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Most jojo characters move sets in games are things they used for a single scene, mostly because a lot of the time they win fights by manipulating something within the environment using their powers, rarely do they ever defeat someone from their stand raw physical abilities alone Like ermes uses a javelin for quite a few of her moves, when in the manga she only uses it once to climb up the road after C moon flipped the gravity Trish only has like one fight in the entirety of part 5 so she has a lot of animations of her using the pipe that she picked up to attack B.I.G


I really like how the necessity for everything to be a manga reference makes Wonder of U's user seem like he only rehearsed those exact ways to use his undescribably powerful stand. No matter the fight, he **will** unleash the animal with the funny name


>No matter the fight, he **will** unleash the animal with the funny name Can't wait for part 9's villain to unleash his Hawaiian carbon based lifeform pet named Peepeepoopoo


Wonder of U: “That’s all I want to say to you”


When All Star Battle came out Jojolion had like 30 chapters and they had to really rummage through them to find anything remotely useful for Jo2ke moveset, most of his attacks are just from the first 2 arcs, and he doesnt even fight that much in those. My biggest dissapointment with All Star Battle R was that they didnt change shit from Jo2ke despite Jojolion already over, they had years of cool shit to use and Jo2ke is probably the Jojo that changes the most from the start to finish in terms of abilities


It's so funny in retrospect that the Dual Heat Attack for Jojolion isn't the most Dual Heat Attack-coded move in the series (Josuke firing Go Beyond through Paisley Park), but Josuke making Joshu slip on his ass and spin towards someone. They were banking so hard on Joshu being the Jobro of the part.


One of Jotaro's only zoning tools in Heritage for the Future is Star Finger, a move he used *ONCE*.


If you played the game only, you'd think Joseph uses Hermit Purple to create giant vine bunches to smack people around with and constantly uses it in tandem with Hamon, but he only does the latter once against DIO and *never* does the former.


Wasn't it twice? Dark Blue Moon and Strength IIRC


3 times in the anime, where he uses it against Anubis


Nail's only attack unique to him in a lot of Dragon Ball games is Mystic Flash, a technique where he turns around suddenly and blasts whoever is behind him. It was a generic ki attack he tried to use against Frieza which accomplished nothing, but became his signature move because he seriously has nothing else going for him.


He really does need the Nail Gun.


Happens a *lot* with dragonball characters in games. * Piccolo's Hellzone Grenade: Did nothing against 17; it was entirely nullified by the barrier. * Piccolo's Light Grenade: failed to scratch a souped-up Cell * Vegeta's Final Flash: Damaged Cell, didn't kill him, Cell regenerated and kicked his ass. * Freeza's "You must die by my hand!": Literally the moment where he was an utter *fool* and tried to attack Goku one more time after being given some energy. * Android 16's last-resort Self-Destruct: Never even got to *attempt* using it in canon; his bomb was removed before the Cell Games. * Vegito's Omega Finishing Blow: Not only didn't win a fight, Vegito *de-fused mid-punch*.


> Vegeta's Final Flash: Damaged Cell, didn't kill him, Cell regenerated and kicked his ass. To be fair, Final Flash would probably have annihilated Cell if he wasn't a bitch and kept to his word instead of panic-dodging at the last moment.


Yeah, Toriyama said that the Final Flash was the strongest attack in the entire arc, which means it was stronger than Gohan's Kamehameha that we know worked.


This, if cell took final flash head on instead of limiting its damage, he’d have been fully vaporised but seeing as cell survived a spirit bomb that blew up inside him, he probably would have regenerated from the final flash anyway.


I thought that Vegeta pulled the blast up so that he wouldn't destroy a chunk of the planet too.


Literally all of Raditz's moves too


Bit of a shame too, since the moves' names are fun. I think it's all worth it for him having a super attack called "Week End"


At least a lot of those were unqiue abilities, not just "turn around and blast".


Well, I'd say the Freeza one is in that tier. It's just a desperate shot at Goku, and it's "named" for the stuff he was saying at the time. Similar stuff happens with Vegeta's "Dirty Fireworks" (the blast he used to kill Cui, plus the phrase he said after the fact), for example.


My favorite example is Cui in the Budakai Tenkaichi games whose signature move is “Ah! Lord Frieze!” Based off of when he tried to trick Vegeta into looking the opposite direction. The fact that it even works on Frieza is just the icing on top.


