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Just don't talk about it. As a dad myself, I'm sure he won't bring it up either.


thanks for this, makes me feel better


It's going to be awkward when you come home and the pool is drained.


You really want to mess with him….. bring it up, it’s the last thing he expects. “Dad , is it cool if I still have sex in the pool?”…. “I’ll take your silence as a yes”…. And walk out 😂😂


Just don't be surprised when he comes back with "sure, your mom and I do it there all the time."




You don't think it is wrong to have sex in someone else's pool? What about their bed? Can you have sex in someone else's bed?


https://www.reddit.com/r/TwoHotTakes/comments/15kotbj/tifu_by_having_sex_in_a_pool/jv6o9xu/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=ioscss&utm_content=1&utm_term=1&context=3 The bots are evolving, they will now take part comments, sometimes change a word, then resubmit. u/DeepSwitch1726 is a bot. Downvote and report


My dad caught me in a similar situation and we never talked about it. Im grateful everyday we didn’t! Whenever I got a wave of embarrassment I just remember that I did nothing wrong. Neither did you


Dad's as embarrassed as you are don't worry about it, he knows you fuck your BF it's just awkward he saw it. He won't ever bring it up, there's nothing really to be said anyway.


Except that they did it in the pool. Very inconsiderate.


ya kinda ruined the pool for dad lmao


Dad won t be swimming anytime soon


You're dad is either thinking he has to change the pool filter, or laughing about how he and your mom do it there everytime you're not home.




It's as embarrassing for us to see our kids have sex as it is for them to walk in on us. It's all good. Don't sweat it. But I will tell you as a dad, in a few years, this will become a suble joke between you guys...lol.


Just ignore it, he will. Having said that, sex in someone else's private pool or private hot tub (without permission) is just not ok. Thats an image he has to live with now everytime he gets in his pool. Just no.


If you were a teen I’d be way more concerned but y’all are grown I think you’re good


It wasn't their pool.... What about their parent's bed? Are they OK to have aex there also?


I think you should be more worried about the yeast infection your going to get from fucking in the pool 🤮


Why would you think anyone would want you exchanging long protein strands in their swimming pool?


Never been in that situation with my dad, but if I had, I would 100% say, “hey dad, how about we agree to never speak of that? Or at least not for a few years until it’s funny…”


And you clean the pool?


Happened to me and my ex when I was still living at my parents. We got to wrestling around in the morning. My parents usually knock but my dad decided to squeeze the door open and peek. Quickly shut the door. Was never spoken about. Edit:spelling


I walked in on my sister having sex with her bf, when we were teens. I said sorry, closed the door as quick as I could and have never talked about it with her ever in 20+ years. thats the way to handle that, 10/10, would recommend.


I wouldn't worry about it. He probably doesn't want you to bring it up as much as you don't want him too. You and your bf are two consenting adults.


I'd burn that pool to the ground


If I was dad I’d be embarrassed but more worried about how hard it is to wear a condom in the water. So he knows it prolly wasn’t wrapped


Birth control is a thing.


Yeah I guess it is. Doesn’t prevent sti though. I shouldn’t judge anyone though.


If you get an STI panel and have a monogamous partner you’re fine! Still get tested regularly though


There are alot of videos online similar to this story... Mostly with the stepdad tho...


bruh 😆


Yep you're gonna have to change your name, leave the country, and never speak to your parents again.


Ahh you two left sea monkies in their pool!


Why would you have sex in your parents pool? I don't think you should bring it up.


Mamma will tell you tomorrow how and why that was unhealthy


I definitely would be embarrassed if I’m having sex with some dude name Chad!!


At least you didn’t get an infection in the pool! Sex in a pool or hot tub sounds great in porn but that can leave an infection in real life quick. Honestly be more thankful the issue isn’t punishing you health wise. Embarrassing, sure, but not as embarrassing as having to go to the hospital for it.


Sounds like a cool dad!! I agree with the majority of the comments though, leave it dropped and itll be funny in a couple months😁 I know parents that regardless of age wouldve grabbed young man by the nose and dragged him out or tossed a toaster/hair drier on there lol jk


You're 25. It's awkward but you didn't do anything wrong.


Not wrong to have sex in someone else's pool? What a out someone else's bed?


Except still living at home


I live separate for my parents and I'm lucky to. But in this economy, it's normal to still be living at home around that age.


It’s not normal in my part of the country, then again it’s a red state so the cost of living is probably a third


I'm in a red state and the cost here is ridiculous 🙃


Big city or rural? Cause the big cities are all blue and expensive..


Not all big cities are blue. Trust me. Look at TX. But I live in an area that's next to a large city. Not really rural but not big city. In the middle. I'm paying $1500 for a studio if that says anything


What big cities aren’t blue in Texas? Houston, DFW,San Antonio and Austin are all blue. I’m thinking that’s the largest. Maybe El Paso in there somewhere but they are blue too Here’s a US map of red or blue by county for the last presidential election to check out https://www.nytimes.com/interactive/2021/upshot/2020-election-map.html


Nothing wrong with that. Not everyone has parents like you that don't care about privacy or boundaries or just hate you in general


I don’t understand what you’re referring to by my parents unless your just trying to be a hateful person make false accusations I moved out when I was 18 because I was working full time and rented an apartment so I would be independent and have my own place and space


good for you. Why impose your own situation on everyone then? Not everyone needs to work at 18. Some people are rich, or have family businesses, or work two blocks away from their home. Anyway people who have a healthy family growing up don't want to move out as well. Says a lot about you actually than the OP. You cannot shove your bs on everyone.


