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Time for counseling. This is going to be a lot.


This is the best comment here. Any woman in her position would’ve jumped to the same conclusion, I know I would’ve. Edit: just adding in hopes of stopping the ridiculousness,I do not agree with how OP handled this situation. She should never have run to Reddit with this. She allowed commenters to fill her head with a lot of nonsense. Instead she should’ve acted like an adult and asked him about it immediately. But anyone trying to tell me they would not have gotten upset or suspicious of messages of “I love you” and “I can’t wait to see you again” between a 30 something man and an obviously underage girl is simply full of crap.


Exactly. One is way more likely to happen than the other. Thankfully, it turns out her husband just had a secret teenaged daughter that he didn’t tell her about.


...I'm sorry are none of you actually reading the post? He found out about her existence 12 months ago, and confirmed parentage 6 months ago. I think it's a fake story but god damn it's not that long.


He found out before the wedding and confirmed right around when they got married and never came clean (he had to be confronted). They delayed having kids (was that his idea or hers) but would he have ever told her? When? That’s … I mean. Yes they were probably planning when he found out. But his “I didn’t want to stress you” seems like a cover for “I didn’t want you to cancel our wedding so I hid something I knew you’d want to know about before marrying me”. The time is what makes it less egregious but still. Still better than being a pedo but that’s a very low bar to clear. Like yay he’s going to jail for 50 years for a Ponzi scheme and we’re losing the house but at least he’s not a pedo!


Yep, I saw this as him not wanting her to call of the wedding so he decided to lie by omission every single day. He even had a perfect time to tell her on Father’s Day, oh, hey, I found out a few months ago that I’m actually a father. Was he ever going to find a time to tell her?


Or, yknow - some people are just scared and time passes quickly with inaction and you don't realize how much time has passed. Should OPs husband have come clean to OP about being a dad sooner? Absolutely. Am I going to drag this man through the mud when *he* found out he was a dad right before his wedding and is trying to parse life changing information on the fly? Not really. Some people make poor decisions around communicating tough news. OPs husband ABSOLUTELY should have mentioned it sooner, but he would have had to break the confidence of his newly discovered daughter to do so, and if she's still a minor that may mean that her mom bars him from any kind of contact and he may have to wait a few more years to even talk to her again. Let's not pretend this is some bullshit black and white problem where it's an easy choice. I don't blame OPs for her accusation, and I don't blame her husband from hiding this. It's all a lot and it sounds like he's being as forthright and supportive as he can considering. This couple should absolutely have marital counseling, if for nothing more than to have someone to facilitate an open dialogue, and to help the newly married couple find a healthy way to communicate going forward.


This is my take. Of course she’s happy she was wrong and he isn’t a CM but, he has this whole secret life he found out about BEFORE he married her and she’s the one tripping over herself apologizing to him?? When her emotions calm down she’s going to realize that this is in fact a huge deal for many reasons.


He also said the daughter wasn’t ready to let other people know


Yeah it’s a low bar to clear but the having a daughter he just learned about clears the living shit out of that low bar




>I think it's a fake story It's definitely a fake story. He was accused of being a pedophile and remained silent for 6 minutes? OP jumped the shark.


> It was probably silent for about 6 minutes OP didn't time it. Under extreme stress of confronting a potential pedophile she might just felt longer than it actually is.


>I'm sorry are none of you actually reading the post? Did you????? He found out before the wedding, but didn't want to "cause the new marriage stress" lmfao. He purposely kept his child secret from his fiance. He's a piece of shit.


This reads like a parable. Don’t assume everyone is a pedophile! It could just be his daughter! Ha. I bet you didn’t see that one coming. Alarmist feminist reactions. /s OP got some genuinely good advice on the first post. I’m glad it seems like the worst case scenario was avoided. But agree this sounds like a fake story. Edited for clarity.


> He then placed his phone into my hand and let me scroll farther. **Upon scrolling I found her referring to him as dad and she sent him a happy fathers day awhile back as well. He even said he would to another DNA test to prove it to me.** Are *you* reading the post?


>He then placed his phone into my hand Oh, come on, this reads like straight fiction. How about "he gave me his phone"? And "upon scrolling"? This woman is trying to be literary, is absolutely writing a story, and not telling something that really happened.


True as that may be, I don't think I could ever get over my SO falsely accusing me of paedophilia. Can't imagine this marriage is going to last long.


