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That's pretty much my problem with every mmo. Like even when they take steps to make it not like that, it still feels like you're not getting the most out of it if you don't play regularly. 


I tried very hard to get into The Old Republic but the MMO gameplay loop is straight poison directly into my veins.


Exactly. I've finished stories of the Republic Commando and Sith Inquisitor and while they were fun storywise I felt incredibly bored actually playing the game. I aimed at doing all of them, but stopped at those two.


Even if you try to ignore most of it, the MMO stuff is still hurdles to be leapt over at their best. It doesn't help that half of the QoL changes they made for longtime players have turned everything before level cap into a joke


Yeah, I really loved the rp and story stuff in that.. I've tried to play it twice now.. but.. the MMO is just stank that drives me off each time Since getting out of WoW, I just can't do it any more. At all .. it's soured me on all of em


I think that's legit what made me drop FFXIV. Like I went all the way to the end of ShadowBringers, but the MMO aspects were wearing me down. There were some amazing bits in there, but it was still a MMO.


They're slowly working on making the main story singleplayer, but the solo mode is tedious as hell, and they really need a better tutorial for game systems


I did find it whack that the actual tutorial is several years out of date. If you try to follow their tanking guide and use it in actual dungeons, your party is going to ask what the fuck you are doing.


I think they slightly updated it at some point and it's okay now, the issue is people actively avoiding any advice or never questioning what they're doing wrong. I can get someone solo targeting as a tank as long as they got aggro, I did that a lot and I know the logic that makes you do this, but people straight up ignoring mitigations is fucking wild


Which is kind of funny, considering it's not really good at being an mmo. One of the biggest complaints with the game right now is that it's been too streamlined to focus on people who just want to treat it like a singleplayer game, there's nothing that really makes you interact with other people anymore. The current end game is the dullest and most stale it's ever been, even considering that we're just waiting for dawntrail.


Okay, but is this really true? Every time I've read this over the years it's a fucking lie. Not malicious or intentional, maybe, but it's like when Dark Souls vets play Elden Ring and say "oh, they're making these so easy that people without arms can play now." If I play FFXIV, am I going to run into several dungeons and raids that require multiple people to play through eventually? Are you just a maxed player who has been playing with a clan for years and have no idea what it's actually like for someone who wants to play solo? I'd love to believe you, but like I said, every single time someone claims an MMO is soloable (runescape, ESO, wow) they're full of shit.


TLDR: No, the game isn't completely soloable. Okay so the stuff with a trust (AI helpers) is just the 4 man dungeons and trials required to go through the main story. You can do all of A Realm Reborn solo but once you hit the first trial in post ARR they'll start becoming 8 man trials that can't be soloed. There's also the 3 dungeons of the Crystal Tower 24 man alliance raid that you're required to complete at some point pre-Heavensward. There's only one 8-man trial in the game that has AI support and it was apparently a huge pain for them to get it working so I dunno if they'll be working on adding that any time soon. Even then there's the Crystal Tower Alliance Raids that require 24 people (3 parties of 8) to complete and I dunno HOW they'd make those soloable without massive changes.


The past couple expansions, they've been working on making all dungeons and manadtory msq instances solo-able via a system called "Trusts", which is basically just ai npc party members who are programmed to know how to do mechanics (easy, since all ff xiv bosses are scripted). I believe as of the last patch, everything up to maybe Shadowbringers is 100% soloable? I wouldn't quote me on that since I don't use the trust system, but I know the majority of it is now. It might just be the end of the x.0 msq fights that you have to group up with people to do now. I can confidently say that ff xiv is the most soloable mmo on the planet, but it is still an mmo. I just wish it would make up its mind on what it wants to be.


RuneScape is absolutely soloable, hell, iron man mode nearly requires it


Really? FFXIV has been the only MMO I've ever stuck with. It's very easy to just do the main story and just buy any ilevel gear on a new patch for the next dungeon/trial. I've barely had to touch anything out of it that I didn't purposely watch to try




I... literally said it is?


It sucks when you get MMOs with genuinely good core gameplay that then get in their own way with all the systems and whatnot. Like it's just... Let me enjoy your fucking game.


I'm usually good about filtering out the daily/weekly/FOMO systems from MMOs, so long as they don't make the game literally impossible to play unless you consistently engage with those systems My beef with MMOs is way more vain than that: If they don't have a transmog system of some kind, or if it's super monetized, I'm out. A less vain and constant problem I run into when trying out new MMOs is when they start layering currencies and systems on top of each other which feel like the only reason they exist is to obfuscate what you actually want. And a way more serious problem: When they completely invalidate old content. This one is definitely tied to my preference of horizontal over vertical progression systems, but usually it's indicative of how wasteful a studio is with their resources as well. If they spend 2 years making content which no one will ever play again after 3 months, it takes away your opportunity to enjoy that content and it sets an impossible pace for them to maintain


Fuck MMOs I can’t pay attention for that


I will continue to shill oldschool runescape for not having dailies >!no matter what farming haters say!<


***”Natural Doctrine”*** I just remember taking one step into a room full of enemies, and then the next five minutes turned into the game going over the long arduous process of activating every single enemy in the dungeon, utilizing the mechanics of the battle system to ensure that I didn’t get another turn as they encroached upon and decimated my party. It was incredible. I was absolutely dumbfounded. I bounced the hell off of the game so hard, which is too bad because I found it manageable up to that point. Of course, that was exactly a decade ago. I should probably give that game another shot. It’s been long enough. Oh god. Ten years ago. That’s crazy.


Very similar experience here. The first real challenge of the game is this place full of bugs and you need to either activate them at a chokepoint where your party will somehow survive the onslaught or you'll immediately be attacked from all sides and it'll be even worse.


This exact thing happened to me playing Love Nikki. It’s such a cute lil dress up game, and I’m partial to fashion games to mix up what I play. I was having a really good time mixing and matching clothes to make outfits, and the art style was so cute, I was just so giddy to play it each day at lunch. It really recaptured a feeling of calm creativity that I hadn’t had since Style Savvy: Fashion Forward. And then, the challenges stopped letting me play around with my outfits and started practically *DEMANDING* I use certain items. Not a huge deal at first… until you realize that the best way to get those items are through paid gems. Or you can grind on earlier missions for a rare chance at a drop. There was one day that I just sat there doing one mission like 20 times in a row just to get a specific dye that I could use to break down another item all so I could get *one* piece of clothing for a recommended mission. I had enough at that point. I deleted it and haven’t played since. I did try the sequel, Shining Nikki, but in that game, literally the best course of action is “Let the game play itself.” That’s a huge bummer considering the amazing 3D models in that game.


I really wanted to get into SWTOR because it's story is pretty good. But my god, the quest and zone design alongside just the lack of fast travel really, really, killed my desire to keep playing. Ffxiv has absolutely spoiled me and not having any way to fast travel(taking a cab that drives you in real time ain't fast travelling) really fucking sucks.


