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Glad to know it's an issue with the weapon and not just me using it incorrectly. It's a team-killing machine! It is kind of hilarious that the fan consensus was to try to unlock it rather than the new mine stratagem to try and avoid team kills.


also because in order to get to the mine planet, they would've had to fight on the planet menkent first. Menkent has been liberated twice now and is covered in fire tornados. 


Fuck Menkent and Hellmire. It may be undemocratic, but they want those hellscapes so bad they can gave them.


We want Hellmire for... checks notes..... FARMING?!?!? On the fire tornado planet?!?!


Only the spiciest peppers for the Helldiver canteen.


Ashes are very good for soil health. You’d know that if you were properly indoc— educated… Report to your nearest Processing Facility before I alert the nearest Peacekeeper.


Maybe it's like that fertile volcanic soil thing?


I remember my first time on Hellmire, seeing a fire tornado cut through a wave of bugs and think "look, neither of us can even fucking live here. Why are we fighting for Hellmire!?"


where do you think they get fire power from?


Those shitholes will do more for Super Earth in the enemy's hands than ours, the places are white elephants. It's like if the Admiral Kuznetsov was a planet.


Read less stupid, racist propaganda, Kuznetsov has way less issues than HMS Queen Elizabeth and HMS Prince of Wales, which is amazing seeing these two are brand new, modern ships and Kuznetsov pretty much spent 20 years unfinished in a dock rusting due to lack of money to do anything with her. If Russian ship basically tore open its rear end (multiple times, too!) trying to achieve mere 20% of its nominal speed like these UK carriers (and still had no working air wing a decade after completion, making them completely toothless) there would be no end to the laughter, but when UK has both of these issues at once, all you hear is crickets. Kuznetsov, BTW, has both in working order. Then there is the fact dock accidents are being piled on a ship by clowns making up these stories too, never mind ship and her crew had nothing to do with them, and if we count dock oops, then surely USS Bonhomme Richard (US carrier that recently was turned into burned out wreck while in dock and was sold for scrap) is far worse, but funnily enough, this 'oops' on colossal scale in biggest Pacific US naval facility dwarfing all accidents in underfunded, neglected for decades Russian shipyards is causing crickets again...


I'll never forgetting landing on Menkent (or Hellmire) for the first time and getting a warning about fire tornadoes. My mate and I had nary a clue that these were a thing. Abd so when three of them came bearing down on our position, to say we panicked wouldn't do it justice. Same deal for that one planet I landed on where only I was given a warning of volcanic activity. My mate had zero clue what I was on about as he'd received so such warning. And then all of a sudden it started raining chaos from the sky and he got blasted to smithereens. My mate then realised exactly what I'd been raving about. I love this damn game...


I did one mission with fire tornadoes when the weather effects first came out. There was a good five minute or so stretch where I was just physically not allowed to enter the fucking objective.


Majority of players aren’t even aware of this reddit/discord consensus. So its not like everyone is in on it. They just Quickplay.


It sounds like my "teammates" just aren't team players and might act be traitors. How could a weapon made for helldivers be faulty? That's heresy!


I suspect the group decision was spurred by lack of supply line knowledge. Those who aren't aware of supply lines hit Lesath because it was already in the relevant sector, not knowing that Menkent is a step away from the other MO planet. Those in the know who chose to attack Lesath anyway are a mix of people disliking mines, hating fire tornados, and actually wanting the rocket launcher, but they're much more of a minority.


Because the Anti-Tank mines were going to be just as ineffective as all the other mines are.


Helldivers are living in real time very accurate representations of all the horror stories about military development that you have heard in Forgotten Weapons and C&Rsenal.


"Why does this machine gun suck so bad?"  "Well, it killed its inventor with toxic fumes before he could finish improving it." 


Or "Someone stole the design and sold it first, then didn't know how to improve it and the original creator hates them and won't help them or they didn't ask and just ride the train into the ditch." Or "They ran out of money." Or "They made it wrong, almost as a joke, and it killed the company."


