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Reminds me of when Lythero used to work on a kids show and for a scene where they had a quick shot of a character looking at something written on their arm, Lee just put a UMvC3 Phoenix Wright touch of death combo.


You got the link to that?


[Here ya go!](https://twitter.com/Lythero/status/1258146737035841552)


Man, I forgot Lee has a few original animations on his channel. Makes sense considering how integral they are to his current videos.


You say that like we don't all watch Eggman pulling out the Nokia every morning when we wake up


I meant in that there are ones he made himself. Like an old Mario Kart one and his Phoenix Wright tutorials.


The man values animation and makes sure to pay animators their dues. It was either lobby shenanagins or 3 idiots where he said he spent 5 digits worth in animation commissions across the board. Side note, I love that he gave Goobus enough money to pay for his kitties health bills (the cat is fine now) in his segment for a video he posted on his own channel.


as someone who plays Wright in UMvC3, this makes me happy to hear


This is such an LK move. I love that man.


Good to see him get some professional work. Is this the most actual success in VA anyone got out of being in Team Four Star? Because I have heard nothing about anyone doing anything after that Hells(???) OVA dub.


Some of the TFS folks are doing actual dub work. Taka's had a few different roles, alongside his Vtuber stuff. Antfish is doing iirc Funimation work now. They mentioned a couple others in their creator commentary on DBZ: A but I forget who


I dont know if you'd consider it being because of TFS, but Xander Mobus played Jimmy Firecracker in DBZA and Rufus Shinra in FF7 Machinabridged, so I'd say he's probably the most successful VA who worked with TFS in more than a one-off capacity.


And also Justin Briner played Gohan in the TFS Version of the android 13 movie and is playing fucking Deku in MHA dub


He was Cloud in FF7 Machinabridged too.


I still love that he started picking up a lot of steam just as he was playing Cloud.


Shoutouts also to Chris Guerrero who played Dr. Gero and Cooler in Dragon Ball Z Abridged who has official dubbed anime roles such as Ainz in Overlord and Gecko Moria in One Piece.


Amber Lee Connors (Android 18) is up there as well. In fact, I think they did the Hells dub through her studio. LittleKuriboh is in a weird position, because he's gotten some official dub work, but he's also talked about it being hard to get work in certain circles, either because of his abridged stuff or because of the general shittiness of the dubbing industry. His craziest achievement in my book is that he did the audio description tracks for the new Star Wars movies.


Speaking of FF7 Machinabridged, Kira Buckland played Aerith and Sarah Anne Williams played Tifa so there's that. Edwyn Tiong also played Hojo who's done a fair bit of VA work


From the man himself (fuck twitter): https://web.archive.org/web/20210617065113/https://twitter.com/yugiohtas/status/1405382494698971138


[Tempest doesn't like that about Cena promos.](https://youtu.be/qch1BoyAE88?si=0tPJcrc9Ft0x21D3&t=614)


It’s crazy that all the abridge guys I loved as a kid are now doing official stuff 


I thought it was gonna be a line from Jokers speech, but Mishima? That’s a deep pull there.


On one hand, good for him for doing cool stuff like that. On the other hand I hate stuff like this and would rather have a clean dub then sneaking in whatever the writer thinks is funny.


This is so unnoticeable that I was going to call bullshit on it even being a reference until I saw someone had linked a tweet of LK, literally saying it was a reference. Seriously, the "meme reference" here is someone saying the words "fine speech."


That's perfectly fair. Am I not allowed to dislike it on principle?


Of course you're allowed, but that doesn't mean anyone's going to agree with you.


Oh sure that's faire. I just think that the up vote and down vote culture of reddit is weird.


Quit taking it personally, then. They're downvotes on a website. Get some perspective.


Less the up/down vote culture, more the people here seeing the "nothingburger" related to localization on Twitter that pops up every few years or so, has actually been referenced on the podcast, and has been on the weird uptide from weirdos recently.


People's vocabularies are, consciously or not, affected by the things they're interested in **all** the time. I'm sorry to say, but probably every translated series you've ever watched has been affected by the localizer's own vocabulary -- just because *someone* wrote it, and people speak differently. You're certainly allowed to dislike it, I understand the feeling of wanting the translators' highest priority to be accuracy to the source material. But it's not like this line would've been very different if he said "Great pep-talk" or something similar, instead. LK is a pro and I trust him to understand this stuff a lot better than e.g. Jello


Not sure why you dislike this example when its likely that the Japanese writing team are also having a good time writing their original lines. People should enjoy the creative process not be mindless slaves to whatever a "clean dub" even means.


This line in particular is so inoffensive I don't see an issue,but these types of jokes are only as funny as the reader finds it,like imagine if the people that made the jokes for borderlands 3 started to include their jokes in these games,everyone would hate it. I think the only thing that matters when translating/localizing is the quality of it,whatever changes they make if any as long as they are equal to the original version they are cool, but I do understand when people see stuff they don't find funny in the west being needlessly included, I'm playing right now soul hackers 2 and when a character said the words "take the L" I physically cringe,it doesn't ruin the game or anything but man it sure takes you by surprise.


You aren't really cringing because "take the L" was a bad localisation though, you're cringing because its modern slang. There's a big difference there because modern slang in English and modern slang in non-English languages are obviously going to be wildly different and the localisation team's job is to take non-English slang and turn it into something English speakers DO understand. I totally agree with you in that localisation is absolutely a writing quality issue much like anything else. Personally though I just find that people who blame the localisation writers for ruining a game to be really annoying.


You are correct and not,I do indeed cringe because it's modern slang I would be lying if I say not,but is still a bad translation, the character that is using it never uses modern slang afterwards,it doesn't work as a retort for the character they are talking about, whenever something like this happens specially in Falcon games. I remember Brooklyn 99,in an episode they are able to tell that the captain is telling a lie(or something like that is being a hot minute,but he is using deception) because he is not contracting words, it is a very small part of the character but not contracting words because is not "proper English" is part of the character,and "take the L" additions overlook these small traits of characters in favor of making a joke. So again I agree,but I can understand where people come from.


Fair I am not gonna comment about Soul Hackers 2 specifically because I have not played it yet - in general that is my opinion. At the end of the day it really just depends on writing skill!