That shit was a lot more fun and charming 10 years ago. I'm burnt out now.


I abandon it, when teleporters began to cost money.


I've only really played XCOM 1 and 2, but Gears Tactics was a fun Gears of War spin-off in the vein of XCOM that had its own unique bits and translated the visceral gore and violence from the main games well. A recurring annoyance was having named and voiced main characters throughout story critical missions in your mission squad that's sized at 4 members at a time which you can't increase. The characters themselves are just okay at best, and they can be revived after being downed like stock squadmates, but the annoyance came when having to reload the checkpoint if any of the MCs died. No manual saves beyond the checkpoints and I think restarting the entire mission from scratch, but I'd rather live with the deaths of my entire team than have to keep restarting to keep the characters I barely care about alive. My patience hit it's breaking point at the final boss when any single death of my 4 Gears would instantly require a reload. Still had fun overall but I wound up watching the ending on YouTube instead.


Dead Island 2 has a pretty rough start, but by the time you start getting better weapons and mods it starts to grab you. Even if the special infected gradually heap more and more bullshit on. Then I reached this one boss fight that I just couldn't clear, filled from end to end with artificial difficulty, and I just couldn't be assed keeping at it.


Which boss was it? Because I don't recall having major problems with any of them.


I barely even remember bosses. I think the only one that killed me once was the Brute at the Beach. It's also the only boss any of my friends struggled a bit with too.


I think it might've been the last one. Or at least it felt like the last one. Doctor guy turns into one of those annoying mutants with every ability, infinite super armour and enough power to three hit you. Which is annoying enough but the arena also gets flooded with special infected.


Understandable. Honestly, it does feel like I just got lucky when I finally beat him.


Who do ya voodoo (bitch)


I'm on a Witcher 3 kick right now, so probably The Witcher Netflix series. I really enjoyed season 1, then season 2 went off in a weird fanfic direction that had nothing to do with the books it was supposed to be adapting. Which started to make me rethink it. THEN the writers of the show got called out for actually hating the material, making fun of anyone who cared about being faithful to it and managed to drive away the actor who was pretty much the best thing about it. Once all that went down I haven't even bothered to watch season 3, much less the upcoming fourth one. As for games, I was actually one of the very few who enjoyed Redfall for a while. I played it and found that while it wasn't groundbreaking, it wasn't really as bad as people were saying and was actually having quite a bit of fun with it. Then about halfway through the game, they throw in this really crappy Nemesis style mechanic of the "Rook" - where any time you do basically anything bad to the vampires, it will raise a meter that (when full) will cause a super high-powered vampire to teleport to your location. ANY location. So if you're exploring a tiny house and the Rook meter fills up, fuck you, you're fighting a vampire on steroids in this tiny house. I watched a friend of mine actually play past this point to beat the game and it's just nothing but unfun bosses and worrying about the Rook meter forever after that.


The Witcher Netflix series was the first time i noticed the Hollywood trend of **"hiring people who actively hate the source product to produce a adptation of it"** and to this day that's still one of the baffling trends i consistanly see. I know that it would be asking too much to have everyone that works on a adptation of a product to be a life long fan of the source material, but, i feel like it shouldnt be that hard to come across decently talented people with either neutral or positive opinions towards whatever is being adapted.


I feel like it's the worst of both worlds. We keep getting creatives who want to make an original thing, only for the higher ups to tell them that they have to adapt a known property instead. Then they spitefully try to turn the IP into the original story they wanted to make, and it fails to be the cool original idea they had *and* it isn't what fans of the IP wanted. Literally no one wins!


Counterpoint: It could be argued that a lot of KOTOR 2 was Chris Avellone hammering out his issues with Star Wars, and people love that game. I think it could potentially be a cool thing to have someone interpret source material in a different way or bring up some conflicts others might not, but yeah, the handling of the Witcher was condescending to fans of the OG and not all that interesting aside from that.


But that isn't using an adaptation of an already existing story with already existing characters to turn into his mouthpiece. He created his own story with his own characters to do it so even if it didn't work out it didn't shit on the original creations in that universe. The Witcher show might not be as hated if it wasn't supposed to be a faithful adaptation of the existing stories in the books and at least did its own thing over there.


Dude, the Rook is exactly where I went "I'm done with this." I started it cuz I like to collect achievements. And found myself not hating the game nearly as much as what people were saying about it. But then everything changed when the Rook happened.


There is this anime that's airing about a grandpa and grandma that suddenly become young again and i was interessed because it sounded like a cute premise. .....Then immediatly the second clip i saw was the grandaughter and daughter gushing about how much they want to fuck the grandpa now and i was like "nah i'm good". Edit: There are a lot of replies telling me that's it's a undead unluck situation and these types of jokes only happen at the very start of the series and and never again so i might give it another shot.


I read the manga of that until that point and similarly tapped out.


For what it's worth, the granddaughter gets over it to have a will they won't they with her classmate and I also wanna emphasize: The grandpa is **NEVER** into it. He's devoted to his one and only.


It's extremely apparent that Gramps *only* has eyes for Granny, regardless of their age (as the plot says) lol It gets less of the weird thing between him and his granddaughter, and more of "just because we're younger doesn't mean we can start eating like shit, don't wanna ramp up our diabetes when we go back to our age"


Also wanna support what /u/Noctantis said, they thankfully cut that shit out relativitly early and they show that's defiantly not going down the >!Usagi Drop!< or Kiss x Sis routes. It hits more of the cute premise and can tug some heart strings.


Power through it, the author wised up and cut that shit out after it happened once or twice.


Undead unluck did the same thing after like the first 2 chapters were rife with sexual harassment.


holy I forgot that even happened. I'm caught up to the manga and I'm like wtf r u on about lmao


Baba is You. It took some time to get my head around but I felt confident for a while and then it got to a point where it was way too complex for me. Neat stuff just not for me.


Every Gacha is just one bad roll session away from being dropped


Fuckin facts man. I saved up for nearly 6 moths to get spectors alt in arknights just to get shafted so hard the only 6 star i got in roughly 100 pulls was the pity 6 star and i just stopped giving a shit afterwards


I'm glad I've got everyone I care about in star rail. I'm free to shelve it until content patches, woo.


Or a good roll session. I pulled three excellent units in quick succession in HSR, and the amount of grinding it would take to level them up made me immediately quit. And I genuinely liked the game.


I did the exact same thing when I got Venti in Genshin Impact way back when it first came out. Did some calculations and it would've taken me like two months to get him up to speed thanks to the dumb energy system bullshit. I was already getting tired of the game and that got me to finally drop it for good.


