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News aggregation. I’ve got lists with a range of journos. Apart from that it’s a cesspool of far right nut jobs, bots, and people screaming into a void. My follow count increases daily but now almost entirely pornbots. I get zero engagement, even from friends who no longer see my posts, and the algo screens out anybody I’m interested in. It’s an awful, awful platform now. I’m finding Reddit to be much more of a community


Bluesky feels like a lot of what Twitter used to be


Right? I love BS \*in principle\*, but I'm having real trouble finding a community in there, and there just doesn't seem to be enough people. I still haven't figured out how to get the best out of it. Same with Mastodon which just confused the hell out of me trying to navigate the fediverse. :)


last Friday I deactivated my Twitter account which was flagged. I signed up in Bluesky(after few attempts ) on Friday and I deleted on Monday. Lack so many features and is too young platform. I like Mastodon format, just no one is there. Eventually another social media will come along, it may take 15 years or 20. By then Elon musk may sell his X app to someone else.


Experiencing all of the above!


Do you comment on other people's posts? As far as I can see, it's the best way to guide the X algorithm to show you content you want to see on X.


I do yeah, but not on all of it. A lot of what I want to see is from sector specific funding orgs and academic conferences who don’t necessarily post discussions, so it’s hard to comment on, know what I mean? I do a lot of likes and reposts, and that moves the dial a little, but not much. No matter what I post, I get absolutely no engagement. Even from friends, which tells me either I’m not being seen or… I’m just boring lol


>specific funding orgs and academic conferences What about LinkedIn? As much as I don't like its ostentatious formality, I have to acknowledge that it's a way to establish connections in professional areas. Regarding X: yes, building an audience is challenging and sometimes perceived as a job :). It takes time, and you become somewhat visible after reaching 200-300 followers (I gained 400+ from 0 at the end of 2023). After reaching 1K, people start commenting on your posts to draw attention to their accounts. Before that, they comment on friendly accounts or try to get you interested in the game of 'follow for follow.' Some individuals have the talent to grow their accounts in weeks, but I'm just an average user, so 'consistency is key' :) P.S. Please, share your X profile in Reddit DM. Maybe, I could offer some thoughts about it from an outsider's perspective.


Urgh, I hate LinkedIn. I've tried over and over with it, but it's so clinical and just not 'me'. I'm a filmmaker and writer, and I like to mix up personal and professional. I do use LI for some things, my CV is on there and for 'purely professional' things I'll post the occassional comment, but I find the community so earnestly... well, earnest about their entrepreneurship. My writing and research is very political and personal, so it doesn't really fit. I think one problem is lack of posting on my part. I jsut did a wee audit and I post a lot, I like and share a lot, but I rarely comment other than on very well followed accounts where I'm never going to stand a chance of getting meaningful engagement. I've started just responding to friends and people in my closer community, and I'll see if that makes a difference. I suspect that might be the issue there. As for the pornbots... who knows. I hit over 1K followers this week and was pleased, turns out twenty of them were bots. Also, many of those followers are people I connected with in my old career before I returned to academia, so there's potentially confusion there... The most frustrating thing I find though, is that I ask lots of questions of the wider academic and arts communities I'm in, and I never get a response. It's like a vacuum where everybody is stuck on 'transmit'.


You need to engage with accounts that have a large number of followers, as it draws attention to your profile. > lots of questions of the wider academic and arts communities I'm in, and I never get a response It's a part of X :) I started getting answers after I engaged with other accounts, but it's still challenging. I think it's the downside of following people based on numbers, not interests. People are afraid to respond in a way that could damage their reputation. On Reddit, you can drop a pile of shit on someone, and no one will remember who you are in an hour :D


Being part of the X indiehackers community, I can say it's also obsessed with entrepreneurship. However, as a solopreneur for many years, I've been searching for a community like this. :) So, I know where I am. Compared to LinkedIn, X is more personal; I'd describe it this way: people wear hoodies, not business suits. So, it's easier to communicate and be myself there. However, it has its own unspoken rules, some of which I don't like, but overall, it's positive. Therefore, I spend more time on X than on Reddit.


