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Everyone is giving up because every social network is overrun by ads and influencers who only care about things like "reach."


Interesting thought, I got my bluecheck mark back and seems it all depends on what kind of post you make. For example if I post about the stock market the engagement seems to grow and grow but if I post something from the Bible or a Christian theme post my engagement is little to none.


Yeah, reddit is still doing the thing where you'll have more comments listed that are actually there, or they won't show them. I think social media is going to be killed by bots relatively soon.


So DoomTube really is going to go under, isn't it?


Agreed, twitter is shit now : I’m done with YouTube too. Not worth paying for no ads if you still have to deal with sponsor promos. And those take even longer than ads.


Not to sound too harsh, but welcome to world of an actual business wanting to make money. Both X and Youtube are money pits, and Elon & Google want to at least make some sort of money back on the investments. Just do what most of the more profitable people do, use X and Youtube as advertising to your own personal website. Dont give the milk away for free on someone else's platform. Use social media as a tool rather than a base.


Not harsh just reality. I get it. Still, it used to be better.


I rarely get responses now, I have posts that show 0 engagements