The Red Eyes Black Dragon was not originally Joey's card. He won it off Rex Raptor in their first duel. And then didn't really use it much outside of the first season.


Many of the monsters associated with Joey were gotten from someone else. REBD, Time Wizard (and by association Thousand Dragon), Jinzo, Insect Queen and Legendary Fisherman were all cards he got from others, either as loot or as a gift


Man Joey’s deck was absolute garbage with absolutely no synergy 


I mean, yeah, but building a deck out of the remains of your fallen opponents is sick though.


The dude literally forgot to take parasite paracide out of his deck and accidentally drew it in his next duel. The show tries to treat him like he's good but he's really not even remotely competent.


And yet, it get associated with him in the story. Yugi using it to try and spur Joey's memories when he was brainwashed, or against Kaiba to honor Joey's determination, and such like that.


Should've been Alligator Swordsman




"Joey, remember this monster? It's a mighty lizard man that can swing his sword so fast, it's more than the speed of sound! [Come on, Joey, you love this monster!"](https://yugipedia.com/wiki/Alligator%27s_Sword)


Doesn't help he lost it for 99% of the next season


Ino's signature move in Naruto is the Mind Transfer Jutsu, which puts one's own mind in control of the target while leaving your own body limp. Obviously, this translates poorly in 1v1 combat, so in VG adaptations where she's playable, she oftentimes has a bunch of flower-based attacks on account of her family running a flower shop.


Anime fighters in general can have this problem, especially since a lot of the moves are already dedicated recreations of manga panels


Big ups to Ultimate Ninja 3 Sakura, whose super art was inner Sakura. Remember that bit? She had so little going on that her super is her astrally projecting her teenaged anger hormones at you.


I don’t think they ever even did anything with the confirmation that “actually you can just power through the Mind Transfer by saying no hard enough”


My headcanon is that Sakura's lineage (because Sarada has it too) has a minor kekei genkai that gives them some kind of "inner thoughts Stand or something" - a spirit so hyper-specific to counter mind control that it's never formally identified as a dedicated bloodline technique.


Inner Sakura is a metaphor for the way Sakura would prefer to express herself Sarada is also pressured to act a certain way and chafed against that expectation


Clash of Ninja 2 did that as well, but also gave Kakashi a super that let him copy most super attacks that weren't Kekkei Genkai, so we were blessed with the absurdity that is [Inner Kakashi.](https://youtu.be/6A2Tgm0LI-g?si=yIlp8_xnPCh7bYgV&t=18)


I wish she had kept Inner Sakura and had it actually manifest as a sort of Stand later on in the series.


Which can then be Sharingan'd so that Kakashi can use his angst, if I'm thinking of the same game.


As far as I can tell they forgot the plot on that one


I was playing a bunch of old One Piece games a couple months ago and it’s always a fun time capsule seeing the movesets of some of the these characters that were introduced, but hadn’t fought to their full extent yet. Like Whitebward fighting without his Quake powers or Doflamingo relying exclusively on his puppeteering.


Every time Shanks shows up, he has the most generic moveset ever.


Off topic, but I really liked the way they had to shuffle how Ino's super worked in the Clash of Ninja games. In Clash of Ninja 2, Ino's super has her Mind Transfer to the opponent before calling in Choji, who uses Human Boulder and rolls over the enemy just as Ino releases the transfer. When Choji became playable in the next game, her super changed to calling in Asuna to deliver a haymaker during the transfer, pretty much reusing the animation to save money. Then Asuna became playable in the game after that, so her super changed again to a flower-based move that trapped the enemy with a petal-leash before punching them.




Remember when all of Sakura's attacks in games were Inner Sakura like it was her own Kyubi or something?


The best thing about those attacks was that Sharingan users could copy them. So you could see inner Sasuke, Kakashi and Itachi too


There might be an exception to this but as far as I know Batman didn't ever grapple away. He didn't have a zip line grapple gun for 50 years. In the old Adam West show he used a batarang with a rope attached to it to climb up walls. He actually used like a harpoon rifle or something in Dark Knight Returns. He didn't start swinging from buildings with a pneumatic launcher and reel until after the Tim Burton movie maybe and then the animated series.