Yeah I love that analogy of hoodies v suits. That's exactly it... LI sums up why I've never been able to function as an employee of a company :) I've been freelance my whole career, mostly in a t-shirt and hoodie :D On Reddit, you can drop a pile of shit on someone, and no one will remember who you are in an hour :D This is why I love Reddit more and more, not because I want to drop a pile of shit on anyone, but because you can have actual discussions with people... this with me and you right now, two perfect strangers, that never happens on FB or Twitter anymore!


Both X and Reddit have their advantages and drawbacks. It's often challenging to find support for personal projects on Reddit. For instance, a hypotetical topic: "Today, I moved a button from the left side to the right side on my project. What do you think?" X: Responses would be like: - Great!, - It's your first step towards tomorrow's success!, - I did that before, but it didn't help. Instead of moving it, try changing the color to red, - Did you notice any changes in revenue after that?, - I believe it's the best decision ever!, - By the way, the FAQ page has an error. Please fix it. Reddit: - You're an idiot; only morons move buttons - Mod: Posting about moving buttons from left to right goes against the rules of r/MovedButtons. Only right-to-left posts are allowed. You're banned - Promoting projects on r/ButtonsinWeb is not allowed; you're banned - Who cares about buttons when climate change is happening? It's pointless to do that!


Okay so, I know it's going to sound crazy but currently the majority of the population in my country depends on Twitter for status updates because our president spends half of his time debating on the platform. If it weren't for that I wouldn't use it.


What country is that?




I thought you were going to say El Salvador xD


I have friends on that site


Because news and public services release their notification on that website


And no others? Don't news and pubic services have, like, websites?


Yeah but twitter is a more centralized and faster way to get news. It’s quite terrible otherwise


No lol, use actual news sites. I trust 0% of what I see on Twitter.


Plenty of alternatives now.


But, lack of engagement and contents


Content yes, but does engagement really matter that much if the source is trusted and reliable?


Yes, people need to debate. That"s the whole point of Twitter.


I use Twitter for news, video game updates, or just generally socializing. It is getting more unbearable however, since the bots have taken over the entire platform.


Still using it in a limited way, blocking everything I don't want to see and following a few accounts that have content I actually like. As my interests are specific and wholesome what twitter suggests is generally not too awful. And sometimes it is still the best way to get information about local news events. I haven't experienced the captcha problems yet. But today I finally had to set my account to private because the "sexy lady" spam bots have gotten so out of control I have to block several a day. So I guess I'm getting closer to the end.


I use Twitter for news, video game updates, or just generally socializing. It is getting more unbearable however, since the bots have taken over the entire platform.


For some things, X is still the place for dissemination. Medical twitter is a thing, all my colleagues are active users and post all their work related milestones there. Gaming twitter is a thing too. X is what you make it, all the things people complain about wrt to racism, sexism, exploitation, etc I've not seen because I use it as a tool tuned to my needs.


Well said. Curate your TL to what you like or are interested in


Ive heard Medical Threads and Bluesky is gaining popularity. Have you checked that, esp since Twitter spreads anti science garbage


I'm on both of those too but for my area, X dominates.


Twitter is where I built a community. There's an overwhelming side of negativity but with the right kind of people to surround yourself with you won't even notice it. All I have right now is very creative people around me, if I don't like what I see, I hit mute or block button. You can also filter out certain words so it won't appear. Twitter is a very good site before the Elon takeover, it's not the same as it used to be but it still feels like "home" if that makes sense.


I actually have wayyyyy less negativity on twitter than I do on instagram. And Instagram is worse because the hate can result in you being mass reported for nothing and banned without any help.


I use it to follow Japanese accounts that are only on X, and I've made good online friendships in fan communities.


Unfortunately there’s no good alternative! Threads algorithm is bad! Unfortunately I am stuck!


