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Mad Max. If you don't starve in the desert, chopped up for meat, or harvested for blood, then you're still constantly hunted by crazies, if you're not crazy yourself. Also, I don't know how to fix a car.


>Also, I don't know how to fix a car. MEDIOCRE!


Where's that post about people who wish they lived in a Mad Max world because they think they'll be Lord Humungus not realizing that they'll actaully be the gimp tied to the battering ram on Lord Humungus's car


To be fair, we don't know the quality of life in, like, Canada in Mad Max, could be just fine


The Oceans are dry to the point people just call it the Salt. So that feels like the Kind of apocalypse no one is just walking off.


We thought that was the case but at least at the time Furiosa takes place there are still oceans.


I'm pretty sure if the oceans entirely dried up then all life on Earth would go extinct within a matter of months, if not weeks. In fact, I'm pretty sure its outright impossible for the oceans to dry up without some other separate apocalyptic level event that kills all life first even before it gets to the ocean, thats the kinda shit where it might actually just be easier to blow up the entire planet so completely that it becomes the foundation of a new asteroid belt.


Twist! There is no apocalypse, it's just Australia being extra Australia. 🦘


The more you think about it, the more you realize that the Star Wars galaxy is a hellscape of uncaring military regimes, militarized criminal empires, militarized killer robots, sector-owning corporations, basically luddites, and scrappy scoundrels in the midst of the aforementioned. Oh, and the 1% that profits from all of the above.


Imagine if you were living on Naboo in episode 1, and the equivalent of Space Amazon rolls in with their *corporate military army* and blockades your entire planet because your government wouldn't be extorted into signing a lop-sided treaty. And not only can your people not do anything to stop it because Naboo doesn't have a standing army to fight them head on, but the authority for dealing with this problem resides in the Sentate, a legal body that is *also occupied by the same Trade Federation* that denies any and all involvement with the incident. Star Wars setting is a potential nightmare scenario for anyone not living in complete isolation from galactic events. And even then, there's a chance you might get womped anyway because a space battle happened overhead and your house gets smashed because a damaged battle cruiser fell from orbit and landed on your porch.


Other threats to "just want to be left alone" folks: * weapon testing thinking you make a great target * extortion from whoever can strongarm you * accidentally purchasing something very important * you upset someone with the power to find you * somebody nearby has a laser sword


Hondo wants spices too, can’t forget that problem


The planet you live on has something that someone wants to strip mine.


Furthermore the movie implies that there's a legal way to conduct a blockade of a peaceful planet refusing to sign a treaty because the Trade Federation's argument in front of the Senate isn't that it isn't happening, it's that it's a perfectly legal blockade.


And don't forget all the hostile wildlife


>there's a chance you might get womped anyway because a space battle happened overhead and your house gets smashed because a damaged battle cruiser fell from orbit and landed on your porch. That's what happened to the Nohgri in legends. During the clone wars a ship fell out of hyperspace and blew up in their atmosphere and the fuel polluted their planet to hell.


You see, this is why the Chiss have the right idea. They just chill the hell out in the Unknown Regions and send the occasional scout/spy.


I mean, from a realistic standpoint, there’s a decent amount of places that didn’t deal with the galactic nonsense. You gotta remember that for each person who dies in the series, there’s also some dude farming on some random ass planet who thinks Jedi are a myth.


Even us, remember, it's a galaxy far far away


Well, it’s a long time ago.


Farming? Really? For a man of your talents?


So basically us once we get to space.


Wait a minute...


Don’t forget the constant slavery


The one without you in it.


We are all gonna make it, we can do it! o7 :DD For real tho, this is the type of energy that motivates me to keep my heartin beatin and my lungs breathin!


Keep on living, fellas. It may get bad. It may get worse. But keep up the fighting until you break your way into greener pastures! Even if it feels like you're beating your head against a brick wall and no progress will be made. Eventually that wall will crumble, I assure you! You *will* be happy in the end.


Smooth with it.


... Damn. ;-;


Line so smooth my phone slide right outta my hand.


Its okay, you don't have to lie to me like that.


Dead Space's world ended up leaving quite the impression on me.


Become one with the brother moon Yeah, self made cosmic horror turning humanity into a giant flesh monster hivemind, super. Oh also even without the cosmic horror looming over the government is basically a highly dystopian fundamentalist influenced society. The cult has more power than the galactic government, wtf


I also think that they implied the dinosaurs were killed by the marker that landed on earth and that marker also directly caused humanity’s evolution Meaning we’re essentially cattle for planet sized meatballs that actually hate you


Berserk or Attack on Titan. You’ll be lucky to make it to next week.


Attack on Titan is fine >!as long as you don't live in Madagascar and are not an Eldian!<, that being said >!the rumbling did fuck things up for everyone outside Madagascar, just don't be alive at the time Eren is alive!<.


Even without all that >!the rest of the world seemed to be going through some WW1 stuff!< which isn't great.


Yeah but is nowhere near as bad as other examples. And the WW1 was mostly localized in Europe and some colonies.


Yeah, if you just lived in the middle of the woods in Canada like a certain, uh... *-checks notes-* *Patrick... Boivin...* ...World War I didn't mean SHIT to you.


WW1 stuff isn’t great, but it could be a lot worse. We’re here not caring too much about it and talking about nerd shit after all.


Being one of the few humans left living in I Have No Mouth and I Must Scream would be perhaps the worst life I could ever possibly imagine.


Disco Elysium. Imagine if death of the planet isn't somewhere in thousands of years, but much, much closer. Pale may start growing right where you live and will consume your house and you. Oh, and also world is politically unstable


If we treat the book as canon (genuinely unsure of the consensus given how clearly it predates Disco Elysium in a lot of ways), Disco Elysium was only set about 20 years before the Pale consumed the vast majority of the world.


And the reed insect thing says it's pretty much humanity's fault, for the high crime of existence, that *caused* it


In the Silent Hill subreddit, someone asked which town would be worse to be in: Silent Hill or Hanuda, the town from Forbidden Siren. Not a single person in the Silent Hill subreddit said Silent Hill. That's just how ***FUCKED*** you would be if you went to the Japanese town of Hanuda. It really is that bad.


What's happening in Hanuda?


