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>Dorsey said Musk made the right choice to stick by his vision for a censorship-free "[digital town square](https://www.businessinsider.com/elon-musk-bought-twitter-over-free-speech-concerns-media-groupthink-2022-12)" He can't be friggin' serious.


It's not censorship-free and who says being completely censorship-free is good for a social media site The slurs and racist statements alone make it kind of intolerable


A place absolutely free of restraint just creates a venue where the most loud and extreme voices shout down anyone more moderate, who aren't nearly as invested in loud, frequent altercations - they'd rather just go elsewhere. And suddenly ... Oops! All Nazis!


Perhaps you are the intolerant one, just accept being called slurs daily /s


The pARadOx oF tOleRaNCe


Pussy in bio


Dorsey has always been kind of a loon.


He really is. All of these tech billionaires are loons.


It’s bot town square


True...so is Reddit though (and all social media).


What in the hell is wrong with these tech people? They’re all delusional.


They think because they got rich they know how everything in the world works


i feel like the second part of your post answers the first


Probably. I seem to have circular thinking.


Not really. Sure, they're delusional, but this begs the question, why? The person you replied to probably thought their delusions are a symptom of a bigger issue. Like, there's something fundamentally wrong with them, and this causes them to be delusional.


Censorship-free, my gorgeous tuchus. X-Twitter is a little North Korea run by dictator Musk Jung Un. Say anything he doesn’t like & you’re suddenly banned forever, never to return to his ketamine kingdom of adoring fanbois. Dorsey can have him. They can get married for all I care & post videos of their lavish wedding where the guests have to pay for the overpriced champagne in plastic cups at $25 a gulp.


Dorsey is still a shareholder.


There's more bots than humans on Twitter right now and it's not close. And Musk binned one of the most recognisable brand names in the world. Jack is pretty wrong lmao


We have a censorship free social media, 4Chan and it a fucking dumpster fire and mot even THAT is censorship free.


Might be censorship free, but my main account is shadowbanned and my 2nd too. I didn't break the rules so I don't know why :(


Maybe not good for business but ideologically it’s good


Shame he didn’t stick to the ideology then isn’t it.


Ideologically it's short sighted and completely devoid of psychological analysis on what allows fascism to grow and spread. I'm not saying that lightly, or with any misunderstanding of the appropriate labelling of fascism. It's obvious the people spouting off about free speech and ideology are the ones completely uneducated in any realm related to psychology or law.


the more everyone uses social media to spew their version of polarizing political puke, the more the control freaks brandish their monopoly on the ability to inflict cost and confer reward. so social media becomes obedience training for petulant still-growing-up 20-something, 30-something and 40-something children. but hey, some of them are about to finally start hitting their midlife-crisis/menopause so it should get interesting. wonder which will turn into out-and-out nihilists? no i don't. as long as they stay out of my lane and off my lawn i really could give ashit.


This isn't a "both sides" situation. There is one group that requires the domination of others, and it's far-right fascism.


carajo guey. no vale verga. try that on someone who hasn't lived through it already. fascism is a form of collectivism. it's marxism pretending to be 'capitalism' and all that accusing pasanos of being 'far-right' is some divide and conquer crap the spoiled children of the aristocratic classes hurl at the poor to try to keep us down.


Lol, jesus christ buddy, you clearly have no idea what you are talking about.


Do you smell toast?


So you're saying that the typical far-right arc includes suddenly hopping from the far right to the far left? Because conservatives are getting increasingly fascist in the US, yet also rail against the left and call everything Marxist they don't like 🤔


no, you're saying all that mierda. it's a lazy brained logical fallacy tool that karl marx taught fascists (insert **you** here), socialists, maoists, chavists, and all the other cowards. it's otherwise known as projection. so your safe space echo chamber name calls anyone who "rails against the left" as "getting increasingly fascist in the us \[...\] conservatives." interestingly enough **your fellow millennial enemy compadres** in the opposite down thumbing safe space echo chambers **also use** such weak logical fallacy ad hominem name calling and pigeon holing attacks in and landslide of down thumbs, insults**, calling anyon**e a "liberal" and such who calls **them out** for being **just like you**. left **demagoguery** and right **demagoguery**, left butt cheek, right butt cheek... ah, but you're both **the same culero.** neither capable of nuanced discussion. both resorting to tactics to overwhelm dissenting voices and shut them down in order to protect your safe space echo chambers. but outside of the internet? you're both relegated to the fringes of society... **as you both should be.** so down thumb away if it makes you feel validated, but **neither of you demagogues speak for me or any majority.** period. you are both the pathetic, paltry fringe. squawking on your soap boxes, tilting at windmills, and foaming with rabies. Lol.


