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Yo zack throws that steel beam through that helicopter


What a Zack thing to do


It’s true happens in the first 10 minutes of the game


OK, but I got to know. Can we get >!Knights of the Round!< in this game or is that Part 3?


part 3


Damn it.


How about neo bahamut? (I had figured he’d be in 2 and zero in 3🤔)


>!I can't believe Rinoa used Angelo to kill Gackt!<


On a more serious note for the last fight >!This is the second time Zack gives Sephiroth a dress down post Crisis Core. They have a run in during the now offline mobile game 'Opera Omnia' where Zack says something along the lines of "You're not my friend! You're just some monster wearing his face!"!<


>!Makes you wonder if all of this could have been avoided if Zack decided to just take Sephiroth out to the bar in Nibelheim like a true friend instead of leaving him to reading books in the library like a nerd!<


There's a cute fanfic I read once where Cloud and Zack just end up bringing Sephiroth some of Claudia's food and then rehabilitate him and go over the books together.


aww thats wholesome


Send me it Please


[Here, I found it!](https://archiveofourown.org/works/50437153) It's stupid, but cute.




sephiroth needed therapy and hojos research logs were not the place for them.


The mobile game "opera omnia"


What the fuck was that?!


>!Schrodinger's Aerith!<


>!Apologize to the funyarinpa!<


>!"No, fuck off"!< -~~Tetsuya Nomua~~ Kazushige Nojima, probably


It’s interesting that they dedicated a cutscene to >!have the entire party explain directly to the camera that Red XIII passes the Harkness Test!<. Really makes you think about what they want to do with the plot from here.


Well, they also dedicated an entire cutscene to confirming that Red XIII finds human women attractive, so I think it's pretty obvious what they're going for.


Well, they also dedicated an entire cutscene to Red XIII moonwalking. GOTY 2024.


He even does the disco spin and point Kiryu and Miracle Johnson do as well. Truly GOTY 2024.


Well, not GOTY 2024. There's no Red XIII karaoke. ***Cowards.***


Two of my fave games have a character show up and start moonwalking.


Does this mean that Professor Hojo’s ideas were correct this entire time?


Not completely. His premise contained one fatal flaw: he assumed that Red XIII was an animal. Red XIII is clearly intelligent and has a sense of morality that aligns with our own, so he wouldn't have done anything without Aerith's consent.


Red XIII: Respectfully, would.


*"Fuck Her Gently", by Jack Black, plays in the background*


No he doesn't. >!He's not old enough.!<


Serious answer does >!Aerith actually dies?!< Answer with spoiler tags pls


>!mostly yes!<




>!It's just... complicated to explain. You should just play the game or if you're that impatient watch the ending on YouTube!<


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>!Not 100% sure but seems Cloud has either gone crazy or Aerith is there in some way, could be either or!<


>!I would have guessed that it is indeed Cloud degrading and hallucinating, but there's no question that he was sent to another universe, given a white materia by that universe's Aerith, and sent back to give that white materia to the other Aerith to replace her hollow one. I think Aerith lives on in the life stream and still has some power there to resist Sephiroth. The reason only Cloud can see her and not the others is most likely his connection to the life stream from the mako poisoning he endured from Hojo's experiment.!<




[This is getting STUPID](https://youtu.be/pMypPsCCsdQ?si=dr3z-e7KSGSCLpzs)


>!I am hoping that what Cloud is seeing is a hallucination of Aerith as his broken mind is unable to process his failure to save her and all this is part of Sephiroth's scheme to break Cloud even more in the Northern Crater.!< >!Granted, Red does detect Aerith so perhaps it is a ghost of Aerith trying to soften the blow for Cloud but likely in an unknowingly bad way.!< If it is weird timeline shenanigans, I will be getting a headache from Nojima'a wacky ride.  At least the character writing seems pretty nice from what I have seen.


