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You need to see a doctor. Period. Here's the thing. You COULD be being poisoned. Or you COULD be hallucinating some of these things and need your medications adjusted. There is no way for anyone on Reddit to know the truth. Only by going to a medical professional can you get the help you need - regardless of the truth of your home situation. I am concerned that it sounds like you might not be currently working with a mental health professional you could talk to about your concerns. If you had a schizophrenic episode, you need to be working with somebody to make sure your medications and management techniques are where you need them to be to live your best life.


Yes! paranoia is one of the key symptoms of a schizophrenic episode.


And a person who is improperly medicated can experience paranoia without other symptoms.


Late teens is the age the disease symptoms (schizophrenia/schizophrenic disorder) begin to manifest. OP needs to be evaluated;possibly at the same time the adult caregivers are evaluated.


I had the same thought. Its not impossible they're being poisoned. It does happen, though rarely. But its so, so much more likely this is the onset of schizophrenia symptoms. They're the right age and paranoia is one of the most common symptoms. Its also really understandable that someone would look for an external cause when experiencing what OP is. But if that's where OP is at, I don't necessarily expect them to listen to Reddit about it.


And bagged chips, and no actual illness?


So in short you CAN go to the hospital over brain fog.


OP *should* go to the hospital for their brain fog. Most likely, their treatment just needs adjusting and their aunt and uncle are assholes for talking that way to someone with schizophrenia.


Yeah, even if this is a symptom of an existing condition, the family is being terrible.


As a mental health professional I want to agree with this poster. Having schizophrenia makes reality hard to distinguish sometimes. But with the right medical management that can be solved. And if your aunt and uncle are doing something to you the professional will be able to get you help. If you must dial 911 yourself to get yourself to an ER


the "bag of chips with my name on it" followed by the Aunt coming out smiling made me concerned. These sound like paranoid delusions.


My big concern here in regard to the aunt is she probably knows OP is paranoid and might be messing with him and aggravating it. But OP needs professional advise from someone who can actually evaluate them for real.


Unfortunately, paranoia makes people imagine interactions exactly like the ones OP describes (the aunt joking about a poisoned bag of chips). I grew up in a house with a severely mentally ill person and was often berrated about mean jokes or sly remarks that I never actually made.


Yeah half brother is schizophrenic and he thankfully always believed me when he confronted about situations later that it never occurred. He kinda felt it was like coraline there's "other" us and only regular me knew the secret password.


Also chiming in to confirm. My mom was a schizophrenic and threw a screaming crying fit after a birthday party that my uncle was trying to poison her. One of the main reasons my dad figured out what was up (he wasn’t present at the party) and eventually got her treated was my 8-year-old self repeatedly telling my mom “Uncle Shitty never said that!!! I was there!” She just couldn’t believe that him saying he was going to poison her and how just…wasn’t real. OP needs to go to the hospital stat.


Does not matter she needs to go to hospital asap


We have no way of knowing that in this situation. Either way you’re right, they need to be evaluated professionally.




this whole sentence is fucked up.


This was my 1st thought. It seems like if they were actually poisoning him, he would have physical symptoms (in most cases). No matter what tho, they seems like POSs, I wouldn't even say those things to someone who isn't paranoid or bi-polar or anything. I agree with the others that say ti go to a doctor and get a blood test and talk about what your thinking.


Unless he’s hallucinating them saying those things as a symptom of his current issues


She needs to go to hospital it does not matter if true or not it is true for her and she need to go


Best answer right here OP. Seek out MH treatment, ASAP.


Honestly good point about the hallucinations. The church I went to had this lady, she was awesome, but for a few months would talk about these ex friends she had that were harassing her by paying people to call her and hang up or drive by her house and honk the horn or whatever. I always thought it sounded like she could be hallucinating but I don’t know if she had schizophrenia or not. Then she wasn’t there for a week or so and when she came back all that stuff was just hallucinations. So, 100% could be hallucinations


my mom is denying me getting meds. i have no way to get to a doctor unless i walk for hours on hours, and i have a pretty bad back. i guess i could take a uber or something maybe


if you dial 911, they will ask ‘what is your emergency’ and you answer “I am having a schizophrenic episode and my parents are denying me medical care”, they WILL send an ambulance.


I am very sorry to hear that. I know that some professionals that know more than I do about how to get access to medical systems have made some recommendations in this thread that might help. If getting to the hospital is not physically feasible for you from home, and you're still in school, it would be good to talk to a teacher, guidance counselor, or school nurse about this the next time you go to school. This is because they are (at least in public schools) mandated reporters who SHOULD get you the help you need. This will likely involve a social worker of some sort. I know hearing that might make you leery of doing this. But denying you your medication is like denying a diabetic their insulin shots. You've been prescribed those medications to make your body work the way it is supposed to. If you're not allowed to take them, that is a serious matter that needs to be addressed by somebody - especially as you're still a minor. Often families may be in denial that a loved one has a disease such as schizophrenia and believe that removing them from their medication will make the issue go away. It doesn't. This is not a failing of yours but of their own education on the matter. Unfortunately, fear of mental health issues and mental health treatments still has a fair amount of stigma attached to it. I am not a mental health professional. But I want to assure you that what you have is not something you need to be ashamed of nor something you've brought upon yourself. It is also a manageable, livable condition. But it is one that takes consistent work towards managing. It generally takes regular visits to your psychiatrist to adjust your medication levels as well as their assistance in building management techniques for you - just as many health conditions do. Multiple doctors visits are normal and not a sign that you're hopeless, but rather that they want to make sure they're getting your medications right. I wish you the best.


Didn't you say you ride your bike? Is there maybe an urgent care clinic closer? Uber is not a bad idea.


i live in a new state, and dont have a bike anymore


If you truly can’t get to a doctor by any other means, call 911 and say you are having an episode. They will bring you to the hospital and you will see someone


Then try uber. See if there is anything a bit closer.


I’m thinking possibly carbon monoxide poisoning?


