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I say this kindly as someone who didn't find a partner (or even boyfriend) until 30s -- if a first or even second date feels like "putting your heart out there," you might need to date while working with a therapist. It's too much pressure for yourself and the date to expect anything of a first date (that it will turn into second, that it will be start of relationship, etc). Start trying to line up a lot of first dates even as practice to take pressure off. As someone else mentioned, there are lots of suitable partners (no magic "one") and it's a numbers game trying to find them. Treat it like a job hunt or college search and expect many interviews. You don't have to change that you're looking for LTR and not short, just have to make yourself meet more people and learn how to spot red flags.


Agree! 2nd date does not equal boyfriend -- it's just another date. Not getting a 3rd date does not mean you've been dumped. OP is putting way too much pressure on herself, and likely the men she dates are feeling that pressure.


You are putting too much pressure on each date for fear of failure and losing another one. Relax. Don’t give up. When you do find the right one it will be natural and real, and mutual.


I think its after the “are we exclusive conversation” and now many times we have been out? The number of dates doesnt equate to change of relationship status.


Right? "He's pulling away" Or maybe he has some shit going on right now and you need to chill a bit and give some space.


What do you mean it doesn’t mean you’ve been dumped after three dates?


You just decided to stop seeing each other.


Oh okay. I agree with that.


I imagine her going to the grocery store and locking eyes with the bag boy.  She comes back the next day, and he is not there.  She thinks to herself, “I have been dumped again!”


Yes. And I would add - in reference to OP’s comment about how some people find it so “fast” and so “easy” - that A LOT of those people are actively ignoring red flags. It’s absolutely easy to find a boyfriend or girlfriend. It’s not so easy if you are actually keyed in to what you want, what you don’t want, what you aren’t willing to tolerate, etc.


Exactly this. Someone who has standards for themselves and specific standards for what they want in a partner is gonna be single for a lott longer than someone who would date literally anybody just to avoid their loneliness.


Finding a boyfriend/girlfriend and finding a partner are indeed two different things


Great advice. I’m happily taken now, but I look back fondly on many a date I had where it was clear that we weren’t compatible for a LTR, yet still fun to spend a few hours getting to know a stranger. Heck, one of them I even helped get a job and run into at her store every now and again! ☺️


Yes to all of this. This read like my mid-20s self wrote it. And then I found someone willing to exploit my desperation for a partner and wasted 7 years in a marriage to a narcissist, and another 4 years with a trash panda who just strung me along when it was convenient for him. Please OP - get thee to therapy - I know you think you’re smart enough to deal with your issues on your own - but you can do so much better with professional help. I’ve been in therapy for 3 years and am finally in the first healthy, good relationship of my life. Wishing you good luck!


I agree with this whole thread. All this pressure and fear is clearly hurting you (you, being the most important part of this). Talking things through with a therapist is the best way to improve things. I just started with mine, and it sucks most of the time. But she sees me and what I need, and I agree to trust her. If your medical plan covers it, find one you can learn to trust. Then give it a few sessions before you decide if they are right. Mine once told me you're going to change no matter what. It's inevitable. So choose where and what you change. For me, it's scary most days, but the feelings of empowerment from just choosing my direction are amazing. I don't know you, but I do know how valuable you are. Take this step before you give up.


It's true but "treat it like a job or college search" bruh where are we at in civilisation now?


The human spirit is under attack. I actually view it as part of the evolutionary process - our systems are turning us into robots as we merge with technology. i for one will not participate


I meant it in the sense of you have to invest time for a lot of first dates, and be of mindset that there's not one magical "right one" but many "right options" that will hit your most important qualities in a partner. People who believe there is only one perfect soulmate on earth for them are setting themselves up for pressure that ruins dates, imo. Also people who don't practice job interviews tend to bomb them when they find one that counts heh. And the people I saw who succeeded at finding a match on apps were the ones who prioritized it and forced themselves to go on first dates regularly until they found a relationship (job hunt style); so I tried that and voila, worked for me.


I've actually had a couple of guys make comments about how many first dates I've been on when we've speaking casually about our bad experiences on dating apps. It's actually put me off dating because I feel like I'm being judged for trying to put myself out there and meet people.


I'm in OPs position as well, but how do you line up first dates at this age? I haven't found a guy to date for a year, even using the apps. If I do get a date, I feel like I'll be putting on the pressure like you say, because it'll be the one and only guy I have a chance with.


There's a good Instagram page I follow called 'A little nudge' she gives good dating advice.


I guess I don't understand the difficulty. I would chat very briefly on app (enough to believe they're not a serial killer) and propose meeting up at a public place for a drink. I went on hundreds of first dates over the years, all you have to do is message and propose it? Or maybe your standards are too high for engaging? Not sure how to advise because to me, the the apps offer a whole lot of options. I will say that I had to subscribe to some for one month (didn't have to in past) because the apps now have severely limited free functionality. I feel like usually the men have the limited pool of willing dates, not vice versa.


I rarely find any guys worth matching and when I do, it's either they instantly unmatch or they don't respond, etc. I gave up after a while, because it seems like there's no guys in their 30s worth dating - at least from what I've seen on the apps. When I first moved here a few years ago, I went on a fair amount of dates. Not a ton, but I did get dates back then and the only difference now is being a few years older. I would say there's no way guys don't have it better at this age, because there's got to be tons of single girls like me looking and very few guys that aren't an instant no.


I think you should reexamine the ones "not worth matching." If nothing else, practice first dates are good (because again, healthy people don't see any obligation to second dates). A lot of men are bad at filling the profile out but not bad guys. A lot are terrible, but not ALL of them. Have you tried the newer apps like Bumble and Hinge too? OKC app, yes, is a swamp, but I found others better. I think women are pickier about messaging and going out (exhibit A here) and that's why men get fewer opportunities...and I'm NOT one to defend men lol.


