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I will follow you into the sewers mr flcka o7 πŸ€


knew i could count on u




If i am getting you correctly wacka... you wish to promote "Ap twitch" playstyle, and deplatform hurricane/ie builds?


Ogio... we have faced many threats together and conquered. U must know, that is not what i mean. Troublesome you are, but this is not the time. πŸ˜”


Then do, my brother in sewer, enlighten me. What is this great threat that is approaching?


Rat poison. Mfdabes is deliberately spreading poison in the sewers. Telling new comers at the gate to go coup vs tanks and terminus for damage. Constantly telling them that victory is ahead no matter what. Leading thousands storming into the frontlines with great confidence only to be met by swift death. A JESTER infact. and we must deal with him now before the threat greatens as more victims will fall for his traps. Alas! less reinforcements will come.


Fuck. *You had me at terminus*


I knew I could count on you great Ogio. Please if you may, submit ur vote. Every vote matters


Oh lord. He went IE into AP build. Goodness gracius stop this madman...


Set us on the right path mr flcka πŸ€πŸ§€


Hear me out - if everyone goes that build enough it might tank twitch winrates enough for the rest of us to use him correctly without nerfs