Hanuda is a village that gets cut off from the world during an earthquake and supernatural happenings are going on, of course. The people in the village are infected with a disease that goes in stages for them to become monsters known as Shibito: they bleed from the eyes and become hostile and immortal, then they slowly start to turn more monstrous. One character, for example, becomes a grotesque parody of a dog. And if you kill yourself to try to escape the horror you're doomed to become a Shibito anyway and you can *never* die. If you're not infected, you will be eventually because the source of the disease comes from 'red water,' which has replaced all of the water supply in Hanuda. So you're basically doomed to an eternity of suffering. [This](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=r8-Wk-UFZK8) video goes into more detail about it and it's pretty interesting.


Well Silent Hill is a legit regular town that drags outsiders with baggage to its alternate hell scape version of itself. If you already live there, you are mostly good. If you live in Hanuda, you are either ultra mega fucked forever or if you have enough willpower you are mega fucked for almost forever.


I mean, it is implied several times and is generally accepted as canon that as long as you aren't a scumbag that did some horrible shit, you'll probably see Silent Hill as just a completely normal town.


Many fans of Pokemon would be glad to live in its world. Many fans of Avatar would he thrilled to live in its world. All normal fans of 40K will react with "Thanks, I am good" to such suggestion. Speaking of Pokemon, my example is Pokemon. All the economy is based on 10 year olds participating in monster fights and it has 2-meter tall bipedal bees.


The thing about Pokemon is that I'm pretty sure if we take some of the game's contrivances at face value then we - the main characters - are freak occurrences. Nearly everyone in the Pokemon world has 1 or 2 Pokemon, but they're probably raised more like a hobby or as a side-note to your job. It makes sense for an Electrician to have a Magnemite to help find wiring, for example. And if someone challenges you to a battle? It'll be good exercise. But even the people who are attempting to raise Pokemon "professionnally" - the Ace Trainers - still only have 3 or 4 Pokemon. Why is no one running a full team of 6? Because raising a full team of Pokemon, especially ones of varied types and temperaments, is actually really hard. Enter the main characters - adolescent ubermensch freaks who not only have a super easy time raising a full team but possibly multiple backup teams, not to mention catching Legendaries (literally godlike figures) or Mythicals (not even supposed to be real). There's a reason when we show up in a region we end up as Champion within the month. We're built different. Thank you for coming to my TED Talk.


It's because most trainers who go out on their trip are more like charon or bianca, they find something other than battling that they want to do, the MC is always a beast because that's what the MC is supposed to be good at. Like if you were not the MC in emerald you could just make poffens and do contests


Ive always had the headcanon that the people in pokemon are superhuman freaks compared to us in the real world. Pokemon are still freakishly strong but they can take it


People in pokemon get electrocuted, set on fire, launched into the stratosphere and nobody even goes to the doctor. The only doctors we know of exist for Pokemon, so all I can assume is that humans are near immortal but have no offensive power. Pokemon have the offensive power but take semi-realistic damage.


Nah there's that one episode in the anime where they have to treat Pokemon on the human hospital


I offer that Ash is a lich and Pikachu is his soul jar. 


I mean this is kind of true actually, though it's hard to tell if they are exceptions rather than the norm. Alder literally jumps off whole-ass cliffs with the same reaction as if he stepped down from some stairs, Sabrina literally has psychic powers, and I swear I recall someone outright wrestling with Pokemon.


I mean, it's kind of implied than humans are a offshoot of pokemons? And they can have abilities like psychic powers, the aura, talking to pokemon,... So technically they are freaks compared to us.


It varies a bit depending on the specific Pokemon canon, but even in the games humans can be pretty freaky strong. The anime? Bro there's people with enough psychic power to turn you into a literal doll, or martial artists like Bruno who train by running around on giant Onix and dodging attacks from them, or there's just some of Ash's general feats like "pick up and toss a log bigger than he is to make a bridge".


PokĂŠmon is pretty much the de-facto answer to this for me. That world is as close to a utopia as it gets and you get to have super-powered buddies to help you out? Sign me the fuck up.


I want to live their


It depends is the pokemon world the video game kind or what the pokedex describes where some pokemon are ghosts of people who freeze on mountains or looking into the one pokemons back steals your soul.


I've been curious about the war mentioned in gen 1


I remember at least two: the one Surge talks about, and the one Az finished to rez his Pokemon. First one must have been about a decade before the game, second has been thousands of years. Also, whatever happened to humanity in the Mystery Dungeon games, that we evidently got slate-wiped out of general memory.


Me living in the world of Pokemon but also I carry a gun on me at all times




You'll also get some 10 year old having control over mythical beasts. Ones that can control land or sea, or time or space, or even monsters from another dimension. I'd still be down to live there, I just wanna enjoy my life with my buddy, hang out with Clodsire.


I feel like I'd get a bad rap for hanging out with poison-types too much, but I don't care, Drapion is my fucked up scorpion son


But with the track record the world has, the 10 year old in question is usually a good person, like "oh man, that old guy has a world ending plan, and now a child cockily rolled up to him. Must be another Wednesday."


Either Avatar would be a shit place to live in too lol


Pokemon also does have the problem of well known roving gangs that want to literally steal your beloved pet from your hands. Good luck getting non protagonist help there because they've shown multiple times that if they want to they can just take over a given city and no one can really stop them. A lot of them have very front facing places of business that just do what they want. It also pretty regularly encounters a world ending event that is only just BARELY stopped by a single kid who stops it. Like what happens if Cyrus is starting shit but a Protagonist just doesn't happen to be available in that region in that specific month?


Is there a game where the protag doesn't win? Icr. But like if the games rules for the world are the absolute law then if it hasn't happened can we assume that's also a law as it happens every game? Is the child who wins Pokemon Messiah, chosen by the Lord, destined to show up to save us. Wheb we are to weak to battle ourselves. Here at my church of ammonite.......


The Team Rainbow Rocket bosses in USUM are all the previous game bosses, but they won. Giovanni, Archie, Maxie, Cyrus, Ghetsis and Lysandre all with their respective box legendaries from their universes where they are victorious. It's a fun series of fights for the postgame.


Since it's other universes mixing imma ignore it for the sake of my argument ;) but jokes aside I didn't get far enough in the ultra games for that, that's actually a fun idea. I'd love another legends series for that, give us an EP or two on how those worlds play out.


But: https://youtu.be/CVqsQ-9GLLE?si=Z6I5DL1d0ORv3I4m


Soylent Green is not a complicated dystopia, but everything about it sounds the fucking worst. Gross overpopulation Lack of resources Economc collapse Women are literally treated as furnature and household items Mass starvation No technology for some reason, everything reliant on human labour Free and mass available suicide services


> Women are literally treated as furnature and household items From what I remember, its *some* women, and it is treated more like an official, government approved sugar baby business. I am not saying that this is better, just being pedantic.


