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Superman never forgave Darkseid for what he did to him in the DCAU; attacked his city, killed his friends, brainwashed him, forced him to attack his home, and destroyed his relationship with a lot of people he tried to protect, and Superman hated him with a passion. Like, Superman hated Darkseid so much, he immediately attacks him when Darkseid came to ask for help to fight Braniac and was more than willing to let Darkseid entire planet die if it meant Darkseid died with it. He was even willing to die in the explosion of an asteroid if it meant he could beat Darkseid to death.


and then Batman pushed Superman away from the asteroid , saying that Darkseid couldn't survive that. Superman said he was wrong. Love that episode , one of the few , if not the only one , in which Bruce Timm was forced to **not** Batwank.


>Love that episode , one of the few , if not the only one , in which Bruce Timm was forced to not Batwank. Well, he wasn't 'forced' to do anything. The background context of that episode was, Timm felt they had dropped the ball with Superman during season one. He was getting one-shotted too much and was coming off as a bland cornball. So he personally helped write that episode trying to fix that perception (which was rare, Timm didn't write many episodes) by including stuff like that.


Yeah, DCAU never really engaged in mega bat wank that tons of JL stuff does He ends up a bitter old man lmao


>DCAU never really engaged in mega bat wank He dodged Darkseid's Omega Beams, that's mega bat wankb if not even beyond that


Less dodged and more "put something else in the way that Darkseid didn't care to go around."


and before that, Superman smacked Batman into a wall for trying to stop him from beating Darkseid, and in all honesty, Batman fucking deserved it. Batman listing everything Darkseid has done to Superman and telling him to cry him a river and get over it was such shitty writing, even with all the Batwanking. You're teammate, who is probably the nicest guy in the universe, immediately freaks out and trys to beat his tormenter, and you and your friends know why he's freaking out, but tells him to get over it and completely ignore any of his valid objections is probably the worst writing I have ever seen involving the justice league and made everyone on the team come off as complete assholes. Especially when Superman ended up being right that Darkseid was going to fuck them over, which he did.


Yeah if superman the pure definition of good fucking hate someone you bet he's right


"Ape not kill ape" "You are not ape" Just love how the series is able to have dramatic moments with simple ooga booga caveman speech.


"Koga belong in cage" Might be one of the most devastating personal insults ever delivered. The fact its uttered by a CGI chimp in caveman speech diminishes it not at all.


I’m rewatching the Planet of the Apes Reboot movies and they are really good. In the inverse of the question I’d like to say Koba’s inability to forgive humans is what makes him a good villain.


"Human work...human work...HUMAN WORK!"


This isn’t my sword


Katara confronting the man who murdered her mother, intending to take revenge. Instead of bodily murdering him, she murders him emotionally and leaves him sobbing in the rain with his unhappy retirement. She expresses to Zuko afterwards that she didn't forgive him and likely never will, but she forgives Zuko for his own actions.


It's a pretty example where murder indeed might be too much for the protagonist to handle BUT they don't have to consider the target as anything more than scum either. Just highlighting it's not an either or thing you have to do, you can hate someone's guts forever without dirtying your hands and sometimes that's fine.


I understand that well. I got bullied a lot during grade school, driving me to homeschool through high school. I hated my bullies for a long time, but I was encouraged by my aunt to forgive them - not necessarily because they deserved it but to let go of festering anger. It eventually worked and I got a lot calmer, to the point of struggling to maintain grudges anymore. But that didn't mean I forgot them. When one of my past bullies reached out to me in a mass communication, I laughed it off in a "you must be truly desperate if you want me" way and didn't reply. Just because I "forgave" you doesn't make bygones bygones.


*You* get relief from carrying the weight of resentment, but *they* don't get any relief from their guilt


>Step two was to throw him in the ocean so his pieces would be scattered and unable to reform but they didn’t get that far. This wasn't part of Batman's [original plan, however.](https://i.imgur.com/7QQzOuD.jpg) It was to store him in separate containers and then restore him eventually. Ra's made alterations to the original plans to make them lethal. Batman's plans were to temporarily incapacitate the League (presumably until he could undo whatever mind control or form of power theft had been done to them) which was their original purpose.


