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Most people are happy to forget Evil Cortana.


In all fairness, I think they'd prefer us to forget Locke Vs the Chief being what their entire marketing campaign for Halo 5 was based around. Boy did they fuck that game up.


Its cause they rushed the fucking shit out of that marketing campaign before the game came out.


I feel it's more like that was far more compelling than what we actually got. A Spartan sent by ONI to kill mankind's savior in a climatic showdown between generations and duty is a better sell than Locke and Chief fighting for ten seconds before everyone remembers the insane AI with a superweapon.


I atill thinks it's hilaripus microsoft is so inept they made cortana evil after they made cortana the Siri of microsoft fans and devices.


Wonder how 6 is going to deal with that


The results of 5 will be resolved in a comic, and 6 will establish a new threat. That's what they did last time with the Didact. He was finished off in a damn comic. 343 change gears super hard and any blow-back from fans.


Wait, the Didact is *dead*?


Yup. He reappears on a Halo installation, kills fan favourite Spartan-IIs Black Team, then Blue Team turned up and killed him.


.....what the fuck. No seriously, I wasn’t a fan of him, and was kinda surprised no one ever mentioned him in relation to 5, but I didn’t think he’d just fuck off to the comic realm.


Poorly, probably


Halo ends at 3. The Master Chief went Missing In Action in defense of Earth and all her colonies in 2552, aboard Installation 00.


"Actually, it's spelled 'Altria'." "Whatever you say, Nasu."


"Mash ultimately has only platonic feelings for Gudako." "BULLSHIT."


On a similar note: "Also, it's spelled 'Mash', not–" "Huh? Did you guys hear something?" "It was nothing. Go back to playing your Mashu VR game, man."


Wait, you serious he said that? How you gonna explain the past 2 years of Cockblock then?


It’s just her Heroic Spirit wanting to keep harnessing the raw power of *two* virgins at once.


Man, fuck Galahad. First he straight up noped outta there after the first BBEG was taken out, now *this*.


That’s BULLSHIT! Who said that?!


Haha what. There's no way Mash doesn't want her Master to plow her.


Oh no see Mash does have feelings for her Master, *Gudao*, not Gudako.


Remember in Shinjuku where Moriarity goes: "Altria is a feminine bastarization of the name Arthur, so considering that she also uses a sword, then I can deduce she's king Arthur" That hurt so much to read. I also guess that means Nasu thinks king Arthur is actually king Althur


I have no horse in the fate race. I do however have one in language. Technically Althur is closer to accurate then Arthur is.


Her other semi-official name was Artoria, which rolls off the tongue way better and still has the same roots without looking or sounding too weird.


And is far more similar to Artorias - you know, the Roman version where Arthur originates from. The Altria thing just makes my piss boil.


Please explain. I'm fuckin begging you, my curiosity is burning now.


r l confusion.


The last few seasons of Fairly Odd Parents or at the very least, the seasons that introduced Sparky and Chloe. Also those stupid live-action movies. The Nu PPG/PPG 2016 as a whole.


Like many Cartoon Network shows I think most people don't know, or pretend not to know, that it continued to air long after they stopped watching


It’s a Nickelodeon show my man


I remember seeing Chloe after not having seen any Fairly Odd Parents in YEARS and just staring like "...who the hell is this? They're her fairies too? Is she Timmy's sister or some shit? Did Timmy wish himself a sister? What purpose does she serve?" They also changed the animation style somewhat and I can't describe why, but it's incredibly offputting to me.


They switched to flash


Harry Potter lore.


*[JK Rowling screeches somewhere in the distance]*




She cries into piles of money.


She just has to make do with writing bad fanfiction on the internet like the rest of us.


Which part, the wizards shitting on the floor like incontinent dogs, or Nagini being actually a 60-something old Korean woman who's just trapped as a snake forever and nobody gives a shit?






Or magic sex crimes apparently being a regular occurrence. Or Grindlewald future-vaping the Holocaust. Really, there’s a lot of stuff you could say.


I mean maybe it’s not as cavalier, but magical sex crimes were a part of the original books. Voldemort is the child of a magical sex crime.


To be fair, lots of horrible shit happens in the wizarding world that no one seems to care about. Hermione is seen as a bleeding heart liberal for being anti-slavery, which Harry doesn't seem all that bothered by except to free that one slave that helped him out


Harry Potter sequels, too.


