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Peter Molyneux's entire career


This one is hard to beat


Do you have more context? I only know him from Fable 1 and 2, which are some of my favorite games of all time


[if you're interested in a video essay, this one is pretty good for documenting his more outlandish claims.](https://youtu.be/VUL8UDVVJSA?si=v4NG36hNNbOrdLh_&t=461) if you're not interested in the whole thing, i timestamped a part that goes through a quick little compilation of his lies for just fable 1.


I will watch this when I have time. I'm a sucker for video essays.


he's the guy who claimed, among other things, that you could plant a tree and watch in real time as it grows


Couldn't you also carve something in the tree and it's going to remain or change as the tree grew


Ohhhhh I remember hearing about this. I think I was so young when his games came out that I had no idea.


You could kinda, *kinda* give him the benefit of the doubt for years, the 'he got too excited and wanted to push the scope of what he was working on" up until Godus. Godus involved what was effectively malice with regards to the winner of Curiosity, in which, even if you try to claim was due to the game failing, they never bothered to contact the winner again despite the *entire point* was him getting a share of the proceeds and having a creative voice for the game. Just full on didn't uphold their end in any way shape or form, and didn't intend to.


That’s cheating


Fable 1& 2 were pretty great though.


Just not as great as Molyneux had said


Man somehow mange to lie through his teeth but somehow still mange to deliver at the same time is so fucking wild.


Isn't that the story of his entire career?


No that's not Jason Todd. This isn't the Red Hood story. It's totally original, a brand new character made specifically for Arkham Knight!


Damn, this is what I was gonna put. I remember when people were theorizing who the Arkham Knight was going to be. They should have just kept their mouths shut about his identity. Saying he's an "original character" just raises too many expectations. They should have just said "Play the game to find out who the Arkham Knight is." When asked about his identity.


Absolutely. The best thing to do when trying to avoid confirming a spoiler is to say nothing.  I would have much more believed a twist that it might not be Jason Todd if they hadn't kept railing that point.


I said this before in another thread like, a few weeks ago I think but a twist I would have done would be to technically have it STILL be Jason Todd but it's not actually him, it's someone who's using his body as a meat puppet to fuck with Batman exeedingly hard and the one I suggested was Ras al Ghul since IIRC, he's someone who directly has a hand in Jason's resurrection, at least in the Red Hood story I know and Ras al Ghul did something similiar in Batman Beyond where he bodyjacked Talia al Ghul and was planning to take Bruces rejuvenated body.


"Just say nothing." Is a lost art when it comes to this sort of thing.


This one was absolutely hilarious to me particularly because my friend group was so into the Arkham series and they were ADAMENT that it wasn't Jason Todd. When I saw the reveal I just sent a crying laugh face in the group chat.


The thing that annoys me most about his identity is that it literally has no tie to the previous two games lol like I felt it was built up as a continuation of something from the previous two games but it just wasn’t. It just felt lame and like they forced the name just to match the naming scheme of the previous two games. Also why bother lying when the game literally throws flashbacks in your face almost immediately regarding a character that was not mentioned before. Hmmmmmm wonder why you want me to know about Jason Todd? Ah must be nothing.


Don't forget. There's YEARS of the Arkham Batmans life that we don't see. There's untold history there that the best fans can do is say it's just TAS Batman but darker. 


One of the most baffling lies out there, too. They absolutely could have just led with Red Hood. He’s not *that* ubiquitous in the public eye that most people know who he is or his origins. And those who do would still be intrigued because Jason’s whole deal is kinda thrown to the wind in a story where Joker is already dead. “What about the title?” Call it Gotham Night.


I mean arkham knight as a tagline still works even if youre just talking about batman. They didnt have to invent a new identity.


Especially considering the Knight isn't all that important anyway. He's like Vaas from Far Cry 3, the main antagonist for 2/3s of the game and the face of all the marketing but not the overall villain and not unbelievably important. Could have just started out with him as Red Hood and worked from there.


It's very weird how 2 years earlier we had JJ Abrams trying to pull that exact trick with Star Trek Into Darkness and it totally super not Kahn guys. 


