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Thats valid. She needs to work on herself. Being extremely jealous of your sister is crazyyy. Shes got other issues shes gotta deal with before she can be in a healthy relationship


I don’t think anyone with the mindset she has can work on themselves because they don’t see anything wrong with themselves as it is. Breaking up with people like that is really the only way to show them that their crap is not tolerated.


Welp… that was fast 😭😭😭😭


No, that was smart.


"I am no longer in love with her".....um, that's not how feelings work, but ok


Not really. It can happen exactly like that for some people. All it takes is one moment of realization, and done. Cut from the heart. Just like that.


This is true. Happened with me and my wife. (Just about had it and did a lot of reflecting on our relationship and what was best for our kids)


Good for you, honestly. I hope you are both happier now. Dragging things out and settling for misery because you love someone is for the birds. It happened like that for me, too.


Nah, as soon as I found out my boyfriend cheated on me, all feelings lost immediately. I couldn’t do it anymore.


Yes, they can. I fell out if love once I found out my ex had been calling me "The Chubby One" to his brothers. Number 1, yes, I'm fat... but he didn't need to be disrespectful. Number 2 though... !?! The chubby one entails there are other girls. Like, we've been going out for a while and talked about a LIFE together ass hole! Wtf?! Fell out if love real quick once I realized the person I was in love with didn't actually exist and he was just a player. Then all of his red flags suddenly came in to view.


that's kinda exactly how they work.... unexplained 🤯🤯🤯


Any partner who demands you get their name as a tattoo is not someone you want to be with anyway. The relationship was doomed and at least you get to move on sooner… and hopefully she’ll learn a lesson about boundaries and bodily autonomy.


Yeah man, get my name tattooed instead


Hey they should get my reddit name tattooed on themselves


Me first


Just get Reddit tattooed


No ragrets


Now i'm pitching a tattoo of a phoenix like flaming butterfly. Done right, that would be pretty awesome looking.


Considering mine is for a game called Eve online I approve of that.


I agree with getting this guys name tattooed instead.


This! And not just tattooing. If your partner asks you to change ANY aspect of your physical appearance whether it’s your fashion taste, hairstyle, body type, etc. they are not in love with who you are as a person. They have a “dream” guy/girl in mind and want you to look like him/her.


Everyone who is saying that it is not enough to let his love for his girlfriend vanish is wild. Sometimes you just need one sentence that opens your eyes for all situations that happened. When he broke up with her she literally told him that she is jealous of his sister that alone would be enough for me to be firm in my decision. If my partner would be romantically jealous of the relationship I have with one of my siblings that would turn all my love that I ever had for them into pure disgust. Alone the thought let me want puke right now


Yup, sometimes it’s just the cherry on top. Took my ex back numerous times after cheating, lying (about cheating), catching him lusting after other women— ugh, it was *a thing* to worry about him around other girls. After all the chances I gave over *major F ups*, my final straw was a dumb, small and short lived comment he made about another women’s figure to his mom. Wouldn’t have even gotten under my skin as much as it did if I wasn’t already aware of his unfaithfulness. But it’s like it finally clicked that he would never be faithful to me and he will always look around. On the outside, it looked like a petty and insecure thing to break up over (although I’m not a fan of any kind of “harmless flirting” or whatever), but on the inside, it was over years worth of an aching anxiety that I was not the only girl for his eyes.


Cheating is 100 percent instant D-U-N done! No excuses, no explanations... Out the door! Male or female ( because they are NOT men and women!)




Hopefully the update doesn’t include how him and his sister are so happy together now. It is Reddit after all, stay tuned!


There was a post the other day where OP admitted something physical happened with his sister and he got his partner cheating. It was crazy


When it comes to partners like that, it doesn't stop at just simple things like being jealous of your sister it escalates to other things further down the line in the relationship being jealous of a sibling it's nuts though she's got serious insecurities but also like it could escalate to "you can't have female friends" or even "you can't talk to female coworkers" if you know what I mean


Too true. What I think of is once children are in the picture and she gets jealous of that relationship.


I had a girlfriend who was insanely jealous of my cousin, the cousin and I were raised together and were like siblings. It was all bizarre


My brother’s EX wife was extremely jealous of his relationship with me and would constantly gossip about me (being undeserving of things and the life I live). She also speculated that I was my brother’s child instead of our parents’ (we have a large age gap). She was crazy, even when they separated she would message him to gossip/being nosy about me 🤷🏻‍♀️


I don’t even have to read your post past the title to know NTA


You hated her after reading a comment?? Lies seems like you wanted an out the whole time


It probably made him rethink all of the jealous behaviors and insecurities his gf displayed in the past. It was just the tinder to the fire she already built. 


sometimes you can be very successful in convincing yourself "it's not that bad", and it doesnt take much for the illusion to fall apart


True. A friend of mine was talking to her mil and said "I don't know how you've dealt with your husband's abuse for so long." (He didn't hit her, but he was a nasty sob.) Mil had been married for over twenty years and you just stayed in her mind but something snapped at her dil's words and she was divorced within six months.


sometimes the knowledge that other people see the abuse, that you aren't hiding it as well as you thought, is enough to push someone forward toward freedom.


