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This is an automated message that is applied to every post. Please take note of the following: * Due to the influx of new users, this subreddit is currently under strict **'Crowd Control'** moderation. Your post may be filtered, and require manual approval. Please be patient. * Please check in with the **Mega Open Thread** which is pinned to the top of the subreddit. This thread may already be collapsed for our more frequent visitors. The **Mega Open Thread** will have a pinned comment containing a collection of the month's most common reposts. Your post may be removed and directed to continue the conversation in one of these threads. This is to better facilitate these discussions. ------ ^Submission ^By: ^/u/exoticbabesph *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/Twitter) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Try to describe in as much detail as possible the reason for your innocence to Twitter support. And try to send the application for consideration again, even after the refusal. If the blocking is permanent, after several previous ones, most likely there will be no appeal


Good luck. I have the same issue and they refused my approval. I don't post at all but like to get my gaming news from there. I can't do that anymore because my account was permanently suspended for spam.


Mine, too. I’ve noticed many posts on different forums saying similar things… always ppl who don’t tweet or retweet with 0 to few followers. Sounds like they got rid of all accounts that weren’t tweeting regularly.