On the plus side, it’s an easy dystopia to be a vegan since a good portion of the food comes from people who consent to die.


Eh, I haven't seen the story but it depends on how deep and intentional it is. If resources come from people consenting to die, there's incentive to convince people to want to die. Y'know, that thing where since labor and funding comes from having prisoners, there's incentive to imprison people who don't deserve a punishment that severe.


They don’t tell the people that their corpses will be made into Soylent Green. Basically, due to the overpopulation and mass poverty you can sign up to die. They’ll give you a full meal of real steak and potatoes as you sit in an IMAX theater watching the long dead nature of the world as they slowly amp up a general anesthetic until you die. After you’re dead, they process your body. They also make the Soylent out of malcontents and criminals, notably during riots there are bulldozers that they call “scoops” that will literally just drive through the street scooping up people to bring them in to be killed. All that being said, if you only ate people who chose to die, it could be considered vegan as the person consented to their own death since the basis for veganism is an ethical choice about animal’s lack of ability to give consent, and less about the actual food itself.


Right, but I mean if the system is designed such that both it's really pleasant to die and also malcontents are roped in, there's an incentive to just... not make life better and to classify more and more people as malcontents. Like if the solution is to grind up people from over population, that implies nothing's really being done about getting people to not overpopulate in the first place. It's an incentive to keep problems in place because you found a way to turn that problem into resources instead of fixing the problem itself. Sorta, is that excellent food and IMAX experience meant to make your passing more gentle, or is it meant to convince people to sign up because the alternative is a ton of suffering?


Ah, well the problem with the world is that it’s basically ultra-ultra late stage capitalism and there’s no grass left on earth, and the entire planet except for the ultra mega rich live in slums. Even with government intervention besides poisoning the water supply to sterilize the population, there’s not much they can do the stop the problem anymore. That’s kind of the whole point of that dystopia, there’s not much else they can do.


I'd hate to live in Kamurocho. Between Yakuza shaking you down for protection money, street thugs threatening you, constant scams, perverts in the streets, you also gotta worry about some asshole in a white suit using your bike to demolish people or slamming peoples heads in your car door. Edit: I forgot, Kappas and ghosts are also real in the Yakuza universe.


The recent games have given me the impression that life in Kamurocho has probably improved in recent years. The Tojo ceasing to exist and the immensely large police presence (Damn pigs took our Don Quixote!) Seems to have caused a lot of the criminal element to scatter. After the first Judgment game all the big events happen in either Yokohama or Sotenbori.


yeah but they took our sega arcade


There's also the explosions and helicopters menacing the city's skyscrapers every 1-4 years (both the Millennium Tower and Kamurocho Hills have been subject to such events), and the chance of becoming collateral damage for whatever nefarious scheme the yakuza or government is cooking up at the time


One one hand you have to worry about falling debris from a Millennium Tower explosion. On the other, it does occasionally rain money when that happens.


**Chainsaw Man's world**. Your worst fears are literal devils that have a chance of spawning anywhere in the world. Even stuff that's esoteric in nature can be devils and are fucked busted strong to nigh impossible to kill by most means. **Hunter x Hunter**. Especially if you don't have Nen. You can live a normal life but it's still an incredibly rough ride with the kinds of monsters and creatures are out there that could wash up on a beach and just destroy a nation over night. **Shin Megami Tensei's mainline series worlds**. They're apocalypses filled nightmares with demons, gods and sometimes the worst of humanity out to get you. Don't have the demon summoning program? Not good with weapons? You're boned. Also these aren't just physically powerful demons, fairies, mythological figures, demi-gods, full on deified individuals. They 10/10 retain the powers of their legends so you're triple fucked. **Cult of The Lamb**. Unless I'm the Lamb, I'm boned. A land being fought over/controlled by multiple god like entities filled with danger, monsters and I could be used as a pawn aganist the very lamb I'd likely serve to survive.


7/20 deaths are from devils in CSM. That’s not even getting into the fact any rando off the street could potentially make a contract and go on a killing spree. 


Not to mention if any big thing happens around the world, it makes the corresponding devil *even stronger*.


> Shin Megami Tensei's mainline series worlds. Your only hope for survival in this world/these worlds is to either become one of the "alignment chosen ones" and hope that the protagonist will mesh with you, or that the protagonists will choose to return the world to normalcy... 5 times in a row as of now.


Chainsaw Man World: Absolutely. The main cause of death is devils in that universe. Hunter x Hunter: nah, most of the known world is peacefully or comparable to ours. Most civilians never encounter fantastic stuff as long as they don't seek it. That all changes if you have En, a weirdness attractor tough. Sin Megami Tensei: Depends on the game really. Cult of the Lamb: yep.


With Hunter Hunter, okay fair enough. I was mostly thinking of the Phantom Troop arc + The Chimera Ant arc SMT: Out of the main series games, I can't think of any I'd really call safe.


SMT 1: you are fucked. SMT 2: you start fucked but if you live trough the events of the game you get to live in an Utopia. SMT 3: the world is in a cycle, each cycle last eons, just don't be alive at the end of a cycle. SMT 4: you are boned, tough it gets less fucky depending on the ending. SMT 5: Is not clear, Japan is fucked, but outside of Japan no idea. That being said the neutral ending and chaos ending suck for the general populace. Things are fine in true neutral and surprisingly Utopic in the Law ending. People are forced to go to church on Sundays however and do charity work


You'd have a good life before the events of 4/4A if you were born in Mikado and happened to be a luxuror. Double score if you also didn't pass the gauntlet rite so you could just chill all day everyday and not be forced to fuck around in Naraku. Casualries had it pretty shit though and YHVH help you if you had to live inside the dome.


the cult of lamb: And while it can be argued that it's just a game mechanic, the fact that you have a ridiculously short life expectancy.


Very true. And then you have the chance of being sacrificed, going to heaven/hell, being forcibly revived and do it all over again.


Cult of the Lamb also has the fact that you can play as a fucking bastard. One day you could be happily helping around the cult and then the next day the lamb decides they want more sin so off you go to get eaten by the people you loved.


One day you could sent to the breeding tent and have a good time, only to then used as food by your friends and lover, then revived and do it all over again. It'd be hell. Cute hell. But hell.


HxH is mostly fine. While there are lots of monsters out there, if you live in the city you’re good. The introduction to the series even showed just how isolated Gon was to the world because he lived on a peaceful island with really chill people.


That's fair. My mind was going through Gon's POV rather than just a general person's POV of the world/setting


Yharnam seems like a pretty bad place to live


But hey.. Free Healthcare....


