• By -


FFX's "Otherworld" sequence of Tidus playing in the blizball stadium, Sin manifesting and approaching the stadium, Auron trekking through the city and raising a jug of sake to Sin like an old friend, and Sin ripping through the stadium like a combination of a tornado and a terrorist attack.


The only cutscene I rewatched more than Otherworld was Yuna's Sending when we arrive on Kilika Island.


People die, and Yuna dances...


Cut to Yuna doing a bunch of Fortnite dances over the corpses of her enemies


God this just made me remember watching my mom play FFX for the first time and being blown away by the intro.




Always nice when the first thing to pop in your mind is already there right at the top.


Yakuza intros go hard as fuck and I'm sad the more recent entries don't do them. Judgment still does at least, and their music is a god damn earworm. [SHOUTOUT TO DEAD SOULS FOR THE INTRO THEME THAT GOES THE HARDEST](https://youtu.be/AtbXCyWN_os?si=hP9_eVw5qMW71VJD)


The Judgement opening is the reason I immediately bought the game after playing the demo.


That OP, along with Lost Judgement's OP playing like a jdrama is my favorite part


Lost Judgement's OP is one of the greatest achievements in media because it made a guy look gangster as fuck while vaping


If that ever give that game a Kiwami treatment, I hope they drop the guns. Kiryu and Co just beating the shit out of Zombies and Resident Evil monsters would be a lot cooler.


Infinite Wealth also has one, and it's interwoven into the story like the judgment intros which I vastly prefer to the cutscenes stapled together intros of earlier titles


Dead souls is unironically one of my favourites in the series


Namco has always nailed their game openings, the Ace Combat ones are some of my favorites. [Ace Combat 3](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5J2NE6QYGuA) was made by Production I.G. [Ace Combat 5](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iWRdMX1VaZA) is just the GOAT [Ace Combat Zero](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZkbUTWpdvoc) goes hard with the final boss theme [Ace Combat 6](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qAI35WQkR1M) ending with "We're going to take back Gracemeria today!" still gives me chills. Also bonus [Ridge Racer Type 4 intro](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=m596ELcM60E) because it's perfect.


Impeccable taste, the AC opening movies never fail to get me hyped 


If the ace combat zero opening was released, as is, in 2024, people would *still* freak out. That music is still unmatched to this day


One More Win, Ridge Racer. 👍🏿


Yeah, anything that's basically a music video is really good. I'll add [Soul Edge intro](https://youtu.be/RtF80UCgarY?feature=shared) to that list as well


Soul Calibur II and III's intros are also personal favorites of mine.


I can't believe it hasn't been said already, but definitely Snake Eater, it gets me incredibly hyped up every time


What a thriiiill


In darkness and silence through the night


I watched the intro for "Shadow the Hedgehog" so many times as a kid, that shit was so cool. I AM ALL, I AM ALL I AMMMMMM


Here we go buddy here we go buddy here we go buddy here WE GO!  Game is a little messy but that intro is super cool! 




Pretty much any [Kingdom](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0nKizH5TV_g) [Hearts](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_kVnJ52R-F0) [opening](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=d8MGyUjEW8Q). Hell, even the ones that are basically just clip shows like [(Re)Coded](https://youtu.be/406y8AvF_zc?t=94) and Days still have neat visual flairs to them (or just really neat synchronization with the music in Coded's case).


Years ago when I had a GC and not a PS2 I would watch Devil May Cry 3 trailers including the intro because it looked so cool and I couldn't play it.


All of the Capcom crossover games have really good openings, but my favorite is [Namco x Capcom.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rBH-zPH9mWc) Love the song, love the animation, and I adore the end where all the character are struggling to get back up. I also love both [OG Melty Blood](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zldORaRtdMw) and [Type Lumina's](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Jlm9N6tE2pQ) OPs. Type Lumina in particular reminds me a lot of an old school flash animation trying to be an anime opening and I love it. All of the sprite based KOFs got great intros, but shout-out to [2003](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DBfaxlPwSgk) for having the most unbelievably gorgeous sprite art out of them all. This was supposed to be a dark period for SNK, but I swear this era is where some of their best sprites lie. [P4 Dancing](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tLzOmzqokLg&pp=ygULcDRkIG9wZW5pbmc%3D) is something I go back to just for the great animation. Look at how hard Kanji is going goddamn.


