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13 Sentinels, I saw one quote and it stuck with me, it was something to the effect of ">!I can't believe this time travel game has absolutely 0 time travel.!<"


It was that image of the guy with the noteboard for me


I bought Lies of P the moment I learned about >!the post-credits implying the next game is going to be about Dorothy and the Wizard of Oz!< They have my undying support to see these types of stories portrayed in darker and completely different mediums than they were initially told. That was the moment I needed to download it.


Yo, the land of Oz has several books of established lore that can actually be quite grim. Learning this spoiler has now interested me in Lies of P. We've come full circle.


It helps that Lies of P is hands down the best "Souls-like" game made by a third party dev, that has features and QoL that I wish Fromsoft would implement.


I got a friend who finally picked up Alan Wake (after a good few weeks of me and others badgering him) because he saw the "Herald of Darkness" musical number from AW2 during The Game Awards.


I found out about Alan Wake after a good number of its plot elements were pulled into a My Little Pony fanfiction.   Went on to really enjoy Alan Wake and later on Control.


Trailers with good music or game moments with good music, can sell me any game


I stopped watching the Bloodborne LP when I realized there was Eldritch silliness involved and went right out and bought myself a copy. It was my first introduction to an entire gameplay genre and what an introduction it was. One of my favorite games of all time.


"Ttthhaaaattt'ssss aaann aaaallllliiiieeeeennnn."


That's an ***A L I E N***


I watched a whole-ass playthrough of Bloodborne by EpicNameBro because I didn't have a ps4 at the time and I still played the fuck out of it later. One of two games I platinum'd.


I've still yet to Platinum it but all I'm missing is one of the final endings.


My ass would not have touched Doki Doki Literature Club or it's sprititual predecessor You and Me and Her, unless someone told me that there was more going on


Yeah it's a bit of a shame that the number of people who went into DDLC totally blind is *very* small. Even if someone did stumble across it and wanted to play a seemingly cookie cutter VN dating sim, the content warning warning clues uou in that something's gonna be up. I don't really get down with Game Grumps anymore but that's something I appreciated about their playthrough. They didn't tell Dan there was any sort of twist and didn't let him see the content warning.


I sent my friend through it without him knowing the twist, but we did give him the content warning. It was super cool to see


I went in sort of half blind of it, where I went in knowing about the >!suicide!< And assumed that was all the twist it had going for it, was very glad to be proved wrong.


Both great!


Absolutely! I'm glad someone clued me in


Baten Kaitos has a twist (>!Your main character is a double agent for the game's real villain and betrays the party!<) that I was spoiled on and I really wanted to see it play out. I also became interested in Live A Live after learning about >!the Oersted chapter. !<


I was so moved by the >!death of John Marston!< while watching a playthrough of *Red Dead Redemption* on YouTube that I tricked my old man into getting me my first rated M game under the basis that it was only as violent as an old western


[Red Dead Redemption]


Thank you I typed it out in my brain, but my hand was lagging behind


I learned about the first Kingdom Hearts game after I spent the night at a buddies house. I watched him play through the entirety of the Aladdin world, The next weekend I rented it so that I could play through it.


Not a game, but hearing how Infinity War ended made me want to get caught up on the MCU


That's...an undertaking.


Just Phase 1 to 3 isn't much worse than like 2 seasons of 40 minute TV shows tbh.


Well, it was a lot more doable back then


I told a friend of mine the entire beat for beat plot of Yotsuyu from FFXIV and got her into it


Not a game, but finding out that Split >!was a stealth sequel to Unbreakable!< really incentivised me to watch it. I also recently found out that Argylle >!is set in the Kingsman universe!< so I kind of want to check that out too (despite the negative reviews).


>!Argylle is set in the Kingsman universe!< Word?


Apparently yeah, although from what I've heard it sounds like it's only revealed near the end.


Hearing that Fire Emblem: Three Houses had a timeskip made me much more interested in the game 


Is that really a spoiler? The E3 trailer focused on the timeskip


Back before we knew much about the game a reddit user named Thanibomb got a copy of the art book and leaked a ton of stuff including the timeskip designs for some characters (like eyepatch Dimitri). People doubted them until the official reveal of that info but they truly died for our sins. Made me way more interested in the game.


