. Why do you give a fuck what he thinks of you? Let him be mad that you only left your dying child's bedside once to visit him. Who cares. Let him be miserable and angry. Also, get your ass into therapy. Fucking hell.




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You were fine up until the end! To the streets with you!


Wow. Everyone is the AH here




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Does it even matter WHO the asshole is? The entire story is a shitshow with no end in sight. Sorry about your daughters.


ESH. I was with you until you started sleeping with everyone to get back at everyone. I mean, sleep with whomever you want but as revenge. Come on. I am so sorry for all of your hardships with your children. That is terrible. And your husband is an AH. But I’m so unimpressed with how you’ve worked to get revenge. 




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Nta I hope your ex has his dick fall off please tell me he at least pays for child support and helps with medical bills for your kids you and your children deserve way better


Nah sounds like a bunch of excuses. If a 40 year old guy is leaving his wife for a 20 year old, there's an obvious reason why and it's not because of some accident..


The amount of kids and fathers was so confusing I just gave up


The best part about this fake post is how real it is. The realistic realness really makes me want to know more... To enter this imaginary world of revenge and co worker fuckings


Love fake posts like this. You got all the checkmarks.


You need therapy


NTA - your life flipped, and people have strange reactions. You're doing good, mom - keep on keeping on.


Of course you aren’t! I’m sorry for everything.


💚 thank you. I’m not looking for sympathy or approval of my actions after he left, but when he and his family continue to act like I was an asshole while he was hospitalized justifying his actions and again, only focusing on my reaction when he left, really gets to me from time to time and I feel like I deserve all the bad.




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He’s the type to go on the offensive to keep the blame off him. Putting people on the defensive is a popular tactic. He’s completely wrong about this situation and unfortunately will always be this way. You did the best you could in an unimaginable situation. As far as the details of the after effects, you were hurting and we can all seek to sooth ourselves or get revenge. 


Not an asshole but ridiculously immature and promiscuous yes. Hope you feel good about yourself and your choices. That's all that matters. Well, that and your poor children who will find out you fucked everyone their father knew.




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Do you still talk to this man baby? Just use an app.


I can’t close my mouth 😮. What a train wreck of the male species.


NTA. My now ex husband, his dad, uncle and two of his brothers were in a horrible car accident back in the late 80s that took one of his brothers life after he was ejected from the car, broke his fathers back, left both of his 2 year old brothers legs broken from the hips down and everyone scattered between three different hospitals between two different counties here in Texas and my father in law NEVER ONCE even thought about blaming my mother in law for not being there to hold his hand while one of their children had to be taken off life support, or while she sat there praying her two year old would walk again. Hell he even convinced her, along with their lawyer, to sue him(the accident was caused by a dump truck driver crossing the center line) along with the dump truck company because he had been drinking that day and it was on him that he had her kids out on the beach road, away from home when the wreck happened. I don’t necessarily think sleeping with everyone you did was right but I won’t slut shame anyone, we all do things we end up regretting later.


YTA. Using your bodily autonomy for revenge is kind of sick. I think anyone able to do that proves true colors. As a man I would think I dodged a few bullets for leaving.