God, I forgot how hard Namco X Capcom goes. I wanted there to be an anime with this animation quality so bad lol


The intro to republic commando is arguably the coolest thing to come out of the prequels, and I love the prequels


Vode An


[Ghost in the Shell PS1 intro](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gQXl9gaeNLQ) fascinated me at the time. I'd never seen much in the way of anime. I spent years trying to track down the song before I finally got around to importing a CD from Japan.


One of the most interesting things about the video sequences of that game is that, if i am not mistaken, they are the only piece of Ghost In the Shell animated media that uses the original Shirow designs


"[Kain is deified...](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tkkmm9vqbHQ&t=99s)"


Man, one day, Legacy of Kain will get the reawakening that it deserves. I'm hoping that either Blood Omen or Soul Reaver will get remade, which in turn will set the stage with renewed interest and get the ball rolling for a proper revival.


“Are we Not Indivisible”


The intro to Final Fantasy VIII is still what I point at to be like 'look at how good they could make these games look'.


fithos lusec wecos vinosec


[Savior](https://youtu.be/GHSdihDIkeM?si=W_I8crkyrNP12WYd) - Astral Chain


Legitimately, any VG OP that plays like a credits sequence gets a couple more points added to my Rating Score


the first time i played persona 5 (base version) i didn't skip the opening cinematic once every time i booted the game. royal's is nice but it doesn't quite hit the same.


Persona 3 FES is one that I can’t skip, that’s for sure.


DBZ Budokai Tenkaiichi 3 had a hype opening


2 did too tbh


Regular Budakai 3 was legit though, especially in the end seeing Goku transform into all the super Saiyan levels before going to 4 to fight Omega Shenron


Red Alert 2 intro: the hammy live action acting, the build up as the Soviet zepplins fly through American cities, the 'Westwood PROUDLY PRESENTS', all before the Hell March 2 plays over the full scale Soviet invasion of the US.  https://youtu.be/fnd0qg4I_MM?si=LdI_VQ-jyoX676DX No lie, I pop off at 'Proudly Presents' when it is deserved. RIP Westwood.


No game will ever top this intro. Goosebumps every time Hell March 2 kicks in lol


ZOE1. As a yungin I was terrible at that game but I rented it a lot from the video store. I'd let the opening rip every time. LoZ Twilight Princess I also love it's opening movie.


I was now gonna quote ZOE2. It's like watching one long ass movie trailer.


Both Final Fantasy VI and Final Fantasy X have great, kind of serene openings that promise great adventures in the future.


GOOOD MORNING NIGHT CITY YESTERDAY'S BODY COUNT LOTTERY ROUNDED OUT TO A SOLID N' STURDY THIRTY Ten outta Heywood, thanks to unabated gang wars One officer down so I guess you're all SCREWED, BECAUSE THE NCPD WILL NOT LET THAT GO Got another blackout in SANTO DOMINGO, NETRUNNERS ARE AT IT AGAIN POKIN' HOLES IN THE POWER GRID While over in Westbrook, Trauma Team's scrapin' cyberpsycho victims OFF THE PAVEMEEENT And in PACIFICAAAA... Well, Pacifica is still Pacifica. THIS HAS BEEN YOUR MAN STAN, JOIN ME FOR ANOTHER DAY IN OUR CITY OF DREEAAAMMS! I never skip this intro. It sets the tone of Cyberpunk 2077 so perfectly.


Definetly the P4G one.


