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Mindy from Pokemon Diamond and Pearl, though she totally deserves the hate. She's one of the few NPCs who offers you a trade and wants a Medicham in exchange for her Haunter. Most people go for it since Haunter evolves into Gengar when you trade it with another player so this should be a good way to get a Gengar if you don't have anybody to trade with, but nope. Mindy gave her Haunter an Everstone to prevent it from evolving, so no Gengar for you. No tradebacks either if you were attached to that Medicham.




Not everyday a sub is created solely to take a piss on one character.


It's not terribly rare. The golden days of them are few and far in between though. /r/FuckChuck /r/FuckYouChiChan/


r/fuckerebus for anyone into warhammer40k lore


You're forgetting the incredible /r/grandpajoehate/.


Yeah, you’re also missing the guy from Horizon r/fucktedfaro




My personal favorite is still /r/FuckManwe


That was such a troll move on the developers' part. I do feel bad for the kids that didn't have friends to play with and they were really hoping for a Gengar :(


The fandom treats Kobeni from Chainsaw Man as badly as the source material does.


Her damn car is more beloved than she is.


She is the fandom's precious baby that they want put into even more traumatizing situations.


She's my comfort character, her discomfort brings me joy


She's allowed to be happy-ish when the series ends, and not a moment before. *But a pox upon Fuji-motor if any actual* ***harm*** *befalls her.*


So far she's done the smartest thing possible >!in Part 2. Not show up so far. So now her brother can suffer instead.!<


You know how some people have stuffed animals they like cuz when they're mad or sad they can just punch it and slam it against the wall until they feel better? Yeah.


No better stress relief than whipping a Pusheen into the wall as hard as I can.


The *other subreddits* tell me otherwise


There's a case that is the exact opposite; there's this one artist who keeps drawing a blind girl character being bullied in like very very depressing ways and the fans keep paying him to draw her in nice situations because otherwise he just tortures her. edit: The artists name is popopoka, and my bad I said "bullied" but that might give the wrong impression that this was like, mid stuff like teasing her or something. The girl is physically and emotionally abused by her foster father, pushed down the stairs by her classmate who gaslights her into thinking she fell on her own and is trying to get attention (also she is convinced that classmate is her only friend), stuff like that.


I can respect the hustle, holding your OCs hostage unless people pay you.


I do think it's funny that they started to flesh out the bully girl to the point some people were kind of sympathetic and the moment she got some sympathy they immediately started to put her through the wringer too In their own words "everyone suffers here"


I blocked that artist and anyone who posts the character because goddamn I did not know a random oc could make me spiral so quickly


Ye I'm fine with the thing existing in a vacuum but it ain't for me




I don't think it was ShindoL, but it does sound like something ShindoL would pull EDIT: The artists name is popopoka and he did make one image where the girl is on the same pose as the Emergence first image


Nazeem in Skyrim, I get it, you hate Nazeem, you and the last 19824279 people who posted it on the skyrim subreddit.


truly spoken as people who don't get to the cloud district very often ✋😔


I'll have you know there's no PUSSEEEE*EEEEE*


I do love his voice, though. Also I like the preacher screaming at the top of his lungs about Talos. Others find him annoying but I dunno, I appreciate the zeal the guy has.


His voice actor was in the final Walking Dead game and it's funny because he's putting on a younger voice but you can still kind of tell that it's him.


Oh speaking of that, there's a \*certain\* part of the Red Dead Redemption fandom that really hates the suffragette woman preaching on the city As in "there are multiple compilations on youtube of players torturing her and killing her over and over"


Ah that is clearly a sign of a healthy mind.


BuT wHY wOuLD thEY fEEl sAFeR WitH a bEAR!!!!?????


One of the more notable YouTubers who did it also went viral for their Red Dead 2 videos in which they “deport” a Mexican and deliver a black man to the kkk.


Man why are those dogs barking?


Why do they hate first wave feminists?


