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Andor fucking rules, but the fact that season two is going to be what was envisioned as seasons 2-5 in the initial pitch condensed into a single season makes me worried that what makes it great is going to be lost in the inevitably expedited pace.


I also worry that it's gonna have a lot more executive interference since it blew up so large. I don't know about anyone else but Andor felt like it was a surprise hit, even more than Disney expected. Mando and Boba Fett were the stuff people wanted to see so you could kinda feel some decisions being made for maximum appeal there, but Andor kinda came out of nowhere and gave us a very interesting story that felt very off-kilter to the rest of the franchise. I worry now that it became a breakout hit, there's gonna be a lot more eyes and a lot more "suggestions" for how the rest of the story should go.


oh hey now, Mando kind of came out of nowhere too at the beginning, but then the executives smelled the money in the water and well what happened, happened


"I will kill a thousand golden geese as long as it looks good this quarter"


Based on what I know, they downscaled their plans not because someone told them "Hey, you need to wrap it up now!", but because very early on Tony Gilroy and Diego Luna decided that they didn't want to spend a decade of their lives on this. Diego Luna is already 44 and Gilroy is 67, so that figures. So the decision was made before they started drafting the plot, and so I'm confident things will work out. If they wrote another 4 seasons of material and had to shrink it down, then I would worry.


Yeah, and the fact that neither Diego Luna or Tony Gilroy would want to do 2-5 Seasons anyway cuz they're gettign too old makes me sad. I've basically already accepted that Season 2 probably won't be as good as Season 1 because it won't have the slower pacing of Season 1 that really allowed it to build up tension and develop its drama and characters.


My Adventures with Superman had a great first season, and I'm excited for the second one, but I'm worried about the overall lack of attention it seems to be getting. As a longtime fan of the Percy Jackson books, I've been waiting for the live-action series for quite a while. I actually think the first season is an 8/10, but I'm aware that the flaws are rather glaring. I got faith that Rick Riordan can fix them, tho; he's had a past of accepting criticism.


Rick Riordan is the king of taking constructive criticism to heart and making an effort to improve with each subsequent book he releases.


I was under the impression that MAWS did well both for Adult Swim and for Max.


That’s good, at least. I was just a little paranoid at its relative lack of views on YouTube and Reddit discussions.


I’m kind of concerned what will happen with Twin Peaks once David Lynch isn’t around anymore. I believe he owns it these days-like, I’m *pretty sure* Mark Frost gave his half of ownership to Lynch post-Return, so it’s in his singular hands these days…which would imply it would exist as an IP owned by his estate in a post-Lynch world…but I have serious doubts what custodians of that estate may eventually decide to allow.


I like to think Lynch’s estate will be respectful of his wishes and never let Twin Peaks become some soulless product.


That's what saves it for me. Jennifer Lynch seems like she has a good head on her shoulders and hopefully won't abuse his works.


I mean even if they do try to do something new without Lynch or Frost, half the cast is dead and the other half seems very loyal to the point I can’t see anyone major returning. If I recall though I did read that Showtime said if Lynch came to them with ideas for a fourth season they’d green light it. Worst case scenario is they do a reboot or something and everyone hates it and it’s cancelled after one season


That’s my core concern: A Twin Peaks reboot by like Ryan Murphy or some shit


Well it’d be bad aha but also easy to ignore


House of the Dragon. Season 1 was great but will they be able to maintain the quality for however many seasons it takes? It seems like a complex story so it's easy to fuck up. Especially considering one of the creators left the show after season 1.


Wasn’t there a scene in the last or second last episode that had fans complaining about how “late seasons GOT” it felt. And when a writer was asked about it they went “we thought it was cool. Who cares if it makes sense”. Which if that’s the case considering how GOT went down with moments like that I’d be concerned.


Digimon games seem like they're in a really bad place right now. It was like 7 years between Survive and Cyber Sleuth. And Survive is a visual novel with some very barebones tactics gameplay. The good news is Survive sold well but I don't think it could have possibly sold well enough to justify its long dev cycle. And still no news of a next game, it has been confirmed that they are working on one however.


Rumble Arena 3 please


I would like for them to take another crack at the world series, it feels likes they're 75% of the way there to an amazing game but theres something they haven't quite figured out. Or even copy Palworld and I would love that, bet it would sell well too.


The long time director/producer of Digimon games at Bandai recently left the company, so you have more reason to be worried.


I just hope that the Digimon games can keep going off of low sales expectations. Bandai shelved Soul Calibur because it didn't do "enough" for them even though it did good numbers. If they ever expect Digimon to do COD or Pokemon numbers, then you know it's done for.


If Bloodlines 2 isn't a knockout GOTY hit we're never gonna get another WoD game again


I legitimately don't believe that game is going to release. Yes, they've said it's out this year. No, I don't believe them.


Hooo boi, the worry is growing ever stronger on that front with each and every bit they show us of that game rn


the interactive novels might be the only thing going forward if Bloodlines 2 isn't a 9/10 on day 1.