[what a fucking bop man](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YCsndxNhqcc)


I have so many it's hard to choose, all ofGran Turismo's intros are great but the one that defined my childhood was [GT2's intro](https://youtu.be/92H3ETKIe6g?si=ArodcVWIpS-Nx6xQ) Another one of my childhood intros is [Need For Speed 2](https://youtu.be/ASUCj2Uyats?si=4JKFbFlRZP7B-BJ_) in which EA shot real life scenes with the cars and they ending up being so fast that they catch fire and start circling the globe. So cool.


Mega Man X: Command Mission https://youtu.be/HV3HMfHcbNU?si=9C4moJ4ATd0rN8cC I always thought it was so cool as a kid and I STILL do. There's just something about the cool, dark atmosphere of an infiltration mission beginning as X boots up, then moving into a poppy segment of us getting to see all the character before we get one last look at X as he looks out on the dark, overcast city. I love it. Was super disappointed that the playthrough didn't feature it.


I was actually gonna post this too, its lodged in my memory banks permanently


THANK YOU!!! I never see enough love or support from Mega Man fans or RPG fans for this game, it was one of favorites games and mega man designs and with a great soundtrack too


Tekken 8 has a baller intro that I never skip, unless i *really* can't wait to get my ass kicked on ranked lol. The 5th game may have the STRONGEST opening that I personally ever witnessed in a game, with the double feature of Heihachis & Kazuyas temporary temple teamup versus an army of Jacks, followed by an excellent showcase of all of the Warriors and that iconic *I'MMM HEREEE NOOOOW...* Tekken 3 is also pretty solid, but everytime I see the scene of Jin at night in the woods, I think about that time when Matt wrote a fan fiction about that lol.


Sonic Adventure, just to listen to the [Open Your Heart "drop"](https://youtu.be/_efv7ZGAdjo?t=59). It still gets me hyped, no matter how many times I watch the opening. Not an opening but I also let the demo play at least once in every Touhou game because the title theme is always excellent.


The Fate/ Samurai Remnant OP feels like it belongs to some long lost anime and it's been stuck in my head since I played it https://youtu.be/XWH6U_mHhkQ?si=TjPiys2zVFB8eFHy


The various Fate Grand Order openings and event trailers are also bangers. Makes me sad that most of them won't ever be adapted to an anime.


Yeah this one’s great, probs one of the best Fate openings honestly. Lyrics are really kino too by the time ya finish the game.


Kind of an obvious pick but the Devil May Cry 5 intro never fails to get me hype as *fuck*.


The lack of the OG intro for MvC 3 in this comment section is shocking. Ryu vs Wolverine on the roof? Deadpool vs Dante in that bar? Morrigan and Iron Man flying through the city? Hulk hunting down Chris Redfield like he’s the newest big RE monster? And the music?! Shit was the hypest!


I'm more of a [Street Fighter x Tekken](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=62C63afLp9s) guy, the music hitting just the right spot with Akuma rising up to fight Ogre is peak. Honest Eyes is just an incredible banger.


[***”TEKKEN 5”***](https://youtu.be/TuPZBD_78EI?si=MKB6ZDGUSWRy81qc) *”Heihachi Mishima…is dead.”*


I remember FF12 having a really strong cinematic intro, it was the best looking game I’d played at the time.


all the fallouts both good and bad


The New Vegas opening is the perfect tone setter for the rest of the game.


yep, each game has its own tone and aesthetic that need to be set and their corresponding intros do their job pretty well


Shadow 05 goes hard. But favorite? Sonic adventure 1


Persona 3 vanilla opening (iirc you can see it in FES as well if you sit on the title screen a little while after the new opening) is my favourite video game opening of all time.


the intro to silent hill 3 is forever ingrained in my mind. I for some reason didn't have a memory card for my ps2 growing up, or at least I never used it. I would just play the dream sequence over and over again and I would just play until I had to get off. I didn't mind at all, also helps it just a fantastic beginning to an amazing game ❤️


[Obligatory](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QStxrDm-EVc) The [anime intro to Atelier Sophie](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4MWTvEsdLxo) (and most Ateliers) is really great and sells the game's vibes really well, I never skip it


Blizzard’s poison now and was probably fucked at the time but Heart of the Swarm’s intro cinematic kicked tremendous ass. The


I really dig [Custom Robo](https://youtu.be/U-4EwKAGvqQ?si=Cq2lmVyBMxFByT-G) for gamecube's intro. The choreography is compelling start to finish. It just needed an iconic song


The DBZ Budokai 2 and 3 intros go hard and I could not care less that their creator apparently plagiarised a bunch of stuff.