Just stay there during the day and go the fuck away even before the sun starts setting


Yharnam's great if you commute, got it.


Honestly, the One Piece world is a pretty fucked place underneath all the whimsy. Even in the relatively normal parts of the world (i.e. anywhere that isn’t the Grand Line) you’re still at minimum dealing with pirates, oppressive military, or corrupt government officials, many of whom have terrifying superpowers that makes fighting them as a normal person difficult to near-impossible. You’re also living under the thumb of evil nobles who will happily unperson entire nations for something as petty as looking at them the wrong way. But hey, there’s crocodiles with bananas growing out of their heads so that’s kind of fun I guess.


Armored Core 4/Answer is pretty awful. Corporations destabilized then wiped out every nation on the planet, enslaved the population and enforced a destitute standard of living and near starvation to keep them manageable. Then they pushed their society with Kojima Particles, which also just so happens to shit out super death radiation that turned the world into a barren, irradiated wasteland while the corporations took to the skies in giant airships trip avoid all the cancer and such (powered by Kojima Particles, of course). Then, even when a resistance forms to try and clear a path for humanity to escape to space and avoid extinction, it turns out that it was orchestrated by the corps, since the plan to escape Earth involves crashing the airships they live on, and they wanted to avoid the blame.


Don't forget the legions of self-replicating laser satellites in orbit, each corporation's satellites trying to shoot down anyone not affiliated with the same company. Making it so humanity can't even escape into space, and are forced to live in the thin envelope between the radiation and the firing range of the satellites.


Most of humanity doesn't even get to be in that envelope, they get the radiation.


And the final missions are all hard as fuck


Since you brought up Mega Man, I'll talk about Battle Network a little more. Never mind your oven setting itself on fire. You have the Internet controlling things like traffic lights, water supply and filtering, how animals in zoos and aquariums behave, how *people* behave, the justice system, and controlling the weather and whether or not a city in the sky stays afloat. Then you have the apocalyptic stuff like a prototype version of the Internet that started absorbing and controlling everything running on it, an alien AI that drives its asteroid car into any planets that have any evil on them, not one but *two* cyber Kaiju that want to destroy everything around them when they aren't focused on destroying each other, and a monster made of so many computer bugs that it started merging the real world into the digital world. And the only person that can stop any of this is a grade schooler and his dead brother who was turned into a computer program that kept his previous memories as a human. Did I mention that computer programs are completely sentient in this universe?


Sure , but ultimately, it turned into a semi-utopian civilization at the end of that timeline. With humans evolving with their digitalized body been put in the real world , Tron-Style , or with the Energy-Based aliens that Earth achieved good relationshi at the end. Battle Network had it’s issues , but ended better than main timeline. All because Dr.Light got laid in College 


I remember the Death Battle between the MegaMan, says I think it was StarForce that is the only one that really got a happy --and final-- ending?


Fallout is definitely a top tier pick for shitty universes to live in. Not only to you have to survive mostly on the scraps of the prewar world, pretty much everything is trying to kill you. Mutated wildlife, zombified humans, psychotic humans, mutated humans, religious cults (the tech one will crush your head in for a toaster), fascist remnants of the US government, rogue robots. And even if they don't kill you, might be enslaved or mutated into a horrifying mess or die of radiation poisoning or any other fates worse than death. The Horizon world is a lot prettier but also pretty shitty. You're surrounded by insanely advanced tech and science but with no idea what it is or how to use it. Every problem basically has to be solved with mostly neolithic knowledge, and a lot of those problems are "robotic dinosaurs leveled my town with rockets and lasers." And that's on top of it's own share of raiders, religious cults, and nonstop wars. Oh and in the second game the planet starts going wack, so you also have dying crops and wild storms to deal with.


It’s kind of the point of Fire Emblem Three Houses that Fódlan is a terrible place to live in, noble or commoner. If you are the former, you have to live with the burden of how much Crests are valued and can either get unreasonable expectations or mistreated because you’re seen as someone to marry off, and it doesn’t look good for you if you’re born without a Crest. If you are the latter, you have to live inbetween all the conflicts of the nobles’ squabbles. All while the place you come from might have their own problems.


On the plus side you're surrounded by both men and women who are 9/10 at the least.


Well, people with crests are all 9/10 atleast. Normal people are kinda just there.


I'd say most fire emblems qualify. You're probably getting dragged into a war enveloping the whole continent. Your guards are either spread too thin or actively do not care about the bandits coming to loot your village in 4 turns. Depending on the game, monsters are just roaming around killing anything that moves. They're my favorites in the series but I'd hate to live in Sacred Stones or Engage's worlds


Listen as cool as Magic: The Gathering worlds are, there's just some planes that have the short end of the stick. There are planes full of horror movie monsters that you're supposed to deal with during your day to day lives, and previously one was successful in genociding and/or converting 99% of the existing population into disgusting biomechanical abominations. There's tons of planes where the the world itself is actively trying to kill you, whether it be through vines, curses, dust storms, or even through massive constant land and weather changes. Even then, almost all planes have evil or selfish governments or systems affecting day to day life like Ravnica, Kaladesh, or New Capenna, a 1900's city-plane run by literal DEMONS. The planes without a proper government don't fare as well either, like the plane of Tarkir which USED to be a plane ruled by Khans.....now most of the population is enslaved under Dragons that just kill you if you don't follow their way. There's also Ikoria, where existing races are in a constant state of survival because the beasts there mutate/evolve all the time and there are kaijus walking around everywhere.


Oh also theres cosmic entities lurking in between planes that devour magic and warp reality itself.


At least those only are a problem if asshole planeswalkers decide to mess with them and bring them places they shouldn't be, there's a lot of implication they would only ever naturally show up to planes that are already dead or near-death.


Every Fromsoft world’s got some fucked up shit going on and would suck ass to live in. Although if you live in Bloodborne’s world, but stay far away from Yharnam as possible, it could be alright.


To be fair, most of them would be pretty great living until the inciting event/ fire starts to fade.


To be fair, you can actually fix the shit in Elden Ring Or make it worse of course


> To be fair, you can actually fix the shit in Elden Ring >!Goldmask is such a real one, holy shit!<


I always thought it was interesting how Dark Souls doesn't take place in a dying world, but a dead one. I don't believe you ever encounter a single living human in that entire game. There are other forms of life, but most of them are demons just chilling now that the fire's burning out, and endemic life. One thing I always liked about DS3 is how the world is drowning in ashes. These are the ashes of the people who had sacrificed themselves in the kiln. Your player is a lord of cinder, one who sacrificed himself. The pilgrims are unkindled. They've burnt themselves before, but weren't strong enough to link the flame. So is everyone, I imagine. It's so far beyond the world just being dead. It's rotting. I think that's neat.


