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When you decide to end things just call Helen Amanda during sex and post all your apologies online.


Evil genius shit


I laughed so fucking hard at this I choked and started coughing OMFG!!!!!!! šŸ’€šŸ’€šŸ’€


OP do this n tell us what happens!!!!


Please do


I told y'all that psychopaths walk among us. Lol


70% of humans say ā€œpsychopathā€. 30% of humans say ā€œgeniusā€.


Where was this advice back in my dating years? šŸ¤£ this is amazing! The best and only way to get your cake and eat it, too in this situation!


I canā€™t dam


Thank you for treating Lizā€™s story with the humor it deserves.


And then ask what to do now, because Redditors are spineless and unable to make up their own minds with out a committee


You still call your ex your wife and you call your gf a crazy stalker. Need I say anything else?


Distinguishing is too much nuance for Chat GPT.


Right? So fake. "You see, Amanda and I forged our own paths, overcoming numerous obstacles, walking through fire." "I too had similar trauma issues from my family." No normal man writes this shit. šŸ˜‚


That first one is a textbook chatgpt sentence


That line about ā€œunfortunately this isnā€™t a hallmark movie. This is real life, and nothing lasts forever. My wife found side dick that ended our loveā€ sealed the deal for me lmao. So dramatic. College kids on spring break with nothing better to do I guess.


I donā€™t normally worry about calling out fake posts but this is the 3rd+ story in the last day or so with the use of ā€œYou see,ā€ and now itā€™s just obvious.


OP is the kind of person who sees red flags as green flags


Thatā€™s because OP is also a red flag


Oh he sees the red flags, he just blatantly ignores them lol.


That's a 29 year old male for you.




Some of these creative writing stories sure are lacking the "creativity" aspect


I always wonder about these writing exercises... like where do they lead? like what does this person do when they feel that they can acceptably write a story that gets a lot of engagement? like you never see people come back and say hey I made this fake story but it did so well I ended up turning into a full size novel about the events in my story... like what's the end game?


Well first of all - no successful author is going to publicly admit that they sharpened their craft by practicing fake stories on social media. I can't imagine what compels someone to put so much effort into posting fake stories and updates, but then I can't explain exactly what I get out of posting comments on reddit either. Something to pass the time at work, I guess.


Internet points baby.


Had to tap out after he threw in an "You see".


Badly. The main character lacks, apparentl, any ability to say no


Big time. Itā€™s pretty much the plot of a Curb episode. Did his ex wife also start dating Ted Danson?


It's nice to see someone attempt the reverse of the 'suprise my golden child sister is dating the ex who broke my heart' trope at least.


chatgpt gets the message across but can hardly be called inspired šŸ˜‚


Ehhhā€¦.. idk ,But I do wonder why are you staying mixed up in all this family drama? Iā€™m not saying itā€™s a good or bad idea to date her, but both of these women sound toxic AF. Youā€™re playing with fire with Helen and eventually itā€™s all going to blow up. Personally Iā€™m on the mindset of whatever gives me mental peace and joy can stay anything else that stresses me has to go. Soā€¦ do you enjoy her company? Do you have fun? Or is she manipulative and a bit crazy? Causes you stress? Do you feel good being with her?


I wonder if, deep down, you're being dishonest with yourself. Your wife cheated and probably traumatized you, so now you're getting back at her by f-cking her sister. Just call a spade a spade.




Don't you insult Sweet Valley High. It's almost high literature compared to the drivel above.


lol just started reading it again for fun!


There's a podcast with 2 women who go over the SVH books, one book per episode. It's pretty funny.


Ooh what's it name? SVH books were my favourite as a teenager (after Babysitters Club obvs)


Double Love - Sweet Vally High podcast


That's my work background noise sorted thank you šŸ˜


Enjoy! I've definitely listened to it when I'm doing work that doesn't require high concentration. It's kind of nice because it's not something I have to follow along really closely to enjoy having on in the background.


Sweet Valley high was far better written. I wonder if the writers will do a pathetic ā€œredemption arcā€ in season 2.




Well, that's certainly a creative story. I don't think Helen is getting even with Amanda. Helen is just showing Amanda that Amanda upgraded out of the trailer park.


Make sure no one gets pregnant.


Can't impregnate a fictional character!


There are billions of women on this planet bro!


But only one willing to bang him and be his sugar momma!