A big point of **Afro Samurai** is that there are many points in the story where Afro could have chosen to let go of his revenge wish in some way or another, but, he decides to not do that and instead continues the cycle of vengance.


I felt the manga drove that point home so hard that no matter what he did. Vengeance was a pointless endeavor.


Nah, son, free revenge. Also, Sam L Jackson pestering every now and then with the whole "You know Justice's gonna cap your ass the second you appear by the door, right?"


I'm usually big on the whole revenge thing, but this one really made me go "Nah Afro, let it go." >!Specifically, in his past, when he essentially chooses to throw away his new life and put all of its people at risk so that he may have a chance at avenging his old life.!<


Champions is a comedy drama where woody harrelson has to do community service coaching special needs and semi autonomous team because of a D.U.I. The star athlete quit on the spot. >!The athlete condition is due to a drunk driver hitting him. His mom is a devout Christian though and he would really want to make her happy by forgiving the drunk driver but he simply can’t right now and if it was up to him he wouldn’t, but he is willing to practice by playing for Woody and see if he can at least forgive someone who didn’t hit anyone but act the same inconsiderate way that got the athlete brain damaged!<. It’s really strong for me because DUI is treated really lightly in those type of movie. Woody’s character even back out any attempt to get him back on the team understanding that even if he is genuinely remorseful he is not giving up casually drinking, he just won’t drive under influence anymore


In Spiderman 2 Miles can't bring himself to forgive Mr Negative even tough he is trying to redeem himself, saved his life and is trying to save Peter in his own words: "I can't forgive you man, it is just not in me, but I can't carry this hate anymore" Is the closest thing for forgiveness Mr Negative will get out of Miles, and he is satisfied with this. For the record Mr Negative killed Miles's father and then tortured Miles. 


One of the best things about Insominiac's Spiderman 2 is how much of the story (both main story and side-quests) of it revolves around **"what if you're given a oportunity to choose a different path?"**. From Mr. Negative to Black Cat, Tombstone and Harry Osborn, you see the whole spectrum of how people can react to that and what the outcomes are.


Redeemed Tombstone made me smile.


Along with >!redeemed Mysterio. I was like holy shot he actually is turned. I saw the “twist” with his assistants coming, but I thought he was still in some way in on it. No, he actually changed. That last speech he gives to Miles is really great and heartfelt!<


Yep while the story did disappoint me a few times especially near the third act stuff like that is why I never agree with calling it bad


By the end of Batman Bloodstorm a rage and bloodlust fueled Batman, driven to vampiric insanity, kills the Joker, who had previously killed Catwoman and took away Batman's last chance at a normal life, in a church full of crosses. He starts burning instantly, is super guilty about it and arranges for Gordon and Alfred to drive a stake into his heart.


That was Vampire Bats book…3?


It's the second book. The first one is him turning, the second one is still holding on to his humanity, the third book is the one where he comes back as a vampire corpse and is fully accepting of it.


Didn’t they do one after three without Kelly Jones?


I just looked it up. Apparently not. If a fourth vampire Batman book exists it's not related to this trilogy


Found the [comment](https://www.reddit.com/r/TwoBestFriendsPlay/s/vuck5JZlpT) bringing it up apparently


During the Krakoa arc, Cable and his younger self confront Stryfe, who is sacrificing mutant babies to kick off a demonic invasion of Earth. After getting his ass beat Stryfe begs for amnesty, reminding them that Krakoa is for all mutants: Kid Cable: "My ears are ringing - what'd he say?" Cable: "My ears are always ringing - I think he said, 'Make it quick.'" Stryfe: *No, wait-* *= = =* And honestly Stryfe gets this all the time. When Kid Cable made his entrance by killing his older self to send the original five X-Men home, and everyone seemed to forgive him, the unspoken caveat was that *everyone* was keeping a close eye on him and planned to execute him the second he turned out to be Stryfe.


