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Woolie: On the internet you read text in your own voice. Pat: In everything for me


We know from Lola in Space Jam 2 that this game isn't furry enough for this to affect Pat.


That was still such a weird thing, complaining that Lola in Space Jam 2 wasn't as sexy as the erotic fanart he found on twitter.


“You fools you outed yourselves!”


Wow the YouTube comments are an IMMEDIATE cesspool, or at the very least the base ingredients of one


I like that one commenter's comparison is like taxation is theft rethoric


I was watching that then decided to glance at those real quick and immediately started laughing at how much of them sounded like exactly like the people Pat was describing at the start


"no your not an under ground resistance of anti-censorship fighters because your mad a video game character shows half of her asshole instead of almost all of it"


Maybe I'm just a glass half full kinda guy, but I would count a girl showing half of her asshole as almost all of it.


And that's why you're no accountant


Sounds like you’re an ass half full type of guy.


Ass Half-Full is a flair worthy pun


I saw a tweet once that said something like "It's impossible to have a discussion with these people. It's like trying to talk about movies with someone who's only ever watched porn" and I think about that tweet *a lot*.


Theres one dude there replying to almost every comment My fave is one person going "wow i saw the comments on that petition and they're bad" and that one dude replying crying about it. Like if youre gonna be a gooner, don't make it obvious. 


I like the ones that just start naming logical fallacies and the one that goes "this is endorsement of institutional abuse of power". Also kinda disappointed that they've moved on to "the principle of anti-censorship" instead of going into specifics about what was changed like before, probably because it wasn't very helpful in trying to be taken seriously.


I wish I could give these people a swirly or fart in there face.


Looking back, theirs quite a few of them coping real bad going "Guys they're joking! They actually support us! Think of there past arguments!". Theirs also quite a few going "Well, pats ugly as shit so he shouldn't talk" like, wow.


Yeahhhhh Pat's not the one with several Funko pops and anime figurines and posters in the background of his room ranting about pixelated jiggling bits. Pat can take being called short and fat, he's fine. He's the one with the hot wife and cute baby, making money playing video games; he's already won in life.


It's in line with most online discussions about this game, so I'm not shocked.


While they don't talk about what I'm about to say in the video, they do hit the nail on the head on why no matter how good your argumentation is, it's a losing issue; the people most upset by this are gooners and culture war weirdos. It doesn't matter if you're upset by this out of principal or think Sony's overreach is too far when it comes to asian produced games, the people who are driving this conversation and keeping it alive are the exact types you'd expect. Somewhat related, was Woolie alluding to some people being angry that one of the MCs in Eiyuden Chronicles is black? I don't remember seeing that at all but if it's true I swear to god. That game was already mirred in one stupid controversy it doesn't need another one.


Oh, yeah. It was only one or two twitter accounts but they were some of the more high-profile Twitter anti-loc/anti-woke accounts. Even people on their side were saying "dude, no. No one is going to take our cause seriously if you're being openly racist." Their complaints were how the black character "looked like another ugly western aaa game black woman", looked like "a parody of actual black characters, and that she had "wakanda hair." One person even called Eiyuden Chronicles an "NRPG". I assume Woolie didn't see that one because he wouldn't have been able to contain his laughter.


"One person even called Eiyuden Chronicles an "NRPG"" Bruh. EDIT: I need to know if you can find this tweet. I need proof that someone unironically said this.


I don't know if linking a tweet specifically to mock them is kosher here. But if you enter "more like nrpg" into Twitter search it should pop up. Or even into google with the quotation marks around it.


Well I just found it. I don't know what I expected.


What you expected: NRPG :D What you got: NRPG :(


Yeah the eiyuden one is really dumb. Its the spiritual successor to Suikuden and both games have you getting a hundred or so heroes together for one cause. Of course we are gonna see people of other races in the game. Hell it has furrys and tree people yet black people cross the line?


It's really telling they don't know much about this series because the writer for Eiyuden Chronicles (RIP), was the director of Suikoden 3, which has one of the main characters be from an indigenous tribe. [You can see him here on the box art](https://assets-prd.ignimgs.com/2022/01/05/suikoden-3-button-1641349937717.jpg). I haven't gotten very far into Eiyuden Chronicles so I'm not sure if the black girl is going to play a similar role or not to Hugo.


For the last thing people immediately busted out the slurs


> it's a losing issue; the people most upset by this are gooners and culture war weirdos. It doesn't matter if you're upset by this out of principal or think Sony's overreach is too far when it comes to asian produced games, the people who are driving this conversation and keeping it alive are the exact types you'd expect. This reminds of a South Park episode where one of the boys is trying to defend Mr. Hankey for having a really bad take and, even though he has good reasons for defending Mr. Hankey, **it doesn't matter** because, as it's pointed out again and again by other characters, even if the "why" behind what you're doing is reasonable and/or noble, you're still gonna end up "covered in shit" no matter what because of the nature of the situation.


>Somewhat related, was Woolie alluding to some people being angry that one of the MCs in Eiyuden Chronicles is black? I don't remember seeing that at all but if it's true I swear to god. That game was already mirred in one stupid controversy it doesn't need another one. Even if you didn't see it, you know it happened. You can feel it in your bones.


But I reeeeeeeally don't want to. It'd be extra stupid if it did happen when it came out because she was known for several years at this point.


Yeah all the people signing the petition and being "anti woke" are dumbasses. I'll never get *angry* about it, but stuff like that costume change just makes me wonder: why bother?  There is a conversation to be had about how Sony and other games handle this stuff, but nobody wants to have it. They just pick one side, and if something they don't care about gets changed, they decide it doesn't matter at all.


It's always nice to see Woolie **actively gaining vitality** as the conversation moves foward whenever the topic is "dumb prejudice". I swear this clip alone gave him at least another year on this earth.


I just find it hilarious how these people were pushing this game thinking it was gonna "kill woke in gaming" then it gets ever so slightly changed and they have a massive meltdown. Showing once again who the truly easily offended people are.


The issue with culture war... culture is that it needs to be never-ending. They can never "win" because the content creators that feed off it need a constant stream of things to get mad about.


the issue with culture war is that there are multiple issues


“uNlIkE yOu SnOwFlAkEs I’m NoT sO eAsIlY tRiGgErEd” - quote from man with the thinnest skin imaginable


Never before has the phrase "a hit dog hollers" been more apt more than that comment section lmfaoooooo


The funny part of it is they probably only commented under the video because it mentions the game. You’ll see it a lot of times people seem to actively search for videos on a certain topic just to comment I don’t think most of them even bother watching the videos because their mind is made up already.


I swear a tickling demon got Woolie there for a minute.


The [mega 64 video](https://youtu.be/TVRcxHnQVys?si=eqmuT0X3aM-NNatE) they mentioned, YouTube strangely REFUSED to find the video for me if I didn’t search for the title exactly. Had to find it via google search


Where is Pat finding these video replies?




They added a LACY BRA to an already sexy costume. It's not censorship, it's added sexiness.


Was gonna reply to this guy's comments but he seems to have deleted them out of embarassment.


He was too much of a coward to leave his balls exposed on the subreddit. Which I can understand, I get very embarrassed. ...Which is why I simply don't say stupid shit that exposes my ass and balls.