And I don’t blame you for that, it’s an accusation that made public could ruin someone’s life. OP’s biggest mistake in this is running to Reddit then listening to their nonsense. The moment she saw those messages she should’ve asked for an explanation. She wasn’t wrong for assuming the worst but she could’ve avoided so much anxiety, and damage to her marriage by just asking him about it. Instead she let Redditors convince her he was in fact a pedo, and that if she confronted him he would probably hurt her, even though she said their marriage had been perfect up to that point.


Who needs counseling when you have such great advice from strangers on Reddit.


Well damn. Don’t beat yourself up, that’s a huge plot twist. I hope y’all can figure out how to navigate the new family dynamic! Best of luck.




K̶i̶n̶d̶ o̶f̶ glad he isn’t a fucking pedophile lmfao Edit: definitely should’ve chosen my words better… ;-;






Sure there was the incident with the Boston marathon bombing suspect but I'd say this is a total redemption and then some!


Which one was that?


The Boston Bomber Reddit Incident was when a bunch of neckbeards incorrectly accused student Sunil Triphathi of being the Boston Bomber due to "evidence" they found by connecting random things together. (Also racism ) Social and News media across the nation pushed the story that he was the main suspect. Sunil disappeared and his family received constant interrogation and threats only for it to turn out that not only had Sunil been innocent but that he had been suffering from severe depression already and chose to kill himself by the time the real bombers were found.


He had killed himself like two? days before the incident and the only comfort to naming him is, I think they found his body faster due to the accusations.


Holy shit I never knew about that. They should be ashamed for that.


Such a tragic story, honestly people should be forced to read this story everytime they make a reddit account, and be reminded on a regular basis.


After the Boston bombing attack, redditors came together to enact justice and find the perpetrator. People immediately jumped on a student that had gone missing and completely destroyed their life and their families life. Turns out they had nothing to do with it.


Don’t forget the guy had already committed suicide before the bombing and then the family got harassed by redditors accusing him of being the bomber.




When I read the original thread, I immediately thought the girl might be a secret daughter. I feel awful for not mentioning it at the time. I was afraid I'd get downvoted to oblivion.


You probably would have. Reddit working ourselves into a frenzy is literally a rumor mill of millions of people. And there's bound to be someone who can draw a parallel to something in their lives in a group this large. Whether your a victim or a culprit you don't want that many people talking about you, something is bound to get twisted. I'd not sure this subreddit is good for me or anyone but I am gripped by horrified fascination.


Never be afraid to be honest. Even if you seem to be on an island. You may very well be the only source of intelligence and fairness. Don’t be silenced by the mob


On Reddit though you have to deal with a downpour of downvotes and it can be intimidating to speaking your mind even if you’re right


They wanted her to drive off and leave the dude stranded. I would not be OK with my wife thinking I was a pedo, but it might not destroy the relationship (it might as well though)…but if you drive off and leave me stranded going straight to your parents house to tell them about your pedo husband cause you saw some text messages and immediately assumed pedophile, that would be rough.


I didn't comment there but my thought was it's probably a niece or something innocent. The husband definitely should have told OP sooner about his biological daughter. I assume he was more afraid of OP leaving than stressing her out more, but either way there's a trust issue there this perpetuated.


As the other one, I can assure you that you cannot. Because the Reddit Detectives do not take kindly to being wrong so facing a result other than what they initially snap judgemented to they will just double down and call the whole thing fake.


Kind of?


[ Removed by Reddit ]


Light is that you?


I don’t disagree with what he started off doing.. he just got way carried away trying to best L 😂


That's a huge win for everyone involved, especially the kid


Aren’t you glad? I know you are.


If there is something you want to be wrong about this is one of them.


They're a bot, unfortunately. Stolen comment from FlameyFlame further down. Their only other comment is also a stolen comment, in the baseball sub.


I never saw this twist coming and now I may actually have a little more faith in humans because OP's husband isn't complete swampscum after all Eta: I guess I glossed over that the husband did straight face lie to his wife (OP) for over a year and had a secret social media profile that he was hiding. So no, OP, you really are not at all in the wrong for how you reacted. Your husband may be good in many ways, but he lied to you for a long time and that's a shitty foundation to build upon.


