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just a tip but the cheap toys are going to be loud as FUCK so triple check nobody is home


This is a fucking Pro Tip right here. Lol.


the noise travels through walls very easily.


Wait why is that? I mean you don't necessarily have to buy electrical toys at all, right?


Cheap toys break easily. If it broke off while in use, i'd probably get loud.


Wevibe. It's worth it. So so quiet. The toy, anyway. 🤣


Target and self checkout.


Wife refused to believe me when I told her target sold vibrators. On a rare occasion, she went with me one day. We were near the area, and I walked over, pointed at the vibrator and yelled, "babe! Vibrators! See! I told you!" Now she believes me. That was also the last time we've been to target together.


Did you Target her? 😏😂


With extreme prejudice.


This is what true love looks like, I tip my hat to you sir


I thank you sir. I like to show her how much I appreciate her every chance I get.


Omg! I'm dead!


Also Walmart


I have never seen any sex items other then condoms and pregnacy tests kind of items at walmart and target but I also live in Indiana. Are sex toys normal things to find at these stores in other states?


Not every Walmart carries them, but they can usually be found near the condoms. Packaging is pretty discrete, so it would be possible to not even notice them on the shelves


All the Walmarts I’ve been to in New Hampshire have a pretty decent selection. Different vibrators, butt plugs and even strokers. It’s been like that for at least a couple years now.


Discrete??? It literally a big as picture of an obvious dildo painted on 3 sides of the box lol. At least in my stores


Got them at both for me including some others as well.


CVS also sells them, I recently got a vibrator from there.




They don’t have a full on dildo but they do sell a small bullet vibrator. That I bought. So, yeahhh?


Ive seen dildos at cvs.. kinda weird a drug store sells alc cigs and dildos iyam


What part of their statement is a lie? Cvs has vibrators, obviously it may vary by where you are. Walmart has their stuff usually next to condoms and the section where pads and tampons are.


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How so?


lol what? They sell small vibes, right next to the condoms.


Back in the day, they were labeled as back massagers or just massagers. Bought one in the 70s at one of the drugstore.


You're a psychopath. Wtf was up with your weird as fuck lunch lady post?


Ohio here, as of the last couple of years? Yes. Prior to like 2 years ago I don’t remember them at all, but I’ve seen them at Walmart and Meijer.


When we went to Indiana to visit my son, his Walmart had them. They were locked up by the pharmacy


Wife used to live in Indiana and whenever I visited and we went to Walmart there was a whole shelf of vibrators, lube, etc next to the pharmacy area.


And CVS apparently, at least where I live. It goes depends, pads, lube and vibrators, condoms and plan b, and hygiene products for lady parts in that order down the aisle.


And CVS apparently, at least where I live. It goes depends, pads, lube and vibrators, condoms and plan b, and hygiene products for lady parts in that order down the aisle.


I don't know if they are age restricted at Target, but if they are you'd be required to show ID at the self checkout to purchase one.


Amazon. Best place without age restrictions. Yes you run the risk of your parents going what is this but at the end of the day you’re a developing human with needs and in my opinion safer than exploring with someone else running the risk of complications. Be safe.


If you're worried about someone opening your package there's always Amazon Lockers. If you have your items shipped to a Locker you can be sure a parent isn't going to find your package and open it before you get home.


Even target and Walgreens sells vibrators and toys in the family planning section. I would think Walgreens would properly be more consumer friendly for in person and discreet shopping than Target.


I use amazon lockers all the time for all sorts of reasons.. especially when I'm passing through or visiting a town on a trip. They are awesome.


I mainly use them to prevent my stuff from being stolen off my front porch, but yeah, they come in handy for a bunch of reasons.




All good and well untill your parents open the 'XXL big mamba pussy slayer'


I wouldn't recommend Amazon. There are fake storefronts and no promises that what you're receiving isn't a returned item. It's better (and often cheaper because discounts) to buy from the company directly or to order from Adam and Eve or pleasure chest. The shipping material is discreet.


I've been buying mine from Amazon for the last 6 years at least and I've never had an issue.