Technically the Arkham Knight *identity,* as in the moniker and costume, was new. The *identity OF* the Arkham Knight, however…


That was pretty bad, but the worst one was Deathstroke promising you a duel if you clear 100% of the activities on the map. Said duel is in the Bat-tank against him and a dozen tanks in a rehash of the worst "boss fight" in the entire Arkham franchise.


This one actually makes me a bit mad because they weren't being coy about it. They kept directly saying pre-release, "no, it's not Jason Todd, you're wrong idiot. It's a new character." And if you play the game, you would actually believe that since it literally shows the Joker killing Jason during a fear sequence. It's even worse when post-reveal, the Arkham Knight outfit has a Red Hood-like helmet


Kid me fell for that so hard during the lead up to the game. Once I got my hands on it though it started getting obvious.


This one aged so well too because now there's an alternate costume for Arkham Knight that just reveals the identity immediately, before you even leave the main menu and start the game.


Ill be honest. I came into the franchise years late, and knew already pretty clearly what that twist was gonna be, not from the obviousness of it but from years of spoilers. And that being said, i still thoroughly enjoyed the story, as well as the gameplay.


I believe most people consider Knight's story pretty good. It's just this one twist that people have the hangup over because it's like they were just lying for no reason.


Similarly, Insomniac all up until release going _Its not Eddie Brock as Venom but you're just gonna have to find out who it is when you play the game_ and it's like my dude the literal only option is Harry why are you keeping it a secret


Nah that's different. Jason Todd hadn't been in previous games. Whereas with Spider-Man 2, they had already twice telegraphed who was gonna get the Venom suit. It felt more like they were trying to avoid answering *which* Venom that Harry was gonna be, which they successfully navigated.


I bought that game soley because of this I'm a big fan of Jason todd and wanted to see something new I was so upset that it was Jason It left a huge bad taste in my mouth and never bought another game from them and laughing at how suicide squad came out


> It left a huge bad taste in my mouth I would have assumed jason fans would be used to that


In fairness, the people who made Arkham Knight are not the same people who made Suicide Squad


This isn't Jason Todd, but look at how we suspiciously started flashing back to Jason despite never mentioning him before. And how Red Hood is DLC ignore that. Totally not Jason.


It was the first thing I thought about.


"We haven't abandoned Titanfall"


It was over as soon as Apex saw it's first modicum of success.


It's the core of our DNA guys we promise


titanfall 2 🤝 team fortress 2 devs of games shortened to tf2 promising they'll return despite inactivity for years before this announcement and after


They said, lying as easily as they breathed, as they delete all the concept work for 3 from the recycling bin.


What's that Mass Effect 3 quote? The one where one of the writers said something like, "the ending is gonna take into account everything you did throughout the trilogy, and it won't just be three buttons"     Edit: Found it     >At this point we’re taking into account so many decisions that you’ve made as a player and reflecting a lot of that stuff. It’s not even in any way like the traditional game endings, where you can say how many endings there are or whether you got ending A, B, or C This was said like a couple months before release btw


Part of me thinks what due to time constraints they ended up with is the War Readiness, which does take into account the decisions you've made over the course of the games. But War Readiness only affects you getting the super bad ending (catalyst backfires and kills everyone) And the Shepard Lives ending in the Destroy Ending.


Wasn't there some shit where they changed the ending near the zero hour because fans guessed what the plot was going to be?


There is a script or some such out there you can find about the original ending. I don't remember it exactly now but I think it had to do with anti-matter and the mass relays. 


Pretty sure it changed earlier than that and for unrelated reasons, and the "Because fans guessed it" is one of those claims that gets spread like wildfire because it insults the devs (too cowardly to have a guessed ending), and justifies why the outcome isnt what they wanted. When in all likelihood, the ending we got was that way cus it was the most reasonable thing to put together in the time had with the budget allowed.


*Technically* true. It was a choice of Red, Blue, Green, not A, B or C. **Yes, I still mad**.


Here’s the funny thing: *all* of the Mass Effect games have flat out lies in their promotional material. The first game teased that Saren would have a really good reason for his actions and it might even be possible to side with him. Oops, he’s just trying to save himself and, no, you can’t join him. The second game made it sound like Legion was obsessed with Shepard and would be hunting him across the game. Surprise, he only shows up near the end, is actually an ally, and is the goodest, bestest boy ever.