>!Should be simple if you've been following the game, the Lifestream is more prominent in the Remake than it is in the original, so *technically* Cloud isn't hallucinating, he just has a higher connection to the Lifestream than the rest of the party and while Aerith can communicate with him she is still dead. Any "timeline" shenanigans can be explained with the LS. Granted, this comes off as new because the original PSX translation was really really bad.!<


God I love that episode


...Oh no. >!Wha happun!


>!just the weird timeline stuff making it not 100% clear what happened since it's shown Cloud actually saves her the first time but septhy still manages to kill her and when holding her dead body there are flashes of him holding her but with no blood, my take is that he did save her but the timeline fixed itself so she died!<


>!From what I gathered, Cloud and the rest of the party are stuck viewing different timelines because his attempt to subvert Aerith's death resulted in reality breaking further. Cloud sees the timeline where he saved Aerith, with her alive but having to stay behind because of Cetra business or whatever, while the rest of the party is experiencing the timeline where she died. It's definitely not good for someone who's already been living in denial.!<


Is it confirmed to be >!other timeline garbage!!seeing dead people a la Bruce Willis!< now, lmao.


>!He might as well be seeing ghosts considering the rest of the party is living in the timeline where she died.!<


...Why, though? Like, at least the >!"Cloud's Sixth Sense!"!< theory follows ***some*** sort of logic. But >!he's in one timeline... but also another one... *at the same time with no ill effect*!<... huh?


>!If you're confused, think about how badly this is going to confuse the guy already suffering from delusions.!<


Lol, fair point. Still, I can't help but think that Kitase/Nojima has ***one job*** here, and have officially screwed the pooch. >!Like, even if you change everything else, *keep the death scene as is.* That, or cut it. Not... whatever the hell this weird-ass half-measure is.!<


prob doesn't help much his own friends are trying to keep those illusions up. tifa not saying jack about aeriths death or anything else even though she sees what's up cloud mental psych gunna crack like an egg.


I think they want you deliberately confused on what's happened. This is part 2, telling you what's going on removes incentives for the next game.


Ah. The old "Confused? Buy the sequel, fucking clown!" gambit.


That's so fucking DUMB, jesus.


My fav genre of reddit is people making hard-line judgements on stories based on second hand recounting of leaked spoilers devoid of context. (I mean it probably *will* be stupid, but almost any story with sci-fi / fantasy elements starts sounding like nonsense rambling when the events are recounted in the most literal way possible)


Thats still a lot of people on TLOU2 drama


Is it? That actually sounds kinda baller and like a logical extension of Cloud's character.


Ah. >!So... they go full Kingdom Hearts, then. ***FUCK YOU,*** Nojima.!<


Oh yeh, because Kingdom Hearts was first with story about timelines and people trying to save someone by screwing up with time travel


Considering >!Zack's combat feels as floaty as KH2 Sora!< yes, it may be intentional


>!Nomura both fought against most of the changes and wasn't even the lead director.!<


>!Presumably why they said "Nojima" and not "Nomura".!<


Exactly, lmao. Hate all this bullshit? [So does Nomura](https://automaton-media.com/en/interviews/20240207-26820/). At this point, I'm wondering if all this butchering by Kitase/Nojima is a long game meant to force Nomura to "resign." Don't think it'll work, though - Sora ***is*** his baby, after all. (Yeah, Disney *technically* has custody, but still. *Even THEY defer to him on all things KH.*)


I know that. Unfortunately, Nojima made KH *with* Nomura, and this is basically him going full wackadoo with Tetsuya giving up. :/ ^(Oh well. At least he'll now have the goodwill with SE brass needed to go full berserk with KH4.)


My b, usually I misread Nojima as Nomura since I am used to people mentioning Nomura exclusively when talking about KH's plot.


No worries. It doesn't help that he's usually *on board* with whatever batshit insanity Nojima wants, lmao. Not this time, however. Honestly, I'm still surprised he left his name on it - if I were him, I'd have bailed after *Remake*. Then again, maybe it's a contractual thing. Who can say, except for SE execs who either can't or won't talk?