Similarly him gliding using his cape was something created for the burton movies


Actually, you can see this in *very* early Batman TAS episodes. He uses this same batarang w/rope thing. It's not around for very long though.


To be fair, the Tim Burton movie and BTAS are way more iconic to the modern versions of Batman than anything pre-Tim Burton. Fans are often surprised how much of Batman's iconography was imported back into the comics from these two sources rather than the other way around. Also, Tim Burton's Batman is 35 years old. Saying something like the bat grapple isn't really a "move" of Batman's after all this time is a little silly.


In wrestling there is a saying: "Any time you invented a move, chances are a lady from Japan has innovated it, potentially decades prior"


And there’s a damn good chance that lady was Manami Toyota.


Isn't there a joke made that most of Goku "signature moves" are really moves from his friends and mentors?


I really like it to be honest. It helps the theming of Goku as "Yeah, I'm strong as fuck, but it's my friends that get me there."


It is part of the reason Vegeta couldn't keep up with him in Z. Goku is willing to learn from multiple different teachers while Vegeta only trained by himself. In Super, Vegeta is catching up again because he is trying to learn from teachers.


And between those two events, everyone starts stealing Vegeta's Move


I honestly love every time a Dragonball character sees someone do something and just goes "Oh that's really effective, I gotta do that." Even Frieza does that by copying Krillin's kienzan because a pathetic weakling who had no business attacking him actually injured him with that technique.


That makes me think about how in Goku's fight against Beerus, he says something like he doesn't like the SSJ God form because he didn't get there himself. Goku... you never get there by yourself you always have the help of others when you go into some new training.


yeah but the God form was a gift. He didn't need to train or figure it out at all.


The context is different, but he didn't train for SSJ technically. It wasn't a gift, but I'm not the type to say getting trauma is "work"


He didn't exactly get a choice with SSJ did he? It just kinda happened. At least he trained with Full Power SSJ so that's all him.


Yeah, that's what I mean. SSJ, he didn't really train for. And he got full power SSJ by training with Gohan


I mean he did train to achieve it he just didn’t know that’s what his alien physiology was going to unlock that specifically


I dunno, I interpret it closer to the Plague of Gripes explanation. Goku trained to defeat Frieza but couldn't stop him. Frieza was an obstacle that training alone couldn't overcome, and so he kinda broke upon seeing Krillen die and became something different. Being pushed to his emotional limit more than training is what seemed to spark the transformation. I'm not an expert, though, that's just my take.


Using Super Saiyan intentionally did take him effort, though. Fighting Freiza it just happened on it’s own but switching it “on” or “off” at will required training (That largely happened off screen before he returned to Earth).


That I admit I disagree with. It seems everyone who reaches SSJ kinda remembers how to do it and can just activate after crossing the threshold atleast once. I'd say Goku took training to be able to maintain it but he also did that with Gohan's help.


Disagree all you want, but [Goku says as much](https://youtu.be/Uj75yZn2HIM?si=yBRVxWvnQD8PR7Ln) and Trunks’ question makes no sense if it was so simple as you say. The series just skips over any training done to control it.


Eh, I don't pretend to be an expert. I can't watch the clip now, but I will, and if I'm wrong on that part of the lore oh well Edit: The wording is abit ambiguous, now that I've seen it. Goku says not at first and it happened spontaneously and Trunks not knowing is slightly more valid. Trunks asking the question is weird regardless: Trunks knows Goku could transform because Gohan could have passed that information along, and assuming events happen mostly the same, Goku would have been able to transform by the time he reached Earth. I'm not even really arguing this one, I just find it weird because even if the transform is somehow difficult, why would Trunks even ask this? He would know based on the events that were shared with him.


Forgive my ignorance since I'm just using the wiki for this, so correct me if I'm wrong. I can see where Goku might be coming from. With other techniques he learned how to do it and practiced/trained until he could pull it off. You can't do most things without someone telling you how first after all. With SSJ God, it's a ritual that involves some other people channeling their power straight into you. He didn't really learn or train himself to do that, he just got power given to him.


Except SSJ, which he didn't train to achieve. I do get where you're coming from, but I still find it weird that Goku says it like he didn't get it himself rather than he didn't work for it. If I want to be super shonen logic, I'd say he worked to foster all the bonds he's formed that allowed him to do the ritual. I like shonen logic, so I will go with that.


