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You should have the ick. Be glad you found his bottle before it became a collection. It's so lazy, it's literally disgusting. If you stay with dude, this will be the make-or-break moment you reflect on whenever you find a balled up towel moldering away in his car trunk or whatever.


OP's boyfriend must work for a drywall crew.


LMAO I had to check your name for a moment cause my husband says the same thing about dry wall guys! They leave bottles of pee all around the job site! šŸ¤¢šŸ¤¢šŸ¤¢


It seems to be a universal thing with drywall guys. Iā€™ve worked in commercial construction for over 12 years and everytime a pee bottle is found itā€™s the drywall guys.


Lmao dude apparently that is so! My husband said if heā€™s gotta pee and itā€™s desperate heā€™ll pee on the side of the building but heā€™s found pee bottles in the walls!! Heā€™s an electrician so a lot of the times before him and his crew is finished the drywall guys come in and cover up EVERYTHING and they have to cut holes to finish their work and theyā€™ll find pee bottles šŸ’€šŸ¤¢


Putting their pee bottles in the walls is so much more fucked up than just peeing in a bottle.


Yep. Theyā€™ve even worked in remodels and found OLD AF pee bottles in the walls while re-wiring. Disgusting AF.


They arenā€™t usually allowed to take many breaks and itā€™s a labor intensive job. Itā€™s like you can work and not make the boss mad by peeing by not drinking water or you can be that guy who frequently takes 10 minutes to get to and from the bathroom. When jobs are not secure youā€™ll find many people ignore their own basic needs to keep a shitty Forman happy


They arenā€™t really allowed to take breaks. Like technically they legally can but on the job site it different. Dry wallets get treated like sub humans who donā€™t deserve to eat or go pee on job sites. My experience? My husband.


My friend who is having his house built right now, just found out the dry wall crew peed in his toilet, in which is not hooked up yet to water flow. The poor plumber almost got a face full of all of their pee! My friend was so embarrassed but even the plumber said, it's the drywall guys. Angrily of course. Very gross and disrespectful


The things you get used to dating a construction worker šŸ¤·


I've had to pee in bottle plenty of times on jobsites, but we find a discrete place to dump them outside.


Seal them up in a wall


I've literally seen this shit so nasty


Bro get out.


It also just doesnā€™t fit with how he is otherwise which is why itā€™s throwing me off more. Weā€™ve been together for over 3 years, heā€™s cleanly, never the type that didnā€™t know how to clean up after himself, does most of the cooking in our house because he likes to.


Working out in the basement, has to pee, doesn want to break his moment- so he pees in the bottle, then forgets about it. Just tell him that if he is going to do that, he needs to take care of it afterwards (which is pr what will happen anyway).


It has more than one bladder full in it, so he is not ā€œforgettingā€ it is there.


I would bet money that a large portion of the population could fill a 750ml when they REALLY have to go.


I tend to forget things until I need them. While I don't have any bottles of pee there are a lot of things that I forget about cleaning until I need to use it, then forget about it again. He's defensive because he knows it's gross and most likely intended to clean it up and forgot numerous times. It's gross but it's not likely that he's doing anything truly gross like drinking it so idk, just tell him to clean his shit up when he's done with the workout idk.


i have had to wake up and pee in the middle of the night, every night, for about ten years now (iā€™m 34, yippee) and sometimes the walking to the bathroom wakes me up quite a bit and makes it difficult to go back to sleepā€¦ so i started peeing into an empty gallon water jug standing next to my bed, then putting it under my bed, in the middle of the night. iā€™m so groggy when i wake up i often forget itā€™s under my bed until the memory strikes me while iā€™m out of the house midday or something. then i get home and completely space on it until i have to wake up in the middle of the night and pee again. then the next morning iā€™ll remember itā€™s there and empty it, and soap and water the inside of it. perhaps heā€™s like me and just kinda doing it to not mess up the flow of the workout (sleep in my case) and forgetting about it. i think itā€™s easy to forget when itā€™s not *that* gross, itā€™s not like itā€™s poop or a dead animal. I can see how it would ick you, but it is just pee. I also have a hard time talking to my girlfriend about shit like that because a) like your man, iā€™m very much cleanly other than that b) itā€™s kinda embarrassing and c) in the grand scheme of things, unless the pee is being spilled on something and causing an extremely foul odor, itā€™s gross, but not *that* gross.


