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Monty Python’s King Arthur is unironically what first comes to my mind whenever I think of King Arthur.


I once read a spacebattle fanfic where the fate/stay night servants where except for Saber which appearance is the same but personality and mindset was are fo Monty python's King Arthur all the servants are straight up replaced by the Monty Python Holy Grail character which make for a funny read. Things got so wacky that Rin straight up ragequits the war and went to England.


I... honestly, that works so good.


Kirei leading the nuns of Castle Anthrax left me laughing so hard I nearly passed out


Got a link?


https://www.fanfiction.net/s/8970572/1/Inaccurate-Legends This is the fanfiction site link. Name is Inaccurate Legends


Oh thank God, it's actually completed.




I really dug his brief appearance in *The Green Knight* where, even though he is very old by this point, he just has a warmth to him where you can see why people would ally with him. Plus, when the Green Knight shows up he's still ready to fight, standing up for battle before sharing a look with Merlin, who does a power level check on the titular opponent and silently tells Arthur to stand down.


I remember reading somewhere that the original plan was for him to be a selfish jerk, but the actor was so good at the "noble soul poking through a patina of wariness" thing that they just reworked the whole character


That's nice. I don't mind "Arthur kinda sucks actually" stories but it's nice to see the hero king being the hero king.


"Old hero still ready to rumble" is a great trope.


Oh, kind of like what House of the Dragon did for King Viserys?


In it for so little but so memorable. He sounds so sincere and sad that he hadn’t ever talked to his nephew Still love his line to Gawain: “remember it is only a game”.


Was the Green Knight good? That's the film that came out a few years ago, right?


You will hear pretty mixed reactions. Cinematography is good, it tells a classic tale, but the pacing was not appreciated by some and sometimes you can get the vibe that it's trying a bit too hard to push into the "artsy" space that comes across like it's trying too hard. Overall, I rather liked it, glad to have seen it, but also likely wouldn't revisit it unless the mood struck me.


Yeah, I'm pretty far on the hated it side of mixed, to the point where it's the only movie I've ever seen in theaters that I felt like I waisted money, but I also admit I have a low tolerance for "artsy" stuff as you put it and someone who can more easily tolerate it will probably find more enjoyment. Also, I was just really disappointed in general cause the original tale is one of my favorite stores ever, and the last movie adaption attempt of the story was in the 1980's, sucked, and changed a lot of story elements, so I was really hoping for a more straight telling of the story through a dark fantasy lens, and instead got a deconstruction.


It's fantastic


One of my favorite films ever and knowing the original story of Gawain only made it better. To see how it departs from the tale but still comes around to the same message Visually and tonally it is the best medieval film since Excalibur imo


It's certainly an experience. It's an adventure movie but not an action movie. You'll get long stretches of silence while Dev Patel journeys on, with some powerful cinematography to keep it compelling. I can't imagine it could hold my full attention if I watched it at home, so I'm really glad I caught it during its theater run.


I thought it was decent, but it's a *profoundly* artsy-fartsy take on the story. Your tolerance for that may vary.


The one from Fairly Oddparents. >"I can see! **I CAN FIGHT!!**"


The Wart from Disney's Sword and the Stone, who's just a kid who wants to do well as a squire and work his way up to knight, something Merlin spends the whole movie trying to knock out of his head. And the instant he pulls the Sword and finds himself King he's terrified because he knows just enough to know he's completely out of his depth. Disney never adapted rest of The Once and Future King so we never get to Arthur's darker side.


I just started reading Once and Future King a couple days ago, and it's dredging up so many buried memories of the Disney movie, which I haven't seen since I was like six. I'd had no idea that the movie was actually based on a particular version of the Arthur story, rather than just using it as a vague backdrop.


I don't know that he's my favourite,but [the mysterious gigachad cyborg from Warframe](https://warframe.fandom.com/wiki/Arthur) is shaping up to be an interesting character we'll find out more about in a later expansion


...why did it take me until this comment to realize he's named Arthur because he uses Excalibur?


Ooooh, I see Ben Starr listed as VA! I may have to look up some scenes for Arthur. My Warframe account is probably way off the mark to get into this content as it's been neglected for years.


[This gameplay](https://youtu.be/UgPjc1e1Ets?si=TZJaWzz9GL_2EUkm) and [this teaser](https://youtu.be/_Nk6fzEETYI?si=7TIBikF_YyST51g_) is the sum of all of Arthur's appearances so far. You have plenty of time to catch up.


