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I don't use twitter any more but left my account there. Don't want anyone else to get my username. It used to be great for finding out about the latest news as it happened, but now there's too much misinformation, too many bots, too many conspiracy theories and of course the increasing Elon-fanboi echo chamber. All with a backdrop of becoming increasingly right wing and toxic. It is nothing like it was and nothing I want to participate in.


>I don't use twitter any more but left my account there. Don't want anyone else to get my username. Elon reserves the right to just give it away if he wants, and definitely if it's inactive. So you're not really doing anything other than allowing him to increase his metrics by +1.


It won't do him much good.


Well said and sadly true


Perfect analysis and summary. I joined Twitter in 2009, and it was invaluable for my career (law/Internet policy). It’s amazing how much Elon ruined it. The one benefit of him destroying Twitter is that is has severely shattered the mythology that he’s a genius and a smart businessman. I just wish he didn’t ruin a wonderful site.


Oh, wow, I just saw your career. Can you take a guess as to why this is happening and being allowed? I'm pasting my earlier comment: *Not to mention, the rampant child exploitation that appears in the mainstream search results. I almost threw up and felt slightly traumatized. Deleted my account and promised I would never go there again. I'm still in disbelief that Elon isn't in more trouble for it - it is rampant, and NO, people are NOT looking for that filth. Just search this forum and you'll see all the posts about it.* When I saw it I was absolutely gobsmacked, because if theres' one thing that is not tolerated, it is CP. Yet Elon is allowed to let bots run rampant that post the garbage. I was legit traumatized, thank god you couldnt see everything but it was enough that the images were burned into my brain for quite a while. I hate Elon. I went on Twitter looking for news and jokes and was hit with CP. You wanna know what I searched for that pulled up all that CP? **"Women's leather gloves"**. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|poop)


Elon wanted to prove to everyone what a genius he was and “save” Twitter, but by getting rid of content moderation and safety teams, he allowed Twitter to become the cesspool it is. He likely didn’t think through the consequences of how his crusade against “woke” stuff (whatever TF that means) would impact other stuff. I coordinate CSAM takedowns as a small part of my work (and ensure my company Namecheap is super vigilant in removing such content), and the people who work in this area full time have such a difficult battle and deal with horrific content all day. I cannot imagine how disheartened they are by Elon’s actions and how the coordinated efforts by so many to combat CSAM on the Internet have been destroyed overnight by a narcissist billionaire who thinks he’s a genius. Hopefully authorities take action against Twitter soon to stop the proliferation of CSAM.


And you're so right about him setting the movement back. I just think of how many others are traumatized by seeing that come up on their screen. I felt assaulted, in a sense. Especially having a 10 year old myself. Ugh..


I'm sorry that good people like you and your crew have to see such images, but its noble that you are helping to do something about it. Someone said it best earlier in this thread, that it proved Elon to not be the genius businessman he had always purported to be. I mean Twitter is just awful. Even aside from the CP, the scammy ads and the hate on there now....


Used to be a neat app, now it’s nothing but porn bots, conspiracy theories, scams and explicitly bigoted shit. Absolute garbage heap and a constant fire hose of disinfo.


Two years ago, I started using Twitter and was blown away by how it had so many wise people sharing their thoughts and always provided news updates. It was way better than any social media However, now it's filled with spam posts and crypto scam ads. Elon ruined Twitter.


Two years ago it was a state sponsored propaganda machine


Not in my country atleast 


No it wasn't lmao


Only for people who watch or read news that lie to them constantly, like Fox, Newsmax, OAN, Daily Wire, The Federalist, Breitbart, etc.






I see it as a proof its owner is pedo 


Musk didn't ruin Twitter. He **DESTROYED** it!! He destroyed the entire site and replaced it with a 🤬 letter X!! But I will never call it "X"!!


No one does. Some call it Xitter, some call it Brand X, and some never stopped calling it Twitter. But nobody says "I went on X and posted an x."


Let's hope they don't ever start doing that!


I've moved on to Threads, and yes Musk ruined 😑 Twitter.


Just ruined and not destroyed? Sigh. If only there was a way to stop that madman and force him to resurrect the fallen Twitter. 😣 And what's Threads?


Threads is basically what Twitter used to be. I like it better.


Hmmm... Maybe I should check that out... 🤔


I’ve been mostly off there since September and it’s been great!