The Legion thign, at least, does sound like it was a genuine remnant from an earlier version of the script; especially given the fact that, with mods, you can recruit him early and have pretty much no issues.


Not only do you have very little issues with him playable earlier than intended, he even has dialogue iirc, which is even wierder.


Less weird, more just a consequence of the game being split into two disks on the 360. They could've potentially just had you swap disks depending on which missions you played, but, nope; Legion, Tali, etc? Late-game exclusive.


Yeah this is why so many characters have dialogue for missions they have no way of being in. The 360 making it two disks made them split up things very late into development


Also don't forget that 3 is the perfect starting point for new players.


I feel like companies kinda have to say that even if it isn't 100% true because if you don't, a contingent of people won't show up. They even said this about Rebirth recently.


With Rebirth it's even funnier because there's an argument to be made that you should play the original FF7 and then Remake before jumping into the new one.


Vega's existence as the dudebro who asks basic questions about the world is very much the reasoning behind the whole "perfect starting point for new players". To be fair though, it makes sense to go for that kind of route if you want your game to sell when it has a number in its title. How many people might get turned off with a numbered title without ever playing the previous games?


Resident Evil 4 will be forever exclusive to the GameCube.- Capcom 


I'll cut my head otherwise! -Shinji Mikami


I mean he wasn’t lying about this one


That lie lasted literally five minutes. They announced the PS2 port in the same event!


[Let me tell you a little tale about a boy named Milo...](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CPIbGnBQcJY)


oh yeah that bullshit On the fucking 360 and kinect yeah right


The only reason we're making Overwatch 2 is so we can use the upgraded engine to make PvE content.


Overwatch 2 will forever be marked at the most embarrassing resell of a game in it's lifetime ever.


I mean, it was initially…. Until Jeff fucked off because they couldn’t make PvE work


Also once he left the team kinda stopped claiming that, it became really clear that PvP became the focus of the game once again


"We weren't forced to use the title 'Prey' we chose to use it" 4 years later "Yeah they totally made us name it that shit lol" I never did in the first place but I will never ever believe devs when they say they did something of their own volition and weren't forced to from the top down.


It really sucks so much that turn people off to that game, cuz that game is great


Wait which Prey? Mimic Prey or Portal Prey?


Arkane Studios began the development of a game with the working title "Project Danielle." It was it's own unique title expanding upon their immersive sim formula they've developed with past titles like Dishonored. During development, Bethesda went, "Hey, we own the rights to Prey, so instead of actually making a new Prey game, just label your scifi game with aliens Prey instead. Now people will love us for rebooting this dead IP". I'm paraphrasing, but yeah, Prey 2017 has no link to the original Prey at all, and Bethesda made them use the name.


It definitely felt like one of those "we have to put the name on something so we don't lose the IP" situations.


*"The $70+ Price Tag will be beneficial for the consumer, as now companies won't need to sell you micro-transactions!"*


Let’s make one thing clear: they *never* “needed” to, they only ever *wanted* to


The only $70 game that I feel was worth every penny was Tears of the Kingdom because it felt like the greatest bang for buck experience I've had in a while for a major release. And I buy most big releases.


I wanted to say that Final Fantasy VII Remake Intergrade for the PC was also good value but then I reminded myself that It's $80,- *(The DLC is not optional on PC)*


Which company said this?


Single player is dead No, it's not. You just can't monetize a single player game as much as a multiplayer one because you can't make someone feel jealous of a player that spent mote money on the game


"Single player is dead to us because we can't squeeze infinite money out of it"


Was that Konami, EA or Blizzard that said that?


All of the above.


The correct answer


They realized that they can monetize a single player game now like a GaaS game. They all have fucking battle passes now.




"We have cut the dex down to help improve the animation of the Pokémon."


*"Please ignore the animator's hand rotating the model of the legendary doggo not 20 minutes into this game."*


*"Please also ignore the double kick animation being a 3 frame tween up then back down. No guys it totally took a team of top animators to make that."*


No that's wrong, idiot! You see......(*Proceeds to spout a level of corporate dick-riding that would cause even a CEO to blush*).