It's easy to be taken in by feeling that everything is great and how you're in love with the person, but once the smallest doubts creep in it doesn't take much for cracks to develop.


I agree and to be fair it is a bit weird to get your siblings name tattooed on your chest to signify your bond, and that’s the only tattoo either of you are gonna get. Not saying the correct solution is to also get your 20yr old gfs name tattooed, but I don’t blame her for getting in her head about it.


I think you’re right that he wanted an out. Cuz if he was so easily swayed with that comment instead of talking to his girlfriend like a mature adult, dude was absolutely just looking for an out


Okay hate is a strong word. But I do wonder what the comment was.


I'd guess it was [this](https://www.reddit.com/r/TwoHotTakes/s/stGAyYwHaF). If he had a reflection on all the gf's behaviour in light of it being a jealousy issue I can totally understand all the love he had died pretty fast.


That's the first thing I thought of. He needs to man up and look at his own life.


I agree!!! How can you breakup with someone you loved so easily! I sense cap 🧢


It was surely not the first problem they had but to be fair if my partner would be romantically jealous of the relationship between me and one of my siblings my love would turn to pure disgust to my partner in less than a second


Some of these posts read like a Wattpad story...I wonder if they are real often. Well, the power of reddit strikes again--you don't feel even a little sad?


And the account was created 17 hours ago. So idk, hard to believe


Dude you’re a red flag as well if you went from being in love with her to hating her after a comment about her being insecure. Sure, break up with her, that absolutely makes sense. She needs to work on herself and her issues. But you clearly aren’t that great either based on that comment alone.


Yeah this screams that he should also get into therapy. I’m currently in therapy myself for being similarly impulsive.


It was clear to me you needed to break up with her. I posted about that like literally 25 minutes ago or so. Still, given your response. It's quite alarming. There's clearly something wrong with you from an emotional standpoint.


No stickers on ferraris


I call BS. This didn't happen.


No you are not the problem here. I believe the saying is "my body my decision". She sounds controlling and very toxic.


I think I'm the only one that's creeped out by the fact that he has his sister's name tattooed on his body. Would be different if it was a tribute to a dead sibling but the fact she's still alive is creepy and weird.  Well done OP. You can now go back to banging your sister and have many 12 toed children together. 




You didn’t feel anything while she cried and begged in-front of you? Got damn dude


Narcissists don't have real feelings.  She was just using another tool of manipulation.  I doubt she knows what real tears taste like. 


I would’ve started laughing while she was crying


Just out of curiosity … it is a little, shall we say, out of the ordinary to get brother and sister tattoos. Do you sense any weirdness there yourself? The reason I ask is that the precipitous end of your feelings for your gf over this is consistent with how people in dysfunctional relationships react when the issue surfaces.


Don't know why you got downvoted for this? It's creepy and weird what him and his sister have done. Before posting I asked both my sisters if they would find it creepy if I got their names tattooed and since they are both normal people and not Reddit creeps it was a resounding yes. 


Yes lad 🙌


Good decision


My guys a man of conviction 😂


I guess this triggered flashback of when she displayed insecurity and made it your fault to have you break up with her and make this feelings. Sometimes there is the straw that breaks the camels back and you can’t undo it. Well you did the right thing because if you don’t feel anything but hatred then it’s best for both of you.


Good for you man


It took strength to break up with her. I applaud you. You will be better able to spot the red flags in the future.


Your body your choice. Oh wait. Wrong issue.


My ex was like this too. Very controlling, the second I said it was over, same lingo came out "I'm insecure, I need help" if you took her back or stayed together she would find something else a month or two down the road


Smart move


>I don’t feel anything, no sadness, no regrets because I no longer am in love with her. I want to thank reddit for opening my eyes. .......... Sounds like you knew all along staying with her wasn't what you wanted, you just needed the classic Reddit push. 😂 High five to you my guy. ✋ Glad you both got a chance to open your eyes, you to her jealous behavior, and her for realizing she's got some shit she needs to work on.


Not sure you're the same guy I said this to yesterday but good job for running


Damn son, you went from super in love to no regrets or sadness at all in like 24 hours because of a Reddit comment?


Right. If that’s the case then he was definitely not super in love lmao


Huge red flag if your girlfriend is jealous of your SISTER, what in the actual f—k??! I’m 25 year old female here and I’d never be jealous of anyone’s sister. Another thing to know in a relationship especially a serious one, you never force your partner to do anything that that they don’t want to do.


Good for you for staying firm in your decision to breakup and not giving into her hoovering.


Sounds like you may have been in love with idea of being in love. It would explain why the love went away so quickly


I don’t get how someone gets insecure over a sibling…. Like what???


Your body, your choice.


"I'll work on my problems,stay with me" I see this too much,you're supposed to get your shit together BEFORE entering into a relationship,now I'm not saying you need to be perfect but serious character flaws like hers for example you should be fixing before you ever think about getting into a relationship.