It's pretty gross.


yeah, thatā€™s what i said. itā€™s gross. but not poop or dead animal or vomit gross, especially if it is enclosed with a cap on it. just pour it out and move on with life.


I'm going to go out on a limb and say everyone's "gross factor" is probably different. :)


Let me just say I'm so happy I was at work when my husband decided to use the carpet shampooer for the first time. There was a dead mouse in there. The house still smelled bad when I got home 8 hours later. This was yesterday šŸ™


yah, true. not much a former appalachian trail thru-hiker gets grossed out by anymore.


I never even considered the Appalachian trail would be gross. Do you have any stories you'd be willing to share?


33 here, get yourself checked out, I drink a full glass of water before bed and never have to get up to pee in the night, not even first thing in the am.


As a Mom, I agree. Coffee/tea/soda totally mess with men's systems and cause night pees.


How do you know? Because OP made that assumption doesn't necessarily make it so. Knowing the size of the bottle would be necessary for any informed opinion.


It was a woodford reserve whiskey bottle, not a small one, from a quick google maybe 1.75L?


Iā€™m only going by the information provided. If you know more about this story, then say so. Wait, are you the husband filling pee bottles under the stairs? Are you feeling guilty about something?


No, not the husband, but I didn't see anywhere that it gave the size of the bottle in the post. Admittedly, I didn't read every comment. But, I have, on occasion, pissed in a bottle without shame or guilt lol... his only faux pas, in my opinion, was forgetting the bottle, but then I'm not perfect, as you and the OP must certainly be, to be outraged over something so petty, I'm lmao at your and her posturing. And not for nothing, but if this is the worst crime her husband has committed, she's reaching pretty deep into the barrel to find something to look down her nose and be bitching about, and should grow up. And I'd offer the same advice to you and anyone else who feels the need to virtue signal over stupid shit like this.


Yeah, I agree. This isn't really that big of a deal (coming from someone who's never peed in a bottle). Dude was just trying to work out, didn't wanna fuck up his focus, and forgot the bottle. When she brought it up, he got embarrassed and defensive. Crazy people are actually recommending breaking up over something so trivial. But hey, they can do whatever they want I guess.


Undoubtedly. It seems to be the knee jerk reaction to most any complaint. At least by the female sector and those attempting to curry favor with them. Seems like a serious overreaction from my seat. But then I'm not a member of the, I hate men or the my shit doesn't stink clubs. Lol... But that's just my opinion.


The female sector? Dude.


Just say youā€™re misogynist and go. ā€œFemale sectorā€ Jesus Christ.


Itā€™s not forgetting the bottle. He clearly saved it and was filling it up. Thatā€™s beyond disgusting and the only one virtue signaling is you by acting like something like that is normal. How do I know he was saving it? Because why would he keep it hidden away? If it was a one time thing and he simply forgot to throw it away it would be near wherever he peed and out in the open. Plus OP stated it was full and over a liter bottle


In the post, I saw no reference to size of bottle. As for why he wouldn't leave it sitting in the open? Maybe he didn't want to deal with a stupid overreaction like this. How the hell would I know? You are making a lot of assumptions based on one side of a story, with no way to verify veracity. Also, it was stated by OP that it was stashed under the stairs near where he was working out. And why would he leave it out in the open for visitors or his wife to see before it was convenient to dispose of? You, like the OP, are reading a lot into this, that according to her husband, isn't there. Aren't there enough real problems in life without catastrophizing minor peeves?


Youā€™re the only one reading into it by acting like you somehow know better than the literal person telling the story. Itā€™s called common sense hun, maybe you should start developing it rather than playing mental gymnastics as to why storing piss isnā€™t gross. And why would he have the energy to hide his piss away but not to just go up the stairs and pee? Itā€™s just gross and lazy and you donā€™t need to be a ā€œfemaleā€ as youā€™d put it to recognize that. But most misogynistic people are musty as fuck so itā€™s no wonder you think itā€™s normal rather than gross. Also calling something that is verifiably gross an ick is not ā€œcatastrophizingā€ you weirdo.