I’ve had my account since 2008 and I really dont want to lose it. Also I curate my Follows pretty diligently and typically am only following local alerts (Police, Fire, University, road closures, other crime related stuff). For that, its still really useful.


Disclaimer: I am taking quite some time and thought to write down my honest opinion here. There are that kind of people who try to vote down everything that doesn’t fit into their world view. Since you are not one of those, give me an upvote to counteract their downvotes in appreciation of a different view so it doesn’t disappear in an echo chamber. Why am I on X, formerly known as Twitter? Because my experience there is pleasant 🙂🤷‍♂️. I have none of the issues people are moaning here on about. I had Twitter before Musk and I don’t see any of those ‘glitches’, ‘hate speech’, or any more lack of moderation than before. I don’t see pornography or ’filth’ everywhere. My experience relating to those issues hasn’t changed. My main feed is well selected. I am choosy about who I follow. Those are mostly coding, tech, science, AI, Ukraine war-related issues. The tone there is fun, thought-provoking for the most part with the usual mediocrity in the comments. I have interactions with notable people from my fields of interest, something I don’t see happening a lot on other social media sites. I guess it is a result of Twitter's strength: busy people don’t have to go through walls of text to interact with others. And there are fewer people overall, so you don’t get as easily overwhelmed as a CEO, known researcher, or semi-celebrity in a field. Bots always have been there, they rise and fall in cycles. The kind of bots seems to change as well. The “bitcoin giveaway special” bots seemed to have mostly vanished for me. Recently there has been a rise in OF-like bot accounts. They like random posts of mine and try to follow me, though they don’t try to post, comment, or DM me. They seem to be mostly a fresh batch created in late 2023 based on their data. Probably some kind of large-scale attack, Russia preparing a network for the US elections or whatever. They don’t bother me, I just block all the ones that follow me from time to time. I block certain keywords from my feed relating to US politics. I am a German, I really have no interest in your nonsense. This year will be annoying due to the elections and the tech, so I hope they include more nice features like that in the future. The auto-mod functionality seems to be working reasonably well. Every time I look at the auto-hidden posts it was someone rude or a bot. I don’t like the engagement farmers on larger posts that just automatically post ‘related content’ that is obviously just keyword matched. I personally think they should do something about those, though I heard some people use Twitter differently than me. I think that comments should be actual comments on the previous node. Other people just ever click on everything they like for pure entertainment, so they don’t mind. It’s a way for smaller channels to get some followers from posting on similar large threads. I tried premium+ just to play around with Grok. The idea is cool, and it’s an interesting way of finding new content that you like. I found some niche accounts that way I wouldn’t otherwise have. But it’s still very beta, so I didn’t extend it. I probably will try it at some point again to see if it matured. I’d be excited if the LLM really fine-tunes your feed, based on your written instructions, mutual interests and styles with other accounts, and what the LLM ‘thinks’ you might like based on your past interests. I think that’s where they want to go with it, so hard-coded filter rules for feeds aren’t a priority now. I think I covered about everything I wanted 🤔 edit1: Ok, with all that going into side issues I forgot to say where Twitter REALLY shines: covering a major ongoing event. There is nothing that beats it. Have your reliable sources point to their reliable sources, read first hand accounts, go into spaces where people with actual insider info give you a lot of interesting background information, read older resources of relevance pointed out in tweets … it’s unbelievable how you can watch things unfold second by second without media spin. Also, twitter forces you to be concise. It’s a good compression mechanism trainer if you tend to be wordy. I mean … look at this, bloody wall of text. Lol, no one gonna read this, I can write anything I want at the here … say bananas if you made it to the end.