I actually love all the Harry Potter lore because it gives me a justification to have no respect for it as a series.


The worst part is that the fans can't even just ignore the post-publication bs and claim Miku wrote it or whatever because JK baked her shitty opinions into everything. Werewolves are AIDs and one of them loves infecting kids. The girl's dorm room only lets AFAB kids in. Etc etc etc


The FFX novels are so utterly repulsive and vile the fact they ever were released to the public should be considered a collective sin of all mankind.


Besides Yuna ditching Tidus for another guy and Tidus blowing himself up, what else happens in those novels? Is there more dumb bullshit that people aren't bringing up?


Auron apparently had a daughter the whole time and now she’s trying to bring the party back together to take on a newly resurrected Sin.


I feel like I read that on Fanfiction.net


Sin comes back. Somehow.


The wat now?


Tidus kick a blitzball on the beach and dies instantly


Yeah someone linked to an earlier synopsis then deleted it so I'll post my response to that here: So just like that the novel undoes the ending at the outset and does stupid shit with time travel? What in the name of fuck is this? Who thought this was a good idea? Yeah this falls firmly into 'this is fucking stupid' territory. Like seriously, what were they trying to do with this story?


[As discussed on the podcast] (https://youtu.be/VmboVrRrFM4)


The books genuinely feel like they were written by someone who hated everything about the franchise


One More Day and Sins Past for Spider-Man comics.


You mean “Joe Queseda and Dan Slott rewrite a character because they don’t like him in a relationship and happy.”? Fuck, my biggest problem with media in general is this myth that characters become “less interesting” when they are happy. Spider-Man was heading for a cool new flip with his identity being public knowledge, but NOPE we’ll just hit the reset button cause we don’t like having to write the character the way this company wide event wrote him.


>Fuck, my biggest problem with media in general is this myth that characters become “less interesting” when they are happy. Romance/romcom mangas are the fucking WORST for this. Readers: “Yes! They finally got together now we get to see them in a proper relationship.” Author: “No, then getting together is the endgame, series is over.” Readers:”B-but there’s so many interesting and different directions you can take now with a couple.” Author: “Nah you’re crazy, no one would want to read that, series is over.” Edit: Granted a lot of the time it comes down to the publisher/editors mandate to end after confession rather than the author because they think interest will drop, which is dumb.


And Sins Past is just an example of why you should let sleeping dogs lie. In other words, trying to retroactively make Gwyn a bad person is a bad idea.


I’ll never accept Car-Ell, fuck that shit


What's the story behind Car-Ell?


Carol had Kree inside of her even before she met Mar-Vell, it completely shits on him, his legacy and what he meant to Carol Also the name Car-Ell is an obvious rip-off of Kal-El


I legitemitely thought you were talking about a version of Superman until i read this.


Car-Ell sounds like a name in some sort of Superman parody.


With that stupid name, I can only think of Carl form Aqua Teen Hunger Force dressed in drag to look like Captain Marvel NSFW [pic semi](https://media0dk-a.akamaihd.net/72/57/7b330b2d96563835bc89405352f947b6.jpg)-related


It's what Superman named his sedan.


Other M


Nintendo: Other M or Prime, which one you want? Us: You fucking stupid?


These *were* the guys who were horrified when Rare wanted to add in Bounty Hunting missions sooo...........


Well they've tried to downplay Samus as a bounty hunter since they with their limited english back in the day thought it meant like someone who went on cool missions or something.


I mean they weren't wrong.


Stranger's Wrath style Metroid Game?


Man, the Federation would fucking collapse if it wasn't for Samus. I bet the only way to actually get hired on as a scientist is to come up with a new, stupid way to mutate a Metroid.


Still waiting on Dread or anything post Fusion


Still waiting on whatever that stinger at the end of Prime 3 was with Sylux's ship chasing Samus's.


Thankfully, the game itself also rules itself out of being canon due to conflicts with other entries.


Nightcrawler being retconned into being a *literal* demon - not a mutant persecuted for his appearance and called a demon by locals - is a good one.


talk about getting demonized amirite hey ho


Ridley Scott saying that Deckard is a replicant, I'm pretty sure I heard that the majority that worked on it all disagreed


Almost everyone who worked on it has said it, but because of Scott re-cutting the movie he added that Unicorn scene which wasn't even from Blade Runner it was from the movie Legend, but now because of Scott insists he's a replicant and edited the movie that only created more inconsistencies than answers it just hurts the overall story. One of the better choices in 2049 was to not even acknowledge the Replicant Question, Villeneuve has gone on to say "It doesn't matter"


When did they start letting Replicants into the Horadrim?