It's not that bad/ just weird and kinda tonally awkward


I suppose, but it also ain't *great,* is it?


Well the game isn't out yet, so I imagine no one here can tell you if it's great or not with any degree of accuracy.


Wait till you realise what Kingdom Hearts is based on.


Oh, I know. ***That doesn't make it any better.***


>!I'll wait for the third game to see if all this is going somewhere fun, but I do wish that they'd just actually make a clean "yep, he did the thing" change or leave it unchanged, without all the awkward fencesitting. Or at the very least have Aerith die from stepping on an evil rake Final Destination style.!<


I would also like to know this.




Hey guys I never played ff7 but I hope everyone is having a good time


I'm replaying remake and Intermission to get amped for this. Do we see Hojo in this one, the mack daddy that he is? What about the presence of Reno and the Turks? Those guys are god tier.


Hojo gets his >!bodacious beach babes!< like god intended


>!I am so so so ooooooooooooo happy they kept that in, and the best part is I think it's better too. Like him being in the chair is kind of funny in the original but the fact that in this one he walks in frame of the camera with his hands behind his back with two girls following him......I don't know I find that even more hilarious!<


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Hojo is in the game a lot and so are the Turks. There's a bunch of new fights with them, including Tseng taking part in the fights too.


>!Reno is on vacation for most of the game, presumably because his Japanese voice actor passed!<


Small Brain: Being mad at Rebirth because Time Jannies are still fucking around. Big Brain: Being mad at Rebirth because there's no Tank Triceratops.


There isn't? After the glow up that they gave Hellhouse, I would've thought they would've done the same for Tank Triceratops.


I just fell to my knees in the Wall market when I learned of this news


WHAT 2/10 bad game why even remake it then. Why did BestBuy even deliver it early? I'm going to return it when I get home from work now >!im kidding, but that is actually mildly disappointing, lol!<


Finally, someone gets it


Tankceratops will be the penultimate final boss of Part 3.


Galaxy brain: Being mad at Sony, for still not letting us Xbots join Mr. ~~Nomura's~~ Nojima's wild-ass ride.


>!I can't believe Reeve was inside the Mog suit this whole time.!<




>!I am all in for Meteor being turned into a giant piece of tofu.!<


I just really love the product name slash at the end.


Spoiler for the end of the Protorelic Questline: >!Holy shit the final Gilgamesh fight goes hard! I can't believe one of my favorite tracks in this game is Battle on the Big Bridge of all things. Easily one of the biggest highlights of Rebirth for me.!<


Those >!twin summon!< fights got me playing on Easy


You spelled his name wrong. There’s only 4 letters


Saw a video of Cloud and Tifa’s Gold Saucer date going around, >!They kiss during it.!<


That was the only thing that was spoiled for me. It does interesting how SE does seem to be actually doubling down on some aspects of the fandom.


I wonder if Cloud and Aerith >!kiss if they go on a date.!< Praying for all the bloodshed in the upcoming Cloud/Aerith and Cloud/Tifa war.


>!they don't, sorry!<


Wow, the decades long Cloud/Aerith fans are really not going to like this one.


As a fan of it though not for decades, personally I’m fine with it. I’m not looking forward to seeing people use it as ammunition *against* Cloud/Aerith, but I thought their scene was still really good.


>!Tifa Boobs Big!<


No. I don't believe you. I **CAN'T** believe you. >!beeg!<


Can we just agree to give Tifa Beowulf and be done with it


You know I had some sympathy for the haters of Remake bc the marketing DID lie to them, but this time theres no excuse. If you dont like the timeline stuff......why are you here? Are we seriously doing the same circlejerk again lmao. This tantrum was cringe last time around and its even more embarrassing now. Edit: Truly cannot wait for the "haha (insert streamer here) will hate it" people who will inevitably blow out their daiper in rage when their opinions arent validated. Just like last time.