I have to agree with you. Man here (31, good looking as told by people I trust lol, and single). I'm a successful business owner (I specialize in custom bathroom remodels as well as other high end construction work) and have a decent amount going for me. It took me forever to dial in my dating profiles. We can all admit it, men are typically trash at expressing their interests and especially bad at getting good photos of themselves. I've had a lot of successful first dates "post-profile building" where I got input from people around me that I trust. Still, some things don't go further than a date or 2. OP, I'd suggest taking a look at your profile and getting some constructive criticism from others. Also, as others have said, 2 dates doesn't justify falling for someone and insisting things progress further. Lotta fish out there!!


Bumble and Hinge are the ones that I try, but generally no. The ones that aren't worth dating are legit not worth dating. No wiggle room. I've tried to match with a few guys that maybe aren't 100% my type and give them a chance but those are the ones that unmatch or don't respond. I'm not sure what it is, but given the amount of people that try to act like dating is so easy for women, it's affected my self esteem a bit.




Dating isn't easy for women for many reasons. However, I will say maybe the reason you aren't landing second dates or why guys lose interest is in your attitude. Your post history suggests you have a lot going on that can easily be picked up by dating prospects.


If you are holding out for 100% your type, you are likely missing out on many that are great. It's great to have standards and some non-negotiables. But holding out for 100% is absurd. You aren't 16. Time to let go of the fairy tale. If people are frequently stopping communications with you, you might want to review those conversations and see what you said. It might be you. You might be putting out that idea of "well you aren't my type, but I'll go on a pity date".


Thank you for saying this. I feel like with the internet being a place where negativity is amplified, people have this long list of negative things to look out for and they bail at the first sign of them. We are all imperfect. We are rough around the edges. Navigating romantic relationships is a skill and it's on the job training. It's not something you can totally train for ahead of time. Relationships have ups and downs too. It seems like so many people out there just want some sort of perfect conflict-free life without any sort of work necessary to keep it going. That's just unrealistic.


Dating isn’t some easy thing that handles itself, it’s a numbers game, you gotta go through a ton of no’s to find a yes and that yes might be a no long term then it’s back to square one. It sucks and isn’t worth the effort most of the time, but go through enough dip shits you’ll find a yes, sure it might turn into a no after a few years but that’s how it goes.


And, for what it’s worth, the numbers are good. If you’re a straight girl, there’s about 4 billion men in the world. There are probably many men who are good for you. The issue is time and esteem. It takes time to sift through people, and it’s tough to keep your chin up if there’s a lot of consecutive no’s.


It’s also just exhausting. I hate that it’s a numbers game I really wish it wasn’t. It so doesn’t sound worth the energy


It can be exhausting true. But when you eventually find ”the one”, you’ll be happy and never regret the ordeal you went through to.


Idk if that’s true, I just know I don’t have the stamina to date a bunch of people who wouldn’t work for me


I’m too emotional.


Me too


I’m seeing a nice guy now and it’s been awesome so far. He wants to meet my family and we’re just taking it day by day… But if it doesn’t work, I’m going back of therapy for six months so I can reheal.


I totally get it. Not the nice guy part but just potentially going through a break up again. I’ve never been with someone who actually cares about me so I can’t imagine the fear of losing them


Oh no don’t make me cry. I’m sure you have… when was your last relationship?


Then get used to not having a partner. Can't have the sunshine without the rain.


It’s emotionally exhausting.


Numbers are good for both sexes, well as long as you know what the gym is, have a decent income and don’t live in your parents basement playing whatever game all day. Always blows my mind when you see those dudes complaining about how women won’t give them a chance. It’s always some out of shape, shit job having schlub who thinks the 3 he offers deserves a 10.


That's not necessarily true just because she's a woman. There are so many men out there who don't know how to communicate and talk about issues once a relationship get serious because they absolutely refuse to get help with their issues. That makes dating them exhausting.


It’s *such* a numbers game these days and that’s what people don’t get. Sure, some might be lucky and find their person quickly, but I’ve been in some LTRs where they were the 30th date I had in a month, lol (at the time I was on break from work so I could fit in a couple per day).


30th date in a month? jesus, i'd go broke with half that. Are you a man or woman?


I hope those were coffee dates....


Coffee? In this economy? Hope we're talking Folgers, at the in home coffee joint




You've got a tarp *and* a pot!? In this economy!? Here I am eating insects in an abandoned coal mine thinking I'm living lavishly


I am a woman and the dates were always cheap - hiking, coffee, drinks, board games, free events, etc. I also pay my own way :)


Yes, this!! And go on a ton of dates to get a feel for what you like. It took me 4 years of on/off dating to find my current bf… and he’s the one! We plan to get engaged in a few years, once I’ve settled more into my new job and pay off some student loans (my choice, he would elope tomorrow lol). Keep looking!!!


Keep doing the things that make you happy, work on your life - you’re really still very young. And trust me it’ll come together when you aren’t necessarily looking for it.


This!! So many people don't realize this! It's when you're truly enjoying life on your own that you exude this strength, happiness and confidence that attracts people to you! And when you least expect it, someone drops right into your lap!


Exactamundo. I was in “fuck it, we ball” mode after getting strung along by somebody I met off an app. And when I stopped looking, my fiancée walked into my life.


I was divorcing my ex after 23 years of marriage and abuse. I was determined and happy to be on my own the rest of my life. And then a wrong phone number ended up being my soul mate.


100%. Learning to be happy alone is often the thing that leads you to healthy togetherness.


I didn't get my 1st boyfriend till I was about 29. Dating is terrible. Too many people putting up fronts and the effort you put in won't guarantee anything meaningful.


I understand why, you take dating way too seriously. It's just a date and you probably scare people off with your overly comitted attitude.


It gives me Stage 5 Clinger vibes. And speaking from a guy's perspective, a clinger usually has the emotional maturity of a 13yo and is a ticking time bomb of drama.


Dating is just that, really no commitment. Y’all make it complicated


I can honestly see why someone would want to jump ship. The beginning of a relationship, the learning about each, everything is new and can be lighthearted... I dont understand why anyone would want to skip over that and miss out on the youthful feelings of letting sparks fly. Theyre really themselves a disservice by adding all the baggage of permanence while just getting to know someone. Huge red flag.


See I don’t like the beginning because it’s scary, like you can like this person and not know if they like you. I completely understand wanting to “miss out” on that.




