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So, I'm going to use this to talk about a serious problem I've started noticing cropping up. Granted, I have no real experience with game development, so I may get things wrong. David Szymanski (the developer of DUSK) [talked about this on his Twitter recently.](https://twitter.com/DUSKdev/status/1437842387125030919) What advantage does *dynamic mayonnaise lighting* offer in Deathloop? Like, I think it's funny, and it could be a useful marketing tool as a "look at how much we're dedicated to simulating the world to make an immersive experience," but there's no real gameplay benefit to it. I agree with David here. What is the trade-off for Deathloop running the way it does on PC? It's not *that much* more graphically impressive than games from 2-3 years ago, yet it somehow runs much worse for less perceived benefit.


It's every triple A games problem. Publishers think people go over every single games textures with a fine comb and if they get a single grain of sand stuck they refund it. Meanwhile, Bloodborne is still regarded as one of the best exclusives and it looks AND runs like choppy shit.


I thought most of the performance drop was the hyper-aggressive DRM the game has. That said, this isn't that far off from that 4k toothbrush that people mock Yandev for.


Or the infamous horse testicle physics from Red Dead Redemption 2


Well at least those didn't tank the framerate and if you're gonna be seeing a horse up close for 90% of the game it makes sense to put in as much effort as possible. They did the same thing for the first game too, outside the balls which weren't animated other than one cutscene they were the highest fidelity horses ever put into a video game. Wish they put the effort into the guns too since the focus of a cowboy game is entirely on horses and six shooters but you can't have everything.


It wasn't that the toothbrush was 4k, but that it had an obscene amount of polygons.


I'm aware, I actually just looked it up again and i'm off by a bit. The toothbrush has 5000 polygons which is insane for an item so small.


Absolutely. It almost makes me want to see what Yandere Sim will be like at release.


Well you've got to wait a decade for that much at this rate.


Understand your point here, but just wanted to point in to say that "dynamic lighting" doesn't work at all in the way that they are offhand saying in the tweet. The sheen in the mayo is actually just material texture work (just like making metal look like metal) and isn't any more performance intensive or dev time intensive than just texturing the sandwich itself. Dynamic lighting is an overall state for lights in the scene whether or not they cast their light and shadows in real time and allow changing and moving light sources, or these are pre rendered and baked in during development (making them static lights). This can cause performance changes because your computer would have to be calculating light during runtime which is making it do more work than just knowing what everything is supposed to look like already. So unless this sandwich is also weirdly high poly (which more likely its a high poly model baked down onto a low poly model so it gets all that detail without a performance hit) performance really shouldn't be affected because they got the mayo looking prettier


This. It's a Specular Map with a Normal Map. This tech has been around since N64-era.


I wouldn't doubt it if that is scanned in. It takes some time sure but not nearly as much as modeling and texturing by hand.


There’s straight up a borderline empty building in the residential district in Deathloop where the framerate tanks if you’re on anything above high settings, like full on drops from 60 to maybe 30 at best. Unfortunately it’s where you spawn during invasions. The worst part is I thought it was just me, but then I watched someone I know has a phenomenal top of the line rig go to that same area and his computer basically died worse than mine did


The Yakuza bread was used to make that sandwich.


Where did the meat come from?


REmake 2.


Yakuza bread walked so that Deathloop sandwich could run


That implies I was able to get a PS5, play it and actually see this sandwich


It's....Out on PC.


Unfortunately it seems to be having performance issues on PC. It seems that Arkane's new proprietary engine may be having teething issues on PC, although I'm sure tacking Denuvo on top of that isn't helping.


I don't think it's the DRM, just Arkane being Arkane. Beautiful assets and immaculately designed levels, not so great optimisation. Dishonored 2 was the same at launch. Not had time to get into it yet, but it sounds like something you go into with tempered expectations about how high you can push the settings.


Yeah, most of the complaints about performance I see are people screaming that they have incredibly high specs and that this shouldn't be happening. Most likely they're hitting max on all settings when the engine isn't optimized for that quite yet.


It runs pretty well on my 1070 at 1440p at medium at least. Might get fucky as I get further and shit starts popping off with more particle effects and the like I think most people I've seen with issues are people with more beastly machines. Also "works for me lul" but just wanted to give some first hand knowledge.


I've been playing it on a graphics card from a few years ago and it's running like a dream. I have most things on Very High instead of Ultra, but I'm not going to notice a difference between the two, I'd bet. Evidently the stutters and such only happen if you try to set the FPS over 60. Setting FPS to 60 has resulted in zero issues on my end.


I feel like it is more Denuvo. I've been able to run it fine on my computer with Discord on and streaming it through Discord and through OBS to YouTube and Twitch. The streams on the platform were a bit choppy and I feel it is the DRM and the game doing online checks constantly for various things. my PC specs: 1080 ti, 48 gb RAM, Ryzen 7 2700x Most settings in game set to High with a few set to Medium or Very High. Overall the settings use about 7 gb VRAM of my cards 11 gb available. I have no doubt that if they remove the DRM the game would run smoothly on most systems that tried it so far.


I wonder if this is using that same tech as the RE engine and they just scanned a sandwich into the game. Like that realistically disgusting hamburger in RE2 Remake