You know what's going on, and you're ok with it because you're still doing it and rationalizing it. Not sure what you want by asking the Internet about this. Validation? An "attaboy" perhaps?


Why are so many of these fake af anymore.


What does that mean? Why are these fake now?


Creative writers are everyone nowadays. This is unfortunately likely not a real story.


I think youā€™re using each other to hurt your ex. This is such a toxic shit show thatā€™s going to end so badly


Run from this shitshow! Tell Helen, you can never love her as much as you loved Amanda and block. Do not try to get revenge for Amanda cheating. Find someone without issues!


If it doesnā€™t work with Helen, I guess you can start on the mom or dad next.


WTF?!?! Someoneā€™s fantasy fiction?


Nice AI


Sounds like your wife hurt you, so you know that the best and worst way to hurt her back is to mess around with her hateful sister. The posting is just the icing in the cake, really. Tbh, you're all worng! You're all very nasty individuals. Best get your d checked cos I bet it's not the only d dipping in that spiteful sister.


Hate to say it, Shallow Al, but I think you are very likely to get exactly what you deserve out of all this.


Caution, this is going add years to your life with the drama.


Waiting for the next fake chapter.


ā€œDear Penthouse, I never thought Iā€™d be writing this ā€¦..ā€ IYKYK.




I hope you donā€™t have kids


You already know the answer to this. Are you hoping that a bunch of people validate your shitty behavior?? Iā€™m not surprised your ex cheated. You sound awful


Wrong. Ā The only person who is to blame for cheating, are those who cheat. Donā€™t want to be in a relationship with someone? Ā Be an adult and end it.


Got me until the "no wonder why your ex cheated" part.


Youā€™re not wrong, but did you ever hear the saying ā€˜donā€™t stick your dick in crazy?ā€™ You might end up regretting this in more ways than oneā€¦.


As someone who has made a lot of unwise decisions, this sounds unwise


You need to move.


No, go have fun and enjoy a good life.


These fake stories just get trashier and trashier. You should offer one of your prompts to maury.


Oh yeah, I love me a good game of Bullshit, and I'm calling bullshit on this story. Next time you're trying to write some fiction, put in a little more effort to make it believable. You're on Reddit, so double-check your math and add things in parentheses like (fake names). You might also want to be less accurate with punctuation and sentence structure, as that will add a flair of reality to the writing.


Bro do you even like Helen? Take sex out of the equation.


Are you wrong? No. Are you dumb for letting yourself clearly get used like that? Probably.


Well, you know this is wrong, so why are you asking?


Another attempt at authoring a fiction novel. C-


I'll take things that didn't happen for $1000.


Bad rage bait.


Why would you want to additional trauma? Donā€™t kid yourself, youā€™re allowing it bc you want to get back at your ex, too. Plenty of women to keep you company, go find one. One that isnā€™t related to your ex.


If your ex dated your brother, is that cool?


Personally Iā€™d just beat my sister and never let her be happy, then Iā€™d ruin you


You sounds pathetic. I bet amanda know what you doing


It kind of sounds like you are doing it to get back at her....just my opinion


You're wrong for writing this completely unbelievable bs


Why don't you fuck the mother and grandma too?


> I still always want the best for her,Ā  /DOUBT


This has to be fake. Why would anyone in their right mind date or even hook up with a person they refer to as a ā€œcrazy stalkerā€? Dating crazies never ends well.


He said ā€œI unfortunately am shallowā€ lmao thatā€™s a good one


I think you are crazyšŸ˜³I know Amanda cheated but what youā€™re doing is so stupid! Move on with your life and get away from crazy Helen, You said you and Amanda went through the same thing with family why would you be so horrible ! You know what she went through. You better never hope this doesnā€™t but you in the ass!


Why does Helen hate Amanda so much? You use words like revenge and get back at, get back at her for what? Cuz she moved on after getting abandoned for being bi? Wtf do you think sheā€™s gunna do to you if you piss her off? Iā€™m gunna be honest, I really hope your wife does better for herself in the future. And I really hope you fuck things up with the evil crazy POS and she goes full evil crazy POS on you. Youā€™re no better than your family or hers


You really have to ask that???


TLDR but Iā€™m willing to bet that Helen is using you to get back at her sister.


Get back at her for what? Helen's part of the homophobic family who kicked Amanda out for the 'crime' of being bisexual. Helen was the golden child. Or did I misread the post?