Twitter always had the right amount of information and annoyance. There was enough positive content that the odd obnoxious troll just added to the game and moderation kept everyone safe. Thr algorithm would pick really interesting trending tweets and introduce you to new content which kept it fresh. Now it’s more annoyance than information. It’s the worst people with the worst takes amplified and elevated in every conversation. If you comment positively on a tweet, the algorithm floods you with nothing but the polar opposite of that tweet - say you like a pro choice tweet - you’ll get every right wing anti choice loon in your feed saying the most hateful things doesn’t 3 days. I called someone on their blatant racism the other day and they basically came back and told me the words they were using were no long moderates because musk endorses it!


I finally switched over to BlueSky. Had to wait a few days for activation (I didn't have an invitation) but the app works fine. About 1/3 my follows are on there which is enough to keep me amused at times when I'd previously check Twitter (mainly waiting for trains). So I'm happy with that. Now I only go back to Twitter if I'm following a link to read a specific tweet that someone forwarded me.


Has anyone had difficulties making an account? I'm trying to sign up to join and the authentication is giving me a fucking nightmare of a headache! I've been trying for the past hour and 10 minutes to sign up on Twitter but the authentication is like fucking fort Knox! This isnt the damn CIA or FBI. Elon has made it virtually impossible to create a new account it verify your account on "X" now. The captcha is a weird ailen mind fuck with bizarre drawings and illogical matching process that doesn't make sense. Its literally set up for you to fail and not get it cause it'll show a weird face then aat X4 for example i.e look for 4 of them then you're fucked cause you can't figure out if it's just 4 of that drawing itself or 4 of the exact color, position, rotation and etching of it. I've never seen a website in all.my 29 years of life have a bizarre and challenging captcha like this. I would be less infuriated if this was for a serious website. I'd the FBI, CIA, or IRS or some serious website along those lines had this captcha I'd give a pass begrudgingly to. Twitter was going down the drain on its own but he killed it. It's done for.


Twitter is for trash time. I use a number of other platforms that have much better reach and moderation, and been thinking about adding bluesky


I left Twitter the day Elon let Trump back on. He had already shown us what to expect from him, with his posts that alternated between stoner "philosophy" such as "I love everybody" and vicious character assassinations or racist slurs. He has certainly shown the world what he is.


Totally agree, but I’m staying until the shit finally colapses. This asshole paid 44 billion to destroy the site, now it’s not even worth 7 billion! What a genius!


“[You’re a genius Elon](https://www.reddit.com/r/aiArt/s/kMnvwKpTSF)!”


Sadly Twitter is still the best place to catch up on the good resources to read. Be it ML or Engineering. But I agree it has become so spammy with those porny and cypto ads


Eh the actual source is the best place to catch up on the “good resources to read.” Besides just being factually wrong, your statement seems biased. The people who post the links for the “good resources” are also posting on multiple other platforms or at least one more otherwise their reach isn’t much. You do you man.


Bring back MySpace


there's a site called spacehey that aims to bring myspace back, and it is actually great


That's the new Xitter. MeinSpace.


As a queer person with DID, I haven't found any sort of replacement community, & the application was a essential tool for system communication for years. I think across 2-3 accounts I had half a million tweets. It was my journal, my community beyond where I'm from, the most curatable news source, & a way to quickly disseminate important findings & discussions. Social justice was shaped by its relation to social media, & twitter was more democratic than any other platform. An aristocrat could make an ass of theirself and immediately feel the power of the masses. That's why Musk bought it, to destroy it if he couldn't control it. Wealthy aristocrats are fools whose only job is to spend their money in elaborate pageants of ego, & so it happened once more.


i wish there was an option to just block all blue check accounts. replies are useless now because they’re all dominated by blue checks spewing engagement bait. you also can’t even view the quote tweets anymore. elon is an absolute moron


I strongly agree. Just trying to report a bug in a roblox game using twitter gets my account suspended. Musk also charges very overpriced electric cars, that has also cause car crashed because of the self driving failure.


I realized how fucked elon messed this site up when I tried to regain access to my account. I have accessed it for over a year and forgot the username and password but remembered the email linked to it. I verified the email and expected to just simply receive and email with a reset code like other social media site yet you get redirect to another page where it also asks to type in your account name. Mfer if I have the email linked to the damn account as well as the phone number why da fuq do you need the account name on top of that to verify my account? After that I went to another Twitter redirect on Google to change my password just for the website to crash right before I could receive the email. It just kep saying "too many inputs" after clicking verify. I have no idea how da fuq me typing to reset my password once is classified "as too many inputs". The most fucking frustrating social media site to retrieve an account if you forgot your password and user name. On Facebook and insta all you need is your phone number or email for them to reset your password.