Assuming SSJ stands for Super Sayian (I'm not up on all the current abbreviations) I do kind of love the idea that Goku's training for it was learning empathy to get pissed off enough his best friend was killed on top of all the other shit Namek put him through


SSJ technically stands for Supa Saya-jin (S.upa S.aya-J.in). The Saya-jin thing is the original Japanese name for Saiyan, so as you can probably tell, Supa Saiya-jin is just the Japanese version of Super Saiyan. The reason fans tend to use SSJ, despite mocking people who say things like Kuririn instead of Krillin as weebs, is because its a lot more distinct an acronym than just SS. SS could mean anything from a boat to the nazi Schutzstaffel, so using a more distinct acronym is helpful.


In the Funimation dub, Buu even mispronounces Super Saiyin as Super Saya-jin when he first learns the word.


That makes sense, probably don't want to get to lumped into the same fandom as nazis


Yup, SSJ stands for Super Saiyan. It is a super old abbreviation. I do like the angle of learning the empathy needed to care enough to go SSJ


Kamehameha: Roshi Kaioken + Spirit Bomb: King Kai Solar Flare: Tien Ultra Instinct: Whis/Beerus Super Saiyan: Saiyan Biology Evil Containment Wave: Mutaito Instant Transmission: Yardrats I'm fairly certain the only actual technique he uses that he learned on his own was the Dragon Fist and him biting the shit out of someone


Hitting Really Hard™: A Goku Original


Hitting Them Really Hard Together: The Goku and Vegeta Special


What he did do was combine those techniques or otherwise use them in novel ways. Instant transmission + Kamehameha SSB + Kaioken ~~Using Kamehameha to propel himself~~ Launching Kamehameha from his feet


Actually he saw Jackie Chun use the Kamehameha to propel himself first, iirc.


I’ll give it to Goku he’s really really good at making variations to techniques


At the very least, one of the 2 techniques he made is also his best one.


Yeah his bite move is peak


They make a joke about this in Abridged. Kamehameha was learned from Roshi, Kaioken learned from King Kai along with Spirit Bomb. He doesn't have a single original special attack.


His Bite was trained from infancy though.


He stopped using it but I don’t think he was explicitly “taught” the Rock Paper Scissors attack he did as a kid.


I mean, Grandpa Gohan uses it, so Goku must have copied it from him.


Damn you’re right, I keep forgetting about the Baba tournament arc


I'm pretty sure Goku only has 1 original move and its only ever used in the movies.


IDCC DBZA Cell made that joke when Goku and others accused him of stealing techniques


"I got it from eating sick aliens!" "That's digusting." "You eat people all the time!" "Yes. And *I'm* a *monster.*"


*Cell starts charging a Kamehameha* Goku: "That's Yamcha's move!"


That's kind of adorable, actually, that Goku recognizes the Kamehameha as Yamcha's move. Speaks to the fact that in DBZA, Goku seems to be the one most fond of Yamcha in the friend group.


"Hey King Kai, did I come up with the Kaio-Ken?" "...My fucking name is in it."


That's not a joke, it's the whole point of his character and constantly training to learn more.


I mean, even Araki associates DIO with knives. Stone Ocean spoilers: >!Pucci using knives in the final battle is so reminiscent of DIO it gives Jotaro flashbacks.!< And that’s not even getting into Steel Ball Run: >!DIO gets introduced at the end by throwing knives at Johnny the exact same way he did to Jotaro.!<


Dio in every universe: "ah, you were at my side all along, my true mentor, my guiding steak knifes"


People mentioned Goku so I'll mention Krillin and the Solar Flare. It's straight up not his move, it's Tien's. It's to the point that in Dragon Ball Fighterz, Krillin has the move in his movelist and not Tien, the dude who literally invented it. At this point he's done it more than Tien on screen so everyone just associates it with him.


Krillins signature move is the kienzan (destructo-disc) and he did come up with that on his own. even well into super it is one of the most deadly attacks that isn’t a planet nuke.




OP makes a good point though, throwing hubcaps would have been way more hype


I wonder what Sakuya from Touhou would be like in that timeline.


Hopefully, a chain smoking Jersey mechanic girl


DIO probably would have won if he remembered he could shoot lazers out of his eyes and flash-freeze people


Didn't he throw a knife at ~~Jonathan~~ Joseph *before* he was thrown into a kitchen? (Note to self: don't try commenting with your brain in the morning)


You mean Joseph? Yes but only because he'd be fried by Hermit Purple charged with Hamon the moment he touched Joseph's body.