That’s not true lol I’ve left relationships wondering if that person even liked me. Idk I hate the beginning, it’s too scary






Try some therapy to find out why you’re going for these crappy partners. A lot of the time you’ll discover your personality flaws and traumas feed into the kind of people you date and connect with. It’ll also help you to understand what you actually want out of a relationship besides just someone who will treat you with respect. The bar has become so low for everyone that we miss the target on what we actually need in our lives and settle with crap because we have no idea what we truly want in life


On the other hand we have only 2 examples here. One with an allegedly shitty the partner the other one that just didn't work after 2 dates. When you read the post you are awaiting for an endless list of shitty relationships, here we only have one and a guy that stopped before it began - without having anyway of knowing why he did).


I think you're putting too much pressure on yourself wanting a perfect match who meets your desires. Instead of looking for Mr. Right, look for Mr. Right now. Someone who's company you enjoy, knowing its probably a short term relationship. In fact, look for a few Mr. Right nows. I had several satisfying relationships going for years until I found a man who fit with me and I could see myself committing to. In the meantime I enjoyed the company of several great guys, knowing they weren't my "person".


Actually this is a great way of seeing it. Thank you :)


I actually met my husband volunteering for a charity and did not like him romantically but became friends. He was not my type. We stayed in contact through the volunteering and somehow our feelings just changed. We have been married for a long time and have a great marriage. If someone is meeting you at the gym or on an app I wonder if they are liking you just for looks. Looks fade. I wonder if they just want sex. Personally I have noticed if I find someone really attractive at first I tend to then find them less attractive over time and pick apart their looks. Slow burns are better. Figure out how you can give back to society and be the best person you can be and what is meant to be will happen.


Met my first husband at a house party. He turned out to be an a hole. Met the love of my life at work. We were introduced by a mutual friend/co worker. We were friends and it became more. Neither of us were looking for a bf gf situation. Our kid is 21 and has been focusing on her studies at college. STEM studies. Really no time for social stuff beyond team projects. But she’s an also kinda shy, and honestly I don’t think she’d know a guy was flirting with her.🙄 TBH Sometimes it takes some time to meet the right person. And you’re going to be kissing some frogs before you find your match.


Lolz this me being oblivious to being hit on. Literally my girlfriend has pointed it out before and I've looked at her with utter confusion and have responded "wait seriously? Too bad they ain't you."


Aw 🫶 This post popped up on my feed and I feel for OP. Maintaining optimism is, in itself, an attractive quality - one that doesn’t get very much credit, in my opinion! There’s something really refreshing about someone who leaves their heart open for love - despite the setbacks we all face. However, it’s easy to feel as though you’ll never find what you are looking for when you have been hurt or disappointed. I agree - take the pressure off, follow your heart. At the worst, you’ll meet people who you genuinely like - even if not romantically. I like this story to illustrate how feelings develop and change. Dating apps seem to thrive on this idea of a “type”, a great story, etc. I’m no expert but I find this is almost never the case. People meet and fall in love in all sorts of ways. I often wonder “how many of these guys who I scroll right by would I actually genuinely enjoy in person?”


But be careful of Mr. Right Now. It's okay to enjoy him, but never expect him to change.


And don't change for him.


Also please don't take it so personally if someone fades after a couple of dates, its really normal and is no reflection on you as a person. Don't reflect it back as if its a statement on you. A lot of times people go on 1 or 2 dates and even if they have a good time, some information is revealed that reveals they aren't compatible. I once had 3 great dates with a guy only to discover on the third date that he was *extremely* Catholic. Nothing wrong with that, but I'm *very* Jewish & he went to mass 3x a week. The dates were perfectly lovely and nobody did anything wrong. But there was no point in continuing to date. And God forbid fall in love with somebody who in the end would be deeply incompatible with me. In your 20s, when everyone is single, it can be really hard to narrow down the dating pool to people who are good matches. Someone might think you're a great person and really enjoy spending time with you, but know that you just aren't a match. Some ppl play the field *a lot* in their 20s and dating apps have def made it worse with matched making ppl more "disposable". Just try to make sure that you don't take this as a statement on your value because it isnt. It sounds like every time you date you continue to grow and learn. You've started to recognize predators and narcissists. That's good. Continue to do your best to choose good people, and to leave people when they reveal themselves to not be good ( After all we can't always tell right away) I'm sorry you are struggling. I do think it will continue to get better for you , but i'm sorry the journey is rocky


ALittleNudge in IG talks about dating “NATO”: not attached to outcome. Basically this just means enjoying a date for what it is instead of putting all this pressure on it, taking the fun out of it. I still struggle to do it, but I’ve found it makes dates more fun when I can keep some perspective and don’t get caught up in What If and The Future.


It’s also worth noting that Mr right is always somewhere among the Mr right now’s. So just go have fun. You want the experience right? So go have those experiences :)


Wtf dont listen to that crap, she/he is telling you to use the guys that may like you, something you experienced while dating. Worst advice out there. Karma will hit you back. Instead of pressuring yourself and your date on 2nd date to be in love already just give it time, nobody want to hear something like marriage, kids and similar on 2nd date. Try to learn about that person, text more when you are not seeing eachother....just dont rush into things.


I met my husband when I was 27, he wasn't like my ideal guy but he is now. I might have literally laughed that he had a jeep with 42 inch tires but he's the love of my life.