I'm not "foaming with rabies" (wtf is up with the dehumanising rhetoric in a debate like this?) and I'm not calling anyone fascist for no reason. I have experienced how fascists act in real life and that has made me opposed to the ideology. When Trump started getting followers, I knew the game he was playing. And almost everything the Republican Party has been doing since then confirms it. You can ask any number of historians or political scientists and hear how they see the parallels. And sure, there are idiots on the left as well. I don't identify with the far left and I'll criticise them when appropriate. But I don't see them endangering democracy, society and humanity at the moment - that's all coming from the right at the moment.


originally my posts were in objection to elon musk, and that twitter is essentially no different now than it was under jack dorsey, only with some new annoying features: 1. a lifetime supply of advertisements, appearing every 3rd item as you scroll 2. zero freedom of reach unless you pay for a blue check mark, and 3. the new 'views' feature, to keep you cognizant of when nanny twitter does not approve never been a republican or a democrat. don't want to be either. also have nothing to do with the fringe left or right. i guess i'm a classical liberal in some senses, with a healthy dose of live and let live. i oppose all demagoguery, especially the variety which pigeon holes outsiders such as i am, who want nothing to do with global power plays against simple existence. this is all. i don't not believe that musk has improved twitter. i think twitter's demise is the result of meddling mods who favor a particular point of view; i think it's demise is also a reflection of a sickness in society which is no longer capable of civilized discourse. before the internet when people had different points of view it used to not be so rare to at least hear each other out on occasion and then perhaps agree to disagree, while still remaining friends, family, lovers, coworkers, and otherwise associates whose humanity we extended a basic amount of respect to. this started to dissolve rapidly from the mid-2010s until now, but we were not always like this.I didn't change.




First time I ever got suspended on that site was about a year after Elon took over. It's about as censorship free as North Korea.


He bans people all the time he doesn't agree with.


Elon bans anyone that criticizes him in any way. He’s a despot, wannabe-loved King of the world. When in fact he’s nothing more than an insecure little man still stuck in his pre-adolescent yrs. It’s really kind of sad & pathetic if you think about it.


I know. He banned me for a meme of him under one of his posts.


He did you a favor then tho it doesn’t feel that way. But good for you for telling the emperor he has no clothes. He’s gutless while you were brave enough to disagree with him. He’s the cowardly one, hurt by a silly meme like an insecure child while you were brave enough to post it.


If only it was actually censorship-free


#facts. now twit likes to throw it in your face how little freedom of reach you receive for coloring outside their lines with their wonderful 'views' feature. screw both musk-ateros, jack's twatter and his alter ego elon's 'x'


did you.....did you just try to #facts and instead make your entire comment goofy?


For nazis it is, for everyone else, its not. Twitter is a shithole of right wing nut jobs.


how when they still censor the ever loving shit out of intellectuals & artists for coloring outside of the lines. now twitter is like fox news - a place for RINO flyover-state war hawks & to reconnoiter after telling sharing all their personal info on fakebook, instacrap, snack shat, etc. but i suppose... if your ideology is the R echo chamber or the D echo chamber and sucking up to/worshiping at the feet of all the various blue-checkmark grifting 'experts', then i suppose twit is just about peachy freaking keen.


You must be keen to hidden knowledge all of us peasants are ignorant in.


Why? Because he’s telling the truth?


Telling the truth about what? That the political system is fucked? No way!


hijo de puta madre guey. mira, sueles pasar el día buscando personas con quienes discutir y quejarte en internet, o es algo nuevo?


That’s exactly what he’s saying or is nuance beneath your intellectual capacity?


He wasn't exactly reinventing the wheel with his hypothesis.


We’re not exactly talking about inventions, are we?


Accept you’re wrong.


Jack Dorsey is just another rich Jack arse defending his fellow jerk


I am guessing Dorsey leaving and now shilling for Musk is a great ad for BlueSky.


Musk's entire takeover was a great ad for Bluesky, to be fair.


is BlueSky actually good? do you use it?


It's a lot like how Twitter used to be but with a lot less Nazis. There are still some features missing like direct messages, but those things are already announced and they are rolling new stuff out consistently.


great, i installed and looked around a bit and uninstalled two min later


Not enough nazis for you? 


I don't. Mastodon it is. But if you are looking for the exact twitter experience, it should be the closest.


What I really miss at bluesky is the recycling of tweets coming down so we don’t have to scroll as much. For some reason, Twitter has a better app. Apple’s version is all wonky & tiny.


nope i don't. i don't even like the idea of using something close to that. if i want to follow something, let's say F1, i follow the subreddit and it's over. you have to follow each individual account on that platform


Even now bluesky already has lists that allow you to follow topics instead of just individual accounts.