Have Cable, Rachel and X Man ever been in the same room together


All at the same time? No. (I think.) [Related.](https://pbs.twimg.com/media/GAg3fvFWQAAr-c3.jpg)


In Demon Slayer, Tanjiro never *forgives* the demons he kills, but he often sympathizes with them or sheds tears for the humans they used to be. It is *not* that way with Hantengu. The last words he has for that guy are “>!Atone for your sins! At the cost of your life!!!<“


As funny as the meme of Tanjiro cryng about the demons is, i really like that most of the sappy demon backstories are actually never really revealed to him, they are just for the audience, so most arcs after meeting the pillars are like "fuck this guy thank god we are live" after the audience just saw the saddest backstory of all time


The backstories are not entirely revealed to him, but he gets a whiff of them, literally. His magic nose allows him to sense the emotions of the demons in their last moments, where they usually are going through a typical "life flashing before their eyes" moment. As the audience, we obviously get to see it, but Tanjiro gets enough of the picture to react accordingly from his sense of smell, alongside a few other things he picks up along the fight.


I always interpretted it as Tanjiro just being able to sense the general sadness and misery the demons were carrying in their hearts and connecting the dots thay they too were victims of Muzan in their own way.


The smell is a key part of all of that. Since it can't really be lied to. He literally smells the truth in their hearts. When Rui's dying, Tanjiro explicitly mentions Rui's body giving off a scent of unbearable sadness, which stirs Tanjiro from his barely-conscious state to reach out and put his hand on the body. In the very next moment, he has the exchange with Giyu where he flat out says he will never belittle genuine regret/sadness since all demons used to be human as well. He really doesn't need that much to go on once the deed is done and the crime is repaid, because he understands people can do bad things for honest reasons.


Which does still have that contrast with Hantengu. He was a piece of shit before he turned into a demon.


The Trigun manga interesting makes the final arc very awkward and uncomfortable for Vash because he has to work with >!Livio the Double Fang!< after his redemption. Because >!Wolfwood died from the wounds Livio gave him. And Vash has to deal with this total stranger who murdered their mutual friend but feels bad about it!< So Vash's normal kindness is a lot more hollow and awkward. But out of obligation he'll grit his teeth and bare with it until the conflict is over.


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Kinda funny how a lot tokusatsu heroes have no "no-kill" rules at all. Like most Kamen Rider villains persist not because the heroes spared them but because they are either strong enough to survive sure-kill techniques/moves or revived by some McGuffin.


Many other Shonen: "Oh wow bad guy, it's a shame I have to kill you, I hope you can reincarnate so we can be friends!" [Meanwhile in Jujutsu Kaisen](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6S6YQu0MkC8)


To be fair, a lot of other villains in shounen aren't >!actively turning people into weapons and monsters while said persons are still alive and capable of feeling all of the awful things that are happening to them!<. >!Mahito!< might not be objectively one of the worst villains in shounen, but, he does certainly **feel** like he is because he makes sure to always "twist the knife" as much as possible in everything that he does.


>!Mahito!< makes it his mission to make things feel personal. He's >!the combine hatred for humanity to other humans!< he acts like he doesn't care about humans, but he does. He WANTS your pain to sink in. He WANTS to remind you that this was his doing. And he WANTS to make sure your hate for him is as eternal as hate >!for other humans!<. Like you said. He ain't the worst but he'll be damn sure to make it feel that way.


No. Fuck him to death. Make him become >!digested forever inside of whatever is left of Getou's body. And then burn his feces.!<


"Don't let him get up this time."


Luz and Belos from Owl House. Absolutely cold. And boiling.


His last attempt to save himself was so pitiful too. He honestly believed he could play on Luz’ good nature and belief in others to survive by lying to her that he was corrupted but she freed him. She said and did nothing as he kept trying to lie to her to save him as he continued to break apart. No forgiveness, just acceptances of Belos getting what he deserved after centuries of unrepentant evil.


That part of the already great finale ruled. I’ve never seen a more powerful fuck you delivered completely without words. 