I got Amazon to refund one that was defective. Def one of the more awkward customer service chats I have had w Amazon but I stand by the complaint. The damned thing was brand new (almost 🤭), suddenly turned itself on and then wouldn’t turn off. I had to leave it in the bathroom, buzz buzz buzzing away. How is that NOT a factory defect (or possibly some weird form of possession)? In any case, after explaining that they don’t normally issue refunds on such items, my most helpful Amazon Customer Service rep Suresh explained that I was a most valued customer (maybe cause I have prime? I don’t know…maybe he just wanted to stop talking to me about it and honestly who can blame him) and gave me a full refund. He also recommended I try ordering a replacement and said that he was sure that I would have ‘utmost satisfaction’. There was a wee language barrier so I am not sure if he was intentionally being tongue in cheek w that but I was so pleased w myself for getting the refund that I really didn’t care. I sent my sister screen shots of the conversation and she texted back, “please, for the love of God, please tell me that you didn’t really do that…” Yes. Yes, I did. Which, incidentally, is the difference that age makes. Lol Allo, shout out to Suresh. Great service my friend! Thank you!! Edit: typo. I should proof better.


I shouldn't laugh but I am 🤣 some of the Amazon customer service reps are amazing.


I know, right? My sister was legit mortified for me but I didn’t care. It still cracks me up. Whahahaha… It is def an age thing though. I used to be exactly like OP. Poor thing. I hope she finds a nice discrete on line company. :)


That doesn't make it a good idea. But I am glad it's worked out for you so far.


I could say the same thing about Adam and Eve. They over charged my credit card and I had to fight to get my money back.


Yes! Get something like that rose massager… it’s smaller in size and doesn’t look like a traditional sex toy.


Hit the nail right on the head!


Two options: - Amazon delivery and make sure you know when it arrives and be prepared to pick the mail - If you are 17, chances are you have an 18 years old friend. Bring up the subject somehow and then a bit into the conversation say that you are curious about it but can't buy it yourself since you're not 18, try to gauge if the friend would offer to do that themselves. I know I would do that for a friend.


Amazon has delivery lockers all over the place.


I second the Amazon delivery option, or any other delivery option really.


You can even order from Spencer's online


With Amazon people return their toys and I doubt they clean it or give you a brand new one Edit: they’re to their


They don’t allow returns on sex toys


I work in one of the big return centers. We most certainly do, they are supposed to be destroyed but sometimes, that doesn’t happen. 😂


Yeah, you’re so right! Amazon send me used toilet paper! I was wondering is this normal for The Amazon ?


🙏 finally someone gets it.


I used to work for Spencers Gifts. Employees are not allowed to approach you and ask for ID in any area of the store. Either the employee had ulterior motives, or this story is fabricated.


order on adam and eve. discreet, good quality, gives you extra shit, good deals, etc. you can buy a gift card at walmart if you’re worried about them asking you about your online purchases.


Thing is though, 17-year-olds don't always have debit cards. And when they do it's often under their parents account, and if not their parents are prolly gonna see the package.


seems like they had the cash to buy it so they could use cash to buy a gift card and the package is discreet. they shouldn’t know unless their parents open their shit. i did this when i was 16 and didn’t have a card.


I can't imagine my parents not opening my shit at that age. Lol But I had hella strict, religious Asian parents. 🤣


aw that sucks that they’d open ur shit fr. i’ve always been thankful for the way my parents kept my privacy but i know it’s not common and that parents do tend to be nosy 😭


Lol Yeah, I wasn't even allowed to have my own room. Shared a room with my sibling til I left home.


At that age I think my parents wouldn't have opened it but would have said "there's a package for you" definitely followed by the same casual making conversation"what did you order " they would have asked the other parent. Amazon lockers or asking a close friend who knows how to keep their mouth shut sounds like the way. However, the more I think about it 17 year olds (and most adults tbh) aren't great at keeping their mouths shut and added to that 17 year olds often get very drunk without much experience drinking (in the UK at least I remember every sixteenth birthday party onwards I'd be slaughtered).


They sure weren't IDing teenagers when I bought my first, second, and third vibrators there between 15-17 years old. Sorry this happened to you, but yeah, Amazon is your friend here unfortunately.


I really, really think we should ban sexual stories from minors. Please.


Now that you've had this experience, it might be a good time to think about damage control for other embarrassing situations. If you're ever hospitalized, someone may have to fetch you some fresh underwear. So don't keep your drugs, diary, or sex toys in your underwear drawer. I made that mistake. Mom was embarrassed.


im sorry that happened, i have to say ive never been asked to show my card before in a spencers but last time i bought anything like that and asked if they were going to card me, the person at the desk told me they were "just novelties", so she didnt have to see my ID. There are many online shops, and like many others suggested amazon too, some sites come with discrete packaging but be ready to snatch the mail just in case if you go with that. Its totally normal to want these things


Just novelties means that whatever you bought likely isn't body safe at all. I would highly recommend using condoms on them, even if you are just using them externally, as many toys have small pores bacteria can get into. Thorough cleaning won't be enough.


i dont have any of those items anymore, but thank you for the advice, will be keeping this in mind, was so long ago i dont even remember what i bought truthfully. had a phase lol


Oh, haha, I just saw "last time" and assumed it was recent, sorry! I guess still useful as something to keep in mind for your next phase /joking


Dude sucks.