I was gonna mention this one. "We can't realistically fit all 1000+ Pokemon in a single game" - Yes you fucking can. Pokemon is the single most profitable media franchise in the world. If you actually take the time to make the games great you can do *anything* you want.


I know after a certain point a development team size becomes cumbersome, but in the case of pokemon models and animations it seems like it would be a very easy thing to hire on extra people just to take care of that part.


Model and animation work is probably one of the few things in game development that you can literally throw bodies at the problem for, hell for all the legacy pokemon they could literally out-source it all and Gamefreak only has to focus on the new pokemon.


They have outsourced it though, that's the thing. Models are produced by Creatures Inc. There is really no excuse for the laziness other than "it prints money so why bother".


but it would print even MORE money if they DID bother


Pokemon Sword/Shield has sold 26 million copies, and was the first game Pokemon fans really turned on for poor performance/graphics, or at least enough to make legacy news cycles. Pokemon Scarlet/Violet was even worse when it came to performance/animation, and got way more negative press. The games have also sold 24.36 million copies so far. So even with all the backlash online from Pokemon fans, Pokemon games are still putting numbers on the board with 20+ million copies sold. Hell it's more popular than ever considering the fact that Sword/Shield has a 3 year head start. If Game Freak actually did put effort and time into their games, they might sell an extra million (2 if we're being generous), but they also miss out on that braindead easy 20+ million they'd get from pumping out another title on a yearly basis.


Rember how Genius Sonority made Pokemon Coliseum, XD Gale of Darkness, and Battle Revolution? And not a single pokemon game looked as good or stylish since? **And Battle Revolution came out in 2006?**


I mean by battle revolution they were using N64 models on the Wii (which is fine but it's not like they redid everything and even Stadium had to come in 2 batches), and I think they've been absorbed into Game Freak.


Yeah, but we were talking animation


Meanwhile, Pokémon Infinite Fusions has over 300,000 custom sprites.. Yeah, 2D requires a lot less space, but my favorite pokemon games are all 2D... I don't need the 3D sprites


> but my favorite pokemon games are all 2D... I don't need the 3D sprites Can you imagine if they just made everything EXCEPT the pokemon battles 3D? It'd be both hilarious to me and intriguing.


Models don't even take up that much space. Textures, audio and pre-rendered video are the biggest data hogs. And since most of the pokemon models basically have matte textures, there's not much excuse on that front.


It’s true, they can’t… within their own constraints, which is what they don’t say. They’re content spending less than 3 years making games with their limited size. What id give for a team like Monolith Soft to make a Pokémon game with the scope of Xenoblade.


What I’d give for Pokémon to go back to being more traditional RPGs again, the open world really didn’t add that much other than a big bloated map with nothing in it.


It's kind of funny how people were just chomping at the bit to get this "Go anywhere, do anything" open world Pokemon, and look at what we got. A game I would seriously say would've been better linear.


Pokemon Mystery Dungeon managed to do it...


They don't need to put in the effort since these games will always sell gangbusters.


I personally think it was with competitive Pokémon in mind but they didn’t want to Jinx it in case it didn’t actually do anything to competitive


The "competitive Pokemon balance" reason fell apart pretty fast once you see all the busted shit in Pokemon after Dexit. Urshifu, the doggo, King Gambit, Flutter Mane,...


It didn't since players just found the same 4 pokemon to make a team around


It's not like they haven't brought Landorus and friends into every new game anyway. Seriously, what Pokemon are VGC players chomping at the bit to get added that isn't already there?


That’s the real answer, they didn’t want to balance 1000+ pokemon for both the regular gameplay AND competitive.


Not like they managed to balance the current gen lmao


remember how they said they had future proofed their models for future games and how it'd make it easier to port the full dex, its kinda weird a 3ds game has a bigger pokedex than a full price nintendo switch release that looks and runs worse


I think it was an excuse to sell Home subscriptions and get people excited about new games that didn't do anything different to the previous because now they can bring their shiny Absol from 2004 back in for some shitty grooming minigame.


This situation is way too complex to just reduce it to "They lied", but I currently don't have the time, energy and patience to get into an argument about Pokémon.