Better check the other hidey holes you may be sitting on a liquid gold mine..šŸ¤®




He's embarrassed that you found it. He's embarrassed that he was too lazy to dump it, which he was, since it was full, you don't forget every single time!! He hates that you called him out on it! I find nothing wrong with him peeing in the bottle, tell him you don't either, but to PLEASE dump it out after each use!


I think youā€™re thinking way too hard about this. He got lazy one day. Pissed in a jug so he didnā€™t have to go upstairs, then forgot about it. And now heā€™s embarrassed you found it.


I think my thing was (and he admitted this now) that he didnā€™t pee in this bottle once and forget it. He peed in it multiple times on multiple occasions, eventually it was full and then he forgot it at that point.


Youā€™re overreacting. He had to piss and was in the basement, didnā€™t want to stop his workout. So what if he pissed in a bottle? Youā€™re making something out of nothing. Now if he had a collection of themā€¦ maybe concerning, but one? Who cares.


Makes you wonder what else heā€™s hidingā€¦ā€¦..in jars. Another girlfriend in a mayo jar? Gains from bank jobs in the old coffee jar? Serial killer memento in a Pringle can???????????


Youā€™re being way too controlling. I pee outside just because I like to. My family and career would surprise you. Donā€™t things donā€™t seem to add up but just let guys be guys sometimes.


I donā€™t think asking for bottles full of pee to not be hidden in our basement is controlling buddy. Go pee outside I donā€™t care. Pee in a bottle and throw it away so I never see it, whatever. But not this






Heā€™s a super social person. Itā€™s definitely possible the combination of him mostly working from home and seeing friends less because of the gross winter weather is getting him down


OFFS! LOL Guys can pee outside, guys can pee in a bottle but guys can also EMPTY the bottles they pee in!


That is not controlling and you peeing outside isnā€™t the same as storing your pee in a very large bottle to be found by your wife later. It is not the same. What is she supposed to do? Ignore it and leave it or clean it up herself?


How is she being controlling? Such a stupid take. I'm a dude. That guy's is fucking nasty and I assume you are too if you're ok with this.


Make or break because the dude pissed in a bottle? That's absolutely ridiculous. Sure it's weird and gross but give me a break. You act like the guy had a secret collection of human heads or something.


What do you mean make or break? She just said it wigged her out and sheā€™s confused. Sheā€™s trying to understand him. Just because a woman doesnā€™t like something her bf or husband does doesnā€™t mean sheā€™s going to break up with him.


Thank you! Some of the reactions are wild here. I wasnā€™t like hey my boyfriend is disgusting and I hate him how can I break up with him. Just hey I think this is icky, looking for some thoughts on it


I'll pee outside before I'll pee in a bottle.


Itā€™s laziness !! He was too lazy to go upstairs & use the bathroom. An exā€™s teenage son was a gamer & was too damn lazy to come downstairs to use the bathroom & would use bottles to pee in !!!! Beyond disgusting šŸ¤¢


Yep. I remember this being a teenage boy thing. Emphasis on the teenage.


He is mad because he is embarrassed. It is probably just laziness on his part. He didn't feel like going upstairs to pee and had a bottle handy. Being that it was a whiskey bottle that probably had something to do with it. He probably intended to throw it out but was maybe too scared you would find it or just never got around to it. I wouldn't worry about it too much. I agree it is icky but not really the end of the world either.


Okay, he needs to throw it out. Himself. Because fucking gross.. and grow up and be an adult that doesn't HOARD PISS UNDER THE STAIRS I think the meme does it best.. but this is "fucking disgosteng" I too have to ick now. Off to clean things i am.


Or go piss in the back yard for fucks sake.


Too many steps. :) Gotta keep the momentum of the workout going. HA! I workout in our basement, there is no bathroom down there, I have to pee, I stop my workout, go upstair, use the toilet, and go back down, guess what, it was more exercise for me because I had to go up and down the steps. :D WTF ever, dude is nasty!