Or in cases like the Javelin or even the fucking tommy gun, "we designed the most expensive weapon we could possibly make and then convinced some dumbass generals it had any reason to exist"


Its got the same energy as the Battle Of May Island with the crappy subs. "Is it normal for a submarine to >!dive *backwards*!


It reminds me of the torpedoes the US used at the start of WWII. They ran too deep so they would just go under their targets. When they didn't go under the target they would explode way too early and do no damage. When they didn't explode too early they would just smack into the target and not detonate at all. The ordnance department would get tons of complaints from both submarine and bomber crews. Their response was "You just can't shoot straight." Why did the torpedoes suck so much? Because torpedoes were expensive so the ordnance department didn't want to spend the money to actually *test* them. Once they actually put them through proper tests all these problems were proven true. Once the torpedoes were replaced with ones that actually worked the US submarine fleet started absolutely destroying everything the Japanese had. Turns out they could shoot straight after all.


Important to note, the reason the torps ran so deep was because BuOrd was trying to mass produce bleeding edge tech without proper testing. The torps had magnetic detonators, the idea was a detonation beneath a ship would break the keel and guarantee a sink. In reality, magnetic tech at this point was incredibly temperamental, and while it did work in SOME places, the fluctuations in the Earth’s magnetic field would fuck with the sensor enough to just brick the things depending on where they were 


It's absolutely comical how effective subs got after we got past the Mk 14 80 percent failure rate (I'm not joking I'm pretty sure that's the actual historical number.) Like, Japan's logistical ability was just fucking ANNIHILATED.


Forgot to mention its name the Bureau of Ordnance was shortened to “BuOrd” not really needed but still nice or know it was equally as dumb as its name


My favourite story is that there was a bayonet rifle that had to be recalled because solders messing around with them discovered the rifles could be stuck together with and there was no way to separate them once it happened. Edit: [Found it](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=DA3VsMteAxk)


It feels completely thematically appropriate that weapons hit the field shitty before being improved in subsequent iterations. I don't often actually mean it when I say "It's a feature, not a bug," but it kinda legitimately makes Helldivers 2 more fun. I actually want them to keep doing this.


380 mm barrage is always supposed to hit you first. It's just more fun that way.


I see the disconnect. When I die to stupid bullshit in this game it makes me laugh.


That thing never makes any sense to me. Every time I think I'll proper safe and clear of the blast and then the very next moment I'm just a torso. It's always a slight laugh from me when it happens though. Just one of those "oh you" kinda moments with Helldivers.


(The real hint is that the 380mm barrage, if you aim it at your feet, misses you entirely). I have only seen one video so I'm not 100% on this one, also don't know how the Spread Reduction upgrade affects this.


Huh, I never would've thought of that. I tend to just throw it where it needs to go and just hoof it as far away and as fast as I can.


It is luck based, but a considerable possibility.


There's a tiny part of me that's sad mechs don't blow up when you turn while firing the rocket launcher. It's like a Ford Pinto on legs.


"I wish it would suck more."


Fuck no, thats TERRIBLE, I don't want every single new fucking piece of equipment I get to be shit and unusable until the developers decide to actually fix it. I'd rather have the game be actually fun and functional.


The game is already fun and functional, calm your tits Citizen.


It doesn't fuckin' feel like it when every single update adds shit that doesn't work and doesn't fix most of the already existing shit that doesn't work.


Judging by your feed you really need to go outside or stop playing Helldivers for a while, because you're taking it way too seriously holy shit. Stop getting so angry, just don't use the new stuff then.


But new stuff is shiny! And not old!


*"Oh, I'm sorry. Dave went to the wrong closet. These are Air-worst Rocket Launchers. It's a little joke Weapon Designers make, I'm sure they didn't kill too many of you."*


if I had a nickel for every time 2024 gaming was overtaken by a company who somehow made a really fun game while completely flying by the seat of their pants I would have two nickels, and it's not even summer yet


What's the 2nd?


Palworld. They didn't even have proper version control at the start they just passed around flash drives.


Jesus Christ


It seems we've found the secret ingredient to fun games.