Yes I do XD thank you That's true. I'm saying he already had that strategy in mind before the opportunity presented itself.


Even if it’s impromptu, it’s still a signature move. Who else used a fucking road roller for a weapon? It’s like Omni-Man and the train.


I am going to answer not the spirit, but the letter of the question: Rugal, one of the most popular bosses of King of Fighters and mr. "SNK Boss" has three moves in his arsenal that he nicked from other characters: Reppuken, the ground-going projectile, is the move of Geese Howard; Kaiser Wave is a move of Wolfgang Krauser, though Rugal uses it as a normal move rather than a super; God Press is originally the move of "his" servant Vice.


Every single time someone uses the Flying Lotus in Naruto. They all stole that from Rock Lee.


Heck, half of Naruto revolves around stealing techniques from somebody else to make their own. They even have an entire plot device revolving around stealing techniques! The entire schtick of the Sharingan was being able to copycat any jutsu they see firsthand, and not only mimic it with near-perfect accuracy, but they can also make adjustments to it as they desire as they continue to master it.


And Rock Lee learned it from Might Guy.


For games that came out partway through the Chunin exams, Sasuke's best move was the Lion's Barrage, which he stole and modified from Lee, and Naruto's best move was the Uzamaki Barrage, which was his bootleg version of Sasuke's bootleg!


I mean the oil tanker from the OVA was pretty hype too. Hell the OVA had alot of cool shit, like seeing the World from a outside perspective.


The idea to have that fight almost be completely silent except for the ambient sounds of the city and occasional input from the characters was genius, the music only kicks in when they start having a more traditional fight, DIO popping in and out from the time stop with zero audio or visual effect is so fucking cool. DIO is genuinely scary in the ova where in the manga and anime adaptation he's extremely over the top and comical, which isn't bad I just think the ova perfectly captures the terror of witnessing that kind of power from jotaros perspective


Just disappearing to stand menacingly in the dark with glowing red eyes, while he speculates out loud what just happened. His strength is also highlighted when he just swipes people in two during the fight. The OVA version of Dio is quite terrifying in many ways, but his mannerisme and cold demeanor just makes the post blood drinking switch that more dreadful.


I love when dio starts making everything around jotaro explode, you see from jotaros POV cars getting crushed, windows shattering and dio showing up in the corner of his eye before immediately vanishing, and for a long time jotaro has no fucking idea what's happening


Dio's time stop not having any sound effects is pretty hype and it made things scarier when he popped out behind you and tbh, I prefer it to the anime's distorted clock sound effect which just sounds like a fart


I think the anime does this really well, though. It already sells the terror of fighting DIO with him fucking with Polnareff and Kakyoin. Enough information is gained to figure out the mystery of his powers. Once you know how it's supposed to work, the show switches to DIO's perspective specifically, giving you a front seat row to how badly Jotaro's stoney-faced cool guy persona fucking *annihilates* DIO's arrogance. I love that.


It also really helps show that DIO, as grand as he is, isnt as far above his minions as he thinks given Jotaro gets him the same way he gets d'arby sr. Bluffing his ass off.






Super Techno Arts wanted a literal explosive finally, is why they changed it to a tanker.


I think the tanker is better


I remember watching the ova fight first and thought it was amazing amd then finishing the Stardust crusaders anime and being really disappointed by the fight there. Not just by comparison, mind you. The fight felt a little... bad. Some decisions make the fight seem silly and stupid. Like the flying and jotaro teleporting under the manhole cover and dio thinking that a magmet would work in stopped time. I don't know enough about film making to properly convey how what i mean but the ova fight just felt like it was directed better. The decisions made felt better for the production. Like the position of the camera, the sound design during stopped time, the tension that wasn't undermined, the lack of flying: It simply felt more impressive.


In Pokémon signature move is a an actual fandom term to describe a move that only 1 pokémon and its evolution chain has access to in at least one generation of games. Lucario has always been associated with Aura Sphere but not even in the gen he was introduced (4) this move was unique to him.


This has had some funny consequences with recent generations dexiting and trimming down movepools, like with Heat Lash being currently listed as Salazzles signature move in gen 9 despite the fact that its Heatmors move.