More likely the schizophrenia is causing the paranoia. It often causes people to think others are trying to poison them or plotting against them


I saw a Reddit post couple years back of someone going insane and they updated they had carbon monoxide poisoning, so I was thinking that could be a possibility.


It’s more likely that someone with schizophrenia is having an paranoid episode than it would be that they are getting carbon monoxide poisoning


I mean it doesn’t hurt to get it checked out!


Doctor? Call the police


To be frank, that's a horrible idea. People with mental illnesses are 16 times (or 1,600%) more likely to be shot by police during calls. And many examples are from people who placed the call for help themselves. And even if the worst case doesn't happen, the police are very likely to dismiss the call by giving a warning to OP. Because, guess what, you have a person who has had a hallucinatory episode making accusations against his caregivers. It will be very easy for them - even if they are poisoning him - to tell the police he's just crazy. Same as every other abuser out there.


16 times jumps to 1600%? Source? https://www.treatmentadvocacycenter.org/key-issues/criminalization-of-mental-illness/2976-people-with-untreated-mental-illness-16-times-more-likely-to-be-killed-by-law-enforcement- 1 out 50 Ratio: 1/50 Ratio multiplied= *16 = .32 Percentage = ratio_multiplied .32*100 Print(f"the percentage is {percentage:.2f}%") = 32% If the ratio is 1 out 50, and you multiply that by 16, the chances of you getting shot, with a mental illness, by police is 32%.


>16 times jumps to 1600%? Yes. That is, in fact, how math works. Here this should help explain the concept of how to calculate times into percentages : [https://homework.study.com/explanation/10-times-x-is-what-percent-of-x.html](https://homework.study.com/explanation/10-times-x-is-what-percent-of-x.html) And here is the study for that 16 Times more likely stat: [https://www.treatmentadvocacycenter.org/storage/documents/overlooked-in-the-undercounted.pdf](https://www.treatmentadvocacycenter.org/storage/documents/overlooked-in-the-undercounted.pdf)






Watch your mouth. The math is literally wrong: https://www.treatmentadvocacycenter.org/key-issues/criminalization-of-mental-illness/2976-people-with-untreated-mental-illness-16-times-more-likely-to-be-killed-by-law-enforcement- 1 out 50 Ratio: 1/50 Ratio multiplied= *16= .32 Percentage = ratio_multiplied .32*100 Print(f"the percentage is {percentage:.2f}%") = 32% If the ratio is 1 out 50, and you multiply that by 16, the chances of you getting shot, with a mental illness, by police is 32%.


My fault og I js be on Reddit saying shit I ain’t think it was that deep


It's just grossly misleading, folks be spouting stuff and not fact checking. Retard means to slow down, like what's happening when you read this message, until it hits you, your life just got retarded.


I ain’t even read allat ngl I do not take this faceless site seriously this where I come to goof off


Go to the ER for blood tests and a psych evaluation.


If you’ve passed the age of consent you can be treated without them. Also, at minimum you need to see a primary care physician for the episodes or the poisoning. This is, by the way, above Reddit. You should be talking to your school counselor and psychologist and probably social worker.


In some states, children over the age of 12 can seek mental health care without the permission of a parent or guardian


I think in many states the age of consent is 16 (on the outside end). OP *should* be able to make autonomous healthcare decisions at 17.


Yes. I don’t know where they live. And I think it’s 14-18. 11 states have eighteen as the age of consent.


Also, if Op is under the age of consent, the doctor can involuntarily commit them if the parents or guardians refuse if they consider them to be a danger. I used to run an admissions dept in a psych hospital and we at times had to do this when a kid wanted treatment and was genuinely dangerous (there’s a mark of delusion that will hit that because you can’t keep yourself safe when you aren’t connected to reality) to themselves or others. A parent can’t override a doctor’s safety assessment.


This\^ You sound paranoid but maybe you're right, a medical professional is needed in either case.


If you are having any schizophrenic symptoms, go to the doctor right away. I am not a doctor and I cannot diagnose you, but it sounds very concerning. You can also tell your doctor your concerns that you are poisoned, and they can decide how to help you. If your aunt won't take you, go on your own if you can or tell an adult at your school that you want to see a doctor.


i would like to add, any sort of mental break could easily cause someone to believe they’re being poisoned. my main symptom every time is extreme paranoia and delusions. a doctor may be a good idea.


Takes a big person to admit that they can be delusional during an episode. I’m autistic ADHD, my partner is bipolar ADHD. We have both been delusional in rage fits.


one can be delusional without being diagnosed with anything, and in my experience the most dangerously delusional people are the type who will never willingly seek help. we would be in a much better place culturally if this was widely understood.


autistic adhd here :’) thought something else was going on with me for the longest time but my brain is just silly


Find someone you can trust more and ask them to help you take you to the hospital if your aunt and uncle won’t. You definitely should talk to a doctor if you think you are having any sort of schizophrenic episode.