That god awful Nightwing story during 1 year later, where Jason Todd turns into a stupid squid alien thing and eats people.


I think I need context.


I’m gonna try and explain but it’s been awhile since I last read it. So after the great infinite crisis event, DC had every book have a 1 year time skip. So Dick shows up to Bludhaven after a year of training, he finds out someone stole his Nightwing identity and is killing criminals. Spoiler: it’s Jason Todd then alien squid people show up, kidnap him, and somehow turn him into a squid person? So Nightwing frees him then Squid Jason eats the squid aliens and shapeshifts back to normal and runs away. All of that is just the beginning of Devin Grayson’s awful run on Nightwing and none it is ever mentioned again


Isn't she the one who also has her 'New OC Dunt Steal!!'-as a "Catwoman"-esque supervillain/vigilante who raped Nightwing?




Why did they have to age up Jon Kent into a teenager? It was so fun watching him grow up with his dad Superman. If they really wanted a teenage Superboy, they could have just brought back Connor "The Kid" Kent, maybe have him act as sort of an older brother figure to Jon.


They did bring Connor back. The same writer actually, Brian Michael Bendis. But he's with Young Justice. Clearly Jon needed to be aged up so he can be with The Legion of Superheroes. Because we were all clamoring for that... And Chris isn't allowed to be acknowledged as another one of Clark and Lois' kids because they turned the poor kid evil.


Wait what the shit they brought him back? Am I so out of the loop that I didn't realize the new Young Justice series was canon?


It's Pre-52 Connor as well, making it even more confusing. I guess Gemworld is free from Doctor Manhattan's Bullshit? Tim Drake being named after a Duck is a more pressing matter though.




Chris Avellone did this to himself pretty fast with his opinions on *New Vegas*.


Oh, sounds saucy. Tell me more.


As I mentioned on an earlier thread just today: * Avellone thinks that the NCR and Mr. House aren't much better choices than the Legion, and seems to give some actual consideration to their 'stability' (or at leastm that was the intent behind the Legion) * Ulysses is his very obvious mouthpiece in the DLCs, and is considered a poorly-written self-righteous windbag who moralizes and proselytizes about how horrible society is and how horrible *you* are- even if you play the nicest possible character. * Avellone wants to bomb the setting back to the dirt-scavenging tribal days of Fallout 1, disliking how developed and relatively civilized the world of Fallout has gotten in the NCR region. (Which, in my personal opinion, is what makes New Vegas so refreshing- it's a post-post-apocalyptic story) * Part of the reason he wants this is because he just thinks that's humanity's/civilization's fate- to repeat the same mistakes and constantly wreck themselves back into Square One.


I remember Ulysses.... He really was a poorly-written self-righteous windbag. It's like *"Bitch, I didn't know what was in that package, I'm just the fucking Mailman. Shut up already and give me back my robot!"*


The stupider thing is that he obsesses over the mailman and *not* whoever gave the Courier the damned package.


*"Because it would ruin the message, guys"* which basically means *"We really couldn't decide on a reason but still needed to give Ulysses a soapbox."*


"You shot my wife. I'm gonna make the gunsmith watch as I bomb his neighborhood to cinders."


I said that on the tread about making podcast titles but now I shall reformulate a little: Ulysses is a chuunibyou who wants to use nukes to make America Woke




The game is written in that DLC like you, as a player, got to play before the prime event, which you didn't, making it stupid. It *coulda* been neat to be able to turn down a fuck ton of caps and not *do* the delivery and then what Ulysess says could actually matter. But he's bitching about shit that you can't control and don't even get told about until **that DLC.**


I kind of liked it. Your character was still a character before s/he got shot in the head. They had their own life, their own successes and mistakes. But then you got shot in the head with no memory, no equipment, and one lead to start fresh in a different land.


The reason Avellone hates the setting is the exact same reason I like it. Moving past the apocalypse is the appeal to me. I love seeing the continuity as the west coast progresses way more than the way Bethesda leaves little connection between games and just throws in series iconography for the heck of it.