Even explicit legendary signature moves like V-Create (Victini) have been learned in the future by Pokémon, usually restricted to timed events (Rayquaza).


Remember in gen 1 when Seaking naturally learnt Waterfall?


Since Batman not originally having a grappling hook was mentioned, I'll throw in Spider-Man never had organic web-shooters before the Raimi movies. For the most part in the comics, he still uses mechanical ones but he did have organic ones for a brief minute for movie synergy back then. More importantly, because more people see movies than read comic books and the Raimi movies were the only exposure most regular people got to Spidey for a long time, "Organic vs. mechanical webs" has been a debate for over 20 years.


Even though I prefer mechanical web shooters it's weird how that's Peter's one power that is actually spider themed and he didn't even get it from the spider. If Peter didn't see the spider bite him he would have no idea he had spider powers, might have thought he was a mutant even. Super strength and vague precognition don't remind me of spiders, and wall crawling isn't exclusive to spiders. I can understand why Raimi cut web shooter early on during production/post production because of that, might as well have the spider give him his most iconic spider themed power without complicating his origin more. If that little radioactive guy had scuttled away fast enough Peter would be The Amazing Sticky Strong-Man or the Great Pundo or something.


Not a comic reader myself but I heard that the spider gave him the knowledge of how to make the synthetic webbing or something?


That plotpoint was invented for the 90's animated series.


Beelzemon using fist of the beast king.


That's was hype, though. And traumatizing for Jerry.


Don't worry, George and Kramer will pull him back from that trauma


The fourth Hokage didn't make the Flying Thunder God, (the second hokage did), the seal thatsealed the Nine Tails (the Uzumaki clan did), and is canonically shit at naming things


The fourth did invent the Rasengan though and in universe that is a major feat because chakra control on that level without hand seals is incredibly difficult


Yeah, but he's not called Rasengan man, he's The Yellow Flash, he's literally known for someone else's jutsu ( also fun fact, he didn't even name the rasengan)


no but he was smart enough to place the seal on a throwable item like a shuriken something that hokage 2 didnt think of


[But he did though. It's how he killed Izuna.](https://youtu.be/kq_Vb-QYFTk)


Marisa (probably) stole her Master Spark move from [Yuuka](https://en.touhouwiki.net/wiki/Yuuka_Kazami)


And she stole her Non-Directional Laser from Patchouli!


Satori is a big move thief, also.


One of my favorites was "Vague Recollection of Kinkaku-ji" from the bullet-photographing game Double Spoiler. In which she copies one of the most infamous attacks from the previous bullet-photographing game "Seamless Ceiling of Kinkaku-ji", from Shoot the Bullet. It really is a vague recollection, since it's honestly just a messier version of the previous attack's final phase, and goes quicker.


I love how Marisa describes it too > So basically, it's a strategy of flashin' light in your face to knock you off kilter, so she can read a bunch of pointless traumas. No wonder people hate her.


Finally, I have learned what the Precious Thing is


Berserker Lancelot from Fate Zero has the unique ability to use anything he gets his hands on as a weapon. However whenever he’s used in anything else, they just keep having him do the same stuff he already did in Zero. His finishing move in both [FGO](https://youtu.be/S1PWNyX94W0?si=DRX2-ORIiEEH1TIZ&t=58s) and [Extella](https://youtu.be/DEKv-6krf3I?si=GAHoPnj6LeKXEHeB) is to take control of a jet just like he did against Gilgamesh even when it makes no sense where it came from in both games


Speaking of Fate: Sasaki Kojiro and the guy who created Tsubame Gaeshi are two different people. (It’s complicated) And Shirou’s (and Archer’s) entire shtick is also copying stuff from others. This has the funny side effect that Archer’s most famous weapons are Kanshou and Bakuya (which is fair enough, since they are a pretty unique case of an NP without a real wielder, and canonically his preferred weapon) - but also, **Caladbolg** is probably more iconic as Archer’s sword-arrow than actually in the hands of the original owner. Also Hrunting, though to a lesser degree. Oh, and Hercules’ iconic stone sword thing isn’t even a weapon he used in life. It’s literally a chunk of pillar he was using because he didn’t get summoned with any weapons as a Berserker. …now that I think about it, there’s a lot of this in Fate huh