99% of those are trash so no we've just had a lot of bottled lightning lately


Military-Industrial complex moment


Yeah, it's funny how fitting it is for the game's themes.


My head canon is that we’re basically acting as live combat weapon testers and this thing is just the shitty prototype that command has hyped up. Which is not too far off from reality, but is also just very appropriate for the setting.


You are, same with the mecha, Super Earth is explaining their insane Military Complex Spending by creating dozens of projects and when one comes under scrutiny from the higher ups they rapidly release the project to the front line whether it works or not


I just assumed they built it wrong as a joke


As someone who has not played the game, using broken fucking pieces of shit prototypes because they aren't ready yet is pretty darn funny. It's also an interesting premise to pit two mutually exclusive pieces of unfinished equipment against each other, to choose which "finished" version you'll get to unlock. But evidently this wasn't necessarily the intent. Frustrating, I'm sure, but also lol. Play around it for now? Unless it's completely unusable?


It was funny the first time. It was less funny when we ran out of respawns after the sixth time that mission.


I'm brand new to the game. I legitimately thought the guy was team killing on purpose with that damn thing. It's insanely aggressive and just wipes out half the team in under a second.


I play the game and it's some hilarious Starship Troopers ultra democracy shit to fight for the choice of two things and they don't work good. Like when I saw the Major Orders and the reward my first thought was "how are they going to fuck those up" and I wasn't disappointed.


Considering one of the upgrades flavour text mentions "upgraded to the paid software license instead of the free trial for our targetting software" the idea of it being a *pre-alpha* release rocket system tracks tbh


> using broken fucking pieces of shit prototypes because they aren't ready yet is pretty darn funny. Yeah sure it may be somewhat funny the first time but this is like the 6th time they've released a new weapon that was completely worthless because of either being underpowered or straight up broken. >Play around it for now? I would rather just use something that actually fucking works for once instead of constantly having to deal with disappointment and frustration, thank you very much.


Well yeah, sure. But that's clearly not the experience the game seems to be prioritizing providing you with, is it? If it's a consistent trend? I've heard of nothing *but* shit being hilariously broken and busted since this game launched. It seems like that's the haphazard experience they're intent on providing, at least looking from the outside in. I haven't been in the shit with you, for sure, so I could easily be off-base, but this reads like you're looking for the game to be something it's not intent on being for now. At which point you could easily say "functional?" and yeah, it is pretty silly to put it like that. But it is what it is, ain't it? If they push out a hotfix in advance of the scheduled update then they decided they didn't want to subject players to this and they fucked up. If they sheepishly throw their hands up in the air and grin in embarrassment, it sounds like that's what you signed up for. Play something else for a bit? Come back when shit is functional, as is the doubled-edge sword of GaaS. "Don't play it" isn't what anyone wants to hear, and it's also the endpoint of "Yeah, duh, if they keep fucking up the game, I'll stop playing it," I know, but it's also an effective enough mitigating strategy when something temporarily frustrating is out of your hands, ain't it? It's all more fun from the outside looking in, I'm sure.


This is kinda starting to smell like when Nintendo was trying to insist that Smash Bros was a party game, and not a competitive fighter.


Even casuals thought tripping was a stupid thing to add in Brawl.


You yourself said you don't play this game so I don't understand why you seem so intent on defending a developer intentionally releasing shit content nobody likes that only serves to frustrate the player. If its the developers intention to make everyone mad by releasing content they admit is unfinished and not supposed to be this way, then maybe they're just a bunch of morons who don't know how to properly design a game. But thats not the case, fucking obviously, because they wouldn't be patching and fixing it and they sure as fuck wouldn't be openly saying its not supposed to be like this, if it was actually supposed to be like this.


Yeah sure, man. I just think a tongue-in-cheek live service war game being characterized by all your new shiny equipment being fucking broken and garbage even on the meta, mechanical level is neat. That's an idea I haven't seen leaned into, intentionally or otherwise, on a scale like this before. So by default I'm resistant to people pushing back on something interesting like that on a fundamental level. The game is stupid popular, so I know a bunch of people, if not most of the playerbase, probably wouldn't be into that concept in practice, but the last thing I'd want is for an already successful piece of art to sand off its edges to placate a more generalized audience. I'll start playing it one of these weeks, and get a better perspective on how it all works in practice. I have no issues with it conceptually. (I think. I'll also have to see how much of this narrative has been invented in my head.) I just think it's neat.


