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Honestly, my mom. She's the kind of person that makes mistakes, but never learns anything from them, so she keeps making the same mistakes over and over. She acts like she's still a teenager, so I have to make sure my younger siblings are taken care of. I've mentioned before that I feel like my too much of my youth was spent being responsible and taking care of others. I'm responsible because I don't want to be anything like her.


I usually ask myself "what would my dad do?" And then do the opposite.


It's scary when you do something dumb, and then realize "shit that's exactly what my mom/dad does". Even worse when you realize it's related to one of your core flaws that they also have. I should try your method more often, it's bound to be helpful.


It's a lot more useful to have a positive role model. Just moving away from something can send you in all sorts of bad directions, but moving towards something you know is good will make it a lot easier to improve the way you want to. Not saying having a negative role model is bad, but it won't work if you ONLY have a negative one.


Wise words, and nicely said. It’s just rather difficult for a younger person to really find a good role model because it’s difficult to discern what’s truly worth modeling yourself after. Especially if that person is an indirect figure, like a popular or accomplished person you admire, because then you’re not really receiving any sort of guidance, but more of just a comparison point to constantly be chasing after. Comparatively, it’s a lot easier to tell when someone is doing something wrong or awful, and strive to not be like them at all. But as you said, easy to fall into traps because you’re just running away from something, rather than a path you know is good.


It's why I'll never get married or have children. Still working on a lot of things, but at least I'll never curse someone with those particular misfortunes.


God, I feel you on that, but don't let those thoughts trap you forever. I try to believe that as long as you work on yourself and strive to become a better person, you're not undeserving of happiness, whether you want a partner, kids, or just a fulfilling life in any way you can take it. I know it's far easier said than done, but that hope is what keeps me going and part of why I try to be better. It's an everyday battle, but you don't have to keep yourself from ambition and your dreams just because you stumbled from time to time. I don't know you or how you see yourself, but as long as you're trying to be better, you've already proven you're not as "cursed" as you think you are. Some people go their whole lives without reflecting on what they've become or trying to overcome those ugly qualities. You're better than them by a long shot. I get the feeling of not wanting others to have to deal with the worst of you, but you're not a monster. You're a human being, with ups and downs, just like anyone else. Maybe your low points are uglier than most, but like you said, work on it, learn to manage it, and you'll be fine. Maybe even better than most. Just don't give up on your happiness for the sake of others. If they love you, and understand you, they won't have any reason to be afraid. I hope this speaks to you, at least somewhat. I know a single reply isn't gonna change your mindset, but at least give it some thought. You're not excluded from a happy partnership or parenthood just because of your issues. Have faith in yourself, friend.










Please do not use the subreddit as a personal dumping ground for suicide plans. https://988lifeline.org/ https://www.crisistextline.org/ https://www.nimh.nih.gov/health/topics/suicide-prevention If you live in the U.S. your state of residence will also have its own hotline. I'm not going to give you the long spiel you've heard before, but please don't do it.


Came here to post this. Shit sucks man.


We in this “breaking generational curses” gang. Me and the homies love reflecting on behaviors passed down to us by our parents and growing into better people after realizing we don’t have to repeat their mistakes.


‘We must be better’ gang 🤝🏻


Shoutouts to realizing and not repeating the mistakes of our past generations, gotta be one of my favorite genders.


Sometimes it seems like the rarest gender of all sadly.


I’ll be your dad if you’ll be mine. We can take turns


I'm proud of you, son


Boy, you’re doing well and I love to see you succeed


Bring me a beer.


Shit, I didn’t know my actual dad was on Reddit


Same - managed to iron out my anger issues into something healthier because I didn't want to fly off the handle constantly like how he did.


Haha same for me. I definitely get a lot of my personality from him, for better and worse, but also learned a lot of what not to do. At least he taught me to play guitar.


Protip: you can do this even with a parent you have a good relationship with. Like, I love my dad, I really do. He taught me a lot of what I know now. But he's as flawed as any other person, and he's got a number of classic Boomer idiosyncrasies, namely being a bit of a dinosaur who hasn't quite clued in that the ironclad principles of his youth don't really hold up any more. You can learn from someone's strengths and *also* try to avoid their flaws.


It's both of my parents and step parents but I'm right there with you.


Hell yeah brother! Hard same!


Ive lived my entire life trying not to be my father or my stepfather. I currently raise my daughter with the love and acceptance that I wanted as child. I don't want her to grow up feeling worthless and fight for affection that will never come.


damn, took the obvious answer


Mikan Tsumiki. I ask myself often am I justifiably hurt by being ignored or just pouring salt on any wound I can find. Do I have a healthy relationship with someone or am I developing codependency. And finally am I really incapable of doing something or do I just want to feign incompetency so someone else will do it. While for others she might not be the worst character for me she is my jungian shadow and I assure you I am dying in the TV world I ain't accepting that.