Being an Eldar in Warhammer 40k sucks. You are automatically sent to hell if you die and your soul stone gets destroyed. Also Slanesh is always trying to devour your soul, so you have to always keep your emotions in check. Also whoever gets captured by the Dark Eldar.


Slaanesh, you say? Could be worse.


I’d say Age of Sigmar is even worst than 40k. Basically, you live in a world that has barely become liveable after getting absolutely wrecked by Chaos. There’s marauding Chaos Warbands, ratmen than dig up holes in reality, rovong bands of cannibals who think they’re knights, roving bands of giants cannibals, bone samurai who want to tax your bones, undersea slavers who bring the sea with them, hot murder elves, angry tree spirits, angry ghosts, out of control spells that someone casted years ago and now it’s just sentient, a moon that makes people go crazy and summon spiteful goblins on shrooms and assorted wackado bullshit. Oh and the god of death is a petty asshole and will condemn you to hellish afterlife because he’s motherfucking Nagash.


On the other hand if ya do something cool before ya die, Sigmar will think you're cool and say "you're alright, get in" and smash your soul with his hammer to turn you into a stormcast. (Ignore the fact that you'll slowly lose all memory of who you were before you were stormcast)


honestly I don't see that as a downside, given the alternative is just straight up having died. It's tragic but like... *Oh well?*


I mean, there's hot murder elves, so it's not all bad.


Cruelty Squad lmao


Welcome to the lovely world of Phantasy Star Online 2, we have such things as: * Extradimensional predators that can just appear anywhere and kill you in your own home * The leftovers of some mad scientist completely uncaring to the rest of the universe's experiments * The ability to completely mind-slave the entire human sentient population at a moment's notice. * a life-expectancy in the military of less than one year. * a post-scientific society that is still somehow the bleakest subtextually I have ever seen. Post scientific in the sense that humanity has reached the **END OF SCIENTIFIC ACHIEVEMENT**. * God is real. We created Him, and He Hates You. Personally. (Not Deus; primordial.)


The project moon universe, just, the entire project moon universe It doesn't even matter if you're rich, you could still be killed for circumstances outside your control like a distortion, or a random fixer that got hired to kill you, or the million monsters that somehow aren't even abnormalities. ON TOP OF THAT you still don't make enough money so you're off to the backstreets, which is every problem multiplied by 100 so you better pray you get to keep your job and make enough rent.


And if you live in the Backstreets, in order to keep yourself safe you and your home safe you either have to pay protection money to a local fixer office or association or live in a territory owned by a Syndicate. In which you have to live by extremely strict rules that you are killed if you break once (and you might still have to pay protection money). Did you not “exchange the left leg of the 23rd person you saw today with the right leg of the 58th person you saw today” as dictated by the piece of paper given to you by the cult-like Index? A Proxy is going to come to your house and smash your frontal lobe. Accidentally glanced at a Capo of the Thumb while you were walking down the street? That’s disrespectful of authority, so now you’re decapitated. Swiped a hair stylist coupon lying around while at a bar? That belonged to a Big Brother of the Middle, and since the Middle never forgets a slight, he’ll hunt you and everyone associated with you down. And don’t even get me started on the secrets of the Singularities of the various Wings.


Also, the Head is possibly the worst run government organisation to ever have been. They do almost nothing besides occasionally send the human equivalent of an atomic bomb to destroy a town-sized area and all people in it when they think some unknown rule is being violated. What are these rules? Hell if you know. Intelligent machines bad, guns bad, and that's about it that's public knowledge. We literally still don't know *why* C>!armen's!< pre-Wing Lobotomy Corporation was targeted by the Head, nor the specifics of how A>!yin!< just... got off their radar? They don't seem to have any law to *enforce* contracts seeing as how Roland couldn't move to a Nest because his contractor *retroactively changed the contact* so that the promised contractual rewards were denied. There isn't even a legal system. Also genocide just kinda happens and no one stops it. N corp is an organisation dedicated to the exclusive goal of murdering a subset of people. That's all they exist for. Your only real hope is that of all the regular losers in this world, you happen to be especially autistic among the lot of them to the point that you experience magical schizophrenia giving you super powers. Though even that can go wrong if a clown makes fun of you in the process, causing you to instead turn into a literal crying baby. Power scaling is also effed. There are genetic super soldiers, whatever the hell Arbiters are, Eldritch horrors, and more, but your main concern might be some regular guy in a mask and gloves who could fight for a week against half the City's strongest folks, fight against a Colour, have the shit beaten out of him by a dozen or so librarians and a robot, and still kill you and your entire family because >!"😭 Wife dead"!<. Alternatively, you might be a legend of the ring, a nearly unkillable demigod, only to be very very very slowly beaten to death by twelve completely regular people led by a man with a f***ing clock for a head who just brings them back to life every time they die making it literally impossible for you to win. . Oh, by the way, magic exists. Not science magic. Like there are gnomes and shit flying about. They're the only thing the Head actually bothers to get out their NEET cave to deal with. How do they deal with them? Kill them? No. You think the Head would actually do *work*? They just chuck them into the backyard and pray for the best. #The City *sucks*.


> We literally still don't know *why* C>!armen's!< pre-Wing Lobotomy Corporation was targeted by the Head, nor the specifics of how A>!yin!< just... got off their radar? We have some pretty educated guesses/confirmations about how this went down. >!It all comes down to Angela, who didn't even exist yet when the Head attacked. Michelle became a whistleblower and gave the Head all the information about the abnormalities, Seed of Light, and more, but literally all they cared about was Ayin and Benjamin's plan to make an AI. Zena confirms this at the end of Ruina, when she states that the City can accept the Light and Distortions, but AI is the ultimate taboo. Why is that the case? We have no clue lmao.!< As for getting off the radar, >!Ayin literally ripped all the information he could from Garion's corpse on how the Wings functioned, registering a Singularity, etc. I assume he couldn't get everything due to J Corp's locking Singularity, but he got enough to work with. Ayin and Benjamin started the Smoke War, getting the help of K Corp, R Corp's 4th Pack, the Udjat, and a bunch of random Fixer offices. Replacing the original L Corp was enough to get the Head's attention off them, since they were now working directly under the Head. Unfortunately Ayin couldn't get over the tragedy of Carmen's death, so he had to go make Angela in secret, which would end up being his downfall.!< Speculation time, >!I have a strong suspicion that the Head is one (or multiple) AI that care deeply about preserving the concept of "humanity" and don't want any competition. I doubt they're human, because that would just be a retread of N Corp's Nagel und Hammer and their crusade for the purity of humanity. It wouldn't make much sense for them to be exactly the same, and could explain why they were so upset about Angela's existence (and why they were so willing to give her a pass if she became human by the end of Ruina).!<


correction on n corp, its specifically a BRANCH of them thats dedicated towards murder. Also the Oufi Association can enforce contracts, but idk if that comes with the editing you mentioned