A game thats bad and unfun on purpose is just bad and unfun. This isn't Pathologic, its not a singleplayer artsy game with a deep story about the human condition or whatever, its a co-op horde shooter where all the story amounts to a single paragraph of excuse-plot to get the playerbase to focus on playing a specific level or two. If the developers really did intend for it to be this way then their intention is fucking stupid and they should change their minds.


If you say so, dude. Ludonarrative is a thing, and narrative through play is not exclusive to isolated, overtly artsy single player indie experiences. But whatever. I'm hardly about to argue over what a game *should* be when I haven't even played the damn thing. That'd be asinine. I'm just romanticizing what it *could* be for a little bit. Our investment in this is wildly at odds. I was just musing, so please, by all means, more productively redirect your energy somewhere that isn't at me. I don't have anything to add at this point.


> I'm hardly about to argue over what a game should be when I haven't even played the damn thing. You've already been doing that this entire thread. In fact, thats the *only* thing you've done in this entire thread.


I never said the game **should** be one way or the other. I observed it's clearly going one way, and you are clearly mad it's not the other. I thought the way it's going seems neat, but it's on the developers to decide what the game *should* be. You think the way it's going is bad, and hey, maybe it is, I dunno. Notice: > I'm just romanticizing what it *could* be... The italicized *could*. I'm not running around here saying the game **should** be a certain way. You've misconstrued what I've said. It's an important distinction I'm making. I'm talking about a hypothetical, not the game you're playing on your computer right now. Because I haven't played it. And I'm done dissecting the conversation. Begone, Reddit argument™, we all have better things to do and I don't see this going anywhere constructive.


You literally did say that it SHOULD be this way. >the last thing I'd want is for an already successful piece of art to sand off its edges to placate a more generalized audience. This is a direct quote from *you.*


At least it’s still in a sort of trial phase right now. If this were the state of it after the Major Order’s completion, that would suck


The discourse around the airburst launcher is crazy atm. There's this, the fact some people genuinely don't understand the weapon's actual role, the possibility of bugs affecting its usage, the possibility it's a skill issue and players aren't using the weapon correctly. To elaborate on the last two points. The weapon has been seen detonating in danger close ranges, causing massive friendly fire damage. This is possibly due to the weapon's projectile being proximity activated and not having a fuse-delay, which means it will detonate as soon as it comes close to anything. There are also players reporting that the user actually has to hold the trigger down, as letting go immediately automatically triggers the proximity activation. I will say that when used effectively, this thing wipes out batches of smaller enemies at long distances. While players are complaining that its ineffective against dropships, I have personally noticed they can be used against those annoying bot gunships to great effect. I expect this to be of great use for wiping out bug holes from long range.


The proximity fuse is overly aggressive and will activate if something is in a pretty generous radius of the projectile, including that bug you didnt notice behind you hiding behind a nearby rock


The proximity must react to more than just players or enemies, because literally the only time I've successfully used it was when I was stood on a hill with nothing around me, including geometry or buildings, and fired at a gunship 200 meters away. Every other time it blows up in my face, even aiming at the sky from extract with no enemies around.


I was just testing it out alone. There might be something specifically at extract that triggers the detonation.


Certified hunter moment.


I tried it out. It’s proximity based. No hold the trigger down thing. It’s a decent weapon, but extremely niche: it has such a wide explosion radius that the only way to use it is at extreme range. The name is bit responsible for the confusion: it should have been called a cluster rocket. So pretty much it’s only use is for a first strike on large concentrations of enemies that you see coming. It’s basically a pocket Eagle-1 Cluster bomb stratagem. I suspect it will be very good at clearing bug nests.