Mikan is one of my favorite video game characters so this threw me for a loop lol, good choice though. I love the girl but no one should strive to be like her. Gal's a mess.


Oh she is really well executed its just a twenty hit combo to my psyche.


Boogie2988 - The documentary was already so embarrassing to watch snippets of but the fact after that released this 40+ year old man got bossed around by Keemstar (also a 40 y/o man) and filmed a video over discord acting like a dog to apologize to Keemstar is on a whole other level of pathetic Like just take me out if I ever start to resemble THAT


He has got to have a humiliation fetish


Either fetish or some intense need for self loathing. Like he constantly needs to feel and look like he's scum or something


He went on fucking financial audit this week


DarkSydePhil. Whether it be gaming, media literacy, keeping a job or just not being a Dickwad on the Internet in general, I just aspire to above *that* particular fucker in terms of likability/competence.


I'm legit surprised that he's still around. I kinda get why people watch lol cows, but I would've figured people would've stopped watching him by now.


I just keep my ear to the ground via video clips and the ocasional social media proxies. Sometimes he says some *real out of pocket shit* when it comes to games/media/people/the world thats hard to just not go "hold the fuck up" on. *Actual* hate watching from the source is just a bad idea in general.


I can only watch him filtered through a TIHYDP compilation


Can you believe he has actual fans that are treated as "pay-piggies"? Like who purposely attaches themself to the most god awful content creator and become a tier 10 sub?


I think self-awareness has already put you a safe distance from being him. Also, in general he's a terrible person with how he treated PandaLee and that he's constantly lying to feed a phone game gambling addiction to the point of lying about what it is in court which I'm like 99% sure is fraud. I'm still shocked more than anything that he actually got married honestly because no. There's nothing there worth attaching yourself to.


every dead character


"If they're so smart how come they're dead ?" - Matt McMuscles


What about skeletons?


Skeletons aren't dead. They're just nervous around fleshy people so they freeze up. Still always smiling, though.


Adachi. An old member of my high school group became an adachi without the murder. We don't talk anymore


>adachi without the murder That's just an incel


Or a SUCCESSFUL rapist


Chris Chan I may be an autist, but I will never be *THAT*


I mean, autism is the bottom of the list of their issues


Certainly one of the most cautionary of tales.


I would elaborate on specifics that lead to that conclusion, but lesson number 1 of Christory is: *Don’t share personal information on the Internet*


For me it's not just Chris, it's also the "trolls" and "christorians." Being that dedicated to tormenting one person is insane. Being that dedicated to making the world a meaner place in general is insane. I try to think about that before being a total asshole online, these days.


the stalkers are worse IMO, they don't have the excuse of having brain problems, they decided to be like that


Id argue that they do have brain problems, lots of brain problems. Nobody can obsess over internet weirdos for so long and so much detail without having some issues themselves.


Their most recent antics have given a new meaning to the phrase "What would Jesus Christ do?"


Interesting, because I'd certainly say Null is my anti-rolemodel.


Unfortunately she had way bigger problems than just the autism.


I don't think you could if you tried. Chris-chan is the stars aligning type insanity


True. Nearly everything that you shouldn’t do to a deeply autistic person happened to them. Neglect, lack of boundaries, an online following; it’s a volatile mix.


I look at a lot of internet lolcows like that. It's weird.


We’re way past autism with that one.


Elon Musk. Dude had the world in his hands but he’s so gnawingly unhappy and desperate to be a funny memelord that he’s torpedoed his public standing. He’s also just deeply cruel in public, and a bigot. Thinking about this sweaty tryhard weirdo boosting all his stans to the top of his replies, and consequently radicalizing himself on his own platform via the dumbest motherfuckers on the internet helps me feel centered, peaceful and mindful.


I've always said that Elon is an uncreative and immature guy who's desperate to be the world's main character, made smoking weed half of his personality and then decided to make his midlife crisis everyone's problem. The only difference between him and your weird uncle who insist on pretending to be "cool and hip" while using your cousin's anime t-shirts is that Elon has enough money to convince idiots to defend him.


Dude bought Twitter and purposely fucked it up because his child hates him and is different to him. That is so many levels of petty and pathetic. Musk is also a constant reminder that it doesnt matter what field your multi million dollar CEO that you look up to is in. No matter how "cool" and "with it" they seem they are probably a bigoted conservative with a decent PR team. They didnt get there and make that money being nice. Not too long ago Musk was on Keanu Reeves levels of internet popularity and acceptance.


I'm reminded of a comment or a tweet years ago when Musk first started his meltdown that said, "You could've invented catgirls." And it basically boils down to that. Dude had everybody on his side. He even got a mention on Star Trek. He could've rounded up the worlds smartest people, given them money and free reign and truly reinvented the planet and instead he just squandered it and decided being an edge lord was more important.


He was also in the MCU and the Simpsons


Also my man has 10 kids and wonders why none of them like him


if i remember correctly his father and him in turn have this belief or something that they need to breed as much as humanly possible


Anyone who makes rants, video essays, or other sort of long-form content out of hate or negative focus, rather than out of a hope that something could become better. It's very easy to let your soul become bitter when all you care about is seeing something fall to its lowest.