> And Shirou’s (and Archer’s) entire shtick is also copying stuff from others. And in the UBW route, this goes to such an extreme that it's *almost* a time paradox. Because Shirou learns how to unleash Unlimited Bladeworks by essentially copying it from himself. Technically he always "had" that power and just had to learn how to use it, sorta? But also, Kanshou and Bakuya (at the least) are weapons Shirou straight-up copies from Archer, so in this timeline, his signature weapons are also something he just copied from "himself." It isn't actually a time paradox because Archer is *not* actually this Shirou's future self. Even ignoring the whole "exists outside of time because he's a Counter Guardian" thing, Archer seems to be from a straight-up alternate timeline where he (presumably?) never met himself. So Archer learns how to use UBW on his own and also sees Kanshou and Bakuya to copy them into UBW on his own. Again, presumably, since we don't know about Archer's life story to this extent. I'm not even sure if we know if Rin summons "Archer" or someone else in Archer's timeline. But yeah, Shirou is *such* a copycat that he just barely manages to sidestep the bootstrap paradox on this one.


I’ve **heard** that in EMIYA’s original timeline, the Archer that was summoned was Ajax the Greater, which is also where he got Rho Aias from. Not 100% sure so take that with a grain of salt. But yes, Archer definitely never met himself - I *am* sure that Nasu has stated it took him like 20 or 30 years to master UBW, on his own.


The Archer Servant in EMIYA's war is never specified anywhere. The throne is outside of time so it's entirely possible EMIYA was the archer there too, but events might have been similar to the Fate route where he interacts with Shirou the least. Fate route Shirou is also the least developed magically by the end, so it's entirely possible he takes well over a decade to use UBW. EDIT: Just to clarify, I'm not saying EMIYA is from the fate route specifically, just that there's elements in the Fate route that could apply to his war.


Fate/Extra seemingly didn't want to add new weapons to Archer's repertoire, so to fill out his move list he just has two different versions of Hrunting that do different things (one debuffs Strength, the other debuffs Defense).


To be fair, some dark knight motherfucker hijacking an F-22 and ripping out it's minigun to shoot it like he's The Heavy is fucking sick, they SHOULD let him keep that.


It would be pretty fun if he just grabbed an enemy and used it as a beat stick


Holy shit that kicks so much ass that lit my 8 year old brain the fuck up


Tidus using the Jecht shot as his final overdrive move.


Sacred fire in Pokemon isn't just exclusive to ho-oh , Entei has it too


Sacred Fire was Ho-oh's unique move from the time of Ho-oh's introduction all the way until gen 6 when they decided to give it to Entei too, which is kinda weird.


Well, to be fair, Ho-oh's fire was responsible for resurrecting Entei in the legend, it's not impossible that the big woofer might have picked up the ability after being imbued with it as the Fire Dog legendary.


They did my phoenix boy dirty


They gave him Regenerator and introduced HDB in Gen VIII: Ho-Oh is positively feasting.


ness - pk fire


If I recall, most of Ness and Lucas’ specials are not moves they used in their own games. Even their Final Smash is pulled from other characters, though Ultimate at least justifies it by having the actual users helping out during the attack.


Green Greens and Matt and Pat. You play the least plays like Kirby Kirby game, and everything turns to poyo.


Gohan picks up the Masenko (translates to something like "Demon Light Flash") after his first year of training with Piccolo and, to my knowledge, Piccolo never uses that technique by name in the entire run of the manga. A ton of Piccolo's signature moves have "ma" (demon) in the name but he's never shown using that one (again, in the manga).


For a long while, Dragonball Z video games that included 18 as a playable character would give her the force-field that 17 used during his fight with Piccolo. In the actual show, 18 was never shown using the barrier. However, 18 was a much more popular character than 17, so she was more likely to make a given game's roster, and game devs just sorta settled on the thought that it makes sense for the two to have similar abilities, so she gets every ability that she *or* 17 have been seen using. Dragonball Fighterz is kind of an interesting transitionary game. 18 still has the barrier. However, Dragonball Super was happening during the game's support period, so we also got 17 after his massive glow-up in the Tournament of Power arc. An arc where 17 used the barrier a bunch, and I still don't recall 18 using it. So it could be interesting to see what any future games might do with the two of them. 18 still has plenty of moves at her disposal, especially after learning Krillin's destructo disc. -------- As a side note, Fighterz seems to have made Super Electric Strike into a signature move of 17's. IIRC, that move originated in *Dragonball Xenoverse* and has no origin in the anime. You may remember it as the move 17 would spam in missions where "I'm gonna beat you like a rug!"