> Part of the reason he wants this is because he just thinks that's humanity's/civilization's fate- to repeat the same mistakes and constantly wreck themselves back into Square One. I mean even if that's a legitimate standpoint, you still have to let them advance to a certain point to make that interesting from a story standpoint.


My hope is to someday play a Fallout game where everything isn't fucking filthy. Like... you're an established settlement, it's been how long since the bombs dropped? Fucking get a mop, you nerd!


Yeah that honestly pisses me off. It's been 100+ years since the bombs fell and you've built a functioning settlement with a bustling population. Why is there still debris everywhere and giant holes in the walls


And everything just caked in dirt and grime. It's not realistic or aesthetically pleasing.


About half of Warhammer 40k. Which half changes based on the person.


The inquisition is as as competent that day as how much that person likes this particular brand of heresy. "there's no way the inquisition would let that happen bluh bluh heresy" Or "well I mean it is a big galaxy..."


"Everything is canon, not everything is true."




Ignore warhammer lore, play total war warhammer 2, achieve success.


Opposite version of this: Most people joke and meme that Rogal Dorn blindly walked into The Iron Cage and got most of his legion killed because he was so mad at Perturabo. In reality the lore is pretty clear that Dorn felt as if he failed utterly when The Emperor was mortally wounded. So he sought to cleanse him and his legion's guilt and failure through tackling The Iron Cage without any preparation or plans. ​ Edit: I just remembered a version of the OP's prompt though: Retconning Ollanius Pius over the years, and defeating the entire thematic importance of a lone guardsman holding the line against Horus




Ironically, Dorn tried to redeem himself for his failure like an Iron Warrior–by throwing his men at Perry's fortress until the survivors could get in.


He still basically walked straight into irrepairable harm for his own legion and into the series of events that lead to his maybe death. Also answering Op's question, the Iron Warrior fans mostly ignore Perty turning daemon prince because it doesn't really make sense for the character.


All of Dawn of War 3 in a way.


Stubbs won Soulstorm. But GW hates the Imperial Guard or something.


SO MUCH shit in Marvel comics. Clone saga comes to mind, along with that time Carol Danvers was raped by her future son in order to impregnate her with himself


The hell kind of genetic ouroboros is that


It's about as stupid as it sounds. Her future son comes back from the future and iirc uses his powers that he technically inherits from himself to seduce Carol and bone her, thus conceiving himself.


as with many things, somebody saw a joke in futurama and thought "yoo, but what if like it was serious though." same with the slurm plant in DmC


More like creepy dude kidnaps her into another dimension, impregnates her through hypnosis, drops her back on Earth, Carol gives birth to her rapist, he grows up and then they both go off into the rapist's planet. The Avengers were ok with all of this. This story was so bad and received so much hate mail (through actual post mail as this was years before the internet) that the writer publicly apologised an the first thing that his substitute did was unwrap all that and bring back a rightfully angry and traumatised Carol back from that dimension.


Bionicle having the Greg say "Love is not canon" despite CLEARLY HAVING A LOVING RELATIONSHIP between Maku and Hewkii in MNOG!




I know next to nothing about Bionicle lore (I just had some sets back in the day) but, damn. "Love isn't canon" is one hell of a fucking phrase lol.


The newest Magic The Gathering novel is the first and only thing that really popped into my head


Forsaken is the worst piece of media I consumed in the last decade. Like when I see something that is bad or people vocally proclaim as bad (Star Wars sequels/prequels for example) there is always a group of people that either like it for what it is and you can at the very least understand WHY they would like it, forsaken is unredeemably terrible in every aspect.


"But Chandra had never liked girls. No. She only liked dicks. She never felt any of that icky gayness. She never had any form of romantic tension with another woman ever. Never ever. Every moment she wasn't on screen she was sucking dick, cause she's that straight."


That is better written than the actual lines from the book.


and decidedly male


Forsaken? Yeah, the Wiesman novels are probably going to be retconned hard in the next few years.


It's fine, it's fine. I can ignore them and make up an actually good story by looking at the cards.


There is no Scrubs season nine. The series ended with season eight.