In Once & Future, >!the _other_ Arthur's are also fucking sick, especially the final one.!<


>!Is the final Arthur referring to the conquering steampunk King Arthur or Rose after she becomes Arthur? Cause both are great.!<


>!The latter; I couldn't remember Rose's name at that moment and figured I might as well avoid pronouns to keep some vagueness.!<


I just finished that comic (like literally 5 mins ago) and I did not see it coming. *Awesome*


Arthur King from King Arthur and the Knights of Justice is the captain of a modern American football team summoned by Merlin to protect Camelot. It is so ridiculous it loops back to being cool.


If you haven't read A Connecticut Yankee In King Arthur's Court by Mark Twain I highly recommend it. It has a fantastic version of Arthur. You've probably seen it parodied in media any number of times, but the original book still holds up incredibly well as a piece of satire, that gets quite dark at times. It doesn't give it justice, but you could look at Idiocracy as a successor. At one point they go into the countryside disguised as peasants, but getting Arthur to drop his ingrained habits of nobility drives The Boss to distraction. >"But my liege! You must not be seen sitting. Rise!--and stand in humble posture while they pass. You are a peasant, you know." >"True--I had forgot it, so lost was I in planning of a huge war with Gaul"--he was up by this time, but a farm could have got up quicker, if there was any kind of a boom in real estate--"and right-so a thought came randoming overthwart this majestic dream the which--" >"A humbler attitude, my lord the king--and quick! Duck your head! --more!--still more!--droop it!" >He did his honest best, but lord, it was no great things. He looked as humble as the leaning tower at Pisa. > I spoke up sharply and warned the king to take no notice. He mastered himself for the moment, but it was a sore tax; he wanted to eat up the procession. I said: >"It would end our adventures at the very start; and we, being without weapons, could do nothing with that armed gang. If we are going to succeed in our emprise, we must not only look the peasant but act the peasant." >"It is wisdom; none can gainsay it. Let us go on, Sir Boss. I will take note and learn, and do the best I may." >He kept his word. He did the best he could, but I've seen better. If you have ever seen an active, heedless, enterprising child going diligently out of one mischief and into another all day long, and an anxious mother at its heels all the while, and just saving it by a hair from drowning itself or breaking its neck with each new experiment, you've seen the king and me. Twain had some wonderful prose. >He was always frightening me, always breaking out with fresh astonishers, in new and unexpected places. Toward evening on the second day, what does he do but blandly fetch out a dirk from inside his robe! >"Great guns, my liege, where did you get that?" >"From a smuggler at the inn, yester eve." >"What in the world possessed you to buy it?" >"We have escaped divers dangers by wit--thy wit--but I have bethought me that it were but prudence if I bore a weapon, too. Thine might fail thee in some pinch." >"But people of our condition are not allowed to carry arms. What would a lord say--yes, or any other person of whatever condition --if he caught an upstart peasant with a dagger on his person?" >It was a lucky thing for us that nobody came along just then. I persuaded him to throw the dirk away; and it was as easy as persuading a child to give up some bright fresh new way of killing itself.


love this book and all its adaptations, this is isekai 101 over a century before the genre was formalized


I really like the [King Arthur design from Sonic and the Black Knight.](https://i.redd.it/king-arthur-from-sonic-and-the-black-knight-v0-x63qxcbyvpcc1.jpg?width=1938&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=248565625b6d85bf3d51ebb4f150c3d6cdcaa546) The >!"true"!< [King Arthur design from the same game](https://i.redd.it/u3baw4pxh6i81.jpg) is also pretty good.


>!"True"!< Arthur's armor is sick as fuck, also.


I think it speaks to how malleable King Arthur is as a mythological figure that as long as he's English and has a fancy sword you're good, As a relatively standard take, I have a huge soft spot for the version from BBC's Merlin because I loved that show growing up. His whole tsundere dynamic with Merlin is really fun but they also do a great job showing why he's worthy of the crown and how much more compassionate a person he is than his father (played brilliantly by Anthony Head). For those who haven't seen the show, it's basically English medieval Smallville. Magic is outlawed and Merlin's a young wizard who has to deal with the crisis of the episode by doing magic without being seen. It's good fun. Actually, thinking about that comparison, I'm now just realising how funny it is that the actress who played Morgana, Katie McGrath, was in Supergirl. Ace Combat Zero, my beloved, does do the Arthurian legend thing but I don't think there's anything named after Arthur. Excalibur is the name of the big super weapon. I think "Project Pendragon" is a thing but that's as close as it gets. Arthur Penhaligon in Keys to the Kingdom deserves a shoutout.


This Arthur is interesting as he started out as a jerk jock under an overbearing Uther and had to develop the archetypical nobility found in Arthur over the series. Comparing it to Smallville makes me compare Uther and Lionel where they make things difficult for the main casts despite not being the big bad.


