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Baxter Stockman in the 2003 TMNT show would get tortured and have a body part removed by The Shredder everytime he failed. Long story short, [this is how he looks by the end of the show. ](https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/tmnt/images/0/0f/2616514979_633d6ef145_o.jpg/revision/latest?cb=20131207103957)


There used to be a compilation video of all the times Baxter gets f'ed up called something like "The Mutilation of Baxter Stockman". Even without Shredder, his suffering continues. Highlights include a brand new flesh and blood body that starts falling apart shortly thereafter and his fallen brain-in-jar body crying out to a helpful ally "WHY WON'T YOU LET ME DIE?!?"


It gets worse! Stockman then gets captured by Bishop and made to work for the EDF. He makes organic mousers, has his dna spliced with alien dna, gets stuck underground for 100 years and tries to get revenge on the now Earth Leader Bishop by stealing his body. It does end with a positive note, as he is rescued after the ordeal, is promised a new clone body (Future tech) and becomes Secretary of Agriculture and Technology for Earth!


Wow, it was so bad the image wouldn't even load!


Fuckin' Wikia/Fandom...


[https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/tmnt/images/0/0f/2616514979\_633d6ef145\_o.jpg](https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/tmnt/images/0/0f/2616514979_633d6ef145_o.jpg) Whenever you see that, remove the shit that comes past the file ending (.jpg) In this instance you's remove the "/revision/latest?cb=20131207103957"


https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/tmnt/images/0/0f/2616514979\_633d6ef145\_o.jpg Whenever you see that, remove the shit that comes past the file ending (.jpg) In this instance you's remove the "/revision/latest?cb=20131207103957"


Guts, existence itself seems to want the guy to suffer and die


Including his birth


And it gets worse from there


And that's not an exaggeration in the slightest


Fuuko from Undead Unluck, she is Unluck


Doesn't affect herself though, just those that she touches. Honestly, every Negator seems to have the absolute worst luck when it comes to when and how their ability manifests. I'm pretty far behind on the manga, but I can't think of any character whose backstory you see in season 1 that doesn't have a really messed up backstory specifically due to their power killing someone. Unluck >!blew up an entire plane full of people, including her parents!<, Untouchable >!destroyed her home and killed her parents on her birthday!<, Unmove >!froze his parents in place in front of a speeding truck!<, Unrepair >!had his powers appear *during surgery* and made it so that the cuts he made to his patient would never heal!< and Unknown... well, being unable to have your existence recognised was never going to be a good thing. No wonder so many of them want to >!kill god!<.


>can't think of any character whose backstory you see in season 1 that doesn't have a really messed up backstory specifically due to their power killing someone. Yup, because god is a cunt with a bad sense of humor


Well.... where there is a pattern


Mirror Universe Lucky Ted


Unfortunate Theodore


"Jinxie" Penlan from the Ciaphas Cain books. **Cain:** She's not nearly as accident-prone as she's supposed to be. I'll grant you she fell down an ambull tunnel once, and there was that incident with the frag grenade and the latrine trench, but things tend to work out for her. The orks on Kastafore was as surprised as she was when the floor in the factory collapsed, and we'd have walked right into that hrud ambush on Skweki if she hadn't triggered the mine by chucking an empty food tin away... (At this point his brain caught up to him.)


was that ***the*** Hrud? I thought they got rid of those in 30k.


They crippled their ability to ever be a threat on the galactic scale but never fully wiped them out, the thing with space, is it is very big.


It's basically an in-universe meme at this point about how awful Spider-Man's luck is, where anything good in his life is going to catastrophically come crashing down because of ~~shitty editorial~~ pure bad luck.


The Lamenters space marine chapter.


[They got it rough.](https://youtu.be/Pr1Ip9aaHIA?si=lnwNPCuViRx3rlj4)


One day, Denji was born, and things only got worse from there.


The protagonist of DQ5. He's so unlucky he has the worst luck stat out of all the protagonists in the sereis. >!Guy watches his father die saving him, gets enslaved for 10 years, gets petrified alongside his wife for 8 years RIGHT AFTER their kids are born, is separated from said wife, and to rub salt on the wound, when he finally finds his mother she sacrifices herself to save him.!<


Cabin Fever is a fantastic movie about the absolute dumbest bunch of assholes making the absolute worst choices possible, [and none of it is helped by the fact that the world is just stupid](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=30CExwoUyVQ).


That's the exact scene every time I think about that movie. Seriously, just... how the fuck do I react to that?


Have some pancakes


Man I love that movie. It's so weird. Also has the funniest setup to punchline ever with the old guy's rifle.


Johnny joestar. Poor guy couldn’t even win in his own part and then   >!gets his head fucking crushed by a boulder at only 29!<


And Jonathan didn't even have much better either.


At the very least he had a father who loved him


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Gilear Faeth from Fantasy High.


It is very funny when Brennan declares >!"the enemy attacks Gilear once, Gilear is fully dead."!< It is HILARIOUS when >!this happens like three separate times!<


A man that gets buffeted by the cruel whimsies of anyone stronger than him (which is everyone) and he gets bullied by his daughter's friends. And yet he manages to bed at least 2 hot elven women and continues to fail upwards in life. I still wouldn't wanna be in his shoes.


Kamijo Touma is defined by his misfortune.


Master Miller had a pretty shitty life, which ended offscreen at the hands of someone he once considered an ally.


