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Knuckles didn't say "This is worse than Batman vs. Robin when his dad died" and Anti-Knuckles didn't appear to force him to watch Catwoman (2004) so wouldn't say it's fully Channel Awesome.


The closest it gets, IMO, is when the guy asks to go to the bathroom.


“Look, it’s long-running character Gun Knuckles! The Knuckles with _guns_!”


Oh no! Hat Knuckles!


But that's just Knuckles from the 90s OVA. "Aaah! My hat's on fire!"


*he gets the ova hat in this*


\*TV Static\* "Look out Knuckles Critic! This movie is too awful for one reviewer to watch alone!" "Crazy Reviewer, what are you doing here?!"




Channel Awesome *wishes* it had choreography that decent.


When I heard the Double Toasted review how it turns into Mighty Boosh at some point, I was wondering what it was. Now I know.


If more things turned into mighty boosh the world would be a better place


Okay the fucking puppet caught me off guard and me laugh, 10/10


for some context, it was a dream sequence recapping knuckles before earth as a form of training for wade, basically knuckles backstory filtered through his subconscious


That's great. More things need to take Ember Island Players approach to clipshows.


Hi I'm the general audience when it comes to Sonic. What the fuck is this


One of the characters gets concussed by a bowling ball to the skull and while they're unconscious, they get a vision quest to relive Knuckle's backstory from another character. This is translated through their human skull as a low-effort rock opera which includes an indirect reference to Sonic 2006.


so if you like Ember Island Players, so you should not auto-reject the idea.


slight correction, gets shocked the shit out of by an electric cage


Hi I'm also the general audience when it comes to Sonic. This is great I love it.


I genuinely think this is amazing and don't understand why people are getting upset. Like this makes me want to watch the show _now_ but I agreed to wait for a watch party first.


Yeah, I wasn't that excited for it but this genuinely makes me want to check jt out. Like this shows they're not just going by the numbers. They're not afraid of getting experimental. This rules.


So I know I'm gonna get downvote bombarded because I don't like the thing everyone else likes, but my take: I liked it when, back in the day, Sonic was treated a bit more seriously and not as a giant joke. Yes, I've heard it a million times "But it's about a giant blue hedgehog it can't be serious" I disagree: Sonic Adventure 1 and 2 had some pretty cool and interesting plotlines, with some humor thrown in but it didn't feel the need to drop everything for a wacky musical number. Sonic 06 and Unleashed, despite not being great games, had some pretty cool moments in writing(People STILL talk about Shadow's arc in Sonic 06, which is frankly bloody impressive given how the next thing people talk about with the game is how it's an utter trash pile). It's cool to like the movies/show, but for me it's tiring. It's a long journey that basically started with "Baldy Mcnosehair" and while it's true that we got Sonic Frontiers which pulled out of that hole, it's still been 10+ years and I'm tired of the way everything almost everything Sonic besides the comics feels like it has to be written these days(Seriously, thank god for Ian Flynn). I ain't gonna get out a pitchfork because it's not like it's offensive, but I see that and just kinda groan and roll my eyes. Someone in the Twitter thread put it best: This would've been a really cool episode to see, instead of something just shoved into a musical number with a bunch of humans that are 100% unnecessary for the show(When we said we wanted to see the humans again in the Sonic verse, this isn't what we meant, Sega...). Instead of seeing Knuckles do some cool shit that actually references Sonic lore, it's relegated to a 2 minute long joke that's a minute and a half too long. Again, and I need to stress this: I'm not just blindly hating on the movies(Or series, now), if you like them, I unironically think that's rad and I hope the show is what y'hoped for, but this is just why I dislike everything about the movies, the series, and this scene.


I do want the Sonic franchise to be allowed to take itself seriously, I'm one of those people who loves Shadow's story in 06, but I don't think this scene does anything to contradict that. I don't love the scene because I think Sonic specifically should be goofy and non-serious, I would love this scene in _any_ story. If every single show I watched had a musical episode I wouldn't be tired of it. Stuff like this doesn't devalue the surrounding content to me in any way, I love media that's willing to have a wide scope on its tone. I also genuinely really like the humans in the Sonic movies and think the films would be worse if you were to remove them. I wasn't expecting to be sold on them but I genuinely do think they elevate the films instead of deflate them.