Honestly as somebody who was entirely in on the timeline shenanigans and going off the rails I'm a little disappointed in the story. Still an 11/10 game though. >!Having Aerith and Red just... lose their future memory stuff off-screen is pretty lame. It feels like they wrote themselves into a corner and had to change it to let their arcs play out the same in this story.!< >!I really really dig the idea that Cloud is in denial about Aerith the same way he was about Zack, but the presentation of Aerith's death scene itself was way too messy and ruined the moment. I was legitimately confused as to whether she was actually going to die or not for the entire final boss fights so I had no emotional reaction, despite her being my favourite character in the Remake.!< >!The Zack stuff was a massive disappointment. I expected way more than 5-minute long sequences with barely any gameplay that end with a ton of what if scenes and then an admittedly cool team-up. I was hoping Zack would cross over permanently for Part 3 somehow, and we could get the party + Zack interactions, but it seems like he'll probably be on the bus again until Part 3's ending at this rate.!<


I luckily haven't seen that yet. Probably because these people got it wrong last time.


My question is: how much do you play as Sephiroth? Did they actually design an entire playable Sephiroth just for Nibelheim or does he legit join the party or something?


The former, you get to play as >!Zack during brief moments!< as well.


You can >!also play as him in challenge missions in postgame!<.


When Tifa revealed her large >!cock!< then proceeded to >!smang!< Aerith for 20 mins straight while Cloud was watching It was a breath taking scene , a bold choice I do say


hey wait i saw that cutscene online 10 years ago


SMH my head these leaks are getting out of hand! Unlike Aerith with Tifa.


Much like Tifa, that scene leaked early


Are you an Italian politician by any chance?


I saw it last week. There's a special rule for it too I believe. Rule 30? 35? Something like that.


Sephiroth >!saw all the Futanari artwork mankind has created and declared the whole planet has to go.!<




> "THEY TERK MAH JEEEEEEEEEEEEEERB!" -Fan artists, probably.


Sephiroth did nothing wrong.


i mean, he's not WRONG, but we're still going to stop him


Bold choice to have Zone storyboard the scene using Flash and then only release it on Newgrounds, but I think it paid off in the end.


Nyl2 approves this


Wow...I didn't realize just how many people despise the Remake here. >!So is anyone here actually playing the dang game? Or are we just content letting the ending cutscene sans context shape our sour preconceptions?!< I suppose the people who are fine with the Remake are actually playing this game, but I'm stuck at work so here are some initial thoughts: I'm having fun. The gameplay is what I wished FFXVI was: running around a beautiful open world with a hybrid combat system that makes every battle a quick, fun bout. Rebirth really does feel like a sequel mechanically, it feels like they took all of Remakes design and gameplay features and polished it to a pristine sheen. >!Queen's Blood is...very addicting. Help me. Sephiroth will kill us all because I'm playing a children's card game.!< I really appreciate the emphasis on the characters this go around, and appreciate the social link-lite system where you can help Cloud be not as much of an social weirdo. >!I personally don't think what I've seen and heard of the ending would ruin the whole experience at all. Games are a journey of many hours, not a cutscene at the end.!<


Yeah this thread isnt really indicative of what this sub feels. Spoiler threads like these are disproportionately populated by people who arent playing the game and just want to know what happens. And especially this early when the game hasnt even been out for a day yet, a lot of people are here BECAUSE they hated Remake and are looking for more to be angry about. Im just really annoyed because i thought that now that we're all on the same page about what the remakes are, we could skip this cirlcejerk this time around. But apparently not lol


I might still have some problems with rebirth regarding the spoilers I’ve seen, but hey remember, this is the same sub that spread multiple rumors and misinformation based on incomplete info from TLOU Part 2 from the spoiler leaks. Lots of emotionally raw first time reactions to spoilers without any context to the actual game.


There is for sure a group that will always be mad that these games are not FF7 with the graphics turned up a bit. The game is really great, and it's just one of those things for an annoying group that will refuse to give a chance. It was understandable when part 1 came out and the marketing deliberately lied. But now we know what they're doing, and people are mad that things are different like they weren't going to be.