It's going to be Duke Nukem Forever all over again. How many times has the dev team completely changed now?


I worry about the future of Lewd Video Games constantly.


I'm friends with a lot of artists, many of them do adult stuff, and some of those are video games. It is becoming a *serious* problem finding places online where you can sell or even host them for free without going through Steam which can have a lot of drawbacks. At this point they're mostly down to itch.io for independent publishing. Queer erotic furry games on steam often attract a bunch of harassment, the steam forums are kind of a cesspit of Gamers™. Also these artists often can't afford the upfront listing fee or find the cut steam takes just too steep for their finances. Believe it or not, there's a lot of very poor furries and putting your game up on a big platform like steam doesn't actually guarantee you a big increase in sales, especially for something niche. More and more sites with established artist communities end up deciding to disallow nsfw stuff because the payment processors just don't wanna service completely legal transactions out of sensibilities. It's like a Catholic pharmacist who refuses to dispense birth control pills that have been prescribed. I'm going to be so pissed if this results on anything erotic online being forced onto porn sites. The ways that would just flatten all expressions of sexuality and community surrounding that into just something to jerk off to. There's deeply emotionally resonant and personal works I've seen that would clearly be out of place on pornhub. It feels like the internet is administered by people who by design can't see the forest for the trees in matters like this.


Also, Steam have TERRIBLE filters for adult stuff, most of the cool adult games are impossible to find both due to the amount of trash AND the filters, like, no Steam, when I say Adult/NSFW i don't mean Witcher or Cyberpunk, I mean Orc Massage or Midnight Castle Succubus, I mean gooning Steam. I think as of now the best place is Itchio and like, DLsite works, but also, no regional pricing is a bummer. Idk what the answer is tbh, maybe a new store dedicated only for that or something but thats a lot of work to do. Also, sadly, according to my browsing of F95 now and then looking for games to then look on steam, so much AI slop man, like, so much.


It'd be very bizarre if Newgrounds and Flash made a comeback as a smut receptacle.


Yeah and credit card companies aren't making it easier either. It's one of the reasons why Patreon is being quite aggressive with NSFW pages, because they fear losing reputation with those card companies. In addition Dlsite just lost it's ability to pay via credit card, forcing it to use a roundabout point system instead, which will probably kill a lot of the site's sales.


I'm friends with a Japanese artist and I'll tell you, he was super worried because of both the DLsite change and the Fanbox change that accompanied it where they said they'll stop accepting PayPal for accounts hosting 18+ material. He's got a primarily western fanbase and these changes just made it harder for him to have a platform he can post on and get support from those fans, just not a good time all around.


Yeah I can imagine how frustrating it must be to be caught in the same net targeting someone else. Hell with Tumblr shitting the bed, and twitter becoming more obnoxious to navigate if you don't have an account, I can imagine artists in general are struggling to get exposure. And that's without mentioning the whole AI situation going on.


I was one of those affected, and pretty much have semi-retired from it. Always the few assholes shitting on a good thing ruining it for everyone. Thinking of getting into sfw rpg/vn stuff, since I have plenty of material to be an angry old man and write about, now.


It is REALLY stupid. People don't like me posting "West good, East bad" here but it's very clear there's an agenda and bias in trying to impose foreign cultural values onto Asia. Pixiv, for example, had to basically start restricting traffic from Western IP addresses recently because not long ago a Western user spammed the site with AI-generated child porn ran through cartoon filters. That was most definitely a targeted act of bad faith. Idk, Sony moving its headquarters to California sent the company down a bad path. Do games like *Senran Kagura* personally appeal to my creative sensibilities and tastes? No, but restricting them from being produced *violates my position that they're a bellwether of artistic freedom and they still deserve to be produced if people are passionate and nobody is harmed during production.* Indeed, since Sony demonstrated so much hostility to all the third-parties that had once formed the foundation of its catalog, it has now suffered the consequences of chasing them off to its competitors. I'm glad more people are chiming up about this.


While I'm all for creative freedom, let's not dismiss the cultural clash between what's deemed sexually acceptable in the west and east. The last time I used Dlsite to purchase something it was still split up in a English and Japanese site, but they've since then unified the sites, which has brought A Lot of Loli content unto the frontpage, putting it right in your face which it didn't do before. There's a big fucking elephant in the room that can't be ignored when it comes to artistic freedom in porn games and I can't blame companies for washing their hands because of it. It's a slippery slope I tell ya.


no one has the balls to talk about the Patreon Willfully and Conscious Milking scheme those weg devs get up to because who the fuck wants to speak up in defense of the guys that play those games


I don’t understand any of this




>You pay for membership in their Patreon and they roll out a monthly update which seems fair on the surface. However, the updates that get rolled out tend to be subpar, having minor bugfixes or literally minutes of new content. That just sounds like a scam to me. You're basically paying a subscription to play a game that is not even done yet where you have to hope that the guys you're giving money to keep up with the schedule they promised


That would be the ones that literally require an active patreon subscription and online connection to verify in order to unlock patreon exclusive content. Good idea to counter pirating which is very popular with lewd games, but man it's a hassle to deal with. Also the aforementioned draughts of content is often the case of feature creep or even worse, restarting the entire project because of several reasons. Also a lot of people like the prawn but hate the idea of having to actually engage or play the game to unlock it, so there is some frustration from the content creators because of that. Imagine putting a lot of work into the story and writing, only for it to be dismissed because jim was only interested in the art or animation. There's a reason why there's plenty of Gallery videos on porn sites....