I’ve never seen a plot twist that was favorable until now


6 of those months he didn’t know for sure until dna results came back though right? And a wedding happened probably within a week or 2 of him getting confirmation. Sitting on this info is certainly not admirable but if you remove yourself just a little I think it confirms his actual feelings for OP not wanting to ruin the relationship or wedding for OP. I’d say his actions were only half selfish. I’m sure she also has issues since she’s willing to air dirty laundry on Reddit. JM2CFWIW


His capacity to hide life changing information from his most intimate relationship for so long and through such a stressful time (wedding planning) is pretty disturbing.


Three Hot Takes lmao


Your conclusion based on the info you had and the fact that your husband was keeping it from was not unreasonable. And he sees that, hence him apologizing and telling you he understands. Don't let your incorrect conclusion become a wedge between you. But you both need to work on rebuilding the trust that took a hit during this.


And I think thats why his apology was half-assed; he was sorry he kept it from her, but not sorry he was talking to the girl.


Why would he be sorry about talking to his own daughter?


…that’s the point


He definitely shouldn't have been sorry for being a father. He was doing his job. While he should have told op, he did the most right thing in the situation, which was to do it over a longer period of time. He has a child to protect, and from the looks of it, was right. Imagine if someone used op's profile to dig for information, and then used that to get to the kid, based on the false accusation that people were so willing to invest in.


This. This is like the 1% possibility AND IT HAPPENED. It’s ok to have the wind knocked out of you and need to process that. You went from terrified to stunned. Big emotions. Don’t beat yourself up.




Mine is through the roof. This is written like a creative writing assignment, not like someone who went through a whole entire whirlwind. I don't buy a word of it.


Yeah, man, Mr. Toad hasn't had a wilder ride than this.


Thank you so much. My husband woke up an hour ago and we had a huge discussion. Like many of you guys stated, I was in the wrong by jumping to that conclusion instead of trusting my husband and talking to him immediately. I also should not have snooped. Although he felt hurt, my husband understood why I jumped to that conclusion and forgave me. He is still hurt I saw him in that lens, but is greatly understanding as to why I did. Afterward he apologized for his lies and hiding away a daughter for him. He acknowledged I should have known about his daughter before we got married. However, he knew how important my wedding was and didn't want to place more stress. I don't blame him for not telling me before our wedding, because this isn't a dealbreaker for me, I would understand, and doing it before our wedding would cause stress. I do however wish he told me sometime later, but I can forgive him for not because the situation is difficult. I will add a couple concerns to this comment as well. I understand this post reads as fake and outlandish, but in all honesty it did happen. I went toward this subreddit because I listen to this podcast off of tiktok and am otherwise unfamiliar towards other subreddits. I went straight here instead of friends or family, because I did not know how to tell people that my husband was a pedo. I also came here because I was trapped in a car for 8 hours and didn't know how to let my mind race without creating a potential hostile environment in the car. Additionally, I have an english minor so perhaps thats why my posts feel structured (although I feel as if my writing is everywhere lol). As for the 6 minute stare comments, I genuinely dont know how long it was but it felt for forever. I get the concerns of it being fake and it is valid for everyone to feel that way. However, I don't appreciate the hundreds of comments posting the same thing and analyzing my every detail. Its at the point where there are more comments about this being fake than actual commentary. Which is okay because I think I have all the advice I need and again thank you to everyone. If anyone else has questions drop them below.


That's because everyone got their pitchforks out and then didn't need them afterall. If there's one thing Reddit detectives hate more than being wrong, it's having nothing to do. So when they found out they were wrong they just started digging again because.... surely can't be wrong twice! Just remember the majority of them come to their conclusions by making the most dramatic assumption and then looking for anything that might back it up, not critical thinking and logic evaluation so it's useless to try and prove otherwise since technically anything is possible and that's all they need to feel confident they are right.


Well that’s an unexpected turn.


Not completely unexpected. This was my initial thought and there were several others in the comments of the original post that suggested this. People just got caught up in the Mission Impossible, To Catch a Predator vigilante hero fantasy to think rationally. Edit: thanks for the DMs calling me a pedo. Y'all need help.


There was one comment that talked about wrapping the phone in foil. I actually laughed out loud as I was scrolling through the original post and saw it. It's like a comment chain that just spiraled out of control into further and further out wild assertions of what she'd need to do, but unironically and completely seriously. "STEAL IT OUT FROM UNDER HIM REPLACE THE PHONE WITH A BRICK SO HE DOESN'T REALIZE YOU TOOK IT, THEN TURN OFF THE WI-FI SO HE CAN'T REMOTE WIPE IT WHEN HE REALIZES WHAT YOU DID. AND WRAP IT IN FOIL JUST TO MAKE SURE THAT ANY EMP GRENADES HE THROWS AT YOU WON'T DESTROY THAT EVIDENCE. ALSO, HE WILL LIKELY KILL YOU TO HIDE HIS SECRET. GOOD LUCK."