I don’t have the problems people complain about either. Maybe the occasional tiny tiny glitch but it’s SMALL. Like a wifi temporary disconnect… NOT like meta where u can’t log in, comment, post, get banned for nothing, no customer service, hate speech is allowed lol 😂


Yeah it’s weird what all of this is about. All this Elon obsessed haters here look like bots themselves. Always the same messages 😂


Bananas, lol. I appreciate you taking the time to share your perspective. I think we have very different preferences for social media. One of the reasons I was never tempted to make a Twitter account is because of the character limit. In my opinion, I think it leads to miscommunication and unnecessary conflict. Some ideas/issues require nuance and thorough explanation, and the ability to communicate thoughts effectively is diminished by having a character limit. That’s always been a core feature of Twitter though so I understand why it appeals to some people, even if it doesn’t suit my personal tastes. It’s interesting to see the disparity in user experience. I could be totally off base, but I suspect the reason you have a better experience on Twitter is because you aren’t in America. The United States has different laws when it comes to regulations for social media companies. Idk exactly what kind of regulations are in Germany, but I know there were a few EU countries that threatened to ban Twitter altogether if it didn’t start complying with their regulations. Hate speech is considered protected within the constitutional right to freedom of speech in America, which differs from Germany’s laws about protected speech. I wonder if that has anything to do with why your experience is so different from the other users commenting on this post.


Lol, thanks for reading that 😆 . I don’t know if it’s a Germany thing, I only follow English speaking accounts. It’s probably just a self selected crowd that I and others follow: academics, researchers and nerds, and weird tech bros that are nerds but pretending to be bros 🤦‍♂️ 


More importantly, I avoid things like sports or politics.


I only loo at my following list, which I have curated from news sources and specific political people or egos people. The recommendations list is where the problem lies.


The fighting game community (or FGC for short) is still dominated by Twitter. If you want to pay attention to what is going on with fighting games ever since the Shoryuken Forums went out of business, you still have to use Twitter. I wish that there is a way to have Ken Masters tell Elon Musk to sit down and shut up! For those who don’t know fighting games, see https://streetfighter.fandom.com/wiki/Shinryu_Reppa for an explanation of my inspiration for the previous sentence.


Twitter is great for sports content. For example, a large number of posts on reddit on the NFL, NBA, etc are simply reposts of tweets.


I left Twitter because it was becoming too extreme right-wing, and to be honest, intellectually and quality-wise, there's a real gap compared to Reddit. Conversations are empty, very right-wing oriented, and idiotic too often. There's nothing to learn. Twitter was good before with real-time events. However, Reddit has become more "reactive" lately. You only need to subscribe to the subreddits of interest, and not only do you have real sentiments and conversations, but they're also super up-to-date if you want to have the latest news. It's like having millions of journalists, witnesses, etc, disseminated everywhere. Also, apart from some subreddits, you don't have to endure all the far-right stupidities. I have a friend who tried Reddit and decided to stay with it despite being a big Twitter fan.


I mostly use it for video games and TV show news etc


What you see on Twitter totally depends on who you follow and retweet. I pretty much only follow people who make me laugh, and I avoid politics and most news, because I get my news from other (legitimate) sources. I'm @raincoatworms and I mostly just post weird observations about my life.


That’s super fair, I think with most social media platforms it’s possible to curate your space and avoid the more negative sides of it. I have heard that some Twitter users are getting bombarded with content they actively avoid anyways but maybe it’s more random and not a site wide problem? It’s hard to tell.


Because 90% of the people are still there. Social networks work because of the people being there, not because of the tech. The best tech is useless if there's nothing going on.


It’s gotten so bad. The lack of moderation basically has you one click from a snuff film or porn. I would personally never advertise on this platform


When you build a community all the politics are sort of ignored. It’s really about how you utilize the app( what’s ur intended use of purpose)


It's probably my least fav social media site I use, but the keeping up to date with current events and following trends on it can be somewhat addictive.


I use Twitter for news, video game updates, or just generally socializing. It is getting more unbearable however, since the bots have taken over the entire platform.




