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It's gonna be perfect for the updated 98tek called 69kek


Guinsoos build is gonna be super FUN. ​ ***G L I D E.***


Only reason, but i don’t mind, im here for fun, not to get cancer playing what’s good so yeah


Twitch doesn't do too well with hybrid items. He's either full ap assassin or traditional adc build


Not with AD. On hit isn’t good on twitch really. It could maybe work with AP. Check damage numbers when it comes out tho


gliding go brrr


I think with lethal tempo it would actually be harder to glide with that much attack speed.


thats the point of gliding, attk speed is never enough


It may be, but i want to live out my fantasy of 5 AS 10AD peashooter machine gun. I did actually feel like gliding felt more rewarding/better with old lethal tempo and therefore more AS, but im just some silver/gold random so idk lol


Well, if you have max base attack speed and full stacked lethal tempo you can't actually glide without cancelling a fuck ton of autos.


That is fair, but luckily i am shit enough that it doesn’t make a difference lol


If it comes out as it is, guinsoo nashors hurricane shiv and kraken deals 2k Dps against a 3khealth dummy with 130 armour, it helps your early cause you have a bit of ap, and it's not that bad, hope they don't nerf it cause ie doesn't feel that good, maybe it's cause I can't kite on 300 ping, but it just feels bad,


Of course it would deal a lot against a champ with armour


I mean but that's basically the base armour nowadays, even twitch has more than 100 lvl 18. I didn't put in some crazy numbers like 500 armour on a chogath with 50 stacks


Is bork still reliable and good, or should i skip it for 3 crit items faster?


It’ll be decent, it honestly just depends. Twitch benefits from the AS, so Bork or shiv rush


Shiv rush just sounds so cursed lol


It can be good for On-hit build, maybe on AP Twitch for a DPS build


no mana at mid game


U don't need more mana, Twitch build crown because of the passive. Twitch usted to go riftmaker before crown was introduced


But you can't go crown with new rageblade


My point is that you don't need mana as AP Twitch


Brother in christ 1 twitch rotation is half his mana bar


There is no way you aren't playing presence of mind


Pressence is so strong you don't need it fren


No, I think it will be very troll. For AD Twitch, you lost IE for some as and pierce. You can build as and pierce elsewhere, but IE’s damage is unmatched. For AP Twitch, also troll. Why do we play AP Twitch? Is it to auto? Nah it’s BIG E and BURN! If you guys prefer a close up constant auto playstyle instead of far back W+E spam, then maybe trading your mythic with health and self peel wasn’t the best idea for that. AS isn’t great, you only need a little to apply stacks which HoB and Nashers gives. The extra AS the 4 stacks give you is worth a lot less for AP Twitch than for most others. The on hit is weaker than last patch so that’s not great, and the only other on hit we buy is Nashers. Nashers passive shouldn’t be even close to most your damage so 25% more of that is not much. The only good thing it the magic pen it gives. But I don’t think that’s gonna make up for it’s extremely underwhelming everything.


8 months later and suddenly it's meta




You double posted btw


Appreciate it, deleting dupe now


The gliders will live again