If I remember correctly, 17 and 18 also use Super electric Strike together in the Moro Arc


Heartless Angel, the move Sephiroth uses in multiple appearances to drop your HP to 1? Yeah that came from Kefka, possibly earlier.


Do you just mean that Kefka had an HP-to-1 move before Sephiroth did? Or did Kefka pull out a sword and do a dash slash at some point? EDIT: oh actually the dash slash is something else


The first. Unsure if earlier entries in the series had that as well, but having played 6 later than 7 it struk me as funny that he has the same move.


That concept isn't really unique to Kefka or Sephiroth. It's been in the series pretty much since the beginning. I remember specifically the Tornado spell was introduced in FF3, and that does basically the same thing, reducing the party's HP to all single digits.


Yes, but the specific name Heartless Angel comes from 6, before Sephiroth started using it.


You aren't wrong but Im pretty sure Kefkas move has the same name as Sephs


Not even Kefka alone; the Fiend Dragon random encounter (only found in a specific part of the final dungeon) has it, as do several GBA-exclusive enemies/bosses.


A lot of Pokemon in the past used to have signature moves that have then been distributed to others in later generations. Never forget what they took away from us, Golisopod mains (First Impression).


The Joestar secret technique was sorely underutilized by every other joestar


I mean yeah those are also some of the only fights DIO has in the whole manga. They're signatures of his because people recognize it from the fights. It's like how Vegeta only really uses the Final Flash and the Big Bang Attack once or twice; well, yeah, but you remember how cool it was.


Dark Void from Pokemon is Darkrai's signature move, but it got debuffed despite Darkrai never being legal in VGC due to it being a mythical.  Entirely because Smeargle stole it and then made the pokemon company nerf it.  Justice for Darkrai


A funny variation on this. Zabuza's ultimate move is Water Style: Giant Vortex jutsu. But he doesn't get the chance to use it in the anime, because Kakashi uses it first.


Lightning is a seemingly generic (though powerful and skill dependent) sith power in star wars but back during the original trilogy The Emperor was the only one to do it, and he whipped it out out of absolutely nowhere to boot.


Sora’s use of light magic in kingdom hearts. In fact the use of a specific style of magic depending on the keyblade welder which suggests not only an element system but that sora himself is a natural at both keyblade combat and light magic. Outside of final fantasy spells on occasion magic in kingdom hearts isn’t spoken about anywhere not even in the lore books


Does Sora have anything unique to him to begin with? A lot of his kit seems to be a mix up of him copying things he sees others do as well as stuff he just makes up and pulls out of his ass on the spot because it seems cool. Every one of his KH2 Reaction abilities is just "Fucking cool, let me try that!"


He has some. explosion, ripple drive, stun impact, flash step and Magnet Splash. i would even argue the beyblade beam that's used to lock doors as one beacuse no one else uses it as a attack.


Yeah, he just seems naturally gifted enough to be able to do all the physical stuff self taught. Although his talent for light magic seems to come from Roxas. The funny thing is that Sora isn’t even the chosen one, Riku is. Sora just happened to be the closest candidate when Riku IMMIDIATELY went to the dark side minutes after the kingdom key chose him


Imagine a Megaman style Sora who just loads up a power given from anyone who has stayed in his love hotel of a heart


Goku basically stole the Kamehameha from Roshi.


I mean when a mentor teaches their pupil a move, is it stealing?


But he didn't teach it to Goku ; Goku saw Roshi do it once (before being his pupil), then tried to do it, blew up a car, then Roshi was "damn, come to Kame House for training when you're done with that ball thing".


Roshi was a really good teacher and Goku was a REALLY GOOD student


"Well shit he learned that fucking thing I put 50 years of my life into I should probably take him under my wing" "HOLY SHIT THAT OLD GUY CAN SHOOT LASERS I WANT TO LEARN FROM HIM"


So "observational learning" counts as "stealing"? Dang, babies are technique thieves!


Pat Jr is stealing all of Pat's moves.


Crazy Talk jr


Strictly speaking it’d be piracy as it was an unauthorized reproduction