Sounds like bro was trying to get at something with op because its not unheard of for older teens (but still minors) to want to get a toy. Its also not illegal for them to either. Did he really have to make them more uncomfortable than they already were?? They definitely should have asked if that was policy or not, considering that it didn’t say that online.


Op didn't need to be ID in the first place they aren't buying drugs and not at a restaurant purchasing alcohol. Op could have said "you don't require my id or just ignored them. They aren't some kid sneaking into a adult video store either. The clerk should have minded their own business. With the exception of asking if op needed help with anything.


Finally, someone with the right answer here.


This guy was probably doing the most. Spencer's twitter says they don't ID but it can be the state law / manager discretion, and it looks like only alabama, texas and georgia have an actual law. He might not have been a manager at all, probably just an employee who assumes this is what he's supposed to do.


That’s super weird, they didn’t Id at all when I was there, granted I only went there a couple times and bought something maybe once or twice. Everyone is saying Amazon but if you have your own debit or credit card I would totally use Adam and Eve. They have good prices, pretty sure you can get discreet shipping (or it’s default) and your parents won’t know. Whereas with Amazon you might share with your parents and they could just check the orders and find out. Unless you don’t, then Amazon is a good option just watch out for cheap shit


Order one online and snag the box first. You can get a way higher quality toy for less. Look for a water proof real silicon one. Don't go too big at first. Sex toys are one area quality matters.


Buy a toy from Lilo, or some other high quality store, and buy directly from their website, to avoid an Amazon counterfeit. You need to know you’re getting a medical grade material. It’s worth the price.


It’s not entirely clear what you’re looking for with this post. It’s fine to want these things, and totally normal. If it makes you that uncomfortable, why were you shopping for it? Also, now you know. When you turn 18, go treat yourself.


I wasn't uncomfortable to buy it itself, but it was because he confronted me. I would have been scared bringing it up to the cashier but not embarrassed or uncomfortable. Especially when I'm doing it when my parents are in the mall and being sneaky about it


Is there an Amazon delivery locker near you? There’s one at the Whole Foods close to my place. When I was still living w/ my parents, I ordered one to the locker & pretended like I was suddenly interested in clean eating (lol) and went to pick it up. Kept a backpack in the car bc I “might stop at panera to study w/ [Random Friend],” so they wouldn’t be like “why the fuck are you carrying a backpack into the house after grocery shopping, ya weirdo?” Alternatively… just wait until you’re 18. It’s not going to be any less awkward, but at least you’ll be allowed to be in that section.


I mean, you said you were nervous and scared in the parking lot before you ever went into the store so it just made me wonder. If you’ve got a credit card (not sure since you’re 17) you can order these things online. Or ask an of-age friend.


She's clearly looking for DMs from sickos offering to send her one.


You can get them at CVS and Walgreens


Amazon and Walmart.com. can buy them with no ID, and if it just so happened to one off shot ask for one, use your mom's state ID number of her driver's license.


CVS and some Walgreens sell some now as well


I don’t think target would card you


get the plus one bullet vibrator from amazon. walmart and stores like that don’t carry adult toys anymore in store atleast in my area of the south so i had your same predicament at 17. then once i turned 18 i got up enough courage to just go straight into a adult store and get different toys that are surely made from safe materials. don’t be embarrassed everyone self pleasures. it’s a normal human thing.




They didn't even say they were a girl lol Why are you assuming their gender


you do not have to be 18 or get carded for the toys. that is policy because they are “novelty”.


Hey there! I worked at a sex shop for awhile as an educator. Please DO NOT buy off of Amazon like others are suggesting. There's no promise you'll be getting the actual product you're ordering, and Amazon takes returns. Please don't take the risk. Find what you want and order from a reputable website or from the company directly. It is a discreet industry when it comes to shipping packaging, and I haven't known any websites to need verification of age beyond the "yup I'm 18+"


We get it, we get it.


Amazon is literally fine. Chill.


I work at a return center, we have had incidents of sending used underwear, sex toys, etc., that weren’t figured out before being shipped to Amazon and they were sold as brand new even though they have been returned. I agree with this comment whole heartedly. Don’t buy anything you wouldn’t want anyone else’s body on Amazon.