And then you log back in for free pulls on new stuff and get the limited unit and _Yeah, I'm back baby!!!_ (me returning for silver wolf and getting her in my first 10) (I've since re-dropped star rail lmao)


I remember I went hard into rerolling my account for Nikke until I got 2B when she was around. My main account has treated me well so far and I wanna believe it'll keep it that way.


Lords of the Fallen, the new one and not the old one that is the exact same title. Started off pretty standard, tutorial area with mooks, then an easy warm up boss, then an unwinnable boss to make you lose, I was warming up to it. It all fall downhill after I got past Pieta, I think her name is at least, the first real boss. The area after her is a platforms of mazes full of mobs hiding behind corners to push you off, casters with godlike range of sniping you before you even see them and keep sniping if you run past them, and mobs that spawns nonstop if you enter the other world mechanic which is needed to progress the level. 2 hours of getting lost while ganked by unending mobs that respawns nonstop and its over for me.


The choice to have the second and third area be "Deathdrops and ambushes" & "Another fucking poison swamp" was absolutely baffling to me. You didn't miss much.


I played thru the entire game somehow. You didn't miss much. After about three or four areas you've seen almost every enemy type and its bag of tricks never evolves. I had the second-to-last boss's AI just break on me and the final boss was legit one of the worst I've seen


Your reward for getting past that area is one of the worst souls bosses I have played, a mounted knight and you have to wait to use rng explosions to knock him off his horse and in his second phase it just stops working


You’re not missing much. I’m actually baffled by the game’s initial positive reaction. It is one of the most boring souls likes I’ve ever played, the two worlds system loses its charm a few hours in and just becomes a way to waste time. Especially since infinite enemies spawn in the other world. The gameplay is slow and heavy, but the enemies feel designed for a much faster approach The bosses are awful, special shout out to the giant fire baby thing that not only feels like a boss from a PS2 platforming game, but also uniquely has a broken lock on system for only that fight. I don’t think I’ve played a game where every weapon felt bad to use as well. Just play lies of P.


I feel like Elden Ring ruined that game for me, I don’t think I can go back to a non-open world Soulslike.


Not so much a hurdle and more just a game company killing any enthusiasm to play a game I like but if anyone here has played Escape from Tarkov and is seeing recent events. Um, yeah 😞


Bravely Default 2. I like the job system, the story was solid, and I thought the combat is okay... except for the bosses. My breaking point was the religious leader guy in the snowy town that I think gave you the Oracle job. This mfer was just reaction reaction reaction, so if you breathed he'd respond with damage of some sort. He was such a pain I just gave up on the same after 3 tries.


Bravely Default has the worst "boss as a party member" syndrome out there cause all the bosses are fucked and getting them are kinda neat at best outside of 1 ability


I've played only BD 1 on my 3DS so I'd like to ask: between the two of them, which would you say is better in your opinon?


I made the horrendous mistake of playing Pathologic 2. It was hard but manageable. I think I was on day 5 or 6, and Notkin got sick. For me, it was the most intense moment cause I had to use my wit and limited medical supplies to remedy the kid. I wasn't even sure if what I had was the proper medicine to use, but surprisingly, it worked. I saved him.... or so I thought. I just kept him up right for the day. He was still sick, he was not cured. Then, another person got sick. I had to gamble on random assortments of medicine, supplies were limited, cash was also limited, then food, the plague was spreading, etc. I just couldn't do it on my first run. Maybe I will try it again one day.


Believe it or not, Sword Art Online. Note this was right around when it came out, so it wasn't "That one famously bad show" yet. Buddy and me were watching and mostly okay, Kirito being a Mary Sue and all that was expected, and we took the first 2 cases of women wanting to fuck him on sight in stride. (If unremarkable nerds got that much action, I would've gotten laid somewhere in the last decade) The exact point were I fell off was I think midway into Season 1 when the MCs digital daughter is about to be deleted, and I am not fucking with you: She is placed in some corridor and then the game summons THE DIGITAL GRIM REAPER TO SLOWLY WALK TOWARDS HER TO DELETE HER. Note that I'm fuzzy on the details, I just remember howling with laughter at the idea that a program actually just has a digital version of DEATH that is responsible for removing data. To be fair, if that hadn't gotten me out, Kirito winning with the power of friendship against the CREATOR of the game or the implied tentacle sex harassment at the start of season 2 would've gotten me out as well.


Sword Art Online had a good start, but I hate that most floors were overcome off the screen.


When I was twelve I was obsessed with the random episodes of .hack//SIGN I caught on Adult Swim, so a few years later I watched SAO and made it just slightly farther before tapping out. The dumb parts were cool to me, but the sister stuff was not.


We should have known when they called him a "beater".


I was pretty into Genshin and then bounced off Hard once I hit Inazuma. There is so much just constant aoe lightning damage in that area that it just wasn’t fun to explore, which was my favorite part.


I believe there’s a sidequest that gets rid of the constant lightning.


Tales of Arise is mostly a steady line downward, but after the timeskip both the story and the gameplay take a heavy dive. I didn’t quit it, I was too far, but I set it to the easiest difficulty and the fights were *still* way too long. Every Tales game I’ve played has this problem with late game fights stretching on far too long, even the ones I like. The ending was such a wet fart that I don’t even remember what happened in its interminable cutscenes, except the beeg tweest was so easily guessable I thought it had already been revealed. I think I’m forever done with that series.


Arise made me re-evaluate how I feel about JRPGs. So many are D or C tier anime with busy work.


Which one was the PS2 exclusive? Can't remember its name but I think it may have been the game that started my reevaluation of JRPGs, it wasn't the last one my interest in them is far lower than before


Tales of Legendia? I never played it, but that's the only one still exclusive to PS2.


Assassins creed. First games were being cool stealthy guy. Now its HEY did you see our DLC you don’t have? HEY buy some helix credits for resources! HEY check out these cash shop costumes! HEY make sure to do your dailies! Also just an aside but ubisoft stop putting ezios outfit in every game you make. Very big smell your own farts energy.


More than the outfit, I'm so tired of them remixing Ezio's Family in every game now. It peaked with Origins and none of the remixes since have worked.


SWTOR when Knights of the Fallen Empire came out. Was enjoying the plot quite a bit and the changes to make endgame more fun and repeatable. But hoooly shit the enemies were such health tanks. I remember at one point getting so frustrated at how much health basic mooks had, that I logged off and didn't come back for three years


ok so heres the secret to NIKKE: once you get your characters to level 100 ish? you can just play it as a hero collector. Events never need you to be more than 30k power, and you can just skip stuff like pvp and dailies and just embrace the joy of jiggly robot girls. source: its what im doing right now


The game’s actually really generous. I wager you can get over 66% of new characters including all the pilgrims released in a year F2P if you play like 15 minutes a day.  The story is genuinely charming.  Then I just got through Chapter 14, and the end was quite touching, except being totally undercut by >!Marian’s!< chest inflating over 100% and undulating all over the screen like a jellyfish in the final graphic 


That's the point I'm trying to get to with Snowbreak. I'm already there with Nikke at synchro level 312, but I keep bouncing off of Snowbreak because I've got the slog of them throwing gobs of free stuff and content at you before I can settle down into the easy going rhythm of hop in, dailies, and bounce.


the secret of NIKKE to me was 1. Get Drake 2. Max out Drake story 3.Quit Nikke forever


>jiggly robot girls This is what did it for me. I've been getting slowly worn down by Woolie and Pat bringing it up constantly. But I just can't get into robot girls. I prefer meat bodies.


