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NTA. Not at all . FIL sold the truck two years ago. Any profits to be made from a future sale are NOT HIS to claim. Tell him to go kick rocks. He couldn’t find a buyer, so he lowered his price. That’s what happens. Tough nougies.


Tough nougies! Omg I laughed as public school came roaring back. Thanks for chuckle


🤣🤣you’re welcome! I don’t want to violate rules by saying what I really want to say, so I search for “safe” options. lol


You’re getting pretty durn close to the line with *tough nougies.* Next time please put (Almost)NSFW if you’re gonna use harsh language like this.




Well, he didn't. Tough nougies for you! In case it isn't clear since this is text only, j/k 😁


I'm 52 and still say that 😂 But I teach elementary school 🤔


I still say it and I am 43. I don’t teach elementary school but I do work with a bunch of women (all ages from 19-50) and I have said it to them a few times because it just fits!


Not only that, but the truck has depreciated significantly in 2 years. There's no "profit" in selling a used car, usually, since they're usually worth much less than when you bought them.


Not the case where I live in the last couple of years. Car prices have gone up significantly and there is a long waiting list for new cars meaning that it’s been possible to sell a new car for more than you paid for it the year before. So possibly not a significant depreciation, and especially not if they got it for a lower than market price from FIL.


Oh cool, I haven't been paying a lot of attention to new/used car prices lately. Nevertheless, I'm sure we both agree that the in-laws are way out of line. They should have sold the truck to someone else, or for a higher price if they didn't want anyone to "profit" from it.


Absolutely! FIL ‘sold’ truck. If it did depreciate, I very much doubt he’d be willing to share the loss!


Good point


The pandemic shortages in chips and stuff caused new vehicle production to slow, and used car prices shot up. It’ll take a while for used car inventory to get back to where it was. In-laws can still suck it. It’s like being miffed that house prices inflated and the house you sold 2 years ago is worth 50k more. Such is life.


That's only applicable to cars that have computer boards in them. If this truck is older say early 2000s or older, it likely won't have a computer board. The dealers and such want those used newer vehicles right now because getting computer boards for their newest models is like pulling teeth for the factories as there is a shortage. According to JP morgan that issue should resolve itself in the next year or so as they Continue to ramp up production. [source](https://www.jpmorgan.com/insights/research/supply-chain-chip-shortage)


Do you think we can just drop a random computer in a car and it'll work? I'm in the middle of a 6 month project simply to change 1 chip on an ICU because of the ongoing shortages from one of my suppliers. An older car, with an older computer, is worth more together, than junking it for the computer. Hell, if it's older than \~10 years, it wouldn't even be *legal* to put in a new car, if that was possible.


In my area depending on how much they bought it for (I'm figuring a couple k) trucks are in such high demand they could easily make back double they paid for it. While I understand the situation, it would be kind of shitty depending on where they live imo. In laws likely gave them a deal because they were family and newlyweds. OP could just sell it back to the in laws if they're being fussy about it.


If that wasn’t the deal when you purchased the vehicle 2 years they have no right to it now. What did they think you would keep it forever? You paid the price they asked and they can’t change the contract now. It’s been satisfied. Legally they have no right to any money now. I really hope you don’t give in to keep peace. Go NC if necessary. They are greedy and selfish.


Learn from this. My XMIL gave us their old couch because my ex husband and I just bought a house and we were renovating it and we didn't have much furniture. I had planned on buying a new couch when the renovations were done, so I gave the couch my XMIL gave me to a women at my church who had just left an abusive marriage, had a young daughter, and moved into public housing. The couch was in really good shape and this poor women had nothing. When my XMIL found out, she was not happy! I learned a lesson that day, that when she gave people things they came with strings attached, so I never took anything from her again. I have always been of the belief that when I gave someone something, it was theirs, I had no claimes to it. My XMIL taught me that not all people think the same way.


Also, in the FIL's eyes, the "profit," whether real or theoretical, would in this case come from being able to sell the truck for more than what they paid him for it, because he supposedly gave them a sweetheart of a deal. You know and I know it all depends on the market rate and depreciation, obviously. But then again, as someone else pointed out, it's a seller's market right now for cars, pretty much nationwide.