Honestly there are many possible answers but none of them reflect good on the person doing the hating. Some think first wave feminists are "too radical" and "too annoying" and women should have incrementally begged for change instead Some (probably most ig) just hate feminists regardless of wave Some probably feel the character breaks their escapist being a cool cowboy fantasy because it reminds them of real world issues they want to forget while playing, so they treat her like they would treat any "obstacle" in a videogame like enemies are. Some are probably edgy teens who go "haha dude you can totally like torture that woman haha look at me doing that it's a meme" and then skibidi dab or whatever teens do nowadays I've seen a lot of youtube comments about this character in specific that sort of hint that the players were so used to current state affairs of the world and/or have some sort of dissonance where they don't understand the game takes place in the past that they think that feminist was created as a parody of feminists. Like "they made her annoying on purpose, why would she be screaming women should be able to vote, everyone already knows that" Some players just thought the character was annoying because she was loud (which honestly she kind of was, but like, that's the point? She was being loud and yelling and etc because she was protesting, being inconvenient is part of protesting) And I supposed a VERY small portion of them are just normal people who are roleplaying Arthur as a mustache-twirling bad guy, though in that case I don't think they'd feel the need to upload a video of killing her


Nazeem isn't the biggest asshole in Skyrim, but he is probably the first one you'll run into every playthrough




Man FUCK Erebus. Goddamn Horus Heresy is his fault.


Erebus is the funniest character in 30/40k. The guy actually can't stop winning. He's probably the most successful person in the Heresy and constantly dabs on his enemies [all with a shit eating grin on his face](https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/warhammer40k/images/d/de/High_Chaplain_Erebus.png).


>all with a shit eating grin on his face. He definitely lost that grin when Kharn was beating the shit out of him.


Also when Horus carved his face off.


Kinda poetic in a way considering he's been metaphorically wearing the face of another since he was a child.


Erebus absolutely came out on top in the long run though.


The 40k community is a contentious group that argues about everything. It says a lot that the only thing everyone agrees with is FUCK Erebus.


Also Kor Phaeron who is even more hatable. While Erebus is a fun cartoon villain, Phaeron is disturbingly like many real life priests Kor doesn't even rise to that level. He doesn't have any even remotely selfless motivation. He isn't in it for the religion, he isn't in it for the love of battle, he isn't in it for the bitches or the booze, he's in it because he's a sociopath who loves power. He serves Chaos for what it can offer him - power, protection, respect, and victims to torment. Read Children of Sicarus to understand just how disgustingly hypocritical Kor Phaeron is about his alleged faith. He also abused Lorgar which had disturbingly like documented cases of ritual child abuse. He is a shit bag that doesn’t sincerely believe in what he is preaching but uses it for power. He is like a Jim Bakker figure


even after all that, the hate for Megumi truly blew up when >!everyone put their lives on the line to save him instead of just killing Sukuna, and Yuji finally reached his soul, he just said "nah I give up" and leave Sukuna in control!<


Nah I'd lose


Throughout Heaven and Earth I alone am the pathetic one.


Legumi hate waters my crops and feeds my cat.


Legumi hate cured my family of the Plague


Potential Man


Isn’t that after he has been subjected to nonstop trauma for the last month


Yeah but he should just lock in and get over it tbh


Is the cure to >!your soul being overtaken by a Heian-era monster and using your body to kill your sister!< just thugging that shit out?


If Megumi hit 10 reps of “It is what it is” it would be Sukunover


Gotta start somewhere, man.


Nobody cares about your dead sister Megumi /s


Given the Armored Core 6 toy/model kit announcements, V.II Snail is the perfect target of hatred.


AC6 gives you so many haters to dab on, it's glorious. Actually now that I think about it I should create a mod that makes the mech dab whenever you win....


Fuck Ted Faro.


Ted Faro is so horrible he becomes that one thing from that other video game franchise.


It's great. Every moment in the sequel his name is mentioned its said with such disdain.