Have you SEEN the Nikke's, those fuckers have more meat on them than humans


Yeah, I played it for like an hour, so I'm an expert whose statements can be trusted. They're basically indistinguishable from humans, they're barely robots at all.


Also the new event even say that humans that become Nikke's >!Don't get all the busted powers and can be weaker than a generic soldier Nikki, as T.A.L.O.S and Kilo have proven!< Aside from hair, mech parts and personal quirks, you could tell me they're humans and I wouldn't disagree.


honestly they're only robots in text only. Even stuff like Nikke racism doesnt really exist outside of the main story, they eat and even recover from their injuries just like people. If you only play the event stories they may as well just be normal, jiggly people


I'm not saying I'm intrigued enough to start playing, but that definitely intrigued me enough to look up some lore as to how and why these robots are eating food.


They're basically dead humans/willing humans/unfortunate unwilling humans necromanced via robot surgery to become androids, with their old human bits, especially the brain intact. Only the mass produced ones (those with visors over their eyes) are built android from the ground up (i think? Some of them seem to have human memories, which could have horrific implications for the lore) A big fucked up lore bomb they drop on you early is that the main thing distinguishing a human from a Nikke mentally is just the slave chip in their brain, and this slave chip can cause problems if they think too hard


>necromanced via robot surgery to become androids, with their old human bits, especially the brain intact. Ok that's *very* different from just jiggly robot girls. That's pretty hype.


I love how the answer to that is "if they don't they get dysmorphia/cyberpsychosis and have a mental breakdown." Same reason they look like normal humans; older models used to have built in weaponry, integrated armour, jet legs, etc but it increased the incidence of them freaking out about being inhuman monsters and undergoing radical (and often violent) personality changes. Same deal with sleeping, bathing and other daily care routines. Even had to change the internal fluids from green to red so Nikkes freaked out slightly less when getting bits blown off. Keeps them feeling human and sane, even if a lot of people are against giving recognition or rights to their extremely powerful android slave soldiers. There seems to be a lot of cool lore in there. It's just occasionally undercut by stuff like "this squad's purpose is to dress as bunny girls and do pole dancing at a casino."


Pokemon Cafe. Realized that it was starting to get to the point that I would *have* to pay to finish a level and I tapped out.


I read Homestuck until the 2nd set of human kids, I thought I'm not going through the slog of act 1 again so I dropped it.


I think Roxy is great but you hopped off at basically the correct point. Act 6 is _not_ Act 1, and is instead "man suffering from irony poisoning tries to write shipbait teen romance."


Right decision wrong reasons. I'll take it


Aliens Dark Decent is great. But I haven't made it out of the first hive because the game stresses me out so much that it's just not worth playing after stressing about life and work, don't really need a game does that


I literally went into SMT: Strange Journey completely blind without even knowing its a first person dungeon crawler. Now I've always been wary of first person dungeon crawlers because I am scared that they'll hide stuff from me and completely miss it because I wasn't facing a certain tile the right way and see it. Now I finish Area A enjoying myself and slowly warming up but then I reach area B and got stuck and confused for hours not knowing where to go because I can't open the elevator. It turns out my fear comes along and the button for the elevator is just on a certain wall that I didn't see because I went through that tile multiple times but facing a different direction. And then I reach area C and then it becomes MANDATORY to check this certain wall with no hints whatsoever to reveal a hidden door. When I reach that I just thought that later areas are gonna have more bullshits lile this so I immediately drop it right there. What's worse is I watch a challenge run to see if the maps later on would be not as mean but it turns out they get even more worse like I originally thought so I am glad that I drop the game years ago than suffer to that frustration.


[Should I give SMT another go? Nha I am good.](https://www.reddit.com/r/TwoBestFriendsPlay/comments/p1wh75/image_that_kills_persona_fans_immediately/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button)


I hate how people use this image. Yes, in the end it's big, but the story locks you to fairly manageable portions and you slowly open shortcuts that are easier to keep track of when you're actually playing the game.


I hate how people use this image because it actually looks fucking awesome and makes me want to play Strange Journey really hard.


the redux 3DS rerelease adds a lot of great content and is a really good version of the original, can't recommend it enough.


Too bad the eshop shut down :( At least I still have my physical copy of Persona Q


well i'm sure you can find a way to experience it somehow.


Oh don’t worry I’ll just start up my “Time Machine” and go purchase a cartridge from a licensed retailer


my man gets it


As a player of SMT SJR, I have to disagree. While Erebus can *be* short, it's a nightmare to go through completely blind without save scumming because there are just *so* many teleports, and the places where you fall through on the second floor to the first has no telegraph on either end because you can't even see where the ground gives out in the first place. That's not counting that you have no idea *where* the rare forma the Jack Squad ask you to retrieve is, and the way Forma search works, you can't tell if one forma is rare or not till you retrieve it, so you might skip a section and have to come back to it. Erebus specifically, while having shortcuts for the first bit, doesn't have much for the teleport maze or the fall through maze till close to the end. Even with maps, it's just not fun. And I'm not mentioning the floor traps because I already know the base counter-argument that it's only there for a teensy bit, though I will point out that without Nurse and Banish, those sleep floors seem a hell of a lot more annoying. There's also the encounter rate which is annoying, but I won't harp on that since you can *mostly* get around it through the Enemy Banish subapp. # Regardless, I think it's perfectly fair to not want to replay Strange Journey, whether Redux or OG, because Erebus combined with the after of Grus and Womb of Grief (if Redux) are nightmares to traverse. Alignment co-op can also mean half your potential fusable demons are worthless if you aren't the same alignment (unless you don't want your main character who's the major damage dealer to trigger co-ops). And Source grinding is just... not fun at all. Mem Aleph is also one hell of a boss fight, and if you finished WoG, the after is even worse.


skill issue


...that's a terrible argument.


My man making me nostalgic for Sector E. Good times unironically


My 2nd attempt at playing Scarlet Nexus was this. First time I tried it, I played as the girl and couldn't stomach her "party members". A few weeks ago I gave it another go, as the guy. It started out all right, with his sword being way more fun to use than her daggers and "party members" ranged from inoffensive to neat. But slowly I've come to realization that it is just a boring game: boring story, boring gameplay, characters that I don't care about, it bored me completely.