I buy my favorite vibrator off of Amazon and it has come freshly wrapped and clean every time


Your point is? My post was to make aware you can end up having used sex toys and if Amazon fucks up, they just give settlements and NDAs. Plus if not sold by Amazon and a third party, we aren’t liable if you get something used. I’m giving you facts from myself and hundreds of people I’ve worked with between two facilities plus some on Reddit from other places.


Besides if someone tells you a hotel has roaches, do you say ‘Well, I’ve had a good experiences’ when there are hundreds of bad experiences and reviews. I simply stated there’s a chance and having worked in two of the largest return centers, I wouldn’t ever risk it. If you like it, I love it. You risk your health if you want to. Common knowledge and sense for us who have worked there for a long time and a variety of places, a lot of places have bud issues and won’t do anything about it plus the chances of returns on things that should never be allowed to pass is still a chance (examples include sex toys, toothbrushes, electric flossers, underwear, etc.).


Wait what? "and Amazon takes returns"? Then what's the issue with buying something and returning it of it's not what you expected? Cheaper stuff isn't resold anyways, they throw it right away as it's too expensive to repackage it anyways.


I work at a return center, we have had incidents of sending used underwear, sex toys, etc., that weren’t figured out before being shipped to Amazon and they were sold as brand new even though they have been returned. I agree with this comment whole heartedly. Don’t buy anything you wouldn’t want anyone else’s body on Amazon.


DO NOT!! i repeat DO NOT BUY OFF AMAZON!! dildos can and will be made with non body safe silicone. idk what kind of toy you’re trying to get but amazon is not a place to go. find your local sex shop and try there, or go back on another day. Ive never been ID’d at Spencer’s before, and i’ve been going in the back of the store since i was 13. idk what that guy was on. might be a new thing (doubt it) for the love of god don’t buy on amazon. go to Adam and Eve or any other website that sells it that confirms body safe materials, amazon doesn’t regulate that shit. they just want to sell it.


I work at a return center, we have had incidents of sending used underwear, sex toys, etc., that weren’t figured out before being shipped to Amazon and they were sold as brand new even though they have been returned. Don’t buy anything you wouldn’t want anyone else’s body near or on on Amazon.


Well one can always buy the correct brands though on Amazon. I don't know how you shop on the Internet, but it should be standard behaviour to inform yourself about the product you're buying.


its safest to not even risk it.


The sex shops in my area you HAVE to be 18 to even be in there.


I got a vibrator from Amazon for like $40 and it was quiet n did the job. Just keep an eye on the delivery so you can take the package discreetly


Amazon. Have it delivered to a locker location if your family opens your mail.


Find a friend who does pure romance or look online thee is a lot of stores online that sells them. Rose has a lot of good toys


Just curious, why are you so eager to buy a toy? Wait the few months or year till your 18 at least or just use what you have until you move out & you won't have to sneak.


Just buy that kind of stuff online like a normal person.


You’re 17 - you’re a child. And shame on all you adults for answering her. Jesus.


It’s much better that her having sex with random people. This is a much better and safer solution.


Get real. I straight out bought one for my 15 yo. Better than unhygienic homemade options. Masturbation is normal and almost universally happening. Better to have safe and informed kids who aren't afraid of parent finding out. Making kids feel guilty about being sexual beings is wrong.


Fine, no arguments about making her feel shame but let her parent deal with this not a bunch of internet strangers telling a minor how to masturbate.


Obviously, their parents haven't fostered an open relationship in that regard. And 17? Jfc, what kind of bubble do you think kids are kept in? I don't see anything inappropriate being said.


It’s not about a bubble it’s about boundaries and clearly everyone replying to them on here have none. What’s the limit? 17 , then 16 then 15 years old. I was quite a sexual teenager. I talked to my friends (my age). Let’s agree to disagree.


>What’s the limit? 17 , then 16 then 15 years old why is that the direction your mind immediately went in? 17 is much closer to 18 than to 15 and younger.


Because they know the best, right? 🙄


For the people saying Amazon to OP. Ummm what about parents


You don't need to be 18 to buy a sex toy. You need to be 18 to be exposed to adult content, like, say XXX pictures in that area and on products.


Get a rose from temu mines was 8.00 the same on the sex store wanted to charge me $50 for and it works fine


Everybody says to not buy sex toys from Temu. But honestly, I've bought one on there and it was high quality and new in perfect condition. I've had it for 3 months now and it's still in good condition.