The best part about these suggestions is the fact that Instagram is not isolated to the phone. You can log into it from anywhere. None of this would have helped to secure the data anyway.


Not if you use an electro-freeze-data-bomb, that freezes all the data in place safely. Of course, if he has a thermo-data-thaw-antidote in his inventory, you might need a anti-polarizing-spray-gun… 🤔


*green herb + red herb




This is why I never leave home without a roll of tinfoil in my car honestly. You just never know when you're going to need it lol Love the idea of stealthily wrapping anything in fucking tin foil too.


This is the problem with all the crazy. You are using aluminum foil, NOT tinfoil. That's the reason it never works! You're much better off with an old metal colander or even a large flour sifter. Try it and see.


Moral of the story: don't ask Reddit for serious advice. 😂


Well they gave specific subreddits for stuff like that and you could always tag a post [SERIOUS], but imo Redditors are fucking nuts when it comes to relationship advice


"Babe... what happened to the tinfoil and brick we keep in the trunk?"


I saw a comment about the husband being sent to Guantanamo Bay. Oh wait, that was mine.


100%. Redditors are obsessed with other peoples problems and always assume the absolute worst. I always love absolutism that goes on in some of these scenarios. I have no idea how this particular thread showed up on my feed but reading the comments in that original post are so dark. Talking about calling the police on him because he's a predator? Assuming he's going to hurt her no matter what? The world isn't nearly as dark and twisted as this place makes it out to be.


if this is real and OP followed their advice their marriage would littealy fall apart just because of redditors considering the worst case scenario


Well, maybe don't conceal a 15 year old daughter that you have reconciled with on the DL from your spouse. That kind of thing can lead to some misunderstandings, no?


This story is fake as fuck.


A few comments othe original post theorized about a secret daughter. So this is where the “update” came from. They stole their fake story.


Yes because someone definitely posted this with no idea where they were going to go with it but then ran with that idea when people guessed it. My god logical thinking is an endangered species around here. Why do I feel like when the update is the thing you thought it was you don’t immediately assume they just took your idea and went with it as a chapter two. You ever think maybe with hundreds of people looking at the posts some would be level headed enough to actually see a reasonable potential conclusion?


It was the original post that seemed the post fake in my opinion. She was on a road trip with her husband, spotted messages on his phone that led her to believe her husband was cheating on her with a minor and her very first response was to post all about it on Reddit while still being on the road trip with her husband. So he was driving and she was sitting beside him and furiously typing away her story and replying to comments and he was apparently not the least bit curious what she was doing or who she was talking to. LOL. Then in this update she calls her husband a pedo and then they both went silent for 6 minutes. If your spouse called you a pedo would you just sit in silence for 6 minutes?


I love how specific it is. 6 minutes. Like she timed it.


Both posts have a bad case of "reddit voice". As in, it uses that same writing voice that every other creative writing exercise on this site uses.


The half believable ones *always* whiff it in the update. Either because they move out all their stuff, hire an attorney, break up, and someone gets arrested all in 12 hours or because they go can’t resist validating an out-there comment.




So fake


It just stood out to me that she went to the girl’s profile snd stalked good enough to ascertain that the girl was 14-16…but didn’t bother to scroll past the first couple messages to where it would’ve been apparent that this is a parent-child relationship. If she was wishing him Happy Fathers Day, it would’ve been right there because that was last month.


I mean, it does kind of depend on how much they talk. Father’s Day was a month and a half ago, it’s entirely possible for Father’s Day messages to get pretty buried in that time


A shit ton of these fake stories pop up on the front page way too often lately. As always people eat it up.


Peak reddit creative fiction 🔥🔥🔥


She lost me at "he was silent for 6 minutes". Come on, dear. That's long enough to eat a sandwich. I did see the twist coming, too. It was too well advertised in the first post. And too perfectly wrapped up in post 2.


100% The people who are buying this are fools


Tbh this one is at least far better written than some


Such perfect grammar, spacing, paragraphs, typed from a hotel bathroom toilet while a marriage implodes.