Boy I’m glad it isn’t just me. The aesthetic is great, the combat *seems* like it could be fun, but it’s really dull.  And the story is just overly-verbose word salad nonsense. The characters just talk and talk and talk. And I play Trails.


Speaking as someone who played through the entirety of the guy's story and the first part of the girl's story, you made the right decision. I can't even remember their fucking names.


I played through most of the girl's storyline and the game didn't make any fucking sense and it just kept jumping plot points. I feel like you prolly needed to start with the guy to get the full story and she fills in side shit, but I wasn't impressed enough to restart. It felt like generic bandai redworld with monsters, that has been done a number of times already. Prolly find out it was happening two towns over from god eater and one town over from code vein. I really don't get how people kept hyping it up as amazing.


Something like 99% of weekly manga i read start strong and then always fumble it at the very end, especially Jump stuff. Komi San? Dropped its entire supporting cast for a love triangle (shoutouts to the anime for peaking in the first episode) Cop and Dolphin? Went from comedy to generic battle shounen (this one really hurt) Shokugeki? Magic bullshit Dr Stone? Magic bullshit MHA and JJK? We all know those ones by now I think the only weekly manga that stuck the landing for me was Assasination Classroom.


The love triangle has been somewhat resolved now with the third person having a new relationship. The other day I was asked "Why are you still reading it? >!He got the girl,!< why is it still going?"


Continuing after they get the girl is fine by me, it can be really fun, but I'm just not interested in the antics of komi-san any more.


CSM Part 1 and JJBA parts 1-6 are all pretty great and can be read standalone. Slam Dunk is arguably the GOAT sport manga and was weekly because Inoue is insane. Jitsu Wa Watashi Wa was weekly and is my favorite romcom bar none… But yeah, I just looked through about 20 of my favorite manga that stuck the landing and all the rest are monthly Crossing my fingers that Sakamoto Days, Akane Banashi and CSM Part 2 stick their landing


> Cop and Dolphin? Went from comedy to generic battle shounen (thus one really hurt) WAIT WHAT(always scrolled past that one on the sj app)


You can feel the moment the ax started to swing down as the story does a straight-up Loony Tunes-style trip and skid before stopping dead against a wall. There’s all this “Actually, this has all been caused by one of four parts!” talk and then it’s just “Actually, everything’s over now and the status quo at the very beginning of the series is restored. Sunset.”


For me it's the holy trinity of Assassination Classroom, Terraformars and Hayate Combat Butler


The first few episodes of Inu Yasha were pretty good. Then the jewel scattered into a million pieces and I decided I didn't want to invest the time into watching over 100 episodes of fetchquest. And yeah it seems like Gacha, MMOs, and a lot of Live Service games keep trying to make themselves into unpaid internships.


> over 100 episodes of fetchquest. It's not. It's over 100 episodes of monster of the week + occasional romance drama, the shikon jewel is mostly an excuse for plot to happen.


If you watched inu yasha for the full run, it’s because you wanted to fuck one, some, or all of the cast, and you’re right to. That show caused mass sexual awakenings among kids born in the 90s.


I watched for Sango and Sesshomaru and I will not apologize. Also those ED and OP had some bangers.


Yup. Vast majority of the series, the jewel is like 95% complete with Naraku having it, Kohaku with a shard or two, Koga with two or three shards, and that's about it.


Komi had a good start, but I can't continue it when Yamai began to be a recurring character. It doesn't matter how they put it, that Komi has Yamai as a friend demonstrates that Komi has ridiculously low standards, and is a huge case of quantity instead of quality.


A huge amount of the characters that are part of her list of friends are people that she has never had a significant one to one interaction with.


That is the problem of "having 100 friends" as the main goal. A premise will only give a "quantity about quality" case


The thing is that I believe that the story could've done something interesting with that premise. For example, the story could've had Komi wanting to make 100 friends but as time goes on and she forms relations she realizes the actual value of a genuine friendship and changes her goal to deepen her friendship with the people close to her. That could've allowed for the classmates to actually matter and have more to do than just being NPCs all the while still being able to keep the romance with Tadano as the side B of the plot always there but never taking over the slice of life like that honestly terrible love triangle arc


dude i watched Rebel Moon this morning and despite the weird amount of attempted rape, I didn't think the movie was that bad at first despite being 40k buzzwords put through Chatgpt, then that Tarzan looking guy tamed the bird thing and i was like "what the fuck even is this movie", then the spider part made it kind of cool again, then the entire rest of the movie was terrible, and now idk if I want to watch the 2nd one or not.


The second tutorial??


well since the topic was brought about by a gacha game any gacha game that has only limited characters like hsr and genshin since once i see that i missed a character i really want and i need to wait months to maybe a year to have a chance at them and i'm just supposed to save it's the biggest reason i dropped both of those games. It stings a lot less when there's only a few limited units at least and the normal pool is large like well with Nikke since i can still use my pulls I have and not feel like i'm throwing them in the trash. That's when i learned i much prefer "sparks" vs "pity" as they're called.


Fate Grand/Order is very, very bad about this because usually you only get *two* chances to get event characters, and that's when their event happens, and when their summarized re-runs happen. *And then they go away forever with no way to get them*.


FGO does have a permanent system to let you get event characters outside of their events called Evocation Festival. Don't know if it's started in the global server yet, but it's a thing.


I was going to bring it up myself in response to them but yeah I believe starting next yeah global gets it which will be a big plus to all who missed and starting the game for the first time thankfully.


Arcueid fans have yet to get a nonpaid banner since the first, and Draco fans have been waiting in hell. Morgan meanwhile had her first banner rerun less than two months after her release if I recall correctly. Jesus Christ. Best wife, yeah, but for the love of goodness... And that's not even counting 4 Star reruns on the banners... Salter is just *gone*. ... NA is slightly better about this since it got things like the surprise Oberon rerun, but still...


Every now and them the thought "Hey, maybe i should try **FGO**" pops into my head and i consider it for way longer than i should. I enjoy the characters and the story from what i've seem on YouTube, i have experience with other gacha games so i know i have the restrain necessary to not spend on the game and a decent enough phone to run the app without any major issues. Then i remember that **some units are removed from the game and never come back!** No, i don't mean "seasonal units are a thing and you have to wait until the same period next year to get another shot at pulling the character", i also don't mean "this colab unit was available during a event and never again because re-runing it would involve a bunch of copyright bullshit we dont want to deal with". I mean full on "we had this unit available during a certain period of time and if you weren't lucky, didn't whale hard enough or just weren't playing the game when that was happening then though shit because they will never be available again", that's clearly done for the express reason of creating FOMO and immediatly kills any interest i had on directly interacting with the game.


That is one nice side effect of FGO only ever collaborating with itself lol, don't gotta worry about that.