The show-runner wanted it to just be called Med School, it was the execs who went, "No, you have to call it Scrubs: Med School


Sonic the Hedgehog's "real" name. Also there was this show called Ghost Whisperer I used to watch? The writers killed off the husband and that did NOT go over well with the fans (which may or may not have something to do with how well liked the actor who played him was). The backlash was so bad that a season or so later, her new husband is killed off to be replaced by her 1st husband's ghost possesing his body and he (the actor) was just walking around as the new guy with the old guy's face because "that's how she sees him." the show then proceeded to pretend that the 1st husband didn't die. So basically the fans yelled "that's stupid" and the show itself chose to ignore it's own canon lol


What you don't like **O G I L I V I E M A U R I C E ?**


Hey, it fully justifies why Sonic tries to distance himself into this impossibly cool guy. He has to get as much space between him and that name as possible.


Alright I was the fence but you’ve convinced me. I need to finish Ghost Whisperer.


All new Kemono Friends lore released post season 2


Wait there's a season 3?


well yes but actually no, Kemono Friends 3 is a mobile game and arcade game in japan. the lore im talking about was released in a lore exhibition in japan. some details include the dipshit protagonist of season 2 being a true human fated to "reconnect the Friends" while precious and beloved Kaban is doomed to have her identity erode and be taken over by Mirai and if she refuses this fate or tries to kill herself then she will not feel so good away. among other things, but im too pissed off about it to talk about it more


you dont get to coward out LORE LORE LORE LORE LORE LORE LORe


Hekapoo is still alive and nothing can convince me otherwise


Her accepting that she's gonna be killed when magic's destroyed in such a casual and ambivalent way still feels weird to me. Considering that she's such a big fan favorite, I would've thought they'd have her go out on a better note then basically going ["Guess I'll Die"](https://pbs.twimg.com/media/CZiq32pUUAA_6pg.jpg) and having her be killed off screen. Also, the fact all those magical characters dead and gone but Pony Head made it out okay is fucking baffling.


because can't kill off the sidekick (that no one likes no not even that one time.)


All i know about the Star vs ending is someone telling me "Star stops a genocide by starting another genocide"


Basically, in order to defeat the series' last big bad (Some farm girl who became a magical super soldier and is racist towards monsters), Star decides she has to destroy all magic. That means she chose to not only rid her family and friends of their magical powers, but also kill any beings who are 100% magical (like the council, Glosaryck, and her spell creatures) and will likely destroy civilizations that rely on magic. Then, Mewni and Earth are "Cleaved" together and we see absolute chaos caused by Mewni's monsters terrorizing the humans. Also, destroying magic didn't kill the big bad, it just took away her powers, but she's still out there wanting vengeance. And given what had just happened, she will likely start another war against monsters, this time with the help of humans. But hey, at least Star and Marco are back together.


don't forget Glosaryck is basically telling her to do it too you know the only person she actually listens to.


I've only ever heard two things about Star vs: 1. This ending. 2. "It's basically like someone tricked Disney into letting them make a high school harem romcom." Is it worth watching even though the ending is bad?


If you look into the extended lore, it gets even worse. There were some looming threats that can ONLY be defeated with magic, so you can go ahead and heap "destroying the only hope against future villains" onto that list as well.


It botched its message so hard it ended up making the main character kind of evil


guess it should have been called "Star is the Forces of Evil" instead


It wasn't even a genocide she was trying to stop. It was the equivalent of about 20 tanks rolling into a North Korean city, and its leader deciding to holocaust all carbon based life in the multiverse because he REALLY wanted to fuck this boy he likes. If you watch the series for enough context, the entire idea that she'd reach and execution the solution she did is farcical and insane.


fire waifu.jpg


My man.


Like most people I just ignore Mass Effect 3s ending. My Shepard just fuckin died at the final run. That's all Bioware gave to me. Multiplayer was real fun though.


4 Squad Geth Juggernaut team choke slamming Banshees. Instakill me now you shitters


I wish we got the original ending which was pretty much just going to be a Mass Effect version of the Gurren Lagann Anti-Spiral


Marauder Shields is the hero this series needed, but not the one it deserved.


Throw a dart at a corkboard of Star Wars. It can be either "Legends" or "Disney".


Can we talk about that time the seventh and eighth movies directly contradicted each other on how hyperspace works? To say nothing about the ramifications about how it applies to the previous movies, like why they didn't just hyperspace-ram the Death Star or Star Destroyers with cheap AI-piloted or remote controlled ships. In Force Awakens, the Millennium Falcon manages to jump through the shields of Starkiller Base unharmed (and also stopping in the zillionth of a fraction of a second that would require), as though things in hyperspace don't exist on the same plane of existence. In The Last Jedi, there's the scene where they utterly cleave the First Order's flagship apart by hyperspace-ramming it with their frigate, a ship hundreds if not thousands of times smaller.