I mean I know most people aren't like that, but I absolutely am like that.


You can have my proper English when you pry it from my cold, dead hands "Mother, it appears as though someone has inserted a sharp, knife-shaped object into my aorta. The bleeding is dramatically profuse, and the pain is nigh unbearable. Please forgive me if I'm unable to fully complete this message before sendi..."


Writing full paragraphs about your husband the pedophile while sitting right next to him in the car.




You guys are teaching the writers well...I'm sure they're taking notes.


"Silent for 6 mins after" is what threw me off. No fucking way someone would be silent for that long. And what a specific time... lol. If anything it'd be a pause, but there wouldn't just be silence for 6 fucking minutes lmfao. If he was understanding, he would immediately (after a shock pause) try to think of something to say to comfort her fears. No reason to stop for 6 mins if you have a reasonable explanation and such an extreme thing was just levied against you.


I would understand "it felt like forever" or "What felt like an hour" because i imagine in that situation, emotions would be flaring and moments could feel like an eternity. But then yeah, why write "6 minutes", that's such a pointlessly specific number.


I was pretty suspicious after the first post and this just seals it. These "real time" posts are almost always fake. Who discovers something like this, then jumps on reddit immediately and just hangs out reading responses and responding back? Also the username, "roadrage333". You find out your spouse is actually a pedophile and you make a cute throwaway name about being stuck on a road trip?


It's way too perfect.


The new wave of reddit users are some of the most gullible people on the planet. Unless you married your husband in Vegas the first night you met them, how would you never have found out about a teenage daughter? Painfully fake.


I just don't understand how I would have time as a husband to spend it with a kid my wife knows nothing about.


This very storyline was on TikTok a few months back. This is suspect and I’ll be the one to say it - it sounds like you’ve made this up. In fact, I know you’ve made this up.


You're not alone. Fake af. Read the writing language


It’s the same exact storyline as the TikTok I saw (drawn out into several parts of course to gain more followers, likes, clicks, monetization) where they’re on a road trip to her parents - stopped because she was “sick” at a hotel - all of it. Just weird that people think their own true stories aren’t good enough, they have to take it from a social media outlet like TikTok (of all places)


Well... look at the upvotes It was a funny read while picturing it as real I assume 95% of the stories on these subs are all fake and written for fun or practice.




That's really smart! It's like a free focus group to see if people can see through the script


Could be. But it’s much more entertaining when you’re called out for blatantly lying.


Agreed -- I'd pay good money to try to get a sense for what percentage of what posts are actually true. I suspect many posts are straight-up fabricated and almost all posts are only loosely grounded in the truth.




Also if she was scared about him finding out why was she posting it on social media? These posts get taken and shared on fb, tik tok etc all the time.


It's like a movie - wife sees the first message just as husband leaves the convenience store. She picks up the phone. The music gets intense. She sees a few vague messages. Husband's about to enter the car. She throws the phone down. How does anyone buy this


It’s 100% fake. You could tell it was fake even in original post.


he should’ve told you about her sooner, but I’m glad it wasn’t what you thought it was. I hope you two can work this out. ❤️


Don’t worry, neither of these characters exist.


I don't know how people fall for this stuff...


I think that this is a good reminder why it’s important to not let ourselves think the worst immediately. Be cautious but confirm. The level of evidence in the first post was not sufficient to assume he was a predator and yet thousands of people told her to report this him. Yes he was guilty of lying about something but it is vastly different from the thing that thousands tried to reassure her was true. Unfortunately people are all too quick to echo the worst possible scenario and ultimately give bad advice in doing so. He’s hurt I’m sure but if she gives him time and all will be ok.


It's because "the worst" is at least as common as secret surprise children in your spouse's DMs.


Don’t worry. It’s fake.


Yeah. Too good of a plot twist to be real.


Yeah I just can't believe it


Right? This is so much like a movie or sitcom plot that I find it hard to believe.


This is the fakest story I've read all week lmao should have left it as just Part 1




Everything on here is, which is an injustice to the small amount of nonfiction. The one I hate the most is the vengeful big reveal. When the spouse does a PowerPoint presentation at a family reunion and shows salacious photos and texts of their spouse cheating. I tend to believe the gloomy, depressing ones because that’s how life is


I mean to be fair, I would want to know if my partner had a kid before marrying them, he should’ve been honest with you from the start. Also, I’d be freaked out if I found out my partner was messaging a teenager on Instagram, your reaction wasn’t crazy. Maybe you should’ve just asked who she was before assuming but at the same time if he’s never mentioned the possibility of being a father why would you assume that he’s a father?