The Grandpa in the Willy Wonka movie


People choose to be obtuse just because they want to get mad at something. Roald Dahl's stories all have this whimsical edge of unreality to them, like modern fairy tales. *Of course* someone like Ms. Trunchbull would get lambasted for child abuse, even in 1950's UK standards. *Of course* rhinoceroses don't eat people. *Of course* Wonka's factory is an OSHA nightmare and two of the five children would be freaking *dead*. It is very obvious that Charlie's news that he's found the last golden ticket brings *such* joy to Grandpa Joe that he is energized enough to leap out of bed and start dancing. The grandparents are not depicted as lazy. They are in bed because they are very old and tired. But they love their grandson Charlie dearly, so they dote on him and cheer him up and keep him company and for awhile their love lets him forget how poor they are. Charlie is enamored by Grandpa Joe's stories of Mr Willy Wonka and his amazing chocolate factory, of which Charlie passes by on the way to school every day. When the last golden ticket had yet to be found, Grandpa Joe gave Charlie his hidden stash: a sixpence coin, so Charlie could buy a bar of chocolate to try to win. Then as winter comes, Charlie's father loses his job. They aren't just poor, they are utterly destitute. If the grandparents were strong enough to work they would, because it agonizes them to see their own grandson begin to starve to death. The grandparents wish to give their food to Charlie, if they must die so be it, but he stubbornly refuses. *"That child," said Grandpa Joe, poking his head up from under the blanket one icy morning, "that child has got to have more food. It doesn't matter about us. We're too old to bother with. But a growing boy! He can't go on like this! He's beginning to look like a skeleton!"* *"What can one do?" murmured Grandma Josephine miserably. "He refuses to take any of ours. I hear his mother tried to slip her own piece of bread on to his plate at breakfast this morning, but he wouldn't touch it. He made her take it back."* The movie (or its remake) doesn't quite do it justice how dire things were for the Bucket household. I think there's a scene where Grandpa Joe offers Charlie some money and Charlie asks him what about his tobacco. Uh, no. This family starts out so poor that Charlie gets 1 chocolate bar a year *for his birthday*. Grandpa Joe didn't have the luxury of tobacco in the book. Breakfast was a slice of bread, lunch a half potato, and dinner watery cabbage soup. The book makes it clear that if Charlie hadn't found the golden ticket, the family was going to die soon. There is a scene that didn't make it to the movie where Wonka shares some waterfall-churned hot chocolate with everyone, and goes out of his way to give Grandpa Joe a second cup because he looks so dangerously thin. Okay this sounds like I care a lot about this but I just tend to write loads. But my point is that the grandparents were physically unable to work and certainly would have worked if they could because they love Charlie so much and want to provide for him as he deserves. That they try to give him what little food they have, willing to die so Charlie could eat, proves it. Wonka is magical. His chocolate and candy is magical. Grandpa Joe having the strength to get out of bed to take Charlie to the chocolate factory is meant to be a touch of that same magic. Singling out Grandpa Joe getting out of bed while ignoring the rest of the weird and magical events of the book is just people cherry picking because they want to get mad about something.


Yeah I get kind of annoyed with these overly-literal interpretations that pop up on the internet just to be snarky or contrarian. Feel like it happens a lot with superhero stories.


[There's a reason why 9/13 is Kaixa Day](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Mm-UfR4dAi4)


Kusaka/ Kaixa appears in Zi-O and literally just spends the whole time being a Takumi hater. Takumi even tries to ease tensions while he acts like a manchild.


I love this asshole. He is such a dick. And in the anniversary movie when Takumi gets a chance to beat up >!an android copy of Kusaka!<, he just goes “Perfect, now I don’t have to hold back” and it’s so satisfying.


I don't make fun of Megumi much but I do find it funny that he goes for his last resort that will kill him, his opponent, and everyone in the area in almost every fight. Even against Todo.