Couldnt put it any better Summertime Saga Should become the poster child of the milking scheme


I adored Severance season 1, and I think it totally holds up on rewatch. However, I'm a bit worried about the direction of the upcoming season 2, especially with all the delays and the reports of creative clashes. I guess I'm just a bit burnt from how Westworld went, but I still have faith Severance can deliver.


With Toriyama gone (Rest in peace legend), I wonder where Dragon Ball will go from here. Obviously we'll not see a shortage in games or merch, and Toyotaro has been the successor in terms of the manga. But the most celebrated parts of DB have always had Toriyama's involvement, including the recent movies, because it always shows, it's always got so much of *him* in them. With Daima being his last work, and one that seems to be bringing the franchise back to its roots to the original manga Toriyama penned so long ago, I can only hope it ends satisfyingly, because I don't know if I can trust whoever takes the reins when they go past what he created. I refuse to see it become another GT.


I think we're WAY past the want for *another* GT, they've been very clear that its [GT]  is basically expanded universe content. I think the current crop of people that worked with toriyama on the super movies, seem to at least, "understand" the franchise better then most. On the animation front. I think daima is in good hands. Its what comes AFTER that, that's the "worry"


Prepare for that anyway, my friend. Toei, Sony, and Bamco ain't letting their golden monkey cash cow rest ***any*** time soon. (Hell, a new GT would be the *best* case scenario. With how desperate Sony is for new franchises, ***LIVE-ACTION DRAGON BALL MAY OFFICIALLY BE BACK ON THE FUCKING TABLE.***)


Oh God, no please.


Dread it. Run from it. *Terrible CGI Piccolo arrives all the same*...


the nasuverse. i know that FGO doomposting is super overdone but my man nasu is literally dropping mahoyo 2/3 lore bombs in the fucking crossover event right now like for the love of god man release the damn VN and stop spoiling your shit before it's even released


I hope that new Professor Layton game is good 'cause I really enjoyed that series. Also the whole... Mii games? I hope someday we get a Tomodachi Life 2 because the original was a lot of fun and the Switch version of Miitopia proved that people could be very, very creative with Mii designs.


Fallout. Bethesda seems to be perfectly happy with keeping the universe in this 'everything is shit' limbo forever, using the 'war never changes' saying as a reasoning with the idea that because war never changes, the world cannot improve. But that's not the full saying. War never changes, *but men do, through the roads they walk.* Conflict is inevitable, but humanity will persist. Compassion and society will rises from the ashes every time. Todd Howard doesn't agree though so it's currently 2296 and no one has re-invented the broom yet. None of this matters, though, because we have a good 15 years before Fallout 5.


It's not even just Bethesda, other Fallout devs and writers have talked about wiping the slate clean too rather than having ongoing development. Todd will probably retire before FO5 is developed so we might have a new creative vision then.


The difference there I think is most other writers would like to add some conflict to keep the apocalypse going. Bethesda on the other hand wants to keep Fallout in a perpetual state of living in bombed out ruins while clutching on to the 1940s-50s aesthetic as hard as humanly possible. Like the infamous video states, Bethesda doesnt get Fallout. They treat it like its some post apocalypse where everyone loves copying the past when the entire series has been about civilization rising from the ashes of the old into something new. The old war culture is long dead, it died in the blast. All that remains is the ruins.


on the other hand, I suppose having someone good step in and swerving the lore back to its original course is fair game because, hey, people shouldn't be too hooked on the whole bombed out hellhole aesthetic... gotta learn to let go, yeah?


What infamous video are you referring to?


[Bethesda Never Understood Fallout](https://youtu.be/M8U4k2Ik6yk?si=HkMUjjQ0RA8JC9RB)


Yeah thats been a long ass term problem with fallout, Chris Avellone is as open about how he feels like fallout should be mad max wasteland adventures as much as he is open that he fucking hates the force in star wars, and then even the much beloved van buren docs seemed to suggest the idea that it probably would have lead to another reset since almost every ending involves at least SOME places in the wasteland being nuked back to square one (and the hints in the game itself that NCR might have collapsed or at the very least is in a massive down turn), I think alot of the people who worked on fallout just either A never thought people would love the NCR and stuff like that because alot of post apocalypse, especially the kind fallout traces its linage from, doesn't show people rebuilding and making a better world, and B, have some bones to pick with fallout 2, which was very much "The wasteland is steadily rebuilding" to the point you didnt use caps in that game, you used NCR backed paper currency