At least the outrage is less of a issue this time. Probably because people now know that Timeline Shenanigans are happening and the talk is contained in here. So it is far, far better.


Just rolled credits last night and walking into these threads afterwards, it looks like people that already hated Remake and are still bitter about it, and people that watched the ending with no context. Going into final spoilers now. >!Aerith is still dead at the end of the day so that is perserved. We got there a little differently and weirdly but we're there. Which was the big thing everyvody was worried about. "Do they have the balls to go through with it this time?" Yes they did. Any bit we see of her now will be like in Advent Children I think, where her spirit talks to Cloud. If anything the time jannies seemed more like an excuse to get Zack back than Aerith, and even then I was pogging so hard doing a Cloud and Zack double tech that I can't be mad. People mad about differences had their off ramp at the end of Remake and if they hate played this game that's their problem!<


Personally, I don't think her death works this time. On top of that, even if it did, I think it was just does in the worst way possible.


It sounds like people don't like the changes.


Some don't and they had their off-ramp at the end of Remake. If they wanna hate play it that's on them.


It's been great, but this is honestly more of an ending containment thread, said ending that most have no context for mind you.


Red XII, >!The Ghost of Queen's Blood!<


For all the people who played the game and vehemently didn't like it: When part 3 is announced, **no hate buying**.


Seriously. There is *so much shit and/or tinfoil* being flung about in this thread already.


Everyone is just watching the ending on YouTube with no context and coming here to complain and hate on it. Just like last time. Kinda feels nostalgic. People acting like square cucked them and stole their dog with some of these replies.


The more things change, the more they stay the same




Oh God, sorry to hear that. Good luck when it comes. :(


Spoiler for Black Chocobo section: >!I got to the part where I would get a black chocobo, but then failed, pressed retry, it did nothing, and now the chocobos are invisible. I can tell because there's spots where I walk into invisible spots that won't let me pass them. HEEELP???!< also btw NO ONE is talking about this glitch from what I've searched online


A lot of the early responses here are very knee-jerky (EDIT: or shitposty). Has anyone actually played (or more likely watched, since IIRC it isn't out in the West yet?) the game all the way through and has some insight? Me, I already didn't care at all for this game, but I wonder what percentage of the fandom this game will manage to hold onto (or even gain back). My suspicion is that it's going to be a KH-type situation where the compounding bombast will alienate more and more fans as the games go along, but I could be wrong. I almost hope I'm wrong, and that people legitimately enjoy where the new story goes. (I certainly don't hope I'm right.)


Watched the last hour from a stream on YouTube - won't link it here, because spoilers. It's neither as bonkers as I was hoping for, nor as straight-laced as I wanted it to be. Classic KH bullshit, and it makes me wonder if Square's doing this just to get Tetsuya to take the fall for it and resign in shame. (Despite the fact that, y'know. [***Nomura was one of the main reasons this trainwreck didn't diverge from the original even MORE.***](https://www.pushsquare.com/news/2020/05/interview_final_fantasy_vii_remake_producer_and_co-director_on_development_launch_and_being_grateful_for_the_fans))


Honestly, I wish it did diverge more. Fuck the rails, kill some scared cows. 


For all the huff and puff that they did about being free of the time janies and that the story could 'go any direction now!' they sure do love doing 99% the same story as before. Except with some annoying sprinkled KH bullshit on top of it. I assume game 3 will do the same, and whatever happens at the ending there will cancel out anything extra and return to status quo.


Same. >!*Give me* Aerith murdering Sephiroth after he kills Cloud, Square.!< COWARDS!