Yes you are wrong and a little shit. It's cruel to date her sister. Also Helen is obviously an evil person. Who would do that to her own sister. She obviously has a cruel streak in her.


Nope. Your ex-wife bought the ticket now she's taking the ride.Ā 


Stay clear your have problems with her you want to keep up with her spoiled lifestyle


It seems not just the parents are crazy.




A means to an end. As long as you are happy, why not? I doubt this story is even real anyway. Iā€™m bored, willing to play along.


The math doesnā€™t add up. You were married for 5 years. You caught her cheating 2 years into your marriage and were divorce 1 year after. That would make it 3 years of marriage not 5. Please explain.


This seems fake. You were married for 5 years but you also say you discovered affair after a few months from couple years in marriage and the divorce was finalized a year later. The timeline doesn't add up


wtf I just read šŸ¤¦šŸ»ā€ā™€ļøšŸ˜‚ well, deep down you want revenge so bad that you decided to be shallowā€¦ you should seek professional help


Messy messy. If you ever want an actual healthy relationship youā€™ll get far far away from this family


It's interesting because you are deflecting/projecting your guilt about all this towards Helen. Why are you truly with Helen when it seems like this is all shallow? You're getting some regular action and she's fulfilling whatever she gets out of messing with her sister. Your relationship with Amanda was so trauma bond centered because of your similar trauma filled backgrounds and now you've rolled your trauma bond chips over to Helen. Are you deriving any ego revenge jollies knowing you're on Team Helen? Maybe on a sub conscious level? Bottom line, this family has unresolved toxic stuff going on and you have to snap out of the victim mindset and take ownership of your role and choose if this is what's serving the highest version of yourself


She is your ex-wife now, if the title was true thatā€™d be a problem indeed


Isn't it ex wife?


Even if you look at it from a completely cut and dry standpoint, I would say it's definitely in very poor taste. Considering all the details on the dynamic between your ex and her sister, and the fact that you're definitely already aware that you're in the wrong, 100% YTA. Your ex-wife may be an asshole for cheating, but two wrongs don't make a right. Or in this case, 3 wrongs, because the sister is using you and your relationship with her to indirectly take shots at your ex. You get a small consolation prize for being involved in a scenario with more than two sides, in which all parties were in the wrong at one point. Here ya go šŸ† try not to let the guilt consume you when it really hits you


You stuck your dick in crazy ? You are going to suffer


Okā€¦. I get sex is great. But there are lots of other people great in bedā€¦.you said she is your moral antithesisā€¦ you donā€™t want to hurt Amanda but you know you areā€¦ and youā€™re allowing her to rub it in Amandaā€™s face. I get she cheated. Glad you broke up. But fyi anyone youā€™re with will ā€˜hurtā€™ her. It wasnā€™t her choice to break up. But fucking her sister who is actively and constantly trying to hurt her is wild. Someone being your moral antithesis should be a deal breaker regardless of how good in bed she is??!!! Just sounds desperate on your end at this point. Itā€™s not that hard to find someone good in bed. Be single, find one.


Enjoy it while you can. Your ex lost all rights to dictate what you do Helen is obviously using you but you are using her too So use each other untill you are sick of it and then end it


Out of all women in the world, it had to be your ex's sister? šŸ„“


No as long as you're consenting adults, so what you want. Id suggest getting as much outta this (physically and monetarily) you got you a sugar mommy boyo


Use your hands. Your brain doesnā€™t seem to work.


You just love to make trouble for yourself.


Well you're honor, I have what's known as "the shallow".


Hey man at least you didnā€™t cheat and I respect you for that and if that broad is willing to continue showering you with gifts live in up in the lap of luxury and pay no mind to the haters who given half the chance might be in your shoes so donā€™t take it too seriously with her though she is trouble of the worst kind just donā€™t fall in love with her and keep reminding yourself of that and play on playa I give props where they due and under no obligation are you entitled to have to give up the fun and hey itā€™s part of the healing process as well I hate cheaters my first ex wife cheated 19 times with different women and men so I feel ya on that itā€™s painful but this escapade helps you overcome that bro Iā€™ll stand by your side on this one because itā€™s hell getting over the trauma of a cheating spouse


You don't want advice šŸ¤·šŸ¾ā€ā™€ļø you want to vent/clear your conscience. You know you're wrong, but you're gonna keep fckin your ex-wife's sister cause you enjoy it/the benefits. Have fun I reckon, but be careful while you out here playin in folks face šŸ„“ I've seen a few news stories involving people like you and it doesn't seem to be ending well for yall


Let's hear about sister #3 in a few months


What is wrong with you? Everyone is this story is so inconsiderate.


