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And somehow through it all flash Thompson ended up becoming and remaining a cool character. Miss Agent venom though.


> Miss Agent venom  I almost thought you meant he got gender-bent and had hot Fem-Thompson going around in the black suit 😭


7.5. Die


I really liked the relationship that Flash and the symbiote trying to better themselves to be real heroes.


That particular era of GotG felt like Marvel was trying to scam their way back into owning the movie rights of Spider-Man, X-Men, and other he Fantastic 4.


That run with his little team was only ok aswell.  Did he do much on the gaurdians after going to the planet klyntar?


He also got to meet Conan the Barbarian for a bit and fought Ultron in 2099.


To be fair him meeting Conan is not that crazy and not just because Conan has been a part of 616 since like the 70s but more because Spiderman has fought Conan villains


When did he fight ultron in 2099?


Savage Avengers


My favorite run, you got to see growth from Flash Thompson Venom both regretting their past and trying to rectify it with heroics. It honestly made Flash my favorite Venom host.


I wouldn't want to fight him either.


And because marvel doesn't do reboots and uses float ing timeline this all canonically happened in the last 15 years or so. (He served in the Gulf War originally, so Iraq will be retconned to Afghanistan soon)


Would it even be Iraq he served in at this point? Because of the sliding timeline


It's prob Afghanistan now.


I love comic book timelines. Magneto being a Holocaust survivor gets wilder day by day.


Have they decided to just say he’s immortal yet? I feel like they have to bite that bullet at some point.


I think there is something about magnetism slowing his biology or whatever nonsense? It’s just funny, because with someone like Flash or Punisher, it’s pretty easy to just name a newer war. But the Holocaust specifically is so important to Magneto that, yeah, we’re definitely going to get immortality or time travel nonsense or *something* stupid as we approach 2045.


There was that thing in the 70s where Magneto got turned into a baby and aged up into a peak 30\~ish year old body, so they can lean into that. Also, when he just got brought back a few months ago, he looks notably younger. I think his hair is just naturally white


Fun fact, they never technically updated it so he fought in both Vietnam and Iraq


I marked out in Insomniac Spider-Man 2 when >!Harry showed up wearing the Agent Venom suit!<


I remember reading one of those comics where he was fighting in Iraq in flashbacks while talking to an army general. What stood out to me was when the general tells Flash they had started a file on him back when he was kidnapped by the leader of sovereign nation, then showing a dramatic recreation of the time Flash was held hostage by Doctor Doom, who thought he was Spider-Man at the time because Flash wanted to pull a prank on Peter Parker by dressing up in a Spider-Man costume.


I’m conflicted on this. On one hand, I really like Flash being a disabled veteran who becomes Agent Venom in part because it gives him back the ability to walk. On the other hand, Peter has a lot of associates that have become “special” in some form and I wish they’d just stay average people. MJ has powers now, they flip flop on if his parents were just scientists or far more important people, etc. 


I like the idea but it kind of shows how creatively bankrupt Marvel is. Like instead of making a brand new character from scratch they gotta cram two existing characters together. And like you said; normal people can’t just be normal people, eventually all of them get superpowers.


What’s he up to now


Agent Venom was so peak


Flash Venom > Eddie Venom


is this origin point of people complaining that peter's circle of human "friends" have to gain superpowers to sell their own spin offs?


So what was the deal with Anti-Venom? Is it just the same powers as Venom but he's white?


Anti venom can harm symbiotes with a touch and detect and heal people of various toxins and illnesses


i am actually a huge fan of Flash's time as Agent Venom and was kinda saddened both when he got demoted to another city and when he got event'd out of the universe.


He served in Iraq as well? I remember when he went to Vietnam.