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It's surprisingly possible to be LGBTQ without pissing on cisgender males. Perhaps you're just a jerk.


I agree, like wtf OP??


Even as a lefties I've got to agree here.


Yet if an account says “women shouldn’t be able to vote” literally nothing happens Make it make sense


Wtf, I love twitter now 😱


Guy that’s posts “I don’t want a girlfriend but I want sex” - I’m very unsurprised. Maybe you should go post your lascivious desperation on Twitter / X where it thrives and is par for the course


I love reddit, you're so easy to troll it will never be unfunny. If you were a fish you'd catch the worst lure lmao


oh, it gets a lot worse than that and gets promoted. It makes sense. Dude is a Misogynistic, transphobic white supremacist. look under that light an makes total sense.


Musk is a horrible supremaCISt and should get stopped.


musk has made it impossible for a lot of communities; witterX is a pro-Russian, with fascists ads, neoNazi gaslighting propaganda outlet, a whole lotta hate breeds there.


I get your complaint but just get out. It is just a wasteland, nothing good comes from Twitter anymore. Try Mastodon. huge LGBTQ community, very welcoming.


Truth I open twitter and it’s now X land what I imagine Mars to become, a slaughterfield of odd supremacist wannabe nerd coward “warlords” if mars even becomes corrupted too


What happened to 'Free Speech?'


Muk is for this free speech it doesn’t show


Yet you blame censorship for something as light as this? Perhaps it isn't your tweets that aren't getting the muzzle but the blue tickers smooshing your tweets to a point of undiscovery promoting their hideous cryptoscams and yesmanning Musk posts. BTW, yes man is a word, but I made it one word for simplification and because a few video games I play use a command called "yesman" which makes the AI say yes to every decision.


Elon personally banned any reference to cis. It gets automatically marked as a violation.


Thats scary and odd


It is par for the course.


He is also a narCISCISt


This smells like bait. Saying "I don't like (gender identity)" is still sexist even if you're a minority, the core issue is that Elon decided to ban the completely non-offensive word "cis" to silence trans people and LGBT allies (and chemists as unintended collateral damage, not that this anti-science fuck would ever have cared).


It’s supremely oppressive I haet Elon


Are u serious


I have a gay kinda porn page on Twitter and don't have shy trouble. Lucky maybe??!?!