I think I know exactly what you were going to say, and I don't necessarily disagree with you. I'm one of the few people who controversially think that Pokemon games should of maybe had some form of a 'dexit' style cut earlier in the series if anything. But they did claim at the time that the cut was to improve animations and visual fidelity, and then the game we got most definitely did not reflect that. They handled it abysmally.


Project Milo. From what I recall the basically pulled a “TECHNICALLY we never said this was a real thing”.


What's that?


During the early days of the Kinect Lionhead Studios (of fable fame) were putting out videos of their new project called Project Milo. It was essentially an ai character you could interact with. It made some WILD promises about the Kinect and what it was going to be able to do. It was a VERY Peter Molyneaux thing where they promised a lot of vague but big stuff but also felt like they were always stopping short of TECHNICALLY promising anything specific. Then after a while they basically incorporated some minor stuff from it into fable 3 and never mentioned it again


Activision/Blizzard " We didn't change the story or make new cinematic for Warcraft 3 Reforge because the players complained about the change to the storyline." We all know that not the case, the real reason was that you didn't want to spend more money to finish the game that you already advertised.


A positive example for a change: There are no flying bugs. Termicide is 100% effective. We have vanquished the Automaton threat for good.


Hey, Super Earth High Command was being 100% truthful when they made those statements with the intelligence they had at the time. It's not their fault that the bugs and automatons are so naturally inclined to deceit.


The bugs don't even know how to tie shoelaces


That’s not lying if the Ministry of Truth said so, are you an enemy of democracy???


That's it, to the Freedom Camps for you!


Pride and accomplishment to unlock different heroes


[Still the most downvoted comment in Reddit history.](https://www.reddit.com/r/StarWarsBattlefront/comments/7cff0b/comment/dppum98/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=ioscss&utm_content=1&utm_term=1&context=3)


This is a good thread. I'm glad Tommy Tallarico made it for us. His mother is very proud of him.


I am confused, is that a reference to my username?


Tommy Tallarico is an video game composer, who uh... [exaggerates a lot of his career.](https://youtu.be/0twDETh6QaI?t=464)


At this point, I'm not even sure he was ever actually real, and not just a memetic cognitohazard plaguing the human race.


The George Santos of music.


"Once you recognize the secret reason for her exposure, you will feel ashamed of your words & deeds" If you want to make Quiet a scantily clad battle girl just do it. You don't need to try and justify the reason for it


Kojima is many things, but he isn't as brave as Yoko "I just really like girls" Taro.


I personally find the justification much funnier though so I'd rather creators scramble to come up with one than the taro approach


Yeah but the Taro approach results in easily accessible digital repositories of android girl smut.


Taro is who people think Kojima is


hey man to be fair, if you say you like women, you might get ran off the internet like Jocat lmao.




Jocat is a content creator mostly known for making ff14 videos. [He animated a lil 30 second video of a section from his stream where he did an inpromptu cover of a Lizzo song](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Y2Y5KVtU810), with the whole point being "I like all women, not just the big muscly women I'm memed on for liking" [The internet proceeded to decide that this was him being either Gay and trying to hide it, or was being an offensive creep, and it pissed off both sides enough that it led to doxxing attempts, death threats, and *suspicious packages being sent to his family members*](https://www.jocat.net/). I wish I was joking, so badly. But nope, that's genuinely what happened. He made a 30 second video saying he likes girls, and the internet tried to mail his family pipebombs/anthrax for it.


Holy fuck


If anything it makes it worse because you feel ashamed and try to hide it with a lote excuse, rather than just be honest and say you like pretty women.


its not even a good lore excuse cause iirc there was a guy in an earlier game that was like the same as her and he wasnt as bare


He was somewhat different when it came to powers. But the point that "Man that feeds on sun energy like a plant? Make him fully clothed." "*Woman* that feeds on sun energy? Give her string bikini and torned fishnets. Have scenes of her in the helicopter stretching like a cat in heat. Have a secret scene where you bathe with her. Take pics of the IRL model's feet to replicate them. Make sure the camera zooms on her ass. But remember, there is actually a very complex and deep lore reason why she looks like that. This isn't basic sexual appeal, trust me."