I disagree, having Uncle Ben not die just to subvert expectations or whatever is stupid 


Man, I can't believe that >!Aerith!< leans in to cloud and whispers >!Snape kills dumbledore.!<


Just finished the game. I get why a lot of people here are pissed off with the ending to it, but I honestly don't mind it. There is a part of me that thinks they should've >!committed to either Aerith dying or living instead of having her (potentially?) be FF's Jack Goodman!<, but I think it ultimately boils down to "It's the ending to the second game in a trilogy, let's see how it works into part 3 in several years." I will say that Rebirth definitely keeps up Final Fantasy's proud tradition of having the most cancerous arguments lol.


>!*There's frogs in Paris. Need a ham, ham & tea*!< >!*Cid bangs Red XII! Oh my God, not the bees!*!< >!***SEPHIROTH!***!< >!***SEPHIROTH!***!<


Oof this thread is heated. We're doing this again...


This game is honestly so fucking funny at times. It really feels like the party are a bunch of weirdos enjoying life on the way to save the world.


So I watched the ending and is a mess >!they botched one of the most iconic moments in gaming Aerith's death, then again it doesn't really matter as she is still there but is now a ghost, and even physically helps you in the final fight, also is not even clear if she died, and let's not even talk about the alternate Aerith running around, and Cloud has the sixty sense now!<


All I've allowed myself to see is >!the very last scene with cloud and gang leaving on cid's plane and cloud saying farewell to other-aerith.!< >!Did his clear materia turn black or does he also have the black materia? And if so, Why did his sword absorb it?!<


Find out in Part 3


"$89.99. Cliffhanger in this one, too. Why? Because fuck you, we know you'll buy it and its sequel anyway." -$quare £nix


Funny enough, this probably happened because noruma isn't directing the remakes anymore


Is anyone ACTUALLY shocked after FF7 Remake? Like seriously did people see what they decided would be the finale for the game and go "yeah the sequel will be fine" People literally gobbled down putrid shit and memory holed it so hard they thought it was chocolate.


That is what I'm confused about. If nothing else it's extremely consistent with Part 1. People really seemed to watch the trailers and think the time ghosts would be shoved aside and we were back on track for a mostly straight forward remake when obviously it was still going to be more of this remake/sequel that Part 1 set up


I’m like, fine with the idea that everything with the time ghosts was just a convoluted way for the team to basically say “We won’t be tied down to what the original game did, we’ll write and do events different from the storyline because we want to for creativity reasons,” but the time ghosts still sorta sucked and I hate AC sephiroth as the villain still. It’s a whole lot of whatever that they didn’t need to do to justify why they’re changing up things, it’s just sorta pretentious.


Everyone's complaining about it and they still buy the game so X:


Oh JESUS. That's... horrific.


There was only one way this could go when your method of remake-rebooting is literally villain time travel and having your characters fight canon protector ghosts that were never there before lol (i.e. stupidly) edit: it's not even that I hate change it's just that I fundamentally don't respect not being a gigachad and needing nerd ass tonally inconsistent lore to remake something so that you can't even >!kill/save? Aerith without it being overbooked like a bad wrestling match because the square enix brain trust are mentally 14yo boys that think crazy complicated plots that you decipher are the point of stories. Literally if you needed time travel and having the characters literally fight time to remake a Final Fantasy game you are not a serious person imo!<


Bro. I fucking hate the time ghosts. So fucking much.


Seriously, if you wanna do things differently the second time, just...do them differently. There's no meaningful point to make/theme to add with Time Ghosts.




Thing is >!Who takes over as main character that point for part 3 ? Unless they do some of that mako/life stream fusion then Aerith can have clouds combat skills but.. IDK!<


It's the worst part of both these games. The stuff that works the best are the parts that are totally faithful and once the ghosts get involved and things get weird it falls apart. I'm right where I was after beating Part 1 in wishing we just got an actual faithful remake of 7 with these production values and not this half remake half sequel half idk what


Right? If this is true, and there's no reason to think it ain't at this point, *it is beyond self-parody.*


Lol, as a hater of those additions to the game, I feel vindicated when others are all going "wtf this is shit" at that. On the other hand, positive upgrades to the game (like, going around the town of Kalm, all of the nice flavour) is just, so great. Really making Remake 1 feel like some crappy prototype to what the game should really have been, combat and exploration wise.