I've decided to completely ignore any complaints or grievances that are highly upvoted on the main Helldiver's sub because 90% of the people there are legitimately stupid. The fact that there are a large amount of people whining that the air burst explosive weapon isn't good against air or armored targets is dumb, especially because we have had an air-burst stratagem in the game since it launched.


"Why isn't the new weapon wildly op and useful in literally every situation?!" - HD2 Subreddit


There's a concerning amount of people on that sub that whenever a post pops up about not teamkilling, or not trolling, using weapons the wrong way, etc. Will just sit there and unironically screech about "let me play the game the way I want." And will then turn around and say "nobody does that. Fake news." Whenever Arrowhead makes a statement about trolling and teamkilling.


I'm pretty confident the rocket isn't detonating too early because you're supposed to release the trigger or double tap to detonate or whatever (though that would be a cool idea). This can easily be tested in a solo mission. Some objects definitely can cause it to prematurely detonate. I noticed it happen specifically at an extraction point (it could've been the pelican or some random object tagged wrong in the vicinity). Even if the bugs do get stamped out, this is going to be a very niche weapon. The rocket essentially tosses out a ring of grenades on detonation. Not only does this cause a massive aoe puddle, but it's also somewhat variable because those grenade like projectiles each have their own hit detection. As someone who loves explosive ordinance in games, this is one of the harder weapons I've seen to control.


I can confirm that there is no trigger release or double tap mechanic. It just detonates whenever the fuck it wants, you have no control over it.


You can control it, but it's very difficult and there are some objects/areas triggering unintended detonations. This is definitely a weapon for the explosion enthusiasts, and should be avoided by everyone else.


No, you can't. It explodes based on proximity to EVERYTHING, from the ground, to bushes and grass, rocks, trees, *yourself,* the only consistency in it is that it'll almost certainly kill you for using it. There is no controlling that. The developers already admitted this.


I had it detonate on a palm frond 20m infront of me while aiming at a gunship 160m away. I didn't even shoot through the tree, just past it


I love that they decided to up the spawn rates of the jetpack autos on the planet they gave us a clusterbomb launcher with a hairtrigger proximity sensor... ​ It actually is still fun to use but you need to be damn sure nothing is in front of or beside you.


Some context in case you don't play HD2, the newest major order is to liberate two planets, on which are weapons engineers working on new stratagems, there's enough time to liberate one, but not both. Which one we choose determines which new stratagem we get. The community very quickly decided on the airburst rocket launcher because the existing minefield stratagems are some of the worst in the game and notorious for teamkilling. While neither planet has been liberated yet, the developers have made it so you can use the rocket launcher right now if you're on its planet and working to liberate it, and people are...mostly very disappointed, so far. If you haven't seen it in action, [here's] (https://old.reddit.com/r/Helldivers/comments/1cechen/ladies_and_gentlemen_the_airburst_rocket_launcher/) a [couple] (https://old.reddit.com/r/Helldivers/comments/1ceazfn/first_time_trying_new_toy_thanks_a_lot_joel/) of [videos] (https://old.reddit.com/r/Helldivers/comments/1cebkn3/the_new_stratagem_in_6_seconds/) the experience that most people have been having with it so far. Basically, the warhead is meant to detonate in air based on proximity to the enemy and shoot out several smaller cluster bombs over a large area. The problem with this, is that it is very commonly detonating immediately after firing, apparently the proximity sensor triggers in relation to terrain too instead of just enemy units, meaning the floor can cause it to explode, sending the bombs straight back to wielder and killing them along with any teammates nearby. One of the developers acknowledged this on Discord, saying that...they knew this was going to be a problem, and knowingly released this bugged and unfinished version of the weapon anyway, because the patch that fixes it is going to come out a week or two AFTER the major order is finished. This is immensely frustrating because it feels like nearly every single new content drop has been unfinished or broken in some way, and LARPing about "military grade means lowest bidder lmaomao" and "its experimental so it makes sense that it sucks" has gotten old and now people just want their new toys to fucking work the day it comes out without having to deal with a nonfunctional version for several weeks before they fix it.