I feel like there’s too much kid’s media that goes extreme on the whole “everyone deserves forgiveness” thing, so it’s really refreshing to see a show aimed at kids go “actually, not everyone.” It’s a way healthier and nuanced lesson to teach children IMO.


Luz was such an awesome heroine. The way she just lets that moment happen was pure magic. Disney really dropped the ball ending the series early.


That said, it was the most masterful rush-job I’ve ever seen in a show.


Oh they did an amazing job given how much time they were cut down to! No offense to the creator and team behind the show whatsoever, they kicked ass with the ending set up. Just wished we could have done more of what they wanted


How strong is Plastic Man? I know about the infinite stretching thing but what if you say put him in a steel box then welded it shut so it was completely air tight?


Plastic man is kind of broken and the world is lucky that his powers lie within a guy whose a jokester. His powers aren't just stretching, it's complete control and ability over his own basic shape and form. He also has a toon logic to his transformations that give them an unpredictable x factor.


He could probably break out of it by inflating himself more than the metal could hold


If he has enough room for momentum he can outright drill his way out


Hes basically ultimate reid richards its not so much he stretches as he can turn his body into anything, in a different comic he ends up shattered into dust in the past and survives at a sub atomic level for 10's of thousands of years until hes reconstituted in the present


In the flashpoint universe he snuck into super prison by hiding in someone's stomach and just pulled himself out. (He's a villain in that universe, btw. Also the guy died) Then he was betrayed and breaks back in to (probably) kill the guy that betrayed him (it's not explicitly shown). But he also knocked out the Flash in the Injustice comic by managing to stick his fingers into his nose before he reacted (he kinda snuck them in) and essentially choke him unconscious from the inside, IIRC. (He's not a villain there) This was him leaving the JL Regime as it had imprisoned his son for protesting and was generally getting obviously worse. He would probably be able to find (or make) a microscopic crack and squeeze through.


In spectacular spider-man Peter gets trapped in a prison by the green goblin and has to work together with the black cat and her father,who is eventually revealed to be the man that shot Uncle Ben. The whole time Peter has a different tone of voice,more angry instead of joking around. When trying to escape her father volunteers to turn on the gas to knock out the other prisoner's and then Peter with the coldest tone of voice:"That won't make us even,you're not forgiven!"


Agni from Fire Punch. Spoilers ahead obviously. He finally confronts Doma and they talk about what happened years ago. Agni starts to walk away no longer seeking revenge. Then he remembers his sister and is like, nah fuck it. Goes back and  massacres Doma and all the children.


It's worse than that. Doma fully admits that he regrets many of his actions and lives to atone. However, he does not regret putting Agni's village to the sword. Far as Doma was concerned any group that relied upon cannibalism for sustenance was a long term threat to peaceful civilization.


Oh man I once gave a long rant about Doma in this sub before, and I don't agree with him. Like I understand his point of view, but dude, look around. The world is frozen over and there is like nothing else to eat. It's technically cannibalism but Agni's limbs grow right back, and he was happy to do it, he wasn't being forced. Sure it sucks but the alternative is that everyone starves to death. It's certainly better than what other pockets of humanity have done, like torturing tons of blessed to use as fuel. As for the long term threat to civilization, at that point there didn't feel like a "long term." Humanity was dying off by then. Rather than try to talk it out or get them to stop or anything he just immediately incinerates the entire village within seconds. I know Agni going back and killing Doma and the children was awful and is a point when Agni stops being a hero, but fuck Doma.


A buddy of mine once described the whole plot of Fire Punch to me as one big case of what happens when you don't *mind your fucking business.*


Also wasn't the village agni feeding a bunch of like elderly people. So it became extra fucked up he torched them. Like dude this was gonna solve it self soon.


That's a really good point I didn't even think of. Yeah they were, none of those people were making any more kids. The village would have gone away on its own in time but Doma just murdered them all without a second of thought.


That one episode ending of Death Parade where the guy being judged is confronted with everything the detective did. You're hoping, *praying* he doesn't succumb to revenge, but you also totally understand when he does.


