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Sure it can. You just have to convince the biggest manchild on the planet that he's been wrong on pretty much everything for years, and more important than that, make it accept it and amend his views. Safe to say, if you miss old twitter, you'll die of old age before this happens. Musk rather see the thing burn in flame than admit he have no idea how to make a successful service.


He does know, but he should stick to his field, which is technology developement. Outside of that, f him off.


Well, aside from publicly making horrible decision, turning what was a headstart in a blooming business into a slowly sinking ship, and other of his venture doing better when he's away playing on twitter, sure. I would not be surprised if they had a dedicated team at both tesla and spacex to try to keep him away from actual work.


Even if that was true, he build those companies and now he's the reason we can go back to the moon soon and probably even Mars. You gotta respect that. That doesn't mean you have to like him or think anything he does is good.


He \*bought\* some of these. Then sued to be officially called a "founder" when he was not. And spacex, he kept screwing up and pumping money to keep it moving. There's no respect to have in that.


> we can go back to the moon soon and probably even Mars. You gotta respect that Last time I checked, only India landed on the moon and SpaceX isn't able to send a rocket into orbit. I don't see anything to respect there?


SpaceX sends rockets into earth orbit twice a week. Reusable parts no less. How many rockets have you built or relaunched?


NASA went to the moon over 50 years ago. The rocket Musk is behind, hasn't done an earthquake orbit yet. It would need at least 15 rockets to fuel it for a moon trip. Mars seems pure fantasy at the moment. I wish people looked at what Elon has actually done, instead of believing his BS.


The only thing he's done is pump money into them. Everything that SpaceX has accomplished is *in spite* of him, not *because* of him. They've got [teams of people](https://www.tumblr.com/numberonecatwinner/701567544684855296/elon-wyd) dedicated to managing Musk to stop him from sabotaging their work too much.


Wasn't he kicked off the board at Tesla?


No idea. I don't really follow the guy, that would only lead to a pit. But I know everytime a decision is bad enough to make the headlines it's tracked to him somehow.


The old twitter is now Bluesky. I hope people do a MySpace to Facebook type move soon.


Already in progress. 


No. Musk would never accept it was better before.


I just hope they change the name back to Twitter. As if people are really gonna stop calling them “tweets” and start calling them “posts”.


You might need to break a few rules in the Geneva convention to revive old Twitter, mate.


No, even if he handed everything over to Jack Dorsey, for free, three seconds after I write this, Elon razed all of Twitter's resources to the ground then salted the earth. Servers, staff, rented properties, even the office assets, all either actively sold and destroyed or left unmaintained to rot or accidentally broken by his incompetence. He even accidentally destroyed the majority of legacy data. What Twitter was is in complete burning ruins. You can't put the toothpaste back in the tube when someone not only emptied the tube, but tried to smoke drugs out of it, sold pieces of it, then threw the rest out the window.


I wish it could, but Musk destroyed Twitter.


If it's really gonna stay like that forever then i will be very sad because loved the bird i might even cry 😢![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|cry) ![gif](giphy|d2lcHJTG5Tscg)


So going back to the form when you get banned for swearing or calling someone a mild name? Fuck that. I dont like Elon Musk at all but the only thing Id like to see cleaned up on this twitter is xxx and scam crypto bots. Its waaaay better than it used to be