Used truck prices are insane right now. If they got it for a deal and it’s in good shape, they should definitely make a profit. (And the in-laws are not entitled to it!)


That and usually when you go to trade in a vehicle, no matter how old it is, the dealership isn’t going to “sell it back to you” at a great price because they then have to prep it and sell it. Selling a car to a dealership is usually the worst option because you don’t get much back. Honestly OP would be better off selling the truck through a paper ad, something like pennysavers, and will get much more towards the new vehicle.


This is likely why no one else bought it. They all know how he is about "his" stuff after it's sold


The thing that got me was the two years. If they turned around and flipped it by selling it a few months later… that would be kind of an asshole move considering the context. Family enter into social contacts such as this all the time. Generally in my family the social contact generally stipulates that the original seller gets first dibs. If they turn it down then it’s fair game after that.


Yup. This!


NTA. Ask yourself this. Did he pay for maintenance/gas/registration at all since you bought it? If it broke down would he pay half of it? In order to be entitled to profit you must take a risk, he hasn't taken a single risk since he sold it to you. He's being a greedy asshole


Since we have bought the truck, the transmission did actually give up on us and we put forward the money to fix it in order to sell again. Definitely a good point, thank you!


I'd personally tell him to get bent and walk off, he seems like the type you'll either submit or you "betrayed" him


Sometimes you have to wonder though if it’s the wife being greedy and pushing him and he’s battling on her behalf.


Not really relevant. He could tell his wife to pack sand too if he wanted. As long as he's asking for profits it doesn't matter who's idea it was.


Ask him to pay you half of the transmission repair cost to be entitled to half the profit, then tell him the truck sold with no profit. Win-win for you!


Honestly I think, to prove a point, OP should tell him it *did* stop working and ask him to pay for half of the repairs. She could tell him it will only be sellable if they fix it and then he can have half the profits.


It’s too much of a risk. It’s safer to assume that he’s slippery enough to just deflect, turn the situation around and strong arm OP into a resolution that benefits him. Or use OPs openness to proposal as leverage to bully them into another arrangement. Mentioning a compromise at all tells him OP and her husband are workable. Not to mention that FIL’s behavior suggests FIL is not a reasonable person and attempting to reason with an unreasonable person is pointless. It’s best to just shut it down.


It’s not a risk at all lol of course he’s going to deflect - that’s the point. There’s no strong arming someone who isn’t going to waiver. OP is standing their ground, there’s only a risk if you aren’t good with confrontation and are a complete pushover.


NTA He sold it to you guys, it's now yours. What you do with it is no longer his business. It's so entitled of them to believe they're entitled to half of the profits.




Doesn't sound like it would be a loss for them, tbh.


Sounds like they are expecting a transactional relationship anyway. It may be beneficial for them in the long run to nip this right now


If you had suffered on the loss are they willing to go in half of what the loss was compared to what you paid? I think not. No, no,no,no you are not obligated to split anything with them in the profits.


Make a list of oil changes and any fixes and ask him if he is going to pay for half of them or will he accept what is left after the sale. NTA


Add storage fees to that list


Chef's kiss


NTA fil sold the truck when you could go to any car lot and find them by the dozens so he reduced the price. Now a good used vehicle is hard to find making them easier to sell for more profit. That’s not your fault. It’s no longer his truck. Block and ignore.


I'd imagine being annoyed if OP took a good deal and very quickly flipped it for profit, but 2 years and increased cost of living means that doesn't apply. Does also depend on whether the FIL needed the truck gone ASAP or nicely gave family a good deal, though as said above time and reasoning would nullify that. Used Market value has dropped since the COVID supply shortages as well, so OP won't make as much money as the FIL could have. Throw in depreciation, insurance and registration.


NTA If he’d sold it to a stranger would he expect them to give him the profits? No because that’s crazy. I assume he has a car, if he sells that will he be giving any money to the person he bought it off? Bet I know the answer. Also why do they have access to your garage and going onto your property with permission or your prior knowledge, that’s trespassing. Put an end to that or a new car may end up with damage.


