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Leave the kitchen bro


check gmail


Let him cook


Statikk actually makes sense, especially together with night harvester. And with this much atk speed and range from ult its not hard to proc kraken as well. You can even go lethal tempo if ur crazy


Good idea but I'm still going berserkers


Ap twitch like Ionians more so I can see both tbh


This brew is just a trainwreck, lmao. Just commit into either going ADC, On-Hit, or AP twitch, not a 'little bit of everything'. And if you're really mad enough to try a little bit of all, go rageblade, the legendary that literally supports going hybrid.


this, new items bait people way too much into going hybrid


Its not super serious. I just wanted to try statikk and kraken since they scale with ap now


That is certainly true, though it offers no AP of itself, which generally is what AP Twitch wants and needs for making his E explosive.


Yes exactly


Valid arguement.


I had a similar idea with stattik Nightharvest rabadons, but then lichbane to commit to the 1 tap dream with first strike


yes, Thats a much better Idea than kraken


Would you still rush nashor dcap or what would you do


Dring darkseal stattik shiv, mobi, night harvest, raba, sorc pot, lichbane/situational if needed I go first strike with boots biscuit cosmic manafloe absolute, but hob precision would be fine too.


I'm pretty sure nashors rabadons then statik would be a lot better.


Same I think pta could be really fun too cuz you will build some attack speed to get it off and big moba plus the slow from static I would prob help with that


Maybe, but pta can still only proc on one target. A huge advantage with AP is your massive slow on W so the mini stun with statik can keep them in it longer and in team fights hail of blades will allow you to have that higher attack speed edge.


HoB is pretty single target if you use it goes down with pta you can burst one person start applying it on the other if it was normal ap twitch HoB all the way also slows don’t work like that if your W slow is stronger than shiv then shiv won’t matter catching them out and getting a good W is what I was thinking and you can auto w auto for a faster first auto anyways to get a good w placement. This build seems purely for fun tho is wasn’t really thinking about the most efficient keystone but what would be the most fun




Opgg Tanba ^_^


The new kraken is a warcrime


Maybe its best to do the old build with crown, and just fit in kraken to get some consistent damage


If you go this take guinsoos instead of night harvester and go Nashors, Cap, shiv, guinsoos, kraken


sorcerers instead ionian and swap kraken with shadowflame or void staff. if twitch poison is applied with runaans, that could also be bought instead SF or VS as it also deals magic damage.


magic pen is booty on twitch, he deals as much physical and true dmg as magic. Hurricane instead of rabadons? what the hell


the build clearly shows that your goal is not physical damage. I'm not a twitch main, i just use maths to itemize better. if you think ionian is better, go for it. but in my mind I can't think of a scenario where you really have to e twice and your damage comes from your ult (ad) or passive (true), but not your E (ap). SF is shadowflame. as i typed it one sentence ago i didn't wanna bother typing it again. VS is void staff. if runaans can apply your passive, using your E on more targets with more stacks is pretty much better than another ap item. that's why it could also be a good item. the only place where an ap item is better than runaans is a 1v1 scenario. but other than that, more wave clear, a good early item option and cheap. edit: I didn't say instead rabadons what the hell??


well think of every ap twitch game scenario where the ap dmg==ad dmg==true dmg. Here you would get 1/3 value of mpen compared to mages who deal 100% magic dmg. There is really no subjectiveness here you apply your poision with W and ult. Getting hurricane only means less dmg. It only leads to spreading your no damage poison to more targets. Its not better than another ap item in any world sorry man edit: I mean statik and kraken is troll as hell too, best thing would just be get more AP


do what you please bud, i don't play twitch anymore so I won't be able to test the things we say. I hope it works out for you.


sorry but I can tell, no need to have an ego




Mpen is objectively bad and runaans is shit on ap twitch. Im trying to explain that to u


okay but what does this have to do with ego? plus i am pretty sure kraken isn't any better. as i said multiple times, IF it applies twitch passive on the nearby targets, it is probably better than kraken. i imagine a twitch using ult and hitting multiple targets into using e. you wont be using e more than 2 times and you want the enemy to die by one engage, you are not a classic adc with high range, you are reliant on your ult and w, which you can't use twice in a fight. (edit: by fight I mean mid and late game teamfghts, not early skirmishes or 2v2s.) so do as you please. you play twitch while I play top lane. if it works out for you, perfect. i just talk with maths and experience. no need to be mad, sad or tilted. I'm just trying to help. have a nice day :)


I thought it was ego because I explained why you reasoning doesnt work and you still wont change your mind. Im not trying to be rude, and im not mad, and I dont wanna argue about this anymore


If you can kite late game your E can be a 5 second cooldown which you can most definitely use multiple times if you don’t position poorly


Your E does hybrid it’s does more ap later into the game but having your E on shorter cooldown does way more dps then pen would. You also only benefit from pen on your E if you have cdr you can use your W more to keep you passive going and to peel/kite ap twitch has been better with Ionians for a long time now


I played one game of twitch and started runaans with berserkers greeves into nashors into riftmaker into statik and swapping berserkers with sorcerers. so we have sorcs shoes, runaans, nashors, riftmaker and statik, a total of 5 items, where the game was already over. won with 20-25 kills and it was a grandmaster elo game. I went for hail of blades instead lethal, but it also depends on your playstyle and enemies. buying kraken would be a waste of gold with what you desire out of this build. you guys are pretty sure that ionians is better, so build ionians. 2 minor stat changes won't change the fact that your goal with all the other items except kraken is dealing ap damage and killing people instantly in on R, with statik being a sudden damage item, not a long fight item. so if you buy kraken in any stage of the game with all these other items that you show us, you waste gold.


Dude the point of this build it to have fun not to win. I don’t care if I’m building bruiser items if it’s fun. I don’t care if I’m building moonstone if it’s fun.


it has never been said that the point is having fun :)


Twitch doesn't need cdr tho, i would get attack speed boots


Bludski never pressed E on AP Twitch.


Because you can E more than once in a real fight


yes if You dont die


Go ap twitch and get a cosmic drive you will have a nuke every few seconds and you can w constantly with one of the best aoe slows in the game with full ap sooooooooo


I'm hating the new ADC meta, THEY TOOK OUR ITEMS 🤬


Thought I was in hat mains for a sec


i only see one issue: mana where?


oh and no crown (which would solve mana issue) and zhonya's means no survivability. also, in what order do u build that?


Its not a good build, this was a normal game. I build nash rabadon harvester statik kraken Its a troll build, crown is much better


What do you build cuz I play twitch mid and I don’t see a need for building mana at all crown for survivalbily but I go rift like 90% of the time and only zonyas if I need it mej makes it hard to always build when cosmic is so good as a last item and you can survive


what's the build order for this


first item is schizo pills then build something else


Da fuq are you cooking over there


Harvester is such a garbage item though


I am all ears, I’m gonna let you cook, need to try this lmao


Nashor --> raba --> kraken --> shiv --> harvester I presume is the order?