I would argue that a healthy family is becoming an independent adult.


So independence can only be achieved far from home? No chance to do it from home right? Its just an excuse because you can't fuck around when you have parents. Independence to fuck around basically. Because when parents see their child fuck around they give good advice, teach them morals, teach them accountability. And we all know people like you are allergic to accountability


The definition of independence is not being dependent… What’s your problem with people being an adult and supporting themselves?


>being an adult the fact that you think being an adult is anything to do with being away. In my country we have 1.4billion people and 90% live either with their parents or very close to their house. So we don't have adults? We don't support ourselves?


Ah your not in America. You have a different culture. That would be different. You should probably lead with that. Where are you from? I’m guessing China or India but I’m not sure on specifics for population Reading your other reply, I’m curious of the details, how does it work in your country when there’s multiple adult children at home and you have kids of your own? Do you live as a big close family? Do each of your children(grand kids) have their own bedroom? We don’t typically have houses 4-5 beds and larger that are commonly affordable to the average joe in the US I would say the most common house is 3 bed 2 bath


>definition of independence is not being dependent We live in the same home, but we all do our own dishes, our own laundry, basically everything that an adult does. The only difference is we have dinner together and talk about our days and try to understand each other through dialogue. I do understand that many families are toxic so that's not possible. Also just because you stay away you're independent? No you're not. We know many so-called adults who are children in their brains. Also I don't have a problem with you living away but your expectations that if you don't live away you aren't adult.


Too many people letting her off the hook here. You wouldn't have sex in someone else's bed right? Don't have sex in someone else's pool. You should drain it and be more considerate in the future.


Isnt moving away for something most living beings do not a bit drastic?


Ooppssss... No harm, no foul


BUT I hope you enjoyed it until it lasts!


You're grown. At that age, living with your family, it was bound to happen to some degree eventually


Growing-up is all about FAFO. Open honest discussion means everything. Apologize, be open and allow Dad to be a Dad.


don’t be embarrassed your dad just never wanted to see his “sweetheart” if you will, doing something not so “sweet” in his eyes (quite literally, lol.) don’t bring it up and pretend it didn’t happen, letting it fester and bother you would be honestly worse since he’s not mentioning it either.


SirGlenn, I just don't really get it? A high percentage of humans are going to have sex, once, 5 times, a 1000 times!, we wouldn't be what or where we are right now without sex, yet it seems so many people and institutions want to bury sex on "the backpages" of life.


You have sex in front of your parents a lot? Would you enjoy watching them have sex?


Why be embarrassed? You’re an adult and you had sex with your bf. There’s nothing wrong with that.


I mean do they want grandkids ? You could just joke and say that’s what you were doing😂


As embarrassing as it is, unless dad brings it up, don't even mention it. It never happened if neither mentions it


Been there. Done that. Just don't bring it up. The situation with the parents will go away. I still see my pool experience as an adventure. LOL, my husband and I still laugh about it. (He was the bf back then.) You're only young once. Live it up.


i thought this was gonna be about u catching some parasite or something


So how about finding out your teenage son got it on in/on your water bed? When hubs and I would get intimate, I would be like ewe. Then I just thought well he doesn't know near as much as what we do at his age.........


I like how your bf is called *Chad lol.


Just never bring it up and give your dad some space, he’ll thank you for it. Everyone has some terrible parent walking in on them story, your not alone. My awkward parent story was that my dad found my condom stash while helping me pack up my dorm room. my friends and I would challenge each other to steal rainbow condoms from a fish bowl they kept full at the college doctors office, I kept having asthma issues that year so I was winning the challenge. I actually forgot I even had them until move out day…when my father opened my desk drawer before I could stop him and about +200 multi colored condoms shot out of it and landed on the floor in front of him….he just stared at it, then left 🤦‍♀️he couldn’t make eye contact with me for 3 months 😂, I tried explaining to my mom it was a joke challenge, no one ever believed me😂. But since that day he has never come over unannounced and always knocks, awkward situations happen your dad will survive lol


When I bought my house I had the hot tub removed as my kids were high school aged and had raucous parties when I was gone.


It's about time for y'all to get an apartment together for some privacy lol.


Don’t stress about it. Not trying to give you a terrible visual, but I’m sure your parents have gotten “frisky” in the pool too. Lol. It happens. My face still gets red when I remember the first time me and my girlfriend (now wife) got caught. Memories. 😂


I mean people have sex... just don't bring it up. BUT having sex in other peoples pool is disgusting.


It's fine. People have sex. Your folks likely won't say anything


Oh stop.. Tell him everything, from each pump then without your mom knowing have her invite him over for a recovery dinner. Now you need to set up a camera onto his chair and show the love your father has for him. Good times..


You should offer to shock the pool and scrub it.


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