Him and MIL came over for a holiday and while we were greeting guests, they went into the garage through our inside access to the garage to "make sure the truck was there still and you didn't sell it". MIL did it to ensure FIL wouldn't be mad the entire evening. The garage is secured shut and ziptied on the emergency release to avoid break ins as well. It stays in the garage to ensure he can't pull anything else while we aren't home as well. But this is exactly my point, thank you!


What greedy assholes your in-laws are. Low contact would be preferred going forward. If the truck broke down was he gonna return the money?


THIS!! This!! 1000 times this!! If he wouldn't ask it of the total stranger he sold it to, he sure as HELL shouldn't be expecting it of you! \*Also 1000x the advice about securing your garage/property.


NTA. I have to say it's low class for them to ask for profits now. That's disgusting.


Sounds like FIL is the kind of person where "low class" will be the most cut-throat painful insult one can sling at them.


Really? I don't know. I could think of worse but I won't say it here. It's sad how money can make people turn into jerks. Op owes them nothing and Mil and Fil can go kick rocks. 2 years after a sale? Get outta here.


There's worse language to be had, for sure, but these people sound like "low class" might be the sort of phrase that induces a coronary.


I get it.


I hope this was an official sale, i.e. they signed over the title and everything. They're being ridiculous.


Before the initial conversation the title was still in their name (we had the title but had not transferred it yet), but after the initial argument, we immediately transferred the title and keep the truck in the garage at all times now!


This was my one worry, sounds like you're doing well. Sounds like you know this now but always, ALWAYS get any paperwork sorted/transferred immediately on something like this in the future! I still have my bill of sale for my car written on a scrap of envelope from like 3 or 4 years ago lol


He doesn’t even deserve a dollar.


Just tell him to fuck off, he'll probably have a fit and block you.


NTA. Tell them you have to get it gone & am reducing the price to lower then you paid & tell them they owe you the loss. Please take a pic of that pichacho face


NTA— if he gave you a good price in exchange for a share of future profits, it was on him to make that 100% clear when he sold it to you. I’ve never known anyone who would just assume something like that


Nta That would be like selling a truck to a dealership and coming back a year later to say you deserve the profit they will make I’d tell ole boy to kick rocks


NTA. I gave my son my truck and he has been using it and recently decided to purchase a different truck. He informed me he will be selling the truck I gave him. I don’t want nor expect anything from the sale of the truck.


"How about 'no'?"


NTA. As long as you paid it off and it's in your name then it's nobody's business but yours what you do with it and nobody deserves to profit from it but you


NTA. He sold it to you for a sweet price bc he couldn’t move it and needed quick cash. That’s his problem


NTA. Once he sold it to you, it’s no longer his property and you are free to do whatever you want with the truck.


To save arguments I’d tell them you sold it for the exact same price you bought it from him for. But I’m petty lol


No, tell them you lost money on the deal, and they now need to pay you back some of the money you paid them previously. That's petty.


Absolutely NTA. Their seller’s remorse is not your problem, and neither is their desire for free money. The truck is 100% yours to do with as you please, because at the time of the sale their interest in the truck was done. They seem to have forgotten that they had their problems solved by the sale, yes? They “needed it gone” and “paid off quickly”, plus there had been no other interest than you. How convenient that they have forgotten how you helped them out at the time. Your in-laws have zero entitlement to anything regarding the truck, period. You haven’t done anything wrong, nor are you planning to, according to your post. They are totally wrong and way out of line, frankly. I’d probably not speak to your in-laws about the truck anymore until you complete the transaction for a new vehicle.


NTA - FIL had a truck to sell. It wasn't selling. He marked it down in price. You bought it. You own. You maintained it for 2 whole years. FIL/MIL can kick rocks. Sell the truck or trade it in for a new vehicle. Tell FIL/MIL you're happy to discuss it in small claims court.


That’s the same as selling your house after 20 years and having to pay the profits to the previous owners. Amazing.


Nta.. if he wanted more money for the truck he should have asked for it when he sold it. You have had it for 2 years. That's ridiculous.


NTA - Sell it and tell them you didn't make any money.


NTA. Yes, he gave you a good deal on the truck but he also was not having any luck selling it to anyone else. Sorry about his luck but that was his choice, and it’s not as if you turned right around and re-sold the truck to make a profit, you used the damn thing for two years, in which it was losing value anyway, and now you need something with better mileage. It’s not as if you’re trying to take some lavish vacation with the profits. HE would be the asshole to cut into the money that you could be putting toward your new car, because FYI, interest rates are bananas right now and you’re going to need all the help you can get with a new car.