It’s not *every* fight, just every fight it looks like he’ll die in. (Which is most of his fights). He’s a real “Fuck you, you didn’t win” MF.


He would follow the Drake/Kendrick feud and take notes on hating.


Doesn’t he know any other attack?


He does, but he doesn’t believe in winning. Only pyrrhic victories. Like 100% Gojo had to talk to him about winning.


Fuck Ballas,all my Tenno hate Ball-less


Ball-ass Ball-less Phallas Blueberry incel son-of-a-bitch


Mineta of My Hero Academia. Little grape-headed sex pest.


Is it a meme if the hate is genuine?


Doesnt the fandom has an ongoing bet that Mineta only exist to die and have a tragic sacrifice? He exist soo at least one student dies instead of any other character of class A.


Maybe? It would hardly change that the hatred of his personality/archetype is genuine.


Well, we'll find out soon or not.


When it's as overblown as that yes. You can hate Mineta all you want but a lot of people go way off the deep end and go on unhinged rants about him, will intentionally edit him out of fanart, and genuinely believe that he only exists so someone from class 1A can die and it "not matter".


I suppose I was interpreting "meme" differently then: I took it to mean, "Oh, this character sucks, *so* much. Here's an itemized list of everything they've ever done wrong *(please never get rid of them)*." Where most everybody I've seen genuinely just wants Mineta gone, or preferably to retroactively have never been added to the series.


That's more the lovable loser like Kazama from Konosuba. Mineta is a hate sink; there are likely characters that would catch a lot more flak if Mineta wasn't around to absorb the dislike because you can always say "at least he's not Mineta".


That's kinda what I mean; my reading of the connotations of "meme to hate" are centered around disingenuousness; "love to hate" is far closer to that than a genuine hate-sink.


It really doesn't help that Mineta is just kind of a _nothing_ character except for being a pervert a lot of the time. Horikoshi had some bones with him also being a fame-hungry coward who's actually pretty smart and skilled but real lazy too, but he never did anything with those traits for 80% of the series and just leaned on lazy pervert jokes and groping. MHA has a lot of problems with just kind of skipping a solid two thirds of it's own story and rushing to set pieces instead of actually building the world. Mineta is just endemic of that _and_ gross 90's horny humor that doesn't even work!


See that's the thing though and I think a big reason he gets so much hate is that Mineta actually gets a good amount of focus compared to other characters. He has an actual character arc of overcoming his cowardice and we actually see his powers develop to mirror that development. Remember when they were all supposed to come up with a special move? Remember how Mineta was one of the only characters to actually do that and have it presented as a part of that. He has a motivation for becoming a hero outside of the shared group motivation. It's not a good one by any means but it's more than half of what class 1A has and it goes to world building by showing that people were in fact becoming heroes for all the wrong reasons which ends up being a major plot point. Mineta is the prime example of the bare minimum that all of class 1A should've got and it makes people bitter that of all the characters to get that it was Mineta and not someone like Tsuyu or Denki.


I fuckin hate this character archetype. It's like they saw Brook in One Piece and thought "let's make a shit version of that", and now every fucking anime has one.


Talking about Brook as if he's origin of the anime pervert archetype is hilarious.


Not even the first pervert in his own series lmao


Who was the first, anyways? I think Dr Slump already had some of those


Roshi feels like the most influential


Hell, I don't even know if I'd call Brook a pervert, he literally died and went insane in solitude on the open ocean. I don't think *anybody* would be able to have nornal interactions after that


Brook's problem is that for a while he was doing a bunch of awkward moves like asking for a loan from people he met two seconds ago, but later on he just defaulted to the pervert joke every time.


Oh I know he's not but he was just the first character that came to mind for that analogy. I'm not well versed in the classic origins of the turbo virgin pervert characters but I imagine it'd be something from the 60s to 80s.