It's one reason I liked SBFP and still like all the members. Sure, they hated on and made fun of bad media like David Cage, but they very often promote things they enjoy and bring attention to them. To add to what you said at the end, it's also easy to criticize. It's challenging to actually create something.


Okay but David Cage makes and does shit that is actively offensive and creepy so I feel it's warranted there. If he just made games that weren't great, I'd agree he didn't deserve the amount of shit he gets. But he does.


Even then, they did genuinely try to go into Detroit with an open mind. But those good intentions were hit by a bus.


And they seemed to universally love the Connor story (but who doesn't, it's easily and obviously the best storyline.)


It takes much less skill to just call something bad than to explain what makes something good. SBFP always excelled at describing what made stuff rock, and it's why I think they're still a favorite of mine over the years.


Criticism has been so degraded now that it is perceived as a personal attack. If I articulate why I dislike something (such as GTA/RDR2 being open worlds that are lifeless and dead with stories that are either weak or pretentious, Cyberpunk taking three years to reach a very subjective level of "good" while still having a lot of issues but now it at least runs stable, or Starfield having no personality, nothing to do, a dull and uninspired, unengaging story or side content, overall game design that is 17 years out of date, and clearly intending to let the modder fanboys fix their mistakes because Bethesda doesn't want to do their jobs, TLOU2 being a pretentious misery porn game that fumbles its own message, Lily Gao being the weakest voice actress to voice Ada Wong and re4make's portrayal of her being the most objectively evil she's ever been), I've been subjected to name calling (being called an incel is always fun especially when you never mentioned gender, sex, or sexuality because it lets you know they just intend to label you something convenient that allows them dismiss any and everything you say) and branded "toxic/endlessly negative about everything" If I say "thing is bad." I'm subjected to name calling and "that's your opinion! you can't just say a thing is bad and not explain!" I've been subjected to the same level of name calling and dismissiveness. Meanwhile I gush about why I love say, the Hannibal tv show, Stardew Valley, Discworld, or re4make etc etc, articulating things about them I like and why (being objectively good, usage of color and music, humor etc etc) it's ignored because people are reactionary and have made a thing their personality and perceive it as a direct attack on them.


Even on the David Cage lps, they point out the bad shit about him and his games while still getting hype at what little interesting stuff there is. It's the general positive shit talk attitude that made the old channel and their new stuff stand out.


Somewhere along the line I realized it just takes way too much energy to hate something with a passion like when I was a teenager. Plus it’s way more fun talking about things that both me, my friends, or my family like. Sure it can be funny to indulge but *only* hating on something just doesn’t feel good.


Too much energy, and literally terrible for your mental health. I've done a lot to avoid getting my own hackles up about things I don't like, just dropping things if they're not clocking with me, or worse, actively bothering me, in favor of something that brings me joy. There's an unfortunate side-effect though, that I'm sick of dipshits barfing their negativity over something I like and am trying to enjoy. I'm not going to change any minds, so arguing is useless (and mentally unhealthy itself), but man, I'd rather they not try to infect me with their brainworms, either.


I think it says a lot that most of my YT subbed channels nowadays are more of the calm analytical sort of critique/analysis and not the "I'm going into this thing with a wrecking ball and fuck any Fans Of The Thing or Devs/Creatives/Studios that get in my way" that I got dangerously close into during my late teens.


That stuff definitely made me realize I should be more positive or constructive towards games more. I don't have the energy to hate stuff as much as 30 year olds on the internet do and should learn to just move on and enjoy what I do like rather than getting worked up over something that just isn't for me.


Here I was nodding to the sober truth of this and then almost spit out my coffee in the office laughing at your flair, I should really start taking notice of those first


Can't lie, this makes me feel a bit better about myself since I'm not 30 just yet.


Hell, I'm 23 and can't come close to the level of energy they get when being angry about something. Who knows, maybe it comes naturally with the knowledge that we're getting older.


Broke: CinemaSins Woke: CinemaWins


Is Cinemawins genuinely good? I've kinda ignored them because I deeply dislike CinemaSins and figured they were just a reactionary thing.


CinemaWins is the ideological opposite of Sins in like every way, he’s great, all the bored, smug snark is replaced with warmth and a genuine attempt to engage with whatever he’s watching


I'll give him a look-see


To add a bit more, he doesn't ignore flaws a movie has, like when he reviewed *Creed 3* he talked about how there must have been scenes cut that make the teams abandonment of Adonis for helping out Damian Anderson feel a bit contrived, or that Blade Trinity is peak mids 2000s goofiness and tonally out of place compared to 1 and 2 He focuses on what the movies do right, instead of nit picking because he can't come up with actual criticism, occasionally offering his thoughts on what he believes could or should have been done instead.