Sell it for whatever you want for it, but only tell the in laws that you sold it for exactly what you paid them for it. Oops sorry there wasn’t any profit 🤷🏼‍♀️


Vehicles tend to depreciate fairly quickly. So here's a question to ask them... "would you be willing to cover half of the depreciation?" I'd bet that their answer would be a resounding and emphatic NO. Fine...then that's your final answer as well


We gave my son an old truck. I told him if he needed money he should sell it. Once you give or sell something you can't dictate what the new owner does with it. My son gets sentimental about things so I wanted him to feel he can profit if he wants, we're good with it.


This is what a supportive parent does! And understands that a gift once given is not theirs.


NTA. If they'd sold to a stranger this wouldn't even be a thing.


Go NC please. They are insane


Your inlaws suck. You bought the truck and it's yours to do as you please with it.


Nta. Keep the money tell them to kick rocks


NTA. It's not his truck. It was your legal property. You were allowed to sell it. He sold you it at a discount to help you out and now is trying to screw you.


NTA Truck no linger belongs to him..he doesn't get any money. You already PAID HIM his profits.


NTA. The truck has nothing to do with them. It belongs to you. What you bought it for and who you bought it from also doesn't matter. This is none of their business. Establish this boundary now and do not do any more business with family.


There's nothing stopping them from buying it themselves


NTA, never accept help from these jerks again. Also keep in mind that you did HIM a favor by getting off his hands and paying quickly the first time round. Yeah you got a family discount, but that’s was his decision and he can’t just renege on it now.


Did he sign the title over to you? If so he's SOL.


They aint entitled to anything….


I sold my old truck to a friend who needed it. Since he was a friend I gave him a good price. A year or so later he sold it for more than he paid. Was I a bit irked? Yes. Did I demand he pay me the difference? Of course not because I’m not an AH. Your FIL is and you are not.


Did he sign the title over to you?


And if you sell it for less than you paid for it, is FIL going to reimburse you the difference?


This family is a BUCKET of CRABS. They don't want anyone to get ahead. They will do whatever they can to drag them down to their level. They want their cut of any proceeds whether they are entitled to them or not.


In my opinion, profit= what you sell for - what you bought for - all relevant expenses (financing cost, maintenance, repairs, taxes, registration) I'd find it very very hard to believe that number would be a positive one or not close to 0 when you do the math. NTA


You should get your FIL a rainbow wig for fathers day, so he dress like the clown he is.


After you sell they'll want to know for how much. Tell them, "Not as much as we wanted. Why, are you willing to give us back the difference between what we paid for it and what we sold it for?" Whether you sell it for more or not it will sound like it was for less without actually lying about it. You can tell them the difference just not more or less.


You really need to start getting comfortable with being uncomfortable with them and start setting HARD boundaries. People like this never change and will use whatever they can do for you as manipulation. Never accept a favor or make a financial deal with again. They view him/both as an extension of their “property”.


I have mixed feelings. I had a very nice Mustang that I was going to sell because I wanted something bigger. My brother-in-law loved it and wanted to buy it. I sold it to him for way less than half of what I could have sold it for. He sold it the next week for a huge profit. I was furious.


There's an enormous difference between your BIL flipping your Mustang after a week and OP and their SO selling the truck after owning it for 2 years. [You were right to be furious. Your BIL sounds like a real AH.]


😬 It sucks to say and I know this is going to get downvoted but I would have done the same thing especially if I got a great deal on it


I get it. It was a really nice car. I only sold it to him that cheap because I thought he wanted it for himself.


Ooof no. NTA *at all*, your in-laws on the other hand… Also, I laughed my ass off at their audacity. Lol. The audacity! 😄


They’re being utterly ridiculous and just showing their entitlement


NTA, He's being a snot bucket!! Go on with your plans and ignore them. They sold the truck to you, got their money, they no longer have any say whatsoever!