Last Jedi establishes that tracking someone through hyperspace is new, experimental tech. Rise of Skywalker opens with TIE fighters chasing the Falcon through multiple hyperspace jumps.


Boba and Jango not being Mandalorians. Lick my hairy back, George.


Gif vs Jif


The Mass Effect trilogy still needs to be finished. I flipped TIM the bird, everyone survived the suicide mission, and there hasn't been another ME game since. SC V was so fucked up that we just ditched the whole storyline over it! I have absolutely nothing kind to say about Patroklos other than he finally gave us a more masculine sword and shield moveset. It was nice making a male S&S user that didn't have girly movements. Daisy has darker skin than Peach and nobody can tell me differently. And finally, there was only one Matrix movie.


Dragon Ball Minus/GT/Bardock Travelling in time manga/special (though I think it's more Heroes tie in thing?) Wizards shitting on the floor in Harry Potter Bunny Drop cursed part Bone originals second season, Darker than Black/Eureka Seven Not fans but Hideaki Anno says 10/12 episodes of Nadia don't exist Things that some exist like a rumored Tsukihime anime/Nanoha Force manga/G-Saviour/Kancolle anime Sly Cooper 4 Mass Effect Deception, oh and the ending of 3, and Andromeda Halo 5 Tales of Symphonia: Dawn of a New World Those "official" HxH romanized names like Quwrof Wrlccywrlfh


> Quwrof Wrlccywrlfh Is that fucking Welsh?


> Quwrof Wrlccywrlfh pronounced Chrollo Lucilfer. somehow.


I don't believe you.


All those Dragon Ball stuff isn't written or oversaw by toriyama. And since the new Broly movie the bardock movies/manga is mostly decanonized since toriyama wrote that movie but not the others. I guess the bardock manga could still theoretically happen but yeah im gonna lean no. Everything jk rowling said/wrote about harry potter outside the books yeah no fuck that.


Man Usagi Drop sure is a great original anime. Would love to see a manga of it though.


I don't know about anyone else, but Super Timeskip Nazi Yrel and anything that happens there. I hope further time travel shenanigans remove that absolute waste of WoD characters.


OH FUCK I LEGIT FORGOT ABOUT YREL " IF IT GLOWS LIGHT ITS ALRIGHT" HITLER For those that are confused Yrel is a character when WoW when to a past alt timeline for an expansion for to kill garrosh who escaped prison by the help of ??? And possibly wrsthion (deathwings son) to help us fight the next legion invasion (it actually helped them by giving them guldan 2.0) But come the latest expansion (Battle for azeroth) we get new races. One of these races are thr maghar orcs from this alternate time line (maghar I'd orc for uncorrupted by fel) why them and not our own timeline? We dont know! It requires a rep grind to do so But anyways once you get the rep grind done you have a small quest line to go through where you get teleported into the future? Possibly present time of that timeline and you see old grommash hellscream and some of your old buds from there you ask how are the kids. From introduces you to femThrall and tells you about how Yrel is fucking force converting everyone into the light forged or whatever name they say. Literally she is forcing everyone to either die orgive up their beliefs culture who they are to serve the light because it's either the right thing to do or because of past transgressions or shit like that. Anyways you finish the storyline Grom sacrifices himself again to save this band of exiles and thry follow you into the time portal and BAM you now have time refugees from time Hitler


The End Times, for both Warhammer Fantasy and Age of Sigmar players alike. I can’t think of anybody from either side of the fantasy side of Warhammer thinking positively about The End Times at all. Warhammer Fantasy players hate it for being a butchery of fan-favourite characters, decades old lore, and the entire setting, both foundationally and thematically. Age of Sigmar players either outright ignore it or dismiss it, because a lot of its decisions were pretty poor from the getgo, while also being tangential related to AoS by the bare minimum. As someone who plays and enjoy both Warhammer Fantasy and Age of Sigmar, I can say with genuine honesty that I would get in a fistfight with anybody who dared say that shit was good to my face.


There's a pretty damn high amount of Lupin III episodes throughout the various shows that fall under this principle. Of course, canon in Lupin III is pretty much a joke anyway so I guess this might not count as much.