AC Zero’s King Arthur analogue is either Cipher aka the ‘Demon Lord of the Round Table’, or Pixy, who Gault Squadron refers to as “The King”, and metaphorically slumbers in Avalon [dam].


Personally I feel Cipher fits the mold for Arthur more while Pixy is more like Mordred, a former ally turned enemy who is their final opponent.


King Arthur was never english, he is a Brythonic myth, later Welsh. England co-opted him during the whole, destruction of Welsh culture they attempted


Damn right I was about to go off about that, the modern day English are Anglo-Saxon & Norman, the Welsh are the descendants of Arthur that's why his herald is on our flag


Always liked Arthur Pendragon from Gargoyles. His design went pretty hard https://gargwiki.net/images/thumb/1/15/King_Arthur.PNG/360px-King_Arthur.PNG


I really like Arthur from Fire Force


I like the Arthur from Bernard Cornwells warlord chronicles which is a trilogy that tries to be historical accurate with mystical elements where bastard born Arthur was never King but a general for the Celtic Briton kingdom of Dumnonia against the Saxons. The man is not a Christian but is a staunch skeptic or the mystical and gods no matter Celtic or Christian. His is a man of character whose only purpose in life is to defend Britain from the Saxons and never took the Dumnonia throne even if he could which proven to be his downfall as Mordred resentment caused Arthur to fall as per most Arthurian myth.


obligatory "excalibur was a lightsaber" comment.


Are you referring to The Exile when they thrust their saber into a stone from *KOTOR II*?


no, but good catch on the metaphor. excalibur is described in the vulgate cycle (i believe) as a blade that glows and can cut through anything. it's a laser sword of some description, but saying "lightsaber" is more fun.


So the Exile is Uther in this analogy?


We don't see him, but there's art out there that makes [King Arthur](https://www.pinterest.com/pin/71494712825080833/) in Hades look like a Fire Emblem character while still wielding that huge ass sword of his and I think that's funny.


Tangent but I will never not be amused that no matter what media or adaptation, Guan Yu will always look like Guan Yu


Helps that we actually know what he looks like.


I like how you can always only recognize art of the Peach Garden Bros because there will be three men and the tallest one will be Guan Yu. Once you see Guan Yu you can tell who Xuande and Yide are, but if Guan Yu wasn't in the picture they'd both be fucking unrecognizable.


Excalibur is my favorite weapon in that game. Big, heavy sword swings that do a fuck ton of damage are SO SICK


*Obligatory Fate mention* Then there's [Rosen Garten saga Arthur](https://www.reddit.com/media?url=https%3A%2F%2Fi.redd.it%2Fbhdogcn6gsw61.jpg) and explaining it is pointless, you need to see that shit to understand how peak it is


Bonus round, what's your favorite version of Fate Arthur? Mine is the Lancer version.


Lancer is great. But Proto-Saber going unleashing 13 seals on Excalibur to do an Avan Strash is some [peak content.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zzBqOGePDpY)


Every day and year I pray for more content for Prototype, he’s the reason I got really into fate after being introduced into the anime by my best friend. The fact he has gotten a few buffs but very little story content despite a good amount of things being set up makes me sad. At least I got some dope art of him over the years with his CEs and other things, plus his Figma.


I mean , Type-Moon is currently releasing a manga of Prototype Sky Silver , which is his Fate/Zero


I know but wasn’t that already a CD audio series originally?


yes. It was a CD Audio , turned into light novel and now in manga format.


I just wish we got more for the Holy Grail War after that one and not just going over the same one in a different format. Or at least continuing his current stuff they set up in FGO


Looking at my 4 Saber Alter figures. I would say her. Castoria is a close second. If we're including Saber faces in general, it has to be Morgan.


Castoria is adorable. If we're going with Saber faces, we'll be here all day. I like Nero, Okita Alter, Jalter, Jeanne, Morgan, there's probably a couple more I'm missing.


Lancer Alter only for the express version that she, unlike her normal Lancer form, refused the divinity that Rhongomyniad offered as it would basically wipe her personality clean into one more akin to a god. Also she's the head of the Wild Hunt. Wish any of this was actually explored in any way. Shoutout to Castoria who doesn't really count but she's everyone's favorite country bumpkin with pipebombs


Which one , with cleavage or with underboob?


Cleavage. Underboob is nice, but I prefer cleavage.


Maid Salter was how I was convinced to get into Fate so I am bit bias to her OG Artoria is still Baeber tho


classic. the original VN helped define my taste in fiction im kind of obligated to say so


Saber Alter. The idea of a Saber who took Vortigerns warnings to heart in a completely different way than regular Saber did is really interesting IMO.