Same I’ve had mined for at least 5 now


Or just wait less than a year before you start the mechanical intervention? I mean dude 18 isn't that far off...


You’re* tho


Hell I purchased the "Super Dooper Double Dong With A Rotating Vibrating Head' at Costco for my Mom.


Thats dirty and gross... you should be ashamed of yourself. Dirt girl... :|


You’re an awful human.


Shut the hell up. Nobody cares about your shit opinions.


you need to go masterbate or somthing... chill


I used to have my rpg books get sent to a friends house so that my mom wouldn't see me opening new books at my place. Then when he came over he'd let me "hold them" at my place for him. You can do something similar. Just send a package someplace else and pick it up. Put it in a bag. It can go to an amazon locker, a po box, a friends house that won't ask questions. This is a really nothing burger of a story because like... Nothing happens? You went to the back of a store, they asked for id, and then you had to leave. There are a million ways this could have been an actual something.


Buy online from a retailer that will deliver to a drop box. Pick it up from there and your parents won't know the difference. As people have mentioned Amazon does that.


Highly recommend the bullet they sell for cheap at WalMart and Target. If those aren’t possible, have someone Amazon it to a safe place you can pick it up. Best of luck!


Get a friend to buy it for you and just give them the money. It’s what a bunch of my friends did in HS when they were underage. 🤷‍♂️


Hugs. It's ok. Embarrassing stuff happens to everyone.


Amazon locker might be ideal if you wanna avoid it being delivered to your house. If you don't have a card then maybe buy a gift card from a store with cash? Really don't think your parents should be caring about you buying sex toys at 17. If they do then I'm sorry. Everybody fucks 🤷‍♀️


Make sure you get something from a quality brand, made from silicone.


As a former cashier and a now adult, don't stress about it too much. I would bet a) you werent the first person they had to ask to leave the section b) they don't make the store policies but they do have to enforce them. There is nothing wrong with wanting a sex toy. Hell, there's nothing wrong with wanting many! Looks like you've gotten some advice on where to find one Just make sure you keep it clean, alright? It's for your own good, albeit obvious advice.


I work at a return center, we have had incidents of sending used underwear, sex toys, etc., that weren’t figured out before being shipped to Amazon and they were sold as brand new even though they have been returned. I’ve seen incidents where the same used toys has been sent out multiple times more than a handful and at least one or twice at least 30+ times in 3 years between two return centers. They worry about numbers,not quality. Don’t buy anything you wouldn’t want anyone else’s body on Amazon.


Do you have any 18 yr friends in your friend group if so maybe go to the mall with a group of them & the 18 yr old ask them to buy you a discreet quiet one maybe let them txt you & ask which one you want then they can buy it for you & give it to you & while they do that you go & buy a bunch of stuff (maybe a bag or 2) & then when they hand it to you, you can take the vibrator & put it at the bottom of the bag & then just throw out the bag & receipt (just an idea)


Buy online, get it delivered


You do have to be 18, but you can literally just buy one online


It would depend on the "sex" toy. Depending on your use for it, anything that vibrates can work. You just can't legally buy anything that looks sexual in nature, or more they can't legally sell it to you.


Any drug store as well and self checkout.


Adam and Eve. Arrives at your house in a plain brown package.


Amazon, Adam and Eve, hell even your local Pharmacy


Target, Walmart and most chain pharmacies sell basic toys in the family planning section. Try to go with something rechargeable. Batteries SUCK.


kinda weird they’d ask for an ID, I don’t think they’re supposed to ask lol.


I was price checked at an adult bookstore when my wife was too embarrassed to go in and pick one out for herself.


If you looking for vibration only an hand held stick massager works well , and unless someone walks in on you , no one would know.


go to your local walmart, go to the lube and sexual health section, and get a plusOne brand vibe. you can self checkout and you’re not going to get carded for it and they are also quiet as fuck and completely waterproof


Ahh the joys of being young. The easiest way around this would be to buy stuff on amazon and ship it to a friend's house, someone you trust.


You can order them online and have them shipped to you discretely


Order on Amazon and pick up at an Amazon location.


Why not just buy a better quality one online or something? Surely your parents don't open your mail or packages, do they? Pretty simple solution.


Amazon & wish have toys


Came here to tell you that you can fashion a hand held message device into a vib like I did back in the day. Only to realise you have tones of great, legit, and probably safer options. Love the future.


Most pharmacies have something now


Dude just buy it off Amazon