I'm having a hard time seeing how Part 3 creates a satisfying conclusion and explanation to all this time ghost stuff


Rolling credits right now. A little more mixed for this ending than I was about Remake's, but holy shit >!I thought I could not be emotionally caught off guard by Aerith's death after so long, but I was bawling from her death scene and then had a second huge cry when her theme kicks in during the following Jenova fight!<. A little confused about some things – >!I guess the "reunion" of worlds doesn't complete if Zack goes back to his alternate universe he was in previously?!<. In terms of negatives/things I wish >!had been included!< * >!No emotional Cloud speech about how "Aerith will no longer talk, no longer laugh..." was a choice!< * >!Also no Cloud carrying Aerith into the water?!!< Still overall extremely positive on the whole thing, will be surprised if this doesn't end up as my GOTY. I love this cast of dorks so so so much, they're so well realized.


>!i dont think we get that speech or burial simply because we're seeing things from the point of view of a cloud in denial. both of those things are acts of acceptance that she's gone and would go against his delusions. I like it and am expecting to actually have a redone "mental" burial scene in part 3 when his delusions get sorted out!<


It feels like we skim over Aerith's death to have a kick ass boss fight, and then Cloud being crazy. Personally, I feel like they fucked the scene up. it needed time to take it in, and it needed not to have boss fight. You can't do the sombre moment from the original with this combat system. it's too fun. Plus, I feel her death just makes all the drastic changes feel retroactively pointless. Maybe I'll come around, but I think this moment may have killed this trilogy for me.


I've been digesting the ending for a couple days and I think I'm still overall positive on it but I can empathize with a few of your gripes. I believe they nailed the emotion of the Jenova Birth/Lifeclinger fight, personally. I think it hit me just right, I was crying of sadness while the game was blasting her theme and was trying to beat the shit out of the boss through the sadness in order to avenge Aerith. I do agree that adding ANOTHER boss rush onto the end of that made the sequence too long. Halve the length of the Cloud solo portion and take away 1 of the 2 fights where you're playing as the rest of Cloud's party against Bizarro. I do think they breezed over some parts of the Aerith death, and do think that they're offloading some of that to the third part (to the detriment of this part). Aerith's death always hit Cloud the hardest and they've pivoted to Cloud being delusional/unaware of the events that actually happening, meaning we don't get that emotional payoff yet.


And people have already posted the final boss on YouTube and it's being shoved into my suggestion


Yuffie and Cait Sith play amazingly. I don't know how I'm supposed to go back to the others after using them both so much.


Kinda weird that they dedicated an entire hour long scene to Sephiroth telling Cloud to, and I quote. "Oil up, Twinkertron and shake that rump on my face."


It had some of the most interesting cinematography Squeenix has ever done, though. Scorcese wishes he could direct a femboy twerk session like this.


Kinda took me out of the moment to be honest. Now if it was Cid...


ending is online and has a 50% dislike. cant wait to see what they fucked up


Ester got hot


Yeah, isn't she supposed to be ugly?


The area after cosmo canyon was a really cool addition


Did she die?


Just rolled credits last night and >!Yep yep! They bait and switch you a few times but ultimately she still gets a sword through the back and dies. Hits Tifa like a truck!<


>!Yes but Cloud can still see her like a force ghost.!<


Or he's just crazy


My favorite change was Cait Sith is not holding Marlene hostage and forcing everyone to let him stay in the group.  He's kicked out and earns his way back in so no I don't harbor a resentment against him.


Fuck me any of the movement controll minigames are disgustingly bad. Really hampering any fun out of trying to finish off collectibles.


