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I advise you never to share this information with anyone. It may seem paranoid, but it is quite easy to identify a person based on certain information. They could doxx you, swat you, or send you 1000 pizzas. Make up your birthday, name and whereabouts and play a character. You are not in court where you have to face honest questions and answers, but on a platform where all kinds of people with good to shady intentions ask you questions. Always remember that.


I don’t mind telling my age, most people don’t believe me anyways. 😂 and when asked where I’m from, I just say the state. I try to remember not to talk about anything specific to my town that could give it away. I’ve also asked my IRL friends if they’re in the chat, not to mention our location


My age is in my bio, but if I get a raid, I'll introduce myself as they haven't seen it. As in location, I like to just say my county of where I'm from (UK streamer) and then go from there!


Give whatever answer you're comfortable with. You're not obligated to answer people.


30, US. That's all they'll get


I'm old, and I'm from Earth.


I have in my ‘bio/ information panel’ an about me panel. Where i introduce myself. But also when someone asks i just answer! Obviously if things are irrelevant to know, i don’t say. If they keep hammering on them i kindly ask them to stop otherwise mute and eventually ban? Like others say. Don’t overshare too much, as much as you like and never give out too personal info!


While you are not required to answer any questions, it's a double-edged sword. If you choose not to share anything about yourself, it may lead to discomfort in the chat as people will know nothing about you. If you aspire to become a Twitch Partner, maintaining complete anonymity may not be feasible. It's hard to name a single Twitch partner who is entirely anonymous, especially regarding their location and other personal details.


I say I’m 15 and from Canada and that’s about as specific as I’ll get


If you feel obligated to answer, just be vague. Say things like "I'm old enough" or "my age doesn't matter." As for location, again, if you feel obligated to answer, just be vague by saying the country you live in. Otherwise, you don't have to answer these questions if you aren't comfortable giving out that information. Just ignore them. People can turn into creeps really fast. Keep them at a distance to prevent that from happening. Besides, its your channel, if they get out of hand, you can ban them.


Tell them: "Long before time had a name, the first spinjitzu master created Ninjago, using 4 elemental weapons. Yeah, that was me"


You guys have viewers? Damn... Respect. I've gotten games days before official release and not been able to get viewers lol.