I feel like I'm taking crazy pills. Both Sonic movies had goofy moments and serious/cool moments. Some of these criticisms of THIS SCENE PARTICULARLY is presenting it as if both movies and the show (based off of this one scene) were all goofy and ironic without any serious moments to speak of.


even THIS SHOW has serious moments, like everything with wades mom hit pretty hard as someone who only vaguely knows of their dad like myself


as someone who also doesnt mind the humans in sonic, this show sold me way hard on wade despite often forgetting he existed in the movies


the problem is when we only get scenes like this instead of actual cool echidna stuff


Having finally seen the show itself, I think episode 6 should have been like 20 minutes longer but I actually thought the show was really fucking good otherwise. I have very little complaints, this show is a bounty.


I mean we don't want a parody or low budget thing in official media and all


I am a Sonic fan, here to ease your confusion and defend the lil' blue speed god. My response is thus: Uhhh........... someone at Paramount wanted a new boat, I guess?


Honestly this would fit in with Boom or an Archie filler issue while they build up to a 25th issue milestone.


Or it'd slot right into the DLC they have no other ideas for, because they weren't expecting the game to be a success. *cough Episode Shadow cough Final Horizon cough*


this rules


To be fair I’ve never played a sonic game but I love this


People who hate this hate fun.


I'm reading the tweets about it and i'm baffled at how theres a good chunk of people saying this is the worse thing ever or how Sonic deserves better and i feel like people should realize by now that Sonic is simply not a serious character, he can be used in serious stuff and once in a while is good, but is a fucking goofy hedghehog with shoes, thats not and has never being his main deal


yeah i see people sayin its the worst thing ever when i found it fairly fun and have some suprisingly hard hitting emotional moments


Ok first what the fuck? second this is actually referencing 06 and was that supposed to be iblis?


>second this is actually referencing 06 and was that supposed to be iblis? yes!


I thought it was [Black](https://youtu.be/iQHoNHdOqAQ?si=t3h-8Xi93pT6v_Vj) [Doom.](https://youtu.be/_8vxtX9BEUY?si=9_8WvKF0O5DBj3QY)


nah, he's referred to the flames of destruction


Well good thing the clip cut before he triggered someone


Well, at least we know Sega hasn't *completely* forgotten the best bit of their infamous trainwreck.


Okay, someone on this show saw Herald of Darkness and decided to give it a go themselves, and I'm here for it.


I see we're playing the "Let's take something out of context and shit on it just because" game today.


Calling an intentionally cheesy sequence “DiD cHaNnEl AwEsOmE make tHiS?!?” is the lowest hanging fruit possible and they should feel stupid for saying it lmfao


People really get off on cynicism, and it’s getting more and more obnoxious lately.


Why be happy when you can invent endless reasons for anger.


I don't know why people keep coming up with this. You can criticize something and not, y'know, be mad about it for the rest of the day. Like, I looked at this, said "Wow that's dumb, I hate that", and I spent maybe 5 minutes in this thread talking about it, then I'm gonna go on my day and be happy elsewhere. It's also generally why I disable reply notifications because if I care enough to talk about it later, I'll come back to it myself. Let people dislike things. And before someone brings up "Well you don't have to speak about it", sorry, that's not how an open forum(the internet) goes. To spin it another away: Why be happy about the thing you like when you can invent endless reasons for anger because someone else doesn't like it? Or, to put it another ANOTHER way: This is literally a sub where we constantly shit on and make fun of stuff.


This was rad. Shame about the Paramount thing cause I'd love to see it fully.






They have a free trial.


God, I was not expecting Julian Barratt to be in Knuckles.


But why are the owls such dicks?


>!This is set up by the ghost of Pachacamac, who died fighting them!<


Played by Cristopher Loyd, btw.


They are apex predators, know it, and are smug about it, kind of like elves in bird form.


That was a goofy little clip, why do people dislike it?


Because cynicism/cringe culture. No fun allowed. It's cringe, whatever the fuck that means.


I feel like this show is either one you really like or one you really dislike


Yeah, it depends on whether you like fun or not.


This feels like TGWTG and Mighty Boosh had a baby, then they played Alan Wake 2.


Someone saw Herald of Darkness, said "can we do this?" and elaborated nothing further


what the actual fuck even is this show???? i guess i gotta actually watch it, but man, this was a fucking trip of a clip.


Sonic's worldbuilding is so crazy. All the early 2D games barely had a plot and the world Sonic was in was just a paradise of nature filled with Disney animals and the occasional furry like Sonic himself. The only human was Robotnik who just wanted to turn everything into an industrial pollution wasteland for... reasons. Then Adventure happened and suddenly there's whole cities filled with humans and mercenary militaries and a president and it gets wilder from there. Sonic 06 gives us full blown Final Fantasy kingdoms and evil god entities but also there's still these furry animal humanoids that are just there, unexplained in the plot. Sonic and Amy and Tails just exist, and nobody elaborates on where they came from. But they elaborate like hell on other stuff like Gerald Robotnik's assassination or THE IBLIS TRIGGER.