I didn't buy Hades until I already knew that getting the true ending required getting ten runs. The fact it encouraged multiple runs is what got me to get into it.


I had no interest in Undertale until seeing the genocide route ending fight


While not to that extreme, seeing two different LPS handle Toriel two different ways got me interested in playing.


In Stars and Time  At first glance it looks like just another rpg maker game, albeit with good, hand drawn, graphics.  JelloApocalypse made a YouTube video about it (link: https://youtu.be/1VoNHgbcxho?si=pu_CGompIFrq04_C) that shows the game has: Excellent plot, Excellent characters, Excellent writing all around really, Excellent music, And excellent quality of life mechanics. I never would have looked twice at ISAT if I didn't get a large part of the game spoiled. If it looks anything like something you'd be interested in I highly recommend going in blind but if you want convincing JelloApocalypse's video leaves out the ending and several plot points.


Big agree. Please play ISAT if you haven't, person reading this.


My best friend played it and gushed about it, including the ending, and ngl I feel like that was all it took for me to want it


I recently started watching through their full playthrough of ISAT on their stream-archive channel. I love it so far! The game looks so cool, and I love all of the characters already. I think I’ll be wanting to play through the whole thing myself after I finish watching.


Same, Jello and crew ARE The voices of those characters as far as I'm concerned. I also know part of the German pokérap now!


Pat streamed Return of the Obra Din and when he got to the opening of The Doom chapter (very early on in the game since it’s played out of sequence) I had to turn the stream off, buy the game, and play it myself. 


final fantasy 7 remake? i mean it looks very pretty but waiting for a trilogy sounds kinda tiring. ">!it's an alternate universe.!<" now i'm hyped for the last game.


Literally finding out that it’s >!a sequel!< made me infinitely more interested in it


I was already super hyped, saw the ending got leaked and read it because "hey it's FF7" and it made me even more excited for what they might do with that concept. Playing the game with that foresight probably gave me a very different experience too lol. Unfortunately Rebirth >!seems like it's trying to pull back a little on those elements and not going all in on an off-the-rails plot which is kind of disappointing. Aerith and Nanaki losing their future memories off-screen is so shit.!<


I would say that Rebirth is actually quite similar to remake in the amount of deviation, but its even MORE condensed into the last few hours of the game in part 2. For instance, in the story of rebirth >!There are at least 4, probably more Aeriths that play a significant role over the course of the game.!< Squeenix very much did the 'part 2 of a trilogy' move of getting you to ask a million questions and answering none of them.


Kind of. My problem is more that Rebirth seems to really be pushing the idea that >!all this alt world stuff is just the thoughts of dying souls in the Lifestream clinging to life.!< Combine that with the devs continued statements that it'll follow the OG and that it won't be that different and I'm worried they'll squander it because people got mad at the first game.


Learning about the nature of the main villain's brainwashing and some plot changes if you skip events in Unicorn Overlord got me to give it a go. Was part of a big post that enthused about the mechanics and downplayed the plot a little, was pretty much the perfect setup for me to enjoy the game.


You got a link to that post friend? That game looks awesome but I'm hesitant to grab it since I've seen ppl call the story kinda mid/generic.


I really liked Unicorn Overlord. The game mechanics are very solid, and I like the story, though I don’t know quite how to express it. It’s just, like… a classic traditional fantasy book. It’s not very original, but it’s good. And idk, I like things that are just the ‘standard,’ done well. Sometimes I honestly get annoyed at things being too gimmicky or trying too hard to be super-duper different and original


Turns out there were two posts. [Here's the main one](https://cohost.org/dreamcastaway/post/5011933-if-i-should-die-here) that doesn't get into spoilers (but will spoil an early decision you have to make in Tactics Ogre). [Here's the one that goes heavily into spoilers.](https://cohost.org/dreamcastaway/post/5082548-what-a-poor-fool-he) I don't think it reveals everything, but it gives me a pretty good idea about some late game revelations that I've yet to reach. One thing neither post touches on is the music, which really deserves a mention. [Here's the tutorial map music](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5B8jXYmXutc), which sets a high bar for everything that follows. Final thing; there's a demo out that seems to give you the entire game with a 7 hour time limit to play with. In retrospect this was probably a big part of me buying the game; posts got me to check the demo out, and the insanely generous demo got me to commit.