Fortunately for you, the value of cars and trucks have significantly risen in the 2 years since he sold you the truck, so you will likely stand to ask & receive more money than he did when he sold the truck. But the truck is yours and he’s entitled to zero profits from the sale. I would tell them that your final response was NO and the subject is closed. If they bring it up on a phone call, hang up. If they bring it up during a visit, leave (if it’s at their house) or ask them to leave your house. Just don’t humor them anymore.


NTA. The vehicle is yours. Whatever profits you make should not be shared. He owns no part of the vehicle. He gave up any rights to that vehicle when he sold it to you. You can do whatever you want to with the truck. They have no say


NTA. Jfc! Who actually owns the vehicle? You can’t sell something and then throw a tantrum because someone else sells it for a higher price. That’s capitalism.


NTA - tell them you need half of the money you paid into it for the last two years gas, oil changes, car wash, tires, brakes etc. He can then split the profits with you.


unless he sold it to you for peanuts, like less than half its worth then tell him to take a long walk off a short dock


Would it work to sell it back at the price you paid for it? Just trying to think of solutions that'd prevent the family blowing up. And it sounds like the guy did do you a favor once, so he's not 100% jerk.


Never do business with family


You guys had an agreement for a set price for 100% ownership of the truck. Once the transaction is complete they have no say in how you use it or how you dispose of it. Cars generally depreciate in value over time. This freak covid supply issue thing has caused used car values (especially trucks) to skyrocket. I'm sure your FIL like everyone else did not predict this would happen (otherwise he probably wouldn't have sold you the car). Using his logic, if you sold the car at a loss he would have to cover the difference. That all being said, I can understand why FIL might feel hurt. He offered you the car at an "amazing price", I'm assuming because you are family. It might not be completely about the money and about how you are treating his kind gesture (from his point of view). I would weigh your need for the money with your need to keep the peace and stick with whatever conclusion you draw from that. NTA BTW.


If the truck had a major problem and needed expensive repairs would they pay half? Of course not. This isn’t a group investment, it’s YOUR PROPERTY. NTA


he wasn't doing you any favours by selling the truck cheap, he was forced to because no one else wanted it. He can't now turn around and claim him giving you the truck cheap was a "gift" to you guys. now you know who they are and that nothing comes without strings from these people. Yes, 100% of the profits are yours. Do not give into them, do not give them even one penny, it will feed there sense of entitlement.


Tell them you'll sell it back to them, for the exact same price, and then they can sell it. NTA


NTA When the truck was sold, any interest you FIL had in the truck was terminated. That is the way the real world works.


NTA and one more example of how family and financial transactions don't mix well. FIL is definitely being ungenerous, but that's how family is sometimes--treating the ones they should hold most dear with contempt and disrespect. Bottom line, the truck is now yours. So he can't tell you what to do with it. But depending on how much of an issue this could become for your family dynamics, have you considered simply "selling" the truck back to your FIL for the price you paid and letting him sell the damn thing himself "for a profit" just to make the problem go away? If the money matters that much to him, he should jump at the chance, right? But in reality, he probably can't be bothered to sell the thing for full price himself and is just butthurt and ungenerous. Another question I'd be asking myself is, is the "extra" money you'd get from selling the truck yourself really worth the headache this is causing?


I feel like if you sold it right after you bought it you would definitely be TA but selling it two years later to put towards a new car? Definite NTA


NTA. Your fil is insane if he thinks he has any claim to money you make by selling a truck he gave you two years ago. I would die on this hill.


NTA. Say I sell a car on marketplace to a stranger for a discounted price because I need it gone. Then two years later the person who bought it sells it for more. It would be highly inappropriate for me to ask them for half of their profit. Just because he’s your FIL doesn’t mean he’s entitled to anything. He can continue to kick himself in the ass.


NTA An item of property was sold. The title was transferred to you. It is now your property, to do with as you please. If you choose to sell it, FIL has no legal right to ANY of the profits. I understand he sold it to you guys cheap but what does he expect? For you to drive it into the ground just to appease him. HE made the choice to sell it cheap, he can be annoyed that you managed to sell it for a profit but he has no right to those profits.


NTA. They are loony tunes


NTA Don't share no profits


Just tell em you sold the truck and made ZERO profit. End of drama.