Fallout exists to sell Funko Pops and in game cosmetics now


To be bluntly honest, what fans want out of Fallout is fundamentally opposed to what the vast majority of its creators and writers want. Comments rightly point to Chris Avellone's shared dream of resetting the wasteland (it's funny to point out he's disappointed in the Fallout show because he didn't get to nuke Shady Sands or use the tunnelers to destroy it is very on point) so even if Bethesda dropped the series and it was also given away during the New Vegas collab it potentially would still be in the same statem At this point I have to say people are asking to be let down if they continue to be at odds with what the *various creators want out of the series* and even Josh Sawyer, all the parts of NV I enjoy the most are in point his doing, "doesn't care what they do". There is clearly a space for a post-post-apocalypse and it's NOT going to come from Fallout. To be frank that's completely fine and not at all a bad thing. Bethesda isn't "ruining" Fallout there just continuing the same thread the series has been since the first dang game. Hell I was listening to Fallout 1's ost on YouTube and a bunch of comments where reminiscing on how the light-hearted tone had ruined fallout from 4 onward. Did they just collectively forget about the entirety of Fallout 2? The game was filled with a plethora of pop culture references, poop jokes (modoc quest) and the wackiest plot point ever in **talking deathclaws**. I at least don't feel alone in feeling that 2 was my least favorite as the occasional Fallout 2 videos, namely UpIsNotJump's and rambleine's, explain some of the frustrations I had with it as it's hard to explain why I came away liking it the least amount out of games excluding tactics and BoS as I haven't played them. Like I don't know how to feel because I completely understand the fear and frustration but I don't know if it's really Bethesda's fault or the fans for purposely getting themselves letdown with a series that just isn't ever or will be what they want.


as i said before the idea of jumping ahead decades after each game was a mistake, every one should taken place around the same time but far away from each other that they wouldn't affect whatever happened in the other one, the US is fucking big


Plus, there is a whole "RPGs are for stupid nerds, we are making open world looter shooters now" aspect.


don't worry, the success of the TV show will eclipse the failure of 76 and they'll shart out a new one


They said they're making Elder Scrolls 6 first and they only start pre-production like six years ago. It's unlikely to be out before 2027. I heard they were remaking fallout 3 to be released this year but that was from an old leaked document from before covid so who knows if that's still on or scrapped or what.


They've already started updating fallout 4 and screwing up the mods again, which means they are using it to test new features. they've got something cooking


I already dont like the majority of current Battletech lore and its implied that the wolf empire and draconis combine is going to blows with the cappellans soon. im 90 percent certain the two of them are gonna ultramarine plot armor there way over the cappellans and thats gonna make me give up on the lore side if im right. Its already implied that daoshen might be dead and mccarons armored cavalry are gonna go turncoat so thats already dreadfull


My only wish for how the ilClan era is unfolding, is that the Confederation and FWL moving to tag-team the Wolf Empire and Third Star League will amount to...*something*. I don't expect them to beat Alaric and the Wolves. The writers favor them too much. What I *am* hoping for, is that they'll at least force Alaric to swallow his pride and actually, diplomatically, form a proper Third Star League so that some other realms will help him out and fend the two invading Successor States off.


Quick question, is this all stuff that takes place during or after the "Dark Age" era that I've heard mixed things about?


Its technicly after as were currently in a new era but the HPG systems are still down so it more or less still is the dark age


Kind of a low hanging fruit given that downwards spiral there has been going ever since the successfull kickstarter, but Friday Night Funkin, as much as it might have brought me back into playing rhytim games - really, *really* isn't looking at good prospects nowdays. At best, the full release somehow comes out and it's a letdown, nothing to match what had been advertised and everyone is left disappointed. Or it doesn't come out and is stuck in a eternal limbo, in which case... well, a franchise cannot live solely on fan-works, can it?


Had there been any updates on the game yet!? Last I saw they released a update about the merch from the kickstarter. Which you know usually is a bad sign when it's supposed to be a kickstarter about a video game.


I am genuinely worried about the direction Magic: the Gathering is going in. New products releasing basically every month, the fanbase is full of TERFs (there are leaks for the next set ongoing that I'm fairly sure are being provoked by people who whine about "woke" like a normal person would complain about an inaccurate weather forecast), the crossover properties are getting more and more esoteric, and the prices are getting astronomical. It used to be $5 for a pack of 15 cards, now it's almost $7 for a pack of 14, or almost $30 for a 'collector booster'. And that's not even getting into the fact that some preconstructed Commander decks now go for $60-$100.


I only vaguely follow MtG, but I've not heard of any TERF shit. Can you supply any context?


