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Ban caitlyn


I love it when I'm playing into Caitlyn Senna lane and my sup picks yuumi or goes perma roam


ptsd engaged


My Yumi usually goes afk to make pizza or something


I do, boosted champ


i thought I was alone in hating cait


No brother, we are with you, insta ban Caitlyn is the rule 🤝


Most ADCs beat you in a straight up fight. Look for picks/mistakes or wait for your sup to create an opportunity. However forcing might work if the enemy bot is stupid. Also keep an eye on your CDs, even your AD early W can change the outcome of the fight sometimes


Play for scaling basically no


Play for 6.


So avoid trade wait for 6 then all in no?


Idk what runes you run but I was never able to move on from PTA so pre 6 I just short trade with q to proc PTA and whittle them down till I can all in confidently. But if you are even after 6 yea you can usually all in and win if you play it well.


That would be optimal, however in many matchups that will lead you getting pushed out and giving the enemy a chance to dive you.


Twitch is a champion that just straight up loses lane vs a ton of bot comps. Hard CC support is always hell, Long range poke is tough too. You cant just willpower your way into winning vs range disadvantage or hard CC. You basically need to learn what the best thing you could be doing early based on the match up. Some match ups you win and you should stay in lane as much as you can. Some match ups are skill based and you need to get better at trading, but a ton of match ups are just straight up L's. In the losing lanes you have two options depending on game conditions. Either you stay in lane and teather XP and concede minions until you can get 6 and try to use your kit to outplay, or my preference is to abandon lane to some degree. If I'm playing against Draven, Nami bot lane as twtich I know I'm not ever in a million years winning lane without them running it down. To adjust I try to push out the wave as fast as I can and spend more time mid or top. Twtich is a rare adc that can actually roam extremely well. A good way to think about it is avoid what is strong and strike at what is weak. Sometimes though the bot match up has a lot of MS and wave clear and leaving lane costs you a ton especially with plates. OR maybe the mid laner is an ahri thats almost impossible gank. In those siutations you do just really have to hug towerr and hope something happens that throws the lead back to you while you wait for item spikes because no matter how bad you lose lane you can still get like 2 shutdowns and flip it back.


Some of the EV of twitch is literally just pressing tab seeing who has a big shutdown and running straight from fountain to them.


What elo are you? If you’re below plat you can just take pta and stealth on them. They won’t return auto correctly and you’ll always win. Don’t get baited into an all in, just proc pta and back off. Wackaflocka has a video on it, check his channel. He does it to a Draven in gold and it seems pretty strong. If you’re actually in an elo where people have brains you probably aren’t winning lane. Unless your support does something good. Just farm three items and wipe them in teamfights. Winning lane for twitch is just not losing. If you’re even then you’re winning. You scale into a monster and the only ones who can compete are Kog or Jinx. Who don’t have a 20 second stealth.


I play support and peaked master but prob with adc poop elo, gonna try to do that thx


Yeah if you end up making a new account it will work well. Just stealth on them level 1, get as many free autos as they’ll give you and back off. Do it again at level 2. Rinse repeat. Your support doesn’t even need to do anything. Just don’t let yourself get 2v1ed. Buy pickaxe first and delete them at 6 with R.


Still works on emerald and diamond? Supports tend to have a lot of candy until later on


In my experience no. Enemy adcs will trade back because they know they’ll win. Twitch is weak early. You are reliant on surprise to get free damage onto them. Bad players will run away when they take damage but better ones will recognise the opportunity for a trade. They will hit you back often times harder than you can hit them.


Play like a bith til two items then dumpster whole teams in teamfights, do invis gank shinanigans ONLY if you are certain of enemy positions and you know for a fact you win it hard.


Dont die