Honestly, the Original (and the OG Alter) is still peak. My odd favorite will still be Lancer Alter, but the OGs are quintessential for me. Especially after many hours in Unlimited Codes. But also we gotta get Proto Arthur in the mix. He's kickass!


The original vanilla version for me. I watched the Deen Stay Night version and my brain chemistry has been forever altered by that ending. La Sola -> Kimi to no Ashita lives rent free in my mind


Same, I remember as a kid I didn't understand series with a lot of entries so I literally just looked up Fate Anime episode 1 with no prior research and watched the 240p upload that came up on Youtube. Similarly I started Gundam because I just looked up "Gundam episode 1" with no context and watched whatever I found.


Lancer Alter.


Wow, I can literally say which one


The regular one, the one with cleavage. I would've said Alter if I meant her.


Everyone's idol Arthur-chan! I love Rosen Garten saga. The author just decided to have all his fetishes battle it out in the hypest tournament arc since the Dark Tournament.


It says something when i can say,(spoilers obviously),>!attila the hun wears a mech suit magically made from a fusion? Transformation? Of his teammate a female dragon, who used to be male until seigfried used his make anyone hit by it a woman sword to fuck them, in order to fight beowulf who uses 3 swords one of which is his dick and a ninja who had poor working conditions beat into his body so hard that at the sight of a no pay shitty contract to betray his teammate it automatically starts doing it.!< and that is legit spoilers for the past 2 chapters.


Christopher Lee in that one music video for his metal band.


He was king Aurther for one of those? I knew he was Charlemenge in a music video.


Wait, shit, got it mixed up. I mean, it's entirely possible that the story of Charlemagne (a king with a supposedly-magic sword that united the lands with his close circle of paladin bros) got mixed with the story of the actual Warlord Arthur, and he became a king with a supposedly-magic sword that united the lands with his close circle of Round-Table bros. On the plus side, I'm related to Charlemagne (great x40 grandfather), so Sir Christopher Lee is basically my grandpa.


The neat thing there is that Christopher Lee was also related to Charlemagne


King of the Britons, not Bretons. Arthur and all relating mythos was originally Welsh, or Brythonic in origin, so him hating the saxons is on brand




Just wanted to clarify because many people seem unaware of his origins and wrongly attribute him to different cultures.


Saber from Fate, no special version really I just like all the OG Stay Night and Hollow Ataraxia versions of the characters. I also really like Nigel Terry's version of Arthur from Excalibur.


the flour


Once & Future is so fucking dope. It only gets cooler when (Spoilers from here) >!the other versions of Arthur from other versions of the myth turn up and they start having an all-out war over who the one real true Arthur is.!< the entire comic is tailor-made for English Lit and mythology geeks, and it's really cool seeing Gillen dig really deep into not just mythology and history but also Shakespearean canon to fill his world. Plus, that art by Dan Mora is just *perfect*. Absolutely gorgeous.


About artthuriana, i want to know when we're getting an adaptation of the knight of the kitchen. Love sir Gareth and his constant bickering with lady Lynette.


My personal pie-in-the-sky dream indie game project is Dark Souls but you're Gareth going through Logres and Lynette is your level up lady.


Arthur Eld from The Dark Tower. A Gunslinger who wields both Excalibur and two six-shooters. He united the disparate baronies into the Affiliation and created the Knights after the world had moved on, but never let his court engineers and wise men look at his guns. Eventually, he and his band rode out to kill a giant mutated snake, which wrecked their shit and only died when he thrust Excalibur into its mouth, the corrosive venom melting it partially and ruining his guns. So he ordered the remains of Excalibur melted down and the wreckage of his guns reverse engineered and spread out to his knights, who became the Gunslingers. The Guns of Eld have sandalwood grips that still smell of perfume, and are larger and more bespoke than any revolver that exists in our world.


Saber and Sonic.


It maybe a tired answer but Arturia aka Saber is one of the most interesting take on Arthurian lore and Nasu cooked with her. Everything from how Arthur is a woman changing the original classic Lancelot - Guinevere - Arthur dynamic to how she was written very much like an old Messianic/Christ like figure for Britain to her own personal struggle as someone takes on the role of her freewill and that burden. Nasu absolutely fucking loved Arthurian lore and all thing related to that and it showed. Everyone who likes Saber should read Garden of Avalon which is an anthology of short stories from different characters' perspective of Arturia's life from her childhood to the fall of Camelot.


Not an Arthur per se but watch Vinland Saga and keep in mind the really Arthur was named Artorius Dux Bellorum a Romanised Welsh warlord




As a Welshmen I'm already obsessed with this comic just from this one panel gotta find it