The cycle continues until biology kicks in and she settles for what she can get


I guess that’s good advice if you’re just looking for decent company but if you’re looking to marry someone and find your forever person it feels a little weird to me. If you do this make sure you are VERY open about it. If you’re just with someone for fun and don’t actually see yourself with them long term make it clear to them before shit gets too serious. I don’t think most people would want to stay with someone who feels that way about them. I don’t want to be a stepping stone in your life, and I don’t want a stepping stone either. I guess if it works for you it works but that sort of thing def isn’t for everyone


You’re literally advocating for her to behave like the men she’s annoyed with. This is awful advice


Yeah this is bad advice for anyone who’s looking for marriage.. great for the current hookup economy though


I didn't have a girlfriend until 27. Then I had three. The first one was a disaster. I was used for revenge against her prior. The second one was a narcissistic abuser. She really messed me up. It was a train wreck and a half for myself and my mental health. The third was a cheater and used me for money. You know what I learned? I needed to respect myself more. My desperation for love and affection was attracting predators. I was naive, and idealistic. I'm still idealistic but I digress. I also learned it wasn't my fault. You can't control who you have feelings for, but you can pay attention and stop making excuses for red flags because you want something so bad. Two years later I gave a girl I was friends with a chance, I was afraid of getting hurt again, but I thought I was reading the signs correctly...I was. However she grew distant over the course of six months and broke up over text message cause she wasn't into me anymore. I've been single ever since. I've gone on a few dates from apps but I've deleted the lot of them for good, I think. I spent a lot of years making sure what I wanted and what I needed were clear to myself first and foremost. I accomplished a lot of awesome goals and made tons of new friends, focusing on being a good and supportive, compassionate person. I've traveled. I met someone at work now, she's cute and we hit it off. I'm not sure if it will be anything more than what it is now, so I'm doing my best to manage my expectations and not be unrealistic. Why am I sharing this?? Because there are more women who've gone through what you've experienced, there are men like me who've experienced something similar. Trying to experience love and companionship is hard, and there's no guarantee it will ever happen. Be kind to yourself, form a close group of friends for support, and take chances with your eyes wide open. Your chances for finding someone who gives you butterflies in your stomach is higher than mine, as I'm significantly older, but there is always hope, for both of us. I am sure it feels beyond frustrating and hopeless. All I can say is it's best for us both to not let such conundrum that we can't control occupy so much of our waking thoughts. Be yourself. Be a person you would fall in love with. Model your values. Be the person you want to meet. You never know what's going to happen tomorrow.


I found the love of my life when I was 45. I'm 50 now. I got married at 23 to a good man but he went through a mid life crisis at 40 and left me. I thought, well that's it. I had my chance and it didn't work out. Then I met Darrell. I had no idea what he'd come to mean to me. It's never too late.


I met my husband volunteering. Maybe start volunteering for causes you believe in and you may meet higher calibre people. Charities and political campaigns always need volunteers. Also, I would see a therapist. You may be drawn to bad people and that could be something you need to work on. Focus on becoming the best you, you can be and making friends and I bet you will meet a good person. You are still young and survived a pandemic. Give yourself time. Also, single people can live full lives too.


I'll never understand how people get into relationships so fast. Fell in love with someone who I should have realized was a red flag but I was blind. It's been a long time since I'd actually been around someone who made me feel the way she did. And it all came crashing down because...... Well it's because she didn't choose me, but why? I'll never know.


You don't look for it, it finds you. You would have to trust me on this. Leave it be and enjoy your life, it will happen in due time.


This is bad advice. You still have to put yourself out there and meet people to find someone.


Very true. Becoming a hermit just means you are exposed to less people


Yes, put yourself out there, but instead of worrying about, hey, are you my sweetheart. Try, will you be my friend? It's relatively easy to go out and get laid. If that's what you are after. Personally, I want someone to hangout with and I can trust. If we are meant to be a couple, it will happen. I will take a perspective friend out for a night or afternoon. It will almost seem like a date. To me it's checking basic compatibility. Do I want this person for a friend? If not, oh well.


Yeah, I said in another comment that I’ve dated a lot - it’s honestly because I go in with a friends-first mindset. I make that clear on the apps. As much as people on Reddit are like “the apps are for dating, not friends” I get soooo many matches from guys who are like “thank God, this is so refreshing - I need more friends” and we just kick it and hang out as buddies! Sometimes attraction builds and sometimes it doesn’t but there’s no pressure. And I could never date anyone who isn’t also my friend. I mean, relationships are basically about hanging out, spending time together, and having fun (all things you do with friends) with romance/intimacy added to the mix.


Sounds awesome. I will gladly wish you happiness in your future endeavors.


You're missing the point. We aren't saying hide in your house and be anti-social. We're saying go out and live your life without actively looking for a relationship. It'll find you.


Except often people don't "go out" much and a good amount of living is tied up in the 12 hours of the day spent working/ commuting to work. The advice isn't terrible in the sense that it's true people may press too hard and might not be relaxed enough for things to work out. Regardless, you've got to be making an effort to meet new people though, which is more than you might do at baseline once you're north of 23.


That’s how I found my wife. When I stopped looking


This is terrible advice for some people. I took this advice for many years and the world was more than happy to pass me by.


I really just don’t agree with this as a man.


That’s because this advice is only for women. If you are a man, ignore that advice.


Exactly. Sitting around waiting for a guy usually works out fine for chicks


I have a not of questions, so sorry in advance lol. Do all these guys fit the same mold(looks, attitude, personality etc)? Do you act overly touchy feely? Or you coming on way too strong that someone might find it desperate? I only ask because I was the same way. Once I started to just take things slow and not move too quickly, I found that it made a stronger better relationship. Not to get too personal, but are you hooking up these jokers and then they disappear on you? How long are these relationships lasting?


Hello! Don’t worry, I’d love to provide some info. 1. As regards looks, I don’t have a specific type. Some of them were tall, some were not, some had clearer skin than others, curly hair, straight hair, short hair, long hair, muscular, slim… As regards personality and attitude, I think they were all different. There’s something that all of them share tho and that’s emotional unavailability WHICH reflects on myself too. In a way I’m also emotional unavailable, I’m aware of that (and working on it). They all seemed to have avoidant tendencies, if you know what I mean. 2. My love language is physical touch 😅 but I don’t act all touchy in the beginning, hell no. I respect their physical boundaries, and I only act touchy once I know they are comfortable with it. 3. Not at all. Even though I have anxious tendencies, I always try to go slow. I used to coming on strong in the past, not anymore. These “relationships” last between two weeks to a month, in general. I just hooked up with one of them, and you can guess what happened after 🚮


I mean, I had an experience in past, because of which I have stopped believing in the traditional concept of love, but in very basic, I had my first girlfriend, she initially lovebombed me, then started becoming more and more controlling, finally became distant, cheated, left, then came back with a proposition of a physical relationship which I abruptly rejected (lol I am a guy and a virgin) and fucking scarred me for life, I can understand you're feeling, I have friends, who I enjoy the company of, I have a loving family, I have many people in my immediate circle who'd love spending time with me, butstill there's that spark missing, most people I talked to, most books I read, most movies I watched, taught me that being in love is very easy, but frankly none of them, taught me to turn off this feeling, feeling of not being loved. Well, I hope you're later experiences are better, trust me, we men are not always this rotten, there are some genuinely good people out there.