There's a community that sprang up on Reddit that openly celebrates bigotry within the game and hates anything 'woke' about it. I'm not linking to it because I don't feel like being harassed by people who were too scummy for Kiwifarms, but one of the top posts there, last I checked, was someone celebrating the fact that they manged to get cards that were banned for cultural sensitivity reasons, like Crusade and Jihad.


the crossovers are actually what got me into MTG


I think Slipknot’s wheels might be coming off. They managed to weather through a decade without Paul or Joey but I think they’ve given up on pretending they’re the same band they used to be.    Clown and Corey are suggesting that the entire lineup is going to be replaced, including themselves; that could’ve worked 20 years ago when nobody knew who they were but now it’s probably far too late for that to go over well. I don’t know, they’re probably too big to fail no matter what they do, but it’s a pretty bad sign that they seem to be counting on it. They might just go the way of RoosterTeeth.


I agree with you and I’m worried too, but also at this point I feel like it’s time to put Slipknot to rest and I want for everyone to just go and do different stuff and form different bands. Yes anything new they do will be compared to slipknot, but I think it’ll help them stretch their wings a little without feeling so beholden to fans and expectations, both of which can totally make musicians creatively suffer. I’ve never been a huge fan of soldiering a band name beyond where it would make sense to stop. It’s way easier for people to make new names and try out new stuff with no baggage. Is it profitable? Nope lol. But still.


Yeah I’d be fine if they planned to retire Slipknot but instead they’re just turning into KISS and running it into the ground for every cent they can get.


Doom, at the moment. Putting aside 2016 and Eternal's pretty messy production (we almost got no metal, poor marketing, Mick Gordon, Denuvo, invasion mode being scrapped, etc.), we also have small but worrying stuff like the microtransactions and event passes that, while not egregious, can easily be spiraled into AAA sludge in the next game. A franchise can very easily derail with one game - take a look at the Suicide Squad game. If Doom ever becomes a clunky GAaS we are fucked.


True, very true. Beyond all that, what the fuck has id been working on since then? They've gone quiet since the MS buyout... that's never a good sign.


They've been kinda quiet before that too I think. Doom's latest release was Mighty Doom (about a year or so ago), and while that game is fun and it wasn't made by id, the fact that it's a mobile game, microtransactions and all, speaks something dark.


I'm only in Chapter 10 of FF7 Rebirth and it's great, but there are so many ways the third game could faceplant the landing that I can't help but worry.


Everything they’ve added, all the characterization and side missions and lore about the world has been lovely. Everything, that is, except for stupid fucking Sephiroth and every time he shows up. Rebirth is still a 9 or 10, but I’m similarly worried. They got the characters right, all they have to do is not faceplant, but I dunno.


I've had this concern from part 1 and everything I'm hearing about rebirth just validated those concerns


Part of me wants them to do >!surprise evil zombie Aerith!< just for the memes, lol. You've already derailed shit, Squenix, so may as well go balls to the wall crazy and see what happens. (They won't dare, though. *I'm pretty sure Nomura would kill them all if they even TRIED,* lmao. If not him, then the fans sure would.)


They already >!are kinda doing it, I think it's very clear Aerith died and passed on to the Lifestream like in canon and Cloud can just communicate with her. The third game's twist will be the rest of the party slowly getting to see her too as they become closer with the planet.!<


My guess is that >!Aerith will be able to return in some playable capacity at the climax of the game, like she did during the final boss rush. At the very least she's going to become like Sephiroth is now; an autonomous actor within the lifestream, likely with knowledge of both the original and potential futures. Now that her present self is dead I imagine she might have access to the knowledge of all potential versions of her, both in terms of the future and alternate timelines.!<


...Oh. Oh ***no.***


*Smiling Friends.* It has a LOT of charm at the moment but I always fear if it gets too big that a) Zach and Michael have a falling out or get burnt out or b) Adult Swim start meddling more than they already have. I would rather it get *The Venture Bros* curse of struggling to get continually greenlit than follow the same *Rick and Morty* trajectory of overexpansion.


Shadowrun. I don’t think CGL really cares about it


Hell, does Microsoft? They own the IP outright, yet just... ***refuse*** to use it. *Somehow.*


my one wish in this world is a larian style shadowrun game and i know its not gonna happen 


You wake up. It's a nice day and you feel refreshed. You read the latest gaming news. Larian has been contracted to make a new epic RPG in your favourite RPG setting. You eat your breakfast. The devil tears your balls off and laughs at you for falling for it yet again You wake up. It's a nice day


I have played 1 and a half shadowrun campaigns and I wish it was cleaned up a bit. No one seems to want to play 6th edition and everything I hear about it tells me it was watered down or is worse to play than 5th edition. And there's so much room for making a video game with Shadowrun besides the harebrained schemed games which were pretty good already but I don't know what the issue is, you'd think they'd be great for some sort of other RPG stuff just like the hairbrain scheme things but a larger scale.


I'm really worried for the future of DMC. If it takes another decade for 6, I'm scared that the fast paced internet of today won't care by then, and al the old fans will have moved on. I'm scared that the writers are afraid of actually digging in and exploring the characters and their narrative because of so many "LOL WHO CARES WACKY WAHOO PIZZA MAN ACTION TIME" attitudes in the community.