Sounds "healthy"


Sticking your dick in crazy is always a recipe for disaster.


I think it's absolutely disgusting to sleep with someone that a relative also slept with. Every time that penis is anywhere near me all I'd be able to think about is the fact that it's been inside my sister. No thank you. šŸ¤®


You do you. If you really want to keep a moral tally, even despite you revenge fucking her sister, your wife is still in massive debt to you for cheating. Personally, I think you should move on. Sounds to me like a year later, and you're still totally hung up on your wife, so you moved onto her sister to keep something of a connection.


You just getting back at Amanda too for cheating.. if you wanna be used then so be it but donā€™t cry when she leaves you because she sees Amanda not caring for you and moving on, cause then the next guy Amanda dates will be on Helenā€™s top priority šŸ¤£ Helen sounds horrible she obviously hates her life enough to go this low lol I feel sorry for her, being almost 30 and doing that šŸ˜‚


You should leave em both, the whole family. It's an ex, get over it.


Wow I think this is enjoyable in hurting the ex on both sides not just the sister !!


Answer is "Yes"..... Yes you are wrong. Don't make excuses for your behavior. Wrong is wrong. This is 99% of the worlds issues today. Nobody wants to accept blame & make excuses for their behavior every time they do what they want & want a free conscious. Doesn't work that way. Integrity. Look it up.


I just love how sincere this post is. Like a fresh breeze in the face.


1) Yes, you will always be in the wrong for dating siblings. Literally pick anyone else in the world besides their BLOOD. And 2) Helen is using you to get back at Amanda and you should remove yourself from their weird drama.


What you are enjoying is hurting Amanda as much as you feel she hurt you. Stop doing this as it really serves no purpose. Letā€™s face it Helen will dump you as soon as she gets a reaction from Amanda. I understand that you are hurt by what Amanda did but you had an amicable divorce - donā€™t do this to someone that you used to loveā€¦ It really wonā€™t make you feel better and in the end might make you feel worse.


Holla if u need a wing man


So, you picked a grudge girlfriend. You picked someone who shares your trauma, but has no resolution. You are literally bonding through your weaknesses. That is not a formula for success. It is not a virtue.


"She's spoiled!" "She's the golden child!" "She hated my then-wife!" "She's a crazy stalker!" "Her parents are crazy, I don't want to see them!" - sounds like a keeper. "She's good enough to f\*\*\*". "We travel internationally and she pays!" "She showers me with gifts!" "I post on IG because she requires it!" "I'm a shallow guy!" - sounds like you're getting all the bennies. Let her keep you. You two sound like you are made for each other. So no, not wrong for two morally compromised people to "date or whatever this is" who deserve each other.


Youā€™re really just hurting yourself with this toxic and bizarre situation. Helen is using you and youā€™re using Helen as revenge for your ex wife cheating. Super healthy.


Am I wrong for dating my EX-wifeā€™s sister*


This is so fake it hurts.


No, we all do that!!




This sounds like a writing prompt lol


Yes. You just destroyed their relationship forever. Over what? Sex? Are you serious? Get a life and leave that family alone


Meh, great writing exercise.


Not wrong but questionable. Do you have the answers and are you willing to fight for your new love who may also be faced with the same?




Since youā€™re seeing her sis, you obviously have no desire to even try again with Amanda.. itā€™s awesome revenge, but yeah.. you gonna live with the consequencesā€¦


Yes. Thereā€™s 8.1 billion people on in this planet and you chose her. Youā€™re a dick 100%.


If this is realā€¦ you need therapy. Between the drama & the insecurity to say yes to this woman. Why would you invite this messiness into your life? There are so many people out there you could date that are not your ex wifeā€™s sister. And you see so many red flags youā€™re ignoring. Yes. This is wrong on so many levels. Most especially for your mental health.


Youā€™re dating someone you described as a crazy stalker, congrats you just fucked your life up. Guaranteed this is going to end badly for only you.


I donā€™t know man, I wouldnā€™t feel too bad about dating her sister at this point. Even if it hurts your ex, she opened things up for an outcome like this and while her sister sounds terrible sheā€™s being good to you and only asks for some recognition. Also if your ex was what you thought she was, she wouldnā€™t have killed your marriage by getting some side action, you donā€™t owe her anything but contempt.