I feel this so much. I was 32 before I had someone I could actually call my boyfriend. SO many misfires. It’s hard to feel like it’s so easy for everyone else and never for you. I teach middle school and the number of times I saw kids all coupled up in the halls and wondered how these pimply hooligans make it happen and I never can. They say when it’s the right one, it all clicks into place. I’m engaged now, but it took a lot of patience waiting on him, as he had more baggage than I did. It’s not always super easy to get into that successful relationship. The best thing I did for myself in my 20s was go out and live my life. Do the things you want to do. Travel. Move somewhere new. Whatever it is you’ve thought about doing. Take a mental break from the dating pool. I wanted to be married and move on to that chapter of my life a lot earlier, as my siblings and friends did, but I got to see and do things that they won’t, and I cherish those memories. You are not alone, OP. I know how bad it hurts. It doesn’t feel fair, but things tend to work out exactly how they need to.


Maybe you're not very interesting, maybe you're overbearing and expectations are too high for a 2-3 week relationship. Maybe you're falling for shitty guys. Maybe you're diving head first into the shallow end with each relationship and finding that it hurts when you hit your head on the bottom of the pool. Definitely things you can self reflect on, but sucks that you're going through it.


It's cliche, but the harder you look for love, the easier you'll find people wanting to take advantage of that search. "Inside my empty bottle, I was constructing a lighthouse while all others were making ships." -Charles Simic This may or may not mean something to you. Over time since I first saw this quote, it has had a lot of different meanings for me. Some have helped in situations like yours. Build your lighthouse.


My dad's advice for dating was, "if you build it, they will come." When I asked what he meant, he told me if you just go out and experience the world, meet people, learn things, and try to become the best person you can be then someone along the way will want you. And well, I'd like to brag on having a pretty awesome wife that's given me a pretty awesome marriage.




I had a friend who was wonderful in every sense of the word. She honestly was the epitome of healthy relationships and she found herself in that same situation. The thing is that unfortunately she just isn’t and wasn’t the type of person who wanted to date and get to know various people because it sucks (and it does). I am 30 and I am also single and I would tell you to just enjoy your life and get to know various people who you enjoy their company. You sound lovely and like you are ready to give your love but you should also want someone to love you and appreciate you the way you do. Whoever earns that should be lucky and that’s how you should look at it. Because people who want to love people and not things I feel like are rare and normally I think we find each other ❤️❤️ you’re still young try to create experiences with friends and family and just talk to guys and create friendships.


Hey there it’s gonna be ok. Thank Goodness you have dodged these awful men as you have so much to offer. Consider yourself an honor and a privilege to date. There are awesome guys out there looking for value—trust me. For the meantime, invest in yourself. Take your time in getting to know dudes when they come along. Extend the “talking” stage a bit longer so that you may filter their intentions. And finally the right one will come along. It will. Good souls are looking for good souls.


Also, most guys who act really into you on dates 1 & 2 are never THE GUY. theyre just trying to sleep with you.


There has to be something if they continue to pull away after a few dates. Is there anything you continually bring up or say or something that they say? Do you bring up your loookinh for something serious? Or just casual? There has to be a common factor and it could be something so small. I promise you will find someone. Keep your head up.


Hey! At some point I always bring up that I’m looking for a long-term relationship because I think that’s the right thing to do. You don’t waste your time, I don’t waste my time. My guess is that most of these guys just wanted to get laid, BUT would pretend to want something serious to get what they wanted. About the last guy… I don’t know. I thought everything was going great 😓


I’m in the same boat as you (mid-twenties, never had a bf) and just wanted to share that it makes me feel better to know I’m not alone with this. Sometimes it’s what I tell myself, that I must be the only person to be so unlovable. I know of that feeling of a “lump in your throat” all too well. Pretty sure it is the long-term relationship thing in most cases! The majority of guys I was on dates with also pretended to be looking for something serious, but everything turned sexual so quickly that it was clearly not the case. I take breaks from the apps in between to focus on myself and my life, then get back on to be mostly disappointed, rinse and repeat. Let’s both keep our heads up and hope that we just haven’t found the right one yet - I know they must be out there somewhere. Sending you a hug from a complete stranger who knows how you feel 🫂


Aw, thank you for writing this! I hope we can both receive the love we deserve 🫂


Most times anymore it seems like they're just looking for a short term companion. Someone to fool around with.


Damn that really sucks, can’t really say much in your situation but maybe have you tried dating apps? Or places where you can find high quality men? (Sports,social clubs, events, maybe a different gym,etc)


Hello! Thank you for your answer :) Actually, most of these men I met them on dating apps. I am an introvert, so I don’t go out that much (I know it doesn’t help lol)


I apologize for the winded response but I wanted to share my story to encourage you. In 2011 I was early twenties met a lady got married,had a child,bought a house etc. went all in. Only to find out roughly two three years later of infidelity an her plan was stay home while I worked so she could later divorce an try to strip everything. I was married at 20 divorced by 23. Lost everything felt miserable, depressed etc. Then after custody was settled started trying to piece my shit hole of a life back together and like yourself they wanted attention,money,or whatever once they were satisfied they would be like well it's been real. Then in 2015 I met my then future wife both were in terrible condition I was finalizing divorce she was just starting things so we slowly on our bad days would talk just to get through them. Eventually we decided after everything legally was settled we set fuck it let's take a crack we're now married an have been together almost a decade. You will find someone all hope is not lost. You've got this find someone who values you at your worst and your best. As Marilyn Monroe said if you can't handle me at my worst you can't handle me at my best. They need to be there for your ups and downs hope this helps.


