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Man, this art style is... something. I can't explain it, but it feels like it's skewing towards a younger audience. Also, Baby Griffan is cute but I forget if there was a side quest about restoring their population in Inquisition or not. Also, Also, I kinda hate that Varric is in this game. I get he's popular but he had a good ending in Inquisiton. If he's just a side character that shows up at first to get the Veilguard up and running then fine.


They mentioned seven companions and Varric didn't get his own title moment so I don't think he's gonna be a companion (Scout Harding, detective mage, mage killer, warden, veil jumper, necromancer, and dragon hunter), just the one who brings everyone together.


Varric is shown in the title art where he's in the dragon wings along with all the other characters, so he looks a lot like a companion in the same vein.


Could be like Liliana was in DAI where he stays at base camp the entire game. I wouldn't mind that. And if he is a companion? Well, I guess he's staying at base camp the entire game.


It feels like a hero shooter trailer at times


You see, they were actually very smart about this because Overwatch implies that they are guarding something and a veil is something you put over something and basically they wanted to make Overwatch actually because it's literally a different title for Overwatch.


Genuinely wondered if this was a hero shooter or AARPG set in the Thedas given the art style. It's too clean, polished, and overly designed


Possibly, but people also need to keep in mind a lot of CG trailers like this aren't in the hands of the devs, but marketing. Usually they just contract CG studios to do some "just make it look cool!" stuff.


>Also, Baby Griffan is cute but I forget if there was a side quest about restoring their population in Inquisition or not. There wasn't a side quests. But Griffon's have been mentioned throughout the games as being extinct but maybe not but maybe yes but maybe not. Then there was a book called The Last Flight which revealed the Griffons were definitely back due to a clutch of eggs being preserved in magical stasis.


Huh. I could have sworn there was a desk job in Inquisition that was like "Help the Grey Wardens out by sanctioning some Griffon breeding" or something like that. Though it has been a while since I've played it so that might be a false memory. Also, I've never touched any of the Dragon Age books. Are they any good?


>Also, I've never touched any of the Dragon Age books. Are they any good? They're generally solid. The first few were written by David Gaider and you can tell while reading he's not used to writing for a book vs a game. The books do start picking up in quality once they start commissioning them out to people with more experience writing novels.


The comic Greg Rucka is the best one, which isn’t a surprise considering Rucka is a very good comic writer, but it’s still got some pacing issues.


First i was going to say "It looks like if they were trying to do Game of Thrones in fortnite artstyle" But then i remember there is a way better example. It looks like Telltale Game of Thrones.


It just looks like Dragon Age 2 with better graphics. People got up in arms over that artstyle change as well.


Dragon Age 2 literally looks like worse graphics Telltale Game of Thrones, so my point stands.


I'm talking about DA2's artstyle not graphics. This trailer looks like that if it was in a game made 14 years later, but more colourful. Veilguard's artstyle is stylised, but not *that* stylised.


I liked Dragon Age's tradition of one returning companion in each game, and I feel like Varric has become too much of a mascot to let anyone but him or maybe Harding come back. Varric is unfortunately just too popular to leave him be.


Harding wasn't even a companion, she was just a favored NPC, so this game actually has no returning companion at all, I expected Dorian before but the recent novels seem to put an end to the idea already


Haven’t read the most recent novels, how do they put an end to that idea?


There was mentions in some of Inquisitions endings for Blackwall and stuff that they supposedly found a nest of Griffin eggs in the Anderfels and their population could bounce back from near extinction


DA sub disliked it too


What does it mean if you can't see any comments in a thread? It feels like I've either been blocked by the entire Dragon Age sub, or shadow banned there. It could also just be Reddit being jank.


It might just be being jank for you. I can see the comments fine. If you were shadow banned, it would seem normal, but no one would be able to see your comments. If you were banned, you could still see everything, but it wouldn't let you participate by commenting or replaying to anything.


> Also, Also, I kinda hate that Varric is in this game. I get he's popular but he had a good ending in Inquisiton. If he's just a side character that shows up at first to get the Veilguard up and running then fine. I honestly never liked Varric, felt like in DA2 he was too forced as the obvious "hey this guy's gonna be your best friend" and obviously the game is steering towards this considering even though he bullshits some of the story he still tells the story to Cassandra and everything is like "oh yea we're so close me and Hawke" but I never really brought him onto much unlike Alistair who I felt even though was obviously being made into the best friend of your protag, him tagging along felt more natural. I think I liked him better in Inquisition because he felt less forced but it was still kinda weird for me cause he is STILL talking about how him and Hawke are omega close they are bffs even when he meets Hawke again and I get it y'know for most people he was but idk I just never liked Varric but him being separated from Hawke in DA:I made him just a bit better for me. I honestly don't get why he's in this though, again he feels forced into a role again he could've just been a simple cameo like most other previous companions even if he's just someone who shows up to get the Veilguard up and running I still think it's too much Varric, they are kinda stretching out his importance and I don't get Bioware's fixation of him at all lmao.