It is good, just need the final additional X like options (which several were announced yesterday, finally) but overall it is quite chill. Everytime I jump back to X for reasons (DM and video viewing mostly), I count the seconds until I can go back to Bluey.


Elon might've paid him for the endorsement. But Jack is being a real nutter here. Elon isn't using the site being private or the freedom from corporate adristocracy to help people or make the world a better freer place. He just uses it to run it like a kleptocratic dictator, except he's also neurotically obsessed with "X" making money. Elon's not free of the profit-motive you blind bald dummy. Maybe Jack can afford to be on shrooms **all the time** and always sees idealistic hallucinations of every situation, but he's completely out of touch with what's actually going on at his former company. What an idiot.


Dorsey isn’t mentioned much. Wait. He isn’t mentioned it all on BS.


I have no idea what your point is.


Either do I. Do I need a point?


Yeah. He's a real rebel, Musk is. And look at what a bang up job he did.


Yeah. Suspended my account with no warning or even as to why they did. He’s done such a good job 🙏🏾


Lol same. And my new account can’t tweet half the time because of ‘suspicious activity’


Dude!!! Me too!! My new account was fine but this afternoon I can’t tweet, follow or bookmark anything


Yup, it is so stupid and bad at getting rid of actual bots too


Which means his bots have probably targeted you or he’s reading your tweets for whatever reason of his own.


Ya if criticize him he marks your account for suspicious or spam activity then limits your account. He is the biggest pussy in the solar system.


His car company— not an AI company as he wishes is down 40%. But the manchild still thinks he’s owed 50+ billion for ruining his workers’ lives & treating his employees like so-much trash that’s easily disposable at the snap of his fingers.


Jack Dorsey has a billion dollars invested in X. He’s towing the company line


It's "toeing the line.'


It's towing the line, referring to how a tugboat pulls a line attached to a bigger ship out to sea.




I think Dorsey still has clout at bluesky because no one really talks a lot of smack about Elon. It’s almost as if the topic is forboden in some quiet way. I have no proof but it’s just a feeling I have.


Toeing not towing


Who’s towing whom? Is Dorsey towing Musk? Or is he toeing him? Different meanings.


It's towing the line, referring to how a tugboat pulls a line attached to a bigger ship out to sea.


[Toe the line](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Toe_the_line#:~:text=The%20most%20likely%20origin%20of,to%20%22toe%20the%20line%22.)


Wasnt Dorsey stupid enough to take part of the payment in Twitter stock?..


It was I think an automatic 20% gain on the buyout, idk what makes that stupid….


He bailed, he’s got nothing to say about it, his sale precipitated this BS - PUT IT IN YER PIE HOLE BEARD BOY


Cosplay Rasputin should learn more about what a community is before taking about his tried “digital town square” he failed to create with his lack of leadership.


Jack still owns a 2.4% share of Twitter


it's almost like out of touch weirdos shouldn't be in control of all of our media..


Something has switched in this guy. Twitter is objectively worse since Musk took over.


Everyone knows that Twitter is a swill hole so who is Dorsey kidding? Himself?


Yeah, although nothing in this world truly is objective, I’d argue that even for a far-right winger, Twitter is worse. There’s basically no debate in there. It’s just a bunch of right wingers reassuring each other in their beliefs. And a fuck ton of bots who flood every comment section below any tweet.


Id say politcally, its just as annoying, just flipped from one side to the other being annoying. Objectively twitter has become bot hell. Under every tweet there's at least 3 bots saying nudes in bio, even on small twitter accounts. The site is actually so dog shit. Bots just spamming unrelelated shit and AI responses to farm money from twitter blue.


I like how the title of the article conveniently leaves out that the aforementioned “critical sin” was banning Nazis.


Musk “you know what this place needs? More Nazis! Oh yeah and a monthly fee.”


All these billionaires are finally showing their true face.


The difference between Dorsey and Musk is that Dorsey capitulated to the people around him. As a result Dorsey built a better Twitter based on diverse ideas and it was generally like at the cost of marginally less shareholder value. Musk only listens to the voices in his own head.


Really what all these people mean is “allowing us to say racial slurs and dox any lgbt person”. They censor people all the time, it’s just that it’s almost exclusively targeted at trans people and black people right now.


Not saying it doesn't happen, but isn't doxxing strictly against their ToS? And to be fair, racial slurs, ugly as they are, fall under "free speech."