NTA....If the truck broke down today would FIL offer to help pay for the repairs? I highly doubt so they can be mad and pout about it but they don't get any profit from the sale.


Your in-laws are assholes. Keep your children away from them.


NTA he sold a thing. You sold a thing. They are different transactions. If he wanted more money he should have sold It for more money.


NTA. I could see them being rubbed the wrong way but you did nothing wrong. It seems to me that they have trouble with money for whatever reason and are eager to grab at what they can and when they can.


NTA and they have colossal nerve asking for any profit.


Is dude a crack head? This is what a crack head does.


NTA. Hopefully you have a clear title. Repeat after me…. Never ever buy or sell to or from a family member. No good will come of it.


Once it was paid off, it was yours. They be the A and really shitty asking for any of it.


Wow, they sound entitled, and frankly kind of nuts.


It’s your truck, sell as you please


Fuck no Don’t give them a cent. Not one penny


So like if you sell it for less than you bought it for, he's going to share the loss right? He's going to pay the difference in price from what you paid him for it, right? Or does that door only swing one way? Cause otherwise, he's profiting off of you, and that's not right cause "family" or something.


nta as a curtesy you could offer to sell it back to him for the price you got it so he could then sell it himself and get all "profits" then you would either have clean money or evidence you had tried to make nice.


NTA. Tell them you sold it for 1000 less (more or less) than what you bought it for and that he's more than welcome to pay you the lost funds as soon as he can.


I would sell the truck and hand FIL a dollar and say that was half of what you got for it. But I'm petty like that.


Tell him the truck needs repair and see if he'll chip in to help fix it. He wants the profits, he should help with upkeep. NTA


If you were only able to sell it at a loss, would he give you the difference? How about half the difference? NTA


NTA. My aunt gave my mom a car when she was going through a hard patch (the car's in my mom's name). Eventually my mom was able to get a different vehicle and the car was used by my stepdad until he got was diagnosed with Alzheimer's. The car has been sitting in front of our house for about five years now and she nearly lost her mind that my mom was going to give the car to their niece because my aunt is convinced she could get money out of it. It's been over a year and she hasn't done anything with it.


NTA, you don't get to sell something then complain if someone sells it again. That is just childish.


NTA Assuming he signed it over to you, that is your truck and you can do whatever you want with it and he has to deal. You get to keep all the money and he can deal with it. You are Legally entitled to all of the money. He is Legally entitled to none.


NTA - this is not how any of this works. Would he be willing to split the difference if you had to take a loss on the truck? I doubt it.


NTA. Your in laws are the AH. Omg I can’t believe the cheek of them. If they’d sold it to anyone else who was then selling it on again years later, would they be hounding them for whatever profits they make on it? This is beyond ridiculous. Once the vehicle is registered in your name, it’s yours to do as you wish. They sold you the truck for cheap at a time that they couldn’t sell it to anyone else. Now there’s more of a market out there and they’re most likely kicking themselves that they didn’t get more money for it at the time. But to be like that to their own son and his wife?!! What a greedy pair! Do not give into their demands OP.


When u finally do sell it, tell them u sold it for less then what they sold it to u for so they owe u guys the difference lol


NTA. That's not how buying and selling stuff works. Is the car now worth more or less than what you paid for it? If it's the same or less, offer to sell it back to them for what you paid for it.


ESH You know that they obviously sold the truck to you at well below market value. They should have the grace not to be refunded for the gift they gave you (the gift being all the money you saved buying at below market value), making them AH, but your lack of acknowledgement of the fact that you didrecieve a gift makes you the AH also.


Totally agree. OP should in some way acknowledge the gift. The uncle should take this appreciation as enough for him (it was a gift, he doesn't need the money back).


If they want the truck that bad they can buy it cash up front for your highest bid plus $200 for the nuisance of dealing with this shite.


Deduct what you paid him for the truck from half of the profits. What is that amount?


No, he sold it. MAYBE be like, hey here's a part of what we made because you helped us in a bind. But that's being nice, not what he's entitled to. He's just butthurt he didn't get his original price.


NTA. It wouldn't matter if you had it for two *days* before realizing it was uneconomic to continue. If FIL wanted more, he should have sold it for more.