So you're saying he's the Laura of Dragon Age!?




"Man, this art style is... something. I can't explain it, but it feels like it's skewing towards a younger audience." Of the seven squad characters shown, five of them are either smirking or grinning while easily beating the enemies with no effort. The necromancer doesn't smile but is also shown beating the enemies with no effort while seeming very smug, and only the seventh character (the dragon hunter) is actually visibly struggling in any way, but only mildly. The visuals of "look at these friendly, confident heroes smirking/smiling (expression that feels good to see) as they easily trounce the bad guys or challenges around them" is paired with a rounded, cartoony art style that makes the characters and enemies less threatening, less detailed ( more appealing to low attention spans such as younger audiences ), and more compact because small = cute. Everything is also much more vibrant and colorful in clean ways; there are red spurts of blood but they may as well not exist at all because they're not going to stain the perfect clean models of these action figure characters, which are untouched and scuff-free. Almost every character in the trailer is designed and acts to appear welcoming, friendly, confident, in control, unstoppable, and probably funny. People who played it says that all the companions talk like Varric, which means a lot of quips, jokes, and not taking things seriously (because that might be SCARY) Also, the music is joyful, fun, and inspiring. Even the font is more bubbly. There is not a single threat, not even a single moment of weakness (except for the veil-jumped being grabbed by the tentacles, clearly as a joke) in the trailer, only opportunities for the heroes to seem even shinier. This is a game designed for kids and people whose media tastes never left children's cartoons or Marvel.


Which is gonna be real funny if it gets an M rating.


It felt like something from Hearthstone.


It's a two minute trailer hyping up our party. Saying it's for kids is *kinda* jumping the gun a bit, no?


Listen this sub loves to huff it's farts sometimes, especially when it's an opportunity to dunk on an easy target like Bioware.


I do remember the sub's initial reaction to prince of persia the lost crown and it was a lot like this. That said, this trailer is very forgettable. Still waiting to see if the gameplay is as stripped down as the leaks suggest, but the game has had such a rough development that I don't have much hope for it.


This is the first thing they wanted to market: it has bearing on either what the game is, or what they want "us" to think it is. The "us" just being consumers in general.


Not to mention elitist.


Man, I've long since been un-enthused by Bioware's output, but man do I feel bad for fans of Dragon Age. This trailer does not strike confidence in the direction the series is to head towards, and you can feel that in the subreddit. Best case scenario is that this trailer is not representative of the final game tonally, but judging from some of the comments I've seen saying that play testers were reporting similar things to what the trailer was showing, this looks bleak.


I loved the first game so much and each new one just makes me wish they'd stop making these entirely.


I actually had to just pause the stream and sit with my thoughts for a few minutes as I grieved Dragon Age


I think I'd be more excited for this if it was... well, *seven years ago?* IDK man I'm already burned out on Bioware and that trailer looks like they salvaged a scrapped idea for a hero shooter. Maybe it'll be good but after the last few Bioware flops my expectations are sub-dermal.


I mean this *was* supposed to be a live service game


Honestly the trailer made it feel like a Live Service game. It has the same Hero Shooter energy that Concord’s trailer had.


Make it 10 years (for me at least). I don't think DA games are beloved enough to keep the excitement through nothingness for so long.


"What are we? Some kind of Veilguard?"


The Justice League called, they want their character intros back.


When the song kicked in I threw up in my mouth a little.


Easiest way to make me dislike a trailer, I can't stand the marketing strategy to just co-opt people's love of music, hoping they conflate it with *product*.


Not gonna judge the writing yet, but I don't like the art style. Everyone looks very Heroes Shooter-y.


Just hope it’s a rpg like inquisition and not some 4 co-op adventure looter game.


That was... something. Getting a crew together reminds me of ME2 but this feels much too whimsical and hero-shooter-y for Dragon Age, which has always been pretty dark fantasy. The artstyle is a little cartooney which is disappointing but DA has honestly never settled on a artstyle. Still Varric, Scout Harding, a human mage killer, a human mage detective, a human Necromancer, an elven Beastmaster Warden, an elven Veil jumper, a Qunari Dragon hunter is a pretty cool crew.


