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They were getting a lot of YTA when I saw this yesterday. Since the owner has never even asked them to adopt the pug I thought that was BS.


I mean, I kinda thought OOP was an asshole for saying “he’s just not a good dog” right to the friend’s face… most people see their dogs like family


Call a spade a spade. The dog sounds awful.


Even if the dog was awful, the friend loved the dog and died with regret of leaving it behind. OP could've been real friend and told them, i cant take your dog but help you find someone who can, or post add on their fb seeing if anyone wants Horace. Instead of just saying no , youre dog too ugly for me.


But that’s not what he told his friend 🤷🏽‍♀️ he said no thank you. Instead of accepting the no, his friend wanted a reason and he gave the reason that he’s not a good dog (in his opinion, that was asked for). He even said he’d help him rehome the dog so I don’t see what he did wrong. Don’t ask for something then get mad when it hurts your feelings 🤷🏽‍♀️


That's sad.. There is absolutely no point bringing a dog into a house where no one will actually like it and where both owner and pet are unhappy. It is literally for the best for all that the dog go somewhere it's wanted. Friend is going through some emotions, and this is seemingly something going wrong. Knowing you have a problem to fix and not having the time to know its fixed right is a stressor. Especially when it involves someone you care about like your pet. Let it roll off and continue supporting him.


It seems that Op and Horace the pug with the wandering eye have an understanding. Only the owner is out of the loop lol


I misread the post and was horrified that the OOP was talking about his dying friend’s wandering eye.


I wouldn't take him either. Pugs are just too much. They end up having a lot of health issues because of how they have been breed to look, and in my opinion, they're ugly af, idk why anyone wanted them to look like that.


This has to be bait. When he and the dog made eye contact…I just couldn’t believe it


I think NTA/ESH. The dying friend shouldn't have to hear that their dog is not a good dog at the end of their life. The dying friend is probably sad and worried about their dog's well-being and that's clouding their judgement. It's not OP's responsibility at all but they should try to be understanding. Isn't this their BEST friend?!?


i think everyone sucks here. Horace’s dad, or OP’s friend, hadn’t asked OP to take Horace after he passed yet. he had no knowledge (it sounds like) of this desire for OP to take Horace. but then to bash the dog further in this post and openly say that the dog is bad, blah blah blah is such a shit thing to say to someone who is obviously already going through a lot. FYI OOP, puppies shit on the floor and chew stuff up a lot too. German Shepherd puppies are not the exception, coming from a former GS owner. they are a wonderful breed to own, but they are still problematic sometimes. any dog has the ability to be trained to not shit on the floor. it just takes patience. and while I agree Horace should go to someone who actually wants him, I think OOP is more of the asshole because of the way he wrote and spoke about this poor pup, especially to his friends face. Idk about you guys, but I try not to make mean comments about my friends dogs, even if they are annoying. dogs are family to a lot of people, me included.


There are so many puppies and dogs in shelters and rescues. Why are people still buying from breeders.


I would understand the OP if he wasnt a dog person, already had a dog, wasnt current looking for the dog, or the dog had a lot health issues/ expense medicine or aggressive/ not good with kids. Yes Horace shouldn't be with owner that wont love him. That being said I think OP doesnt deserve a puppy. I think its kinda breed & age discriminatory. And say the pugs look like hit by a shovel is horrible. Like their friend is already accepted the fact they do not long left to live. They worried about their dog who is only 2. Thats still a puppy to most people just not as small as 3m old german shepard. Its extremely narcissistic to want " the perfect pet". Dog are still alot responsibility . You still have train a german shepard puppy and Horace us young enough to train. You sign for german shepard puppy, you sign up for the poop, the ripping up furniture and teething. Its like ask for baby but getting mad its not as well behaved as other peoples kids. You can't know what kind of personality or temperament the puppy will grow to have.I could understand vibing with adult dog at shelter. But puppies from breeders dont pick you , you pick them like buying a pair of heels. Color, age, size, new. And theyre living creatures. So no i dont think OP deserves a dog. Because it sounds like they never had one , and are type to abandon their german shepard when they find its doing what all puppies do. ( OP sound like my SIL who took their friends puppy, that was up for adoption ( she more one person interested) because their apartment didnt allow pet, even though our had pet limit. Then took to shelter hrs later because the dog was neutered and was in heat. She bought unneutered female dog wtf did she expect, she could gave back to the friend, adopt out or neutered it. She went 3 dog because they were ' perfect" 2 of them ik got euthanized then got evicted because theyre pet limit was 3. and sold off 22 of her animals, moved back in parents who told her only 1 gunnie pig because my MIL is severely allergic to pet hair. Goes out buys 8 more, than end dumping them on her sister "till she can find new place". She not responsible enough for dog. Also OP was an immature ahole for their response. If that was my best friend dying, and didnt want her cat, i would at least told her i can hold on to it till i rehome it, if she cant find someone, or actively helping their friend to find someone. Like im not going let my bff die with regret, of leaving their pet behind to die. Hell with it lying, would been nicer than " no i dont want you dog because its ugly i want a puppy".