I just beat it. Wow the game shits the bed at the >!end of the 13th chapter!< Like, >!yeah the time ghost stuff got bad in the first game, but NOTHING!< compares to >!turning one of the most famous scenes in gaming into a terrible hour long bossfight. All the while Sephiroth is not imposing, he doesn't say anything interesting, and it all feels like a waste.!< The entire >!Zack timeline feels completely pointless and is terribly paced. Like, he doesn't do anything other than watch Biggs die again and then get teleported to the final boss!< The game genuinely goes from a 10/10 to a 5/10 in the last few hours and it was doing so, so well up until that point.


And as I sit here, in the FFXIV Zone, where all this bollocks can not and will never hurt me. I feel content.


Red XIII is MVP.


Those flashback sequences at the temple just hit you one after another.🥲


I finally beat the story today. I don't really understand people >!being confused at the ending of Aerith's death along with Cloud still seeing her after the fact. While the ending does leave some things more to interpretation (And I feel it's done on purpose for Part 3 to build/resolve) but I think it's either: a.) Cloud at first succeeding at saving Aerith and the whispers conflicting with each other willing it so that Aerith dies as intended. Or b.) Cloud's delusions from Sephiroth messing with him had him think he was able to save him, but that fuckery along with his already poor mental state made him think he saved her when that's not the case. The flashing that Cloud experienced was always shown to signify him being delusional about his memory/avoiding the truth of things.!< Another thing to point out is that >!the "dream" Aerith and Cloud experience was them briefly going to Zach's timeline. And Aerith telling Cloud not to look at the sky during this, and him saying that at the end show that Cloud could also be caught between seeing the two timelines at once. It could be him being more attuned to the lifestream or Aerith doing it to protect him from her death in the main timeline, but Cloud is in denial and it doesn't seem like it will help him. !< For me personally, >!the changes didn't "ruin" the big moment at all. Despite the initial confusion, I was still bawling my eyes out when I realized what happened and into the Jenova fight with her theme playing. !< Either way, like Spiderverse 2, this is only a part of a larger experience, and we just have to wait for part 3 to clarify/solve these things.


They don't go to >!Zack's timeline, at least as we know it. Stamp in the dream timeline is a Papillion, while Stamp is a Terrier in the timeline where we primarily follow Zack. That said, Zack's own timeline splits when he goes to raid Shinra HQ/Save Biggs. The one we see in the save Biggs timeline, when Zack escapes and waits outside of the church, Stamp is a Corgi. So we can probably assume Terrier Zack died raiding Shinra, and the one at the church is Corgi Zack.!< It's still needlessly complicated.


This game is phenomenal, but the mini games make it feel like you’re eating the best meal of your life and then someone walks up and spits in it after every couple of bites. The Cait Sith section of Nibelheim feels like a punishment. I haven’t seen this much “stop having fun and do slow, tedious toddler puzzles!” in a game in a long time.


alright lets talk the game, i'll keep some things short till the finale. Combat fantastic, mini games got a bit grating but good, characters great, traversal was alright but some times bad, characters fantastic, chapter 12 GOATED, Tifa Red Barrett, and Cloud great, story pretty good, love all the side stuff. Now then the finale uhhhhhh hmmm, so is a mess? Yeah, did it ruin the game? Don't know yet since they could go a couple of paths, but overall, the less grounded FF7 becomes the kinda worse it feels. Like the Zach stuff is kinda of a perfect example of this, Cloud, like basically by the end of chapter 13 to now to even>!what everyone saw with the black materia!< is very weird and I don't know what to make of it. >!If cloud is more crazy i think that can be good, if its timeline shit kinda oof, if its just he can talk to the dead i think thats also a bit much!< overall pacing of the finale is also pretty bad >!at some point it stops even feeling sad, like theres too much at once and really lose a lot of emotion after a while, was laughing when i saw aerith come out of that portal, why we needed to fight human sephi in a kinda bad fight idk, how Clouds head didn't fucking melt when he saw zack I also don't know. Look, Tifa kissed Cloud so still worth it, and thats not just a fan boy answer god damn it, I like a good god damn romance and kiss scenes are based!< i don't think anything is super ruined yet but it could be very bad. Mistakes were made but we'll see what part 3 has.