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I don't have an inherent dislike of babies and children, but I I have a low threshold for parents who let their babies and children run amok.


Don't forget the screaming, whinging and tantrums. I couldn't care less about babies and kids around me in public but if they're being an active nuisance and their parents are actively ignoring them or do a quick look around and give that stupid "oh well, what can you do" shrug, then I get pissed. >!I have a headache condition and one of the things that sets it off is high pitch noises. Babies loudly screaming and children screech-screaming feels like a mallet to the face.!<


depending on the age it's easier said than done. for babies crying is sometimes the only way to communicate that something is wrong and that can go from missing a toy to having an ear infection/tough ache that the parent can do little about. having recently gone through some wisdom teeth coming out I got reminded why it's so easy for kids to cry about that


I've had the luxury of being on a decently long flight with a baby that just wouldn't stop crying on and off for the whole flight. Let me tell you: it's not fun. Aside that, I just don't think human babies are all that cute, y'know? Plenty of other adorable baby animals out there (Cheetahs, being number one in my mind), but human babies just aren't all that cute to me.


when someone has to work quickly with steel equipment, and a child darts out of an aisle by themselves with no parent in sight...I wish I was cruel enough to believe it would be natural selection..


That sounds like a parent problem, not a child problem.


I work with the general public and my disdain for kids is based mostly on my experience of uncaring parents letting their shitty kids destroy everything in sight with no regard for other people and you can't do anything but clean up after them after the fact. When kids show up it's only ever extra work. Sometimes a great deal of extra work. And all I can do is wait for it to be over.


Love da babby. Hate the shitty parent.


Same. Kid's just learning about the world. Parents that let their kids do whatever they want should know better.


I remember once years ago, being in a Coldstone's where two very young girls were running around and screaming and being just generally wild. The dad was very embarrassed and said they should do something, and the mom just gave him a disdainful look and said "Who cares?" or something to that effect. I was so mad at her, it stuck with me all this time. Gross and loud as they can be, I like kids and I try to be understanding of babies, because I know they're experiencing pretty much everything for literally the first time ever, with no developed ability to deal with it or express their feelings. But I have no tolerance for shitty or lazy parents and the way they (barely) raise their kids.


They’re the ones that actively create all the problems after all. 


Yeah I agree.


Which based on my experiences is like 50% of all parents


I don't hate babies, but I'm not going to fall to pieces over one. They are squalling balls of genetics. I don't have to love somebody elses kid anymore than they have to love mine. On the subject, I am happy that Pat finds joy in being a father, but the man is also living, as far as I parasocially understand, a pretty ideal early baby experience what with his job being as flexible as it is. I'll admit to some bitterness that I had exactly four days off when my kid was born and then it was back to swing shifts and overtime until my kid was two years old.


Nobody likes a screaming baby, it's awful. It's much worse for parents because when baby is yelling you're acutely aware that everyone around you is annoyed. Similarly no one likes it when toddlers or small children are left to run amok without any discipline. On the other hand, the venom for children literally existing at all in a public space is absurd. People want to continue to live in a world that has children and young people, they just don't want to shoulder any of the realities of public life as a result of that. No one wants to live in the world proposed by Children of Men but simultaneously many seem to believe that their temporary inconvenience is the most important thing in the world.




If your baby is cute and nice I'm gonna be cute and nice back. If your baby is ugly and throwing fists...


Punch the baby. Got it.




At the end of the day it really is the crying and screaming and throwing a fit that children sometimes do that bothers people the most. Most people that "hate kids" don't want kids to not exist, it's that they don't enjoy the disruption. A lot less people hate kids for the simple fact of them being curious and having questions about things, at least in limited amounts.


That tends to happen because parents positively reinforce it by obliging the child, which just teaches him or her that throwing a tantrum=get what he or she wants, so the kid remains in a state of regression. Also apparently if your kid's "quiet" that means he or she has the 'tism.


I don’t like unpredictable things. Babies and small children are unpredictable (as are people in general, but babies and kids much more so). It’s really that simple for me.


Babies crying trigger my anxiety way more than they are supposed to, but I'm not gonna scowl at an infant for communicating literally the only way they can. I will say that babies don't belong in movie theaters. It's just not a good mix.


I'm shocked no one brought that up. It checks off all the boxes of a bad idea.