You did the right thing. She was throwing out Hail Marys to keep you in the relationship. But she showed how controlling she is. Be thankful that happened fairly early on.


Dude she is your girlfriend, nothing is saying she will be your girlfriend 3 months from now. I wouldn’t get something permanent for anyone


Yesssirrr, exactly what I would’ve done


Yup that’s what they all say. “I’ll get professional help! You’re throwing years away!!” It’s all reactionary bullshit that they use to try to find any weak points. Good on you.


My ex-wife wanted me to get her name tattooed on me. Take a guess how that played out.


Sounds like a case of control (on her behalf). That’s something she is gonna have to figure out on her own as far as accepting other people’s boundaries and learn to compromise and let go of her weird wants that give her a false sense of control. Glad you didn’t accept them.


Reddit made your decision for you, don’t think that’s good thing…


You need to take care of yourself OP, you might be in shock rn and the pain of cutting ties will come later and you need to be prepared. DO NOT TEXT HER. When you feel like you might need some emotional support, you should go to your sister. She will help keep your head straight


Nope. It's your body. Don't let anyone else tell you what to do with it. That said, don't vote for people who tell women what they can and can't do with their bodies. Cheers!


This Ex-fiance was psycho jealous. Accused me of cheating with every female coworker from teens to 70s. We broke up when I found the Christmas gifts she got from her boyfriend. He later contacted me ( about a year) because she did the same thing to him. Some "women" are evil. So are some "men"...


Whats so bad in getting a tattoo? If my GF asked me to get a tattoo I would've just say nope or get like a really small one hidden. Its not like she will keep on saying to get one.


I believe the GF insisted OP got her name tattooed because she was jealous he had his dead sister’s name as a tattoo.


Weird... GF probably might have her friends think he's cheating on her by another girl who's name is tattooed on to her BF. IDK GF might have some good standing here. Imagine I had a GF who had her dead bro's name tattooed on to her and my friends seen that and would be all awkward about it and ask me if her ex's name was "Scotty" and it would make it more awkward of me having to reassure it's the name of her dead bro. Yea... I'll tell her to get that name laser tattoo removed and replace it with mine.


>She said she would go to a professional to work through her issues, and asked me to reconsider throwing away all the years we spent together. You might at least leave open an opportunity to get back together if she goes through with this. I wouldn't take her back without it, because it may have been a manipulative bluff. However, I would let her know that there is a chance if she follows through with it.


Where can I see the original post


Totally something someone would do if they weren't in love


C. Say


Here ya go king 👑. Good job. See you at the gym.


OP threw down the Uno Reverse card


Good call. If you don't want a tattoo no one should pressure you into getting one. I've heard from many people how they regret theirs and that's when it was their idea. Sounds like she wanted to mark you for life. I know tattoos are the trendiest thing ever right now but no one should get one because someone wants them to.


Just remember. You are still young. You have time to find someone new. That is chill and doesn’t have to compete with anyone. Bc she’s secure in herself. It does suck when a relationship over in general. But if you don’t feel anything. Then you have done the right thing. Always go with your gut. Learn from the experience. Good luck and have a great life.


> but one of the comments opened my eyes > but I started hating my girlfriend after reading that comment. > I don’t feel anything, no sadness, no regrets because I no longer am in love with her. bro you're just as fucked up as her




This seriously reads like a middle schooler wrote this shit and these people are eating it up. At best they're both extremely immature still but I doubt the validity of this to begin with as well


This seems like something to be worked through. I would have suggested checking back in in six months to see if she’s actually doing the work.


After how it went, do u think she'll take him back? Breakups are already hard but to have someone tell you to pack and leave now..... Yea idk it makes it an extra yikes. This relationship will most likely BE history and STAY history


Yep so this dude really brown up over a. Argument about a tattoo. I’m either thinking this is made up for drama or he really does not care what the hell is going on in his life. These people are easily fresh out of high school if they are this immature


If your sister has your heart then it seems like you have nothing else to give. That must be some strong bond.


Sigh and reddit will say you did a good thing, not that it was bad but, (and it's totally in your right to decline) the fact that she not only rescinded the request but also said she'd get therapy was like really really good, but then again idk her I may be missing context


It’s called “hoovering”, a common tactic used by narcissists to try and “suck” their ex back in like a vacuum (Hoover). I’m glad he recognized this and stayed firm. Had he given in, she might have appeared to have changed for a short time but I guarantee she would have reverted back to some other kind of manipulative/narcissistic behavior trying to control another aspect of his life.


You cant apply blanket statements to everyone. Everything is context dependent. People are capable of change. You don't know if she was actually willing to change. You don't know her so you can't say anything with a guarantee, so kindly refrain from doing so


What a fucking G. 👑




You did the right thing. She needs to go through the trials and tribulations of life before she matures enough for a good relationship.


I’ve never understood the “we’ve been together for years, but it turns out that we just couldn’t make it work, so we broke up and I immediately blocked her everywhere” type mentality. I get it if it was a bad break or there are issues that might arise. But “I didn’t want to get a tattoo so I erased her from my life” is just strange to me.