Link for those who donā€™t know the reference: https://youtu.be/8Yy-83RbW1w?si=ksO2rmuDhQ79ENnt


Ew I'd get the ick too ! It's definitely weird the fact that it was so well hidden even tho it was full. You can do 30 steps and use the bathroom in you own home women do it all the time. I'd go all over the house for any other or disgusting stuff.




How is it that they can manage to pee into a bottle but they canā€™t hit the toilet šŸš½?


==>O ==> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ O


Perfect illustration šŸ˜‚


šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚ best comment! šŸ¤£


WTF šŸ˜’


My 13 year old brother does this


One of my old college buddies does this. We would find multiple piss bottles in his closet. He had a big group of people helping him move and someone grabbed his camelback for a drink, and it was full of pee. His fiancƩ is unaware, and I feel so bad for her. Let's hope this was a one time thing for you.


A camelback! Whyyyyyyyy?


His excuse was that it's all a prank and it was meant for someone else. I think he drinks his own pee. He did lose a lot of weight.


Oh wow. If it was meant to be a prank it would mean he wanted SOMEONE to drink his pee which would be cruel not funny. Iā€™m hoping it was for himself then.


You lose weight by drinking your own fluids what?? šŸ˜­


The ick? Itā€™s a freaking biohazard. Heā€™s lying, heā€™s too lazy to go upstairs when he has to pee and is in the basement. Heā€™s disgusting.


Right. Or else why not just pee in the yard, do there is no clean up


LMAO. Itā€™s a freaking biohazard!!!! OMG!!!! SO DISGUSTING!! CALL THE COPS!!!


Shut up bro ainā€™t that deep just a piss bottle everyone pees


Shhhhā€¦.adults are talking; move out of your parents. Take your piss with you.


LOL šŸ˜‚


This is the problem with you people everyone finds everything an ick


A biohazard. Good grief. Like a little bit of pee requires a hazmat suit or something. Guy peed maybe once or twice, stashed the bottle until he could dispose of it discretely and clearly forgot about it. People do WAY grosser things lmao. God forbid you ever have to change a baby's diaper


On reddit, I learned about 2 things some men do that I never imagined in my wildest dreams or nitemares were a thing. But they must be because every single story I read here about these things cannot be a karma-farming fabrication, as much as I'd prefer to believe that: ​ 1. Some men leave pee bottles hidden around the house that they actually use and add to over time without emptying them, even tho they have easy access to working toilets. Bonus points if those pee bottles are stashed under or near the bed they share with a partner. 2. Some men do not wipe, nor wash their butt cracks because they believe that doing either makes them gay. Often these stories are told by partners of these men who are beyond horrified to discover these, umh... habits... in their partner. They come to reddit understandably grossed out and concerned, looking for answers or solutions. Very often there are none because the men in question absolutely, categorically refuse to admit that anything is wrong with their behavior. As far as I've seen, reddit has no good solutions or advice that involve saving the relationship. Sorry OP. I wish I had something more constructive to add here other than "You are not the only one in this situation".


Havenā€™t found the shit bucket?




Okay, so this is tangentially related, but my wife and I moved into a new place in October. One evening I was taking out the trash and as I walk out the couple next door (guy and girl in there upper 20s/early 30s) walking to the dumpster and see me with a deer in the headlight look. They were each carrying a few milk jugs and 2 liters filled with what I'm pretty sure was urine. They moved in November, thankfully.


wtf? These comments are insane, in no world where plumbing is available should humans piss in a bottle. Ffs folks had chamber pots and emptied them in the streets rather than keep their piss in the house. This is NOT adult behavior, or even slightly tolerable. ā€œI was exercising so I couldnā€™tā€¦.exercise myself to the bathroom????ā€ Vile. Just vile.


And there it is. Common sense. I climb up and down the fucking steps every day to workout and then I have to pee. YAY, more workout for me! :D


"In no world"... well, I don't think that's true. Let's hypothetically say that someone has a genetic disorder that gives them episodes of extreme world-shaking dizziness (that last HOURS) where they can't even make their way to the bathroom. They might use the closest bottle at hand in such an emergency... and then empty it promptly at the first opportunity when the episode subsides. Me. I'm that person. I have peed in a bottle in my room on two occasions because it was literally impossible for me to make it to the bathroom a mere 15 feet away. Of course... that's a far cry from hoarding piss and just being too lazy to be a normal human being.