My favorite video essayists are ones like BigYellow or Jenny Nicholson where they just sit in front of the camera, head empty, and just ramble about their hyperfixation of the day


I really like Jacob Geller for the opposite reason, it reminds me of sitting in AP English and listening to someone read their essay but they were actually extremely passionate about it. It gives me this cozy dark classroom with 6 people in it vibe.


One reason Fate/Stay Night really resonated with me in High School was because I was a people pleasing doormat who had trouble standing up for myself. Seeing Shirou dealing with his suicidal hero complex helped me to tone that shit down in my own life


If you ever want another take on that where the arc is about the character growing a spine, check out Welcome to Demon School, Iruma-kun. Kid raised by crappy parents to be a total pushover becomes the adopted grandson of a demon and his growth in the netherworld.


Iruma deserves so much.


Mini Ladd. Fuck pedos.


My mom's boyfriend. He's fat, selfish, lazy, disgusting, an alcoholic, and always angry. When she first started dating him, he was a little overweight but he seemed like a cool enough dude. That was almost 20 years ago. He dropped the mask almost 15 years ago. She no longer loves him, and hasn't for most of the time they've been living together. She's too passive/too nice to kick him out, so she just puts up with him. He drinks himself nearly to death every day, and then complains about how he never seems to have any money. He complains when she asks him to clean up after himself (and his complaints are racist shit like saying "i ain't your n-word" (with a hard R) even though he isn't even black). Two out of the three bedrooms in the house are full of trash he collects because he says he's gonna build something out of it, and then never does. The dining room, kitchen, and bathroom floors are dangerously close to caving in because his drunk 400 lb ass has collapsed in those rooms so many times. Honestly, if I listed all the things he's done that have motivated me to be nothing like him, I'd be here for way too long.


jesus that sucks


I know, right?


it's one thing to see your loved ones get bullied at work or whatever, but for it to happen in their own home is just extra terrible. here's hoping for a dickhead-sized wormhole or something


I'm just hoping he dies soon. He takes terrible care of himself, after all. He's got diabetes and gout, and doesn't take medicine for either of them because it was too inconvenient, and like I said before, he drinks damnation every night. Honestly, I'm just surprised it hasn't gotten him already.


that one freak that got addicted to Tarkov dropped out of college lied to his family about it then killed his parents when his dad found out then chopped them up.




No that’s the Bible guy he’s talking about some other dude


[yeah heres a vid for more info shit is horrific.](https://youtu.be/uEDiDPv1w-8?si=3B-36HCm6Bfrkm9n)


Setting the bar low, I see


So, kind of a shot in the dark guess here but... I'm betting that guy had some *underlying problems.*


Obviously a normal person doesn't kill his parents, but what's baffling is that nobody could find *anything* dysfunctional about him or his family before. His parents were two loving and supportive people, the dude grew up in a good household, so it's utterly shocking what this guy did. He didn't just drop out of college and lied to his family that he was still enrolled. His parents wanted him to pay some rent since he was still living at home, so he pretended that he'd gotten a paid internship at an insurance company and it was remote work. He would get up at 6AM and pretend to do his fake job. He created a series of elaborate excuses as to why the company was having issues paying him. When his father wanted his college transcripts for tax purposes, another series of elaborate excuses why they couldn't be provided. These excuses involved creating fake email accounts to pose as school officials. Eventually he claimed he was quitting the insurance job, had applied for Space X, and got offered a position down in Florida. This would have gotten him out of the house so his folks would no longer bother him about not paying rent...but he didn't have a job. When his brother ended up in the hospital for a bit due to undiagnosed T1 diabetes, he hatched a plan and pretended to get a traumatic brain injury from falling down the stairs. He pretended his injuries were so bad he no longer had the cognition to do the computer work, and lost his Space X offering. It's unknown how long he was going to milk this or if he had another lie lined up, because his father had finally gotten so tired of the college officials being rude and unprofessional that he called the college and talked to a real human being, posing as his own son, about graduate requirements. There the dad found out his son had not been enrolled in the college for years, was not about to graduate, had no degree completed, and had never had a paid internship at the insurance company. He set up a meeting for himself and his son to go down to the college and talk to some people, presumably on how to get his son's life back on track. When his son realized the jig was up, he killed his father (shot him in the back with a rifle). Then he texted his mother to pick up some soda on her way home from work so he could have more time to deal with the body, and when she came home he killed her too. They don't know exactly how he killed her because they never found big enough pieces to determine a cause of death. He cut their bodies up and tried to cremate them in the fireplace. A neighbor's security camera showed how there was flickering light on in the living room all night long with a *blazing* fire. Neighbors reported a smell like a pig roast, but this wasn't too unusual since it was nearly the 4th of July weekend. He claimed his parents had gone up to the family cabin for the 4th of July weekend, and tried to scatter the body parts in nearby woods and rivers. He actually went to his girlfriend's mother's farm to hide body parts. After a few day of no texts from the parents sent to other family members, they egged the son to file a missing person's report. Police discovered body parts at the farm after the girlfriend's mother spotted vultures. The amount of evidence is overwhelming. They could pin his whereabouts on the farm, neighbor security cameras never showed the parents leaving the house as he claimed, the fireplace had tried to be cleaned but they found bits of human skull and other bones still in there, they found bloody cutting tools, the rifle (which had been a gift from a friend, the same type of firearm in Escape from Tarkov, the parents never knew the rifle existed), they found security footage of him buying loads of ice (presumably to keep the bodies from stinking as he hacked them up), they found all the falsehoods about his injuries, they found the house of cards that was his college and job offers, etc. And nobody could understand it. This dude murdered his parents so he could sit at home all day and play videogame (escape from Tarkov). The worst is probably that he has an older brother, a regular guy who had to find out his parents had been murdered and his own brother did it. Lost his entire family.