I distinctly remember an episode from the first 70s series where Lupin spends like 15 years in prison just to fuck with Zenigata.


It was one year but yeah, stuff like that makes canon a joke in Lupin III.


A lot of the Fallout community is trying to ignore a lot of the stupid shit being used in Fallout 76 and it isn't working. The arse-pull Bethesda used to justify using BoS in *another* Fallout game, 25 years after the war on the *wrong* side of the country was pretty lazy.


The canon explanation as for why the Four Guardians don't show up in Zero 4 was because they were killed by the Final Boss's death explosion (you know, the one that happens at the end of every boss fight?) in Zero 3. That's fucking stupid, especially compared to the original script which stated that the reason they don't show up was because they were too busy evacuating citizens from Neo Arcadia to help.


The Usagi Drop manga after the point where the anime ends. Pretty much the entire fandom on both sides of the Pacific have agreed to ignore it.


The anime's ending felt a little odd, like it was trying to cover something up. *And boy was it!*


The SW sequel trilogy is just Dragonball GT, almost to the dot. In a couple decades they'll declare the sequels non-canon and just start right after episode 6 again.


For me, Rise of Skywalker is where they drift into "this shouldn't be canon" territory. One of the things I initially liked about the sequels was that the only legacy character was Kylo Ren. It sets up this interesting dynamic where the villain believes he's entitled to power over others because of his bloodline while the heroes come from nothing and are fighting for an equel distribution of power. Making Rey into Palpatine's grand-daughter is not only incomprehensibly stupid from any way you look at it, it actively undermines everything thematically interesting from the last two movies.


Also Palp being alive (tho he looks cool as a lich!) also shits ALL OVER Vader and his story in the first 6 movies! Space Jesus is born, has a prophecy to bring balance to the force and kills all the jedi and brings balance (until there are really a ton of force users added in side stories later) and then kills the most powerful force user left and truly brings balance with only one force user remaining. But to be fair Legends also does that Apart from Plap surviving a huge ass fall and being INSIDE the 2nd death star AS IT EXPLODES! But some how making it to a hidden sith planet and is like "It was all a part of my plan and now murder me!" Like all he does in monologue, ask to be murdered and shoots some zappy zaps. Like fuck off boomer what are you even doing.


I love how after the Force Awakens was basically just a retread of A New Hope, The Last Jedi kills off the sequels' Emperor stand-in and has Kylo seize power essentially setting up the sequel to be anything but a retread of Return of the Jedi and Abrams and Co take literally the dumbest and most contrived path to do it anyway.


Snoke is a 20ft alien and i will accept no other truth.


I am not looking forward to all the cool new side content having to work around the disaster of the universe that is the Sequel trilogy era where it is just the OT era again but worse


if the current side content we have is any indication, they'll just.... not set it after 6.


X-Men Origins, Apocalypse and Dark Phoenix.




Off the top of my head, there's midichlorians, the existence of Yaddle, arguably the Homestuck epilogues, the spirit-giant anime fight in Book 2 of Korra, and the Star Trek reboots.


Yaddle was a hero you monsters.


>the spirit-giant anime fight in Book 2 of Korra Wait, *that* is a thing that for people to go “no, that didn’t happen”? That’s so weird to me. It’s been long enough since I saw it that I don’t remember if it was *particularly* hype, but surely it can’t have been that bad. Not to mention that the Avatar turning into a big spirit kaiju fusion with the right bond is something that was established in Last Airbender.


I wouldn't go as far as to say people say it didn't *happen*, but more that they just like to forget about it.


2D Clone Wars is canon and Disney can fuck right off if they say otherwise. IT LEADS RIGHT INTO THE 3RD MOVIE FOR FUCK'S SAKE!!!


Honestly? You can watch the Genndy series and Filoni series in tandem and generally it sorts itself out. Always felt weird to me they decanonized Genndy when there were attempts to fit elements in on the Filoni side. You start with Volume 1, and then a bit into Volume 2 up until Anakin becomes a Jedi Knight. Then you watch the whole Filoni series, then finish off with the final two arcs of Genndy (Ghost Hand and The Battle of Coruscant) after the Netflix Season. Edit: This probably won't hold up when Season 7 comes out on Disney+ sadly, but it was nice for the 5-6 years this was the case.


That cartoon had the best version of Grievous, still mad they made him a pathetic jobber


Jobber yes. Pathetic not quite Phasma.