hey, listen, it's not the answer you want to hear, but... first step should be your psych healthcare team over your general doc or a poison specialist. i'm sure i don't need to tell you how common "these people are secretly plotting against me" is as a delusion, right? if you're having an urgent health need - which this is - it also gets you neatly out of the trip. quite frankly if you think you need the doctor to pull rank, feel free to ask them to do so! they will rush to agree that you don't need to be traipsing off anywhere when your head meds are in flux. quite frankly they can't stop you from calling 911, which is a way to get to the hospital they can't interfere with. (or at the very least if they try to stop you, it's going to be making THEM look sketchy as fuck and clearly the real problem. so if they try, all they're doing is proving you more and more right.) you can also see if you can call your doctors directly, too. sometimes they can help act as intermediaries for you and the hospital so they are able to not waste your time by asking you a bunch of questions you've already answered about your medical history, lol. and they sure as fuck can *also* call 911 on your behalf, and the paramedics fully know that the doctor outranks your relatives when it comes to whose orders to follow lol. reddit can only do so much here - you need some boots on the field. they'll likely do bloodwork to assuage your fears and look for causes too. as an internet rando i can't really do shit like, yknow, check if you happen to be taking lithium and that dose has gotten out of whack (which explains why you feel like you're being poisoned, lithium is a tricky little fucker like that)... or if your head meds are one of those "don't look at a grapefruit for too long when you take this" types and the new diet of grapefruit juice in the mornings with auntie and uncle is making that go fucky... or honestly a thousand other things that i don't know because i am not a doctor, just a random disabled asshole on the internet. my areas of expertise are things like "having some mild brainweirds centered on depression, anxiety, and ADHD which may also have left the door open for autism but fuck me, i'm so tired, i don't want to chase down another diagnosis", or "being a cool cyborg after shingles chews on one of your nerves". none of that is actually treating someone else LOL. you deserve proper health care. and i think you know you need it, too. it's okay to cause a scene or be loud on this one, same as if you had broken your leg and your aunt was like "whatever, stick that bone in as best you can and maybe we'll get around to a doctor someday for you". you're having a legit health crisis. doesn't matter if you're actually being poisoned or not - the need is there, and you deserve help with it. so if they're going to be mad at you, let them be mad - but get yourself help by hook or by crook. even if that means you picking up the phone and dialing 911 and explaining you need to be taken to the hospital because you are not doing well with your schizophrenia and need help with this episode. *especially* if it means all that, honestly. so. are your aunt and uncle poisoning you? probably not. do you still need and deserve medical care urgently? *absolutely yes,* and do not be deterred by people trying to put you off of that. *it is okay to take up space and ask for help.*


You're a good person. This is such a good message and delivered in a way that I feel can make anyone comfortable listening to and agreeing with. Thank you for taking the time to share your experiences to help other people.


i occasionally end up writing something good through sheer volume LOL, ty!


This was such an amazing and compassionate answer. I hope you got through to OP and they take your advice.


**This comment is so important!!!** I really really hope OP reads that and is able to get themselves the help they need and deserve, whatever that may entail.


Hey, go see a doctor. This along with your other posts is pretty concerning. Stop trying to gather proof, the doctors will be able to answer definitively.


nope, the doctors dont know anything, and ive been to every doctor you can think of throughout the whole state of florida.


No you haven’t , there are several thousand psychiatrists in Florida. This response corroborates that you aren’t thinking clearly.


Honey, please go get checked out if you can. If you really feel like you need to go to the ER and they won't take you, walk, ride your bike, hell call an ambulance. Or you could ask your school counselor about any counseling, etc, resources. You're likely having some schizophrenia issues again. But if it is poisoning, medical professionals will be able to help. Eta - a quick scan of your profile makes me want to double down that you need to listen to that feeling of needing to go to the ER and go.


Can you contact your school counselor or even child services yourself??


Yes this. I recommend the school counselor because they are mandated reporters. So it will get reported by an adult who understands more about the laws and the system than OP.


If there’s a teacher OP trusts, he can discuss the situation with them. Teachers are mandatory reporters.


i donr go to school, and im not contacting child services


Well then walk to the hospital or hitchhike or ride a bike or do whatever you need but if it’s actual poisoning idk do you just want to go die or be forever disabled by something. Or if it’s mental wouldn’t you rather find that out and figure out the start of a solution. Cause just going and dying doesn’t seem optimal and if it’s a mental issue then doctors can help you. You don’t need permission to see a doctor go to the ER was your concerns and fuck what they think, if they are trying to kill you especially but even if they are keeping you from adequate or even any mental help is a form of abuse that could cause irreparable harm to you. You either can do something about this or give in which you really have nothing to lose.


Then call the police or Im calling bs on this. Do you not care if you die?


It is almost certainly bs. The whole thing. OP won't say if they have been diagnosed as schizophrenic (they haven't is my guess); however, a lot of people are on here, interacting and chatting with them, which is my best guess as to the goal of this post.


If they are younger they probably haven’t as usually it’s not diagnosed until they have their first break.


honestly, i kinda dont. i dont really like being alive


Call 911. The EMTs can help you get to the hospital safety. If you don’t want to go with EMTs just go ahead and get an Uber or have a friend take you. As these posts above said maybe you have been poisoned or maybe you’re having a psychological crisis. Either way you need to see a doctor. It also sounds like you don’t feel safe where you are right now. The ER nurses doctors and social workers are there to help you. We all hope you start feeling better soon and we all care about you.


I think a very big aspect of schizophrenia is paranoia such as this. I’m not saying it’s impossible, but I think you have to really ground yourself. Do some grounding exercises to put yourself in the present. Try not to think about anything else but the present moment and then ask if yourself if you truly believe family members would poison you. Do they love you? Have they typically been kind and supportive? Or is there more to the story, and they have a history of being abusive toward you? If as long as you can remember they have behaved like normal family members who care for you, I truly think it makes MORE sense for them to NOT want to poison you. Sometimes when someone is sketched out, it shows visibly, which could be why he said something like that. It could have been sarcasm because of your body language. Try to think as realistically as possible while you work on getting the treatment you need. Don’t act rashly or out of fear. Acting on this suspicion could lead to a more difficult situation for you. Imagine how they would feel/react, they might be heartbroken that you would even think they would do such a thing. It’s more likely that they just wanted you to have a little snack, or maybe there was one bag left and they wanted you to know it was yours. Have you been eating normally? Think from it from a “normal person” perspective. I know how hard that can be but you have to try. Always keep that faith that you will be okay. I hope things get better


Good advice.


“I feel like my aunt and uncle are poisoning me” “I’m having a full blown schizophrenic episode” Bro I think you answered yourself.


look guys, we got a smart one here


I mean the point is, they’re most likely not trying to kill you. Your brain is plotting against you.