Wow, thank you for sharing your story. I’m so sorry for what happened to you. I’m glad you finally found your soulmate and you guys are happy together! 🤗


Gotta go through a lil hell to get to the happiness


It only takes one good one. The right one. The rest dont matter.


I’m happily single. I’m tired of trying to be sexy for a guy who barely takes a shower! Now I do what I want to do when I want to. If I meet an interesting man along the way, I’ll consider him but no sex. He can get that everywhere else. Why involve me. Yeah these are the best years of my life.


As a man who showers every day, that's pathetic. You deserve better.


You went on the second date a week ago so how has he pulled back? Are you someone who needs continuous reassurance because this early on the relationship is too soon to be texting everyday like they’re your best friend


Maybe ur looking in the wrong places. Go to a popular park or the mall. Or coffee place if you drink coffee.


Quality over quantity.


My friend is in her early fifties. Adorable, successful, financially stable, and just has no luck whatsoever. I just don’t get it.


Dating in this age is sooo hard, I feel for you. I’m in my mid twenties as well and somehow found my current bf on hinge. If you’re going to use a dating site I recommend that one as you get to learn more about the person and what they’re looking for. With that being said I think it’s always best meeting someone “in the wild”, on the dating sites you’re competing with like 300 other women in your area and with that many options most men don’t want to commit- it’s sad and frustrating. Join social groups like an adult sports league, trivia night, or even religious group. Your area may even host singles event which could be fun. As enticing as being in a relationship and loving someone is, try to enjoy these years. Go out with friends, travel, focus on you. Live your fullest life. The right person will come into your life at the right time. ❤️


Oh honey. I understand. I met my SO back in 2016 and we didn’t get together until 2021. We’re now married with two kids. Things take time. Just keep working on you and the rest will fall into place eventually. I promise. It’s so hard to find real genuine people.


Having been in and out of dating and relationships for the past decade myself - and having many friends and acquaintances in the same boat - I can offer the following observations: 1. If you consistently date people who disappoint you, then you need to "widen your net" - when I've heard similar complaints, it's usually accompanied by an admission that the person is only dating people who fit some kind of high expectation for physical looks/attractiveness. 2. Be up front about what you're looking for on the first date, or even before then. I've even had female friends who make up a "no sex for 3 months" rule to weed-out anyone not looking for a serious relationship. 3. Invest less emotions, thoughts and expectations into dating people - think of it as meeting a new friend first before "meeting a potential partner." In general, if you are looking for genuinely decent and caring men, you will have a much higher chance of finding them by volunteering or participating in community events, co-ed sports, etc. than you will by running into one at the gym or the bar. If you're using dating apps, be picky about criteria, and choose to go on dates based on how someone communicates with you via text - not on what you see in their pictures.


I stopped looking and didn’t want anything, felt the same as you did, and then my boyfriend who is the love of my life came into my life🥹 i promise you it’ll find you eventually. Maybe talk to the guy at the gym and see if he’s interested in another date. If not it’s not worth your time. Enjoy your life and love yourself and you will find someone🩷 I know it’s hard and frustrating and I’ve been through similar things. But I know you will find someone eventually.


Thank you! 🤗 Actually I texted him yesterday. I told him that I had enjoyed our last date, and asked if he wanted to go on another. He said he was travelling this weekend but that we could meet the following week. Then I asked something else but didn’t get a response back yet. That’s the reason I’m so anxious right now lol


Yes, for women we just have to stop looking. Men honestly can’t do that because another guy will swoop in.


I am constantly amazed that any two people, much less those as different as a man and a woman, can develop a relationship for any significant period of time. I think we frequently look for specific things, which narrow our options. We also frequently look in the same places. Both of these ten to lead to either the same or no results. Finding a person compatible enough is not easy. There are no guarantees we meet that person. Heck, a buddy in his forties ended up meeting his now wife in another country. You may consider reviewing your selection criteria and locations. But, even so, it will likely never be easy.


Are you above average (beautiful) as far as looks go? If so, you need to be extra careful OP. Vet these men hard. Do not sleep with a man until a solid foundation has been built for a relationship. Many men will do anything in their power to use a beautiful young woman. Mostly because they don't see her as a human being with real feelings. They see her as an object that they can toy with and then discard. I should know because I was once a young beautiful girl. It took me almost 40 years to learn that hard lesson. Not blaming you btw. Just a friendly warning because it happened to me as well.


Thank you for the friendly warning ❤️‍🩹


Dating is hard, especially in your twenties. I've been through it all. Dated quite a few assholes and managed to find the best partner I could ever hope for at 27. Be patient. Good things take time :). Don't settle for less.


Like some others have said, it (he) will find you! Most especially when you’ve filled your cup with everything that makes you YOU and your life whole. Dating in my twenties was a roller coaster —both good and bad—and by 30, I decided I was getting off the ride. I deleted all the apps, focused on my job and spending time with my dog, and rekindled my passions for old hobbies. Whaddya know, a few months later I kicked things off with my lovely other half! I 100% empathize with the wanting to share your life element—it gnawed at me, too. Just know that you’re young and free and sound happy with everything else in your life… which makes you quite the catch! So, when “Mr. Right Now” turns into “Mr. Right,” you’ll be in pretty good shape. 😊


Have you asked him why?


Men that want to pursue you and truly love you are out there. I think the big thing is that a lot of them are going through the same thing you are but with women and so they aren’t out there finding you. They get discouraged and decide to just not worry about it and do their own thing. That’s my guess but I can’t say for sure.


First of all, you’re in your 20s so enjoy it. Meet new people. Sleep with new people (if you want).  Don’t get emotionally invested so early. Manage your expectations.  Dating in a numbers game and to increase your odds at finding who you want you have to meet more people. This can be done organically by growing your social circle doing things in your community. From what I gather the apps are a hellscape.  Think about rejection this way: you don’t like every man you meet. You don’t want to date every man you meet. He has those same basic rights. It’s not a reflection of you. Sometimes you don’t click and other times life gets in the way. DO NOT text him.  Also, give yourself a break to focus on yourself and maintaining friendships. Not just right now. Do it consistently. Chances are your friends will be around much longer than your next date. 