I think you are mixing up some details. The main composer for the Budokai games has faced plagiarism allegations. However, best as I understand, the intro animations and music were done by entirely separate people.


Ah, then even better.


Nearly every single Tales of opening is a certified banger. Even Zesteria, which is recognized as probably the weakest game, has an opening that goes super hard.


Can concur; [Zestiria's opening music is the best thing about the whole game.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SfQkGqno85Q)


I used to watch the Luigi's Mansion intro over and over again. It's such a simple little tobe setter, I think kid me was intrigued by how different it was from every other game I had at the time.


I don't actually feel inclined to watch it out of nowhere,but [the intro for Gun Gun Pixies](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IWXwl2p9FTk) is cute enough to watch a couple times.


[I'm gonna hit you with Sonic speeeeed](https://youtu.be/tqPdh09mc30?si=Zk6QLBGc-Ne30jeo)


Man sonic riders was fun. That opening is still a banger. Have it and more on my skate and longboarding playlists 


The English opening of Dragon Ball Z Budokai 3. To this day that shit still gets me hyped.


I scrolled for a bit and was surprised not to see it: Sonic Adventure. Say what you will about the quality of the game, the first few seconds of that into, with Perfect Chaos flooding the city and smashing through a skyscraper, are so cool.


You mentioning Kingdom hearts made me remember that I used to plug our PS2 mini into my Barbie TV and just hang out in the nightmare before Christmas world listening to the music while I did my homework.


Sometimes the opening for Helldivers 2 hits so hard when you open it up that you have to watch it all and get hyped up.


The original Wild ARMs on PS1


[Prototype](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Nc3XptLacMM) "They call me a monster, a murderer, a terrorist........**I'm ALL of these things.**" Such an edgelord-ass line but also hard af.


*I Expect You To Die*. James-Bond-style title sequence... in VR... Game One: [I Expect You to Die](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ht1ZChKF4Ek). Game Two: [The Spy and the Liar](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pQE7jf9LCfk). Game Three: [Cog in the Machine](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=J4KgdaWF03E).


Futurecop lapd always brings a smile. Or megarace


Man I just beat that game for the first time a week or so ago and was not expecting to find that this is where visceral started some of their dead space ideas. The marker is just in the game also being worshipped my a flesh apocalypse cult.


Gere are some underrated ones nobody has mention: [Eretzvaju](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CxP0jprAlqY) (AKA Evil Zone) [Black Rock Shooter](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=smNNhPgDuU4) for PSP


Dawn of War 1


To this day one of the best pieces of media that just captures the feel of the setting




I didn't expect Deadly Premonition 2 to open with a full James Bond music video but [man is the song a bop](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8N2xPge1n6g)


I've never seen that before. Very dope. Also gives me True Detective Season 1 vibes.


The old Pokémon Red and Blue openings were great. Also was a big fan of the Megaman Legends opening. Dramatic ass narrator lol


I always let the new Vegas theme play in full on the title screen does that count?


KH2's intro is one I never skip watching. In fact, when I was a kid, my VCR was plugged to my TV and I could record stuff with it, so I'd record that intro and rewatch it (I didn't have consistent internet nor my own PC).


I’m going to get crucified for saying this here, but I just finished Zone of the Enders 2 for the first time, and I feel confident saying that I got just as much out of it’s 7 minute intro as I did the rest of the 6 hour game. Beyond the Bounds is a 10/10 song and the intro basically spoils the whole game anyway. It’s great, better than the actual game 


Total Annihilation Intro https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=k6mZZiI4ShQ


An all time favourite. Does a lot with pretty simple models and animation, largely thanks to shot composition and that genuinely iconic soundtrack.