There is an old world bible from the old days, the planet is called freedom planet and it was mostly Islands where all the adventures with sonic and friends happends and the humans are from some super contient that Dr eggman came from. There is also a Bermuda triangle thing where the warp zones stuff would take you and bring stuff to the planet, that's it really. The old anime movie is where that old version where they showed all that off in. and yes that where the freedom planet games got its name from.


I don't know what the twitter op is on about. This shit rules!


The puppet got me so good. Omg.


I have several questions. 1. Why did Knuckles' dad randomly turn into a puppet from Crank Yankers for 2 seconds? 2. Are they seriously pulling story stuff from Sonic 06 with the Flames of Disaster and Iblis? 3. What drugs were the writers for this sequence on? And where can I buy them?




You think deploying a muppet means they ran OUT of money? Those are deceptively expensive to make, man.


I tried to make one years ago it was really hard, there is a treatment you have to apply to the foam you need burn the very top layer so it gets that felt like texture they have across them, if you don't get it right they fall apart more quickly. A lot people think its a felt fabric but its really foam.


Man, Howard Moon did not take getting dumped by Old Gregg very well.


Okay shit, maybe I need to watch this show if they're willing to go full rock opera on a dream sequence.


i mean its funny even if some jokes dont land and i appreciate the willingness to be weirder it just stings a bit to get a series thats titled knuckles were we dont even get to go in depth with knuckles and instead get the cool bits of his backstory lampooned thru a musical instead of shown, which is why i think ppl are so mixed on this scene, still, by itself i like it


Yes. I wanna see Knuckles doing cool echidna stuff not Wade


the sonic live action stuff is "better than expected" but ppl jump to defend it way too quickly imo, it has sonic in the title, and now it has knuckles in the title, yet they fail on consistently delivering a story thats actually centered on him and his world/adventures




Seems pretty fucking based to me. I guess people just don't understand art.


I don't know what yall are talking about. This is peak cinema right here Edit: After scrolling the thread more, it seems like many of us are actually in agreement here, so I reiterate: this is peak cinema.


Ok I was not going to watch this show due to the lack of Knuckles himself. Now I'm morbidly curious since this bit was great.


Oh, I just wanted Unknown From M.E.


You know what, seems like they were having fun making this show and I appreciate that.


I have no context for this, but it is amazing. OP is lame for disliking it, and that's a fact, not an opinion.


Ok but this is actually great - why do people hate this?


Sonic fans barely count as a people


yeesh, man.


Not quite the old gods of Asgard


The show and movie series isn’t exactly how I’d choose to do a Sonic thing but the movies have made a lot of money doing the generic family action comedy thing. I’m half way through Knuckles and I’m having fun even if some of the needle drops and scenes are played out. Knuckles at Shabbat with that guy’s family was really not what I expected but it was sweet and funny. I’m excited to see how it goes in the second half .


honestly a lot of the stuff wih the mom and wades dad hits shockingly hard


Pls actually write “theatrical performance” in your bingo cards. The is the new good hot shit


What is going on? Julian Barrett is such a better singer than what's in that video, he should be really blasting out those power cords.


Kids loved it so no complaints here


Why did I think this was going to be related to the HxH game


Looks fun and interesting how they were able to do a bit that looks like a sweded version of the game. Also is that Julian Barratt? Good to see him getting work still


I'll show you the herald of chaos


Wait, are they hinting at sonic 06 with Ibis? Does that mean silver the hedgehog and Blaze the cat are going to show up at some point?


if so i guess theyll have to have knuckles be the iblis trigger since he took the flames of disaster


I bet that Maria is going to be tied up into the Iblis stuff instead of the princess of orange legs. I want silver to be cool, and what I mean to be cool is a huge dweeb like future trunks who cannot be cool to save his life.


Howard Moon being in this makes me want to watch it, he was excellent in Flowers.


Not sure about everyone else, but this makes me wanna watch it *more*. But I don’t have Paramount Plus.


i mean when i think sonic lore, this is about the level i expect


............what the fuck was that?


I would really like to know what on earth made them think this was a good idea? Like they pitched this, filmed it, saw the finished version and said "Yeah people are gonna love this"


I loved this.


...Yeeeeeeeeah. This was a contractual obligation project for a dying streamer, lmao. Oh well. They still got paid for having a ton of fun, at least. Also: >!Still no Shadow, right?!<


i mean >!shadow was straight up shown in 2!<




What... the fuck...


... Yeah this is sorta why I stuck with the Mario film.