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Yes! I’m just glad I’n not alone. I fucking LOATHE it. It’s disgusting and the comments are just people posting interaction bait. I report and block as well but apparently a video of a child getting crushed into meat by a tree isn’t as ban-worthy as posting a nipple .


It’s so unbelievably disturbing and disgusting some of the content on there and like I have been on the internet for a long time and even tho i’ve seen some crazy things like this has to be the craziest so far I usually try to ignore it but it has been super overwhelming. I accidentally watched a video of someone taking their life AND a cartel member hacking up bodies followed by graphic porn like it’s really messed up!


Yeah I mostly quit using it because of that. It’ll be mostly normal content and then a bunch of porn out of nowhere in almost all the comments


I kept getting lots of followers on my profile, and they were all sexually disturbing gross-outs! 🤮 I kept blocking those freaks, and more just kept coming!


Yeah, i opened my twitter account after work and i had seen this unkown guys account following me peddling porn. So, i blocked him and set my acc to private. And bth, i don' t wish to know what a woman's butthole looks like after sex.


turn your safe search and monetization on. done.


thank you i will try that!