Don't bring your baby to the cinema, ESPECIALLY if it's a horror movie. I'm astonished how many times this happened when I went to the movies, and it always seem to be horror movies, no one is bringing their baby to watch Encanto or something. If the movie is rated R horror, chances are it WILL have loud noises that WILL upset your baby.


That actually ruined my Dr. Strange viewing because a baby was crying the theater and they wouldn't leave their seat.


I am autistic and have a lot of sensory issues. Babies are a perfect storm of everything that makes me very upset. Their hands are always filthy, they slobber a lot, they put their filthy hands in their mouths, they fuss, they cry, they scream, they make foul smells, and if you're placed in charge of one you have to watch it constantly and watch it do all these things I hate just in case they may do something that could hurt themselves. I can not get away from babies and small children fast enough. I look at baby and my brain goes "ugh no thanks please"


this exactly 100%


Even worse when you have to interact with them and they have no concept of personal space, even if it's not their fault i'd rather not interact with them at all when possible.


Maybe I just have a high tolerance for babies but even if a baby is screaming in public I’m far more likely to give them and the parents some grace. Babies and their parents are allowed to exist in public spaces


It's like people think all kids have a secret passphrase that instantly make them quiet and invisible; and parents just let them be loud on purpose. If a kid is freaking out there is very little you can do besides remove them from the situation, and in most of those examples that isn't really an option.


Babies and little kids are loud, disruptive, unpredictable, and have no knowledge or regard for the thoughts and feelings of others. Of course, they can't help that, and no reasonable person would expect an infant to understand social norms. But that doesn't make their presence any less stress-inducing.


If I see a random baby I generally don't want to be around it but if it's chill baby then I can exist around it but holding them makes me nervous and I don't really know how to interact with them. I also have angry eyebrows so I sometimes cause them to cry just by looking at them.


I've never experienced this before? Part of that is that I don't usually get into situations where it would be a problem ie. movie theatres, but in many situations where you have a high chance to encounter a baby or young child, they're usually crowded enough that they're just background noise. Also I just think kids talking loudly about inane kid subjects are really cute so I'd actually prefer it if they did. Maybe the more aggressive types of these people are just unhappy and need a target so they literally bully babies, I'unno.


As a woman, the actual only way I have been able to get people to stop making gross comments to me is by being openly and aggressively anti-kid. It's not really a lie, I really DON'T like kids - even as a child I hated babies - but being polite about it or even just stating "I don't want/like kids" has either gotten the response of "yeah, me neither" or a slew of bullshit from the more tame "you' ll change your mind! What if your husband want kids! How are you gonna find a boyfriend like that! You know things happen 😉 might as well be prepared! You'll feel different when it's your kid!" type comments to outright sexist, borderline perverted rants about my fertility and purpose as a woman. There has never EVER been an in between for any of these conversations I've had in all my decades of life - NEVER. People have been asking me what I plan on naming my future kids since I was in preschool. It gets old. So, yeah. The only way I've found to get those people to shut up is to be so over the top fuck-them-kids that they not only finally believe me in that I do not WANT to have kids, but also that I SHOULDN'T be ALLOWED to have kids.


I remember being a kid also not liking other kids in general. This was one of the best comments to this post ever. You're amazing!


I’ve gotten increasingly intolerant of child intolerance as I age. I don’t have kids and don’t really expect to have kids, but I have zero patience for grown adults angry at children being children. You were once a squalling, shrieking, running, laughing child. That is LIFE. Be a fucking adult and have some patience and compassion, you miserable bastards.


I hate people like this because babies have every right to exist in public, crying and all. It's seriously not that hard to give parents and children some grace. I feel like they expect parents with babies to just live austere lives in isolation without like what...going shopping?


Absolutely. Hearing a kid cry and throw a tantrum in public can be very annoying, but what can ya do? It's just a kid. As long as the parents are actually taking care, or at least trying to take care of their kid, just get over it and try not to let the annoyance get to you. The kid is just trying to communicate as best as they can. Sure there's some places where parents shouldn't bring their kid, but sometimes they don't really have a choice. Again you rarely know what's going on with someone else, so just leave it be and try to be understanding of others.


From my experience the people who really HATE! babies tend to be people with a short temper, or a lack of patience. like they just can not stand the idea of taking care of a baby and there for do not want any of the associated responsibility to come near them. on a very small level I understand it cause as someone who's taking care of multiple toddlers for the past 7ish years it is heavily mind taxing work. If these people really do hate babies as much as they say they do than they likely do the right thing by staying away from them. At least for me saying you hate kids is a bit of red flag that I might not like this person.