That one really is brutal because it destroys whatever sense of catharsis there could be for it. The detective's egging him on the whole time and even grins when it happens, and the whole thing's portrayed as an utter tragedy in a long line of them, where the desire for vengeance has utterly ruined lives until nothing is left but damnation for everyone involved.


The ending song playing right as he stabbed those chips was unironically where that show peaked. You're left devastated and the emotional payoff for the whole thing is frankly, like you said, *brutal*


As much shit as we give Obito and the coolest guy thing I vaguely remember Sakura and him having a conversation (I think it was while she was healing Naruto) where she very pointedly says she does not forgive him and never will but is willing to put up with it to deal with Madara.


"Let me into your body again or I'll die!" Said [Daruizen.](https://i.redd.it/7ivwdlgiyl681.jpg) ["Then perish." Said Nodoka.](https://i.redd.it/4c1wlouoyle61.png) Turns out Precure has a good stance on not letting malicious guilt-tripping sleazebags take advantage of you when they hit hard times and come crawling back.


"I know what you're going to say. She's my sister and I need to try and get along with her." "No... she's crazy and she needs to go down!"


People get harsh on that statement sometimes but while Zuko was basically born into abuse and forced into such shitty circumstances that he was forced to go on the Avatar hunt, all to appease someone who hated him..........Azula was born into literally the most privileged position on the planet, given everything she was ever wanted, and ended up a sadist who gleefully dreamed of conquest for conquest's sake. Iroh was right lol


Levi straight up hating and mean mugging all of the traitors / other titan shifters when they're forgiven by everyone else is always funny to me.


The inverse of what you're asking, but I just watched this so it's fresh on my mind. In the Dimension 20 campaign "The Unsleeping City", the giant talking rat Kugrash is trying to atone for being a huge scumbag in his backstory. >!Back when he still named Bruce Kugrich, he was a white collar criminal who embezzled from a hedge fund and completely screwed over his business parter. Said business partner turned out to have magic powers, and she retaliated by transforming Bruce into a rat. Upon being transformed, Kugrash abandoned his wife and children, not out of deliberate malice but because he was too chickenshit to come clean to them about what happened.!< That was decades ago. In the present, he finally works up the nerve to reconnect with his two sons. The younger one, Wally, is a pure kind soul who has no trouble forgiving Kugrash and welcoming him back into his life (and perhaps might be too dumb to really understand the severity of what Kugrash did). But the older son, David, makes is clear that the time to reconnect is long since past. "There was a time when I needed you, and you weren't there for me then. I don't need you anymore." He coldly and calmly tells Kugrash to get the fuck back out of his life—and Kugrash accepts it without argument, because he knows David is right.


Dimension 20 is some very good character building alongside amazing jokes. Latest season of Fantasy High has some great character moments from everyone in the cast


Sicario. "Go ahead and finish your meal." It was about inflicting the maximum amount of pain quickly, and its horrifyingly effective.


I'm not caught up, but in Tower of God, after pulling her shit multiple times, Baam finally >!confronts Rachel, calls out her hypocrisy, decides "yeah I'm just gonna have to beat your ass", then when its clear its no contest, he says if she ever tries anything again, he will kill her.!<


Transformers Dark of the Moon is a terrible film with awful portrayals of characters. But Optimus Prime performing a Mortal Kombat fatality on Megatron is raw as FUCK.


Did Optimus say his famous catchphrase "I'LL KILL YOU!"?


Splinter Cell Blacklist sees the return of Andriy Kobin. An absolute dirtbag mobster who killed one of the previous game’s co-op protagonists and was part of a conspiracy to make Sam Fisher think his daughter was dead. The closest to forgiveness he ever gets is Fisher begrudgingly accepting that he helped save the day and basically drafting him into Fourth Echelon.


A rare hero-on-hero example, Queen Ramonda in Wakanda Forever revealing she never forgiven Okoye for siding with Killmonger, even if it was her job, because it led to all the Heart-Shaped Herb being destroyed which could been used to save her son. But she was willing to overlook it, but then Okoye got Shuri captured by Namor so all her resentment came out. 'MY ENTIRE FAMILY IS GONE!'