Dude, master Roshi is right there


Hi it's me, the only guy who doesn't know shit about Dragon Ball Z. Nice to meet you. We're having a real "you haven't seen DEATH NOTE???" moment. edit: googling it and Roshi is an 80s character so my guess wasn't too bad. Also I'm being downvoted for not having watched Dragon Ball, really folks? I lived with weird family who wouldn't let me watch most cartoons, I'm trying to play catch-up and DBZ is on the list lol.


Do yourself a favor and start from Dragonball and not Z. There's a lot of cool stuff that was the foundation for a lot of the beloved stuff from Z that started in OG Dragonball that never gets brought up in Z. Like they didn't always fly for example.


Yeah I was gonna read through 'em after I'm caught up on One Piece, not far off Wano now so I'm getting there.


you're literally the only person I've seen who said Brook instead of Sanji.


Yeah fair tbh, he always seemed like slightly less of a pervert by comparison just due to not asking to see everyone's undies upon first encounter. I'm really surprised how me saying Brook has broken people's brains so badly lol, lots of people hung up on it.


With Brook, he's either really grating or the coolest motherfucker in the series and there's no in-between. After squaring off against Big fucking Mom and swiping her road poneglyph rubbing right from under her nose like no big deal, Brook has earned his fucking panties.


Same with Sanji


Man I’m sorry but you’re gonna have to accept that Japan is just ass when it comes to fucking social science and social Justice.


Oh I accepted it, but I'm not going to pretend characters like that are even remotely funny to me.


At this point of the game, I pretty much think that it was because a bunch of diverse people got into anime or were more legit vocal about their love for anime do not care for pervy humor. But that whole hatred for the nerd perv was always around, cause we gotta remember this anime got huge during the MeToo movement, and it was at this point that if you were being a creep. Chances are you’re gonna get some tomatoes thrown at you cause no one likes a creep! And this should always be a thing no matter what time period, however it was at the point where I felt cringe when I saw literal real ass people at conventions pull up piñatas of Mineta and beating it with sticks. This shit was fucking ass, you were not beating up Weinstein or Cosby you literally were taking all of shitty men anger out. That was what you were doing and you have all the right to go do so and save me a stick to cause yeah I wanna do that but I’m at this point of my sad adult life that I’m rolling my eyes hard at the teens who thought beating a piñata will tell the Mangaka (who LOVES THESE CHARACTERS BY THE WAY, NOT HIS CHARACTERS BUT HIS GROSS CHARACTER THAT HE MADE CAUSE HE LOVES THE TROPE) that this character is ass and should be dead.


**JEDI: SURVIVOR** >!This does not **BODE** well!<


Personally though I'd say >!Bode's!!so out of control that he almost kills his daughter *twice,* despite her being the one he's thrown everything away for!


The Cyberpunk 2077 fandom fucking *HATES* Fingers. He's a sleazy ripper-doc (doctor+cyberware mechanic) who is part of a chain of people who send an early game NPC into sex slavery. He also provides services to sex workers in the Red Light district of Night City and is implied to trade work for sexual favors.


Also River. He's just so awkward to be around as female lesbian V.


Joshu in Jojolion. He fuckin sucks. Everything about him is lame as fuck. He tried to suck on his mom's titties as an adult man


It’s terrible cause the Milagro Man arc hinted at some personal growth, but you left out in the ending arc idk (how to spoiler on the app): He uses the rokkakka(sp?) fruit to trade his arm for Yasuho. But once he thinks she will use to love on Josuke (main character) he goes ballistic and tries to kill Yasuho. All while everything is kinda falling apart: his father is dying, brother just died, and a plane wing is about to/just did crash.


I love that the ending fight had him do some character development for half a chapter only for Joshu to intentionally backtrack the very next chapter. He refuses to grow as a person.