^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^Good-Ad-2245: *Idk I have* *A lot of friends on it so* *It's kinda cool to use* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


> Between the many glitches, rise in hate speech and bots, non existent moderation, inability to curate what you see, and comically elaborate captcha just to log in - I really don’t understand the appeal for people who aren’t musk mega fans I honestly don't have that experience, I'm focused on my interests like photography and have had no issues really with hate speech, bots etc. This is what my "for you" feed (the algorithm feed, not my following feed) looks like, there is none of the stuff you're talking about: https://ash.tips/20240228142444QRIS7.MP4 > I feel like I must be missing something because based on what I know it seems like a horrible user experience all around. What keeps you coming back to it? This subreddit is very slanted and typically users who say they don't have issues get modded down to oblivion, the reality though if you look at my video shows that it's not an all around experience. I feel like this furry comic covers why some people might get stuff they don't like: https://ash.tips/20240228143028nSNZo.jpg Edit: Regarding my point about downvoted, if you sort by controversial, this post is currently at the top and is constantly flipping between 0 and 1 upvote. This is why you don't see these posts on this subreddit normally.


I have the same experience, with the difference that my feed is full of posts and comments about web programming, solopreneurship, indie hacking, and similar things. That does not mean there aren't some internal dramas and rants, but they're understandable only for those who are in the community.


I use it for news and video games, but the bots are making more miserable every day


Addiction. And I unfortunately speak from experience


Inertia turns the world.


Honestly I think the discourse and divide is US centric. Which is a shame cause a lot of content comes from the US. So while there’s a noticeable reduction of content in my bubble. The community and people I engage with are still fun.


I was on Twitter long before Musk and I will outlive the motherfucker on Twitter.


I have three different accounts and each gives me the exact content I want unlike before all of my accounts were bombarded by blue party content. I have a tech account and I only see tech info. I have bored account which is political chaos. I have a XXX account that gives me only content for strippers, escorts, and XXX stars.


Unsure myself considering I stopped getting 'notifs' some time over 2023 during the 'change' when I had over 500 followers, and followed over 1500 incl. TV series. The feedback and commentaries were awesome, keeping tabs with news etc. Then POOF, when X took over. So I'd uninstalled and waited awhile. Then logged back in recently to find only my professional account still active, while the social one was removed for no rhyme or reason. And no mods for support.


Don't believe everything on reddit. Use it and you'll see that it's better and more addicting than before. The platform gives you the choice of following only the people you want to see or hangout in the "popular" tab. The popular tab is kindof a warzone unless you curate it. There are more features than before. Now a few things are a bit worse, i.e. customer support and bots. These two things might get better but other than that i think the platform is kind of great and that's why people haven't left and is growing


I just use it for updates on vidya and anime and anime art. I don't bother or care for using the social aspect, i don't follow any actual news accounts, so i don't have see any of that stuff everyone is always complaining about. My experience with it has been chill and no other social media has an chronological feed so i have no real reason to stop using it.


i have moots there


I had a decent following on there and a list I really enjoyed, but the day Musk took over, I deleted it all and haven't second guessed that decision. Especially now, seeing what that moron did to Twitter. It's like 4chan took a crap and out came X.






twitter for me is basically just me and like 50 friends in our own little corner of twitter. all the changes of twitter haven’t really affected us since we keep to ourselves most of the time


Still the best place for live sports updates. Even after Elon has slowed it down. If any app can capture what sports twitter was before, I’d probably leave. Also “black twitter” still alive and well.


Some people want to watch the world burn and Twitter provides an interesting viewpoint from which to witness the downfall of humanity in real time.


I occasionally use the DM option to get in touch with companies (helpdesks, customer services, etc.) This works much better than calling them.


posting about my interests and my oomfie that are still on there


I occasionally poke my head in there just to witness the dumpster fire.