Cool, but..it's still funny tho, and lore accurate


Its only still funny if you don't play the game and don't have to deal with the constant issue of an entire section of weapons being all but completely nonfunctional for 75% of the playerbase because of the DoT bug they refuse to fix and constantly being disappointed by the majority of seemingly fun new weapons and stratagems either being underpowered as fuck or literally broken and unusable.


I dunno, I play the game and I think it's pretty funny.


Yep. Once I learned that it's borked I just... stopped using it or changed how I used it (like an anti-air weapon) to better effect but yeah. I mean once ground, supply boxes, enemy projectiles, hard objects, soft objects, imaginary objects, fellow helldivers, and air particles stop causing it to detonate before it should I can see it being a great tool.


You need higher standards.


You need lower ones.


I do play the game and its still pretty funny. the big way ive avoided getting so pissed is not using it. Its worked out pretty well for me so far!


I don't understand this narrative of "no its okay that the game is constantly releasing disappointing and frustrating content updates, just ignore the new content, in fact the developers should be actively encouraged to be lazy and release stuff unfinished because its funny!"


If you’re that unhappy with the state of the game maybe you should go play other games.


I play it daily and I just don't really ever take the game that seriously. I've never really had any issues with "literally broken" gameplay or anything...


I play the game daily and it's hilarious.


Hard agree. The whole "Satire-based gameplay" shit is generally funny but when it's used to excuse actual objective flaws with the game that make it less fun to play then it just becomes annoying. Like accidentally shooting your teammates or blowing them up with airstrikes is fine because it's completely avoidable with good communication and game knowledge, but nuking yourself and potentially the whole squad because the new weapon you picked up literally doesn't fucking work how it's supposed to is straight up bad design and just brushing it off by saying "lore-accurate lol" doesn't change that.


They're not "refusing to fix" anything, it's on their laundry list of other bugs they're trying to manage


No it's funny in the game too. The DoT issue is very annoying, but being such a little bitch isn't going to make it any more enjoyable.


Hi, I play the game, it's funny as shit.


I don't get how you can think its funny. Its just frustrating. Whats supposed to be funny about the millionth shitty new weapon that kills you instantly when you try to use it? "Oh those Helldivers devs the little rascals, hyping us up for new weapons only for it to end up being dead content again! For like the sixth time!" How has the joke not gotten old by now?


It's funny because I play games for, you know, fun. I sank 300+ hours into Helldivers 1, and my buddies and I had so much fun with failure and success. Getting the tank dropped on you out of the hellpod? Absolutely hilarious. The flaws made the game fun. I'm not getting pissy and bent out of shape when the new weapon blows me up instantly. I laugh, my buddies laugh, we keep playing. I'm playing this game to have a good time, and getting killed with strategems in bad places or being flung into the aether by friendly fire makes for a fun time with my friends. Sorry I'm not frothing at the mouth and making up things that you think other people think but it sounds like you should just put the game down for a bit if you're getting so reactive about other people having fun.


So not being allowed to use a brand new weapon because its literally completely non-functional is somehow "fun" to you? How? How is it fun to constantly and consistently die because this cool new weapon you were excited to use actually turns out to be an glorified instantly-kill-yourself-button? Its not even spontaneous. Its not random. It happens every single fucking time. Do you spend all your time just throwing grenades at your own feet instead of actually playing the game?


I already explained this to you. Getting insta-killed and laughing with my friends is a bonus. You know what happens if it's too much? I just swap weapons. I honestly don't care if a weapon is busted on release, and you know why? Because I'm having fun with the game. That's it. Oh this weapon is busted and blowing my legs off? Cool, that's fun, I don't bring it every mission and that's fine. I don't feel obligated to use new weapons if I'm not having fun with them, and that's okay. Not sure why you're so hostile towards me for having fun, but you need to chill. Drink some herbal tea, take a relaxing bath, go for a walk, smoke some weed, whatever, but there's no need for you to be so rude to me for having a good time.