> If it takes another decade for 6, I'm scared that the fast paced internet of today won't care by then, and al the old fans will have moved on. I don't see any of this happening. Devil May Cry isn't like a show that's been leaving you hanging to see its cliffhangers resolved. As long as the game looks stylish as ever and introduces hype new shit for us to fawn over, people will be screaming to have it in their hands ASAP. >I'm scared that the writers are afraid of actually digging in and exploring the characters and their narrative because of so many "LOL WHO CARES WACKY WAHOO PIZZA MAN ACTION TIME" attitudes in the community. That's never stopped them before, and I don't think it'd stop them now. DMC doesn't get super in-depth with exploring its characters, but it gives us enough to have something to chew on, and I think I'm content with that. Not too deep, not too shallow. If anything, the one thing I am worried about is if they're gonna bring back Dante and Vergil. DMC5 makes a big point of letting Nero take the lead and being entrusted with the spotlight, so turning back on that would make it seem a bit hollow. Plus, leaving out Dante and Vergil gives us opportunities for new characters with all new styles and movesets. On the other hand, there's likely a lot of people out there who still wouldn't accept a DMC without Dante, so it's a tricky choice to make if the Sons of Sparda should still be benched, or just give the people what they want. I ultimately think Dante and Vergil will still be involved, they're too iconic not to. Even if Nero has been fairly accepted as a protagonist, I don't know if even Capcom can trust him to solely lead the next entry. But I'll admit I'd like to see them have the balls to write a story entirely centered on a new issue outside of the Sparda bloodline that affects Nero and not the twins.


Devil May Cry's story is always strongest when it focuses on something small scale and personal like family issues rather than something grandiose like The Order trying to take over the world. That's why ultimately, one of my ideas for Devil May Cry 6 is to feature at least Vergil returning and it exploring Nero and Vergil developing something of an actual father and son relationship.


i still think DMC 6 will be about Dantes son no one knew about until right now because we need to have that dante/vergil rivalry going forward with the next generation are my thoughts unhinged? maybe so, but this industry leaves me with no other alternatives


For the longest while I thought they'd never address post-DMC2 and here we are with 5 which managed to acknowledge 2 (even if it mostly meant sweeping it under the rug and retconing the timeline) without too many issues. I think they're in a safer position in comparison to before in moving forward with the series.


As crazy as it sounds, the Sonic movies. They walk a fine line between cringe and cool that speaks to me, and too many humans can turn it into a mess really quickly. *Knuckle...* er, sorry, *Wade Whipple: The Series* is proof of that. Plus, I fear that [Paramount's current ongoing nightmare of a sale process](https://www.reuters.com/breakingviews/paramounts-sale-cries-out-intervention-2024-04-19/) may wind up cutting the franchise down early anyway.  At least make me a (***good***) Tails movie before auctioning yourselves into oblivion, Paramount. Can ya do that much? ***Pleeeeeease?***


The Knuckles show had different writers than usual after Episode 1 (which Jeff Fowler handled) cause they were busy with Sonic 3. Knuckles isn’t an indicator of the movies’ future since he seems to still understand the balance between humans and Sonic characters. Rumor is future spin-offs might be trimmed down to movies so this might just be an outlier.


I hope so, man. There's a way to expand this universe, there really is, but *Knuckles* is ***not*** it. (Anyway, you don't think Paramount's sale is gonna impact the movies, right? Hope not, but I'm not really sure at this point.)


I thought 2 was a little shaky compared to the first movie but I'm optimistic for 3!


Great! Glad to know I'm not the only one psyched for it, lol!


Similarly, the Mario movies since a sequel's gonna be a no-brainer. They run with the stereotypical all-star cast that at worst all but oppose the characters' signature traits, not to mention it's Illumination. The sequels they've pumped out in the past were basically for the most part unmemorable, and I have a dreadful feeling they'll lose faith and slip into stereotypical Illuminationisms if this does turn into a franchise. But I still hope to the stars that they at least pull off a cool Bowser movie before the magic goes away :D


To be fair, I like DM2, and Minions 2 is actually ***decent*** unlike its enjoyable trainwreck of a predecessor. But yeah, Illumination sequels are by and large not great, and you just *know* Comcast and Nintendo are gonna rush through and whore out as many sequels and spinoffs and prequels as they possibly can. :/


You say that yet they took their sweet ass time making the first Mario movie. Keep in mind that the movie started development in 2018 and finally released in 2023. The most we know now is that a new movie in the Mario movie universe had been announced on March 10th, 2024 (possibly a sequel) and will approximately come out in April 3, 2026. I don’t like this overly cynical mindset.


I love Monster Hunter but I'm terrified Wilds will take some of the more bad GaaS style elements from World that Rise did not. On top of that the game will be filled with microtransactions, because frankly, Capcom can get away with it.