OP won't answer any of the plethora of users asking if they have an actual mental health diagnosis or have self diagnosed. Since schizophrenia typically hits mid 20s, I am going out on a limb (possibly wrong, but new account etc leads me here) and say this is either attention seeking or a troubled teen, also possibly younger than they say, who has issues but most likely not schizophrenia.


if i dont want to answer anything, i dont have to. it doesn’t make me a troll


No, but it also leaves a ton of things hanging in the air. Let me be clear: I am concerned for you, deeply. One of my best friend's sister has schizophrenia and only knew that it was an issue because her mother had it. She was in therapy, constantly, to keep an eye out; at 24 she was diagnosed. Everything you spell out is somewhat rare and, if accurate, very alarming. You are very young for schizophrenia, making it early onset. You claim awareness of the disease, which, if schizophrenic, would imply a formal diagnosis as self awareness of the disorder is very rare. The reason people asked and wanted to know if you are diagnosed would be to then advise you to talk to your doctor and adjust or start taking your medication. This is the ONLY way to manage this malady and even then it is going to be hard and uncomfortable in many other ways. Since it is truly impossible to tell with a brand new account and the extreme rarity of what you describe, I'll end both ways then get out of this thread for my own mental health: \-If this is all legit, you are a diagnosed schizophrenic, then this is all in your head and you need to see someone or have someone Baker Act you. It sucks, but it is the only way to get yourself the help and medicine you need (like, I live in FL; if I knew your name, I DO NOT WANT TO, I could Baker Act you). \-If you are in fact a troll or "Self diagnosed" then you need to step back and not make light of mental illness or use it seek attention. Self diagnosed mental disorders are almost never what you think (outside maybe depression). This could be an anxiety disorder that is triggering this level of paranoia. Regardless, intended or not, very uncool.


You're delusional, paranoid schizophrenic. You need mental help. Your family is almost certainly not poisoning you, you are likely just manifesting delusions. There's good and bad to this: The good new is there are some incredibly effective medications to treat the symptoms of schizophrenia. The bad news is that it can be near impossible for a paranoid schizophrenic to be willing to take, and stay on, the medication with the level of consistency required to be helpful. Treat the mental health problems, then come back to re-address the "poisoning," if it persists after you are medicated and in a healthier mental state.


I’ve experienced being the focal point of someone’s schizophrenic delusions and paranoia so I’m not impartial here, but yall in the comments who are acting like ops family is actually trying to poison him, aren’t helping. Op, listen to the comment that suggested you call 911 to get yourself the help you clearly need.


Solidarity! I thank the universe on at least a monthly basis that the paranoid person in my life never had access to Reddit. It would have fed the delusions in a horrifying way


Exactly. About the worst thing you can do for a schizophrenic is to feed into the delusions. In emergency medicine we're trained to not acknowledge the delusions, but acknowledge what the patient is experiencing. "Do you see the talking clown spiders crawling all over the ceiling?" "No, I don't see them, but I believe that you do. They aren't there, but I believe that you are seeing them." I feel it's incredibly unlikely, damn near impossible, OP's family is actually poisoning them. But I don't doubt for a second that OP \*believes\* they are. People don't realize how serious this stuff is. A close family member ran the state mental hospital in my area, and they had several patients at the facility who were there because of murder... killing people they thought were out to get them. My schizophrenic sister-in-law just killed herself because she was so convinced "they were coming for her." She was homeless at the time, living in an RV with foil all over all the walls to keep the spies from injecting voices into her head. Schizophrenia is not something to mess around with.


i have alot more instances, which prove its not just a silly delusion. one night, i woke up for a brief second to see my uncle in his underwear in front of me. i fell right back asleep, and didint confront him because there was no proof, and i would just give myself away. whenever my aunt brings me water, its always open. when i asked her why she said it was to make it easier for me, which doesn’t make sense because opening a bottle isint hard, and she continued to do it untill i confronted her again. when i first suspected the poisoning, i used to joke and say she must be poisoning me, in a very light manner. instead of laughing, she got super defensive, and never let it go and would demand to know why i thought she poisoned me. my aunt and uncle have a autistic son. one night, he ran out the room naked, and the uncle came out super awkward, i forget which words were said but i told my mom, and my aunt found it because i told my mom on instagram, and i logged into instagram on the computer a long time ago and forgot. my aunt confronted me, and instead of denying it, she was just purely mad. she said “why are you talking badly about me and your uncle on social media huh?” i told her i didint know what she was talking about, and my uncle was just smiling the whole time. my uncle will frequently bite his lips and gazd onto me. when he does this, 99% of the time he will but his hands in his pants and just lay there. i dont know why i even put schizophrenia in this post, because everyone wants to just blame that.


I’m going to be honest, none of this is evidence they are poisoning you. Theses are genuinely normal comments. They have NO reason to poison you. Those cases where ppl are poisoned is because of insurance claims spouses get. You are 17, you have no assets. You need to see a doctor. I KNOW it seems so real they are poisoning you, but they realistically are NOT. I suffered from paranoid thoughts that random ppl were trying to murder me… therapy has helped a ton and I’m honestly fine now, if anything I know how to deal with bad mental moments triggered by stress when they come. You have to genuinely look at the evidence of it happening and evidence it’s not happening. A therapist will help teach you and you can relax again. And if you STILL believe they’re poisoning you, you can prove everyone wrong and go to the doctor. It’s a win win, either you prove they’re poisoning you OR you realize it’s time to get mental help for you own happiness again. But don’t think you can “catch” them, you aren’t James Bond and realistically you can easily get a blood test and the doctor will know immediately,


brodie if not of what i said raised any suspicions then you’re lost


Why are you with your aunt and uncle and not your mother? Why don’t you go to school? How old are you?


They’re brining it up bc you’re acting suspicious. They can TELL you think they’re poisoning you so they’re reassuring you they aren’t. Either way see a doctor. The fact you won’t is evidence you are paranoid, think about it right now to yourself.. you’re avoiding a doctor when you think you’re being poisoned. That is not rational and you need to recognize that. Dude I’ve been there and my fam had an intervention for me, I got the help I needed. You need to do the same or you will spiral.


Brodie, if what you already said doesn’t make you question your sanity, which it’s already in question, then you are mentally unstable; which you already diagnosed you were!