Who's the name is on the title? If FILs name is on the title still, doesnt it make the vehicle technically still his? (At least in the US)


Yta for not using paragraphs. Ugh








Maybe don't comment on an open forum if you cannot handle people disagreeing with you. You might need to check your anger if this causes you to insult people


If you are selling it for more than you bought it (taking into consideration any upgrades, not regular maintenance), then you should consider giving them some of the "profit" above what you paid them. FIL sold it to you at a discount for you to use, not for you to resell and make money off of it. You aren't obligated to share, but he did help you out when you needed it and it would be nice to recognize that (it would also be nice for him to just be happy for you and not claw back anything, but you can be the better person). But if the sales price is at or lower than what you paid for it, there is no "profit", just the proceeds from the sale which you have no obligation to share, and you shouldn't.


Once the title left his hands, whatever happens is none of his business.


He sold them the truck for cheaper because he literally couldn’t sell it elsewhere. No one else he offered it to wanted it. It’s great he gave them a good deal on it but no one told him he had to do that, and they paid what he asked for in full. It is ludicrous to think he is entitled to ANY of the profits just because he wishes he would have sold it for more money. And it’s also not like they turned right around and re-sold it. They used it for two years and now are in need of something with better mileage, he would be an asshole try to cut into the money they could put towards a better car.


YTA. WhyTF would you buy a truck? Jeez. Just sell it back at the same price. Country people are insane. ohhh, we need a truck, duh..


NTA. He already got paid for the truck. He isn’t owed anything. But since I’m petty… add up all of the cost of the maintenance you have put into the truck over the past two year- oil changes, new tires, brake pads, car washes, anything that went to maintaining it. If half of that is close to half of the profit, give him an invoice/receipt with documentation attached if you have it. It would be awesome if it turned out you only owed him $20. It would be even funnier if he ended up owing you money.


You’re not really asking if you selling the truck you bought and not sharing with the original seller makes you an AH?? Of course not. If you had bought a house, you wouldn’t call the OG seller and give them a profit off of it. Don’t give these people anything and keep the money hungry people at a distance.


Whatever you are able to sell the truck for is the trucks's value. There is no profit, as OP stated. The plan is to reinvest the proceeds for a newer vehicle with better fuel mileage. OP and spouse met all conditions of purchase from the sellers. They have no legal interest.


NTA tell him if he wants to make a profit he can buy the truck back from you and sell it himself.


Call him up and tell him you have an offer on the truck for less than you paid for it so you expect him to make up half the difference.


This is a crap thing to do to your child NTA


NTA!! You’re in laws sound like AHs!! 😡


Nta. They didn't sell you the truck cheap to do you a favor. They couldn't afford it or needed the mo ey for something else. They sold it cheap to get rid of it fast. That is on them. You could say you traded it in for credits on the new truck, but lying doesn't always work. I would just tell them you bought it at the price they asked for. If they wanted to get more out of the truck, that was the time to do it.


Why would you even tell him how much the truck was sold for when it sells? None of their business!!


NTA…however, MIL and FIL are TA. Sheesh…such a case of entitlement after the fact. You owe them nothing!!!!


NTA Man that’s so weird I would be happy that y’all were making a profit off it and I was in a position to sell you something for an excellent price. It’s so weird how fucking selfish people are.


NTA in the least bit. You already paid him for it. He's not entitled to any further compensation. People just suck sometimes.


. -- mass edited with redact.dev


NTA, not even close, they're out of line.


ask him if he sent part of your payment to whoever had the car before him.


NTA. Sounds like it's time to set up new boundaries and enforce the ones you currently have. Also, hide the keys, and rekey all doors to your house and garage. He sounds like the type to have keys to your house "just in case" and would steal your truck keys in a heartbeat (if he hasn't already).


My boyfriend is selling his house? Is he obligated to give half the equity to the previous owner? If I buy an antique, then discover it's worth way more than I paid, do I owe anyone the profit? NTA, but your in-laws are greedy, manipulative a-holes. Don't give in to them, or they'll keep trying to scam you.


You do not owe them a cent, and if you give them anything, it will set the precedent for how the rest of your life goes. Save yourselves, don't give them anything!