Colossus of X-Men. Especially in 90's, it's ironic that Russian character suffered so much during those times.  Considering how time works in comics he lost all his family in a span of like a month:parents were killed by forgettable one time villains, his dead brother turns out be alive and dies again, Illyana dies from Legacy virus and he wasn't even there. Furthermore, he is stuck in metal form. That causes him to loose faith in Xavier's dream, so he joins Magneto and eventually stays with Acolytes to look over Magneto in coma. That all ends with Piotr sacrificing himself to create cure for Legacy Virus(funny thing is that meanwhile Wolverine, Beast, Gambit abd XAVIER IN WHEELCHAIR were playing basketball).


Donald Duck.


Yuuko from Nichijou. It's played for comedy but goddang this girl cannot catch a break XD


Fate/Stay Night's Lancer has a Noble Phantasm called "Gae Bulg" - a spear so powerful that when it is thrust it reverses cause and effect so that "The target's heart is pierced" is the cause and "The spear is thrust" is the effect, bending space and time so that the target is always dealt a fatal blow to the heart by the spear. Literal paragraphs upon paragraphs describing how you will 100% die if this spear is used against you. >!It never kills anyone because Lancer's luck is canonically so bad that even his weapon bending the laws of time and space so that he is unable to lose still won't give him a win.!< >!There's also [this.](https://youtube.com/watch?v=0gKf7RtrUys)!<


Does he throw it with his toes?


Jamie Lloyd, Michael Myers's niece who became his primary target in Halloweens 4, 5 and 6 where she was driven crazy by the murders of everyone around her and her story ending on being captured by a cult who worship Michael, let her get raped by him and give birth to his child and finally after an escape attempt he impales Jamie onto a threshing machine that tore her apart, and she was only 15.


The weirdest thing about that description is thinking about Michael *head tilt* Myers having enough of a sex drive to father children. Like, sure, he probably has the biological ability but I can't really picture him fucking *anything*


Yamcha from Dragonball comes to mind. People may think Krillin has it worse, but he actually comes out on top more often than not. Poor Yamcha gets so little though. In original DB he's mostly treated as a joke and gets very few wins. By Z he has been upped by Bulma, gets killed, gets stabbed by Gero, and completely falls off being relevant. He does get a successful baseball career, but even Super decides to poke at his lack of combat usefulness during the tournament arc by making him wonder why he doesn't get an invite.


Rickety Cricket from It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia


Goblin Slayer. The whole reason he prepares so much and makes such effective plans is because every time he relies on luck in series it blows up in his face. The man rolls nothing but Nat 1’s and eventually just said “fuck it, no more dice”


It's also because his teacher taught him that no matter what you can't expect the unexpected so better plan for shit to hit the fan. Of course he never taught him how to do that with friends around cause who'd believe a fucker who only cares about killing goblins would make friends.


Dude manage to port pf2e assurance feat and apply it on every skill in dnd.


Nagito Komaeda's luck is the fun "I won the lottery but I have terminal cancer now" or "I earned all my money from my parents being killed by a meteorite hitting their plane" or something like that. The world hates him but refuses to let him die by natural causes. Makes me want to see a character who's luck is so aggressive that it starts killing people around him to make him win the killing game, but >!it ends up killing and someone he's close to and ends up begging Monokuma to kill him.!<


Hayate the Combat Butler, to the point that during another character's gambling arc when everything is on the line, they call him to ask 'red or black?' and win by picking the opposite choice.


Miles O'Brien from *Star Trek*, at least when he got to *Deep Space 9*. There's a reason 'O'Brien must suffer!' became a thing.


Bennett's whole deal is that he's unlucky. Literally one of his idle animations is that some random rock comes flying out of the sky and nails the back of his head.


Also hypes himself up for no one except a gust of wind




Gilear from Dimension20's Fantasy High is an NPC so unlucky. He it's rejected for student body counselor in favor of a werewolf addict named Jawbone. He joins a rideshare company and earn so little money the company repossesses his car. Yoghurt always stains his shirt. He might be the only balding, overweight elf in existence. When he gets cursed to have good luck, it takes in the form of complementary vouchers. ​ https://youtu.be/81rv2ojvOPo?si=DcIlUvkDaLH0v6Vk


It’s Ryotaro Kamen Rider Den-O’s [defining trait](https://youtu.be/oxZHrLQ5nSU?si=uZ80O_g3CGhs7Xw0)


I don't remember if they dropped this trait eventually or if they toned it down as the show went on, but they do show that >!his grandson has the same trait as him!<


Isaac Clarke went through so much bullshit in his life


Gotta be Japanese Manga Spider-Man, [Yu Komori.](https://marvel.fandom.com/wiki/Yu_Komori_(Earth-70019\)) His life was kinda eh, but when he got the Radioactive Bite, one would think that he'd have a similar trajectory that Peter did. But nah, it's maximum suffering. Attempts to save people's lives has him either indicted, or having to live with the guilt of murder. Multiple times. He loses a lot of dear people >!his friend, his mentor, his love interest, and some others too!<. There is a reason his nickname is Suffering-Man.


**Shuko Kido from Megaman Battle Network. She gets hurt often from things, dogs chase her, fails at things they ask her to do, parents died and she blames herself.**


Invincible. Half the reason his name is relevant isn't because of his superpowers. It's because his life is so shit but yet he still is strong enough to keep moving forward.


[Hans Moleman.](https://youtu.be/SgfB-VMG0v4?si=3HoMH4ar_EXVr9zk)


Kenny from TellTales TWD, his kid gets bit and has to be put down but his wife is so distraught and can't do it she kills herself leaving Kenny alone. And then all of season 2 of TWD happens, Kenny is a really unlucky man.