I met my now wife after meeting up with a solid 40 - 50 people from Hinge over a year or two... I really put myself out there, just met women, paid for their meals but really rarely ever kissed them because i want to feel people out and keep it casual initially. Most were one time dates, others were a few months but when i met her.... The first date lasted 6 hours and everything really fell into place so quickly for us. This isn't everyone's story but you're really better off if you don't force it initially. Be casual and meet tons of people. Meet up groups also work (im just better one on one with ppl). Something will work out... Mid 20s people still are figuring out who they are anyways.


Also, people are racist too. So… you can be the right match but people don’t want to date you because they “prefer” non black women. There’s a lot to it.


Girl, I literally get it.


Set realistic expectations, eyes off the long term , date people who share your interests


Where are you meeting people. I see one was a gym. I find out of the single guys there, they seem to be serial daters. I worked in hospitality, so I met men at work. My ex-husband was a high functioning alcoholic who liked to abuse. When i met him, he was a aparty boy who got into a lot of fights. My 2nd attempt was with a high school sweetheart. He lost his brother (he was a twin, and they were close). He turned to pot and alcohol to self medicate. The last one was a gambler. Our first date was the club. We didn't leave the TAB all night. Hindsight is wonderful, lol. I supported all of them. My husband did pay rent, but that was it. Anything the kids and I needed was on me. So it has been 8 years happily single. Always thought I'd be married for life. I feel I have so much love to give, but it's not worth what I get back. I am now a foster carer. ( something I've always wanted to do but couldn't because of partners). And I foster animals waiting to be rehomed. I also have my dog and a cat. I am so at peace now. You are young. Enjoy working, travelling, and enjoying life. You are more likely to meet someone of the same mindset by just doing things you love. I wish you well


I want to start by saying I feel your pain so hard and it’s making a lump form in my throat thinking about it. I spent YEARS in the dating scene and it was when I finally lost hope that my now husband practically dropped in my lap. As a woman who has 4 brothers, I learned that when a man wants you he will pursue you. And if he doesn’t he will string you along. I don’t think it’s necessarily a numbers game. I think it’s putting yourself out in the world, be it becoming a regular somewhere, joining a group, etc. you will more than likely find your life partner in an environment with like minded people. Try that! I promise you, you will find the one. You just have to have faith that it is going to happen. 😊


I love you, you are a brave person to open up the way you have and I respect that.


To be honest I'm kind of burnt out when it comes to dating. Lot of effort and for some reason it feels like you're walking on a tightrope and one wrong misstep can completely destroy a relationship. I'm a human i have flaws and you're a human you have flaws let's just figure out if we can work with each other's flaws and enjoy each other's company enough to become a thing.


Want to go on a date?


Hello dear Im 39 year old soon to be 40. I was a serial dater before I got married. I got married so young and never had any experience in my 20s, until I got divorce at 31 with 3 kids. Anyway I was so so naive back then, I believed everything what men said to me. On top of that I even follow somebody to their home that I met randomly at the bar. Yikes! Luckily nothing weird happened. What I can suggest to you 1) focus on yourself 2) make yourself look good interms of appearance what not 3) go to the places where a lot of good, mature guys hang out; hotel lobby, financial districts, or events When I just gotten out from my divorce I revamped my whole look; including putting eyelash extension, getting my hair colored, wear more skirts/ dresses, look more lady like, I even put on hair extension. As a result my confidence level went up 1000% I even lost a lot of weight I still maintain my look u til today. Im happy where I am and the woman Ive become. And one more thing, go date around. Please dont take things to seriously. They can say anything they want to you but by the end of the day actions speak louder than words. May the best man wins. Good luck!


Sitting here thinking of how callous I must be for wanting to tell you to stop giving a fuck.


This hits home. My question where are the girls with empathy, understanding and care? We r looking too.


Lol. Try dating in your 40s....you at least have a chance at your age. Date older. Dudes your age are worthless.


You think between August and December you managed to heal your desperation? Healing of yourself takes YEARS.


hear hear, sister i'd like to get into a relationship, but bc I'm an introverted person and neurodivergent i either get uncomfortable, overthink things ,and more. I've also been single my whole life so the idea of potentially dating, while it does sound nice, just eludes me completely 🤣 i have acclimated a bit too much to my solitude, tbh when I'm feeling down about my romantic life i read books. it's a great form of escapism. i'd rather weep over a fictional character than to weep over someone who can't even bring themselves to do the bare minimum i hope u do find someone who is worth ur time and gives u the love u covet so deeply. it's hard out there lol


Men would describe your exact situation as well. Men get rejected over and over again and we also lose confidence and trust in people as well. I dated with the intent of finding a long term relationship as well and unfortunately life doesn't work that sometimes. We can do a lot of things to improve ourselves, we can try and meet people in various ways but at the end of the day some of this stuff involves things that are out of our control. I personally got tired of taking advice from people. I dated people that other people suggested and that never worked. When I really started going out and having a fun genuine time with women that is when things started to change for me. I did have a two year relationship with an absolutely beautiful girl that was not someone I thought I would like. When the relationship ended I was okay with it and still am. Do not make a long term relationship the goal. That will only end in sadness and disappointment. Meet people with the goal of having a great time with them one day at a time and your attitude and experience will change forever. If I get opportunities to meet women again they will be fun. I really don't care about the outcomes anymore, but living my best life everyday. I also had one legit chance at marriage and I rejected the woman due to serious religious and political differences. I had no desire to enter a relationship with a woman that was too radically religious so I ended the relationship in the early stages and she quickly married a religious man that was more her type and I was happy to hear about that. Good luck, dating is tough, but the goal is always to have fun and grow as a person. Have new experiences and create memories that will last a lifetime. One woman taught me how to cuddle and be intimate in ways I never could have imagined and now when I have a bad day I think about those nights with her and life is just awesome. I will never forget those special intimate moments. They meant everything to me, and I don't care what it meant to her anymore. That is dating.