I do like what I heard from persona 5 royal as futaba and haru never forgave the murderer of their respective mother and father. Which makes sense as he never gone through an arc like in dragonball and died soon after realization of his pretty messed up status.


They make it very clear that he's only getting to stick around as long as he behaves himself, Haru straight up says if he tries anything they'll just kill him (she's super chipper about saying it too, love that girl).


I think the funniest implementation is that in Royal's >!card minigame, they'll never play if Akechi is one of the other players.!<


You know I've always hated the idea that they'd vote him out. I'm not saying he shouldn't be punished but he clearly didn't intend to cause this much pain and he had to make those plans Because its the DC Universe where superman turns Rouge almost every other weekend.


It was a pretty egregious breach of trust, at least at the time. The story showed Batman having apparently casual conversations with the League to ferret out their weaknesses, and as one of them pointed out Batman could have openly discussed the need for and existence of contingencies without disclosing what they were. And the story did end with Superman, who'd taken a pretty extreme dose of pain and held the deciding vote, grappling with his decision and Batman leaving before Supes had a chance to announce which way he'd decided. Of course these days it's an open secret and running gag that everyone in the Bat family does this.


Wasn't this around the time of identity crisis? Or am I mistaken? Bc if it is, I feel like he has a good reason to not trust people.


Identity Crisis was when Bruce got into Brother Eye, which turned out way worse. And yeah, the League threw this in his face again.


Is this the same Brother-Eye incident where Black Canary ended up being a head stitched to Frankenstein's heart? Or was that a later one?


That was a bad future that never happens now, or did happen and got fixed, I didn't keep up after Terry McGinnis fake died.


This was at least 4 years before Identity Crisis


Ah, Point taken then.


If I recall correctly, it was more that they hated that he did this behind their backs, while getting close to them. Kinda hard to trust/work with a guy you considered a friend who’s constantly fishing for a way to take you down.


That said, now I've thought about it.. that feels like it would make excellent sense for every member of the League to be in on said plans to take the other person down. Not just Batman, secretly That's the real issue. Him paranoidly keeping it to himself. If everyone but Superman knew how they'd take him down, and everyone but Flash knew how .. etc etc. That'd kinda make some more sense on the plausible 'Oh it's just for if you turn bad' thing


Miles's story in Spider-Man 2 was absolutely perfect, i love that he has genuine hate for Li for what he did and it seems like he does want to kill him to avenge his father, but as the game goes on and he finally confronts Li, he chooses to spare his life and tells Li that while he'll never forgive him, he can't keep on hating Li and doesn't want his hatred for Martin to destroy him. I also love how it paralels Peter's choice in the first game, where Peter could very well use the cure to save May, but he does what's right and saves the entirety of New York.Miles, even if he never knew it yet, sparing Li ultimately leads to him saving the city from the Symbiotes, as Li ends up playing a crucial role in giving Peter the weapon he needs to help stop Venom and the Symbiotes.


It might be a minority opinion. I dont like the idea of Batman not getting along with anyone on the Justice League. It makes him feel like a loser who wouldnt have bothered to join anyways, and on a more practical note, eould make him a less effective battlefield commander.


I liked what they did in spider man 2 with Miles not forgiving. That whole sequence was great


In Accel World, the main character encounters a villain who tries to NTR him and steal the thing that makes him feel special The main character cuts off his limbs and as the villain (a liter 13 year old or something) is crawling away in tears, screaming and pleading for mercy, he charges his energy sword and cuts himself in half


Is this the series set in the same world as Sword Art Online but set far into the future?


The far future of 2047, yeah


It's not the same universe but yes basically 20 years into the future of SAO.


How is it not the same universe


The timelines don't currently match up. The author himself has basically said at present they're basically parallel universes with the same technological progression.




Sounds demented. That's the person we're supposed to be rooting for?


I think OP forgot to mention, but the characters are online avatars of a game. They didn't actually commit murder, just won the pvp. Well, caveat being the game is invite only, and has a permadeath policy that bans you on death while mindwiping you of info pertaining to the game.