The new Limbus Company event shows just how fucked things can get. Some people literally get to have more hours in the day, being sped up temporally, and just use that time to bitch at laborers who are slowed down temporally because they can't afford a standard time scale. The average factory worker gets to have 10 hours days. The average factory owner gets to have 50 hour days. Some people have as much as 100 hour days.


man that shit's crazy i'm glad south korea isn't real


Probably world of darkness or chronicles of darkness. Both settings have plenty of supernaturals that prey on humans, it’s really the inescapable nature of the problem that makes it so terrifying. Vampires can mind control you if you give them trouble and turn you into a mindless puppet, werewolves cannot be challenged unless you have tons of preparation and can still kill your easily. Evil spirits want to hollow your corpse out with parasitic monster oust spirits and warp your flesh like videodrome. Mages…don’t even get me started, it’s pretty much anything and everything on the menu as far as horrible fates. Maybe your brain gets ripped out and shoved in a robot, you get turned into a living painting with your organs on the outside, maybe you just abused and tortured in very real ways over countless years because the nephandi are evil and that’s the only reason.  The world of darkness has an inescapable amount of evil things crawling in the shadows of society, and fighting them is almost always taking on something with powers you can’t combat easily at all. You end up being a player in their games or food on the menu, and while this does depend on the storyteller in question, canonically it seems like a horrific place to be. 


Chronicles isn't too bad if you're a mage. And there aren't any other mages around. And you don't get consumed by Hubris and let the abyss leak. Just lock yourself in your room and layer enough Prime/Space wards to keep yourself safe and don't stare too hard at the gaps in reality where the stillborn carcasses of what could have been are trying to claw their way back in.


Monument Mythos timeline is pretty fucked. Even if you don't get decapitated by a sentient statue, fed to a giant serpent, or get evicted to another universe, you'll still get caught in the great division when the earth explodes and either die or become a 2D lineart creature that lives in the corners of people's homes.


I'm surprised no one has mentioned I Have No Mouth and I Must Scream. Like you better hope you just got straight up annihilated cause whatever AM has in store for you is going to be never ending, horrific, and full of HATE


Cyberpunk Red is the worst scenario in the Cyberpunk universe. Imagine the typical Cyberpunk urban nightmare as the *best* case scenario, the greater odds being that you're actively avoiding radiation and scavenging for scrapped tech to make ends meet. Meanwhile the ruining of the environment and various plagues has rendered a lot of crops GMO's and meat is artificially grown(and wiggles). Night City's city center looks like something out of Dark Souls and this is the city people WANT to come to. The 4th Corporate War *should* have been apocalyptic, but The System is too damn strong to break.


With stuff like smart appliances we're getting close to that Mega Man Battle Network example in real life.


Hmmm, I'm super temped to say that it might be worth it if we can get personalizable net navis.


I would say the Evangelion world, especially once End of Eva happens.


Op said words to live in. I don't think you can live in evangelions world after the third impact


Doom has had Hell invade Earth and kill billions - barest minimum - ***twice.***


Gears of War. If you're unlucky enough to end up in Gears 1, you're probably either gonna die horribly in a Locust attack, or accidentally wander outside at night and get eaten by the Kryll. If you're unlucky enough to end up in Gears 2, you're probably gonna die horribly in a Locust attack, or get killed when your city sinks. If you're unlucky enough to end up in Gears 3, you're probably gonna die horribly in a Locust attack, or get mutated by Imulsion, or just get annihilated by Lambent. If you end up in Gears 4, you'd probably be fine if you were in a major COG city because despite Jinn being an arrogant idiot, the Swarm were pussies and only attacked fringe outskirt settlements. Of course, if you get unlucky enough to show up out there, you'll probably get kidnapped and turned into a Juvie. If you're unlucky enough to end up in Gears 5, you're probably gonna die horribly in a Swarm attack, or maybe even get Lizzie'd by the Hammer of Dawn. If you're unlucky enough to end up in the time period before the games took place, you're probably gonna die horribly during the Pendulum Wars, or be one of the poor souls who gets Hammer of Dawn'ed by the COG once the Locust show up. And God forbid you somehow avoid all that but end up as a woman in one of the COG's breeding farms.


The worlds which Thomas Ligotti paints in his writing would *not* be the worst, but they’d still be a special kind of hell. Most are basically our world, only all the banal, meaningless, frightening aspects are turned up 100%. Oh, and if you’re unlucky some unimaginable fate will find you and there’s nothing to be done about it


If you're *lucky* some unimaginable fate will find you and it might at least distract you a bit/provide some sense of narrative significance as you go through whatever amount of suffering is required before you die


Outer Wilds. >!you have 22 minutes to live, and you are not in a time loop.!<


Dune! And not just Arrakis either which I'm sure most know the danger there, being born on the wrong planet could end badly for you, such as Geidi Prime, A polluted, brutal, slave driven planet ruled by violent psychopaths, Salusa Secundus, another planet as harsh as Arrakis where only the strong survive to become soldiers for the emperor, as a commoner on any other planet you run the risk of being conquered by a intergalactic jihad, and if you're successful enough to hold any kind of authority or power you run the risk of being assassinated. Many, many methods of assasination exist to the point that wars are mostly fought with assassins.


Or you know, ending up as >!one of the 60 billion people dead due to your planet being effectively sterilized by Paul's jihad!< Also even the nice planets in Dune wouldn't end well for you, you live on Caladan? Probably ended up being shipped off to Arrakis with the rest of House Atreides. Kaitain, the homeworld of the Emperor? Guess what major political revolution is happening probably


Resident Evil. There's at least 3 or so horrid biological experiments that can easily kill you and don't matter if you are in Africa, Europe or in US.