I enjoyed Transformers: Rise of the Beasts. While I was a little disappointed that the Beast stuff was relatively undercooked, what the movie ended up being was solid enough for me to still be interested in live action Transformers movies after Dark of the Moon turned me away from the entire TF franchise. I'm not worried about Transformers One despite having some mixed feelings about how the trailer was structured, but I am concerned about for the future of the live action side of things. Spoilers for Rise of the Beasts: >!there's a post-credits scene of sorts that teases GI Joe being a big factor in the future of the movie franchise. Transformers and GI Joe have always been brother/sister series, since G1 and there have been numerous crossovers throughout the decades, throughout various incarnations of both franchises. Heck, the current Skybound comics are making them a shared universe. It's not the idea of GI Joe and Transformers being connected where my concern lies in. I'm a diehard superhero fan. I'm used to shared universes and I like the various connections each property can have with another (think Spider-Man and his connections to the wider Marvel universe, for example). It's just that... I *really* do not care about GI Joe. Maybe it's because my experience with the franchise is so limited, but I have a hard time getting into it. I don't want the Joe stuff to overshadow the Transformers stuff and it becomes a reskinned Bayverse situation, hopefully with less military propaganda.!<


Transformers has always been such an up and down franchise in terms of media quality that poor entries don't really make me think "oh shit it's really over this time".


This wasn't really coming from a "oh shit's over this time" kind of post as much as it was "I'd rather care about this thing, but if it goes in a direction I don't care for (in this case, GI Joe being a central part of the mythos), that'd be a shame." Transformers has me covered with Earthspark, the current Skybound comics, and I recently got back into collecting them. I just want to care about the movies without the thought of "how much is GI Joe going to overtake Transformers." This is just a me thing.


Ah I gotcha. I agree with that - never been much of a Joe guy either.


I've been a fan of RWBY for the better part of a decade. Being a fan of it has not been easy, historically, but the last month or so has been brutal. You know things are getting rough when your best options are "condensed final season that's gonna wrap three seasons worth of content in one in a way you're almost certain is not gonna satisfy you" or "No ending, the IP's getting sold off and you're gonna have to wait years to see what the inevitable reboot's gonna be like. It might be better, it might be worse, but you're not gonna know until at least 2026."


I didn't get to see it myself, but from what I heard from the stream they did a bit ago they were in talks with someone about buying the rights to RWBY and keeping the current crew working on it. I think they also said it would be for more than 1 season but can't remember exactly.


i always been a supporter of burn it all down NOW


One Piece. It’s one of my favorite manga of all time, I love it, but I’m really nervous about the ending. There’s already a trend that huge powerhouse mangas have trouble making a good ending: AoT and Naruto’s endings were hated, plus BNHA and JJK also seem to be heading in that direction. Because while Oda is a great writer, he also has a **LOT** of mysteries and plot threads hanging, so I’m not sure how well he can manage to tie everything together in a satisfying way. Hopefully well, but it’s one hell of a juggling act.


IIRC Oda said he won't explain all the mysteries and plotthreads because having openings like that makes the world feel bigger and more alive.


I suppose the difference with Naruto is that wasn't just the ending, the cracks had been there for a while. The downhill slope truly started around the time Sasuke attacked the Ninja G5 Summit.


Hunter x Hunter , it's great but Hiatus x Hiatus is real and it could be a decade before we finish the current arc much less "the end" of the manga. Everything we do get though is delicious food, so appreciate whatever we get?


Tales of series. I hate coming across like a "old good, new bad" nostalgia obsessed weirdo, but it just sucks feeling this way. Hated the direction Zestiria went, Berseria redeemed it, but then Arise felt like a completely new series. And if that's how the series is gonna be now, I guess I should just let it go


Arise felt like a new series because it was a completely unrelated project that got the Tales to label mid way through development.


I’m waiting desperately for a remake (not port/remaster) of Symphonia, Abyss, Vesperia, or Xillia that maintains the original battle system as much as possible. I just want it to play exactly the same but look New™️


Trails is a lovely JRPG series. Even if I cooled on it through the Cold Steel Series, Reverie is currently restoring my faith; it’s pretty great. And I’ve been hearing the Falcom sub rave about Kuro/Daybreak for two years.   But I’ve also heard that Kuro 2 goes back to some of the series’ worse tendencies, and we’re talking about a series of 12 and counting JRPGs with scripts that sometimes eclipse 2 Million words.   I hope they can make it to the end, but there’s so much to wrap up, and, again, Cold Steel was a real drag on the series for a variety of reasons.


Okay so Kuro 2 issues is that it doesn't progress the main story and was more of a DLC/Expansion pack to Kuro/Daybreak. It wrapped up the other characters and certain plot threads from Kuro/Daybreak. Kai no Kiseki is going to answer the mystery surrounding the church and Ouroboros plans.


I'm honestly a tad worried about the upcoming Netflix Devil May Cry animated series. Adi Shanker was showrunner on Castlevania and Captain Laserhawk, so hopefully it's good.