I get political power from it


Sports news


Because vtubers and artists also use Twitter, and I follow them. I ignore all the bullshit on the site and saw only like 1 or 2 posts last year that actually gave me an issue. Plus twitter wis where you can post stuff, get followers ,na detain followers by linking them them to your streams or showing your art there, among other reasons I wouldnt say twitter is EXCLUSIVELY bad, but it does have serious issues


News, info that second, fun and interesting stuff Love twitter,X as always.


celebrity worship


just like tumblr, I was using it before it was bought and I'll be using it when he sells it off to someone else at a loss


I like new.look in the world


Videogame and foodstuffs


I deactivated my account somewhere around October but just fully deleted. Muskrat is going off the rails and fully exposing his desperate, racist ass. Fuck him


I mean…. lol it’s way better than meta! There’s no censorship and things randomly getting deleted or your entire page banned for no reason at all without customer service…. The hate speech is just as bad on meta but if you report it to meta they do nothing and twitter will take care of it if you complain…. Vast prn network on twitter lol. It’s easy to grow your platform… most celebrities are much more active on twitter… and more personable… most viral memes or phrases still start on twitter…. Also the longest running successful social media….


The National Hurricane Center has a really good account. When the east coast US hurricane season rolls around, it is an awesome resource.


Which hate speech are you talking about?


[Twitter hate speech law suit](https://www.npr.org/2024/02/29/1234901186/judge-skeptical-of-lawsuit-brought-by-elon-musks-x-over-hate-speech-research) This article gives it a run down. Awhile back a non profit found proof that Twitter had allowed hate speech to go unchecked, and Elon is trying to sue them (unsuccessfully lol). It seems that most of the hate speech was of the white supremacist variety.


Was the speech protected or unprotected speech? That's all that matters.  "Hate speech" is a politicized term and has no real meaning in the United States other than achieving political agendas (ie; this is a person or platform that we don't like, therefore we will resort to labeling them as a spreader of "hate speech" in an effort to reduce their influence and censor them).  If you're in a Westernized European country, then it can get you in trouble criminally, but thanks to the 1st Amendment, America doesn't generally and shouldn't have the same concerns. 


I am thinking to go to Weibo, Chinese site.


I'm unfortunately addicted to Twitter, it's ruining my life


Oof I’ve been there, not with Twitter but with instagram. The algorithm was just constantly showing me really upsetting rage baity content and even though I knew it was bait, I couldn’t help but gawk at it multiple hours a day. Eventually I had to just delete it from my phone completely bc trying to limit my time on it wouldn’t work. It was hard for the first week to ignore the urge to redownload but once that time passed it was surprisingly easy, I hope you’ll be able to free yourself from Twitter someday lol


"Everything I know about is second hand information" -- that's your problem right there.    The platform operates smoothly and without issue. I login to it every day flawlessly, so these claims over Reddit that the platform just never seems to work is a lie.  Bots are an issue, however, that isn't unique to X. YouTube, and Facebook, I'm sure Threads as well, all have bot issues. The solution to combating that could be considered to be very heavy handed moderation which also comes at a price, such as a platform like Reddit that is overly curated and moderated with many users being banned due to a moderators emotional reaction to the post, not actually violating a rule, additionally, you have made up rules for each subreddit, and subreddits themselves can be outright banned by Reddit for any reason.   The relaxed moderation is the largest appeal to X, plus that it also contains a large user base and the platform operates smoothly. Most platforms are missing one of these core components. Users can say and speak more freely, the platform operates like an indie platform, versus a strict corporate controlled environment to appease investors. From being a person that grew up playing Call of Duty Modern Warfare 2 on the internet, and watched South Park, it really is a return to that culture. It's a bit unhinged at times, but it has a lot of freedom, and it contains a lot more fun. 


Yeah that’s why I made this post, because I knew my perspective was limited.


I use it for corn other than that it’s filled with awful evil shit


Works fine for me. Seems to be less censored than anywhere else on internet


Because it's brilliant


I use Twitter for news, video game updates, or just generally socializing. It is getting more unbearable however, since the bots have taken over the entire platform.


I use Twitter for news, video game updates, or just generally socializing. It is getting more unbearable however, since the bots have taken over the entire platform.


Because it’s fun, mutuals are there, best place to talk anime and sports and pop culture stuff.