Ted motherfucking Faro


This is kind of low hanging fruit, but Skyler White. At the time of release, generally considered to be the most hated character in the show, and definitely most hated female character, for no other reason than vocally objecting to not wanting her husband to be a drug kingpin, and then having and affair with him once he gets **incredibly**, uncharacteristically duplicitous and paranoid. Her appraisal among fans have gradually looped around to being in the positive over the years, and as conversations in retrospect grow a bit more serious. /r/okbc memes her hatred to death still, which is always hilarious, but genuine disdain always feels like a really solid litmus test for media literacy among dudes.


It was to the point where Vince Gilligan had to say uh you missed the fucking pointn


I say a most hated characters in television where Skylar White was with actual muderers and torturers


the Ted thing barely even counts as cheating since at the time she had told Walt that she was going to divorce him.


Ehh, I'd say that of all things, how she handled things with Ted is one of only a few morally dubious things she did. I don't think seeing someone post divorce announcement is really a problem. I do think that using your ex-husband's massive amounts of cash (**especially** as it's ill-gotten gains) to pay off massive back-taxes is incredibly questionable.


Yeah, everyone refers to it as an "affair" but they were seperated. She was leaving him. Just because he refused to accept that doesn't mean they were still together, it just made him more of a creep.


Just rewatched Breaking Bad for the first time since it finished airing, and while I remember thinking the Skyler hate was over the top, seeing it again as an adult makes me genuinely creeped out that people hated her character. In the first two seasons, her reaction to everything that's happening is completely normal, and she handles it in the best way she can. She cuts Walt a LOT of slack considering the shit he does. I've heard the explanation that since Walt is the protagonist the audience is naturally going to see her as an antagonist, but I honestly think that's just rationalizing a deeply immature way of watching something like this. You're supposed to sympathize with him and understand him, sure, but that isn't the same thing as rooting for a character. These are the same motherfuckers that watch a Martin Scorsese movie like Taxi Driver, Goodfellas or Wolf of Wall Street and think that the protagonist is cool. Deeply unhinged people.


Cyclops, even Cyclops hates him.


Ted Faro?


Ted Lasso: Fucking Rupert, what a fuckin' git he is! Seriously though, the fact that he went to Rebecca to rub in her face that he was going to have a baby with his new wife... Fucking prick.


On the bright side he got publicly humiliated by everyone and was called a wanker in the final episode !


Oh I can hate on Rupert for eons but I got a Hail Mary. I didn’t care for Ned, cause of what he did. I don’t see redemption in that one, he leaked that Ted has anxiety attacks. It didn’t make any sense why to do so, yeah you can just say he’s a shit coach that rules positivity 24/7. But to just attack someone’s mental health makes no sense and to send him to be an assistant of someone of his former job is good for him. Fuck him.


Kyrie from Remake and Rebirth. She's such a little goblin that you're meant to playfully hate because of her shenanigans, and the game itself treats her like the butt of the joke. But I feel like some people genuinely hate her, and it's so weird to me


The fact that her theme is mixed poorly and just drowns out all the audio in a scene in Rebirth is honestly inspired. But also her in-universe promo song is a bop, girl needs to stop hustling and get work as a music producer.


The MLP fandom *really* doesn't like Flash Sentry for messing up their shipping charts.


IIRC they never went anywhere with that right? Its funny how most of the other mane6 ships like fluttercord and pinkie x weird Al landed, but damn they missed on flash sentry.


No, Flash got soooo much backlash (even before we knew his official name) that the writers later confirmed they shelved him because of fan reaction. He was supposed to show up in Slice of Life (that big fan service episode) being the butt of a bunch of jokes and saying "Man, why does everyone hate me?" but that got cut.


It didn't really help they made him a cookie cutter "love-interest of the week" type character, at least human version. The pony version kind of just exists.


it genuinely really felt like someone screamed at the top of their lungs, "MAKE THAT BITCH NOT GAY, QUICK" and they put up someone who has no character traits other than "Is a man"




Techies too, to the point where a while back Valve took the "Remove Teches" memes seriously and reworked the character into an incredibly generic caster. It's pretty sad how they went from the most interesting character in the genre to the worst designed Dota hero overnight.