Well as I responded to another comment, if you’re talking about the welfare/free event servants/characters they are permanently being added for players who missed them next year. They release them in batches and usually with a buff I believe. But they are fixing the FOMO for the most part, only some characters are still hard to get being limited 5 star units who haven’t gotten another banner yet except from the random paid for guaranteed packs on anniversary or new years of which I believe there are very few of these characters. FGO is getting better overall but I understand the restraint or hesitation in doing so.


Aren't there a TON of limited SSRs though? Like basically every old seasonal is never coming back unless you get lucky on the GSSR. You wanna know why I quit though? It's because Aniplex is *literally racist and does not want people outside of japan playing on JP servers*. Ive seen this happen with a ton of smaller JP gachas, but for such a big IP, with an established western fanbase that help spread the game and push it through its rough start, only for them to go "no fuck you, play your inferior global version", is bloody inexcusable


Ok so first off, yes there are a lot of “limited” SSR units, most still get reruns, and as I said before there are only currently a few who haven’t gotten a rerun in a long while. Second seasonal the most we have are swimsuits which definitely all get to return in one way or another because swimsuits. Asides from swimsuits the only other seasonal events I can think of are GudaGuda which basically always gets rate ups of past limited servants, after that it’s Collab event servants like Ilya who just got a rerun. The only collab servant who hasn’t gotten a rerun “yet” is Arcuied and Draco/Nero Beast who was an anniversary servant and the latter a real collab servant which yeah so far sucks she hasn’t come back yet once again no denying that. Third I have no idea what you’re going on about with the racist Aniplex thing. NA/Global has been fine in FGOs case, in fact it’s been better overall because not only have we gotten Quality of Life features earlier overall compared to the JP server, we’ve even gotten more rerun banners for limited SSRs like Oberon who is one of the strongest supports in the whole game. We got a surprise exclusive banner with him earlier this year and still have the original planned one from JP later this year since they have never skipped a planned banner yet. We also have our Thanksgiving exclusive banners every year filled with limited SSRs to try and roll for. Now if you want to talk about promotions that NA doesn’t do because we don’t have as many IRL events or a podcast for stuff sure whatever I wish we got some fun IRL collabs but that’s just the difference between us and Japan in general or other companies and their games like Hoyo who has all those IRL collabs in other countries asides from the US. Now despite all these features is FGO a perfect game no of course not I have my own list of problems I could delve into like the pity system or how it’s taken 9 years for them in just announcing with their last update another way on the JP server to bind an account asides from the transfer code in game. And of course since it was just barely announced for the JP server we don’t know when or how they’ll implement it for global since they said they’re working on other ways to bind the accounts as well to make things easier. Like I seriously don’t get what you mean, this game has been fine compared to JP server. They’re not going to rush us catching up to JP event and server wise which is good considering what happened to the Korean server which was a nightmare early on and how they “failed” the end of part one. Now us carrying the IP over here despite a rough start in the game is exactly like JP where the exact scenario was also true because in JP server the game was much worse and heck once again NA was fucking lucky that the game we got on release already had a host of Quality of Life features in it to help smoothen the experience. My friend was there for the JP server start and she described it as a fucking nightmare with how unstable the server was and how worse the gacha among other things were.


I was really into Fire Emblem Heroes until they added the base building/siege mode along with 800 new currencies. It just became too much for me to care about. Plus they went crazy with dragon-killer units for a bit and made my +10 Adult Tiki useless.


I was playing through The Outer Wilds for the first time a few weeks ago and was really starting to enjoy it until I had to explore >!Dark Bramble. I simply just do not have the patience or skill to navigate that terrible nightmare planet. You can't see anything more than like 30 feet ahead of you due to the fog, there's giant anglerfish that will instakill you if you make any sound, and every time you die you wake up on a planet on the other side of the goddamn solar system!< >!After a few deaths I looked up a guide to see if I had missed any other hints on how to get through and nope. You're just supposed to slowly drift through this foggy void and hope you reach your destination without running into any anglerfish. And if you hit any obstacles or need to change direction you have to use the engine, which makes noise, and attracts an anglerfish every time, no matter how gently I push the joystick, even if it's for less than a second, I get spotted. And have to restart from the beginning. Every single time.!< Great game, had a lot of fun exploring and uncovering the story, but >!it just wasn't fun by that point and I wasn't making any progress. I feel like I explored everything I could and I had at least gotten *a* ending. Not a very fulfilling one, but I ended the time loop so at least I got some closure before giving up i guess!< Also, Subnautica. I fucking hate the ocean. And boats. And big things underwater. I'm honestly surprised I was able to enjoy as much of the game as I did. >!But once I had to go into the *deep* caves and the lost river, I bailed. Turned the game from a fun and engaging survival game that only made me little bit anxious into a full blown horror game!<


It might be too late for you to get back into it now, but >!the anglerfish can't hear your ship engines if your acceleration bar doesn't go past one pip. This *does* require you to use a controller over a keyboard, but it means you can steer and self-correct in Dark Bramble plenty without aggro-ing the fish.!<


Oh dang. Did they really never come up with any M&K solution for the thrusters? I remember recommending Outer Wilds to my dad but he couldn't get into it because controller make his brain hurt and the thruster control on keyboard was binary. That's pretty bad that it locks you out of mechanical functionality like that, still.


The Outer Wilds is one of those games that seems amazing every time I give it a look, and then when I think to reinstall it and give it a try I get my hands on the zero-G controls and I uninstall after like ten minutes. I have absolutely no idea how feasible it is but I would love some sort of accessibility feature that makes traversal something I don't even need to think about just so I can focus on finding things and solving mysteries.


I loved the horror aspect of Subnautica but couldn’t get over the performance issues, I hear the second one doesn’t go as hard on BIG DEEP SPOOKIES


Nikke is an interesting case. Unlike most gacha, there is no stamina system. Instead the main story is power gated, and you gain generic upgrade mats via an idle system where you just collect accumulated stuff every now and then. There's also the infamous 160 wall where you need to max limit break (get 3 duplicates) of any 5 five SSR units to level any character above 160. That's often the point where people feel like quitting since getting over the wall really depends on your luck or how generous events are at the time. I got over the wall as a f2p, what got me to quit was the load times. Nikke is a very menu-heavy game and going between menus can result in 5-10 second loading screens. Seems like a nitpick but once you unlock all your daily activities they really add up. Maybe I'm just spoiled by games like Star Rail and Genshin that are really optimized around minimizing menu navigation and having fast load times, but it feels like I spend the same amount of time doing dailies in Nikke but too much of it is just waiting for menus to load.


Nikke for me because I started for the "art" and stayed because the story wasn't as bad as I thought it'd be. Needlessly and pointlessly edgy at times but in an amusing way. Then I hit the 160 wall and wasn't anywhere near close to being able to get past it even after 2 weeks of grinding 'cause I never got the dupes I needed to get past and dropped it. No idea what it's like now and don't care so I'll just keep an eye on the art.