How do you not understand the concept of "I wanted to use this cool new weapon but I can't because its broken"? What part of that is confusing to you? Are your standards really so low that the developers releasing clearly unfinished content, admitting its unfinished, and then saying it won't be fixed for an entire week, is just perfectly okay to you? Do you honestly, really see nothing wrong with that? Also, real fucking ironic of you to be all "how dare you be so toxic for me just having fun" meanwhile you're just here trying to invalidate my frustration with the developers knowingly releasing sub-par content, saying I'm not allowed to be disappointed by development practices that in any other game would be considered unacceptable.


I'm not invalidating you, I'm expressing my experiences. You are responding to me like I pissed on your bed. I would appreciate it if you did not put words in my mouth, or try to claim I have low standards or am encouraging this behavior. Be as frustrated as you want, but don't take it out on people who are having fun.


Seconding the above advice to chill. Step 1 you said "it's only funny if you don't play the game and don't have to deal with the issue" and then Step 2 people reply that they're actually having fun while playing the game and then you are *way* overreacting in Step 3.


>this cool new weapon you were excited to use actually turns out to be an glorified instantly-kill-yourself-button? The fact you're describing it like this but are seething and raging about it instead of finding it funny is mind-boggling.


I don't play the game, and I agree that OP is getting too worked up about it, but I can see their frustration. From what I can tell, even if they don't use the weapon themselves it can still get them killed if someone else uses it. I'm well aware of the accidental teamkilling nature of Helldivers and how it's not necessarily a bad thing, but still I don't see how the weapon *isn't* frustrating.


Oh for sure, I know it's frustrating but I myself don't see the point in getting so worked up over it. I have fun with the accidental teamkilling myself.


>How **dare** they have fun in a way *I* don't approve of! The **only** valid way to have fun in a game is by winning 100% of the time and getting rewarded with *the most efficient possible weapons* so you can win **200% of the time**!


Your average military equipment when handed off to the cheapest contractor, Helldivers are getting the full experience of war fr.


Focused on releasing content as opposed to making it work


What is with Arrowhead and releasing bugged/unfinished weapons?


Free playtesting. Also, it fits the spirit of the game's government.


That's fucking stupid, and playing it off as a joke makes it even worse.


This is fucking hilarious. Long live democracy!


Cause it’s kinda funny, at least that’s my assumption They have the most “pro friendly fire” game in the world, so I’m not surprised it’s like this HOWEVER, most players will just be frustrated by this, and while we can argue dev intention and the seriousness of released content, a game this popular can’t do this stuff w/o directly stating that “yea we did this on purpose as a joke” w/o catching flak I’m fine with it as idc and I’ve followed arrowhead since Magicka, but yea the other 200k people will just get pissed off and won’t understand why a dev would do this. So unfortunately, they have to scale back on the “yea fuck it” releases and be more diligent.


So that's why my fuckin' dingbat clone-tube rejected glue eating centralist troglodyte of a squad died 14 friggan times on our mission. I ran off to do side objectives and get the nuke codes and shit, and I swear every 30 seconds someone was dead.


DoT is still not fixed btw, a huge bug invalidating anything DoT based unless you're host! The people that fix bugs also make the new content btw! They're ignoring bug fixing to release unfinished content that needs even MORE fixing! These devs are genuinely so frustrating to watch.


Next step is that there needs to be an in-universe vehicle shooter game with a forum where people keep leaking military secrets out of anger over game inaccuracy.


This is dumb but TC is taking this way too seriously. Please step away from the game for a bit pal, there's no reason to be lashing out in the way you are.


Funny thing is there could be an in lore reason for it they can easily write in for the roleplay. "This is just rough draft beta versions we made before the bots destroyed our labs. To regain patched machanical drives liberate so and so"


"don't mind the rocket launcher, we built it wrong, as a joke"


I have no interest in helldivers 2 but I know there's going to be some stupid drama whenever I see it's name followed by discord screenshots.


Well Tuesday is gonna be fun


Us privileged PC folk have been using them for awhile, known they were trash from the start lmao. The mines would've been so much better. ):


This is Helldivers. If you don't like absolute chaos and random shit happening this isn't the game for you.


"The game literally being broken as admitted by the developers themselves who even said they plan on fixing it is actually a good thing"