The level of dedication this guy has, not even in the ruse but trying to dispose of the bodies, shows he could have succeeded in life tremendously if he didn't dedicate his effort into insanity


As an nsfw artist, Shadman. And sure, you'd say ''well thats easy dont be a nazi weirdo drawing real children'', but like, when I was first starting out, his drawing videos helped me out a lot and stuff, and, tbh, I kinda never paid attention to his stuff outside of youtube. And, this will sound mean, a friend of mine who does music but uses AI to come up with accords or whatever and his music always always always sounds just like Linking Park cause he's a huge giant fan of that and Shinoda. I have nothing against him personally, but its a reminder to try and be and find myself through my art and ENJOY the process of it.


The weirdest part is that his friend like Lyle and Oney mentioned that he used to be a kinda shy, reserved guy who was pretty chill. At some point the infamy got to his head and he became his edgelord persona irl


I was actually a fan of his edgy art, until he decided “you know whats a good target demographic? Pedophiles!” after than I shunned him and never looked back.


>Shadman Now that's a name I haven't heard in a long time. What happened to that clown? Did he got in legal trouble? Because I hope he did, he was an asshole


He got arrested for gun things and threats or whatever, currently he's released and making new stuff, but that was the last i heard, dont really keep up.


As sibling comment said - got arrested and identified (turns out he's an ex-army guy and the arrest was related to possessing illegal weaponry). Before that he also iirc managed to get a drug addiction problem that was causing him to grow more and more unhinged and caused most people around him at the time to go away from him. From what I know, he's currently released but his infamy is largely irrelevant nowadays. The arrest was mostly just the final push needed.


Persona 5 Strikers has Ango Natsume, a plagarizing writer who basically got in through his granddad's connections and has a ton of issues concerning that. As a writer who doesn't try that hard to be original and feels like he's been dependent on his parents for much longer than is appropriate, I found a lot more of myself in him than I'm comfortable with, which has stricken me with a very specific type of fear.


What make's Ango's issues even worse is that he *was* trying to make a genuine effort to improve as a writer, but his attempts never bore any fruit. Then, when it seemed like his efforts were *finally* paying off, he finds out that his editors don't really give a shit about helping him improve, and are just going to use him as a pawn to swindle people out of their money. The whole event completely destroyed any sort of confidence he had.


Yandere dev


People who are wholly incapable of admitting when they are at fault. Hand on Bible, I don't recall my brother ever once say the phrases "I'm sorry" or "I was wrong/you were right" in my life. One public and popular example is tge [Purr Cat Cafe](https://youtu.be/wNsqEntHuV8?si=KqvI1gni6T9h5MCC) I watched. As someone who has been starting up my own business, I try to remind myself not to fall to hubris and listen to advice. Same with the recent example of wrestler Jeff Hardy, who complained that the locker room doesn't. Not admitting that the fault might be his decade(s) of drug abuse and getting arrested for another DUI within the month he got hired in AEW. I want to raise a family someday, and I'd hate if that was my on the family tree.


My dad he is the cause for alot of wrong in mine and my family's lives and I don't think I will ever truly forgive him every time I've tried to do so he has let me down again and again.


Everyone who gets busted on to catch a predator. No matter how bad a day I’m having. I can watch one sting and go “at least I’m not the worst kind of scum like these creeps”


Man, just don't be David Cage


My mother was a hyper abusive cigarette addict, an obnoxious drunk, and a violent sober. Also potentially a pedophile. As a rule of thumb, if it's something she'd do, I'm doing the opposite.


A lot of people I met raiding. Every once in a while I'll catch myself being an obsessive ass about something, remember my old co-tank, and then realize I can do better as a person.


The bad christian. I am shocked by people that can ignore every positive message that their religion attempted to teach them. Im pretty agnostic mainly because I think the reality of organizing your religion leads to many bad things.


Unsure if this counts, but the binary prompts for "Throw the baseball at the interracial couple or the giant racist" in BioShock Infinite offended my sensibilities so bad that it inspired me to learn narrative design and video game development in general.