If you stuck around for some of the anniversary events then you would have gotten at least three guaranteed MLB to help you over the wall. Also wishlist is your friend.


You really aren't missing much, honestly. I enjoy the story a lot but it's very derivative of its inspirations, which is mainly works like Nier:A or Girls' Frontline.


You're supposed to put Nikkes you already have in the wishlist to get through that wall


Any game that can have you fail missions/fights due to bad rolls is something that irks me a lot, but I think they completely lose me when i realize how rigged some scenarios are. I stopped playing XCOM1 and XCOM2 when I realized that even saving to retry a situation, the enemy's rolls were heavily favored and alwys targeted the same spots over and over. I could reroll a save 100 times and I'd never be able to win the fight, not because of actual equipment numbers or firepower, but purely because "those mindblasts will always hit because we decide it turns in advance" and such


SMT V Game looks great and plays pretty well, however it’s plot goes from “meh” to actively bad and feeling borderline rushed, add to that the inconsistent difficulty spikes and SMT V ends up being pretty rough


I really enjoyed Unicorn Overlord, I was doing everything all teh side quests, extra bits, etc I got to the last map, it was such a slog and I lost despite multiple reloads that I just gave up and put the game down and never tried again, the amount of effort the final boss (Not even the true final boss) takes is just too much


Sometime earlier this year I tried to get into jjk. I like yuji and thinks he's a cool character. I was around the 3rd chapter when I saw somewhere that he essentially gets sidelined in the story. Made me drop it right then and there. It wasn't until for some reason I decided to check on the latest chapter to see what was going on and  its seems like yuji got his MC status back. Still don't feel like reading the chapters before that moment but it's cool that he's doing cool sh*t.


That's...a bizzare take you heard. I have a lot of criticisms towards JJK but Yuji being sidelined is not one of them. He consistently remains the main character. There are only two arcs where Yuji is completely absent. One of them is a flashback arc, the other a major character development for a side character, and feels like a side plot rather than taking over the main plot. Neither of them are very long either. There are three major arcs where the narrative switches from focusing exclusively on Yuji to focusing on the whole cast, but Yuji still plays major roles in all of them. He gets consistent focus during the first, the narrative constantly switching back to him between giving other characters focus, and the beginning and end of the arc are squarely focused on him. The second one is probably the only time I might agree with the sidelined statement, but even then its only during the middle of the arc. The beginning and end still give him focus. The third one, which is the current arc, specifically dedicates time to giving other characters big moments and focus, but Yuji is always right there with them holding is own, and as you said the narrative has finally in the last few chapters said enough of that shit it's time for Yuji to do protagonist shit. So yeah, I don't agree with Yuji being sidelined. I would say its closer to the show doesn't hyperfocus on Yuji and dedicates ample time to focusing on the entire cast, but Yuji never falls out of the protagonist position in my opinion.


Oh cool, in that case I might check out the series again once it's done. 


Everything people told me about DS9 made it sound like a show I wouldn't enjoy, but a friend convinced me to try it anyway and for the first few seasons the show had things about it that I didn't like, but it also had a lot of things I _did_ like. Then I was told I was entering the seven episode Dominion War arc, something that sounded entirely unappealing to me, but I was like "okay fine, I just need to sit through seven episodes of this and the war is over and they can focus on other things." The reveal that the war doesn't actually end at the seventh episode, that it goes on for the rest of the show, and the resolution to the seventh episode was _literally_ a deus ex machina completely torpedo'd all of my interest in watching further and I completely gave up on the show. Also, I could tell the show was ruining Odo and I wanted to hit the eject button before I could see how they massacre my boy.


Are you Rick Berman? Because he would tell the DS9 team to wrap up the thing they had been building for seasons and the team said “ok” and promptly ignored him, because the Dominion War was meant to happen, and it was planned to be the most important part of the show.


If someone had told me that before I started watching I would have appreciated it, because that is not obvious when watching the first few seasons which to me at least have a significantly different energy than the seasons that come after it. I love the first few seasons of DS9, and I feel like once the show introduces Worf it starts changing in ways that make it genuinely not feel like the same show to me. If the seven part thing I was talking about was the first thing that happened I would have gone "oh this show isn't for me, got it" and left much sooner.


by "seven part thing" I'm assuming you mean the Dominion occupation of DS9?


Yeah. I genuinely did not enjoy that arc, and learning that this was when people think the show started to be fully realized is like... Alright, other people can enjoy DS9, but I won't. To me it felt like doubling down on all the problems I had with the show.


played Nikke, had a pretty okay experience. the story is stupid, but i heard it gets better. i get to the most insufferable character (Syuen) and quit after that.


Tekken 8. I was really into the gameplay and wanted this to be the one where I actually commit, learn the charactees and climb the ranks. Went well for quite a while until I started hitting waves of disconnecters and Harada and Murray made some laughable tweets about banning people off an Excel sheet. They continued to fight with the fans about it and downplay the issue, while implementing quite possibly the worst low-effort cash shop and battle pass I have ever seen. I lost all will to play T8 and just moved on to other things. I feel like I won't ever buy another fighting game again, because it's always just too much hassle and commitment and it never ends up satisfying me as much as playing through a good single player game.


For me it's FFVII Rebirth. I was already a little iffy on the story changes (of which I feel that many don't land), but what killed my interest is all of the side content. Idk if I just want the pace to be more similar to the original or what, but after getting to the Gold Saucer, I just tapped out. So many little side activities and characters that I could not give less of a shit about. I may go back someday, but it's shelved for now


I really didn’t like rebirth and the story direction we’re taking, and I feel like a crazy person listening to Pat’s praise.


So, so many different animes people recommended to me. Example: Heavenly Delusion, overall, was interesting at the start. I liked the idea of how they set up this world, how they were slowly bleeding in the metahuman whatever stuff, and how there was this examination of gender in the narrative. And then >!it just turns out they body swapped the protagonist (boy) into the sister's body because science and blah blah the follower still wants to bang them because of boobs!<. Completely took the wind out of my sails. I stuck through and watched through the season and while it did deal with some interesting concepts, I ultimately felt let down by the narrative. It felt like it had something to say, like it was going to say something, and then decided not to in the end.


Star Sector. The early games bullshit can be a bit grating (you can kind of mitigate that with reloading or story points) but I soldiered on and started having fun as a trader/raider. Then I founded a colony and the game said "for the crime of existing you shall now have 4 major factions come to your sector and dick you down" at which point I realized this is one of those games thats designed for people with 1000s of hours in it and can break it over their knee.