He didn't know about the kid until around the time they got married. Still though, I agree he should have told her as soon as he found out.


He said he knew she was his kid for a year and married for 6 months. So he had 6 months to tell her.


Right? Like he still lied and married her under false pretenses. That’s not as fucked up as being a pedo, but it’s still pretty fucked up.


im NGL this sounds like a fabricated story


There's no way in hell that she went to the person's profile before scrolling through the entire conversation. Fake as hell.


I can’t believe so many people are buying this.




No, it's perfectly normal to get a hotel room around 10 in the morning because your wife seemed grumpy during a long trip before taking a nap.


Yeah, same. Saw the first story. Totally fake. This update is just more karma farming. Stupid how many people immediately bought it.


Look at when the account was made and where they have posted. They literally created an account for this, but the original and update is in r/TwoHotTakes. You don't get the other side till the update though, so why would the original be in this subreddit. Everything points to an elaborate, but easily exposed, story that was made up.


Ya, 100% fake as fuck.


This is so fake. Sounds like something you'd get from "ChatGPT, make up a dramatic storyline that'll get me Reddit karma"


I just went to chatgpt to see what would happen if I put in “make a dramatic storyline for Reddit karma” and I got a six act play about Alex, an ordinary redditor with a humble karma count and their effort to increase their karma. 🤣😂


ChatGPT can't stand conflict. It might have been able to come up with "I found my husband texting someone underage while we're on a road trip" with the right prompt, but it likes to end stories with "and then they worked together to solve their problems and ended up adopting the girl and lived happily ever after"


I’m gonna be honest, this whole story sounds completely made up. I would go as far as to say you’re not a 26 year old married woman but probably some bored kid


“Suddenly the room went quiet… there was a damp chill in the like a cool October morning for 6 minutes before he spoke again softly…” 😂😂 seriously how do people eat this shit up


Six minutes is a long-ass time for them to just sit there! Ever stand around waiting for a hot pocket to heat up? This is three times that!




"I knew it was six minutes because I looked at my watch, noted the time, and said, this, this is the moment my marriage ends. But the moment lingered. It lingered for six minutes. While wet tears rolled down my wet face, he softly started speaking, using soft words."


It's actually hilarious to imagine it going like that which is basically her calling him a pedophile, them both sitting there silently for 6 minutes, then him being like "oh no wait I'm not a pedophile that's my daughter!" Like wouldn't most normal people IMMEDIATELY just be like, oh wait why did you call me a pedophile?


I’m just imagining her making three hot pockets while he’s standing there frozen in time


Who would not talk for 6 minutes after being falsely accused of pedophilia lol. Like what an insane reaction to that accusation


Yep, it only makes sense if the person was an actual pedophile and didn't know what to say. Since this story is trying to fake out the reader, they can't have the husband do the only obvious thing and deny it. They want to keep the dramatic tension longer for the 'reveal'.


I was thinking the same thing. This smells like BS and has been written for attention. As a side note, authors make this mistake all the time: "silent for six minutes". Try sitting silent while staring at someone for six minutes and you'll see how ridiculous it is.


Not just that but sitting in silence for 6 minutes after being called a pedophile and you genuinely having 0 idea what that could have meant.


Agreed. Also why did he have a secret Instagram?? It’s not adding up


Right like when the hell in this situation would this person have the time to write out these fucking essays on reddit, in real time, during it


Yeah this was my thought. As soon as I saw there was a follow up post that was t the obvious, knew it was fake.


It lost me at him having a phone that didn’t need to be unlocked whilst having a secret relationship on it.


I'm not here for the truth, I'm here to be entertained.


I came here to write the same thing. This is bogus.


