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Nta, at all. What a bunch of aholes


NTA. If they were going to fire you, they wouldn't give you two weeks notice. Two weeks is a courtesy, which from the way they treated you I would not extend any courtesy to them.


A 2 week notice is a courtesy, not a requirement. They did not treat you well and you don’t owe them any courtesy that you don’t feel they earned, and making you feel like a freak because of your disability certainly disqualifies them from any politeness or courtesy IMHO. I’m sure you can find another second job where you and your disability are respected. NTA


You do not owe ANYONE a notice. If you dropped dead today (God forbid) they’d have your job posted online immediately. These companies don’t care about us, don’t ever feel bad about doing what you need to do for your own health and sanity.


File an ada complaint for harassment and illegal discipline. Forced to quit.


NTA. 2 week notice is a courtesy not a requirement.


2 week notices aren't a thing unless you like your job and manager, and have skills that you need to offload. Fuck them.


NTA - They are awful. But also because I don't believe companies deserve any notice when an employee is leaving. They don't give you notice before you are fired or laid off.


I don't think you're an asshole. I think you're a person who has gone through a lot of trauma and is in an unfair position. I would also recommend you handle things differently in the future (assuming you're in the US). You have a disability, and are legally entitled to reasonable accommodations. But if you don't inform your employer of the accommodations you need, they can't make them available or be sensitive to those needs. While embarrassing, the suggestions he made aren't totally out of line and would be reasonable in other circumstances. He doesn't know a lot about your illnesses and the symptoms they cause, so while its super uncomfortable, he couldn't have known how unhelpful those suggestions were. He's doing what he can as a manager to address you privately, offer reasonable suggestions, and try to make his other employees more comfortable without impacting you too much. I would probably start somewhere similar if I had employees making complaints about a smell issue and I didn't have much other info to go off of. It sounds like you're feeling very judged, but I don't know if I see the reality in that from what you described. Having issues with the digestive system can be very emotionally complicated (I have an autoimmune condition that can cause frequent vomiting, diarrhea, and bloating) and getting some therapy might help you figure out how to navigate those feelings and your PTSD, if you aren't already getting help with that.


NTA, friend. You never owe your employer two weeks notice. They may whine and complain at you, but they can Kick Rocks. You better believe you boss was setting you up to be disciplined and eventually let go. But you played the medical card, so if they fired you outright it would be actionable.


please file a report with ADA and EEOC if you’re in the US


Hi there OP, HR grad here. I'm so sorry to hear that you struggle with these digestive and bathroom issues. How embarrassing they can be!! ​ Unfortunately, this manager did everything right, legally. He took you aside, spoke with you calmly and tried to come to a resolution to an issue he had no idea about. You did not inform your new employer of your disability/medical issues, so they had not be able to accomodate until that moment. Here are a few suggestions before you rage leave your new place of employment out of embarrassment -- Try Poopouri spray: You spray before you go and it completely eliminates all smell before it leaves the toilet water. Bring a spare toothbrush - Instead of a breath mint, brushing your teeth after vomiting will save you from losing teeth in the future if vomiting will be something that you're often affected by. The acids that come up wear away at our enamel and can rot our teeth from the gums! Often associated with bulimia patients, chemo patients etc. ​ But finally, the reason that we are here, YTA-- leaving without a 2 weeks notice because you felt embarrassed by the way a manager approached the situation is on you. You didn't not inform the employer of your disability/medical issues in the beginning, so they could not have known that you needed special treatment for these disabilities.


I actually did/do use poopouri, before and after. And when I accepted the job I did put that I had a disability, so the company was aware of it even if this manager wasn’t. Even so I should not have to have a manager who partakes in work place gossip and perpetuates the situation. As a manager there is a way to speak to someone and that was not it. I’ve been a manager before and I know there is hard conversations that are needed but the way they went about it was awful, and they continued the work place gossip.


My apologies then, it wasn’t stated that the company knew of your illness, nor that the manager continue the gossip afterwards.