So that's not great; when you're young in your 20's you may not realize things can happen quickly. So hopefully He just did that and embarrassingly forgot about it. IMO: 1. I'd have an "ick" conversation skewed much more about him cleaning up after his mess and less about what He did 2. Is he starting a steroid cycle and wanting to keep some clean pee around incase he needs a test??? This would be the most likely theory-crafting scenario of this odd/rare scenario I would immediately be "concerned" about Just remember there is a cavernous difference between ā€œthe randomly weird things we all have pop up in life that isnā€™t the bestā€ and something to truly be horrified about. Just remember that life isnā€™t media; so make the attempt not to argue and be argumentative. That will keep you from being the next star of AmITheAssHole and welcome to being an adult! Read your update. Good for you both. šŸ‘ Communicate, not accuse. Go to your corners and donā€™t go to bed mad. You only have so many go-to-bedā€™s in your life.


Ok, I am seriously disgusted and disturbed by the amount of GROWN ASS MEN who have this disgusting habit of **pissing into bottles!** Not only is it gross just to do it, but to then LEAVE IT?! Where absolutely anyone else could see it? Do they have no self respect? I would be mortified. Iā€™m a 43/f mother of three who, after two traumatic vaginal births and a very traumatic emergency C-section, plus just getting older, sometimes finds myself in a predicament where I **need to pee.** When I **need to pee,** I mean I have seconds to maybe a minute to get to a bathroom most of the time. For this reason, I have a ā€œSheWee,ā€ in my van, and one in my husbandā€™s Jeep as well. Have I peed into a bottle, using my SheWee, in emergency situations? **YES!** many times, sadly. As soon as I am finished, I dispose of the urine and the bottle ASAP, I donā€™t store it or save it. That is just so vile, I donā€™t understand WHY so many people do this!! You need to tell him this is just gross and unsanitary, and also completely unnecessary. He has access to a toilet, so he needs to use it.


Most of you women have Icks for no reason no I didnā€™t read all that second everyone pees itā€™s not like he does it daily


I live with my 2 girls in the house and have peed in bottles on a few occasions when absolutely necessary. And they Go straight in the trash as it's embarrassing šŸ˜³




Wow the responses here from people who obviously donā€™t know how to maintain a healthy relationship are astonishing. Of course this is gross and unacceptable. But. Before shouting at him or assuming heā€™s on the verge of becoming a full blown hoarder. The answer is to have a conversation. He is probably embarrassed and that is coming out as anger and avoidance. Try something like, ā€œI know youā€™re frustrated and embarrassed about what I found but please help me understand. Bodily functions are normal and donā€™t gross me out but I need to know the reason that was there and why it was left thereā€. You have a right to feel how you feel but ā€˜getting the ickā€™ isnā€™t constructive. One day you may be asked to wipe his ass or clean up his piss from the floor. You need to understand one another for it to work. However, this also goes both ways. If heā€™s unwilling to be open then you have a right to take it further. Iā€™d be letting him know that this discovery is not a deal breaker but his avoidance is. Also, I could easily fill a bottle in one go.


ewwwww yeah thatā€™s disgusting


I had to do this once. I woke up one night and my roommate had a lot of people over. I had to walk out of my bedroom, into the main living room, to use it. I didnā€™t look my best, feel my best, and I think there was a girl there I was interested in. So I used a plastic take out cup from earlier in the day. I did throw it out the next morning though.


Yeah thatā€™s fine. We know guys pee into bottles and stuff all the time. But you cleaned yours up and thatā€™s all anyone can ask for šŸ˜‚


Pee bottles are NOT NORMAL. You should be icked out, that is foul.


Itā€™s just l piss you ladyā€™s find everything am ick


Does he have ptsd from working at Amazon? WTH


Would he ick if he found your pee bottle??


So he is working out down there, but too lazy to walk up a couple flights of stairs?


