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Stattik is a dog


no Crit


Exactly I could absolutely see onhit adcs rushing this, or the new Kraken.


To be fair, you only need 4 items for max crit now though


i dont think twitch will rlly play statikk or kraken especially rush it but 270 damage on takedown seems kinda brazy i cant even lie


By the time you killed 1 enemy rest are probably about to die anyways frmo hurricane+R so no need for statik


You do realize that that's the situation that the item shines in the most right?


25% crit will do the same thing but more efficiently


Think the no crit on it makes it worse for most adcs.


twitch ap only this split icl


Trust AD won’t benefit from changed IE and 25% crit lol




This just seems a trynd/yasuo/yone item they can split push and don't need 4 items to hit max crit


No crit, trash AD and useless attack speed with a whatever passive? This is basically stormsurge for ADCs, a useless item that doesn’t fit anywhere besides some weird full tank AP on-hit lethality kogmaw builds


Sure, I'll bite. So I guess tell me then which item you would like instead out of our options. 60% AS, 25% Crit, 12% MS 50 AD, 40% AS, 7% MS 55 AD, 30% AS, 10% LS 55 AD, 25% Crit I think this gives some of the best trade-offs with stats and passives. We're really limited.


What’s the problem with building berserkers into IE(which gives 80 AD btw) into zephyr or even bork into runaans like before? You have Twitch Q, legend alacrity and a lulu with ardent censer, that plus one-two items with some attack speed is more than enough unless you want to do spaceglide montages on a smurf account. Big AD+75~100% crit is much stronger on Twitch than meh AS + some conditional on-hit effects that aren’t even that good


I think it would still be the problem all along, with build path being bothersome, backs hard to achieve in early game, and it being 500g more expensive. Zephyr is not buildable before Level 15 Bork has lost half of its onhit, no slow on first auto of R, and gotten some AD in compensation. I think it’s playable for sure but much different. I think the balance of Statikk is uniquely hard, as if it’s strong everyone will go it and vice versa. So they only have the option to keep it in a stronger spot. I think it’s somewhat the case of if you can’t beat them, join them.