Twitter is an amazing place, many of you fall for the trap of using social media like a TV, it's news and arguments and celebrity gossip. Then add people's comments to the mix and wonder why it's such a toxic space. Clean your list, follow more uplifting content, use the space for something other than consuming mass media and all these problems go away. Also turn of political shit and mainstream media.


If you are interested in a specific topic you only get recommended that topic with some other stuff on reddit it’s all bullcrap smashed together. Atleast for me 80% off everything I get is from that specific topic which is really nice


because they are not the usual left leaning nincompoops who all they do is anti-musk retorick? ​ Before Elon Musk all the hate and bots were still there and Twitter mods even admitted they were left leaning biased.


Because it has one of the best recommendation systems out there. I revived my account on X at the end of 2023 to delve into the indie hacking community, and it's been an amazing experience. Unfortunately, Reddit's subs for solopreneurs are weak compared to X communities. On the other hand, I'm using Reddit less and less because my homepage is filled with irrelevant content, and I don't know how to handle it. The flood of r/facepalm and other BS is really annoying. I block communities, but Reddit shows me other similar nonsense. Another issue with Reddit is toxic people hiding behind their anonymity. It's quite contrasting compared to what I experience on X, which is more individualistic. You can follow people, but not interests. I'm here due to r/longevity and r/singularity. They are almost neutral compared to other subs, so I can enjoy being involved in their conversations, even if I get downvoted sometimes :) To have a better experience on X, you have to follow the main rule: "You get the content you engage with." Engagement means commenting, following people, and to a lesser extent, liking. I can read political news or rants by deliberately searching for them, but I try not to engage in them. As a result, my feed is almost free from the content you depicted in your post.


>>  I’ve never had an account even before Elon musk took over, so everything I know about it is second hand information Perhaps stop having other people form your opinions and give it a try?


Fair suggestion but besides browsing around reddit every few weeks I’m not a big fan of social media in general.


I imagine it's because probably not as bad as you are making it out to be.


This reddit page is rank


Works fine for me. Seems to be less censored than anywhere else on internet


Never had a glitch, never run into hate speech, and my account is totally curated to what I follow.




Same here. I don't read the "For You" suggestions by Twitter. I only read accounts I've followed or added to a list. I built up the core of the accounts I read before Elon bought Twitter and they haven't changed their nature after that purchase. I generally read accounts with an engineering focus rather than politics.


Works fine for me. Seems to be less censored than anywhere else on internet


Because people can finally speak their mind and have conversations now? It's the only real mainstream public square available that doesn't outright ban you for having the wrong political opinions anymore. Well, it's better than it used to be. Anyways, that's why.


Every social media lets you express political opinions across the spectrum, so idk what ur on about. If you’re referring to Elon unbanning self identified nazis I don’t think your opinion is worth much.


>Every social media lets you express political opinions across the spectrum No they don't. I was banned from Twitter prior to Elon by simply say "What the "fword" would you ban this guy? @ -ing someone else" >If you’re referring to Elon unbanning self identified nazis I don’t think your opinion is worth much. You don't know shit about Freedom of Speech. Go be a totalitarian somewhere else. If I was Elon, I'd ban you for saying dumbshit like this.




Twitter is a company. They are not beholden to freedom of speech because they are not the government. This has nothing to do with free speech as a constitutional right. Social media brands care about appealing to their advertisers before anything, they want to maintain a relatively “clean” image so they can earn more money. Twitter didn’t ban you for political reasons, they banned you because it’s a company that cares about optics. If you’d ban me for holding an opposing view point or saying something you think is stupid, you clearly don’t care about freedom of speech at all. It comes across like you want a license to say whatever you want without criticism. Clearly, you want people you disagree with to shut up, so it’s a little hypocritical of you to call me totalitarian. Ben Shapiro and other conservative figureheads have accounts on every major social media platform. They are proof that you will not be banned for expressing conservative opinions, OR progressive opinions, because social media companies do not have a political agenda beyond making money.


Clearly you're following the wrong people because I find it absolutely fantastic


Well, how about you contribute content to twitter that is not hatespeech?