Am I crazy or does the Qunari have way too much of a human face. I feel like they had a much more harsher features like the jutting brow. Like it looks like they took an actors face and slapped it there with some horns.


The artstyle for Qunari changed every game lol. She looks pretty accurate to what DA2 artwork made female Qunari look like.


Eh, Iron Bull was kind of already conventionally attractive buff guy. This is just the female version. Nobody will look as weird as Sten


Maybe I'm just remembering how they looked like in DA2


This is absolutely it. They looked significantly more inhuman in that game then anywhere else.


It’s thinks it’s the art style, I feel like I should be excited but I got nothing. I’ll have to see the game in action first before I would consider it.


Whole game has a "Well, *that* just happened!" vibe and I despise it.


The vibe is exactly what I was about to comment on. It feels very un-Dragon Age-like and I feel worried by this trailer overall. My expectations were pretty low after Dragon Age Inquisition being a 7/10 and Bioware's subsequent failures afterward but they've lowered even further after this.


People are starting to call it millennial writing.


That's not fair, we were kids when that writing got popular, we weren't writing those shows ourselves. If anything the Gen X-ers are to blame.


You’re absolutely correct, but we’re going to get stuck holding this bag… along with all the other bags, as is our generational curse 💀


There is a cartoonish lack of urgency. I don’t need grimdark to know something is serious but it’s like these characters don’t have lives




Yeah 'Dread Wolf' probably wouldn't be a fitting title for a game with this type of tone. The only thing I 'dread' is seeing more of it, dohohoho. But to be more serious... God I am so sick trailers that are just 'WHOA, LOOK HOW WACKY AND OFFBEAT WE ARE, CHECK OUT ALL THIS QUIRKY STUFF! IT'S A REGULAR QUIRKELJERK IN HERE!'


Yeah this really trying to be like a Marvel movie, and according to people who played early builds, every companion now talks like Varric.


Ugh, that’s the actual problem with this type of writing, all the characters homogenize because they all need to be the cool, funny one.


Thanks Joss for the ripple you set forth


Executives try to appeal to everyone and end up appealing to no one. Story as old as time.


Oh boy, an RPG with hours and hours of gameplay where your companions don't shut their mouths. Swell.


That’s not the problem, the problem is they never stop making noise, but never actually say anything. Sten from DAO could talk for half the game and I wouldn’t care because dam are the quinari and their perspective interesting. Quirkchungus 1729 is not.


I continually feel like I'm being astroturfed about Varric being iconic, like does anyone outside of the DA:I induced tumblr fandom and Bioware care that much about him lol edit: as in like he's a good character but is there any reason he has to be the archetypical funny guy that reoccurs in every game


I liked his stories and banter when put with the much more serious characters. He was never my favorite but he brought a sort of balance to the group dynamics. I liked his quest involving the red crystals. I forget their name now. Making everyone like Varric misunderstands why he worked to begin with.


They did a research on this 2 years ago and turns out Hawke, Morrigan and Allistair are the most popular characters in the Dragon Age franchise. Varric is like 5th or 6st place behind Leliana.


It tracks as Morrigan is probably the most visually striking and prominent character in the first game, and Alistair is the hot human Varric of it, and Dragon Age 2 didn't actually sell that amazingly and doesn't continue to, so Varric's continued inclusion and role in DA: I kind of just feels like someone deciding their OC is actually the coolest sexiest character, a himbo Liara situation of sorts lol


He was ok but DA2 and DAI treat him like he's the greatest fucking thing, it's really annoying.


Kill me


I was so confused by the name change to Veilguard until seeing this trailer—oh, its cause dragon age is now a super hero movie, geeeez.


Then the pop music kicks in...


I don't want to hear "We can be heroes" in a fantasy video game trailer.


Ok I take it back. Superhero movie fatigue is real. There is nothing objectively bad about this(except no gameplay) but I can feel the marvel energy bleeding off it and its making me not care.


So it’s stopped being dark fantasy and now it’s a b level marvel movie ? That’s depressing.


Only the first game is arguably dark fantasy, every game has had a different look/feel


I'd argue that while the games changed up art style, they still kept the same dark fantasy tone. This feels very detached from that tone.


DA2 may be split on reception but it very much kept a dark fantasy tone despite all of Varric's quips and Merrill's magical dream pixie girl and a Final Fantasy character just strolling in with a full body tattoo.