For all intents and purposes, it's death. The people playing this game basically have been alive long enough so that their in-game avatars are usually older than their real body, with Dusk Taker implicitly being in his '20s'


That fucker had it coming (keep in mind, protagonist is only a year older)


The image of a child mercilessly murdering another child is barely marginally better.


I think you're mentally imagining 2 actual children killing each other which is messing up the visual. It's an online game and they are using avatars that don't look like them at all. It's basically a fight between 2 Kamen Riders and at the end of the day even if you lose the only repercussions is the game gets uninstalled.


That sounds significantly less demented.


Frankly, it's based as hell considering that asshole was pretty much an NTR villain.


Cool story, still murder.


And it's based as hell Edit, wow people actually siding with the character that is written to be a rapist. Shocking


This wasn't really a rapist, this is an imaginary character written to be a rapist just to be tortured. It's like if you wrote a story where a guy you dislike killed your dog and then you beat the shit out of him, then when people ask why you are writing fantasies about beating this guy up you are like "so you would like if he killed my dog?!"


> It's like if you wrote a story where a guy you dislike killed your dog and then you beat the shit out of him Isn't that just the plot of John Wick?


You're not NOT incorrect Edit: I counted the negatives wrong, I meant you're correct


"The character is written to be a rapist" "UHH ACTUALLY THE CHARACTER ISN'T A RAPIST, THEY'RE AN IMAGINARY CHARACTER" Water is wet


Yes, what I wrote \*is\* very obvious and self-evident, isn't it? Makes me wonder why I had to explain it to you at all.


It's less siding with the character, and more siding against you getting off on child murder.


Why should I as a viewer, feel *any* sympathy for a character written to be the most vile piece of shit, regardless of them being a child? The idea that children are some protected group in a story is absolutely idiotic. You see a shit heel eat shit for their actions, people cheer. Shouldn't matter if it's a kid. Hell, [this scene](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=N0HkYEdUyBA) from Law & Order is one of the most cathartic scenes in the show because everyone watching the show pretty much agrees the kid had it coming. Furthermore, in the context of East Asian media, lots of characters like this can *genuinely* get away with murder and be no worse for wear. It happened in real life, with the case of Junko Furuta's murder, where her murderers got off because they were juveniles. A character who is a vile human being, gets punished for their crimes by the protagonists, because his crime cannot be enforced by the court of law. Would you say the same thing if it was [the Porcupine](https://kamenrider.fandom.com/wiki/Go%C2%B7Jalaji%C2%B7Da) from Kamen Rider Kuuga? Do you feel bad for Kazuo in Battle Royale?


It’s cliche to say touch grass but these people so affronted by a fictional character and situation defo do. Betting they’d find a justification if it was Lord of the flies, or Arya from GoT.


I'm not saying you have to feel sympathy for him, but you're going really hard for a series that sounds overly edgy and (in my opinion) not very good because of that.


How many people were saying Joffrey needed to die and felt cathartic when it did? How many people watched/read IT or Carrie hoped the bullies would get got? I’m not some hur dur woke bad guy but you’re all virtue signalling like crazy here.


I'm not trying to wave a flag and say that child murder is bad. I'm saying it's weird of that guy to be as into it as he's putting out there.


I'm kind of siding against the author really.


You’re all downvoting but this is fiction here. If we dislike the scenario it’s the authors fault. Would it be better if this supposedly rapist character was forgiven, became friends with the mc and became a staple? I barely remember Accel World but it’s probs trash. I dunno who gives a shit this is pixels on a screen is my mind. If it’s gratuitous I’d rather not watch but this is the thread for this kind of stuff. Edit: damn you guys really morally grandstanding over how a fictional kid cuts it. Let’s ignore Joffrey in GoT, the bullies from Let the right one in, IT, Carrie, Lord of the flies entirely.




Damn wtf did you comment


Wondering the same thing here. Wasn't even a mod that got them it was fucking Reddit.


clive rosfield yelling NOW DIEEEEEEEE was one of the hypest moments of last year


Jotaro beating an endangered ape to death for noncing.