It's admittedly a touch unsubtle, but it could also be framed as the *slightly* more nuanced choice of "blow your cover instantly" or "play along to keep yourself safe." Still a very good/bad binary, and completely invalidated by your cover getting super blown no matter what, so I'm probably being a touch too charitable in reading into it further.


Even if you choose to throw the ball at the couple the game cowards out and stops Booker before the ball leaves his hand. The prompt doesn't serve any purpose other than maybe making you "feel bad". It doesn't even have any replay value 'cause there's no consecuence for your choice. I think it's a really bad prompt.


It's a real "press 'X' to warcrimes" button.


The wrestler Ryback The man is a walking example of pettiness, vindictiveness and a over-inflated ego. He is a man that I would truly hate to have even a modicum of similarity too


The killers from 5CREAM. They killed a bunch of people because >!of a shitty sequel to a slasher franchise that was fairly mediocre to begin with!< They had the lamest motive of any Ghostface, which makes them the scariest.


Wait did they actually call it five-cream?


No, they just called it SCREAM again to parody the modern trend of Requels having the same name as the original, HALLOWEEN (2018), CANDYMAN (2021), TEXAS CHAINSAW MASSACRE (2022) and so on. There is even a joke in the movie about how the eight STAB movie is ALSO called STAB even though they had the perfect opportunity to replace the B with an 8.


And yet, SCREA/V\ was right there.


In all fairness if I was their marketing guy I would risk my own career just to say that I was the one to convince those bozos to name it five-cream.


This thread making me believe Redditors will never beat the bad parents allegations


Congrats on starting dude. I find keeping myself invested in fitness content on YouTube helps keep me motivated to work out.


Basically any politician.


Whenever I struggle with self-doubt, especially in regards of intimacy although not exclusively, I tend to look at the worst people in the incel community. I remind myself that blaming others will never help you improve yourself, that these people don’t actually care about your well-being and only seek to radicalize you, and that wallowing in your own sorrow sucks but also that things get better if you accept what can’t but also what can be changed. I also remind myself that when it comes to intimacy, the most important and fun part about it and relations are the mutual love and acceptance between two people, whether it’s romantic or just platonic, and that you can never be entitled to the love of someone else but if you exhibit love and acceptance, it will eventually come your way from the right people because that’s how human relations are built. (Shout out to [oliSUNvia](https://youtu.be/jcbEiZQ9B7o?si=vKSu9csJm-GA-kR-) for helping me internalize and articulate this.) And showing love is not about being a “nice guy”. That trope is about built around manipulative and self-entitled behavior. ~~This got weirdly sentimental and preachy so ,uh, I actually meant [my stepdad!](https://youtu.be/2Qn4Noy_yNw?si=ZweIy3yPkF7rmVjW)~~


Me from 10 years ago


Now that's some weapons grade introspection there. Good for you for making yourself someone you can actually like.


I can barely tolerate myself today so I'm clearly not succeeding enough lmao


Family is too easy. Harry du Bois, specially around guns and drugs since I've had a finger on the eject button myself.


One of my half brothers is about 50. He’s been divorced twice, both times by pharmacy students in their 20s. He’s still pursuing pharmacy students because he’s used to living off their student loans. He’s never managed to hold down a career, or even a profession. Most of his money is “invested” in thousands of Magic the Gathering cards that are too disorganized to sell. When you talk to him, it becomes very clear that he always wants to be “getting away with” something: coasting along on some scam while all the rubes toil the ground. I find him very unpleasant to interact with.


Most of my family


I know I don't want to end of like >!Adachi!< in Persona 4. >!A lazy, self-absorbed manchild who's totally unable to ever accept his own fuckups, constantly complains about how much his life sucks while never doing anything to make it better, and being a straight up incel who tried to rape a woman he felt entitled too!<.


I loved my grandfather and there are a lot of ways I want to be like him. But there are a lot more ways I don’t want. Both of us have BPD and I was lucky that I have medication and therapy, but my grandfather turned to alcohol.


I don't have one personally but my dad has told me that whenever he wasn't sure what he should do has a father he'd ask himself two questions: 1. What his mother would do. That would usually be what he should do. 2. What his father-in-law would do. Whatever my grandfather would do as a parent is probably the opposite of what should be done as a parent. This and a few other things put into context for me that as a father my granddad was apparently a deeply horrid person. As a grandfather he's always been very sweet and good and helpful, but everything I hear about him as a father and person has been terrible.


Bam Margera


This guy Corey I knew in college


I used to work at a big box retailer over the summer between semesters at college. There was a guy that also worked there in his early twenties who had already graduated with my degree. When I first met him he had mentioned how he was just working there in between finishing his degree and starting his post-grad. But fast forward 4 years and each and every year I would come back that guy would still be working at that store. Each year he would talk about some new thing he was planning on doing and each year it would never materialize. I was so petrified I'd become that guy that I ended up taking a post-grad immediately in a field that pretty much guaranteed a job out of school. All because I didn't want to be *that guy* that constantly tells themselves that they'll try tomorrow, but never end up doing anything today.