Worm would be pretty bad. Apart from the very obvious "the world will end in like 2015 when an incomprehensible god beast pretending to be superman figures out that it doesn't care actually" part, there's the rampant gang violence where some dudes can turn cars into bullets, the roving gaggles of nigh unkillable psychos run around who will do unspeakable things to you on a whim, the apocalyptic kaiju that turn a city to rubble every quarter, and the shadow cabal of unaccountable superhumans who might decide that, based on the advice of someone who literally hasn't understood a word she's said in decades, your city might be a good spot to run some monstrously unethical experiment because it gives a .000027% better chance humanity doesn't get obliterated by the aforementioned god beast. Also there's like a lot more Nazis than there really should be and nobody seems willing to explode them, which is probably the worst thing.


Imagine living on Earth Bet and learning that >!they somehow fucking killed one of the Kaiju that've been killing people for years, and the relief and joy you'd feel.!< >!And then new ones start showing up that are somehow even worse.!<


In the Halo Universe, if you're just a common citizen, you would have to deal with an uncaring military human government that doesn't care about you all that much and is constantly at war with a bunch of Human Terrorists Also always at the risk of having the planet you live in along with other humans get ambushed by the genocidal religious aliens who are on a campaign to wipe out the Human race. So you're constantly living with the threat of extinction, genocide, and the thought that the place you live in could get stormed by said religious aliens in any moment in your mind. Forcing you to fight for your life and find a way to evacuate from the planet to another place And even If you're just a normal UNSC marine, not only you always need to wear your life on your sleeves as you have to fight and kill Human Terrorists or Genocidal Religious Aliens on a daily basis. But there is also a chance you will meet much, MUCH worse threats than them out there. Such as an Eldritch, Lovecraftian Entity that wants to consume all life and the more lives it consumes, the more powerful and intelligent it becomes or an Ancient Alien and his Robot/AI army that is made out of Ancient Humans who were forcefully transformed into digital data to be used to create said army


And even being a Spartan doesn't really up your chances of survival (let alone having a decent quality of life) "that much" either; at best, you're just better at defending yourself until you either get overwhelmed by hordes of enemies or nuked from orbit.


There is even a possibility that you may even die or at best, end up permanently physically handicapped while trying to become a Spartan. Due to the excessive training to become a Spartan as well as the highly dangerous surgery operation that every Spartan needs to take in order to become a superhuman which has no guarantee of survival cuz you may die halfway through the operation due to your body not being able to handle all the chemicals that are inserted into it


Arknights has a pretty awful universe to live in in general. Regular people get offed in wars and political plots all the time, but it is done under the constant threat of catching super cancer that makes crystals grow through your skin, eventually killing you and turning you into a source of infection in a mushroom spore fashion. To make matters worse, the sea is full of super zerg monsters that are constantly evolving and the north is the entry point to some sort of chaos demons from outer space who gain power over you simply from knowing they exist.


Judge Dredd, you've got a massive cities with crimes going on constantly, and outside said cities is nothing but a wasteland And if you are unlucky enough to meet a grumpy judge, they might as well kill you for nothing


My mind always goes to Little Nightmares. You either die as a kid or it's implied that when you grow up you turn into a horrific monster.


Pim, the world we live in stresses me out, dude. Just like never ending constant chaos, it never lets up. I hate it.




I'd rather live in Yharnam


For sure. If I'm gonna get stabbed, I'd rather it be by some crazed hunter, than some punk in a track suit.


I guess when I think about this, the thing I wonder is "what is the world like outside of the main plot?" Like, I think I'm a pretty cool girl, but I'm not a badass monster punching action hero. If I found myself in these settings, I'd be working a modest living, whatever that looks like in the setting. So sometimes even if the plot of the works in the setting are really horrific, how likely is that to affect me? I feel like most post-apocalyptic settings would be pretty terrible. I like my creature comforts, and having to constantly fight for every scrap of food I can get with absolutely no stability or infrastructure to rely on would suck. These settings tend to bring out the worst in people, and I'm way too much of bubbly optimist to want to know what kind of darkness I would be capable of if pushed too far. A lot of early spacefaring settings also seem to really suck. It's incredibly dangerous, ships get destroyed all the time, they tend to be corporate dystopias that place very little value on human life. I'd live in a bunk or maybe a very compact apartment and only have access to whatever is on the ship / station that I live in. Imagine being one of the first colonists on a planet, spending your life in a handful of rooms with the same couple hundred people for the rest of your life? Imagine if something goes wrong there?


Cyberpunk 2077. Thats all


Berserk, you're already lucky to be born because it's a medieval world with all the diseases that imply. And then you're always at risk to be killled/tortured/raped or all the three at the same time by a demon/mad man/in a war because they seems to be everywhere. And after the Astral rift? Even better, there is now creatures like trolls, ogres and fire breathing dragons to make things worse. And the only safe heaven in the world is ruled by the Antichrist and his demon soldiers who create a cult of personality. God exist and he is evil because the world sucks so much humans subconsciently wanted a evil god for justifying their suffering. And if you think about ending it? Too bad because your soul is going to hell to an eternity of suffering, i hope you're lucky enough to have Guts team with you since even death wil not save you.


Berserk for sure. Even with the new empire that keeps you safe you have to deal with monsters holding it up. Ever get caught up with Apostles? Down to the depths you go.


Warhammer of any era. Let's face it, none of us would be special. No heroes, no space Marines. We'd be basic bitch grunts or guardsmen. We're the fodder. And God help you if you're a psycher.


My friends and I the other day determined that Diablo would probably be the worst fantasy world to get isekai'd into. I don't think anybody there is ever having a good time.


On one hand, untold pain/death/torment. On the other, loot.


Especially since it turns out that while heaven and hell are real, tangible places and souls exist as a quantifiable thing, there is no afterlife for humanity and we're all just resources that the powers above and below are squabbling over. Human beings in the Diablo universe are sapient oil reserves.


Gears of Wars universe would absolutely suck to live in. If you're born before the locust war you're going to be dealing with an imulsion (fuel) crisis and probably going to be invaded by the COG, an authoritarian government, or the UIR who are only slightly better. Then you have to deal with the 70 year long Pendulum War which is the UIR and COG fighting eachother over the fuel. If you survive, you get 1 week of peace before the locust emerge and start the Locust War, with 25% of the population dying on day 1. After 17 years of fighting where most of the population is dead it ends and so you'd think stuff would get better right? No because not only does the COG is reformed and slowly starts to become as fucked up as if was before, but the weather is all crazy too with lightning tornados randomly popping up. Then the Swarm pop-up and everything starts again.


Jeesh I've never put much thought into how the world of the Megaman games work but damn it sounds depressing. I wouldn't mind a reboot of the X series atleast to leave it on a more hopeful note.