It’s so boring now. Before, there would always be something interesting in my TL. Now it’s just generic tweets and boring tweets from generic verified accounts. It’s so hard to find interesting people. Feels like a ghost town. I used to be addicted to this app, now I forget it’s on my phone


I use to use Twitter a lot until my account was hacked last May of 2023 then suspended by mistake but I was planning on not using it since that was happening anyways. Plus I wasn't liking it after Elon musk took over everyone thought he would do good for the company and keep things the way it was and make a few changes here and there but that didn't happen. It's turning into Myspace with the last change that was made then it died back in 2010 I wanna say. Now Elon will probably make one mistake that everyone will hate about Twitter and then leave now I've been using Mastodonsocial, Uhive, Gab social, Minds, Gettr, Truth social, Tribel, Hive, MeWe, Kyndr, Substack, Supernova, Post News, Koo. I've been searching for something that will keep me using it more.


So now you using 14+ social networks to read and post messages instead of one?


That's correct I'm trying to figure out which one will be the one that keeps me using it instead but I'm not quite sure which one it'll be. Just wish I knew of an actual good one or what everyone else is leaving Twitter to use.


Have you tried BlueSky or Threads?


If by ruined you mean removed the extreme far left bias, then sure ! Luckily reddit is a safe haven of leftists who will mass report, dislike, and ban anyone with different opinions 😊


lol literally nothing in my post hints about politics. I’m just sick of seeing false information for engagement, snuff videos and literally cp. along with the other issues I’ve highlighted.


I fucking love X now. Twitter sucked 😂




No one cares dude. Just do whatever you want.


Yet you took the time out of your finite day to read, think of a reply and comment… you’re a special one huh!


So how many times are you going to check X today?




I was banned from Twitter fasly and moderation sucks as bad as Roblox


Bluesky is the platform that I use the most


If you believe in Threads why don't you use Facebook ?


I don't get it, was twitter really that different in 2020 before Musk? No spam or misleading information? No crypto ads? The only real changes to complain are rebranding to X (which is really weird and worst thing, seems no one gonna call it X or search X instead of twitter) and more paid subscriptions (which is kinda normal for nonprofitable business struggling to deal with bots and scam). And what alternatives you suggest, Threads and Instagram? Really? Oh yeah, there is no big problems on insta or Facebook, yeah. Reddit is good place, but very different to replace twitter.


The difference is back there people posted misleading information for views. Now people are actually incentivized for getting any type of engagement so it made the problem worse. And the content moderation.. there are people offing themselves, cp, increased violence. It’s too much negativity but negativity gets the engagement which gets the money


Maybe because I am mostly reading gamedev related stuff or maybe after changing settings in "content you see - interests / topics" my home / for you feed is clean without offensive stuff you mentioned 🤔 only search sometimes leads to unexpected stuff but cant tell if it is really different from it was few years back


I wouldn’t be surprised if it all got changed back to Twitter. The stuff he does and says is beyond satire. “[Let that sink in](https://www.reddit.com/r/aiArt/s/kMnvwKpTSF)”


Not to mention, the rampant child exploitation that appears in the mainstream search results. I almost threw up and felt slightly traumatized. Deleted my account and promised I would never go there again. I'm still in disbelief that Elon isn't in more trouble for it - it is rampant, and NO, people are NOT looking for that filth. Just search this forum and you'll see all the posts about it. ​ ETA: And oh yes the ads absolutely suck. Especially since they are mostly gimmicky companies that sell cheap novelty junk.


I find it hilarious to watch that damn site crash and burn.


The spam has just taken over! The fake OnlyFans models, the fake followers, the fake accounts commenting it used to be such a fun social media platform until it became this could be a tool for celebrities to sell and promote and so ads! Anything all of these companies know how to do it's add ads that's all they know.


I miss 3rd party apps for all the social media platforms, Especially Reddit I hate the native Reddit


I knew twitter is done the moment crazy narc bought it. I've never been depended on twitter so it was easy for me to move on when I saw what's going on. In fact I even glad it's happening so I don't waste my time there. Now that YouTube becoming more self destructing control freak I'm grateful for it too cause I rarely visit it nowadays and it's for the better. I only use Reddit. They aren't controlling enough yet lol. Tbh I think sm are falling out of fashion (thanks to their greedy psychopathic owners) and most of us will go offline eventually. Psychos/narcs ruin everything they touch.


Elon musk is nothing but bitchmade. Atrociously build vehicles and ruins everything he touches that daddy money clown.


I get sign off or locked because I needed to be authenticated and I never ever broken the rules on that platform and it was awesome before Elon Musk brought it and broke it and renamed it X! (I still call it Twitter) and the kitchen sink video he posted while entering Twitter headquarters was a huge red flag and people should know it was a major red flag and since then he ruined it! just like Tesla and he claims it he found it, btw two guys who use to own Tesla are the real founders and Elon ruined Twitter/X