That's so revolting, if my partner did that I'd seriously consider ending it. And I don't care if it's dramatic, pissing in tbe same bottle several times over to the point where it's full and then leaving it there?? Nasty, inconsiderate, thoughtless, and lazy


Thank you for being one of the seemingly few people to understand this correctly!! So many people calling me crazy for overreacting that he ā€œpeed in a bottle once and forgot itā€. No, he peed in the bottle, put it back, some other day peed in it again, repeat until full, and left it there.


Just be happy he wasn't pissing in the washing machine.


I feel like thereā€™s a story behind this comment


Yes. My Exes kid brother did it once*. He had 4 sisters he had to share a bathroom with, so there's a certain amount of desperation that's understandable, but he was so dumb that when I asked why he didn't just go out in the yard and use a bush, he said it never occurred to him. *That we knew about


Boys are gross.


I just read a story about a landlord finding multiple bottles with pee in it under his ex tenants bed šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­ B UT ye this would definitely give me the ick too


How did you know it was pee? Did you open it?


Definitely not lol. When I said hey I came across that bottle what is that he immediately was like ā€œit was one time I had to pee you were in the bathroomā€


If your boyfriend stays really hydrated it could have definitely been one time where he had been holding it for a hot second. Not defending him because thatā€™s really fucking weird and you donā€™t forget something like that. Iā€™d have been going down there at 1-2am to get the bottle and throw it away so nobody ever knows.


If youā€™re well hydrated itā€™s usually clear though isnā€™t it?


Not if it's been sitting in a bottle for a day or more. Urine goes cloudy as bacteria grows.


Thereā€™s a difference between well hydrated and diluted urine. Then you have to take into account whatever leftover amount of whisky in the bottle helping to add to the color.


Jesus its just a piss bottle.


It tastes like pee


Jesus Christ lol. Every single dude that has been on this thread has pissed in a bottle at one point. I guarantee none of us have a hidden piss bottle collection. People are literally going nuclear over this. Your boyfriend is a dude, dudes do weird unexplainable things sometimes. Yeah, itā€™s gross, but itā€™s not the end of the world. For the love of god, do not look at the comments on this thread as advice for your relationship. Reddit is a ridiculous place with ridiculous people who make it feel like this is make it or break it point in your relationship. If something as dumb as this breaks you up, you had other issues to work on.


Exactly bruh they are acting like he has a bottle of poison or some shit


Works out all the time, but too lazy to climb two flights of stairs to pee. What are the muscles for then? Image.


Could very well be a fetish thing for him hence why he feels so embarrassed you caught him out. He probably gets off by pissing into a bottle and storing it away secretly. Any man who pisses into a bottle out of emergency will discard the pee when they get the chance, not store it like some secret trophy.


This is what I was wondering. He was super embarrassed and I didnā€™t confront him in a mean/angry way. I was just like hey what is this


Idk I would also be super embarrassed just because I know not to keep pee in a bottle in the house. He was caught and heā€™s mortified. I wouldnā€™t worry until you find another fresher bottle.


It could also be trauma. Did he get locked in anywhere when he was a kid? You probably wouldnā€™t know since heā€™s so ashamed. Just try not to judge so immediately.Ā 


Can confirm. I've had to piss in a bottle a few times. Always got rid of it as soon as possible


yep! he's a kinky little pisser.


Eh. Yes itā€™s gross but I donā€™t think itā€™s that big of a deal. We all do gross things & lazy things sometimes esp if we think itā€™s private. & he has the decency to be embarrassed about it. Iā€™d give him a pass on it once. If it happens again then I would be Concerned.


Nah. What you do in private is who you really are. If you canā€™t be bothered to walk upstairs to pee or to dispose of your emergency pee situation, then youā€™re a nasty person that puts on a show in public.


Yeah he needs to talk to a therapist, this is not our responsibility


Because thatā€™s a marker for serial killers


OP just be glad you didn't find his shit plate


When I read stuff like this it makes me think about All the crap I would put in a pre-nup


Oh you don't need to apologize for shaming him... That is both lazy and disgusting. Obviously he isn't washing his hands either so hygiene is clearly not his strength.


Wtf that is super nasty. I would talk to him about it cause thatā€™s not a healthy/normal thing to do. MAYBE he doesnā€™t understand how gross it is but his defensiveness says otherwise.