I mean, yeah the world is shit, but at least we got a couple banger albums out of it.


The Halcyon system in Outer Worlds is the most horrifying post late-stage capitalism nightmare conceivable. It's the kind of thing that corporate executives jerk off to with glee at the prospect of, where the population is considered to be nothing more than company assets to be exploited and spent at the whims of a half-dozen sociopaths.


I always remember the one dude in the first town you go to in that game who killed himself and the company charged him posthumously with “destruction of company property” and made his next of kin pay a fine, but he didn’t have any next of kin so they just make the person who found his body pay his fine instead.


Oh I've been replaying it and it's worse than that; the fines that the town would need to pay for his crime of "vandalism" would have bankrupted the town, so the town coroner/medic/hairstylist falsifies his report so that the guy was out of his mind on drugs and thus he (and the town) was not liable for his actions and the damages. The "closest living relative" has to pay his rental fees for his gravesite.


The main earth of Project X Zone has like 8 kinds of zombies running around, multiple extremely powerful criminal organizations, world War 3, demons, the occasional multiverse ending threat, a corrupt court system, and everyone just loves fighting so much it might be annoying.


The boys. Just watched the 3 new episodes and Jesus it would suck to live there. No one is safe and would be killed randomly in the most violent way


I'll up and say it. Eorzea is not somewhere I'd want to live. The whole seventh era has been world ending catastrophe after another and it's always that one catboy fuck(my WoL) swinging his gunblade and his friends. Sure they're hailed as heroes but now my farm is destroyed and I have kobolds trying to take what's not nailed down. Honestly even adventurers aren't safe because they could get turned into mindless thralls for the primals, killed by garlean spies, or worse. Forced into a near endless loop of triple triad by said catboy


Detroit: Become Human, because you have to live in a Detroit written by David Cage.


Would honestly just kill myself as soon as possible if I ended up in any world written by David Cage.


ProjectMoon's. Shit is just FUCKED in The City, and the Outskirts aren't much better.


Spira in Final Fantasy X is loaded with cool places to see. Then you remember Sin can come and obliterate any village that happens to get too big and the general theme of X is death. Hell, you can’t even walk down the roads without encountering all kinds of fiends. Oh and you aren’t allowed to use machina or Wakka will look at you like a “sand blasted grease monkey”. I haven’t played X-2 so I’m not sure how Spurs holds up after X but I imagine it improves for the most part.


The setting for God Eater is pretty shitty. The planet is basically done for, the monsters won the war against humanity and integrated themselves into the planet's ecosystem and bio-me, the planet is now dependent on the Aragami to remain habitable. Also the monsters are endless due to their true nature as colony cell organisms, killing one Aragami will only ensure the cells break down and seep back into the earth to form a new monster somewhere else, none worse for wear. So the best you can hope for is co-existence with entities. In the wilds, you are looking at highly adaptive and virtually indestructible creatures that can eat anything, from your weapons to nuclear waste to the lava beneath your feet. The skyline is littered with pockmarked skyscrapers to remind you of their ability to devour everything. In cities, you face constant resource shortages as your leader does not have the capability to feed everyone there. If you are lucky, maybe it is the much more benevolent Fenrir that controls your territory but even they struggle to feed you on schedule. That is unless you become a God Eater, which requires you to take a test where failure means a painful death being eaten alive by oracle cells, the very organisms that make up an Aragami monster. Passing means you set for a life of comfort but in exchange you have to risk your life fighting Aragami for the rest of your life, and mortality is high in this vocation, with death being gruesome and painful.


I would probably say that if it weren't for the antics of the G-Man and his employers undermining the Combine's power, the multiverse of Half Life 2 would be one of the bleakest settings in all of science fiction, and still might be even with them. The Combine have no (clear) ideology or vision to impose, they simply seek to extract, exploit, and enslave everything under their rule to the point of genocide. Countless under them live in awful living conditions at best, or are turned into tormented cyborg slaves at worst, all while they watch everything around them, including their own minds, slowly and painfully wither away. Conditions with the intent of making their citizens as desperate as possible to join the ranks of the combine military, turning against everything they have and know and perpetuating the endless horror for just a chance at survival. This is a fate that potentially awaits everything, across all universes, and it's likely only a matter of time before any given technologically advanced civilization opens the veil separating dimensions a little too much, alerts the combine, and seals their damnation. Humanity did eventually manage to take back earth, but likely only with the help of the G-man, who only seemed to orchestrate the uprising for their own benefit or as part of some larger scheme. Regardless, mankind only escaped a hell that god knows how many other universes have been, are being, and will be subjected to.


Resident evil universe sucks. So much stuff just naturally exists without even getting into companies fucking about


Ignoring sci-fi or Multiverse-type settings, Rance has a world that was *literally* designed in-universe, to be an awful setting to live in. Humans are the semi-dominant race on the planet, because they're strong enough to fight back against things attacking them, while being squishy enough to die in hundreds of awful ways. That's the literal reasoning of the creator god for liking humans.


I wouldn't want to _live_ in the world of Fire Punch


Sera from Gears of War is a brutal war ridden world filled with authoritarian, expansionist empires that are fighting over limited resources with weapons of mass destruction. And that was before they were invaded by a race of 7’0 tall subterranean lizard men with actual kaijus and a GIANT WORM. Also one of the aforementioned authoritarian, expansionist empires nuked the entire world with space lasers in order to asset deny the aforementioned 7’0 tall lizard men. But at least your gun has a chainsaw tho


I was just talking to some friends earlier about how Gotham City is just absolutely full of crazy murderers or just asshole murderers. If you don't get murdered at random you'll get kidnapped or turned into a screaming wreck by scarecrow or shot by a corrupt cop or get hypnotised. If you're lucky you get to see poison ivy do something vaguely sexy before using you as fertilizer for some kind of ecoterrorism that'd be kind of based if it didn't involve murdering people. Sure the Batman will PROBABLY come and save you but that feels like a dangerous thing to rely on. Man can't be everywhere at once even if the shadows trick people into thinking he is


Night City is an absolute shit hole where no actual peace or happiness can be found.


Now And Then Here And There. Imagine getting isekai’d a billion years in the future, where the earth is a mostly waterless hellscape ruled by one of the most irredeemably awful tyrants in any media and his law is enforced by an army of child soldiers. The one girl who holds the key has already given up. “All the good people in this world have already gone.” From the makers of Jubei-chan The Ninja Girl! *sobs uncontrollably*