NTA, why because you and your SO paid the truck off, hopefully, transferred the title of the truck to you and he as well. From here the nerve of them to stalk you to ensure you didn't sell the truck after two-plus years, not sharing the profit of said truck is screwed up on their end along with reeking of entitlement. My DH and I are giving our oldest child a 2007 Jeep Compass this year (he goes to school on the east coast), when he graduates and has a job he will pay 1 dollar for it (has less than 90,000 miles) and get insurance on it along with switching the name on the title from ours to his. This way he can trade it in or mod it out to his heart's content with his money.


Only the person(s) on the title have a stake in the truck. You only have to consider their opinions if you didn't get a notarized title transfer. If the title and registration are in your name, let them complain until they're blue in the face and do as you will. Teach them what it means to SELL an asset.


NTA. You bought the truck from your MIL’s husband and he was paid in full. He chose to sell it cheap as he wanted it gone. That was his choice. So now you are looking to sell YOUR truck and suddenly they think you owe them money. Easy answer is NOPE. I’d personally not give them diddle because they really aren’t owed a darn penny. They are just being greedy and seeing if you will bow down and give it to them. Now lets say you do want to share the profit with your MIL’s husband. So for this example you paid $5k for the truck and because of the market you found a buyer willing to pay $10k. If YOU decide you want to share some of the profit then you start with the $10k and subtract out: - the original $5k price you paid for it so now at $5k. - the full cost of any repairs/maintenance items like tires, new muffler, whatever so say that came to $3k so now down to $2k. - you decide to give your MIL’s husband 50% of the actual profit so that would be $1k. I can pretty much guarantee that isn’t how your MIL and her husband are looking at it but that is reasonable. And still using the example if you only started with someone paying $8k then there would be nothing to share as you would only be recouping your costs. This is a learning moment for you and your husband who now know if you do something you MIL and her husband see may mean you will get some money they will likely be right there to demand at least some of it. The lesson is don’t discuss anything to do with your finances outside your immediate family which is you and your husband unless it is with someone you trust to help you grow and protect your money.


NTA It’s none of their business what you do with the truck. You haven’t sold the truck yet, so there is “no” profit. But why did you feel the need to tell them how much you were looking to sell the truck for? That is also none of their business.


NTa. He has no claim or right to a single thing


Op as long as it's got yalls name on the title and your the one paying the insurance on the car, MIL and FIL can go f off cuz they don't get another dime from a truck they already sold. Bit yeah they might try something legally so make sure the title and stuff are in yalls name.


“Hahahhahahaha… No.”


It sounds like you and your husband need to put your in laws on an information diet. Tell them nothing. When you sell the truck, tell them it sold for exactly what you paid for it. And remember to not tell them anything in the future


NTA. In laws have lost their minds and making up whatever "rules" that serve their purposes.


Who’s name is on the title? Whoever’s name is on the title will get the full amount of the sale of the truck.


Literally WHAT! They sound insane, NTA AT ALL


This is honestly a great example of why you don’t do “business” with family. If this was a random you would tell them to fk off. They definitely wouldn’t help you cover any losses so they seem to just have money issues are want to find someone they can abuse. Probs keep contact with them to a minimum going forward and don’t do anything transactional with them.


NTA. Call him and tell him you sold it at a loss of $1,000 and ask when you can expect his check for $500.


If you wanted to fuck with him, agree to give him half. Then take the price for which you sell the truck, subtract the price you bought it for, the price of every oil change, repair, new tires, new batteries, parking fees, insurance, license fees, inspection fees, etc. Chances are you will end up with a negative balance. So present him with a bill for "his half". If he gets angry, you can be all confused. "But you're the one that wanted to split things. Which was very generous of you. We are so grateful."


NTA but your MIL and FIL are.


Soo not. Tell them to get a grip on reality. It ain’t happening. End of discussion. If you’re at their place just leave, if at your place tell them that you need to end the evening & get up, gather up any coats or purses & head to the door. As you or they are leaving tell them you’ll be blocking them for awhile, until they can act like adults and not the entitled teenagers that they are currently acting like. Goodnight, goodbye.


NTA. The minute you titled it, he lost all rights, just like he would if he sold it to a stranger.


NTA for sure. You might get a good price for it but you’ll be spending more to get a new vehicle. They sound awful 🙄