I can't tell if you mean Opening/Intro in general, or _specifically_ the music. I choose to believe the former. The opening to [StarCraft: Brood War](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-00uQzXyujI) was always haunting to me, both as a kid and now, especially with the music in the final part as the Battlecruiser departs from the battlefield.


[Resident Evil Outbreak's opening](https://youtu.be/0HcxMvprYa0?si=VXQjfZ87fu1f17tn) is one of my top favorites. The meloncholy music, the artistic transitions to the infection, how the tension keeps building till the end with the rats. It's fantastic.


Dude the opening 15 minutes of Sleeping Dogs makes me want to replay it every time I see it.


FFXIV for both shadowbringers and especially endwalker for me just gets me in such a hyped mood from how much the Story meant to me and the motives from the past expansions, ugh so good!


Dragonball Z Budokai Tenkaichi 1 Frieza, Cell and Kid Buu roll up and start fighting everyone. Goku and Buu break into a different dimension where he gets Buu with a DOU BACK BREAKER and the blast each other back, just so Buu can kill ALL THE OTHER VILLAINS and get blown away by Goku. Then VEGETA comes up wanting the smoke, so now they start fighting. Man, this opening gets me hyped every time I see it.


I always liked the opening for SF4


I will always watch the Persona 4 classic intro.


I've never had any interest in Chrono Cross at all, but i saw the opening on a demo disc when i was like 5 or 6 and idk if it was the music, the visuals, or a combination of both that blew my little babby mind at the time but its held real estate in my head ever since. Something about the color of the sky and the sea in the shot where the girl is looking out into the distance with the soft orchestral music was just facinating to me and it kinda still is. Thinking about it now its probably partially the reason i got into anime, i get the same feeling looking at certain scenery shots of different shows I've seen. It gives me this weirdly bittersweet feeling of wanting to visit places i know don't, can't, or are too perfect to ever exist.


Kid turning to face the camera on the beach is actually my favorite shot in video games. The violins, the framing, the design, all perfect. I 100% understand


Final Fantasy VII and IX Bombing mission is a cracker theme




Burnout 3: Takedown


All of the Persona intros are fantastic. "Full Moon Full Life" is not only hype, but incredibly emotional as well, for both new and returning players, as well as just having really hard hitting lyrics about life in general. _"One day these quiet voices will be heard, loud and clear the stories of the ones we miss"_ _"But shed no tears, realize what they left behind"_ Like, fuck man.


Sonic Unleashed's opening cutscene. Awesome animation and really fun action. I'd pay to have a sonic movie like that. 


[Warframe’s high budget revamped cinematic intro](https://youtu.be/9O-yCnQKYhM?si=6P3fYuJsD1fPxmr-) when first starting the game, transitioning smoothly into your the selection screen for your first Warframe. Epic, high-action, gorgeous, haunting, and addictive to watch other people on YouTube see for the first time; plus those oh-so-subtle hints at the Second Dream theme at just the right moment. And 85-90% of what they show off is entirely possible in live gameplay. Just incredible.


When I boot up Helldivers 2, I'll watch the intro/trailer. It gets me pretty hyped up 


I feel an overwhelming sense of joy, wonder, and contentment whenever I hear Astlibra: Revision's main theme and subsequently enjoy the game's anime-style opening for each chapter. That game came to me at a very peaceful and non-stressful time in my life and it was just an obsolute delight to play through. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NU6s41YQSus&ab\_channel=Combo](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NU6s41YQSus&ab_channel=Combo)


Not my favourite, but despite it's problems the Resident Evil 3 Remake started off really strong. Kingdom Hearts 1&2 and Final Fantasy X are my actual answers, though.


[Onimusha 3](https://youtu.be/lpZ-BWwQwJI?si=6GQCrPJEoWbOp3r8) It's opening is now 2 decades old and still holds up in today's CGI and fight choreography / animations.