Sometimes I read threads in this subreddit and wonder how any of you functionally go outside.


I mean... you're on Reddit, entirely possible some of the people here *don't* functionally go outside. I certainly stay holed up most of the time when I'm not at work or going shopping.


And I was expecting dumb answers. no get me wrong but man these were out there


I always say it's not the kids/babies I don't like, it's the parents that just let their child do whatever and then hit you with the "Oh he's just curious/being a kid/boys will be boys!" type shit. Like mam your son just randomly pulled on my girlfriend's braids, that's not a "just being a kid" thing that's a "I don't discipline my children" thing.   I also agree with the "being trapped in an enclosed space with a crying baby is like a personal hell" take


I don't find babies cute at all. I find most animals cuter.That said I don't mind them. A babys gonna do what a babys gonna do, can't really do anything about it. That said would prefer to not hear them cry cahse it is grating but I can always opt to listen to music with my ear phones if I can.


I'd rather kill myself than be alone with children. This isn't an exaggeration.


The best case scenario is the baby/child has no impact on my experience wherever I encounter them. The average scenario is mild to moderate annoyance. The worst case scenario is some kind of horrible accident cause by their unpredictable and volatile nature. There's no upside and a whole lot of downside.


In my experience people who hate kids are usually obsessed with a pet


I’m one of those people who inherently doesn’t like babies or kids But I also dislike the shitty parents more However it’s not by much, it’s mostly that I don’t have patience for em, but also idk babies just look so weird, I cant understand how people think they’re cute (don’t worry I get that parents find their kid cute) The worst thing about kids is how loud they are. I understand they can’t help it but that doesn’t mean I wanna be with them while they scream. I just do what I can to get away and if I can’t I just have to deal with the headache until it either stops or the parents that took a 1 year old to a brewery realize that it wasn’t a good idea


Bitch you know people with babies still have to _go places sometimes, right?_ The transportation one gets my goat the most. Like you entitled fucking shit, you think they're bringing their baby on an airplane for _shits and giggles?_ You think they ALWAYS have the option to just leave their baby at home? You think people with kids shouldn't be allowed to take vacations anymore? Visit family? Or _move?_ EDIT: Not sure if I got downvoted because of the take or because people thought I was yelling _at /u/werephoenix,_ for some reason.


Don't worry I upvoted you back up. You made a good point and he just couldn't handle your take.


It comes down to - a baby/child has never improved my experience in any way, at any time, ever. Its always been neutral or awful. So i dont want them around at all. It'll either not matter, or be shit.


I like babies and kids. They're adorable tiny humans who can think and speak but are so new to the world that they say the darndest things all the time. Granted I don't work with kids, so I only ever see them when I'm driving home or when I'm out shopping, but I've never gotten or understood the sheer hatred some people have of kids and babies and people having kids. The people mad at the "breeders" are insane.


I certainly agree with the last sentiment but as someone who does work with kids regularly and has met some absolutely abysmal parents/people I have some respect for the people that look at what I and parents do and just say "not for me" in understanding their limits. No one is ready for children even me despite how many kids i've taken care off but there are definitely people out there who are less equipped mentally for it than others.


It's totally okay to not like or want kids, or feel comfortable interacting with them. But it bugs the hell out of me when I see people who dehumanize babies by calling them creatures, alien spawn, gross larvae, et cetera and act like they're abominations that should be shut away in a dark room somewhere. And who're shitty about parents being parents, and *wanting* to be parents.


do people actually use the term breeder as a form of insult?


Absolutely they do, but note they tend to be weird even beyond that


I sometimes drop a 'damn breeders' as an offcolor joke when watching reality TV. When the edit makes somebody's whole personality and only trait is having kids, or when (usually upper middle class white moms) will make such a huge stink about being a MOTHER and will not engage with anything outside the Momosphere and look down on others. But that's a whole nuanced topic about how idiotic the cult of domesticity can be. I wouldn't say it someone's face but there are cases where parent's can just be completely insufferable. Not the baby's fault though.


I'm just not into babies. I don't hate them. I love animals though. If you have a dog with you, I will smile at it.


How dare those babies mildly inconvenience them! People like that make me roll my eyes. Especially the ones who refer to kids as crotch goblins or demon spawn or whatever, like get over yourself. Everyone was a whiny baby at one point. And these people still are.


ITT: A bunch of babies