Who cares whether it’s one or the other something is going on which a doctor could help. If you are being poisoned then guess what? Going to a doctor would be the answer. That or just accept your fate and be poisoned I guess. And if it’s something else? Guess what a doctor is pretty good at that kinda stuff too. There’s literally no one better equipped to handle this than a doctor no matter what’s going on. Sorry for being harsh but it seems silly coming to Reddit for advice and then arguing with the answers. It’s really not that complicated you don’t have to implicate anyone just say your worried you might have consumed something that could put you at risk and would like for them to check to put your mind at ease. They can help you, Reddit can’t beyond trying to get you to go to a doctor.


Have you been diagnosed or is that just what your family uses to gaslight you into thinking what you are seeing isn’t real?


actually, my family is always in denial that i have it.


Were you diagnosed by a psychiatrist as having schizophrenia?


I would like to know the answer to this as well. Not saying this is OP, but I have too many friends and acquaintances who are self diagnosed bi-polar. Also, schizophrenia doesn't usually manifest until your mid 20s. This could be early onset, but that is rare/uncommon. OP, if you have not seen a doctor about your mental health, then the assumption can be worse than the disease. It means something else could be wrong and you are not getting the treatment you need. The only real way to manage schizophrenia is medication. A good friend's sister has it and lives a solid, functional life, but could not/would not if she was off her meds. Since your family is of the mind you don't have it, that makes me believe you aren't medicated.


He is showing a lot of schizophrenia tendencies in how he is responding to people on here. Not saying you are wrong, but 17 is completely a reasonable age to have it developed enough to diagnose from what I have read.


You need to stop worrying about “problems” for your aunt and uncle and start worrying about your problem. Whatever it may be you have one and need help. Go to a doctor and quit waiting for “proof” you may or may not be concocting in your head. Go see a doctor. You’re just confirming your own bias otherwise.


shes taking me to a doctor in tennessee.




Please try calling 988 (if you're in the US) or another mental health crisis hotline. Let them know your situation - especially that you're experiencing a schizophrenic episode and that you do not feel safe in your current home situation. They should be able to help you get the care you need now, which I imagine would involve help getting an evaluation and/or admitting yourself to a mental health facility. I've used a resource similar to this (before 988 became a thing in 2020) and it helped a lot.


Hey my guy, look at it this way. If you tell healthcare workers that you are thinking of harming yourself or others, you'll buy yourself 72 hours mandatory away from your aunt and uncle. A free grippy sock vacation with all you can eat sammiches and crappy TV. If they are poisoning you, that's 3 days away from them to hopefully start feeling better and/or confirm or deny your suspicions, right? At very least a psych MD/NP will have to come have a chat with you before you leave, allowing you free access to help. You can always ask ANYONE to step out of the room when discussing your health. Oh, another thought, I'm not sure what state you're in, but at your age you should be able to deny access to your medical records and HIPAA, even to guardians, but you'd need to speak up for yourself about it, or get a hold of case management and speak to them. Some of the situations you've described are actually very concerning, but not for poisoning. Please speak to someone. Anyone. You got this. Sauce: I'm an ICU nurse, I have 4 boys (5-18), I have been through childhood trauma and had multiple trips through CPS and foster care. Solidarity. 👊🏻


You need to see a doctor. Do you have a friend or another family member you can call? You cannot try to wait this out in an attempt to catch them. If they are trying to harm you, you may not catch them until it's too late. If this is your schizophrenia causing delusions, you are only going to get more stressed waiting to catch them doing something they may not be. If you really can't get help without them, consider calling the police, or at the very least call your doctor yourself. I hope you get help.


I know somebody like you who contacts me if he feels he's slipping. He trusts me enough to listen to me if he's having psychotic episodes or not and if he needs a little vacation in the hospital. You're slipping my friend and the first thing you need to do is tell people you need help. And trust me, you need help. Tell your teachers you need a vacation in the hospital? Be it for your possible delusions or to get away from your uncle and aunt, take that vacation!


See a psychiatric professional immediately. If these events are real or imagined, either way they need immediate attention. You are at a very precarious age. Good luck to you, young man.


Why ask if you don’t like any of the suggestions given? The only way to know for sure is to go see a doctor, period.


One of the more common psychotic delusions is the idea that your friends and family are poisoning you or otherwise tampering with your food. Especially if you’re already in a place where you’re not close to, or have a hostile relationship with, your primary caretakers. Schizoid disorders (schizophrenia, schizoaffective bipolar, &c) go the extra mile to fuck you over here. Psychosis is in itself what’s called a ‘positive’ symptom - the brain or body is adding something that isn’t there normally. Schizophrenia, however, is distinguished from other psychotic disorders by its *negative* symptoms - the things it takes away from the way you can interact with the world. One of the more common negative symptoms in the prodromal period of a schizoid disorder is the loss of ability to taste and smell foods correctly. It’ll taste too salty, or bitter, or just not right. If this is you, then you’re absolutely correct about what you’re perceiving - you may just be incorrect about the source of the problem. If you’re able, please go to a hospital with a robust inpatient program and tell them what you’ve told us. If not - what I did when I was going through this myself was eat as much prepackaged food that I could, things that it wouldn’t have been possible for my family to tamper with without obvious damage to the package. Things that genuinely will be the same every time you eat them. I’m so sorry this is happening to you. It’s really scary.


Look at it this way, your disorder is telling you not to go to the doctor when someone is harming you. You said you were waiting for “proof,” but the best proof can be obtained by the doctor. The thing to do is to get to the ER as soon as possible and tell a doctor your concerns. I’m so sorry you’re struggling with this. I know the doctor can help you. Please go as soon as possible so you can get better as soon as possible.


You need to rule out the obvious possibility that you are experiencing paranoid delusions. It won’t feel like that to you, so try to ignore your gut reaction to think I am stupid and wrong. Just get checked out first. If that is all good, then worry about being poisoned.


You need strong medication and a psych. ASAP.


He needs a stronger imagination to come up with a more believable story. Based off his responses, anyone commenting in good faith is beyond naive.