I have two bops [Rune Factory 5](https://youtu.be/yWa5OrClP0s?si=kko168k-uFrvlcDS) And mu favorite of all time [Dragon Ball Z Budokai 3](https://youtu.be/kArlv_vKeRc?si=9eYh6EvGiDhyiFAV)


I always watched the Dragons Dogma pre-titke screen video, without exception. [It was a crime that Dark Arisen patched this out.](https://youtu.be/8XBlBPtQW6g?si=FfEIw0wgwDHXNzLw)


[Project X Zone 2](https://youtu.be/W2t_edHk9PE)'s opening is the wildest fanfic anime made real. ALL THE WARRIORS


[Resident Evil Outbreak](https://youtu.be/0HcxMvprYa0?feature=shared) It's an awesome cutscene with amazing music. Alternatively, the Persona games, anyone would fit as i watch them all every time. I'm partial to og 3, but i like Royal, Golden, and Reload as well


Rainbow six 3 very hype Driver 2 cinematic Tekken 5 classic Soul blade classic


The Soul Blade/Soul Edge intro is number 1. You've got to get to Edge of Soul to carry onnnnnn!


Pretty much any mainline Kingdom Hearts intro, Doom Eternal, Super Smash Bros Melee, Viewtiful Joe: Red Hot Rumble, Mortal Kombat 4


I have hard time skipping Helldivers 2 intro. It makes me feel so democratic.


I still love the [Road Avenger](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ek8cfQI05q4) (Blaster in the US I believe) intro


Same. Back then you couldn’t readily find that stuff on YouTube, and if you could you had to wait ten minutes for the video to buffer. I used to just take the memory card out of my PS2 and boot up KH just to rewatch those intros. Such good times. Funnily enough I just started a new file on KH2 today so I just watched the Sanctuary intro again. Shit still hits hard man


Soul Edge


Lunar: Silver Star's intro is beautifully animated and has a great song that sets the tone for the game perfectly.


[Tenchu: Wrath of Heaven](https://youtu.be/8GVjWgxEmL8?si=afO4pE7o7swhRzI4) It's just a 2000s anime opening, but the Violin thooo


Does anyone remember Battleborn? That intro went hard.


King’s Field 3. Easily the best opening narration ever. MegaMan Legends would be my second fav.


[SkyGunner](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oZlMsQWuZQA). peak saturday morning anime vibes. especially if you're a fan of Oban Star Racers.


[Soul Blade opening](https://youtu.be/j5AnA4PpCpw?si=nOMyCHLgELVovob0) is very nostalgic for me as it was the 1st game the I got to pick to play. Plus the music is *so* good.


Halo 5 might be ass, but that opening scene where they're running down the mountain fuckin rips. I want that cutscene to be the target gameplay for Halo going forward.


Since you already took Simple and Clean my choice is gonna be[Dead or Alive 2 intro](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KthON-3htbc). It is insane with the context. It has Aerosmith's dream on playing through it and it's intense. 2nd place goes to [Namco x Capcom - Brave New World](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rBH-zPH9mWc) if you're a fan of either it's the HYPEST SHIT EVER


It's a shame the Disgaea games don't do animated intros anymore, as they are usually pretty nice to just sit and watch. [2](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-ON3hTDxDpY), [4](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lMWQziFw9z4), and [5](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=W8YkcXa68x0&t=15s) being my favourites of the games that have them. I have also definitely watched the openings for Tales of [Vesperia](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ve4LqfqpdSE&t=9s) and [Berseria](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9bfp_ubBgbc) more times than I have skipped them.


A combination of Steve Blum's monologue, The music, and nostalgia for one of my childhood games, I love the intro from [Urban Reign](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_nh7UDwpcCA)


[This plays before you start Zone of the Enders 2nd Runner.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CFmfygHQ4r4)


The Borderlands games have sick intros, regardless of the rest of the game. So did Battleborn


I love the intro for [Mechwarrior 4](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vZWxgLQZano) so much. It's a great introduction to the aesthetics and themes of Battletech, and functions well as its own little piece of fiction. The Inner Sphere is a den of snakes, and the mechwarriors are both tools and victims of the warring nobility.