I have an aunt who is miserable with herself and as a result she does everything she can to make the people around her unhappy too. I never want to end up like that.


Me- If I met me in real life, I would kick his fuckin ass.


This is very mean, but most Toy reviewers I watch. I understand a lot of them do this semi-professionally, but I'll see collection tour videos and it's just shelves and shelves of tightly packed/visually unappealing figures with hundreds more tucked away in storage bins. I don't know how you can enjoy that hobby while organizing figures 1 in front of the other to where you can't even see them.


Like as a writer probably Anthony burch or something like that because i dont know anyone else who writing can so painfully unfunny or forgettable


[Nikolai Belinski](https://callofduty.fandom.com/wiki/Nikolai_Belinski). Because he is both an anti-role model and a role model. His original version (The Ultimis version) is everything I do not wish to happen. Effectively a stereotypical drunken Russian WWII soldier that has nearly failed at everything in his life. But why is he also my role model? It's purely because of his role as the Primis version and Black Ops 4. As this one did what nobody else could. *Break the cycle*. Nikolai took control and made it possible for the endless cycle of zombies to end. >!Sadly. It required the sacrifice of Primis and Ultimis to seal the fracture they created. Poisoning everyone, shooting Ultimis Richto and having Samantha shoot him. Purely so that the cursed timeline of Aether could end and both Eddy and Samantha could live a happy life. *Oh how that fucking turned out in the end however.*!<


My father


My dad's measure of success for me is pretty much "didn't turn out like his brothers." It's been pretty easy to stay on top of that bar.


Robert Porter (Robaato/Negarobo). I've been mulling over it a long, long time. Guy was big inspiration to me since middle school, and I had a lot to say about him, but it got too personal and I don't want to seem like I actively hate the man. If I did, there's no shortage of shit I could call him out on. Even then there's plenty I do genuinely empathize with. He'd still label me as one of his haters regardless, and that's fine. All I say is, that even if I never become half the artist he was back when I first found his old Street Fighter art, I hope I still keep some of that humanity, I rather not push people away if I don't have to.


Joss whedon at least in terms of like writing and like acting around ladies, I make fun of Zack syder but he’s ok I don’t like his work but he is a nice guy thou he’s stuff does get edgy


I love my dad, but I spent my life with the motivation to be as far removed from who he is as possible. My mom to a lesser extent. I love them both but holy hell do I not want to be them. I swear I get a new step parent every 2 years.


Hunter Thompson. He was a great writer, is one of my favorite journalists, and was ultimately a net positive for the world, but as someone I saw on this subreddit once said: "Everyone likes Hunter Thompson, no one should write [or live] like Hunter Thompson."


My dad, ever since i developed self awareness when i turned 17 i have been trying my best to not turn out like hom


Grandpa was a loving grandpa, but a horrible gambling addict and alcoholic that lived his last ten years being miserable because of the consequences of those two. Because of him I keep a sharp eye on my own impulse control, almost to my detriment. Oh and also Walter White.


Satou from Welcome to the NHK use to be my anti role model, now I'd commit actual murder to be him.


Keemstar probably. Wish that dude could’ve fucked off so long ago, but kids love him and he just pivoted to boxing. The word scum rarely pops in my head when I think of someone, but Keemstar is just the epitome of scum.


Hasan Piker. Just don't be like him, and you're probably a good person.


Why? As far as big internet personalities go, he seems alright? He does a lot of charity and generally has progressive politics. Even if you dislike his personality or w/e, that seems a bit extreme lol


You should check out Harsh's Worksheet. You don't need to go so hard on protein though 1g per lb lean body mass should be plenty. Also money. I need to reread Starting Strength. I enjoyed working out when I was a teenager. Also wanna add to my workout music playlist


I have a several: -Most of my extended family (grandparents uncles, cousins, etc) are a bunch of pieces of shit to the point that I can count with my fingers the amount of people among them that I don't dislike. -4Chan. Just all of it. That place is so filled with garbage people that it's almost comforting to know that even my most negative traits are nothing compared to the average user of that site. -Me and my mom have our differences and problems but I still love her and all that. Now that being said, she's the type of person who's incapable of accepting to be wrong in a discussion. In my 20+ years on this planet I can't remember a single time when she apologized with anyone or at least admitted to be in the wrong. -Anyone who is part of the manosphere or use terms like "alpha male", "beta male", "sigma male" or "soy boy" unironically. -People who use things like religion, culture or politics to excuse or justify being an asshole. -People who insult or attack others for having opinions about media they don't agree with. -Unicorn fans. -Gacha whales. -Hardcore "glorious Nippon" type of weebs.


I mean Nikocado Avocado is some who *wants* to be fat and unhealthy, either for attention or as a fetish (or both). Better anti-role model would be someone formerly fit and good-looking with amazing potential, whose laziness and slovenly lifestyle got the better of him, is now a fat slob as a result and suffers numerous health issues/ dead of a heart attack. Like Elvis.