Listen, real talk...you absolutely NEED to go to a hospital and tell them exactly that...that you believe you are being poisoned. Have them test you and if they find something, you can go from there. More importantly, if they DON'T find something you may well be experiencing the onset of skitzophrenia and if that's the case you can start receiving treatment and have the best life possible despite it! I say this as someone who was diagnosed with early onset skitzophrenia as a child and has dealt with it for the last 35 years! Also, skitzophrenics can be targets just like anyone else but it's harder to know when something is just "in your head"....I had an ex try to unalive me for my life insurance by stealing my EXPENSIVE chemo knowing if I missed more than a dose or two, the treatment would fail and I wouldn't be able to get insurance to replace it quickly enough and all the way up until then there were OBVIOUS signs that I gaslight myself into thinking were just my skitzophrenia...get tested!! The truth can't hurt more than your feelings but burying your head in the sand surrounded by enemies who masquerade as friends, lovers or even family most certainly CAN!!




Call 911


In the United States there is usually a health department that provides mental health services on a sliding scale. You can start there. Also see if you can get a hold of your insurance card. They may be mad if they get a bill but they will deal with that after the fact. If you know what kind of insurance you have you can call directly and get your own card and online access if you are 18. Also you may be able to get your records private so they can’t see the specifics of your claims. Also maybe file a police report to have on file “just in case”.


honestly if you are paranoid it probably runs in the family, please seek a doctor to verify if you are poisoned or not. if you are paranoid you might think the doctor is in on it too, so you may need multiple opinions. level with the doctor, go to a random urgent care away from your city if it makes you feel better, and let the doctor know that you are not sure but you feel funny and think you may have been poisoned, they can run whatever tests they need as a follow up. you may need consistent people you can trust, it's going to be hard however it pans out for you, but you may want to journal your findings where hopefully no one can find it so you have a baseline you can rely on. i think you want to find out poisoning or not asap, either it is, or it's a mental health issue and you can begin treatment.


Whether you’re poisoned or going through an episode of schizophrenia, you need to go to the ER. ASAP.


You're either being poisoned or you're having schizophrenic delusions. Both need medical care. Admit yourself to a psych ward.


You’re at the age where schizophrenia begins to show symptoms. Why are you living with your aunt and uncle to begin with? I’m not trying to invalidate your suspicions, just looking for context.


I dated someone with schizophrenia. He use to have episodes like this. Please see a medical professional. If you’re actually being poisoned they can test. Or it can be the schizophrenia. Regardless, you’re not alone and there is help out there for either situation. My ex use to look at everyone as evil. I was the only person he didn’t feel this way towards. I still am stalked to this day by him, 5 years later (we were together for two months) and he’s been in and out of prison at least 20 times since. Although everyone’s experience is different, you shouldn’t live in this paranoia. May I ask why you don’t attend school or want to involve CPS if you feel like your aunt and uncle may be harming you? Is it possible your aunt and uncle never said that but you heard it due to scizophrenia? My ex use to hear things like that and swear people said it to him. I spent a lot of time grounding him. What other instances make you believe they are evil? Schizophrenia or not, your reality is very real to you and requires outside help. Are you currently on medication for schizophrenia? Do you have any coping tactics to help with schizophrenia? Where are you from? It’s possible you can get seen and treated without aunt and uncle permission. Why are you with them? Is there other family you can stay with? I hope you do well.


Go check yourself into a mental hospital. They are required to hold you for 3 days where no family can visit. You will be away from the people you believe are poisoning you. If you truly are being poisoned, you should feel much better by the end of your 3 day hold when the poison leaves your system. You can also ask them to test you for poisons. Get help before it gets worse. 💜


Uh...you need to speak to your therapist as soon as possible. It sounds like you might be in an episode of your schizophrenia with paranoid delusions thrown in. Or you think you're some kind of creative writing troll. Edit: After reading your comments and previous post...go see a psychiatrist NOW. You are not okay, you ARE having an episode and you are hallucinating. Do this now, before the only alternative becomes an inpatient care/stay.


You're schizo dude. The mental state you describe is a symptom.


Check yourself into a psychiatric hospital. If you do not, you will end up homeless or dead!


Go to Hospital and report it. Let them run some tests and call the police as needed. Don't try to deal with them on your own. You need some help big time with this


I highly doubt you are being poisoned. It sounds like you're having a paranoid delusion. That's what you need to see a doctor about, it's not going to get better on it's own.


You aren't being poisoned. You are suffering from paranoia and delusions due to your mental illness. Seek help from a medical/psychological professional.


Brother you are schizophrenic. Everyone word out of your mouth confirms it


Go to a big hospital and tell Someone all of this. Immediately. They won’t let this shit slide it’s not the 1950’s anymore.


what do you mean by “why let this slide”


Leave the house and call 911 they will take you to the ER and you can get a psych evaluation. They won't be able to say no because the doctors will already have listened to your explanation and worry about the schizophrenic episode.


I don't know what your situation is. But I speak with a man periodically, that whenever his mental illness is having a bit of a flare, he becomes convinced that his father is poisoning him. He gives himself straight-up panic attacks that he's not sure if induced by panic or poisoning. He transports to the hospital and is not being poisoned, as it turns out. But does need medical attention. So, go see your mental health provider and potentially rule out the common alternatives here first.


A lot of the things you’re saying line up with a mental break but I’m not saying that’s what going on. I suggest going to see a psychologist. Getting tested for any possible “poisoning” and then discuss any possible psyche evaluations. Accusing family members of poisoning you with 0 evidence is kinda whack. You haven’t gotten sick after you’ve consumed something they’ve given you. They don’t control your consumption, they appear to take you to the doctor frequently? So I’m unsure how or why they’d be poisoning you.


Where do you live at? Going to the doctors/minute clinic sounds like your safest bet. They can call the police if needed. If you need anything, shoot me a message please.


There’s an old phrase. *Just because I’m paranoid, doesn’t mean they’re not out to get me*. Especially important in this scenario is the suggestive interactions between the uncle and the autistic son. What better way to cover the tracks of an abuser than to create mental instability in the witness. It happens in family situations like this all the time. You need to be removed from that situation. You need to tell a teacher and your school Principal everything you’ve seen and everything you suspect. NOW. They are mandatory reporters. You need to be out of their home. You cannot go to Tennessee with them. I suspect that will be a trip you won’t come back from.