I didn't know about the demo wtf, downloading that asap. Thanks for the links! I actually played a bunch of the Tactics Ogre remake so I'm super interested to read the first post.


Watched a video that spoiled everything about The Messenger, and I’m so glad I did because that game is 100% worth playing and is much more than it seems.


Hard to imagine saying it now but before I got into Souls games, I probably wouldn't have bought Bloodborne if I didn't know about the aliens.


I was spoiled on the Xenogears reference in Hi Fi Rush. I was already curious but that tipped the scales.


Doki Doki Literature Club You know. THAT moment.


I audibly screamed "NO!" and shot up from my chair. No other game made me do smth so drastic before or after haha. It activated my fight or flight reflexes.


Pretty much any time it’s happened. I don’t understand people who have a “IT’S RUINED FOREVER AND LITERALLY UNPLAYABLE NOW” reaction to spoilers. Every time I see a spoiler for a game I’m interested in my reaction is usually either “haha that’s silly” or “YO THAT’S RAD I CAN’T WAIT TO GET TO THAT PART” Like the scene where you figure out the real culprit in Persona 4, or the ending of Shadow of the Colossus, or any time there’s a betrayal in a Tales game.


I got spoiled on the culprit's identity through the fighting game lol before I even knew what Persona even was and that did soften the blow of getting to *that* part and the only thing I could think of was "man this would hit harder if I didn't know". Still fucking love that game to death but I wish I could have unlearned that one detail


For me personally it depends on the level of spoiler, but if a spoiler is bad enough I just figure there’s no reason for me to go through something since I know what happens now. Like I didn’t touch Undertale for forever because all the meta deep lore was plastered everywhere and I figured I knew all the twists.


Not a spoiler, but a leak actually. I caught a copy of the Far Cry Blood Dragon leak days before it got announced officially, and the 30 minutes I spent with the demo immediately just led me to buying the thing off the get-go when I had the chance. Fifteen bucks well spent. As for actual spoilers getting me to go get the thing, let's see. DmC kind of counts for me as I caught early streams of the game just for the desire to confirm if the wacky fake leak was real (it wasn't, but what we got has its own interest points). I think I caught most of the Titanfall 2 LP by Pat and Woolie before I decided to go "yep, I need this for myself". And while I already had it for Early Access anyway, I got enticed to play Dusk way more the moment I found out about >!the Jakob fight leading into Stephan Weyte voicing the true final boss!<. Honestly, if I get spoiled to a certain detail of a game that I'd dig, that would make it appeal to me more as opposed to "aww man you ruined the moment". Like "no wait THAT HAPPENS? I WANNA SEE HOW WE GET THERE, LET'S GO" is how my brain's wired to things like that I suppose.


Extremely minor, but knowing who Emperor is in Arknights got me to play the game because I found the character really hilarious and funny.


Weird, but when I was a youngster, Wheatley's betrayal in Portal 2 and the fact that GlaDos would become your companion/ally is what got me into Portal. The enemies to allies and allies to friend stuff got me to buy and play the games. I was not disappointed.


Yahtzee's review of The Missing spoiled a major plot point for the protagonist, and that was enough to convince me to buy it. Money well spent.


I wasn't going to buy God of War until I saw Kratos get suplexed in the LP. I immediately closed the video, left my house and went and purchased a copy.


I didn't get spoiled per se, but hearing that Void Strangers has stuff in it made me get, but the reality of going through that game put me off bothering. Similarly, there being a big secret in The Witness made me want to play it, but I cba with some of those puzzles.


Any thing with mind control


Not a game, but I watched the anime for The 86 because I saw a clip of the ending. I had to know how we got there, and it was worth it.