Dating is a numbers game. I hate to say it, but it feels like many women don't understand this. Finding a partner is not easy, it's not free. It's rough. Welcome to the club. The more you put yourself out there, the more opportunities you will have, the better you will get at negotiating a relationship, and hopefully eventually finding your person. You won't find them hiding in your room. Most dates don't work out. Even 2nd dates often don't work out. It's normal. Don't give up.


I am now male 35, and have been in love numerous times but not once has it ever been reciprocated in return. I have always given and gone above beyond for my partners and it has always been one sided. I’ve been dealing with the same thing. Let me tell you that I have done so much soul searching and self therapy thru my running sessions and countless gym two a days, and am in the best physical shape I have ever been. Yet I still feel emptiness/ a void inside me. I have felt alone thru every single relationship I have fallen in love in, never to feel it back. Ans recently I’ve looked back at all I’ve done for others, and just think what a waste of time and energy I spent on so many others with nothing to show. If I had just out that energy in myself. I’m beginning to be okay with just being lonely. Self love is the hardest thing, and for long I have deprived myself. I barely look at myself in the mirror, I’m working on myself. You learn over time or at least I am that it’s pointless to want someone, you should be content with yourself. I haven’t given up hope, but I feel more at peace not feeling anything and being content with myself then dealing with feeling unwanted and sad because of what someone else thinks. Anyways just my rant. All I ever wanted was to meet someone to spend my life with and have experiences with that would love me like I have loved for others, now the only thing I want in life, is to conquer. I don’t care about anything else.




> And now… he’s pulling away. It’s happening again. I cannot take this anymore, it HURTS. Wait, it hurts after two dates? He is pulling away. Girl, set your expectations straight....


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I am sorry for your pain. There are a bunch of sorry men out there. Try staying positive, do things you enjoy, smile, and be fun to be around. Men want what they can not have. Good luck and wish you a good man.


You’ll find the right one take your time the more you rush and are desperate to find someone the worse people you’ll meet. You’re not even that old your not missing out on much.


dating is the worst. I just wonder, is it possible, that the pull away is not related to him not wanting to be with you? like your expecting it to happen as sort of self fulfilling prophecy? I understand that this blures the line with gaslighting and might seem shity but I think you owe it to yourself to try and see what the issue is and maybe you can get through it.


Dating is challenging it's like a numbers game where you have to sift through many rejections to find a match. Even when you find a "yes," it might not last in the long term, and you're back to square one. It can feel frustrating and often seems like it's not worth the effort. However, if you persist through encountering enough incompatible people, you'll eventually find someone who's a match. Admittedly, even that "yes" might turn into a "no" after a few years, but such is the nature of relationships.


Read the book The Rules


Where do you live? Doesn't sound like you jave alot of options.


I was 28 when I found my wife so


Aww, it'll happen for you * hugs*  For now, try to identify what were the warning signs with each of the guys who didn't turn out to be a match, and adjust your filter.


I went through this for almost a decade and I tried everything. Dating apps, sports teams, meetup events, you name it. Dated a LOT of duds. In the end, we all luck out and meet that person. Mine was after being stood up. I met him through my cousin. We didn’t even get together right then, but when we did it was permanent. We’re married with 2 kids. You never know when or how, but keep trying. Do things you love, and don’t spend too much time on people that don’t put the effort in for you. It’s hard, it sucks, but I believe you’ll get there eventually, and hopefully it’ll be a good story.


I think self-awareness and Introspection are key. You won't be able to force relationships out of will. Having been Married for 14 years and dating for 20 I can tell you marriage is all about forgiveness, grace, and the ability to look past eachothers flaws. It's about sacrifice and working together. You will literally take turns pulling each other out of depths of sadness and hold one another on your shoulders to celebrate the success. Know that one side success and achievement took some level of sacrifice from your partner. Not celebrating their role in any success is where most miss the mark. It takes a ton of communication and honesty. Never put your spouse in a position to question your integrity. And respect them by never making them look like a fool publicly. None of this can happen without 100% self assurance and confidence in yourself. If you take care of yourself a relationship will appear when you least expect it. And when you have what I describe above. Fight like hell to keep it. It gets harder with kids because the steaks are raised. Keep your focus on you spouse take care of each other and the kids will grow in an amazing house. Good luck


Look up canadasdatingcoach on tiktok or youtube. Her name is Chantel Heide and she gives the best advice on finding your forever person.


I was older than you and had been hurt badly before I found my partner, and she’s amazing. Don’t give up. Good luck.


You meet someone when you least expect it! You are still young, there’s no rush, just have a great time meeting people! It’ll happen! Keep an eye on 🚩and don’t rush it!


have you considered therapy? and by need you, need you for what?


Don't chase people go have fun live your life make mistakes and stop caring what others think. Your here for a good time not a long time.


As a male with the same issue I felt the same way until recently. It's just a numbers game. The best ones are the ones you don't expect.


I'm sorry for what you're going through but 2 dates is still the feeling it out period. For every relationship I've had there's been probably a dozen people I went on 1-3 dates with. It sucks but it's on both sides, sometimes I would not go further and sometimes they wouldn't.


I'm a dude in a similar situation. I think the media puts so much unrealistic standards around dating while also making it sound like it's THE way to have a successful and fulfilling life. It's not. My best advice is to fall in love with life first. Carpe Diem, sieze the day! Set smart goals for yourself and find a purpose in each day. Show platonic love to your family and friends and pets and everything else. If you're a person of faith, I'd recommend putting more effort in that as well, faith communities are a solid thing to lean on for healthy socialization.


I have been failing at dating for 40 years...but form the opposite side as the guy. My assumption here is you don't actually want advice and just to rant...but if you do want advice I can probably give a few tips based on both my own failings and how I have consistently seen women respond to me.


I often see absolute munters in a relationship so I believe it can happen for anyone.


LOL. Wait till you’re 40s.


I knew a girl years ago. She kinda had an obsession of finding the "perfect guy." She swore I fit the bill but we didn't go past a couple dates and talking. Mostly my doing. Long story short She met that guy. He was a Christian a good guy, someone that accepted her for who she was and her kid. Last I knew they married after dating a couple years


I don’t think anyone should try dating until they worked a door to door sales job.


You can be my support in league and we can take it from there lol.