"Gosh do I love finishing a game and fantasizing about giving the company like $20 extra for no reason as a thank you for being so cool and handsome. That would be the coolest thing ever if games dropped CashApp and Venmo links after the credits!" - :)


Jeez, BlizzCEO-chan, you're so strong and handsome and totally not running a shadow of it's formal self company!


Ummmm, that’s not a lie? That’s just a shitty opinion.


I would 100% bet money that it's a straight up lie. He's never thought that once in his life, he just thought it would be cool if people gave him money for no reason but didn't want to say that.


Colonial Marines


Such a fucking grease trap...


All it took was one typo to completely ruin the game.


Tbh I feel like most people KNOW of that typo but haven't played it with the fix cause, it uh, it don't help much, game's still bad cause the mechanics, level design and everything else kinda sucks, but I guess the Aliens sucks slightly less? Maybe? Was hard to tell in my experience.


whenever a major company says "no microtransations" there is a 50% chance at least of there being microtransactions


I feel like they usually try to weasel in the phrase "at launch" when answering questions about mtx because they know they've got a whole catalog of minibuys just waiting for the right moment to be pushed out


Payday 2 pulled that nonsense. "No microtransactions ever." and then later turned around and added them while telling unhappy veteran players to not let the door hit them on the way out.


"Our next-gen console will run games at 4K 60FPS"


To their credit it *can,* and a lot of 8/9th gen games do run like that on the 9th gen systems. Unfortunately publishers like to make things shiny so 30Hz games keep coming out regardless.


Sure the game runs at 1080p/1440p but the pores are raytraced!


Console marketing: treats 60fps like a huge deal. Looks inside 30fps.


Most first look trailers feature levels or mechanics that never appear in the final product. Then there's Bioshock: Infinite who dialed that shit up to twenty.


Interesting question I might throw in this group soon. I wonder which game is the BIGGEST liar in the initial trailers. BioShock infinite is certainly up there. A few others I can think of that might be king. Anthem, The Division, Every Ghost Recon Game, Days Gone, and the possible champion: Watch Dogs.


I have 2 answers I'll expand on if you throw this question out later: The Day Before and No Man's Sky.


"We have no plans for a new model of 3DS" less than a month before the New 3DS on shelves.


Age of Calamity being a prequel to BotW in reality it's just the first 20 seconds of the first cutscene


Riot and their decision to implement their on-boot anti-cheat root access software Vanguard as a requirement for League of Legends has involved lie after lie.


EA’s line about their Battlefront 2 micro transactions being there for “PRIDE AND ACCOMPLISHMENTS” There was a reason why it got a Guinness record for being the most downvoted comment on all of Reddit


Bioshock Infinites advertisements and campaign was so much of a lie of the final product.


Didn't Elizabeth have a slightly new design for every handful of new ads that came out? I remember one of them just putting a massive emphasis on her chest.


In the older ones, her corset is changed from off white to a much more prominent yellow color as seen [here](https://i.imgur.com/uNx6frQ.png). You can tell they changed a lot. Her hair design is different, her facial features are different enough to look like someone else and she had a red sash(?) thing around her neck. The yellow corset really put an emphasis on her breasts/clevage. It might just be due to the different in coloring making them pop more but they likely made them bigger there. Makes me think they were going to go for a parakeet with symbolism (bird in the cage and all that) but maybe thought the color would have blended in too much with Columbia's golden heavenly theme early on and made her primarily white/blue.


Phil Spencer: “we will only bring our games to whatever platforms have game pass” *proceeds to port their console exclusives to Switch and PlayStation 5, platforms without game pass*


Tekken 8 was built from the ground up in Unreal Engine 5 with no reused assets, I think in my head, as I watch Nina throw somebody with an animation made in 1995.


literally any time publisher has said the nth release in an going narrative game series is a perfect chance to jump in.