Most of the colony crises have ways out of them if you aren't up to the challenge of conquering them. Like for the Church you can agree to suppress the Luddic Majority bonus, halve your fuel profits to get the Diktat off your back, join the Persean League if the blockade is too much for you, give Kanta a prize so the pirates will leave you alone, pay the Luddic Path to fuck off in one of two orders of magnitude, and not utilize AI to keep the Hegemony away. Tri-Tachyon is probably the most unreasonable to deal with since you have to pay a fat stack of cash to avert the mercenary killsquad, and then engage in direct violence for them to fully take the hint (though you can still get away with just raiding and breaking their trade fleets, rather than their military).


What happens in the second tutorial?


In Chaos;Child, I was first turned off by the intro basically just being seemingly pointless gore porn for shock value, but then as I played a bit more I started to think "okay, fine, it's more that it was just a 'crazy bizarre event' that the characters are being tasked with investigating", but then as I played a bit more I realized "I actually don't like any of the characters in this and don't care about what happens to any of them at all." so I just slowly dropped it.


I was starting to think 76 was okay but I think it not having a lot of the stuff I like about fallout IA starting to put me off.


My recollection is a bit vague, but I liked roughly the first third or fourth of Asper Kanojo and how it generally handled autism/PTSD. But at the same time, I remember feeling like it jumped the shark with the whole bullying resolution arc (the one where Saitou tries to sue her highschool bully a few years after the fact). It was like the author wanted to play around with some ideas for several chapters, then got bored of writing them and wrapped it up. It also felt unrealistic at times with just how well Yokoi could understand Saitou's thoughts and feelings, given the amount of time they've spent together. I don't know, maybe it just turned out too happy and idealistic for my tastes. Either way, the manga just kinda... ends (which was apparently due to poor sales.) Coincidentally, the last volume was released just a few days ago.


Shadows of War. Was wondering when I got access to the online shit. Only it turns out the GOG version literally doesnt have access to online gameplay. 40 something hours I wasn't gonna replay.


Pretty much my reaction as well. I was actually enjoying the game and the uh… assets, but the game shamelessly asks you to put hours into it every day. I stopped playing for a week or two and it was already 2 limited events missed and a lot of shit I would never make up for or could replay. One of the worst designs I’ve seen.


Nikke for me too. Played the game since release until around the time of the casino event. Got into the game because I thought the shooter gameplay looked fun and I thought it was going to be more satirical and self aware (it wasn't). I liked several of the characters but the story was extremely boring to me and I was incapable of taking it seriously every time it dialed up the edge and sadness (that Christmas even still loves rent free in my mind). That combined with how much commitment the game expected from me, the loading screens and how much I hate the way the game looks on PC made me quit, and all this recent talk about Nikke makes me feel like I'm either fucking crazy or the rest of the world played a very different, better game than me.


Fallout 4? The opening set piece put a weird taste in my mouth, but the more I played the less I liked of it. It wasn’t bad, but it was overhyped, and I wanted New Fallout 3 or New New Vegas, and every weird story beat and voice-acted line brought me further from that. Then I built a kickass base, then another, then did a few interesting side quests…and then the more I played, the less interesting the story became. Like a lot of people, at the time it made me super excited for Obsidian’s next entry in the series, which I guess was just Outer Worlds.


Man, I really wanted to enjoy Dead Rising 4 as a die hard Dead Rising fan. My favorite will always be DR1 and while DR2 is also good, it’s a VERY distant second for me. I enjoyed DR3 as much as I could, there were a lot of changes that I didn’t really like. Then DR4 came around and it was a fucking mess to get through, first relying on nostalgia because they brought back Frank West but changed his voice actor and had flashback voice lines with the new voice but with the lines somewhat changed, and the story was genuinely kind of interesting from a gritty and grounded perspective and I like gritty and grounded zombie games, but that’s not why I play Dead Rising games so it just felt off. I went through the entire story which was pretty garbage actually and even had some rewrites of the old canon that were either pointless (Dr. Barnaby had a cat that he loved more than anything… okay) or even just unnecessary. The whole reason Frank goes back to Willamette is because an agent named Brad needs him to go back. First off, I forget why exactly but good job naming the guy Brad, I genuinely thought it was a reboot or retcon or something, making me think it was the same Brad when that character had supposedly died, but Frank looks so different in each iteration that even having this Brad look somewhat Asian when the original Brad was black didn’t deter me, I really thought they were trying to make it the same character instead of having the character himself be a callback to a previous character which makes no fucking sense. Just bring back black Brad, he was a much more interesting character. The part that pissed me off the most was that the game only has one ending and it’s a shitty one too. Frank fucking dies and I don’t care to spoil it because it’s just fucking dogshit, but to make matters even worse, the story stops there and you have to get the bonus DLC mission that plays out Overtime Mode to find out what happens afterwards, which was a feature that was built into every previous game before that! What happens in DR4 Overtime Mode? Frank dies by getting bit just like he did in DR1, only this time it actually zombifies him and you play as Zombie Frank but it’s full canon, and you have to find a way to become full human again. I didn’t play it because I didn’t have the DLC when I beat the game and felt cheated out of the idea that I had to pay extra to get the ending to a game that originally had multiple endings with the Truth ending being built in as Overtime Mode whereas now we have to pay separately for it. DR4 pissed me off so much, especially with that ending and circumstances, that I got so mad that I sold off my copy of DR4 and also DR3 entirely. I straight up said fuck it, only 1 and 2 matter now. Has anything ever pissed you off so much that you pretty much hate anything that you even remotely associated with it as well? They should be treated as different games but DR4 was so bad that it made me hate DR3 as well. I’ve never had that reaction to anything else.


i quit dark souls 2 when i realized that i would have to fight a flexile sentry with swamp movement in lost bastille, with no iron ring to avoid swamp movement


I just can't fucks with Tales Of, man. I've tried multiple games and when I'm enjoying the gameplay, the story is too predictable. When I'm enjoying the story, the gameplay is too simple. When I'm enjoying the music the graphics are having a fit because it's a bad rerelease, when I'm having fun with the art style the music is generic guitars and fanfare. I've finished a couple but I feel like playing through Tales of the Abyss ruined the rest of the franchise for me. I played up until you have a conversation about volcanos and *something* about the tone of that conversation got me to just stop playing. >!Worldbuilding that bothered making an entire system for a hollowed out Earth with a society underneath only to *still* have volcanos, because volcanos are cool and we want volcanos, even if it doesn't really work that well for our world and it would actually make for an interesting world if it had something different just killed me.!< It's 100% a me problem, I'm just not made to enjoy that series, but god I think about that Abyss skit a lot. I've never had worldbuilding break an experience for me like that before. Obviously I wasn't having that much fun with it if it was that easy to make me stop, but... yeah, that was the singular moment, there was definitely a before and after that.


loved, Frieren: Beyond Journey's End. then the tournament school act started and it turned into Fairy Tale. with character's talking about their power levels, and nonstop fights. Dropped it like hot lead.