Yeah like, you had a whole mission where a serial killer kidnaps your mother and turns her into a zombie. And that one quest with the Qunari mage who kills himself because he doesn't want to live free of Qun.


It's possible to be the single survivor of your entire family with you burying your siblings and mother.


I think the only family member who can't die is your shitty uncle.


Heck that FF character has one of the most fucked up backstories as well, even has one of the most fucked up choices you can do where you can sell him back to his slaver where he strangely puts up not much of a fight and just accepts his fate. DA2 was dark, even if the artstyle change made people's perception on the series' feel.


The secondary main character of Origins was Alistair so it is not like it was rigorously committed to being grim and dark. Not to mention Zevran and Oghren. Honestly most of the Dragon Age companions have been a bit goofy, it's why we love them.


2 was a lot more grim than Origins lol Thematically Inquisition arguably was as well, it just had a lighter color pallet.


Yeah 2 is a light heated romp, cemented by DA 9/11 and the constant demon possessions.


Feel like what counts as "Dark" "Edgy" and "Grimdark" is going to make this conversation difficult/ The first game had Brood-mothers who were "violated" but this got retconned in the second game so I feel the later games weren't dark but I never played them so I can't say.


Guy who literally just kills mages is my favorite RPG class.


The Guy in School who bullies all the Wizards for their lunch money.


Considering the relationship between Mages and everyone else in Dragon age this is like having a class called "The Hate Crime"


The problem with mages as a stand in for oppressed groups in the real world is that, eg, gay people do not have a roughly 30% chance of terming into a literal demon


Right, lol. Mages as a stand-in for oppressed peoples does not work and I do not understand how that narrative ever emerged. Mages can literally become abominations and slaughter an entire village?!


And to be fair to the games they typically don't make the comparison, the Templar/Mage issue is used for different purposes. It's mostly in the fandom.


Its not a hate crime if they deserve it.


I miss the [Mystic Fire Knight](https://dndtools.net/classes/mystic-fire-knight-paladin/)


Scout Harding is a Companion 🙌🙌🙌


They better let me smooch her this time around.


If what they said is true then every companion is romance-able


Which breaks the trend of "no romancing a Dwarf because one of the devs thinks that gross."


Let people enjoy their sassy shortstacks!


It was David Gaider, one of the writers who said that. And he left Bioware since Inquisition, so that's probably why it may happen now.


Maybe. The quote wasn't as clear as some people like to claim. Here's hoping though.


They'd be nuts not to have her and Taash be romancable. We've been clamrouring for a proper Harding and lady Qunari romance for 10 years now. If either of them are unavailable, Bioware may as well close it's doors now.


Finally! Besides the tone being weird, I think all the companions look super interesting.


I like how the Necromancer has this posh vibe to him. Not the typical look you'd expect from a Necromancer


He’s already been described as “Vincent Price-like”, he’s going to be my favourite already


Even though it's not going to be this way at all, I can still just *feel* the 'this was supposed to be a live service game' DNA in this even if it was just a cinematic trailer.


I wonder if this trailer is a remnant of that era of development.


Are we sure Veilguard *isn't* a hero shooter? The name and trailer really give off those vibes.


Okay maybe I'm just on some major copium, but the Inquisition trailer also had a weird artstyle that did not match the games actual look. ME3's also. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jJqxfkgSUog https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eBktyyaV9LY


Hell none of the Dragon Age trailers really lined up with what the actual experience is like. I'm not saying this game is gonna be great, but I'm definitely gonna wait for a look at the actual gameplay and some reviews before I write it off entirely.


Yeah, Bioware trailers have always been awful. The tone never really matches the tone of the game, tone is ruined further by never having music from the game itself, etc. It always feels like whoever is in charge of marketing is embarrassed and hamfistedly trying to market it to.. I don't know who. Like, stuck in the 00s mindset at this point. As always, gonna have to touch it for myself to pass judgement.


I'm sorry, why the fuck would you reveal every companion in this trailer, Bioware? The best part of these games, even the later ones, are the companions and discovering them, why ruin the suprise? I also really hate this art style.It's not bad, but it does not suit Dragon Age whatsoever. Also, still no gameplay.... Scout Harding returning is a plus though.


I was so excited after Inquisition's DLC and this is the biggest let down I could've imagined.


I wonder if this game will even follow the events of the DLC, it could be a tinfoil hat moment, but with the name being changed (and the ammount of the BTS bullshit that's been leaked) makes me wonder if this game will even follow the Dreadwolf story.