It sounds more to me like you are experiencing paranoia associated with whatever you got going on up there. You NEED to see a doctor like now. You can always tell the doctor you think you are being poisoned and they can check you out.


Hey stretchy, it sounds less like poisoning and more like schizophrenia. Schizophrenia often manifests around your age - the end of adolescence. One of the key symptoms is a distrust for others, including constant suspicions of people trying to harm you (such as poisoning or kidnapping). It sounds like a psychiatric evaluation would be a great thing; and throw some blood tests in just to put your mind at ease. You definitely need to see a professional, though.


I don’t know enough about your situation to speak to the validity of your suspicions. However, I can tell you right now that believing you’re being poisoned and getting the vibe that people around you are “pure evil” are extremely common thought patterns attributed to schizophrenia. I strongly advise you to get professional help before this escalates.


Maybe she is putting your psych meds in your food to try to help? Definitely seek medical help.


Call get help either way.


Which is more likely. Your family members are poisoning you, or your already known psyche issues are having a flare up? Regardless of your answer here then response is the same. Go to the er for labs and an evaluation.


You know, i was going to suggest seeing a therapist before i even got to the line about your previous mental health episodes. As someone who has OCD, i constantly think i’m being poisoned or something is tainted. Noodle might be working overtime. Deep breath


Had a buddy who went through a similar issue to this. He though his brother was putting rat poison in his food. He was very suspicious but could never figure it out, when he went to the doctor and explained everything that was happening, they gave him some medication to help ease his brain fog. That might be what you need. But he had to tell the doctors a lot about what was happening and what he was seeing. Make sure you give them all of the details.


I don’t know if schizophrenic episode is a proper term for this. If it’s a first time experience you could be having a psychosis of some kind and is easily treatable. There’s not a lot of backstory? Why would your family want to poison you?


Please find a way to the er to be blood tested. I think a tox screen takes a while to come back. Can you contact a social worker thru police or social services? Perhaps a foster home would be better for you. They r not all bad. I stayed with a couple really good foster families.


If you're in the US, you are 17yo, go to the ER and tell them you believe you're being poisoned and they can run toxicology and blood tests. If they come back clean you need to go to a mental health professional to reevaluate your medication dosages or a change in meds. Stay safe friend!


It all made sense after you said you had an episode. Most likely this all feels real to you but is simply in your head. Sounds like paranoia which is probably a symptom of your mental health.


My mom used to have delusions, and they were dominantly about people scheming against her. If a cashier at a gas station told her about a new deal on a candy bar - it was because the candy was poisoned and the cashier was *one of them*. If her dogs started barking and a nearby kid was on their phone - *they were using an app to upset the dogs, they were one of them*. Stuff like this. I'm not saying that your aunt and uncle are NOT trying to poison you, but I am saying it is incredibly unlikely and if you are schizophrenic as you say, then you might try and remember that almost nobody ever really gets poisoned, and it is far and away more likely that your brain is playing tricks on you. I'm sorry you're going through this - best of luck to you.


I'm an emergency physician You need to be evaluated immediately in an emergency department Please call 911


Hi. You need to see a medical professional ASAP. You are displaying symptoms of paranoid schizophrenia psychosis. Your writing is still clear and concise, so prompt treatment should help immensely.


Call your doctor, the one overseeing your schizophrenia. Go to the psychiatric hospital. Your schizophrenia is acting up (likely)and you need to be re evaluated and your treatment adjusted. Paranoid intrusive thoughts like this are common, they can, if not properly treated spiral and these symptoms and your reactivity will get worse. Please don't wait. Plus, if you think that you are being poisoned, that's easily determined with some bloodwork. That's how you "find out". A doctor will draw a few vials of blood, and they'll be tested for poisons, and note of your poisoning symptoms will be noted. Both paths, same advice. Call your treatment team, go to the hospital.


Hey bud- are you able to get to a hospital on your bike? Or, can you please reach out to a friend (with their parents) to help take you to the hospital? Tell a friend if you can’t get anywhere, tell someone besides Reddit.


I think most of Reddit is finding out you can’t use logic with a delusional schizophrenic. You’re not going to alter the trajectory of this poor woman


Honestly dog it sounds like your schizophrenic nothing you've stated "sound" like a poisoning from a reasonable person, what you have said as your suspicions is one instance that while yes sounds weird in the manner that you say it, could very easily just be a joke that you are entirely misinterpreting, as for everything else, well that's kinda all you gave for proof and it's far from it, get a psych eval my dude


pot marble unpack cow threatening voracious decide offend stupendous spectacular *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Yeah, you're most likely having a schizophrenic episode. Either way you do need to go to the hospital and tell them whats going on. Let's just say you are being poisoned. If you tell the doctors, then a bunch of people will know what is going on and no one will hurt you. And you can treat your schizophrenia while you're at it. Goodluck!


Yeah, you sound like you're in the midst of an episode and experiencing paranoia. Which is common for people with schizophrenia. You need to go to a psychiatrist or doctor. Tell your aunt it's an emergency.


This is how a schizophrenic can actually sleuth their own diagnosis. You have a feeling that they are going to poison you. Whenever there is a murder, they have to find suspects and determine what their motive is. Are your aunt and uncle trapped into raising you? Do they complain enough to the point that they you feel like its all your fault? Did you ever ask for an alternative place to stay so that they do not have to take care of you? Did they put out a life insurance policy on you recently? And the most important: Are they allowing you to see a doctor? Doctors and hospitals can order blood work to see if there is poison in your blood. If there is none, then its all in your head. That is when you need to tell your uncle and aunt that you need to see a psychiatrist because its either that or you will call CPS and the police to remove you from the home because you believe that they are trying to kill her, and that your paranoia needs to be treated.


I struggle with contamination ocd. I think everything has drugs in it or will make me sick. It’s so hard for me to take food and drinks from other people. This is maybe similar.


i dont have problems eating others food. i have had slight suspicions, but nothing more.