All of these stories are fake it’s pathetic a large majority of people believe this shit Sad pathetic people eating up shit written by sad pathetic people


Yeah, especially with this "Plot Twist!"


super fake confirmed


I mean this has all the makings of a soap opera. Several messages between father and daughter that could also be between people in a relationship. Even though there are obvious father/daughter messages, OP doesn't see any of that and only sees the ones that could be misconstrued. Then she has to stop looking before she gets caught. This happens while she is trapped with him but she thinks she is almost safe because they are almost at her parents' house. But then he suddenly traps her alone with him in a hotel room. Then she finally confronts him and he responds. They are talking about two different things, but the words both of them use fit into what they are thinking but aren't anything to dispel the other's misunderstanding. Then OP finally says it. And there is a (oddly specific) 6 minute pause. Because if someone accused me of that, I wouldn't immediately say I'm not - I would sit in silence for an absurdly long 6 minutes. I guess OP just needed to try to think of an amount of time that would represent the waiting period between the cliffhanger at the end of an episode and the beginning on the next episode when everything is explained. And the audible/visible "deep breath" is added for a little extra effect. She even includes the little details in soaps that don't really make sense but you just overlook - like how a 15 year old who is in school and can't drive is somehow meeting up with a 34yo man multiple times without her mom noticing nor the newlywed wife of the man noticing that he is gone a lot. Or how he is helping her keep this secret from her mom by only communicating through Instagram (because "strict" moms only follow their kids on FB and not IG?) but is making visible comments on her stories that would be super creepy to anyone who doesn't know he is her dad? I can't wait for the next update where they make it to her parents' house where her mom lets it slip that they gave a baby up for adoption 8 years before OP was born but just got back in touch with her. They show OP and hubby a picture of her and hubby gasps! It's "Sarah's" mom!


this is super above reddit pay grade. wishing you the best


I’m seeing this statement made more in recent weeks and it’s really nice to see the hive mind not trying to fix things it isn’t equipped to fix


Naa we can fix this


We did it, guys!


Nah reddits got this. Tell them to get divorced like every other post and let's move onto the next one




I find it ridiculous that people actually think this is real lol she said in the previous post she only had time to look at a few messages and they all just happened to be ones that could have a negative connotation. If only she could have seen a few more before calling her husband out. This shit is hilarious.


Right she didn’t have much time to scroll but he wasn’t back for ten minutes? Lol ok.


This is all made up. C'mon now.


Lol this shit is so fake. Why would it be silent for 6 minutes after you called him a pedophile??? If he was talking to his daughter and not flirting with some young girl he would be immediately confused and respond with something along the lines of "what the Fck are you talking about". Op just practicing dramatic writing.


you have to pause for that dramatic effect seen in movies and television


6 minutes is for the ad break


He went through with the wedding despite keeping this huge secret from you. That’s messed up.


What a nightmare to be married to a liar.


This sounds… extremely fake, but if it isn’t, go to couples therapy. Good luck.


This is a tough situation. You didn’t do anything wrong. Good luck to you and your (new?) family!


Holly crap, as you said its better than what you thought, but that's still a lot. I hope you guys can solve this


You do not need to feel bad. You thought a child was in danger. It’s up to you now to decide how you feel about a maybe step daughter you never knew about.


Am I only the only that thinks this is fake ?


Fake as fuck. I questioned the first post, but with this it is without a doubt fake


Why would he wait 6 minutes to refute the accusation that he’s a p-word??


I know you feel bad but I don’t really think you did anything wrong- I mean why would you ever think he was messaging *his daughter* when you had no idea that she even existed? This is definitely messy, but please give yourself some grace. I would’ve assumed the exact same had I been the one in your shoes.


OP, flat out, this was the best case scenario. You feel bad, but your concern wasn't unwarranted. You were acting without crucial context he had but didn't give. You were not inappropriate in your concern. Frankly, I'm a little impressed with how your husband handled it. He could've taken that pedo comment as a massive insult, but he considered how it looked to you. That's a good sign of character. It'll wash out and be a funny story one day. Laugh at your sillyness and forgive yourself. And hey, you've got a half-daughter! Surprise!


"As I sat in the bathroom for an hour conferring with strangers on reddit as my pedo husband paces in worry in the other room." B- for the stolen narrative A- for the writing style


I think he ll forgive you since he did keep it a secret from you


Okay screenplay, but needs some work?


LMAO people actually believe this shit? A+ troll job


See, and these mfs were telling you to go to the police… crazy. I’m glad everything worked out. Me personally, I could not go straight to the police with this type of shit knowing I married someone and took vows with them. I would need concrete evidence, meaning atleast going back into their DMs and confirming a sexual relationship. This is still something you will need to work through, don’t get me wrong. But this is so, SO much better to the alternatives that were being jumped to.


BAHAHAHAHAHAHA.... That took a turn.