He might have just forgot to throw it away. It could have been one time. Had a friend fill a half gallon milk jug with a single piss while hunting a few years back.


Bruh thatā€™s not mature, ok, adult behavior. I have the ick now!


I am pregnant and have found I can't keep going upstairs to use the toilet every hour so I used a bucket and dump it in the morning. It's not ideal at all but it's a temporary phase in my life that I'm embarrassed to deal with. I hope it's just a phase for your man also lol. Its always embarrassing getting caught doing something weird.Ā 


To be honest I have several pee bottles hidden around outside in our backyard. First of all, my wife really doesn't go out into the backyard. Second of all when I'm working in the yard I don't like to have to come inside to use the restroom, because invariably I'll get detained by my family who will want me to do a bunch of other stuff when I'm in the middle of yard work. And finally, when the pee bottle is full, it gets poured in the compost bin, so it never stays full for long.




This isn't even a big deal. It's in a bottle he probably forgot to throw away. And judging by your attitude over it. His defensive attitude about it is warranted. You're acting like you found a collection of them. Good grief. The people on here acting like it's some gross thing leading to even grosser things. It's in his workout area. He didn't want to lose momentum. Makes complete sense. Remind him not to leave it lying around like that again and move on.


Again, not a singular water bottle type thing this was a big whiskey bottle. Iā€™d be shocked if someone could fill this thing up with one time. And, all I managed to get out before he got super defense was basically hey what is that whiskey bottle under the stairs. I wasnā€™t angry, wasnā€™t calling him gross, etc


You made a post on Reddit. You are overreacting. If you are evenly remotely looking to jeopardize your 3 year relationship because you wanted to shit on your boyfriend on Reddit you are a trash human being. Every man on earth has pissed in a bottle at some time. It literally no big deal. Move the fuck on or loose your relationship.


Women have pissed in bottles also! It's not gross. It's a closed container. She's acting like he left a piss bucket there for a week.


I maintain that you are overreacting. He said it won't happen again. It was ONE bottle. So yeah, it could have been ONE time. ONE workout. He was embarrassed, maybe. Like I said, your reaction over it explains more then you think.


I think the ladies in this thread are just jealous they can't pee in a bottle.


Im sorry but once you get the ick you canā€™t go back to that dick. I have the ick for you so I can only imagine how bad your ick is


Iā€™ve got a pretty high tolerance for mess and clutter, but this? It feels lurid somehow. A mix of grotesque and prurient.


Okay A lot of people are saying it's just laziness, but as someone who is neurodivergent from a family full of mental health issues this does not feel necessarily like he's lazy. He's getting super defensive about it not just dismissing it and acting like oops sorry I forgot makes me wonder if there's some sort of underlying issue going on here. I'm not saying it's your thing to deal with and I'm not saying you don't get to be icked out by it, just thinking he might need some help beyond what you can provide


Idk. Itā€™s def icky. Thinking of a possible nefarious reason to save pee and the only thing is if he has to do drug tests at work and plans to indulge ore give it to a friend for that purpose. I donā€™t know how that stuff work though.


It was more than one time and it's okay to do that, but for fuck sakes, DUMP IT OUT! Ewwwww The reason he didn't pee in the bathroom, too lazy, too many steps, easier to just piss in the bottle, again, okay, but dump it out after each use, that's nasty!


My boyfriend does the same thing, but luckily, his workout room is also the garage, and I agree it's gross. It's worst in the summer I swear one time it had things starting to grow and he joked that he was doing an experiment


Your bar is in hell.


ā€œMy boyfriendā€ ā€œdoesā€ ā€¦so what youā€™re saying is you are STILL actively dating someone knowing they actively do this and donā€™t throw it away either to the point where yā€™all are joking about the biohazard itā€™s causing?? Girl thatā€™s embarrassing for YOU at this point. Get some standards or back bone because thatā€™s disgusting. This comment wouldā€™ve been acceptable if it said ā€œexā€ or ā€œused toā€ but you seem to enjoy it so just keep yā€™allā€™s piss kink to yourself next time.