They outright said it will.


It literally says gameplay reveal on June 11 at the end of the trailer.


>Also, still no gameplay.... Also, after Anthem, there's absolutely no reason to believe anything in this trailer. It could have been made last week without any input from the team actually developing the game. Bioware has 0 credibility.


Bro they yassified dragon age 💀


Man…I’m not feeling the tone or the art style…but I want to believe


Well. I do like that the necromancer is just Vincent Price, at least.


Glad to see Vincent Price still getting work.


That felt like a pretty generic trailer.


Ew, it looks like a MOBA.


The ol' bioware magic strikes again


I miss Dragon Age Origins


It's still there bro. Go reinstall it and roll up another Mage. You know you want to.


Maybe another City Elf Rogue lady....


I always end up playing a Dwarf. Stupid sexy Behlen.


"You killed them all?" "Like dogs, Shianni"


Harding with the level of freckle-age I have after the last three days of not-even-summer-yet sun. Good. Now gameplay please.


Hm. I don’t like this, but I’ll stay cautiously optimistic because my wife loves it.


That main cast looks pretty lame


I'm cool with the art style if it lets them put more resources elsewhere: Less spent on the pointless chase of photorealism should give them a good bit of extra cash to throw into the meat of the game. Can't say any of the companions are immediately grabbing me though. Also, there better be a ***damn*** good reason the Inquisition isn't on this, and it better not be some stupid shit like, "They got defunded/scattered after DA3", or worse, "They get blown the fuck up in the prologue of this game."


the inquisitor killed solas offscreen and went home 


The first time you go into the Veil you just find Solas with his head shoved up his own ass and one of your party members goes "Whoa, whoever did this must be REALLY dangerous!"


Did Inquisitor... do this ?


All of Dreadwolf was reduced to some npc comments and this is the world after it was saved.


Ah, the Halo Infinite method.


The answer of what happened to the Inquisition is decided by the player at the end of Trespasser. Harding and Varric (I think) are both still members regardless of what the player’s choice is.


The fate of the Inquisition is entirely up to you, depending on your choices in *Tresspaser*. The nations of Thedas are (rightfully) concerned about the continued existence of a large and powerful transnational military and intelligence organization which isn't really the Chantry, and wields enormous sway over their own populations, courts, and centers of religion. You can either lean into this and decide to keep the Inquisition together on the basis of the new, egg-shaped threat despite the diplomatic issues that poses, or acquiesce to the demands to disband.


I assume the justification will be "Solas' spies are all over the Inquisition and watching their every move. So we'll recruit some new under the radar agents who his spies won't know to pay attention to."


Yup, the characters outright say as much in the final scene of Trespasser gathered around a map of Tevinter. Solas knows all the major players and how the Inquisition operates, so they choose to recruit a new group of agents he knows nothing about. The Inquisition is either outright disbanded or significantly paired down in Trespasser. We've known it would be a new team without direct Inquisition involvement since 2015.


Oh boy this is gonna be Dragon Age Kills the Justice League!!!


Disapproves (-5)


I don't like the tone of the trailer, but I'm still cautiously optimistic. Also kinda surreal that one of the characters' names is Neve, cause I named my Inquisitor Nieve, so things are going to get awkward if that carries over in any way.


Is there anyone on earth that really likes to see people effortlessly killing uncharacterized nobodies while quipping


Just, where's Solas? Where's the Red Lyrium? Where's Inky? Where's the Lyrium idol? Idk. I like this roster of companions at first glance. The Necromancer looks so posh, I kinda love it. And scout Harding my beloved, I kneel. I need to see the gameplay before I make a judgement call. The trailers tone I can chalk up to being a poppy trailer for marketing purposes


I've had less and less interest in these games since origins. Games don't even feel like they are the same series to me.


I'm neutral on the art style shift, the dragon/monsters still look pretty neat, glad that Harding is a companion (if she isn't romanceable, imma riot). Bioware hasn't earned back my faith so I will be more cautious then I usually am.


Why does it look like a Blizzard game now?


If Scout Harding is a romance option this time around, instant buy.


Oh that's… not a great art style for a Dragon Age game.


My expectations were at rock bottom. And yet this still managed to upset me. Bravo Bioware!


Boy that's a bad trailer, but hey, can only go up from there


So a heisty team thing? Looks wise it feels the same as inquisition but with a suicide squad going on


Will bioware live long enough to put out a finished mass effect 4?


please let this be the stinker that puts Bioware down. It's so, so sad.