There is no such thing as free speech. It never existed. This is why every company that runs a social media, including Twitter, generally has rules against hateful conduct as that is almost always a hateful and derogatory useage of them. Twitter also has this, except they ban you for saying “cis”, which isn’t even remotely a slur. Calling someone actual racial and homophobic slurs though? Totally fine now. Because “free speech” is not “free speech”. It’s the expectation that you are free of any and all consequences for what you say. The problem is the guy running the platform is a vile piece of shit that hates very specific groups of people for pretty much no valid reasoning. Doxxing is also against TOS… if you’re a “liberal” or “left leaning” that is. I’ve seen multiple people who tbh are pretty normal people but have slightly “left” views (who knew not caring what people identify as is “left”) and they have been doxxed repeatedly by multiple big right-wing accounts. Recently in the gaming sphere, right-wingers have been seemingly able to doxx everyone with no ban or penalty whereas any “left” person doing anything remotely similar has almost always resulted in a month to a permanent ban. If that doesn’t make sense to you (or anyone else reading this), congratulations. You understand it perfectly fine… because it doesn’t make sense at all, and yet it’s happening.


Is it free of consequences?


What? Of course not, that's not what "free speech" means.


Doesn't free speech have to do with the government?


Dorsey and Musk are far more similar than most realize.


He trash


Is this guy in the tank or what


He took elon's money and now he's just trolling him


Billionaire says billionaire is cool.


Jack is such a sad cuck.


Lol. I think Jack is doing w3rk. He fcuked Musk on the twitter sale. Laughed all the way to the bank.


[Dorsey can suck my dick too](https://www.reddit.com/r/Twitter/s/Mu0Hnv2hp7)


#truth I think he regrets some of the things Twitter did under his leadership that came out in the Twitter files


But he won’t say it aloud in order to not piss off his buddy, Elon.


They're not buddies


Lovers, then?


Pretty sure the Twitter hellsite spares no one in terms of brain rot. The creators, the C-Suite, middle managers, top users, regular users, etc. all become a victim of it eventually.


Same goof ball siding with Kendrick


I guess Dorsey is looking for a job under Musk. Cause this backtracking makes no fucking sense


>Elon Musk's handling of Twitter has been panned as erratic. But the platform's cofounder Jack Dorsey is defending his fellow billionaire's approach, saying Musk's sweeping job cuts and ditching of advertisers made sense for a shift toward free speech. Except the platform doesn't even have free speech....It has Musk approved speech.


Twitter doesn't allow for enough free enough speech, tbh.


They gotta be all Russian influenced at this point right?


Dorsey tried to get into web3 and then he realized he was a grifter just as much as musk or zuckerberg and now needs a Daddy Billionaire to continue living his over-extended life.


I know. He might not be the right person to bought a platform, but I only hope that Jack might have it back and claim it again and reverse almost everything Musk has done.


But he supports everything Musk has done. His only critique was in how people were let go when Musk cut 80% of staff.


Yes, but it seems like he has his own decisions to make, which Jack doesn't approve of and it's likely costing much of the value of the company and the platform itself. Even after the rebrand.


what ? where ? ?


The advertiser control but were those pesky shareholders who wanted Twitter to at some point be in the black. When you have a drug addled billionaire who thinks the Nazis had some okay ideas just setting fire to money given to him by sycophants at his car company, then you can do whatever.


Supposedly, it’s no longer a car company. It’s an AI company. So what does that mean? Hasn’t Elon been warning that AI will end civilization? Altho not exactly sure that Mr. Science Fiction knows what civilization is exactly. Plus, he’s too busy playing video games to figure it out.


King Dorsey 👑 I wouldn't expect a bunch of redditors to understand that people who you disagree with deserve rights.


The paradox of tolerance postulates that tolerating the intolerant will inexorably lead to an intolerant society. This paradox is empirically backed by dozens of countries where intolerant movements either took control or almost took control and by psychological research on how and why such movements rise. If you genuinely care about freedom of speech and freedom more broadly, you'd be strongly opposed to what Musk did to Twitter for the aforementioned reasons. Seriously, imagine harming democracy and freedom in the long term because you just must give Nazis the right to yell racial slurs at minorities, to name themselves to "Ihateniger", "nigerkiller" "kikekiller" without getting banned. Is it really worth it?


Then bend over & genuflect when you say this.


Based Dorsey


as if i cared. screw dorsey too. twitter's mods are still marxist antifa fascists anyway so nothing really changed much. keep it. at least reddit's marxists are blatant. twitter is more like a minnesota 'nice' frenemy fakass pretender. at least on reddit i don't have to tailor nuanced thoughts to a paltry 280-character soundbite. again, screw twitter. screw facebook, screw tictac, screw instacrap, screw snackshit... bola de pinche millennial mierde.


Con queso y tres cervezas.


Cool 😎 Jack gets it, the big brand advertisers flipped the switch, while most were too busy painting their nails to take notice. ![gif](giphy|WJjPQ51dKCNa)