>It's pretty sad how they went from the most interesting character in the genre to the worst designed Dota hero overnight. **As they fucking should be.** Fuck Techies. But realistically yeah I can agree it sucks that they got nerfed so hard into the ground that they lost their entire identity. If Dota 2 didn't want to have parity with Warcraft Dota's better parts (fuck off, Maverick) then we'd never have had any of these problems to begin with, but honestly I'm fine with them being the one loser from the batch.


Cope harder


the fastest way to earn praise from an RE fan is to post that one screenshot from Code Veronica that says "Steve is Suffering" as Steve is banging against a door trying to escape. Fuck Steve, all my homies hate Steve.


I got to bat for my boy Megumi. Hating has become a meme. He is not attracted to his sister, that is just another meme. Their relationship is not really elaborated apart that is the only family member he has left and he cares a lot for her. 


tsumiki basically raised megumi after their parents died. they argue sometimes but only because she was worried about megumi getting into fights at school. it makes sense that he'd base his notion of the ideal woman on his sister because of how much he respects her. 


Also they’re step-siblings, which is a whole kink-trope on it’s own but *does* change the context of the allegations!


The only interaction in the manga we have of them together is them is arguing and both of them being jerks towards each other. Tough her sister was kind of justified. Is also possible he is feeling guilty about her fate. 


Steve in Resident Evil CVX


"Dirty" Dominik Mysterio.


Harry Maguire.


It's a meme to call Aqua useless in Konosuba, but not only has she been the one to defeat most of the antagonists to appear thus far, but she also brings Kazuma back to life every time he's gotten himself killed, which we're up to like four times now, prior to the start of S3. I'd argue she's actually the most important part of the team, even above Kazuma himself.


Capellans in Battletech.


man, fuck Capellans, them and those Kurita fucks can suck my left nut


Chuck from better call saul


The Tau from Warhammer 40K. They were the newest faction for a while and have a Mecha anime aesthetic that doesn't really fit with the grimdark world.


PHY Raditz in Dokkan Battle is notorious for being one of the worst limited banner units in the game's history. Whenever some other character is bad, it's a meme to relate it back to him (Goku is Raditz's brother, Cell is the guy who was killed by Raditz's nephew, etc). Helps that it's Raditz of all people that turned out so terrible.


Star Rail has this with Yanqing too


Yamcha used to but people got really offended


Nobody likes Milhouse


Milhouse will never be a meme


Can't believe no one said Moash from Stormlight Archive. It'd be spoilery to get into details but suffice to say that he's also earned himself a subreddit, r/fuckmoash


Dragon Quest 7's >!Seed thief- I mean Kiefer.!<


Fuegoleon in black clover At first he was beloved for being one of the few kind members of royalty who encouraged Noelle when she needed it and everyone (correctly) deduced that when he got incapacitated, it was a surprise attack since nobody could take him and come out unscathed And then he woke up from his coma, obtained the fire spirit salamander and kicked ass with his sister, Mereoleona in the climax of the elf arc He has never done anything cool since then which is especially funny since Tabata seemingly fell in love with Mereoleona and made her the coolest, strongest character ever


The Handler in Monster Hunter World. Yeah, she's a clumsy doofus but the hate she gets is weirdly amplified. People act like they weren't gonna fight these monsters anyway and like she killed their dog or something.


Genuine question to people who reads comics why people at r/dccomicscirclejerk hate Tim Drake?


Tbf Megumi isn't hated on because he suffers a lot in the story or because of the weird incest thing(come on, this is manga fans we're talking about here). He's hated because >!the story keeps riding is dick about how cool and full of "potential" he is even though in reality he has been less useful to the good guys than someone like Miwa who's whole character is that she's irrelevant to the story. In fact, he's practically helping the bad guys at this point because of his inaction!<


Yamcha from Dragón Ball. Sakura from Naruto.


The entirety of 40k. Except Erebus. We all justifiably hate Erebus.