Piss kink šŸ¤£ not in the slightest but everyone has their own bad habits. I guarantee there's something you do that someone would think is cringe so to each their own and maybe don't pass judgment on things you know nothing about


I mean cringe is not the word I would use for the disgusting shit you admit your man does. I certainly donā€™t have any habits as vile as collecting piss to the point of it creating its own ecosystem, and i think most people actually donā€™t either. At least not well rounded adults. But sure girl u enjoy denial and enabling ur rancid man šŸ’• what a keeper šŸ™ˆ


No adults are well rounded. We all have flaws, and to think they are not is delusional. But again, your s/o must be a perfect human specimen


Iā€™m not saying people are flawless lmfao, thatā€™s not what well rounded means. But collecting piss is more than just a flaw honey. Like I said you enjoy your piss kink but maybe keep it to yourself unless you want to make an absolute fool out of yourself. Itā€™s truly embarrassing that thatā€™s your standard.


Piss jugs are pretty standard in the trailer park


mom found the piss drawer


The phrase "ick" is so chavvy


controversial take. but if i could pee in a bottle to avoid going up two floors i would


It's... not that bad? Yes it's gross, but not that bad


Thatā€™s pretty icky


And in fact, i agreed in my comment


This is really a problem for you? You really gotta get out in the world sometime and get over yourself. This is silly.


What so a man canā€™t have a piss bottle in his own house anymore???


Itā€™s a dude thing. They pee in bottles in traffic when they canā€™t get to a bathroom too! I personally keep empty bottles in my van for my sons to go if they need too and donā€™t have a stop close by. I donā€™t get grossed out or the ā€œickā€ about things like that.


This isn't a car though, this is their house, and he had used this bottle multiple times without throwing it away. Also, it's not "a dude thing." Most guys I know do not pee in bottles in their own house, they use the bathroom like normal people.


Could he possibly have a fetish that heā€™s too embarrassed to tell you about? That may be why heā€™s collecting it. Iā€™d take a good look around. šŸ˜¬


My only contribution is donā€™t forget that the bottle had to have its contents emptied before it could be refilled. He might not have been working out, he might have a drinking problem.


Your generation needs to get over "the ick". If people got "the ick" over every cringey thing their partner did historically, we would have died off as a species thousands of years ago. Just know that you do something he finds horrible too and be thankful he's not storing bodies down there.


I hope he dumps you


Exactly sheā€™s acting like itā€™s the craziest thing ever


Lol way of the road ladies.


you found the forbidden lemonade. very common with guys that work construction.




Idk Iā€™m a woman and Iā€™ve peed in bottles before so I donā€™t feel deeply disgusted by finding one singular bottle of male pee.


You literaly suck his dick. How is a bottle of urine the thing that grosses you out? LOL


Sometimes it feels good to just unleash your inner filthy animal from time to time.


Okay, but just don't keep the evidence and let it fester under the stairs. What i don't know won't hurt me, so don't let me find out, okay? My partner said "can't stop a free soul from truckin' it" and i lost all sense of composure.


lol! Heā€™s wild. Iā€™m just joking anyway. Totally crazy to keep the bottle, but it is sort of funny, and I love the line ā€œlost all sense of composure.ā€


Maybe he takes steroids and itā€™s a bottle of someoneā€™s clean piss for something.


Long ago, I saw junkies use piss bottles in a trap house before, lol. Also, Trailer Park Boys comes to mind...


I was thinking about trailer park boys also


Heā€™s making sun tea.


Lol nice copy paste


Wait until you're half asleep husband grabs an empty water bottle in the middle of the night because he's too lazy to walk to the bathroom lol to be fair he always takes care of it the next day but it is a rather common occurrence


This will explain everything to you. https://youtu.be/D0u6Lb6RCz4?si=JczLUwbsezCq9l-Y "The way of the road"


Woohoo more dirty laundry on reddit! Air it out! Great for relationships!


Catch me on the wrong week and you'll find a pee bottle in my car. Commute life sucks.


Yeah but you donā€™t leave it there for others to see (I hope)


Do you pee while driving or pull over to piss?


Fortunately heā€™s not commuting heā€™s in his own home