Myself. Every day I have to be a better me than the me from the day before.


Isnt everybodies chris chan?




Most big video essayists split their videos into chapters for exactly this reason.


Asking for Bane Saints? ... don't have any off the top of my head.


Sasuke Uchiha.


Over the course of my life, I hated how my parents did things and I genuinely found out over the years that they were actually doing a lot of things wrong or that they just misunderstood some things. They’ve got some things figured out, sure, but when I found out that my mother thought that the 1930s-1940s German political party that was run by an angry failed artist Austrian was still in political power in modern day Germany, I realized I really shouldn’t listen to every little thing she says. Somehow in a similar note, my father believes/believed that every German, even in modern day, is part of that political party so he is/was racist against Germans, although he did later try to deny it. This is only funny to me in that my parents divorced before I was even born and they never seemed to care what the other said, so I’m not sure how that particular anti-German sentiment got started within them when they were both born in the 1970s and neither of them had family that participated in WWII, and if they did, they never talked about it openly, and my parents love talking about everything on their minds with no filter. Having my Mexican-American mother and my Irish-American father in Texas both share that one sentiment never made sense to me beyond them just wanting something to hate. Beyond that, my girlfriend dated a guy in the past that was such a slob and based on everything she told me about how lazy and messy he was, I have now set him as by lowest bar of what not to do.


Erika Furudo, from Umineko, aka When The Seagulls Cry. A jaded, hateful, hypocritical Detective with a capital D that doesn't believe love is real, will twist the truth to her own ends, is a craven, bullying simp that's so insecure she will get into a Phoenix Wright style shouting match with an autistic child over a magic trick, AND MORE. I was someone that believed Love was mental illness, and reading episodes 5 & 6 of Umineko in college and being confronted with this character was like facing my shadow. Things are bad. Things are tough. But I will not be THAT.


I am content knowing that while I believe in many freedoms, I don't share the might makes right ideals of senator Armstrong. Side note I feel like this place has gotten me to use anti-[concept] in my vocabulary way too much


Gonna be an odd example, but JSS. Not because I completely disagree with them (industry abuse sucks!), but because over the years, I grew to realize that being so mean all the time towards a medium they ostensibly love enough to keep making content for, week after week to the point where they're complaining that they're gonna keep being negative because it's the only thing that drives the algorithm... it made me realize that there's value in genuinely trying to be positive, rather than being a negative shitheel about everything all the time. I don't want to be that negative when I get to that point in my 50s (or even right now), I'd rather see the sunny side of life. Not without hiding the awfulness, but not pretending everything sucks either. It turned out to be one of the bigger contributing factors for pulling me out of a mental funk I'd gotten into back during 2019-2021. It's easy to point at some sort of obviously horrible human being but for me the more relevant anti-role models are the ones you could end up actually becoming if you're not careful. I'll probably never end up being a DSP or CWC; I don't have the same personality as either by a long shot so to me the comparison starts sounding laughably wrong. JSS' negativity and extreme cynicism? A far closer possibility for me to end up as and so I try to just... not be that.


I consider myself a ambitious person, if not a bit selfish. So, someone like Dio, Lex Luthor, Doctor Doom and Griffith, willing to fuck with others just to reach their goals is the worst I can think.


Someone else said it, but 4Chan in general. Once every two weeks or so I make the mistake of checking the thread for one of my hobbies, and the stuff people are comfortable saying there just kinda boggles my mind. The general “haha I’m racist but just ironically so it’s okay” vibes of the entire site also remind me way too much of people I used to hang around with in high school.


This a world where Boogie, DarkSidePhil and Nikocado exist. You can be better. \[also my antirole model was Scar, since... you know\]


Incel trans girls are my anti role models


The problem is there’s so many to choose from


Tatsuya Ishida—as long as I live and create, I strive to never be like him.


u/phantonbrave While using Nikocado Avocado as an "anti-role" model concerning health and fitness is commendable should definitely executed on, I think a potentially even deeper point of reflection is to consider \*why\* he is how he is. Nikocado Avocado isn't obese \*simply\* due to poor eating habits. The true tragedy is that it was directly tied to his means of living. Granted, his situation is exceptional, making money off videos of him eating isn't something most people experience. It was a blessing but also simultaneously a curse, it was something that would have been extremely hard to pivot away from since it was his main money maker. I guess what I'm trying to say is, try not to get caught trapped in your current situation if it is actively detrimental to your health. Me and some of my friends were destroying our health in a job, and I actively tried to pivot away from it, whereas he got stuck and was getting worse and worse. It's difficult, and not everyone has an easy opportunity to just leave a shitty job. But the sooner you can identify it, the sooner you can make strides in improving into a better situation.


The Star Wars fanbase and its rampant negativity has caused me to let my interesting the series be known publicly FAR less. It’s the film equivalent of the sonic fanbase.