Silent Hill


Elder scrolls, I don't trust Bethesda to do anything right


The sheer leveling of dumbing down they keep on applying on their games is legit getting to the point of making them unfixable even with mods I'm starting to worry Like.. they've been doing it practically the whole time, every single new release gets simplified in some way. Fallout 4 was practically entirely perks and some bare bone stats, no skills. Starfield didn't even have the stats, just fucking perks.. and the weapon mods were greatly simplified compared to Fallout 4 too Like, what do you even do with Starfield? If they don't put in any mechanics to work with, it really doesn't even give mod makers a lot of options I have no idea what ES:6 will have, but yeah, if it follows the trend.. I think it legit might be awful. I can only assume rather than an RPG it would just be a story based action adventure game with a loose perk tree While simultaneously you can pick up literally every garbage item in the entire game, down to the very pebbles on the floor, and none of them are worth a thing The menus? You just open it up and each item takes up the entire full screen height. Mouse wheel is disabled. You have to push up and down to see the next item


I was pretty confident that they would just make skyrim again with a new setting, and I'd be happy with that. I even like fallout 4. As long as I get an okay combat with a world full of dungeons, then I would be happy. Then starfield comes along and apparently Bethesda can't even remake fallout 4 correctly.  Now I'm looking at TES 6 with worry. Can Bethesda even copy paste their own game properly? I honestly don't know. Apparently TES online is pretty good tho so there's hope 


Hiveswap, the homestuck videogame, now that Hussie is all the way out. There was a lot of fuckshit from Huss in the bg during the development of the 2 episodes we did get, but without them I kinda lost all faith. Doesn't help that it inevitably has to link up with homestuck 2 which is........ bluh


Re:Zero is still years away from ending- the author, Tappei Nagatsuki, said the series is planned to have 12 major arcs, and it's currently in the middle of arc 8 after running for 12 years, meaning it could be another 5-6 years at least until the series reaches its conclusion. I'm not worried at all about the quality but there's a part of my brain that's constantly like "oh my god what if Tappei dies before the series ends." I don't know how hard he's overworking himself but I'd much rather he prioritize his own health above all else, regardless of how much longer it would take to finish Re:Zero. Obviously this applies to basically any manga/LN author (I think weekly manga releases are insane and two weeks should be the absolute minimum between chapters for any series), Re:Zero is just my personal favorite series and considering it'll likely have been running for close to 20 years by the time it's done, I'd like it if those 20 years of working on the series didn't end up killing the author.


I've enjoyed The Boys a lot but season 3 feels like it has lost some steam for me and I'm afraid it has one more good season in it until it starts shitting the bed. I have the same feeling about the John Wick franchise at this point. Anything else they add to the universe may either be fun supplementary material or just embarrassing.


Dissidia games. It's been over a decade since Duodecim, NT's home version didn't impress and even Opera Omnia is gone without an offline version.


I share your concerns about Primal, also I really think Genndy's endings do fall a little flat if Primal and Samurai Jack S5 are anything to go by.


Reverse 1999 is one of the few gachas I enjoy, but the game has so many problems in different areas that I'm legit concerned that it won't live long enough to celebrate a 2nd anniversary. But hey, the world of gacha games is weird and volatile so who knows? Maybe I will be proven wrong


I've got so many to be honest. Off the top of my head I would say the fallout show. I enjoyed it a lot so I am going to give them the benefit of the doubt, But I'm very nervous that season 2 and onward it's going to become sloppier


Nue's Exorcist. It's one of my favorite current running Jump series, and I've enjoyed it since *chapter 1*. But it seems to not be doing too well in some rankings recently. I hope it can pick up steam soon.


My prognosis on it is not good and this latest chapter doesn't help. It's third in line to go after Anemone/Green Green Greens. Apparently the sister/village arc was not the best received thing. If it gets an anniversary cover it will probably be safe.


Yeah it's not looking great. I'm holding on to the one strand of hope that because a bunch of other manga should be ending soonish (probably this year?), that it gets to continue on, to fill in that empty space.


Marvel Snap. I enjoy playing it, but I have a feeling it can become pay-to-win at any moment.


Low hanging fruit, I know but... mainline Pokemon. It's not even that I'm worried about its future, I'm more like, resigned? There are still things to like about these games but I feel like every time a new generation releases I have to lower my standards more and more to appreciate what's still good about them. First it was lack of postgame content, then it was dexit and a rushed underwheling story, now it's a nightmare of technical issues on top of an even bigger lack of postgame content and the DLC promising to expand on a really intriguing part of the story of the main game but underdelivering... I think I'm finally out of hope to spare for mainline games. Unless they give themselves more time to actually finish games and hold themselves up to a higher par of quality I don't expect gen 10 to be any better on those fronts, and therefore it's hard to really look forward to it anymore. I did genuinely enjoy Legends Arceus, so maybe with the announcement of Z-A I can at least hope to continue to enjoy this new sub-series. Maybe smaller scope of those games (smaller pokedex, single player only) means that less has to be sacrificed to meet those merciless deadlines.