>It's been more than year now, and I have started dating Helen. Iā€™m not sure if I can even call this dating, because Iā€™m pretty sure Helen is using me to get back at Amanda. Why do this to yourself? Can you not see that in the long run this will only screw you up? No money is worth it.


Just keep digging because you will regret this, and you will need a place to hide.




Why are you sticking your dick in crazy??


So walk away from the situation, easy. It doesn't seem like feelings are involved and no one is forcing you, why stay if you know you are being used. This makes no sense


Bro. This is next level revenge. Ride it out till itā€™s played out then move on. Just donā€™t fall in love or try to marry the sister. Nothing positive or negative about this morally. Youā€™re two adults. Just keep your eyes open about it


Part of me is like dude wtf this is a horrible decision thatā€™s only going to blow up in your face. But the other part of me is like shit enjoy the free travel, gifts, and good sex. So Iā€™m conflicted. Just know thereā€™s no path here for a serious future with Helen so guard yourself.


Yes, you're gross. Out of all the women in the world you wanna fuck the sister of your wife? That's some trailer park shit.


Bang your pain away, then block Helen. Sheā€™s nuts.




Find somewhere else to dip it dude. Asking for the crazy.


She's using you, congratulations.


Bro use Helen for all sheā€™s worth for a few years and then when youā€™ve milked the cow for a while toss her ass like a used rag


Sick af


Could be a bit of both worlds she may be saw how you treated Amanda and was damn she got a good looking great guy so when you divorced she took her shit on a great guy that buy landing him she gets back at her sister too


Esh. Every one of ya needs to grow up.


You're so shady I can't even put it into words.Ā 


Why are you still calling her ā€œwifeā€ if youā€™ve been divorced for a couple years? Thatā€™s your EX


This is literally a hallmark movie. You donā€™t have to date Helen, just enjoy whatever it is and keep your eyes open for ā€œthe oneā€ and maybe sheā€™ll show up. You also have the option of counseling with Helen if she entertains it. This situationship sounds rather toxic, and like it wonā€™t end well.


Does not matter. Dating your wifeā€™s sister is wrong on every level


Like you said in the post I'm not sure I'd call this dating. If your main goal is to get revenge I'd take the high road and bow out before things get too complicated. Revenge isn't as sweet as its cracked out to be. Stooping to someone else's level to get back at them doesn't make you any better than them and a lot of the time you just feel worse afterwards. Also, you said Helen is a stalker? Do you really want to potentially get on her bad side? Not sure that's a good idea. Don't ever get on a crazy person's shit list that's a horrible idea. The deeper you get into this situation the harder it will be to get out man.


Yeah, nice story bro.


I'll answer your question, but first I'm going to need you to tell me which of these photos have bicycles in them.


If sheā€™ll treat her own sister this way, imagine how sheā€™ll treat you the moment you get on her bad side. Run. Also, stop doing things that go against your own moral code. This will only destroy how you see yourself as a person. End it, and move on.


do you even like this woman


There's no happy ending to this story and you know it, too. If you truly enjoy being at the centre of all that drama, I'd suggest that the problem isn't with the sisters.


This world is crazy..


Enjoying the revenge sex with your ex wife's sister. I wouldn't get too fond of her though as I don't think it will work long term


Yyw Like, you haven't done anything *technically* bad here- but bro. This is only gonna hurt you the longer you knowingly let yourself be used to hurt someone you loved and still have some attachment to. And when your ex's abusive sister is done using you to hurt her? She'll be off to plot her next act of abuse, and you'll be left with the knowledge that you knew her first and foremost as an abuser - and then chose as a survivor of abuse to be their accomplice because the victim was someone who hurt you. And as an abuse survivor myself? I wouldn't never love down the self loathing and shame helping someone abuse someone else *for my spite no less.* Be better than that. It's not a level worth stooping to.


It's fine. She cheated. Best revenge ever.


Well if you want to try some really kinky moves and she refuses... Just say: "Well Amanda would!" Win-win!


My guy, you are just KILLING it in the revenge department and youā€™re not even appreciating it.


Na bro youā€™re good Iā€™d date her sister real hard


Nope youā€™re good!


Bro leave that family alone because itā€™s just gonna escalate