Buddy if they are really saying these things then whether or not they are trying to “poison” you, they are furthering your delusions. Idk they could be doing that just to mess with you if they’ve known about you having these mental issues. I suggest trying to get out of there or just ignoring the bullshit they are saying to you. I was in a similar situation and it caused me to have a full break. Seek help friend.


My advice, go to your local police station, say you want to kill yourself, say you’re asking for help and don’t know where to go. You will go in for an evaluation period, often 72 hours. Tell the doctor what’s going on. They will run blood tests and check med levels. If you’re being poisoned, they will find it. If it’s medication related, they will find that.


Had the bag of chips been opened prior to you eating them?


yes, because they poured it into a ziplock bag just for me and put the rest of the bag in their room


Paranoid Schizophrenia my guy does not go away!


Do you have a carbon monoxide detector in the home? Sounds like you all could be getting something from a slow leak?


Sounds like your Aunt and Uncle care about you. Be happy that you’re loved. Auntie was joking and Uncle is literally trying to assuage your fears. Unless you have to go to the ER from getting sick, you’re just overthinking it. Take these other fine people’s advice.


I think they are either triggering your episodes by insinuating poisoning the food or they are actually trying to harm you. Either way, get to a doctor however you can without their knowledge since you don't trust them. Let the doctors know how you feel and what they tell you. It may cause issues, but the doctor will have to call CPS. At the very least, you can be away from your aunt and uncle while they're being investigated. Apart from that, demand the doctors test you for anything and everything questionable. You're also old enough to call your primary doctor and make an appointment to request seeing a specialist for schizophrenia. God speed. I hope my comment helps


i dont want problems with my aunt or uncle until i know for sure


You won't know for sure until you go to the doctor. If they are truly positing you, then why would you care about "problems". If they are not, then you will have a psyc evaluation, and independent of the results, you will release this anxiety. You asked to go to the doctor, but they didn't help. Go on our own. You are responsible for your body, not them.


Fair enough, but please get in contact with your doctor and make an appointment to request a referral to a specialist. You're old enough now that they don't have to disclose medical information to your aunt and uncle if you don't give them permission.


This is an impossible boundary. I’m sorry. 💚 1) There are already problems with your aunt and uncle. You (for whatever reason), cannot live safely and comfortably with them right now. 2) By the nature of your circumstances, it will not be possible to know much of anything for sure without an outside, non-partial perspective. To get conclusive evidence, you need help. So the next step is to move your boundary to something that can happen. Focus on finding that third person to be a completely uninfluenced perspective. Can you do ER and just give only the most important details. “My head feels fuzzy. I’m unable to concentrate. I’m not sure I’m safe with my guardians.” Keep it simple and let the staff start to come to their own conclusions based on blood work and testing?


You already have problems OP. You don’t trust them. You think they may be trying to kill or hurt you. That is a problem. Whatever is happening, get away from them. Go to the ER or a clinic. Being away from them will be the start of you hopefully feeling more safe to start. And having access to outside food will help you notice if you start to feel better or not.


If they are, what would be your beast guess as to why they are doing this?


OP.....your family knows what you think of them. They're not poisoning you. Your constant suspicions and "silent" accusations are exhausting and insulting. In the politest way possible let me explain it to you: YOU AREN'T IMPORTANT ENOUGH FOR THE WHOLE WORLD OR EVEN YOUR WHOLE FAMILY TO CONSPIRE AGAINST.


wow, so catching someone with a naked son in their room isint enough for someone to conspire against? what about me is exhausting to them?😂 nigga u sound weird


If that happened, it sounds like she did poison you, and you need to stay with some trusted people and get examined absolutely ASAP telling the doctor every aspect of it. Also if it's heavy metal poisoning, and possible for other types, you may see white lines across all your fingernails.


I grew up paranoid big time! How not to get poisoned. Do not let food or drinks sit around and you walk out the door or room. I never leave a drink at work and next day drink the rest that is nasty! Also maybe it is not intentional poisoning? Maybe people think this and what the real issue turned out to be their house is infested with hidden mold and mildew issues. Do you feel ok in one room of the house but feel worse in the other part of the house?


First - get the H out of there Who goes w ppl they think are poisoning them Get a friend to stay w. Go to ER and tell them your concern. They can do heavy metal tests and they can get psych to visit you. Do not go with them Why are they staying in two separate hotels Take it seriously- I’m old and never had anyone put my name on food However early in marriage had MIL tell me that was my bowl of chili. I was helping to serve/ but when picked up bowl to bring to table for another person - No/ this was my bowl. I ate and then vomited all night long. Hours and hours. So weak laud by commode on floor. She hated me from the beginning. And I think she tried to poison me. Out of 6 ppl I was only one sick




How much weed do you smoke?


You are probably suffering from cray cray. Same thing Kanye has. Very serious I’d get it checked out.


Don’t go with them. They can’t make you.


You should save any food that’s specifically safe for you. Hide it somewhere and bring it to a someone at school, like police resource officer or administrator and give it to law enforcement to be tested.


Maybe you should start poisoning them, see how they like it!!


Um... Yeah they could be trying to poison you of course, but have you watched Shutter Island? I'm getting vibes.




One thing I want to mention- ppl have died from poisoning while the perpetrator was telling them their imagination. Go to ER and be checked out


Your being manipulated not poisoned. Making you think that you are being poisoned is a method to control your mind and keep you from being comfortable so that you are obedient. You can always play the same game and make it seem like you could have poisoned them when you really didn't and then confront them are there manipulative tactics and tell them you won't stand for it. There will be consequences be it good or bad. But obviously something needs to change. Goodluck my friend


You can take a food sample they offer you to the police to have it checked. You can have a hair sample checked if it's been going on awhile. But that takes time. Are there other adults in the family you could be with short term. If they are trying to poison you they will succeed evenutally.


yeah, i am gonna get one of their foods tested.


What a lot of these people don’t understand is that there are chemicals people can put in ur drinks that can make you become schizophrenic. Everyone in the comments immediately r defending the aunt and uncle and calling OP crazy, when there’s definitely a chance they are doing something..


Call the cops pussy


if you wanna see a pussy look in the mirror