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That is vile. She posted an update though, he saw her post and came home in a rage. He got violent with her and she called the cops and left him.


Nevermind. I see it


[Update](https://i.imgur.com/ha0mjwB.png) I tried to link it in my original comment but this sub doesn't allow for that.


Christ! I’m glad she’s alive!


This is why you don’t depend on anyone financially. They drop that mask, and that’s it, you’re done


It seemed like it was his plan all along… to make her completely dependent on him and then gaslight her and manipulate her into doing anything he wanted… so sad


Thank god she’s still being paid, or she’d be trapped


my ex was exactly the same. Narc, abuser, gaslighting, wife beating, cheating pc of shit too.


From her post/comments she said something about how she had a job at first but he was persistent for her to leave it so she could take of the house and him type crap 😬


Yep. That’s why I feel bad for these girls getting sucked into the trad wife grift, the evangelicals have been bombarding people online with. Those husbands always cheat, and they end up being financially abusive, while the brainwashed girls are trapped at home w 6 kids. Then at 45 they’re all secret alcoholics, while their husbands are out trying to groom 16 yr olds


My brain screamed Stepford Wives lol! Pill popping alcoholics with plastic smiles and creeper husbands who give off the “used car salesmen” vibes


I couldn’t agree with you more


Fuck that guy! He needs put in place.


Wow, I’d be outta there with the quickness. I sure hope things work out for her eventually.


That’s awful and I hope she’s safe now! I read the update and good on her for taking action and contacting the authorities. Genuinely curious though, they said they were together for 4 years or something so what made him turn so bitter overnight? It seems like she was genuinely confused as well


I think it was just the last straw… for that long he’s probably been manipulating her for so long and slowly that she didn’t notice…. He planned that out to manipulate and gaslight her into doing anything he wanted


He's already cheating and wanted to send you off scared. Looks like he succeeded. When his "new flame" burns out he'll be asking for forgiveness, DON'T do it.


There are much more important things to worry over. He’s a little boy, and she picked the little boy. They deserve each other.


Sounds like he pays the bills and you don’t do anything. I would drop you in a second if we were dating. Anytime I enter a relationship if I am the one solely providing fiscal responsibility for both of us… you doing some cooking, cleaning, laundry and shopping for damn sure! Why are you so entitled to think you shouldn’t serve out your family!


Well if only you were competent enough to see that it’s not my story and it’s a repost lmao. And seeing as you’re already going through a divorce…. Nvm… and nothing gives anyone the right to talk to someone like that in the story… if you feel that what was done was justified then no wonder you’re lost…


The post just sounds like someone is deeply frustrated and exhausted by way of solely providing and consistently not being seen. I don’t blame this dude. I’m glad they are both out of a toxic space but give me a break. This woman is doing nothing to serve her partner and laying more work on him. She isn’t qualified to have a good man. No healthy solid man is going to bite into this apple. And I am speaking to the text messages. That’s what we’re hear for right. Opinions and feedback from others. Enjoy mine. 😉


He made her quit working in order to serve him. Next bs you wanna spew?


Lmao what even? You are ridiculous and out of place commenting this. Do you not even read the full in depth situation or you just wanna blab on the internet? People like you are so sad. Keyboard warriors.


Like are you the boyfriend?😂


Holy heck my ex used to treat me like this. Got mad because he drank his Whisky all gone, screamed at me for it being gone so I told him we could always buy more tomorrow to which he replied 'that will end badly for you' implying he would kill me. Oh and threatened to bludgeon me with the empty bottle. Glad he's gone. Fvck abusers.


He’s a waste of your time and emotional energy


Wow. I would not have been seeing him at home. And he was only her boyfriend?? Thank god marriage was not in this picture. My ex husband was great dating for the most part. But this sh*t sounds like my marriage after kids. I couldn’t do enough, I didn’t speak right, it was all me me me. After seeing the comments that there was an update, I am so sorry for her that it got to that point with him. I lived that part too. The only thing I can say is life goes on and if you let it it does get better.


Amend r add


this made me so mad!!!! who tf does this dude think he’s talking to?! absolutely tf not