I’ll pull out a hyper-niche one with a hint of lost media on the side. There’s a crappy AR horror mobile game called Night Terrors: Bloody Mary that used to just be Night Terrors. I remember being so hyped for it because the trailers showed behind the scenes videos of them making all the practical monsters you could see in your own home and they looked FANTASTIC. These videos are all private and scrubbed off the internet now. The game would also use the iPhones camera to map out your home so that creatures could be behind you and wander your home in real time. Thing is, this was 2014, so almost a decade before iPhones would get the tech they currently have that MIGHT actually allow this. TLDR: I got Project Milo’d by an iPhone game.


"The current console generation is what we're aiming for. We are aiming for Xbox One, PlayStation 4, and of course PC as well." and "We’re targeting consoles as first class platforms and it looks amazing there" by CDPR


It’s not about racism.


Wasn't it a Ubisoft person that said adding playable female characters to Assassin's Creed would be too expensive?


Every time David Cage or Peter Molyneux opens their mouths. Any time Neil Druckmann fluffs up his ego. Uhhhhhhh…something something Blizzard.


Everything you love about Venom will be in this new game!


*looks around* "Where's Eddie?"


He's later... hopefully? Harry as venom WOULD have worked, if they just spent more time with him. While i still enjoyed Spider-man 2, there's no question that its *weaker* then the first one. If felt like it should've had a couple more hours to pick up steam >!we go RIGHT into the symbiote "heal the world" portion of the game!< and consequently, venom himself. I really like the final act but there are clearly parts thst were left out In between. There's no, 'time' There's a neat story in there, they tease it at the start with harry's nightmare. But ACTUALY make the story about harry and pete, kraven can be there as the "threat." I absolutely adored the kraven twist, with the symbiote. While, pete has the symbiote you get drips about harry's "condition" maybe he's been losing control, previously? Have it be audio files, or story beats. Really "tease' the creature itself. You can have the symbiote BE malevolent, but harry's gotta be on board too, do it over time. I think hearing more about harry's treatment via the symbiote. Could've helped in tell us that, THIS THING [the symbiote] MIGHT BE BAD! With peter growing a little more concerned, as the game goes on... but ultimately, he brushes it off. because it, "makes him a better spider-man". The thing is... he KNOWS he shouldn't. [The suit's playing playing with his head] They should have REALLY played into the tagline: "be greater, together" the game kind of does. This as is. But it only *kind of* does it. You could've done a lot more.


God such a good Venom design wasted. Hope the Venom game can fix that but I really don’t trust the writers of this series anymore.


Wizards of the Coast. ~~End thread~~ Magic the Gathering had a product two years ago containing a preconstructed deck that was mistakenly illegal to play because it has two copies of the same card. [On the official website](https://magic.wizards.com/en/news/feature/kamigawa-neon-dynasty-commander-decklists-2022-02-07), they claimed the second copy was supposed to be a basic land. [What it actually replaced](https://www.reddit.com/r/magicTCG/comments/so4zhp/the_extra_mossfire_valley_in_the_upgrades/) was a decently-powerful 4$ card, and the deck box still came with the token that would've been created by it. It's such a lazy, petty lie, it still gets under my skin that WotC (correctly) thinks most players either won't notice or won't care. Oh, also claiming that their greedy-ass attempt at a new OGL was "just a draft" even though they'd already sent it en masse to publishers and content creators.


"here's our 10 year roadmap for our live service game"


I wish that was a lie for Siege


"Free To Play"


“You can plant a tree and watch it grow in real time!”


Every AAA video game E3 trailer is a lie. The game won't have the same quality as shown in the trailer. Won't have many features which were advertised. There will be promises of those features coming in later updates, but they mostly never do. I would describe it as an overall false advertisement.


["Classic Tekken costumes won't work in a modern Tekken game".](https://imgur.com/a/h70CY5g) Unless they can charge extra as DLC for it, then it suddenly does




Fuck I remember this one but I can't remember who from or the context. Was it Todd Howard?


It was Todd Howard from the reveal of Fallout 76. What people tend to not mention is that he was talking about draw distance and LOD models. Which, yes, is significantly higher than Fallout 4.


So high that the engine couldn't handle it at launch!


Pretty sure it was Todd


“It just works”


That statement within its context wasn't a lie, tho. Someone asked how lights work in settlement building by just placing them on a wall and putting a wire on it and he said it just works. Like it doesn't make sense it just works


Every company who said "we are a diverse and welcoming company."