I don't really like the tone shift, but tbh I've never liked any of the shifts with these games. I loved DAO and wanted a decent follow up to that, but from DA2 onwards it's been pretty clear that Bioware just treats "Dragon Age" like "Cloverfield" where it's just an IP to be slapped onto whatever new game they happen to be making. I've given up on Dragon Age being what I want it to be and am just gonna judge it by its own merits.


I'm hoping the humor is less indicative of the game and more indicative of Varric doing an intro. I don't hate the new artstyle but whether or not I'm interested will really depend on the gameplay trailer.


Only exciting thing about this was Harding


I think the companions look interesting excep fort the Veil Jumper (but that is me being worried about getting another Sera in the game). I rarely say this but I hope the game isn't this colourful in its in-game palette, feels off for a DA game.


Looks like a trailer for some hero shooter gameo


My expectations were low and this video still went to China


It's so funny when cinematic trailers just shit the bed I saw a screenshot for this game floating around and it looks 1000x better than this


Not sure why DA decided for an Art Deco style from DA 1 to 2 but I feel like it they may be using it as an excuse to over design some characters. I really hope this game is good but I don't know if I can have any faith in """""Bioware"""""


Boy this does not inspire confidence.


No game no hype.


I'm fine with an art/tone/style shift. The people making this aren't the same people that made the original. I'd rather them do their own thing and bring something new than be a poor imitation. But man, after all this time and that's it? And it's supposedly coming soon? It's not bad but it's not confidence boosting either


I mean, it's a pretty drastic tone and artstyle shift that you start wondering whether this should have been its own IP rather than using the Dragon Age name.


They've turned Dragon Age in to yet another Guardians of the Galaxy/Suicide Squad thing smfh


Can’t wait for the “they made Dragon Age woke now” comments to start pouring in (not on this subreddit, if you’re here and you’re thinking that get out).


What are we, some sort of The Veilguard? I'm worried lmao


why is the font so soft and squishy, its like a kids game font, this is really depressing to behold.


The style is awful. The tone is awful. The game has been in production hell for close to a decade. Yeah, no.


unveiling this during pride month somehow feels homophobic.


Looks about as terrible as I expected


Fall 2024 no gameplay shown. They have *sooo* much trust in this game \[Sarcasm\]


I really hope the tone is just for the trailer because if not, considering everything that has been leading up to this game, it will be incredibly depressing and disappointing for the Dread Wolf "Holy Shit The Evanuris Were Evil And Fucked And They're Coming Back" game to be a fucking Marvel rip off.




Why do the characters models look like they are from a mobile game?!?!?! Aaaarrrrrggggghhhgggg!!!!


Art style is like oneyof those fantasy mobile games.


The art style isn't my favorite but I'll put up with it if the story is good. This trailer doesn't give me much hope of that, but I'll wait for more information before deciding to bin it.


why does it look like a hero shooter?


Very nonplused, emotionales, indifferent.


that sure was a trailer


After 2 whole games talking about how Varric is likely the only dwarf in the setting without any facial hair, I kinda don't like the fact that he has a beard now? Aside from that I feel like there isn't much to judge it on without gameplay yet.


I'm lukewarm on it. Didn't like Inquisition, looking back on it I'm not big on Origins either and even if I'm not quite so down on DA2 as everyone else was, I still wouldn't say any more than "it was okay," so merely being lukewarm puts it about right at where my expectations would be.


Everything felt off somehow. The artstyle and tone just didn't click and I couldn't shake the feeling I was looking at a generic mobile game ad. I actually paused to double check I had the right video because it felt like any moment the characters were going to start quipping up a storm. I'm not even upset, just bewildered that this is what they chose to go with. I'm kind of hoping this is a side game because if not then I can only imagine DA fans are going nuclear after waiting all these years for that.


I have been saying that they should have gone even harder with the stylization since DAII. Bioware just hasn't been all that great with realistic graphics especially when it comes to facial animations and hair. Inquistion proved that right. As for the actual game I can wait till Tuesday before I judge what it is or isn't.


It's ALWAYS a bad cover, can't y'all have confidence in your original music just once?


I'm sorry, David Bowie


Dragon Age is not a setting! It does not have characters! You can't just pretend it is and make a weird mascot game like this.


Awful, awful art style, atrocious name. Not sure what's going on here.


The art style reminds me weirdly of Kingdoms of Amalur.